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This study concludes that the elongation axis (K 1) of the ellipsoid of anisotropic magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is a suitable proxy for flow axis in ashflow tuffs. 153 oriented samples (176 specimens) were studied from 18 sites in the 1.1 Ma Tshirege member of the Bandelier Tuff. These sites are distributed around the Valles caldera at distances of 5–25 km outside of the rim.K 1 axes correlate well with postulated radial flow axes at 13 sites.K 1 also agrees with measured geological flow indicators, mainly imbricated larger clasts, at 7 sites. At 2 of the 5 sites where significant disagreement is seen between theoretical radial flow directions and measuredK 1 axes, theK 1 axes correspond well with geological flow indicators, indicating that the divergence of flow from the predicted radial flow pattern is real. Two major topographic buttresses are suggested as the cause of flow divergence for the Tshirege ash flows: the San Pedro buttress northwest of the caldera, and the San Miguel buttress in the southeast. In situK 1 axes plunge about 7° toward the source at two-thirds of the sites; therefore the plunge ofK 1 is a plausible in situ indicator for thedirection of flow. Multiple flow zones in sections of several meters thickness indicate changes of flow direction that are both rapid and large during ash-flow emplacement. These observations raisre the question of how best to represent mean flow directions in ash-flow sheets: by eigenvector methods, by vector-sum methods, or by modes. A method for measuring imbrication of larger clasts using apparent dips in vertical joints is outlined. Imbrication, determined in this way at one-third of the sites, dips toward the source, i.e., up-flow. The minimum (K 3) axis of the AMS ellipsoid correlates with the flow foliation rather than with the larger clast imbrication. The flow axes of ash flows correspond with theK 1 axes, not with the declination ofK 3 axes as suggested by some authors. Initial dip of the sampled ash flows is not large and does not affect the paleomagnetic remanence direction, which is reversed with a mean ofD=173.5°,I=-38.4°, 95=3.4°N=18. This mean is not different at the 95% confidence level from that of earlier workers. The mean pole, at 098.0°E, 74.8°N,A 95=3.3°,N=18, is about 15° far-sided relative to the expected time-averaged geomagnetic pole, suggesting a history of emplacement too short to adequately average secular variation.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of the middle Tertiary Bloodgood Canyon and Shelley Peak Tuffs of the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field has been used to (1) evaluate the ability of AMS to constrain flow lineations in low-susceptibility ash-flow tuffs; (2) establish a correlation between magnetic fabric, magnetic mineralogy, tuff facies, and characteristics of the depositional setting; and (3) constrain source locations of the tuffs. The tuffs are associated with the overlapping Bursum caldera and Gila Cliff Dwellings basin. The high-silica Bloodgood Canyon Tuff fills the Gila Cliff Dwellings basin and occurs as thin outcrops outside of the basin. The older Shelley Peak Tuff occurs as thin outcrops both along the boundary between the two structures, and outside of the complex. AMS data were collected from 16 sites of Bloodgood Canyon Tuff basin fill, 19 sites of Bloodgood Canyon Tuff outflow, and 11 sites of Shelley Peak Tuff. Sites were classified on the basis of within-site clustering of orientations of principal susceptibility axes, based on the categories of Knight et al. (1986). Most microscopically visible oxide minerals in the Bloodgood Canyon Tuff outflow and basin fill, and in the Shelley Peak Tuff are members of the hematite-ilmenite solid solution series. However, IRM acquisition data indicate that Bloodgood Canyon Tuff basin fill and Shelley Peak Tuff have magnetic mineralogy dominated by single- or pseudo-single-domain magnetite, and that the magnetic mineralogy of the Bloodgood Canyon Tuff outflow is dominated by hematite. Hematite in Bloodgood Canyon Tuff outflow is likely to be the result of deuteric and/or low-temperature alteration of magnetite and iron silicate minerals. Bulk magnetic susceptibility is higher in magnetite-dominated ash-flow tuff (Bloodgood Canyon Tuff basin fill and Shelley Peak Tuff) than it is in hematite-dominated ash-flow tuff (Bloodgood Canyon Tuff outflow). Bloodgood Canyon Tuff outflow has the highest total