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牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)是我国北方沿海地区的重要经济养殖品种,目前已形成工厂化生产规模。随着养殖密度的增加以及海水污染程度的日益严重,养殖牙鲆出现了各种疾病(曲凌云等,2000; Mo Zhaolan et al.,2001).造成了巨大的经济损失。 1999~2000年,山东省荣成、威海、青岛胶南及黄岛地区养殖牙鲆大面积发病,疾病发生时间多在每年的6~11月.病鱼多为3~10月龄。本文作者对以上牙鲆发病地区进行了临床病症的调查,并进行了病原的分离和初步鉴定。  相似文献   

梁超  杨爱国  刘志鸿  周丽青  吴彪 《海洋科学》2011,35(11):108-113
运用多变量形态度量学分析方法对韩国统营、山东黄岛、山东蓬莱、江苏前三岛4 个地理区域的魁蚶(Scapharca broughtonii Schrenck)种群间的形态变异进行了研究。单因素方差分析(ANOVA)和Tukey 检验表明, 魁蚶不同地理种群表现出显著形态变异(P〈0.05)。聚类分析结果表明, 黄岛和前三岛...  相似文献   

介绍了青岛崂山沿海地区野生木本药用植物的种类、分布状况、用途及开花结果日期,为中药科研和应用提供科学依据.  相似文献   

山东是我国海岸线较长的省份之一,其海域及依托陆域自然环境条件优越,各种资源丰富,工农业基础雄厚,内联外引基础好,是山东省经济最发达的区域。近年来,整个半岛被国务院定为全国15个经济开放区之一,区内有青岛、烟台、威海3个开放城市及3个经济开发区。搞好该区的整体布局、行业布局和综合发展规划,将会使该区的经济得到持久、稳定的发展,这不仅对山东省,而且对沿海地区乃至更广的内陆腹地都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

山东半岛海岸带资源开发方面三个问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
因国家自然科学基金“山东海岸带陆海交互作用及人类活动的环境影响和生态效应”课题研究的需要,笔者于2003年7月进行了一次自潍坊、烟台、威海、青岛至日照的环山东半岛考察。感受到那里海洋经济的蓬勃发展对海岸带资源开发与环境保护方面的三个问题——海水入侵的防治、海港资源开发、沿海地区采砂与海岸侵蚀,产生了深远影响。前两个问题中,得到了正面的启发与教益,后一个问题中见到了负面的教训,值得今后海洋开发与管理工作者思考、探索。今陈述于后,希望得到交流和指正。考察中,潍坊、烟台、荣成等市委、市政府和港务局、山东海化集团等…  相似文献   

改革开放以来,山东省海洋水产业持续稳步发展。1997年,全省海洋水产品总产量535.9万吨,海洋水产业总产值447.7亿元,海洋水产业增加值215.6亿元。1996年。全省海水养殖面积16.16万公顷,产量259.7万吨,首次超过了海洋捕捞产量,实现了以养殖为主的重大战略转变。威海、烟台两个沿海地级市和荣成、长岛等16个沿海县(市、区)的渔业产值在大农业中居第一位,全省沿海地区年收入超千万元、利税超百万元的渔业公司有120多家,其中年收入过亿元、纯收益过千万元的公司有60多家,海洋渔业已成了“海上山东”的主要产业。  相似文献   

山东半岛沿海防护林与沙质海岸地貌变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山东半岛基岩沙质海岸北起胶莱河口 ,蜿蜒曲折 ,经烟台、青岛、日照等地 ,南达绣针河口 ,长2713km。这里的气候属于暖温带季风性气候 ,经常出现强风天气并伴随大浪。1烟台沿海防护林的发展山东半岛基岩沙质海岸带的森林 ,由于在历史上长期受到人类的砍伐和战争的破坏等原因 ,已所剩无几 ,除少数残疏林外 ,大部分为荒山、荒滩、秃岭。建国后 ,人民群众大规模地在泥沙质海岸上栽种海岸防护林 ,主要分布在日照、牟平、胶南、荣成、文登和蓬莱等地 ,主要树种是黑松、赤松、刺槐、紫穗槐和柽柳等 [1],其发展过程有3个。(1)垦殖期 :…  相似文献   

