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Electromagnetic induction in the Vancouver Island region for a uniform inducing source field for 300 s period is investigated with the aid of three-dimensional (3-D) numerical and analogue model results and field site measurements. The thin sheet numerical model, based on the subducting Juan de Fuca plate analogue model ofDosso et al., consists of a 5km thick non-uniform thin sheet (comprising the lateral conductivity contrasts arising from the land, the varying depth ocean, and the sediment) underlain by a four-layer conductive structure. The four-layer conductive structure beneath the non-uniform thin sheet simulates the effect of the Juan de Fuca plate subducting Vancouver Island. To examine the effects of the ocean channel depth between Vancouver Island and the British Columbia (Canada) mainland, numerical results were obtained for two channel depths (0 and 600 m). The results indicate that the channel plays an important role in the geomagnetic response in the central and inner coastal regions of Vancouver Island. The general agreement of the 3-D numerical model induction arrows with the analogue model and field site induction arrows for 300 s supports the premise of a layered conductive substructure dipping at a small angle, at most, beneath Vancouver Island.Lithoprobe Publication No. 311.  相似文献   

Three major cycles of volcanism during the Miocene and Pliocene formed a layered succession of calc-alkaline eruptive materials in the western San Juan Mountains nearly 1.5 miles thick and having a volume greater than 1,000 cubic miles. Each cycle was characterised by major eruptions followed by subsidence in the vent areas, and the resulting structure was a great volcanic plateau surrounding a complex of nested cauldrons. In the first cycle, cruption of several hundred cubic miles of tuff breccia and subordinate lavas was followed by subsidence that created the San Juan volcanic depression, about 15 miles wide and 30 miles long. During the second cycle, pyroclastic rocks and lava flows accumulated within this depression and on its borders, and the depression subsided further. During the third cycle, ash flows spead widely from centres within the depression, and their eruption resulted in formation and subsidence of the nearly circular comagmatic Silverton and Lake City cauldrons, each about 10 miles across, within the earlier depression. Cauldron subsidence in the second and third cycles was followed by resurgence and doming of the central blocks. Keystone grabens formed along the distended crests of the domed floors; graben faults formed in the third cycle were in part controlled by those formed in the second cycle. The distribution of post-cauldron radial and concentric fractures, dikes, and intrusive plutons, particularly around the Silverton cauldron, suggests that the underlying magma chamber must have been appreciably larger than the associated cauldrons.  相似文献   

Heat-flow and coal-maturation data suggest that the thermal history of the San Juan Basin has been influenced by magmatic and volcanic activity in the San Juan Mountains-San Juan volcanic field located to the north of the Basin. Time-dependent isothermal step models indicate that the observed heat flow may be modelled by a (near) steadystate isothermal step extending from 30–98 km depth whose edge underlies the northern San Juan Basin. The observed maturation levels of the Fruitland formation coals in the northern and central Basin, however, require more heat than can be associated with conduction from a deep thermal source (steady-state step) and from the shallow crustal batholith which underlies the San Juan volcanic field. Magmatic activity within the Basin does not appear to be a reasonable source of additional heat. Increased burial depths of the coals may explain some of the elevated maturation levels observed in the central and northern Basin, but it seems likely that an additional source of heat is still required. Heat advection by groundwater movement may have influenced the coal maturation levels in the Basin as well. Both magmatic activity associated with the emplacement of the San Juan batholith and elevated geothermal gradients associated with the steady-state thermal source at depth may have contributed to heating of the groundwater. An appreciation of heat advection by groundwater flow may therefore be most important to understanding regional patterns of heat flow and hydrocarbon maturation.  相似文献   

Vertical magnetic fields for a three-dimensional numerical model, for a laboratory-analogue model, and from field stations for the Vancouver Island region of British Columbia, Canada, are compared. The numerical results are obtained using a three-dimensional finite-difference numerical technique employing a 25 × 25 × 25 mesh of grid points for a simplified mathematical model of the Vancouver Island region. The calculations are carried out for a source frequency of 0.004 Hz. The analogue model results for four traverses over the Island model and the field station values (obtained from transfer function analysis) for ten locations are those discussed previously by Nienaber et al. (1979a, b). General agreement exists between the numerical, analogue, and field station data, and comparison of results between these methods is important in three-dimensional electromagnetic induction studies of complex geomagnetic induction problems.  相似文献   