anisotropy (H) of the three units, followed by Shelley Peak Tuff and Bloodgood Canyon Tuff basin fill. All three ash-flow tuffs are genearlly characterized by oblate susceptibility ellipsoids, with those of the Bloodgood Canyon Tuff basin fill nearest to spherical. At high values of total anisotropy, Shelley Peak Tuff susceptibility ellipsoids attain a prolate shape; those of Bloodgood Canyon Tuff outflow attain an increasingly oblate shape. Three factors may influence differences in total anisotropy and susceptibility ellipsoid shape: (1) ash which travelled the greatest distance before deposition may show the best development of magnetic fabric, particularly of magnetic lineation; (2) deposition of ash in a closed basin may inhibit laminar flow throughout the sheet and the resulting development of flow textures; and (3) replacement of magnetite and iron silicates preferentially oriented within the foliation plane by hematite with strong crystalline anisotropy may enhance the magnetic susceptibility within that plane. Scatter in AMS axis orientation within sites may result from: (1) greater orientation inaccuracy in block-sampled than in fielddrilled samples; (2) rheomorphism; and (3) low accuracy of AMS measurement in low-susceptibility ashflow tuffs. Evaluation of flow lineation based on AMS of sites with well-clustered K 1 axes indicates that (1) Bloodgood Canyon Tuff basin fill flowed along a generally northwest-southeast azimuth; (2) Shelley Peak Tuff located on the boundary of the Bursum caldera and the Gila Cliff Dwellings basin flowed along a nearly east-west azimuth; and (3) Bloodgood Canyon Tuff outflow sites have K 1 susceptibility axes generally radial to the Bursum-Gila Cliff Dwellings complex, but within-site scatter of K 1 orientations is generally too large to draw conclusions about flow lineation orientation. Limited petrographic work on pilot thin sections adds flow direction information to AMS-derived flow lineation information.  相似文献   

 Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and characteristic remanence were measured for 45 sites in the 0.76 Ma Bishop tuff, eastern California. Thirty-three sites were sampled in three stratigraphic sections, two in Owens gorge south of Long Valley caldera, and the third in the Adobe lobe north of Long Valley. The remaining 12 sites are widely distributed, but of limited stratigraphic extent. Weakly indurated, highly porous to dense, welded ash-flow tuffs were sampled. Saturation magnetization vs temperature experiments indicate two principal iron oxide phases: low Ti magnetites with 525–570  °C Curie temperatures, and maghemite with 610°–640  °C Curie temperatures. AF demagnetization spectra of isothermal remanent magnetizations are indicative of magnetite/maghemite predominantly in the multidomain to pseudo-single domain size ranges. Remeasurement of AMS after application of saturating direct fields indicates that randomly oriented single-domain grains are also present. The degree of anisotropy is only a few percent, typical of tuffs. The AMS ellipsoids are oblate with Kmin axes normal to subhorizontal foliation and Kmax axes regionally aligned with published source vents. For 12 of 16 locality means, Kmax axes plunge sourceward, confirming previous observations regarding flow sense. Topographic control on flow emplacement is indicated by the distribution of tuff deposits and by flow directions inferred from Kmax axes. Deposition east of the Benton range occurred by flow around the south end of the range and through two gaps (Benton notch and Chidago gap). Flow down Mammoth pass of the Sierra Nevada is also evident. At least some of the Adobe lobe in the northeast flowed around the west end of Glass mountain. Eastward flow directions in the upper Owens gorge and southeast directions in the lower Owens gorge are parallel to the present canyon, suggesting that the present drainage has been established along the pre-Bishop paleodrainage. Characteristic remanence directions from 45 sites (267 samples) yield an overall mean of D=348°, I=53° for the Bishop tuff. A correlation is found in two of the three profiles between density and remanence inclination. A mean remanence direction based on 13 localities together with data from uncompacted xenoliths and data from the ash-fall tuff at Lake Tecopa is: D=353°, I=54°, k=172, α95=2.9°, N=15. Received: 11 July 1995 / Accepted: 29 February 1996  相似文献   