本文对湛江港近海19种代表性的经济鱼类和甲壳类、头足类、双壳类等经济水产品的肌肉或可食部分6种重金属(Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd,Cr和Ni)的含量进行了测定;同时还测定了部分鱼样的内脏、鳃、皮肤、骨骼等组织器官中的重金属含量。研究结果表明:重金属在不同种类水产品或鱼类不同组织器官中的分布不同;除甲壳类的Pb含量外,其余经济水产品的重金属含量均低于“海洋生物污染评价标准”;鱼类的Pb含量、甲壳类和双壳类的Pb,Cd,Ni和Zn含量则高于“人体消费卫生标准”  相似文献   

在山东青岛、威海和烟台近海海域的潮间带进行采样调查,共采取36株红藻样本,对其形态学特征进行了详细的观察.结果显示,所采集的样本在色泽、大小、形态、叶状体形状等外观上均有一定差异,但部分样本间差别并不明显.同时作者采用分子系统学的方法,从藻类样本中分离了rbcL基因片段,并进行了序列分析,利用 rbcL 基因建立了分子系统进化树,对样品间的亲缘关系及多样性进行了系统分析.结果表明,本研究采得的红藻样本有很好的多样性,分别与 GenBank 中已报道的红藻门中的16个属亲缘关系较近.在青岛、烟台和威海3个海域的红藻样本呈现不同的多样性,并且同一属的样品表现出很好的属内种间多样性.  相似文献   

在全球气候变化和人类活动加剧的背景下,赤潮、绿潮、褐潮、水母暴发和泥螺入侵等生态灾害已成为近年来海洋生态系统异常的主要表现形式。为科学管理和防治山东近岸海域生态灾害,文章汇总1999-2018年山东近岸海域典型生态灾害的特征和变化趋势。研究结果表明:赤潮是山东近岸海域最主要的生态灾害,研究期内共发生赤潮69起,累计面积为7 141 km2,发生海域主要集中在滨州-东营近岸、潍坊小清河口、莱州近岸、长岛近岸、烟台四十里湾、青岛胶州湾、威海乳山近岸和日照近岸,以夜光藻为主;自2007年以来,绿潮在我国南黄海海域每年均有发生,持续时间70余天,此外烟台套子湾、四十里湾和蓬莱近岸以及潍坊近岸等海域也相继发生绿潮,主要种类包括缘管浒苔、石莼、管浒苔和束生刚毛藻;褐潮是由抑食金球藻引起的生态灾害,山东近岸海域仅2011年和2012年有褐潮发生;水母暴发种主要包括海月水母、沙海蜇和白色霞水母,其中海月水母是山东半岛近岸海域种群数量最大、分布范围最广和暴发频率最高的种类;泥螺入侵是由于2001年的人为引种而导致的生物入侵灾害,近年来泥螺数量大幅减少,目前仅在滨州、东营和潍坊局部潮间带有少量分布。  相似文献   

双壳类分子生物标志物对海水重金属的响应评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋双壳类动物的组织和器官对微量重金属具有高富集能力,诱导机体内的某些分子生物标志物(molecular biomarkers,MBMs)发生变化,可用于指示海水中的重金属污染水平。近10年来,许多学者在双壳类MBMs对海水重金属的响应规律方面进行了研究,其中,金属硫蛋白(MTs)、热激蛋白70(HSP70)、抗氧化防御系统等受到了较多的关注。本文在介绍这些MBMs结构和功能的基础上,重点评述了各种MBMs对海水重金属的响应特征,并提出了影响双壳类MBMs应用于海水重金属监测的因素及进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

