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We examine the effects of dynamical evolution in clusters on planetary systems or protoplanetary discs orbiting the components of binary stars. In particular, we look for evidence that the companions of host stars of planetary systems or discs could have their inclination angles raised from zero to between the threshold angles (39.23° and 140.77°) that can induce the Kozai mechanism. We find that up to 20 per cent of binary systems have their inclination angles increased to within the threshold range. Given that half of all extrasolar planets could be in binary systems, we suggest that up to 10 per cent of extrasolar planets could be affected by this mechanism.  相似文献   

Cosmogonical theories as well as recent observations allow us to expect the existence of planets around many stars other than the Sun. On an other hand, double and multiple star systems are established to be more numerous than single stars (such as the Sun), at least in the solar neighborhood. We are then faced to the following dynamical problem: assuming that planets can form in a binary early environment (I do not deal here with), does long-term stability for planetary orbits exist in double star systems.Although preliminary studies were rather pessimistic about the possibility of existence of stable planetary orbits in double or multiple star systems, modern computation have shown that many such stable orbits do exist (but possible chaotic behavior), either around the binary as a whole (P-type) or around one component of the binary (S-type), this latter being explored here.The dynamical model is the elliptic plane restricted three-body problem; the phase space of initial conditions is systematically explored, and limits for stability have been established. Stable S-type planetary orbits are found up to distance of their "sun" of the order of half the periastron distance of the binary; moreover, among these stable orbits, nearly-circular ones exist up to distance of their "sun" of the order of one quarter the periastron distance of the binary; finally, among the nearly-circular stable orbits, several stay inside the "habitable zone", at least for two nearby binaries which components are nearly of solar type.Nevertheless, we know that chaos may destroy this stability after a long time (sometimes several millions years). It is therefore important to compute indicators of chaos for these stable planetary orbits to investigate their actual very long-term stability. Here we give an example of such a computation for more than a billion years.  相似文献   

We consider the survivability of planetary systems in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. We compute the cross-sections for the breakup of planetary systems via encounters with single stars and binaries. We also compute the cross-sections to leave planets on eccentric orbits. We find that wider planetary systems ( d ≳0.3 au) are likely to be broken up in the central regions of 47 Tucanae (within the half-mass radius of the cluster). However, tighter systems and those in less-dense regions may survive. Tight systems will certainly survive in less-dense clusters where subsequent surveys should be conducted.  相似文献   

Extrasolar planets are expected to emit detectable low-frequency radio emission. In this paper, we present results from new low-frequency observations of two extrasolar planetary systems (Epsilon Eridani and HD 128311) taken at 150 MHz with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). These two systems have been chosen because the stars are young (with ages <1 Gyr) and are likely to have strong stellar winds, which will increase the expected radio flux. The planets are massive (presumably) gas giant planets in longer period orbits, and hence will not be tidally locked to their host star (as is likely to be the case for short-period planets) and we would expect them to have a strong planetary dynamo and magnetic field. We do not detect either system, but are able to place tight upper limits on their low-frequency radio emission, at levels comparable to the theoretical predictions for these systems. From these observations, we have a 2.5σ limit of 7.8 mJy for ε Eri and 15.5 mJy for HD 128311. In addition, these upper limits also provide limits on the low-frequency radio emission from the stars themselves. These results are discussed and also the prospects for the future detection of radio emission from extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

The dynamical evolution of small stellar groups composed of N=6 components was numerically simulated within the framework of a gravitational N-body problem. The effects of stellar mass loss in the form of stellar wind, dynamical friction against the interstellar medium, and star mergers on the dynamical evolution of the groups were investigated. A comparison with a purely gravitational N-body problem was made. The state distributions at the time of 300 initial system crossing times were analyzed. The parameters of the forming binary and stable triple systems as well as the escaping single and binary stars were studied. The star-merger and dynamical-friction effects are more pronounced in close systems, while the stellar wind effects are more pronounced in wide systems. Star-mergers and stellar wind slow down the dynamical evolution. These factors cause the mean and median semimajor axes of the final binaries as well as the semimajor axes of the internal and external binaries in stable triple systems to increase. Star mergers and dynamical friction in close systems decrease the fraction of binary systems with highly eccentric orbits and the mean component mass ratios for the final binaries and the internal and external binaries in stable triple systems. Star mergers and dynamical friction in close systems increase the fraction of stable triple systems with prograde motions. Dynamical friction in close systems can both increase and decrease the mean velocities of the escaping single stars, depending on the density of the interstellar medium and the mean velocity of the stars in the system.  相似文献   

