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基于完全非线性Boussinesq方程的源函数数值造波   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了应用于完全非线性Boussinesq模型模拟波浪传播变形的数值造波和波浪分析方法。采取在造波区的流体运动方程中引入源函数的造波法以实现无反射造波。通过数值试验探讨了造波函数中系数δ的取值。为模拟不规则波,采用了线性波浪叠加法。利用相关函数法进行谱估计,以检验不规则波造波效果。文中讨论了采用相关函数法估计海浪谱时,参数△t、m、和N之间的关系。  相似文献   

任意水深变化Boussinesq型方程非线性波数值计算   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
首先从一个含有耗散项的高阶非线性和频散性波浪理论模型出发,建立了适用于任意底坡变化,相对水深h/Lo≤1的非线性波数学模型。应用全隐式交错网格和二阶精度中心差分法。得到离散方程组。进一步对其一阶导数项进行修正,达到与方程高阶项同量阶精度。精度检验表明本文计算结果与理论解和物理模型结果符合良好。  相似文献   

不规则波浪数值水槽的造波和阻尼消波   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
高学平  曾广冬  张亚 《海洋学报》2002,24(2):127-132
利用MAC(marker and cell)法直接数值求解连续方程和N-S方程.为模拟不规则波长时段连续造波及消除波浪遇结构物后形成的二次反射,采用了源造波法.对开敞边界,采用了海绵阻尼消波和Sommerfeld条件相结合的处理方式.  相似文献   

基于同量阶迭代法,在保留同阶面的前提下,对林建国等(1998a)得到的二阶Boussinesq类方程进行了求解,得到了与其量阶相对应的取立波解,并春与Euler方程的二阶孤立波解进行了比较,结果显示,本文解比传统Boussinesq方程的孤立波解有明显的改善,扩大了孤立的适用范围。  相似文献   

规则波和不规则波作用下消波建筑物前的波高分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消波建筑物在国内外已得到广泛应用。本文采用近似方法分析了明基床上直立式消波建筑物前的波高及消波室内的波高,从而确定建筑物的消波效果。并在规则波的基础上将成果推广至不规则波作用下的情况。  相似文献   

基于改进型的二阶Boussinesq方程,在交错网络下建立数值模型.利用模型模拟波浪在常水深情况下的传播,波浪反射系数均低于2%.利用该模型模拟波浪在平斜坡前的反射,并将数值结果与解析解进行对比.结果表明,对于相对水深较大情况,坡度较陡时模拟结果明显偏大;对 于相对水深较小情况,坡度超过1:1时,数值结果仍与解析解有....  相似文献   

一个新的非恒定型不规则波缓坡方程   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
缓坡方程由Berkhof所推导并在规则波折射绕射问题的研究上有着广泛的应用。然而对于不规则波折射绕射问题研究,缓坡方程还处于发展研究阶段,本文采用Pade近似并仿Kubo方法对缓坡波动方程进行了推导,得到了一个含有时间高阶导数项的不规则波缓坡方程,随即采用WKB方法对这个不规则波的缓坡方程进行了简化,推导出一个较为实用的含有一阶时间导数的不规则波缓坡的波动方程。通过数值手段对所推导的不规则波缓坡方程进行了数值模拟,其结果与物模实验较为一致  相似文献   

在二阶 Boussinesq 方程基础上,通过引入含水深导数项对该方程进行了理论上的改进,使得该方程在应用于无限沙坝 Bragg反射问题时与理论解析解在更大范围内符合.基于该改进的高阶 Boussinesq 方程,在非交错网格下建立了混合 4 阶的Adams-Bashforth- Moulton 格式的数学模型.将数值模型应用到有限个连续沙坝上波浪传播变形问题的数值模拟中,通过两点法给出数值波浪反射系数,将这些反射系数与已有的实验数据进行对比,对比表明改进后的模型计算出的反射系数与实验结果吻合更好,这验证了本文理论改进的有效性.  相似文献   

多向不规则波有效试验区的扩展法   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
实验室中一般采用分段式造波机来产生斜向或多向波,但其中存在几个问题,最主要的是有效试验区较小。扩大有效试验区的常用方法是采用边墙反射法。本文首先叙述了应用边墙反射产生斜向波和多向波的方法,通过物理模型试验对该方法进行了验证,试验结果表明采用边墙反射的确可以扩大有效试验区的范围。  相似文献   

基于推板造波理论和摇板造波理论,在Open FOAM平台上采用重叠网格技术建立黏性数值波浪水槽,并使用一种结合SIMPLE算法和PISO算法的PIMPLE算法对数值模型进行求解。利用开发的数值模型通过数值收敛性测试和网格独立性测试分别重点研究了时间步长、库朗数和网格尺寸对数值精度和计算效率的影响。并对比研究了此数值模型分别嵌入层流模型和湍流模型的计算精度和计算效率。实现的规则波和二阶有限振幅波与理论结果和试验结果吻合,验证了此黏性数值波浪水槽的造波和主动消波功能。基于二维数值波浪水槽,进一步研究了三维数值造波,数值计算结果与理论结果吻合良好。研究结果不仅验证了重叠网格在二维和三维两相流体域中求解运动物体与流场交互的可靠性和正确性,而且为使用此黏性数值波浪水槽解决更复杂的海洋工程问题提供了依据。  相似文献   