为了解黄河尾闾及近岸沉积物中重金属的污染特征,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定了黄河河道和河口48个样品中Cr、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb和As等6种重金属的含量,并对其分布和生态风险进行了评价。结果表明,黄河尾闾及近岸重金属的总含量沿河道至河口方向呈现先增加后降低再增加的趋势,至近岸B断面,As、Pb、Cd和Zn含量呈明显增加趋势,Cu和Cr含量增加幅度较小;黄河河口沉积物中重金属浓度明显高于河道沉积物中重金属的浓度。与我国其他流域相比,研究区域重金属含量处于较低水平。潜在生态风险评价结果表明,黄河尾闾及近岸沉积物6种重金属潜在生态风险系数从高到低依次为:CdAsPbZnCuCr,黄河尾闾及近岸沉积物的潜在生态风险主要由Cd和As引起,两者的贡献率分别为55.90%和29.54%,研究区域生态风险低,污染轻。研究结果将为黄河尾闾及近岸生态保护、环境管理和污染治理提供一定基础数据。  相似文献   

A survey of the holdfast fauna of Laminaria hyperborea was carried out at thirty-five sites around the UK, mostly along the North Sea and south coasts.Data from different age classes of holdfast from a polluted and unpolluted site indicate that volume of holdfast space is a most important measurement of sample size, a minimum size of sample being one litre and, preferably, three.Gradients of increased heavy metals were defined down the North Sea and west coasts and, by utilising measurements of kelp penetration, water clarity gradients were determined as increasing northwards on the west coast and both north and southwards on the North Sea coast from a point near Tyne and Wear county. Analysis of holdfast fauna showed numerous gradients of total numbers, species and diversity which correlate closely with the heavy metal and water clarity gradients, or with undetermined parameters analogous to latitude and longitude. Where there were increases of heavy metals or decreases of water clarity, various reciprocal relationships between suspension feeders and all other trophic groups were commonly observed. In the North Sea numbers of suspension feeders increased while numbers of all other trophic groups declined. On the west coast a heavy metal increase correlated with a decreasing species richness of all trophic categories except suspension feeders, while with total numbers only suspension feeders showed an increase. On the south coast transect neither gradient existed, and only here did all trophic categories covary, except at one very polluted site where the same reciprocal relationship was again indicated.In terms of species similarity the North Sea showed a greater pool of common species than occurred between sites of other regions and between North Sea sites with other regions, despite the widest range of heavy metal levels and wate clarity that existed there. Between-site similarity appeared to be much more dependent on geographical proximity than on the two measured environmental factors. It is suggested that effects of clarity-reduction can be measured by trophic analysis more successfully than by species presence or absence, and that changes of holdfast fauna along the North Sea coast are due largely to pollution.  相似文献   

以盐城海岸带为研究对象,分析了Cr,Cu,Fe,Mn,Ni,V,Zn,Co,Cd 9种重金属元素在二维空间分布的异质性,以及沿着经纬度方向的梯度变化,并通过主成分分析和元素区域背景值的分析,探讨重金属元素的可能来源.结果表明:自陆向海存在着逐渐减少的格局梯度,而在区域的北部分布着重金属元素的峰值;二维分析的结果表明,重...  相似文献   

The results of the U.S. Mussel Watch Monitoring Program for the period 1976–1978 for trace metals and artificial radionuclides in bivalves are presented. The substances analysed included Ag, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, Pb, 238Pu, 239+240Pu and 241Am. The analyses of organic substances will be presented elsewhere. The concentrations of these substances in the bivalves may reflect upwelling processes, anthropogenic inputs or natural levels. Off the California coast, mussels show markedly elevated Pu and Cd concentrations in coastal areas adjacent to the most intensive upwelling zones. Elevated levels of Pb, for example, are found in organisms living adjacent to highly urbanized places. The general patterns of distribution repeat themselves year after year at a given site. Thus, it is concluded that annual monitoring activities may not be necessary and that a frequency of sampling of several or so years may be more appropriate to identify pollution problems. Finally, national or regional baselines for metal concentrations in bivalves from unpolluted waters are proposed. National baselines for Pb in the west coast mussels of 1·0 parts 10?6 and for Ag in east coast mussels of 0·05 parts 10?6 are suggested.  相似文献   