We consider how the tidal potential of a stellar cluster or a dense molecular cloud affects the fragmentation of gravitationally unstable molecular cloud cores. We find that molecular cloud cores which would collapse to form a single star in the absence of tidal shear, can be forced to fragment if they are subjected to tides. This may enhance the frequency of binaries in star-forming regions such as Ophiuchus and the frequency of binaries with separations ≲100 au in the Orion Trapezium Cluster. We also find that clouds which collapse to form binary systems in the absence of a tidal potential will form bound binary systems if exposed to weak tidal shear. However, if the tidal shear is sufficiently strong, even though the cloud still collapses to form two fragments, the fragments are pulled apart while they are forming by the tidal shear and two single stars are formed. This sets an upper limit for the separation of binaries that form near dense molecular clouds or in stellar clusters.  相似文献   

Most stars reside in binary/multiple star systems; however, previous models of planet formation have studied growth of bodies orbiting an isolated single star. Disk material has been observed around both components of some young close binary star systems. Additionally, it has been shown that if planets form at the right places within such disks, they can remain dynamically stable for very long times. Herein, we numerically simulate the late stages of terrestrial planet growth in circumbinary disks around ‘close’ binary star systems with stellar separations 0.05 AU?aB?0.4 AU and binary eccentricities 0?eB?0.8. In each simulation, the sum of the masses of the two stars is 1 M, and giant planets are included. The initial disk of planetary embryos is the same as that used for simulating the late stages of terrestrial planet formation within our Solar System by Chambers [Chambers, J.E., 2001. Icarus 152, 205-224], and around each individual component of the α Centauri AB binary star system by Quintana et al. [Quintana, E.V., Lissauer, J.J., Chambers, J.E., Duncan, M.J., 2002. Astrophys. J. 576, 982-996]. Multiple simulations are performed for each binary star system under study, and our results are statistically compared to a set of planet formation simulations in the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system that begin with essentially the same initial disk of protoplanets. The planetary systems formed around binaries with apastron distances QB≡aB(1+eB)?0.2 AU are very similar to those around single stars, whereas those with larger maximum separations tend to be sparcer, with fewer planets, especially interior to 1 AU. We also provide formulae that can be used to scale results of planetary accretion simulations to various systems with different total stellar mass, disk sizes, and planetesimal masses and densities.  相似文献   

It appears that most stars are born in clusters, and that at birth most stars have circumstellar discs which are comparable in size to the separations between the stars. Interactions between neighbouring stars and discs are therefore likely to play a key role in determining disc lifetimes, stellar masses, and the separations and eccentricities of binary orbits. Such interactions may also cause fragmentation of the discs, thereby triggering the formation of additional stars.   We have carried out a series of simulations of star–disc interactions using an SPH code which treats self-gravity, hydrodynamic and viscous forces. We find that interactions between discs and stars provide a mechanism for removing energy from, or adding energy to, the orbits of the stars, and for truncating the discs. However, capture during such encounters is unlikely to be an important binary formation mechanism.   A more significant consequence of such encounters is that they can trigger fragmentation of the disc, via tidally and compressionally induced gravitational instabilities, leading to the formation of additional stars and substellar objects. When the disc spins and stellar orbits are randomly oriented, encounters lead to the formation of new companions to the original star in 20 per cent of encounters. If most encounters are prograde and coplanar, as suggested by simulations of dynamically triggered star formation, then new companions are formed in approximately 50 per cent of encounters.  相似文献   

