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Mean S-wave residuals from 46 earthquakes within and on the margins of the Tibetan Plateau exhibit systematic lateral variations that do not correlate well with elevation or with simple aspects of the geologic history. The earliest S waves come from earthquakes in western Tibet, the Karakorum, and the western Himalaya, and the latest come from earthquakes in north-central Tibet. Although S-waves from earthquakes in the Himalaya tend to be early, the east-west variation in residuals across Tibet is at least as large as the north-south difference between the Himalaya and northern Tibet. If the variations in residuals are a reflection of temperature variations in the upper mantle associated with convection, then upwelling beneath north-central Tibet seems to be flanked by downwelling in western, eastern, and probably southern Tibet. This convective flow might reflect the detachment and removal of thickened mantle lithosphere beneath Tibet. 相似文献
This paper deals with characteristics of the short period S-wave attenuation field in the rupture zones of 37 large and great earthquakes with M s = 7.0–8.6, as well as in low seismicity areas. We estimate the effective quality factor from Sn and Lg coda envelopes in two time intervals ( Q 1 and Q 2). The quantity Q 1 is a measure of shear wave attenuation in the uppermost mantle, at depths of down to approximately 200–250 km, while Q 2 is relevant to deeper horizons of the upper mantle. We studied variations in the attenuation field in the rupture zone of the 1950 Assam earthquake. We examined the parameters Q 1, Q 2, and Q 1/ Q 2 as functions of the time Δ T elapsed after a large earthquake. It is shown that the parameter Q 2 in rupture zones is practically independent of Δ T, while the quantities Q 1 and Q 1/ Q 2 increase until Δ T ~ 20–25 years, especially rapidly for normal, normal-oblique, and strike-slip earthquake mechanisms. This analysis provides evidence that, as Δ T increases, so does the quality factor in the upper mantle for shear waves. It is supposed that this is related to the rise of mantle fluids to the crust. Geodynamic mechanisms are discussed that can support a comparatively rapid “drying” of the upper mantle beneath earthquake rupture zones. 相似文献
The Bullerwell Lecture is an annual award given by the British Geophysical Association. Michael Kendall here presents the 2003 lecture. 相似文献
地震波本征衰减反映了地层及其所含流体的一些特性,对油气勘探开发有重要意义.已有的理论研究与实验发现,地震频带内的衰减主要与中观尺度(波长与颗粒尺度之间)的斑状部分饱和、完全饱和岩石弹性非均匀性情况下波诱导的局部流体流有关.这种衰减与岩石骨架、孔隙度及充填流体的性质密切相关.本文着重讨论均匀流体分布、斑状或非均匀流体分布两种情况下部分饱和岩石的纵波模量差异.以经典岩石物理理论和衰减机制认识为基础,通过分析低频松弛状态、高频非松弛状态岩石的弹性模量,讨论储层参数(如孔隙度、泥质含量以及含水饱和度等)与纵波衰减之间的确定性关系.上述方法与模型在陆相砂泥岩地层与海相碳酸盐岩地层中的适用性通过常规测井资料得到了初步验证. 相似文献
The rheology of the lower mantle of the Earth is examined from the viewpoint of solid state physics. Recent developments in high-pressure research suggest that the lower mantle contains a considerable amount of (Mg, Fe)O with Fe/Mg + Fe = 0.2–0.3. The pressure and temperature dependences of diffusion in (Mg, Fe)O are estimated by the theory of diffusion in ionic solids. Of the materials composing the lower mantle, (Mg, Fe)O may be the “softest”, and therefore the rheology of the lower mantle may be that of (Mg, Fe)O, unless the framework effect is important.Temperatures in the lower mantle are inferred from the depths of phase transitions and the melting temperatures of the core materials. A thermal boundary layer at the base of the mantle is suggested. The physical mechanisms of creep are examined based on a grain size-stress relation and non-Newtonian flow is shown