We examined Cu contamination effects on macrobenthic communities and Cu concentration in invertebrates within Shelter Island Yacht Basin, San Diego Bay, California. Results indicate that at some sites, Cu in sediment has exceeded a threshold for “self defense” mechanisms and highlight the potential negative impacts on benthic faunal communities where Cu accumulates and persists in sediments. At sites with elevated Cu levels in sediment, macrobenthic communities were not only less diverse but also their total biomass and body size (individual biomass) were reduced compared to sites with lower Cu. Cu concentration in tissue varied between species and within the same species, reflecting differing abilities to “regulate” their body load. The spatial complexity of Cu effects in a small marina such as SIYB emphasizes that sediment-quality criteria based solely on laboratory experiments should be used with caution, as they do not necessarily reflect the condition at the community and ecosystem levels.  相似文献   

The results of a laboratory electromagnetic analogue model study, which employs a horizontal inducing field over a simple model of the British Isles region, delineate the location and frequency dependence of the major coast effect induction anomalies of the Scotland region. Contours of amplitudes, amplitude ratios, and in-phase and quadrature parts of the model field measurements are presented. The model vertical magnetic fields for two orthogonal source field polarizations and field station values for two hypothetical events for corresponding polarizations are compared.While major discrepancies occur between model and field Hz amplitudes, the Hz gradients across Scotland, which can be attributed to the coast-effect, are comparable in value, although sometimes reversed in sign. Superimposed on this coast-effect, the field data indicate the existence of current concentrations associated with the Great Glen and the Southern Uplands faults and possibly also of currents within the Scottish mainland near the east and west coasts.  相似文献   

Summary A tectonic interpretation of the magnetic anomalies off the coast of California, Oregon and Washington between 40° and 52° north latitude shows that in the area surveyed the oceanic crust is cut by seven major dislocation zones which divide the region in eight areas. For five of these areas the original connection can be reconstructed. The existence of a window of young crust surrounded by older crust and of a short, isolated length of active oceanic ridge southwest of Vancouver Island as proposed recently by different authors is not confirmed.  相似文献   

Combining paleomagnetic data for 17 new sites from the northwest portion of the (Oligocene) San Juan volcanic field of southern Colorado with data for 29 sites previously published yields a paleomagnetic pole at 85°N, 114°E (with a 95% confidence circle of 7.5° radius). A further combination of the San Juan data with the results of other studies on rocks of Oligocene age from tectonically stable parts of North America gives a mid-Tertiary reference pole located at 81°N, 132.5°E, with a confidence circle of approximately 4°. Mid-Tertiary paleomagnetic poles for the western edge of the continent diverge markedly from this reference pole.  相似文献   

The general state of global investigations of electromagnetic induction in the oceans and also some new results obtained in the past few years in the U.S.S.R. are considered.  相似文献   

Inorganic tin and butyltin compounds were analysed in water samples collected from several areas within San Diego Bay. Highest concentrations of butyltins were detected in the Shelter Island and Commercial Basin Yacht harbours where anthropogenic inputs of butyltin from antifouling paints were probable. A distinct increase in tributyltin concentration was seen in the Shelter Island Yacht harbour over a period spanning more than 2 years, suggesting that the use of antifouling paints containing tributyltin is increasing. Samples extracted with methylisobutyl ketone and analysed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry consistently yielded higher tin concentrations than the same samples analysed by a hydride reduction/flame atomic absorption method, suggesting a non-hydride reducible tin fraction was present. Gas chromatographymass spectrometry confirmed the presence of tributyltin in an environmental marine water sample following derivatization to the hydride species.  相似文献   