In this paper we use recently developed phase-space transport theory coupled with a so-called classical spectral theorem to develop a dynamically exact and computationally efficient procedure for studying escape from a planetary neighbourhood. The 'planetary neighbourhood' is a bounded region of phase space where entrance and escape are only possible by entering or exiting narrow 'bottlenecks' created by the influence of a saddle point. The method therefore immediately applies to, for example, the circular restricted three-body problem and Hill's lunar problem (which we use to illustrate the results), but it also applies to more complex, and higher-dimensional, systems possessing the relevant phase-space structure. It is shown how one can efficiently compute the mean passage time through the planetary neighbourhood, the phase-space flux in, and out, of the planetary neighbourhood, the phase-space volume of initial conditions corresponding to trajectories that escape from the planetary neighbourhood, and the fraction of initial conditions in the planetary neighbourhood corresponding to bound trajectories. These quantities are computed for Hill's problem. We study the dependence of the proportions of these quantities on energy and dimensionality (two-dimensional planar and three-dimensional spatial Hill's problem). The methods and quantities presented are of central interest for many celestial and stellar dynamical applications such as, for example, the capture and escape of moons near giant planets, the formation of binaries in the Kuiper belt and the escape of stars from star clusters orbiting about a galaxy.  相似文献   

We investigate how the formation and evolution of extrasolar planetary systems can be affected by stellar encounters that occur in the crowded conditions of a stellar cluster. Using plausible estimates of cluster evolution, we show how planet formation may be suppressed in globular clusters while planets wider than ≳0.1 au that do form in such environments can be ejected from their stellar system. Less crowded systems such as open clusters have a much reduced effect on any planetary system. Planet formation is unaffected in open clusters and only the wider planetary systems will be disrupted during the cluster's lifetime. The potential for free-floating planets in these environments is also discussed.  相似文献   

We study the circumstances under which first collisions occur in young and dense star clusters. The initial conditions for our direct N -body simulations are chosen such that the clusters experience core collapse within a few million years, before the most massive stars have left the main sequence. It turns out that the first collision is typically driven by the most massive stars in the cluster. Upon arrival in the cluster core, by dynamical friction, massive stars tend to form binaries. The enhanced cross-section of the binary compared to a single star causes other stars to engage the binary. A collision between one of the binary components and the incoming third star is then mediated by the encounters between the binary and other cluster members. Due to the geometry of the binary–single star engagement the relative velocity at the moment of impact is substantially different than in a two-body encounter. This may have profound consequences for the further evolution of the collision product.  相似文献   

Massive stars     
We describe the present state of massive star research seen from the viewpoint of stellar evolution, with special emphasis on close binaries. Statistics of massive close binaries are reasonably complete for the Solar neighbourhood. We defend the thesis that within our knowledge, many scientific results where the effects of binaries are not included, have an academic value, but may be far from reality. In chapter I, we summarize general observations of massive stars where we focus on the HR diagram, stellar wind mass loss rates, the stellar surface chemistry, rotation, circumstellar environments, supernovae. Close binaries can not be studied separately from single stars and vice versa. First, the evolution of single stars is discussed (chapter I). We refer to new calculations with updated stellar wind mass loss rate formalisms and conclusions are proposed resulting from a comparison with representative observations. Massive binaries are considered in chapter II. Basic processes are briefly described, i.e. the Roche lobe overflow and mass transfer, the common envelope process, the spiral-in process in binaries with extreme mass ratio, the effects of mass accretion and the merging process, the implications of the (asymmetric) supernova explosion of one of the components on the orbital parameters of the binary. Evolutionary computations of interacting close binaries are discussed and general conclusions are drawn. The enormous amount of observational data of massive binaries is summarized. We separately consider the non-evolved and evolved systems. The latter class includes the semi-detached and contact binaries, the WR binaries, the X-ray binaries, the runaways, the single and binary pulsars. A general comparison between theoretical evolution and observations is combined with a discussion of specially interesting binaries: the evolved binaries HD 163181, HD 12323, HD 14633, HD 193516, HD 25638, HD 209481, Per and Sgr; the WR+OB binary V444 Cyg; the high mass X-ray binaries Vela X-1, Wray 977, Cyg X-1; the low mass X-ray binaries Her X-1 and those with a black hole candidate; the runaway Pup, the WR+compact companion candidates Cyg X-3, HD 50896 and HD 197406. We finally propose an overall evolutionary model of massive close binaries as a function of primary mass, mass ratio and orbital period. Chapter III deals with massive star population synthesis with a realistic population of binaries. We discuss the massive close binary frequency, mass ratio and period distribution, the observations that allow to constrain possible asymmetries during the supernova explosion of a massive star. We focuss on the comparison between observed star numbers (as a function of metallicity) and theoretically predicted numbers of stellar populations in regions of continuous star formation and in starburst regions. Special attention is given to the O-type star/WR star/red supergiant star population, the pulsar and binary pulsar population, the supernova rates. Received 17 July 1998  相似文献   

