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During the nineteenth century, it was common for physicists to believe in the existence of a material vacuum composed of an incompressible fluid that fills the whole universe. This fluid was called the aether. Its original purpose was to provide an elastic tenuous medium for light propagation through space. Although it is well understood today that no such medium is needed for light propagation, the existence of a cosmic aether medium in space is still possible and its physical properties can be understood on models of cosmology that have nothing to do with Big-Bang cosmology. It is possible that electromagnetic radiation emitted by the cosmic aether medium has already been detected. The low-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by the aether is called the cosmic microwave background radiation. The present study outlines a model for an aether medium that explains the genesis of the microwave background radiation in a closed static (nonexpanding) universe. It is shown that the spectrum of the microwave background radiation is a perfect blackbody with a temperature T rad=2.77 K in harmony with the perfect cosmological principle. It is further shown that the aether medium is opaque at radio and microwave frequencies. This particular feature of the model does not contradict any observations regarding the existence of distant radio galaxies and quasars.  相似文献   

The one-brane Randall-Sundrum model offers an example of a model with an `infinite' extra dimension in which ordinary gravity is recovered at large distances and the usual (3+1)-dimensional cosmology at late cosmic times. This is possible because the `bulk' has the geometry of anti de Sitter space, the curvature length ℓ of which delineates the (3+1)-dimensional behavior at large distances from the (4+1)-dimensional behavior at short distances. This spacetime, however, possesses a past Cauchy horizon on which initial data must be specified in a natural and convincing way. A more complete story is required that singles out some set of initial conditions to resolve the `bulk' smoothness and horizon problems. One such complete story is offered by the colliding bubble braneworld universe, where bubbles filled with AdS 5 nucleate from dS 5 or M 5 through quantum tunnelling. A pair of such colliding bubbles forms a Randall-Sundrum-like universe in the future of the collision. Because of the symmetry of bubbles produced through quantum tunnelling, the resulting universe is spatially homogeneous and isotropic at leading order, and the perturbations at the next order are completely well defined and calculable. In this contribution we discuss the possible global structure of such a spacetime. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines a cosmological paradigm based upon Dirac’s large number hypothesis and continual creation of matter in a closed static (nonexpanding) universe. The cosmological redshift is caused by the tired-light phenomenon originally proposed by Zwicky. It is shown that the tired-light cosmology together with continual matter creation has a universal Hubble constant H 0=(512π 2/3)1/6(GC 0)1/3 fixed by the universal rate C 0 of matter creation, where G is Newton’s gravitational constant. It is also shown that a closed static universe has a finite age τ 0=(243π 5/8GC 0)1/3 also fixed by the universal rate of matter creation. The invariant relationship H 0 τ 0=3π 261/2 shows that a closed static universe is much older (≈one trillion years) than any expanding universe model based upon Big-Bang cosmology. It is this property of a static universe that resolves any cosmic age crisis provided that galaxy formation in the universe is a continual recurring process. Application of Dirac’s large number hypothesis gives a matter creation rate C 0=4.6×10?48 gm?cm?3?s?1 depending only on the fundamental constants of nature. Hence, the model shows that a closed static universe has a Hubble constant H 0=70 km?s?1?Mpc?1 in good agreement with recent astronomical determinations of H 0. By using the above numerical value for H 0 together with observational data for elongated cellular-wall structures containing superclusters of galaxies, it is shown that the elongated cellular-wall configurations observed in the real universe are at least one hundred billion years old. Application of the microscopic laws of physics to the large-scale macroscopic universe leads to a static eternal cosmos endowed with a matter-antimatter symmetry. It is proposed that the matter-antimatter asymmetry is continuously created by particle-antiparticle pair annihilation occurring in episodic cosmological gamma-ray bursts observed in the real universe.  相似文献   

The detailed evolution of low-mass main-sequence stars (M < 1M ) with a compact companion is studied. For angular momentum loss associated with magnetic braking it is found that about 10–11–10–12 M yr–1 in stellar wind loss would be required. This wind is 102–103 times stronger than the solar wind, so we believe here magnetic stellar wind is insufficient. It is well known that there is mass outflow in low-mass close binary systems. We believe here that these outflows are centrifugal driven winds from the outer parts of the accretion disks. The winds extract angular momentum from these systems and therefore drive secular evolution. Disk winds are preferred to winds from the secondary, because of the lower disk surface gravity.  相似文献   

We study a black hole in an expanding Universe during the radiation-dominated stage. In particular, such a black hole may be of the primordial origin. In the case when the black hole radius is much smaller than the cosmological horizon, we found a self-consistent solution for the metric and the matter distribution and its velocity far from the black hole. At distances much smaller than the cosmological horizon our solution coincides with the previously obtained solution for quasi-stationary accretion. Our results can be applied, in particular, for the formation of dark matter density spikes around primordial black holes, and for the evolution of dark matter clumps during the radiation-dominated stage.  相似文献   

“Black Holes in a Violent Universe” is a COST Action (MP0905) connecting scientists from different disciplines – astronomers from all wavelength regimes (i.e. radio to TeV), physicists and particle physicists, theoreticians and observers – from currently 25 countries. The aim is to collaborate in a cross-disciplinary and multi-dimensional approach towards a better understanding of the general Black Hole phenomenon. COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is one of the longest-running European instruments supporting cooperation among scientists and researchers across Europe. The goal of MP0905 is to decipher further the way the Universe and the stars and galaxies evolved and – in particular – the role Black Holes play in this. This Action is an open and flexible program of communication and interchange.  相似文献   