Data are presented on long-term salinity behaviour in San Francisco Bay, California. A two-level, width averaged model of the tidally averaged salinity and circulation has been written in order to interpret the long-term (days to decades) salinity variability. The model has been used to simulate daily averaged salinity in the upper and lower levels of a 51 segment discretization of the Bay over the 22-yr period 1967–1988. Monthly averaged surface salinity from observations and monthly-averaged simulated salinity are in reasonable agreement. Good agreement is obtained from comparison with daily averaged salinity measured in the upper reaches of North Bay.The salinity variability is driven primarily by freshwater inflow with relatively minor oceanic influence. All stations exhibit a marked seasonal cycle in accordance with the Mediterranean climate, as well as a rich spectrum of variability due to extreme inflow events and extended periods of drought. Monthly averaged salinity intrusion positions have a pronounced seasonal variability and show an approximately linear response to the logarithm of monthly averaged Delta inflow. Although few observed data are available for studies of long-term salinity stratification, modelled stratification is found to be strongly dependent on freshwater inflow; the nature of that dependence varies throughout the Bay. Near the Golden Gate, stratification tends to increase up to very high inflows. In the central reaches of North Bay, modelled stratification maximizes as a function of inflow and further inflow reduces stratification. Near the head of North Bay, lowest summer inflows are associated with the greatest modelled stratification. Observations from the central reaches of North Bay show marked spring-neap variations in stratification and gravitational circulation, both being stronger at neap tides. This spring-neap variation is simulated by the model. A feature of the modelled stratification is a hysteresis in which, for a given spring-neap tidal range and fairly steady inflows, the stratification is higher progressing from neaps to springs than from springs to neaps.The simulated responses of the Bay to perturbations in coastal sea salinity and Delta inflow have been used to further delineate the time-scales of salinity variability. Simulations have been performed about low inflow, steady-state conditions for both salinity and Delta inflow perturbations. For salinity perturbations a small, sinusoidal salinity signal with a period of 1 yr has been applied at the coastal boundary as well as a pulse of salinity with a duration of one day. For Delta inflow perturbations a small, sinusoidally varying inflow signal with a period of 1 yr has been superimposed on an otherwise constant Delta inflow, as well as a pulse of inflow with a duration of one day. Perturbations in coastal salinity dissipate as they move through the Bay. Seasonal perturbations require about 40–45 days to propagate from the coastal ocean to the Delta and to the head of South Bay. The response times of the model to perturbations in freshwater inflow are faster than this in North Bay and comparable in South Bay. In North Bay, time-scales are consistent with advection due to lower level, up-estuary transport of coastal salinity perturbations; for inflow perturbations, faster response times arise from both upper level, down-estuary advection and much faster, down-estuary migration of isohalines in response to inflow volume continuity. In South Bay, the dominant time-scales are governed by tidal dispersion.  相似文献   

Forecasts of future earthquake hazard in the San Francisco Bay region (SFBR) are dependent on the distribution used for the possible magnitude of future events. Based on the limited observed data, it is not possible to statistically distinguish between many distributions with very different tail behavior. These include the modified and truncated Gutenberg–Richter distributions, and a composite distribution assembled by the Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities. There is consequent ambiguity in the estimated probability of very large, and hence damaging, events. A related question is whether the energy released in earthquakes is a small or large proportion of the stored energy in the crust, corresponding loosely to the ideas of self-organized criticality, and intermittent criticality, respectively. However, the SFBR has experienced three observed accelerating moment release (AMR) cycles, terminating in the 1868 Hayward, 1906 San Andreas and 1989 Loma Prieta events. A simple stochastic model based on elastic rebound has been shown to be capable of producing repeated AMR cycles in large synthetic catalogs. We propose that such catalogs can provide the basis of a test of a given magnitude distribution, via comparisons between the AMR properties of the real and synthetic data. Our results show that the truncated Gutenberg–Richter distribution produces AMR behavior closest to the observed AMR behavior. The proviso is that the magnitude parameters b and m max are such that a sequence of large events that suppresses activity for several centuries is unlikely to occur. Repeated simulation from the stochastic model using such distributions produces 30-year hazard estimates at various magnitudes, which are compared with the estimates from the 2003 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities.  相似文献   