The gravity due to a multiple-mass system has a remarkable gravitational effect: the extreme magnification of background light sources along extended so-called caustic lines. This property has been the channel for some remarkable astrophysical discoveries over the past decade, including the detection and characterization of extrasolar planets, the routine analysis of limb darkening, and, in one case, limits set on the apparent shape of a star several kiloparsec distant. In this paper, we investigate the properties of the microlensing of close binary star systems. We show that in some cases it is possible to detect flux from the Roche lobes of close binary stars. Such observations could constrain models of close binary stellar systems.  相似文献   

The new approach outlined in Paper I to follow the individual formation and evolution of binaries in an evolving, equal point-mass star cluster is extended for the self-consistent treatment of relaxation and close three- and four-body encounters for many binaries (typically a few per cent of the initial number of stars in the cluster mass). The distribution of single stars is treated as a conducting gas sphere with a standard anisotropic gaseous model. A Monte Carlo technique is used to model the motion of binaries, their formation and subsequent hardening by close encounters, and their relaxation (dynamical friction) with single stars and other binaries. The results are a further approach towards a realistic model of globular clusters with primordial binaries without using special hardware. We present, as our main result, the self-consistent evolution of a cluster consisting of 300 000 equal point-mass stars, plus 30 000 equal-mass binaries over several hundred half-mass relaxation times, well into the phase where most of the binaries have been dissolved and evacuated from the core. The cluster evolution is about three times slower than found by Gao et al. Other features are rather comparable. At every moment we are able to show the individual distribution of binaries in the cluster.  相似文献   

Recent proper motion and parallax measurements for the pulsar PSR B1508+55 indicate a transverse velocity of  ∼1100 km s−1  , which exceeds earlier measurements for any neutron star. The spin-down characteristics of PSR B1508+55 are typical for a non-recycled pulsar, which implies that the velocity of the pulsar cannot have originated from the second supernova disruption of a massive binary system. The high velocity of PSR B1508+55 can be accounted for by assuming that it received a kick at birth or that the neutron star was accelerated after its formation in the supernova explosion. We propose an explanation for the origin of hyperfast neutron stars based on the hypothesis that they could be the remnants of a symmetric supernova explosion of a high-velocity massive star which attained its peculiar velocity (similar to that of the pulsar) in the course of a strong dynamical three- or four-body encounter in the core of dense young star cluster. To check this hypothesis, we investigated three dynamical processes involving close encounters between: (i) two hard massive binaries, (ii) a hard binary and an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) and (iii) a single stars and a hard binary IMBH. We find that main-sequence O-type stars cannot be ejected from young massive star clusters with peculiar velocities high enough to explain the origin of hyperfast neutron stars, but lower mass main-sequence stars or the stripped helium cores of massive stars could be accelerated to hypervelocities. Our explanation for the origin of hyperfast pulsars requires a very dense stellar environment of the order of  106– 107 stars pc−3  . Although such high densities may exist during the core collapse of young massive star clusters, we caution that they have never been observed.  相似文献   

Dynamical relaxation and massive extrasolar planets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following the suggestion of Black that some massive extrasolar planets may be associated with the tail of the distribution of stellar companions, we investigate a scenario in which 5 N 100 planetary mass objects are assumed to form rapidly through a fragmentation process occuring in a disc or protostellar envelope on a scale of 100 au. These are assumed to have formed rapidly enough through gravitational instability or fragmentation that their orbits can undergo dynamical relaxation on a time-scale of ∼100 orbits.
Under a wide range of initial conditions and assumptions, the relaxation process ends with either (i) one potential 'hot Jupiter' plus up to two 'external' companions, i.e. planets orbiting near the outer edge of the initial distribution; (ii) one or two 'external' planets or even none at all; (iii) one planet on an orbit with a semi-major axis of 10 to 100 times smaller than the outer boundary radius of the inital distribution together with an 'external' companion. Most of the other objects are ejected and could contribute to a population of free-floating planets. Apart from the potential 'hot Jupiters', all the bound objects are on orbits with high eccentricity, and also with a range of inclination with respect to the stellar equatorial plane. We found that, apart from the close orbiters, the probability of ending up with a planet orbiting at a given distance from the central star increases with the distance. This is because of the tendency of the relaxation process to lead to collisions with the central star. The scenario we envision here does not impose any upper limit on the mass of the planets. We discuss the application of these results to some of the more massive extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