The acute toxicity of seawater solutions of copper, zinc, lead, cadmium and mercury to two species of free-living marine nematodes was studied. Enoplus brevis (Bastian) is a euryhaline species inhabitating intertidal estuarinemud. The closely related Enoplus communis (Bastian) is stenohaline and may be found as a commensal in the byssus threads of seed mussels. Specimens of both species were collected from two sites on the Northeast coast of England showing different levels of pollution by heavy metals. Both species were more susceptible to copper, lead and mercury than to zinc and cadmium, but the order of toxicity of the metals changed with exposure concentration. The euryhaline species survived better than the strictly marine species and there is a suggestion that animals from a polluted site were more tolerant of elevated of heavy metals.  相似文献   

3种经济螺体内4种重金属元素含量及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以样品湿法消解消化法和火焰原子吸收光谱仪测定大口乳玉螺扁玉螺、亮螺的肌肉、肝脏、性腺3种器官组织中的As、Pb、Cd、Zn等4种金属元素的含量.分析不同种类的螺各器官重金属含量和重金属污染指数,评价各种螺的重金属污染反映其受污染程度和食用价值.结果表明:重金属在不同种类水产品不同组织器官中的分布不同;3种螺都受到了不同程度的重金属污染;3种螺的As都超过了“海洋生物污染评价标准”和“人体消费卫生标准”,其他的3种重金属含量也都不同程度地超过“两个标准”.  相似文献   

The “genetic erosion” hypothesis posits that heavy metal stress is related to a loss of genetic diversity at the population level. The genetic diversity of natural populations can, however, be affected by natural processes as well as by human impact. We studied the relationship between heavy metal bioaccumulation and genetic variability in the intertidal crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus. Tissue samples were collected from 40 individuals inhabiting four polluted and four unpolluted sites along the Tuscan coast (Mediterranean basin), and were examined for four heavy metals (arsenic, As, cadmium, Cd, lead, Pb, and copper, Cu). We also assessed the genetic variability of 235 crabs from the same localities using six microsatellite loci.Our results show that the bioaccumulation levels of these individuals accurately reflect the levels of pollution in their immediate environment, and that heavy metals accumulate more in the hepatopancreas than in the gills. Moreover, populations from polluted sites have significantly less genetic variability, measured as mean standardized d2, and a significantly lower percentage of unrelated individuals, than populations from unpolluted sites. This evidence supports the “genetic erosion” hypothesis for metal heavy exposure in natural environments.  相似文献   

A shallow water benthic sample from off the east coast of the Coromandel Peninsula contained compact shelly sand overlain by mud. The fauna, confined to the sand layer, consisted of infaunal bivalves dominated by Tawera spissa (Deshayes). The presence of dead or decaying bivalves only, indicates a heavy mortality in the community attributed to burial by the mud layer.  相似文献   

在广西近岸海域采集了36个站位的表层沉积物样品,测定了沉积物样品中Cu、Pb、Cd、Zn、Cr、Hg、As共7种重金属和DDTs、PCBs共2种持久性有机污染物的含量,分析了各检测因子的含量和分布特征,对沉积物中7种重金属和DDTs、PCBs进行了综合生态风险评价。结果表明:广西海域沉积物中重金属平均含量(×10-6,干重)顺序为Zn(49.4)>Cr(41.7)> Cu(21.5)>Pb(15.6)>As(9.1)>Cd(0.07)>Hg(0.026),持久性有机污染物平均含量(×10-9,干重)为PCBs(2.97)> DDTs(0.88),重金属、DDTs、PCBs所有站位含量平均值均低于一类标准,广西海域沉积物Cu、Pb、Cd、Zn、Cr、Hg、As、DDTs、PCBs总体含量水平较低;沉积物重金属潜在生态风险程度排序为Hg>As>Cd>Cu>Pb>Cr>Zn,36个监测站位的潜在生态风险指数RI平均值为19.51,广西海域总体潜在风险程度较轻,属低潜在生态风险,位于茅尾海和廉州湾的站位潜在生态风险较高,As和Cu为主要的潜在生态风险因子;沉积物中DDTs、PCBs的残留水平生态风险较低,但部分站位DDTs含量介于其相应的ERL和ERM之间。  相似文献   

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