Ground motions recorded within sedimentary basins are variable over short distances. One important cause of the variability is that local soil properties are variable at all scales. Regional hazard maps developed for predicting site effects are generally derived from maps of surficial geology; however, recent studies have shown that mapped geologic units do not correlate well with the average shear-wave velocity of the upper 30 m, Vs(30). We model the horizontal variability of near-surface soil shear-wave velocity in the San Francisco Bay Area to estimate values in unsampled locations in order to account for site effects in a continuous manner. Previous geostatistical studies of soil properties have shown horizontal correlations at the scale of meters to tens of meters while the vertical correlations are on the order of centimeters. In this paper we analyze shear-wave velocity data over regional distances and find that surface shear-wave velocity is correlated at horizontal distances up to 4 km based on data from seismic cone penetration tests and the spectral analysis of surface waves. We propose a method to map site effects by using geostatistical methods based on the shear-wave velocity correlation structure within a sedimentary basin. If used in conjunction with densely spaced shear-wave velocity profiles in regions of high seismic risk, geostatistical methods can produce reliable continuous maps of site effects.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》1999,38(11):1005-1010
Studies of butyltin compounds in soil, benthic sediments and the Asian clam Potamocorbula amurensis were conducted at the former Mare Island Naval Shipyard, and nearby Mare Island and Carquinez Straits in San Francisco Bay, California. Soils from a sandblast abrasives dump site at the shipyard contained low concentrations of mono-, di- and tributyltin (0.3–52 ng/g, total butyltin). Similarly, concentrations of total butyltin in benthic sediments from nearby Mare Island and Carquinez Straits ranged from 1.3 to 8.1 ng/g. In contrast, clams accumulated much greater concentrations (152–307 ng/g, total butyltin). Tributyltin (TBT) and dibutyltin (DBT) made up from 54–85% to 15–46%, respectively, of the total butyltin body burden of the clams. Biota Sediment Accumulation Factors (BSAFs) for butyltins in Potamocorbula were in reasonable agreement with literature values; they are greater than those of neutral hydrophobic compounds, suggesting that partitioning and binding processes may be involved in bioaccumulation. Tributyltin is a potent endocrine disrupting chemical. There is potential for long-term chronic effects of TBT in San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the magnetic field variations over the Juan de Fuca Plate region is studied using a scaled laboratory analogue model. The model includes a simulation of the complex Juan de Fuca Plate subducting the Vancouver Island region. The subducting plate is modelled with a profile of increasing inclination from east to west; horizontal offshore, dipping at 10° under Vancouver Island, and bending further under Georgia Strait to subduct the continent at 30° for the B.C. region and 45° for the Washington-Oregon region. The strike of the bending plate follows the general strike of the continental coastline with an abrupt change in direction (42°) in the Puget Sound area. The model substructure simulates a subducting plate, overplated by a sediment layer several kilometres thick, and underlain by a 30 km thick highly conducting upper asthenosphere. The model source frequencies used simulate periods 5–120 min in the geophysical scale. In-phase and quadrature Hx, Hy, and Hz magnetic field measurements for the modelled region are presented for an approximately uniform overhead horizontal source field for E- and H-polarizations (electric field of the source approximately parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the west coast of Vancouver Island). The fields for three regions of the model; over Vancouver Island, over the Olympic Peninsula and over a linear portion of the U.S. coastline, are examined in detail. The general conclusion is that the effect of the dipping subducting plates is to significantly attenuate, at short periods, the maxima in the anomalies at the coastlines underlain by the 10° dipping plate, while leading to anomalous vertical and horizontal fields over ranges as large as 500 km inland over a wide period range. Anomalous fields are observed over the offshore and inland knee-bends of the subducting plates at all periods for both E- and H-polarizations. For locations on land, the in-phase induction arrows point seaward and perpendicular to the strikes of the dipping plates for all periods, while the quadrature arrows at short periods point landward and rotate to point seaward for periods greater than 20 min.  相似文献   