to be the dominant flow mechanism in the Earth's mantle.The effective viscosity for the temperature models, with and without the thermal boundary layer, is calculated for constant stress and constant strain rate (with depth). For constant strain rate, which may be appropriate for discussing the mechanics of descending slabs, the increase in effective viscosity with depth is smaller than for the constant-stress case, which may be appropriate for discussing the flow induced by the surface motion of plates.The relatively small depth gradient of viscosity, for constant strain rate, suggests that the lower mantle could also participate in convection. The effective viscosity increases with depth, however, by at least 10 2 to 10 3 from the top to the bottom of the lower mantle, for a reasonable range of activation volumes and temperatures. There will be a low-viscosity layer at the base of the mantle, in contrast to the high-viscosity layer at the top of the mantle (plates), if a thermal boundary layer is present. The constant Newtonian viscosity inferred from rebound data may be an apparent feature resulting from the difference in deformation mechanisms between isostatic rebound and large-scale flow. 相似文献
板内火山活动是板内下方深部物质组成的重要视窗,而中国东北是研究板内火山的热点场所.中国东北火山活动主要沿大兴安岭及松辽盆地周缘分布,隐匿在大兴安岭内的各火山群落鲜有地球物理观测.本研究聚焦于大兴安岭北部的诺敏河火山群,利用围绕诺敏河火山布设的43个流动台站记录到的17个远震事件数据,通过时间域波形匹配法计算了300条直达P波震相的Δt*,并进一步采用贝叶斯蒙特卡洛方法反演得到了研究区的二维Δt*模型,为约束诺敏河火山地区的深部结构提供了新的观测证据.结果显示研究区高衰减区域与火山活动在空间位置上有很好的一致性.诺敏河火山与研究区北端临近小古里河火山区域均观测到高Δt*值,可能由区域下方热地幔物质上涌导致.诺敏河火山东部、科洛河火山西部区域观测到低Δt*值,与高衰减区域最大Δt*差值达约0.3±0.05 s,可能由两部分原因导致:该区域下方残留未被侵蚀的岩石圈,以及局部区域或存在的部分熔融导致的残留地幔矿物脱水. 相似文献
采用NECESSArray流动地震台阵2009—2011年期间纪录的154个远震波形资料,使用考虑各向异性的走时层析成像方法获得了中国东北地区上地幔三维P波速度扰动和方位各向异性图像.结果显示,东北地区上地幔P波速度扰动和方位各向异性均存在明显的横向不均匀性.阿尔山火山区下方存在深至地幔转换带的柱状低速异常,可能暗示存在来自深部的岩浆运移通道;410 km以下,阿尔山地区下方低速异常与松辽盆地下方低速异常汇合,同时各向异性快波速度方向FVD整体为NW向分布,表明二者可能具有共同的深部热源补给.在松辽盆地下方100 km,盆地南侧及中部地区FVD呈近E-W向展布,东侧则呈NE-SW向展布,推测可能受到E-W走向的华北克拉通—松嫩地块拼合带及NE向深大断裂的共同影响;410 km以下,FVD整体以NW向分布为主,与SKS结果类似,可能表明SKS各向异性的来源深度较深,推测其形成机制与太平板块西向俯冲有关.长白山火山区下方200 km内FVD展布与块体拼合带走向一致,反映了拼合过程对局部构造变形的影响;300 km以下显示出一致的NW向特征,推断与太平洋板块的西向俯冲有关;520~660 km内火山区西北方存在一个低速异常区,但方位各向异性幅值较大,整体趋势一致,初步推测与来自深部的地幔热柱关系不大,可能与滞留板块的深部脱水作用有关. 相似文献
Summary Distribution of compressional-wave velocities in the mantle is determined from dT/d measurements using the Uppsala seismograph array station (UPSAS). Short-period vertical-component seismograms from 181 events in the epicentral distance range 16°–100° have been used. The velocity distribution shows anomalous variations at depths of 750, 1500, 1800, 2300 and 2550 km. Evidence of lateral heterogeneity beneath the northern part of the Asian continent, in the depth range 1700–2300 km, is discussed. Computed travel times, based on this velocity-depth relation, are tested by an examination of travel-time residuals from the Long Shot and Milrow explosions on Amchitka, Aleutian Islands. 相似文献
The decay of seismic amplitude is caused by a variety of physical phenomena that can be divided broadly into elastic transmission losses (including geometrical spreading, interface transmission losses and scattering attenuation) and intrinsic attenuation, where wave energy is converted into heat due to viscous friction. The so-called statistical averaging method is currently considered as the most advanced sonic wave attenuation estimation method, and there exist various implementations of this method. But the way elastic transmission losses – that mask the true intrinsic attenuation – are compensated for appears to be an issue and in some cases this correction has been overlooked. In this paper, we revisit