We present the distribution of226Ra in eight vertical profiles from the eastern Pacific. The profiles are located along a meridional trend near 125°W, from 43°S to 29°N. Surface226Ra concentrations are about 7 dpm/100 kg, except for the two stations south of 30°S where the higher values are due to the Antarctic influence. Deep waters show a distinctive south-to-north increase in the226Ra content, from about 26 to 41 dpm/100 kg near the bottom. Unlike in the Atlantic and Antarctic Oceans, the effect of226Ra injection from bottom sediments is clearly discernible in the area. The presence of this primary226Ra can be traced up to at least 1–1.5 km above the ocean floor, making this part of the sea bed among the strongest source regions for the oceanic226Ra. Numerical solutions of a two-dimensional vertical advection-diffusion model applied to the deep (1.2–4 km)226Ra data give the following set of best fits: upwelling velocity(Vz) = 3.5m/yr, vertical eddy diffusivity(Kz) = 0.6cm2/s, horizontal (north-south) eddy diffusivity(Ky) = 1 × 107cm2/s, and water-column regeneration flux of226Ra(J) = 3.3 × 10?5dpmkg?1yr?1 as an upper limit. These parametric values are in general agreement with one-dimensional (vertical) model fits for the Ra-Ba system. However, consideration of226Ra balance leads us to suspect the appropriateness of describing the vertical exchange processes in the eastern Pacific with constantVz and Kz. If future modeling is attempted, it may be preferable to treat the area as a diffusion-dominant mixing regime with depth-dependent diffusivities.  相似文献   

It is shown that the youngest (~40000 14C years BP) caldera of the Opala caldera complex, the Opala IV, was formed by a catastrophic explosive supereruption, the largest in Kamchatka during the last 50000 years of the seven dated similar-type eruptions that occurred during the Late Pleistocene paroxysm of explosive volcanism. It is thought that the ejected volume was on the order of 250 km3 of pyroclastic material. A smaller part of it went to form pumice-rich pyroclastic flows, with the greater part being transported as tephra. The principal axis of the ash fallout was oriented NNE (azimuth ~30°) where the tephra thickness was 20–30 cm at a distance of 300–320 km from the eruptive center. The uncontaminated juvenile material is rhyolite, the concentration of SiO2 was 75–76%, the total alkali content 7.3–8.3%, and the K2O/Na2O ratio 0.83–0.96. It was concluded that no such eruption can occur in the Opala caldera complex in the future for hundreds or thousands of years.  相似文献   

The 10-km diameter Mule Creek caldera is the youngest felsic eruptive center in the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field of southwestern New Mexico. The caldera forms a topographic basin surrounded by a raised rim. The caldera wall is well displayed on the south and west sides of the structure where it dips 20–30 degrees toward the center of the basin. Mudflow breccia fills the caldera and is banked up against the caldera wall. Post-caldera porphyritic quartz latite domes and flows crop out along the ring-fracture zone. The caldera is superimposed upon an older volcanic complex of flow-banded rhyolite and porphyritic andesite lava. The Mule Creek caldera probably originated by explosive eruption of about 10 km3 of pumice and ash, in part preserved in the matrix of the mudflow breccia. Periods of explosive volcanism during the deposition of mudflow breccia are documented by tuffaceous beds interbedded with the breccia. A thin rhyolite ash-flow sheet originated in the caldera and overlies the mudflow breccia. The youngest felsic rocks around the caldera are (1) domes and flows of crystal-rich porphyritic quartz latite of variable mineralogy, interpreted as a defluidized magma, and (2) widespread crystal-poor, flow-banded rhyolite, dated at 18.6 m.y., which is not directly related to the caldera sequence. The Mule Creek caldera and other volcanic features farther south represent the only documented overlap of felsic volcanism with early stages of Basin-Range tectonism in the Mogollon-Datil field.