A 23-m.y.-old, fossil meteoric-hydrothermal system in the Lake City caldera (11 × 14 km) has been mapped out by measuring δ 18O values of 300 rock and mineral samples. δ 18O varies systematically throughout the caldera, reaching values as low as −2. Great topographic relief, regional tilting, and variable degrees of erosion within the caldera all combine to give us a very complete section through the hydrothermal system, from the surface down to a depth of more than 2000 m. The initial δ 18O value of the caldera-fill Sunshine Peak Tuff was very uniform (+7.2 ± 0.1), making it easy to determine the exact amount of 18O depletion experienced by each sample during hydrothermal alteration. Also, we have excellent stratigraphic control on depths beneath the mid-Tertiary surface, quantitative information on mineralogical alteration products, and accurate data on the shape of the central resurgent intrusion, which was the principal ‘heat engine’ that drove the hydrothermal circulation. Major conclusions are: (1) Although pristine mid-Tertiary meteoric waters in this area had δ 18O −14, these fluids were 18O-shifted upward to about δ18O = −8 to −5 prior to entering the shallow convective system associated with the resurgent intrusive rocks. Although there was undoubtedly radial inflow toward the caldera from all directions, the highly fractured Eureka Graben, southwest of the caldera, was probably the principal source of recharge groundwater for the Lake City system. (2) Fluid flow within the caldera was dominated by three major categories of permeable zones: the porous megabreccia units (which dip outward from the resurgent dome), vertical fractures and faults related to resurgence, and the caldera ring fault itself. All of these zones exhibit marked 18O depletions, and they are also typically intensely mineralogically altered. (3) The resurgent intrusive stock and its contact metamorphic aureole of hornfels both experienced water/rock ratios lower than the permeable zones; however, they have similarly low δ 18O values because they were altered at higher temperatures. (4) Throughout the caldera, the δ 18O of Sunshine Peak Tuff decreases with increasing depth (about 6 per mil/km), indicative of a shallow thermal gradient, typical of a convective hydrothermal system. The near-surface portion of this gradient was controlled by the temperature drop associated with boiling in the uprising fluid. (5) Deeply circulating meteoric water rose along permeable ring fractures 3 to 5 km beneath the mid-Tertiary surface. These fluids were drawn into the shallow convective system through the lower, porous, megabreccia units. Near the resurgent intrusions, fluid flow was again directed upward where resurgence-related, near-vertical fractures intersect the megabreccia units.  相似文献   

This paper details the damage sustained by a number of wine tanks during the San Juan, Argentina, 1977 earthquake. The available ground motion information is used to compare the actual tank performance with that predicted. Two of the tanks examined were located quite near the two accelerographs that recorded the ground motion in the city of San Juan for the main shock. An empirical attenuation formula which describes the intensity of the shaking was derived for this earthquake and used in a quantitative evaluation of the performance of a number of other tanks. By correlating and comparing the observed performance of the anchors and what was predicted we see the predictions are upheld by the actual damage. When the anchoring system failed during the earthquake the tanks were rendered effectively unanchored. Consequently, the state of stress that results from their base uplift was then examined in conjunction with the tank wall stability approach proposed by the author, and seen to give results consistent with the observed tank wall performance.  相似文献   

The Handkerchief Mesa mixed magma complex is one of several late Cenozoic volcanic complexes in the southeastern San Juan Mountains characterized by mingling and limited mixing of basalt and rhyodacite. Stratigraphy in the dissected vent complex at Handkerchief Mesa records three phases of volcanism, the first and third displaying evidence for coeruption of mafic and silicic magmas. Phases 1 and 2 erupted silicic pyroclastics and basaltic lava flows, respectively. Phase-3 eruptions were dominated by rhyodacite lava flows, rhyodacite dikes, and abundant mingled and mixed hybrid lavas.Pre- and syneruptive basalt-rhyodacite mixing of phase-3 eruptions is shown by: (1) inclusions of quenched basalt in rhyodacite; (2) partially disaggregated basalt inclusions in mixed hybrids and rhyodacites; (3) interfingering lenses of mixed hybrid lavas and rhyodacite. Whole-rock major- and trace-element analyses support a two-component mixing model whereby intermediate hybrids are produced by mixing of basalt and rhyodacite (up to 30% basalt: 70% rhyodacite). Disequilibrium phenocryst textures and mineral compositions are consistent with multistage mixing culminating in an eruptive mixing event. Protracted mixing along a boundary zone at the base of a rhyodacite magma chamber may be responsible for stabilizing Fe-rich olivine phenocrysts in some hybrids.Basalt-rhyodacite mixing is inhibited by rapid crystallization in the basalt shortly after inclusion within the lower temperature melt. The degree to which mechanical dispersion and blending ensues is a critical function of the initial temperature contrast (ΔTi) between the two magmas. Thermal models, simulating the conductive cooling histories for basalt spheres in rhyodacite reservoirs, suggest that at large ΔTi's (> 200°) rapid cooling of the inclusion leads to disequilibrium crystallization with concomitant depression of equilibrium solidi, grain boundary wetting by residual liquids, and limited disaggregation of the inclusion imposed by movement of the host. For small ΔTi's (< 100°) temperatures within the inclusion can be maintained above the solidus for prolonged time periods, enhancing the possibility of producing homogeneous mixed hybrids through mechanical blending and diffusion. Both mechanisms operated at Handkerchief Mesa and contributed to the range of observed textures and compositions.  相似文献   

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