一种基本Boussinesq方程的近岸区破碎波模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李德筠  张伟 《海洋工程》2000,18(3):34-38
基于文献「1」Bossinesq方程的近岸区破碎波模型基础,将数值模型中的波高衰减规律由假设改进为Dally的解析公式,使近岸区破碎波模型的应用性更强。并将数值模型计算结果与现场实验资料进行对比,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

This study examines the reflection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater located on a step bed. The step bed is treated as an idealized rubble mound foundation. Based on the linear potential theory, an analytical solution is developed to calculate the reflection coefficient of the structure subjected to regular waves. The matched eigenfunction expansion method is used for the solution. The regular wave method is also extended to irregular waves using a linear transfer function. The calculated results obtained for limiting cases are exactly the same as corresponding results given by the previous researchers. The present predictions also agree well with experimental data in the published literatures. Numerical experiments are conducted to examine the variations of the reflection coefficient versus its main effect factors, and some interesting results are presented.  相似文献   

This study examines the reffection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater located on a step bed. The step bed is treated as an idealized rubble mound foundation. Based on the linear potential theory, an analytical solution is developed to calculate the reffection coefficient of the structure subjected to regular waves. The matched eigenfunction expansion method is used for the solution. The regular wave method is also extended to irregular waves using a linear transfer...  相似文献   

Liu等给出的最高导数为2的双层Boussinesq水波方程具有较好的色散性和非线性,基于该方程建立了有限差分法的三维波浪数值模型。在矩形网格上对方程进行了空间离散,采用高阶导数近似方程中的时、空项,时间积分采用混合4阶Adams-Bashforth-Moulton的预报—校正格式。模拟了深水条件下的规则波传播过程,计算波面与解析结果吻合较好,反映出数值模型能很好地刻画波面过程及波面处的速度变化;在kh=2π条件下可较为准确获得沿水深分布的水平和垂向速度,这与理论分析结果一致。最后,利用数值模型计算了规则波在三维特征地形上的传播变形,数值结果和试验数据吻合较好;高阶非线性项会对波浪数值结果产生一定的影响,当波浪非线性增强,水深减少将产生更多的高次谐波。建立的双层Boussinesq模型对强非线性波浪的演化具有较好的模拟精度。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a parametric study of irregular wave run-up over fringing reefs using the shock-capturing Boussinesq wave model Funwave-TVD to better understand the role of fringing reefs in the mitigation of wave-driven flooding. Laboratory experiments were newly performed with a typical fringing reef profile and typical hydrodynamic conditions to validate the model. Experimental data shows irregular wave run-ups are dominated by the low-frequency motions and confirms the run-up resonant phenomenon over the back-reef slope, which has been revealed in previous numerical studies. It is demonstrated that irregular wave evolution and run-up over fringing reefs are reasonably reproduced by the present model with a proper grid size. However, the infragravity run-up height and highest 2% run-up height over the back-reef slope are under-predicted due to the underestimation of the infragravity wave height over the reef flat. The validated model was then utilized to model irregular wave transformations and run-ups under different conditions. Through a series of numerical experiments, the effects of key hydrodynamic and reef geometry parameters, including the reef flat width, water depth over the reef flat, fore-reef slope angle and back-reef slope angle, on the irregular wave run-up were investigated. Variations of spectral components of irregular wave run-ups were examined to better understand the physical process underlying the effect of each parameter.  相似文献   

The reflection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater with a rock-filled core is examined. The present mathematical model is developed by means of the matched eigenfunction method. Numerical results of the present model are compared with the experimental data of different researchers. Numerical examples are given to examine the effect of rock fill on the reflection coefficient. The differences between regular and irregular waves are also investigated by means of theoretical and experimental results. It is found that the minimum reflection coefficient of irregular waves is larger than that of corresponding regular waves, but the contrary is the case for the maximum reflection coefficient.  相似文献   

The reflection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater with a rock-filled core is examined. The present mathematical model is developed by means of the matched eigenfunction method. Numerical results of the present model are compared with the experimental data of different researchers. Numerical examples are given to examine the effect of rock fill on the reflection coefficient. The differences between regular and irregular waves are also investigated by means of theoretical and experimental results. It is found that the minimum reflection coefficient of irregular waves is larger than that of corresponding regular waves, but the contrary is the case for the maximum reflection coefficient.  相似文献   

波浪破碎的模拟对于波浪模拟的准确性十分重要。为了解波浪破碎模型的问题,本文对抛物型缓坡方程和Boussinesq方程这2种波浪模型所采用的破碎方法进行比较和分析。运用基于Boussinesq方程的Funwave模型和基于抛物型缓坡方程的REF/DIF模型,分别对特拉华大学的未破碎圆形浅滩试验和作者于实验水槽进行的Undertow试验这2个物理模型进行波高模拟、比较与分析。模拟结果表明:Funwave和REF/DIF这2种波浪模型都能准确的模拟出波高随水深的变化情况,但对于波浪破碎后的情况,REF/DIF模型模拟的更为精确一些。  相似文献   

A series of regular and irregular wave experiments are conducted to study the reflective and transmitting performances of quarter circular breakwater (QCB) in comparison with those of semi-circular breakwater (SCB). Based on regular wave tests, the reflection and transmission characteristics of QCB are analyzed and a few influencing factors are investigated. Then, the wave energy dissipation as wave passing over the breakwater is discussed based on the hydraulic coefficients of QCB and SCB. In irregular wave experiments, the reflection coefficients of QCB and their spectrums are studied. Finally, the comparisons between the experimental results and numerical simulations for QCB under regular and irregular wave conditions are presented.  相似文献   

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