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Estimating Variogram Uncertainty   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The variogram is central to any geostatistical survey, but the precision of a variogram estimated from sample data by the method of moments is unknown. It is important to be able to quantify variogram uncertainty to ensure that the variogram estimate is sufficiently accurate for kriging. In previous studies theoretical expressions have been derived to approximate uncertainty in both estimates of the experimental variogram and fitted variogram models. These expressions rely upon various statistical assumptions about the data and are largely untested. They express variogram uncertainty as functions of the sampling positions and the underlying variogram. Thus the expressions can be used to design efficient sampling schemes for estimating a particular variogram. Extensive simulation tests show that for a Gaussian variable with a known variogram, the expression for the uncertainty of the experimental variogram estimate is accurate. In practice however, the variogram of the variable is unknown and the fitted variogram model must be used instead. For sampling schemes of 100 points or more this has only a small effect on the accuracy of the uncertainty estimate. The theoretical expressions for the uncertainty of fitted variogram models generally overestimate the precision of fitted parameters. The uncertainty of the fitted parameters can be determined more accurately by simulating multiple experimental variograms and fitting variogram models to these. The tests emphasize the importance of distinguishing between the variogram of the field being surveyed and the variogram of the random process which generated the field. These variograms are not necessarily identical. Most studies of variogram uncertainty describe the uncertainty associated with the variogram of the random process. Generally however, it is the variogram of the field being surveyed which is of interest. For intensive sampling schemes, estimates of the field variogram are significantly more precise than estimates of the random process variogram. It is important, when designing efficient sampling schemes or fitting variogram models, that the appropriate expression for variogram uncertainty is applied.  相似文献   

The application of spectral simulation is gaining acceptance because it honors the spatial distribution of petrophysical properties, such as reservoir porosity and shale volume. While it has been widely assumed that spectral simulation will reproduce the mean and variance of the important properties such as the observed net/gross ratio or global average of porosity, this paper shows the traditional way of implementing spectral simulation yields a mean and variance that deviates from the observed mean and variance. Some corrections (shift and rescale) could be applied to generate geologic models yielding the observed mean and variance; however, this correction implicitly rescales the input variogram model, so the variogram resulting from the generated cases has a higher sill than the input variogram model. Therefore, the spectral simulation algorithm cannot build geologic models honoring the desired mean, variance, and variogram model simultaneously, which is contrary to the widely accepted assumption that spectral simulation can reproduce all the target statistics. However, by using Fourier transform just once to generate values at all the cells instead of visiting each cell sequentially, spectral simulation does reproduce the observed variogram better than sequential Gaussian simulation. That is, the variograms calculated from the generated geologic models show smaller fluctuations around the target variogram. The larger the generated model size relative to the variogram range, the smaller the observed fluctuations.  相似文献   

Is the ocean floor a fractal?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The topographic structure of the ocean bottom is investigated at different scales of resolution to answer the question: Can the seafloor be described as a fractal process? Methods from geostatistics, the theory of regionalized variables, are used to analyze the spatial structure of the ocean floor at different scales of resolution. The key to the analysis is the variogram criterion: Self-similarity of a stochastic process implies self-similarity of its variogram. The criterion is derived and proved here: it also is valid for special cases of self-affinity (in a sense adequate for topography). It has been proposed that seafloor topography can be simulated as a fractal (an object of Hausdorff dimension strictly larger than its topological dimension), having scaling properties (self-similarity or self-affinity). The objective of this study is to compare the implications of these concepts with observations of the seafloor. The analyses are based on SEABEAM bathymetric data from the East Pacific Rise at 13°N/104°W and at 9°N/104°W and use tracks that run both across the ridge crest and along the ridge flank. In the geostatistical evaluation, the data are considered as a stochastic process. The spatial continuity of this process is described by variograms that are calculated for different scales and directions. Applications of the variogram criterion to scale-dependent variogram models yields the following results: Although the seafloor may be a fractal in the sense of the definition involving the Hausdorff dimension, it is not self-similar, nor self-affine (in the given sense). Mathematical models of scale-dependent spatial structures are presented, and their relationship to geologic processes such as ridge evolution, crust formation, and sedimentation is discussed.  相似文献   