the statistical averaging method for intrinsic attenuation estimation with particular focus on the role of elastic transmission losses. Through synthetic examples, we demonstrate the importance of compensating for elastic transmission losses even if the variation of velocity and density with depth is not notable. Our implementation of the method uses finite-difference simulations thereby providing a versatile and accurate way to generate synthetic seismograms. We use a combination of elastic and viscoelastic finite-difference simulations to demonstrate the significant error without accurate compensation of the elastic transmission losses. We apply our implementation of the method to sonic waveforms acquired in an exploration well from Browse basin, Australia. The resulting intrinsic attenuation estimates are indeed indicative of gas-saturated zones identified from petrophysical analysis in which viscous friction are thought to be of importance. 相似文献
地震预测是地震学研究一个基本目标,而理解地震周期是地震预测的重要环节.遗憾的是,由于地震断层带不但结构复杂,大地震前后短时间内的震源过程更是随时间迅速变化,这些复杂因素使得常规研究方法不再适用.一类特殊的微震成群地发生在主震断层几乎同一地点上,震源系数几乎相同,近年来地震学界通称其为震群(earthquakemultiplet).本文论证如何将这类特殊的微震作为一组人工震源来阐述美国西部两次大地震(LomaPrieta和MorganHill)的震后弛豫过程.在加利福尼亚LomaPrieta(1989年9月18日,M7.0)及MorganHill(1984年4月24日,M6.2)附近的主震破裂带中就发生了此类震群.其中有两组各包含11个重复地震的震群,分别位于这两个破裂带中,其波形资料质量高,波形及震级变化极小,因而可与实验室条件下的人工震源相比.这些震群地震资料可直接用于计算P波沿波程衰减(即t)的时间性变化,其方法的简单性及结果的精确性都与实验室水平相当.我们的结果显示,每个震群周围分别存在一个异常体,在其各自主震之后的10个月中,该异常体中的P波衰减迅速上升并降落.衰减峰值发生在LomaPrieta地震后2~3周,其震群深度为10.2km.此峰值在MorganHill地震后5~6个月发生,其震群中心深度为2.6km.这两个事例中,t波动峰值都超过此前获得的加利福尼亚大致同一地区t绝对值的100%[1].此结果显示了因同震裂隙张开和震后弛豫过程(如流体移动、裂隙复原及岩石压缩),以及孔隙度和流体饱和度在主震源体部分区域发生的变化.衰减达峰值的时间之显著差异则提示我们,裂隙闭合及伴随的流体移动是负载敏感的,深度越大达峰值越快,反之亦然.如将此方法应用于主震前多重地震的资料,将有望更好地理解最终导致主震断层带大破裂的震前微破裂的物理过程. 相似文献
Summary The vertical velocity variations of longitudinal and transverse waves in the earth's interior in the depth range of 413 to 2800 km are put into mathematical form. Expressions of the velocities in terms of power functions of the radius are found to conform closely to the given velocities, as well as to be very simple in applications. Examples of the use of such formulas are given, including calculations of travel times and of radial velocity gradients. 相似文献
天山造山带一直以来是研究盆山耦合作用的理想场所, 深入理解这一地区的壳幔结构对认识天山造山带深部动力学过程具有重要意义.本研究基于2009—2020年新疆区域数字地震台网固定台站、震后架设应急流动台站以及部分宽频带流动地震台站记录到的MS≥1.5地震到时资料, 采用双差地震层析成像方法反演获得了新疆天山中段精细的地壳和上地幔顶部三维P波速度结构和地震震源参数.结果显示: 新疆天山中段具有复杂的深浅构造关系, 地壳浅部及上地壳P波速度结构与地表地质构造密切相关, 高速异常区对应于天山造山带, 低速异常区对应于沉积盆地.研究区中东段中地壳和下地壳存在较大范围低速区, 与两侧准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地上地壳和中地壳低速区相连, 且准噶尔盆地和塔里木盆地下地壳及上地幔顶部双向均向新疆天山中段下方倾斜.结合前人诸多研究成果推测, 在南北向构造挤压作用下, 塔里木盆地与准噶尔盆地双向向天山造山带壳幔岩石圈发生"层间插入与俯冲削减".重定位后地震分布显示, 地震震源深度优势范围为0~25 km, 主要沿断裂带、盆山结合部以及不同块体接触部位分布, 且与壳内低速体有较好的相关性.这些结果可能为研究新疆天山中段地壳和上地幔顶部速度结构和动力学过程提供参考依据. 相似文献
Using the three global seismic profiles, model 1066B, PEM, and PREM, we have calculated adiabatic temperature profiles, corrections arising from the differences between adiabatic self compression on the seismic and convective time scales, and the superadiabatic profiles from inhomogeneity. The three adiabatic temperature profiles are virtually identical and provide a net change of 600 K across the lower mantle; the net superadiabatic temperature changes from inhomogeneity are also similar and provide a further 200 K. If elastic relaxation corrections of 400–700 K are included in addition to a thermal boundary layer arising from heat transfer from the core to the base of the mantle, then it is possible to construct mantle profiles beginning with 1600°C at 670 km and yielding temperatures at the core-mantle boundary within the range 3300 ± 500°C inferred from shock melting experiments on iron. 相似文献
