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Low mass black hole binaries are generally transient sources and spend most of their time in the quiescent state. It is believed that the inner accretion flow in the quiescent state is in the form of advection dominated accretion flow and the cold outer accretion disk is truncated far away from the central black hole. During the onset of an outburst, the disk gradually extends towards the central black hole.However, the observational evidence for this general picture is indirect at best. Here we present the results of a study performed to understand the variation of the inner disk radius during the early phase of an outburst. We investigated the variation of the inner disk radius during the 2010 outburst of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 using the method of simultaneous spectral fitting. We found that the inner edge of the disk is truncated at a large radius in the beginning of the outburst when the source was in the hard state. We found a systematic decrease in the inner disk radius as the outburst progressed. We also estimated an upper limit on the mass of the black hole to be 8.1 ± 2.9 M within the uncertainty of the distance and inclination angle.  相似文献   

We analyze the optical spectrum of type 1 QSO SDSS J1425+3231.This object is interesting since its narrow emission lines,such as O IIIλλ4959,5007,are double-peaked,and the line structure can be modeled well by three Gaussian components:two components for the two peaks (we refer to the peaks at low/high redshift as the blue/red component) and another one for the line wing which has the same line center as that of the blue component,but is ~ 3 times broader.The separation between the blue and red components i...  相似文献   

We used multi-component profiles to model the Hβ and [OⅢ]λλ4959,5007 lines of SDSS J143030.22-001115.1, a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) in a sample of 150 NLS1 candidates selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), Early Data Release (EDR). After subtracting the Hβ contribution from narrow line regions (NLRs), we found that its full width half maximum (FWHM) of broad Hβ line is nearly 2900km s~(-1) , significantly larger than the customarily adopted criterion of 2000 km s~(-1) . With its weak Fe Ⅱ multiples, we believe that SDSS J143030.22-001115.1 should not be classified as a genuine NLS1. When we calculate the virial black hole masses of NLS1s, we should use the Hβ linewidth after subtracting the NLR component.  相似文献   

The very small braking index of PSR J1734–3333,n=0.9±0.2,challenges the current theories of braking mechanisms in pulsars.We present a possible interpretation that this pulsar is surrounded by a fall-back disk and braked by it.A modified braking torque is proposed based on the competition between the magnetic energy density of the pulsar and the kinetic energy density of the fall-back disk.With this torque,a self-similar disk can fit all the observed parameters of PSR J1734–3333with natural initial values of parameters.In this regime,the star will evolve to the region having anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma repeaters in the P˙P diagram in about 20 000 years and stay there for a very long time.The mass of the disk around PSR J1734–3333 in our model is about 10M⊕,similar to the observed mass of the disk around AXP 4U 0142+61.  相似文献   

Hard X-rays above 10 ke V are detected from several anomalous X-ray pulsars(AXPs)and soft gamma-ray repeaters(SGRs),and different models have been proposed to explain the physical origin within the frame of either a magnetar model or a fallback disk system.Using data from Suzaku and INTEGRAL,we study the soft and hard X-ray spectra of four AXPs/SGRs:1RXS J170849–400910,1E 1547.0–5408,SGR 1806–20 and SGR 0501+4516.It is found that the spectra could be well reproduced by the bulk-motion Comptonization(BMC)process as was first suggested by Tr¨umper et al.,showing that the accretion scenario could be compatible with Xray emission from AXPs/SGRs.Simulated results from the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope using the BMC model show that the spectra would have discrepancies from the power-law,especially the cutoff at~200 ke V.Thus future observations will allow researchers to distinguish different models of the hard X-ray emission and will help us understand the nature of AXPs/SGRs.  相似文献   

In this work,we have searched for quasi-periodic oscillations(QPOs)in the 15 GHz light curve of the FSRQ PKS J0805-0111 monitored by the Owens Valley Radio Observatory(OVRO)40 m telescope during the period from 2008 January 9 to 2019 May 9,using the weighted wavelet Z-transform(WWZ)and the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram(LSP)techniques.This is the first time to search for a periodic radio signal in the FSRQ PKS J0805-0111 by these two methods.Both methods consistently reveal a repeating signal with a periodicity of 3.38±0.8 yr(>99.7%confidence level).In order to determine the significance of the periods,the false alarm probability method was applied,and a large number of Monte Carlo simulations were performed.As possible explanations,we discuss a number of scenarios including the thermal instability of thin disks scenario,the spiral jet scenario and the binary supermassive black hole scenario.We expect that the binary black hole scenario,where the QPO is caused by the precession of binary black holes,is the most likely explanation.FSRQ PKS J0805-0111 thus could be a good binary black hole candidate.In the binary black hole scenario,the distance between the primary black hole and the secondary black hole is about 1.71×1016 cm.  相似文献   

黑洞X射线暂现源的迷你爆发是一类峰值光度较低、持续时间较短的爆发.由于观测数据较少,其物理机制仍不清楚.利用RXTE (Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer)卫星从2001年1月28日到3月14日的数据,研究了黑洞X射线暂现源XTE J1550–564 2001年迷你爆发的X射线能谱特性.发现在本次迷你爆发中, XTE J1550–564的X射线能谱可以用幂律谱很好地拟合.整个爆发的硬度强度图不是标准的q型,而是一直保持在最右侧.此外,还分析了此次爆发谱指数Γ与未吸收的2–10 keV能段的X射线流量F_(2–10 keV)的相关性,发现Γ-F_(2–10 keV)呈反相关关系,且谱指数Γ∈[1.35, 1.72].上述结果表明2001年这次爆发一直处于低/硬态,它的X射线辐射主要来自于辐射低效的吸积模式,如ADAF(Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow).  相似文献   

One interesting method of constraining the dense matter Equations of State is to measure the advancement of the periastron of the orbit of a binary radio pulsar (when it belongs to a double neutron star system). There is a great deal of interest on applicability of this procedure to the double pulsar system PSR J0737-3039 (A/B). Although the above method can be applied to PSR A in future within some limitations, for PSR B this method cannot be applied. On the other hand, the study of genesis of PSR B might be useful in this connection and its low mass might be an indication that it could be a strange star.  相似文献   

Abstract— A quantitative analysis is presented for the irradiation contributions of the short‐lived nuclides, specifically 26Al, by the X‐wind scenario in the early solar system. The analysis is based on the comprehensive numerical simulations of the scenario that involves thermal processing of protoCAIs during the decades long X‐wind cycle. It would be difficult to explain the canonical value of 26Al/27Al in Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions on the basis of its inferred irradiation yields. Hence, the bulk inventory of 26Al in the early solar system was not produced by the X‐wind scenario. We suggest the predominant occurrence of gradual flares compared to impulsive flares in the early solar system as in the case of the modern solar flares. One tenth of the bulk 26Al was only produced by irradiation in case the entire solar inventory of 10Be was produced by local irradiation. The bulk 26Al inventory along with 60Fe was probably synthesized by a massive star. We present a qualitative model of the astrophysical settings for the formation of the solar system on the basis of a survey of the presently active star forming regions. We hypothesize that the formation of the solar system could have occurred almost contemporaneously with the formation of the massive star within a single stellar cluster. As the massive star eventually exploded as supernova Ib/c subsequent to Wolf‐Rayet stages, the short‐lived nuclides were probably injected into the solar proto‐planetary disc. The dynamically evolving stellar cluster eventually dispersed within the initial ?10 million years prior to the major planetary formation episodes.  相似文献   

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