Construction of predictive reservoir models invariably involves interpretation and interpolation between limited available data and adoption of imperfect modeling assumptions that introduce significant subjectivity and uncertainty into the modeling process. In particular, uncertainty in the geologic continuity model can significantly degrade the quality of fluid displacement patterns and predictive modeling outcomes. Here, we address a standing challenge in flow model calibration under uncertainty in geologic continuity by developing an adaptive sparse representation formulation for prior model identification (PMI) during model calibration. We develop a flow-data-driven sparsity-promoting inversion to discriminate against distinct prior geologic continuity models (e.g., variograms). Realizations of reservoir properties from each geologic continuity model are used to generate sparse geologic dictionaries that compactly represent models from each respective prior. For inversion initially the same number of elements from each prior dictionary is used to construct a diverse geologic dictionary that reflects a wide range of variability and uncertainty in the prior continuity. The inversion is formulated as a sparse reconstruction problem that inverts the flow data to identify and linearly combine the relevant elements from the large and diverse set of geologic dictionary elements to reconstruct the solution. We develop an adaptive sparse reconstruction algorithm in which, at every iteration, the contribution of each dictionary to the solution is monitored to replace irrelevant (insignificant) elements with more geologically relevant (significant) elements to improve the solution quality. Several numerical examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach for identification of geologic continuity in practical model calibration problems where the uncertainty in the prior geologic continuity model can lead to biased inversion results and prediction.  相似文献   

The topographic structure of the ocean bottom is investigated at different scales of resolution to answer the question: Can the seafloor be described as a fractal process? Methods from geostatistics, the theory of regionalized variables, are used to analyze the spatial structure of the ocean floor at different scales of resolution. The key to the analysis is the variogram criterion: Self-similarity of a stochastic process implies self-similarity of its variogram. The criterion is derived and proved here: it also is valid for special cases of self-affinity (in a sense adequate for topography). It has been proposed that seafloor topography can be simulated as a fractal (an object of Hausdorff dimension strictly larger than its topological dimension), having scaling properties (self-similarity or self-affinity). The objective of this study is to compare the implications of these concepts with observations of the seafloor. The analyses are based on SEABEAM bathymetric data from the East Pacific Rise at 13°N/104°W and at 9°N/104°W and use tracks that run both across the ridge crest and along the ridge flank. In the geostatistical evaluation, the data are considered as a stochastic process. The spatial continuity of this process is described by variograms that are calculated for different scales and directions. Applications of the variogram criterion to scale-dependent variogram models yields the following results: Although the seafloor may be a fractal in the sense of the definition involving the Hausdorff dimension, it is not self-similar, nor self-affine (in the given sense). Mathematical models of scale-dependent spatial structures are presented, and their relationship to geologic processes such as ridge evolution, crust formation, and sedimentation is discussed.  相似文献   

The variogram is a critical input to geostatistical studies: (1) it is a tool to investigate and quantify the spatial variability of the phenomenon under study, and (2) most geostatistical estimation or simulation algorithms require an analytical variogram model, which they will reproduce with statistical fluctuations. In the construction of numerical models, the variogram reflects some of our understanding of the geometry and continuity of the variable, and can have a very important impact on predictions from such numerical models. The principles of variogram modeling are developed and illustrated with a number of practical examples. A three-dimensional interpretation of the variogram is necessary to fully describe geologic continuity. Directional continuity must be described simultaneously to be consistent with principles of geological deposition and for a legitimate measure of spatial variability for geostatistical modeling algorithms. Interpretation principles are discussed in detail. Variograms are modeled with particular functions for reasons of mathematical consistency. Used correctly, such variogram models account for the experimental data, geological interpretation, and analogue information. The steps in this essential data integration exercise are described in detail through the introduction of a rigorous methodology.  相似文献   

Teacher''s Aide Variogram Interpretation and Modeling   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The variogram is a critical input to geostatistical studies: (1) it is a tool to investigate and quantify the spatial variability of the phenomenon under study, and (2) most geostatistical estimation or simulation algorithms require an analytical variogram model, which they will reproduce with statistical fluctuations. In the construction of numerical models, the variogram reflects some of our understanding of the geometry and continuity of the variable, and can have a very important impact on predictions from such numerical models. The principles of variogram modeling are developed and illustrated with a number of practical examples. A three-dimensional interpretation of the variogram is necessary to fully describe geologic continuity. Directional continuity must be described simultaneously to be consistent with principles of geological deposition and for a legitimate measure of spatial variability for geostatistical modeling algorithms. Interpretation principles are discussed in detail. Variograms are modeled with particular functions for reasons of mathematical consistency. Used correctly, such variogram models account for the experimental data, geological interpretation, and analogue information. The steps in this essential data integration exercise are described in detail through the introduction of a rigorous methodology.  相似文献   