N -body simulations are widely used to simulate the dynamical evolution of a variety of systems, among them star clusters. Much of our understanding of their evolution rests on the results of such direct N -body simulations. They provide insight in the structural evolution of star clusters, as well as into the occurrence of stellar exotica. Although the major pure N -body codes starlab/kira and nbody4 are widely used for a range of applications, there is no thorough comparison study yet.
Here, we thoroughly compare basic quantities as derived from simulations performed either with starlab/kira or nbody4 .
We construct a large number of star cluster models for various stellar mass function settings (but without stellar/binary evolution, primordial binaries, external tidal fields, etc.), evolve them in parallel with starlab/kira and nbody4 , analyse them in a consistent way and compare the averaged results quantitatively. For this quantitative comparison, we develop a bootstrap algorithm for functional dependencies.
We find an overall excellent agreement between the codes, both for the clusters' structural and energy parameters as well as for the properties of the dynamically created binaries. However, we identify small differences, like in the energy conservation before core collapse and the energies of escaping stars, which deserve further studies.
Our results reassure the comparability and the possibility to combine results from these two major N -body codes, at least for the purely dynamical models (i.e. without stellar/binary evolution) we performed. Further detailed comparison studies for more complex systems, e.g. including stellar/binary evolution, are required.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditions by which neutron star retention in globular clusters is favoured. We find that neutron stars formed in massive binaries are far more likely to be retained. Such binaries are likely to then evolve into contact before encountering other stars, possibly producing a single neutron star after a common envelope phase. A large fraction of the single neutron stars in globular clusters are then likely to exchange into binaries containing moderate-mass main-sequence stars, replacing the lower-mass components of the original systems. These binaries will become intermediate-mass X-ray binaries (IMXBs), once the moderate-mass star evolves off the main sequence, as mass is transferred on to the neutron star, possibly spinning it up in the process. Such systems may be responsible for the population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) that has been observed in globular clusters. Additionally, the period of mass-transfer (and thus X-ray visibility) in the vast majority of such systems will have occurred 5–10 Gyr ago, thus explaining the observed relative paucity of X-ray binaries today, given the MSP population.  相似文献   

In binary stellar systems, exoplanet searches have revealed planetary mass companions orbiting both in circumstellar and in circumbinary orbits. Modelling studies suggest increased dynamical complexity around the young stars that form such systems. Circumstellar and circumbinary disks likely exhibit different physical conditions for planet formation, which also depends on the stellar separation. Although binaries and higher order multiple stars are relatively common in nearby star-forming regions, surprisingly few systems with circumbinary distributions of proto-planetary material have been found. With its spectacular ring of dust and gas encircling the central triple star, one such system, GG Tau A, has become a unique laboratory for investigating the physics of circumsystem gas and dust evolution. We review here its physical properties.  相似文献   

The dynamical stability of a bound triple system composed of a small binary or minor planetary system moving on a orbit inclined to a central third body is discussed in terms of Hill stability for the full three-body problem. The situation arises in the determination of stability of triple star systems against disruption and component exchange and the determination of stability of extrasolar planetary systems and minor planetary systems against disruption, component exchange or capture. The Hill stability criterion is applied to triple star systems and extrasolar planetary systems, the Sun-Earth-Moon system and Kuiper Belt binary systems to determine the critical distances for stable orbits. It is found that increasing the inclination of the third body decreases the Hill regions of stability. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary also produces similar effects.These type of changes make exchange or disruption of the component masses more likely. Increasing the eccentricity of the binary orbit relative to the third body substantially decreases stability regions as the eccentricity reaches higher values. The Kuiper Belt binaries were found to be stable if they move on circular orbits. Taking into account the eccentricity, it is less clear that all the systems are stable.  相似文献   

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