In a two-fluid component universe consisting of visible matter and neutrinos, the developed features of perturbations in the two components are quite different. If the densities 1 and 2, and the Jeans lengths 1J and 2J of the two components satisfy the relations 12, 1J2J, the developed inhomogeneities in the non-dominant component 1 are larger than those in the dominant component 2. Moreover, the increase of perturbations is in some situations not monotonous but oscillatory, and such oscillations in the two components are contrary.  相似文献   

Pathria (1972) has shown, for a pressureless closed Universe, that it is inside a black (or white) hole. We show now, that the Universe with a cosmic pressure obeying Einstein’s field equations, can be inside a white-hole. In the closed case, a positive cosmological constant does the job; for the flat and open cases, the condition we find is not verified for the very early Universe, but with the growth of the scale-factor, the condition will be certainly fulfilled for a positive cosmological constant, after some time. We associate the absolute temperature of the Universe, with the temperature of the corresponding white-hole.  相似文献   

In a closed gravitationally-bound Universe we are subject to an inward accelerationa 0. One consequence of this acceleration is that matter will radiate and create a black-body spectrum throughout the Universe. Using the valuea 0=7.623×10–12 ms–2 and a radiation formula from a previously-described cosmological model (Wåhlin, 1981), we obtain a black-body temperature of 2.766 K.  相似文献   

In a closed expanding-contracting Universe, matter will be subject to an inward acceleration large enough to prevent perpetual expansion. A closed Universe must also perform a simple harmonic motion, which might consist either of one single cycle or of an infinite series of oscillations about a central point. It is the purpose of this study to find the rate ofa 0, the cosmic acceleration, from which the gravitational constantG can be determined. It will be shown from Ampère's equation and Planck's radiation law that it is possible to derivea 0=7.623×10–12 ms–2, a value which also conforms with the uncertainty principle. The relationship betweena 0 and electromagnetic radiation is based on the concept that charges (such as electrons) must emit radiation while accelerating. The rate ofa 0 yields a universal gravitational constant ofG=6.645×10–11 N m2 kg–2.  相似文献   

Several planets have recently been discovered around stars that are old and metal-poor, implying that these planets are also old, formed in the early Universe together with their hosts. The canonical theory suggests that the conditions for their formation could not have existed at such early epochs. In this paper we argue that the required conditions, such as sufficiently high dust-to-gas ratio, could in fact have existed in the early Universe immediately following the first episode of metal production in Pop. III stars, both in metal-enhanced and metal-deficient environments. Metal-rich regions may have existed in multiple isolated pockets of enriched and weakly-mixed gas close to the massive Pop. III stars. Observations of quasars at redshifts z~5, and gamma-ray bursts at z~6, show a very wide spread of metals in absorption from [X/H]??3 to ??0.5. This suggests that physical conditions in the metal-abundant clumps could have been similar to where protoplanets form today. However, planets could have formed even in low-metallicity environments, where formation of stars is expected to proceed due to lower opacity at higher densities. In such cases, the circumstellar accretion disks are expected to rotate faster than their high-metallicity analogues. This in turn can result in the enhancement of dust particles at the disk periphery, where they can coagulate and start forming planetesimals. In conditions with the low initial specific angular momentum of the cloud, radiation from the central protostar can act as a trigger to drive small-scale instabilities with typical masses in the Earth to Jupiter mass range. Discoveries of planets around old metal-poor stars (e.g. HIP 11952, [Fe/H]~?1.95, ~13 Gyr) show that planets did indeed form in the early Universe and this may require modification of our understanding of the physical processes that produce them. This work is an attempt to provide one such heuristic scenario for the physical basis for their existence.  相似文献   

Exact solutions of the gravitational field equations for a Bianchi type I anisotropic space-time, filled with a viscous cosmological fluid obeying an equation of state of the form p = , 0 1, are obtained. We investigate both the viscous Zeldovich ( = 1) and < 1 fluid cases, with constant and time varying (proportional to the mean Hubble factor) shear and bulk viscosity coefficients. It is shown that independently of the matter content, the equation of state and the time dependence of the shear and bulk viscosity coefficients, a viscous Bianchi type I universe experiences a transition to an inflationary era. Due to dissipative processes, the mean anisotropy and the shear of the Bianchi type I universe tend very rapidly to zero.  相似文献   

We present a calculation of the probability distribution of the invariant separation between the nucleation centers of colliding bubbles resulting from the decay of a false de Sitter space vacuum. We also discuss the probability of a collision with a `third' bubble. This study is motivated by the proposed `colliding bubble braneworld' scenario in which the value of Ω0 today is a function of this invariant. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Field equations in the presence of a perfect fluid distribution are obtained in a scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester (Phys. Lett. 113, 1985, 467) with the aid of Einstein–Rosen cylindrically symmetric metric. A static vacuum model and a non-static stiff fluid model are presented. The physical and geometrical properties of the stiff fluid model are studied.  相似文献   

Spatially homogeneous and isotropic Robertson-Walker model of the universe is studied in Barber's second self-creation theory of gravitation in the presence of perfect fluid by using gamma-law equation of state p =(-1). The parameter gamma varies continuously with cosmological time. Exact solutions of the field equations are obtained for inflationary period and radiation-dominated era by using the power law relation Rn-3 = B. Some physical properties of the models are also discussed.  相似文献   

I 24 Studying the Nature of Dark Energy with Galaxy Clusters I 50 Constraining Dark Energy via Baryon Acoustic Oscillations I 65 Constraining Dark Energy with Redshift Surveys I 103 Dark Energy: Necessity, Models and Expectations I 177 Searching for galaxy clusters through weak lensing, X‐rays and the SZ observations I 181 SNIa and Dark Energy  相似文献   

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