When concerned with spatial data, it is not unusual to observe a nonstationarity of the mean. This nonstationarity may be modeled through linear models and the fitting of variograms or covariance functions performed on residuals. Although it usually is accepted by authors that a bias is present if residuals are used, its importance is rarely assessed. In this paper, an expression of the variogram and the covariance function is developed to determine the expected bias. It is shown that the magnitude of the bias depends on the sampling configuration, the importance of the dependence between observations, the number of parameters used to model the mean, and the number of data. The applications of the expression are twofold. The first one is to evaluate a priori the importance of the bias which is expected when a residuals-based variogram model is used for a given configuration and a hypothetical data dependence. The second one is to extend the weighted least-squares method to fit the variogram and to obtain an unbiased estimate of the variogram. Two case studies show that the bias can be negligible or larger than 20%. The residual-based sample variogram underestimates the total variance of the process but the nugget variance may be overestimated.  相似文献   

Common variogram models, such as spherical or exponential functions, increase monotonically with increasing lag distance. On the other hand, a hole-effect variogram typically exhibits sinusoidal waves that form peaks and troughs, thereby conveying the cyclicity of the underlying phenomenon. In order to incorporate this cyclicity into a stochastic simulation, hole effects in the experimental variogram must be fitted appropriately. In this paper, we recommend use of several multiplicative-composite variogram models to fit hole-effect experimental variograms. These consist of a cosine function to provide wavelength and phase of cyclicity, multiplied by a monotonic model (e.g., spherical) to attenuate amplitudes of the cyclical peaks and troughs. These composite models can successfully fit experimental lithology-indicator variograms that contain a range of cyclicities, although experimental variograms with poor cyclicity require special considerations.  相似文献   

Common variogram models, such as spherical or exponential functions, increase monotonically with increasing lag distance. On the other hand, a hole-effect variogram typically exhibits sinusoidal waves that form peaks and troughs, thereby conveying the cyclicity of the underlying phenomenon. In order to incorporate this cyclicity into a stochastic simulation, hole effects in the experimental variogram must be fitted appropriately. In this paper, we recommend use of several multiplicative-composite variogram models to fit hole-effect experimental variograms. These consist of a cosine function to provide wavelength and phase of cyclicity, multiplied by a monotonic model (e.g., spherical) to attenuate amplitudes of the cyclical peaks and troughs. These composite models can successfully fit experimental lithology-indicator variograms that contain a range of cyclicities, although experimental variograms with poor cyclicity require special considerations.  相似文献   

Design-based sampling strategies based on classical sampling theory offer unprecedented potentials for estimation of non-ergodic variograms. Unbiased and uncorrelated estimates of the semivariance at the selected lags and of its sampling variance can be simply obtained. These estimates are robust against deviations from an assumed spatial autocorrelation model. The same holds for the variogram model parameters and their sampling (co)variances. Moreover, an objective measure for lack of fit of the fitted model can simply be derived. The estimators for two basic sampling designs, simple random sampling and stratified simple random sampling of pairs of points, are presented. The first has been tested in real world for estimating the non-ergodic variograms of three soil properties. The parameters of variogram models and their sampling (co)variances were estimated with 72 pairs of points distributed over six lags.  相似文献   

Although there are multiple methods for modeling matrix covariance functions and matrix variograms in the geostatistical literature, the linear coregionalization model is still widely used. In particular it is easy to check to ensure whether the matrix covariance function is positive definite or that the matrix variogram is conditionally negative definite. One of the difficulties in using a linear coregionalization model is in determining the number of basic structures and the corresponding covariance functions or variograms. In this paper, a new procedure is given for identifying the basic structures of the space–time linear coregionalization model and modeling the matrix variogram. This procedure is based on the near simultaneous diagonalization of the sample matrix variograms computed for a set of spatiotemporal lags. A case study using a multivariate spatiotemporal data set provided by the Environmental Protection Agency of Lombardy, Italy, illustrates how nearly simultaneous diagonalization of the empirical matrix variograms simplifies modeling of the matrix variograms. The new methodology is compared with a previous one by analyzing various indices and statistics.  相似文献   

Covariance and variogram functions have been extensively studied in Euclidean space. In this article, we investigate the validity of commonly used covariance and variogram functions on the sphere. In particular, we show that the spherical and exponential models, as well as power variograms with 0<α≤1, are valid on the sphere. However, two Radon transforms of the exponential model, Cauchy model, the hole-effect model and power variograms with 1<α≤2 are not valid on the sphere. A table that summarizes the validity of commonly used covariance and variogram functions on the sphere is provided.  相似文献   