Wright and Lyons (1981) used a least-squares matching technique (LMM) and an adaptive processing method (ADP) to study the behaviour of slowness and azimuth measurements made on two synthetic interfering wavelets having different arrival vectors and onset times. We have applied these results to the analysis of real array seismograms. Some of the effects generated synthetically are frequently observed on real seismograms of earthquakes recorded at Yellowknife at distances close to 50° and 90°. We have also processed sufficient data to illustrate how the interference phenomenon can be used to confirm the presence of radial velocity anomalies in the lower mantle. Numerous P arrivals from South American earthquakes at distances between 78° and 98° suggest the presence of two radial velocity anomalies at depths close to 2400 and 2730 km below the Caribbean region; these anomalies also appear to vary laterally.Contribution No. 864 from the Earth Physics Branch. 相似文献
The protection of underground structures against dynamic loadings has long been a topic of great interest in defense engineering. This paper focuses on the far-field blast-wave propagation and attenuation in rock shelter layer with an inclusion or filled medium. First, the effect of single inclusion on wave attenuation is explored analytically assuming that the interfaces between rock and the inclusion are completely consolidated. The formulae for the strength of total transmitted stress- and velocity-wave after the inclusion are subsequently presented. At last, numerical studies on the attenuation of one-dimensional P-wave in rock embedded with artificial cavity, steel plate and natural joint are carried out. The attenuation rules for various scenarios are discussed in detail in this paper which can provide useful guidelines to the design of intelligent defense structures. 相似文献
利用PASSCAL、INDEPTH-Ⅱ、INDEPTH-Ⅲ、HIMNT等研究计划,及中国新疆地学断面和国家973项目在青藏高原布设的流动台站记录的到时数据,以及自1990年1月到2004年2月全球地震事件的震相报告,作者对覆盖印度大陆的恒河平原和整个青藏高原的305个地震台站记录的9649个远震事件,共139021条P波初至到时资料进行了层析成像反演.结果表明:印度岩石圈地幔在不同的位置向北俯冲的形态不同,但俯冲前缘都到达羌塘地体之下.沿88°E剖面显示,厚约100 km的印度岩石圈地幔从南部的恒河平原向北一直俯冲到青藏高原之下.在主边界逆冲断裂之下100 km深度处以约22°角度开始向北俯冲,俯冲最前缘到达羌塘地体的中部地区约34°N,之后进入上地幔深处.而沿北东方向的剖面则显示,印度岩石圈地幔以近水平的角度俯冲到青藏高原之下,向北越过班公-怒江缝合带,到达33°N附近,然后以大角度近乎垂直地向下俯冲断离,并引起地幔热物质的上涌,形成羌塘地体之下大规模的低速带. 相似文献
P-wave slowness and azimuth anomalies at LASA are critically dependent on the array configuration. This agrees with the interpretation that the anomalies arise by scattering at small-scale randomly distributed inhomogeneities in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath the array. Of particular importance is the result that numerous configurations can be chosen which yield ( dT/dΔ, ?) anomalies which are inconsistent with recent interpretations including a lateral inhomogeneity at the base of the mantle beneath Hawaii. Also configurations giving ( dT/dΔ, ?) anomalies inconsistent with the existence of mantle plumes under Iceland or the Galapagos Islands are found. 相似文献
Comparison of some array dt/ dΔ studies with the global travel times of Dziewonski and Anderson (1983) leads to the conclusion that a discontinuity in the P travel times between 80° and 85° is consistent with both sets of data. This discontinuity in dt/ dΔ corresponds to an increase in velocity of about 0.1 km/sec between depths of 2400 and 2600 km. Models of the P velocity distribution which match the Dziewonski and Anderson travel times reasonable well have the shadow zone for short-period “diffracted” P beginning at about 110° arc distance. 相似文献