Variograms of Order ω: A Tool to Validate a Bivariate Distribution Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The multigaussian model is used in mining geostatistics to simulate the spatial distribution of grades or to estimate the recoverable reserves of an ore deposit. Checking the suitability of such model to the available data often constitutes a critical step of the geostatistical study. In general, the marginal distribution is not a problem because the data can be transformed to normal scores, so the check is usually restricted to the bivariate distributions. In this work, several tests for diagnosing the two-point normality of a set of Gaussian data are reviewed and commented. An additional criterion is proposed, based on the comparison between the usual variogram and the variograms of lower order: the latter are defined as half the mean absolute increments of the attribute raised to a power between 0 and 2. This criterion is then extended to other bivariate models, namely the bigamma, Hermitian and Laguerrian models. The concepts are illustrated on two real data-sets. Finally, some conditions to ensure the internal consistency of the variogram under a given model are given.  相似文献   

Variograms calculated from binary variables, such as from two lithologies, tend to show sinusoidal forms with decreasing amplitudes for increasing lag distances. This cyclicity is observed often when analyzing drill-hole data for rock sequences with alternating lithologies, and the variograms are thus labeled “hole-effect variograms.” Such variograms show a variety of forms: (1) Low to moderate variation in lithologic-body dimensions causes variograms to have strong cyclicity with decaying amplitude. (2) Variograms with one or more peaks and troughs usually result from a binary variable for which lithologies are about equally abundant but possibly large variations exist in the size of lithologic bodies. (3) Variograms show poor cyclicity if one lithology has highly variable body sizes and the other has moderately variable body dimensions. (4) Variograms that attain a plateau at short lag distances represent extremely high or low sandstone fraction, high variability in size of the most abundant lithology, and low variability in the other. Information about the dimensions of lithologic bodies makes it possible to approximate characteristics of the variogram of the lithology variable without numerous wells. Conversely, a hole-effect variogram of lithology may be used to estimate lithologic dimensions.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we propose a new method for the estimation of the variogram, which combines robustness with efficiency under intrinsic stationary geostatistical processes. The method starts by using a robust estimator to obtain discrete estimates of the variogram and control atypical observations that may exist. When the number of points used in the fit of a model is the same as the number of parameters, ordinary least squares and generalized least squares are asymptotically equivalent. Therefore, the next step is to fit the variogram by ordinary least squares, using just a few discrete estimates. The procedure is then repeated several times with different subsets of points and this produces a sequence of variogram estimates. The final estimate is the median of the multiple estimates of the variogram parameters. The suggested estimator will be called multiple variograms estimator. This procedure assures a global robust estimator, which is more efficient than other robust proposals. Under the assumed dependence structure, we prove that the multiple variograms estimator is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. A simulation study confirms that the new method has several advantages when compared with other current methods.  相似文献   

Characteristic behavior and order relations for indicator variograms   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Heuristic models for indicator variograms and their parameters (practical nugget effect and range) are proposed for a bivariate normal distribution with spherical correlogram. These models can be used conveniently as a preliminary check for bivariate normality. In the general non-Gaussian case, indicator variogram models for multiple threshold values must verify a certain number of order relations (inequalities) established directly from the properties of a general bivariate cumulative distribution function. An interesting, little-known maximum hole effect for indicator correlation is pointed out.  相似文献   

Kriging with imprecise (fuzzy) variograms. I: Theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Imprecise variogram parameters are modeled with fuzzy set theory. The fit of a variogram model to experimental variograms is often subjective. The accuracy of the fit is modeled with imprecise variogram parameters. Measurement data often are insufficient to create good experimental variograms. In this case, prior knowledge and experience can contribute to determination of the variogram model parameters. A methodology for kriging with imprecise variogram parameters is developed. Both kriged values and estimation variances are calculated as fuzzy numbers and characterized by their membership functions. Besides estimation variance, the membership functions are used to create another uncertainty measure. This measure depends on both homogeneity and configuration of the data.  相似文献   

Understanding Anisotropy Computations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The theory of mononodal variography developed in the preceeding paper is checked against a simulated deposit consisting of 60,500 grade values, called Stanford II. In the case of this deposit at least, assumptions underlying the concept of mononodal variography are borne out accurately. In particular, a linear relationship does exist indeed between indicator and grade variogram values of Stanford II at corresponding lags. Furthermore, such grade-indicator plots, and the information deduced from them, are robust under reduction of data at the mononodal cutoff. The method thus has predictive potential for grade variograms of highly variant deposits. Forecasting a grade variogram from the associated mononodal indicator variogram and grade-indicator plot is illustrated. Agreement with the experimental variogram is shown to be excellent.  相似文献   

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