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to demonstrate the relationships among devitrification, vapor phase alteration, localization of gas emanations into fumarolic pipes, and initial deformation of the ash flow sheet during cooling and lithification. Utilizing a unique and temporary exposure of the Tshirege Member of the Bandelier Tuff near Los Alamos, New Mexico, we identify several zones of distinctly preserved fossil fumarolic activity. The fumarolic zones vary in width from a few centimeters to more than a meter. Almost ubiquitously, these zones demonstrate fines-depletion, induration of the margins, upward-flaring geometries, and intense fracturing of overlying geologic units. The fumaroles were preferentially located on post welding, early formed cooling joints that vented to the surface after the vapor phase alteration stage. The pipes were regularly spaced at distances of approximately 4.5?m (N–S) to 7?m (E–W). In turn the pipes were covered by a surge deposit and overlying tuff which rapidly lithified. The overlying tuff was then brecciated during continued fumarolic pipe emissions. Geochemical evaluations confirm the presence of high-temperature mineral (scapolite) indicative of transport of hot volcanic gases through these zones. The pipe centers and walls are depleted in SiO2, and enriched in Al2O3 and FeO. The overlying tuff breccia zones are enriched in Al2O3, FeO and MgO, and depleted in SiO2, NaO, and K2O. From comparison to other ignimbrite cooling histories, the fissures, fumaroles, and structures observed all likely formed in the first few decades after the deposition of the upper Tshirege subunits. This may have significant implications as to timing of initial cooling fractures and subsequent consolidation of gas emission pathways.  相似文献   

Some 50 oriented samples (120 specimens) have been collected on eight sites of volcanic rocks from the Lower Devonian Dalhousie Group of northern New Brunswick and Devonian andesitic to basic dykes from central New Brunswick. Univectorial and occasional multivectorial components were extracted from the various samples. Results after AF and thermal demagnetization compare relatively well. In the volcanics and tuffs, two components of magnetization have been isolated: A (D = 33°, I = ?58°, α95 = 7.3°, K = 236) for four sites and B (D = 66°, I = +53°) for three sites. The grouping of component A is improved after tilt correction but the fold test is not significantly positive at the 95% confidence level. Component A is interpreted as being primary while component B is unresolved and appears to be the resultant magnetization of a Late Paleozoic and a recent component. The pole position obtained for tilt corrected component A is 268°E, 1°S, dp = 6.5°, dm = 8.8°. The paleolatitude calculated for component A is 39°S. The paleopole of in situ component A is located close to those of the Early-Middle Devonian formations from Quebec, New Brunswick and New England states while the paleopole of tilt-corrected component A is similar to Lower Devonian poles of rock units from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. If component A is primary (as we believe it to be), then the western half of the northern Appalachians had already docked onto the North American Craton by Early Devonian time. Alternatively, if component A is secondary the same conclusion applies but the juxtaposition took place in Middle Devonian time.  相似文献   

Results of a systematic paleomagnetic study are reported based on Late Carboniferous to Early Permian sedimentary rocks on the north slope of the Tanggula Mountains,in the northern Qiangtang terrane(NQT),Tibet,China.Data revealed that magnetic minerals in limestone samples from the Zarigen Formation(CP^z)are primarily composed of magnetite,while those in sandstone samples from the Nuoribagaribao Formation(Pnr)are dominated by hematite alone,or hematite and magnetite in combination.Progressive thermal,or alternating field,demagnetization allowed us to isolate a stable high temperature component(HTC)in 127 specimens from 16 sites which successfully passed the conglomerate test,consistent with primary remnance.The tilt-corrected mean direction for Late Carboniferous to Early Permian rocks in the northern Qiangtang terrane is D_s=30.2°,I_s=-40.9°,k_s=269.0,a_(95)=2.3°,N=16,which yields a corresponding paleomagnetic pole at 25.7°N,241.5°E(dp/dm=2.8°/1.7°),and a paleolatitude of 23.4°S.Our results,together with previously reported paleomagnetic data,indicate that:(1)the NQT in Tibet,China,was located at a low latitude in the southern hemisphere,and may have belonged to the northern margin of Gondwana during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian;(2)the Paleo-Tethys Ocean was large during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian,and(3)the NQT subsequently moved rapidly northwards,perhaps related to the fact that the Paleo-Tethys Ocean was rapidly contracting from the Late Permian to Late Triassic while the Bangong Lake-Nujiang Ocean,the northern branch of the Neo-Tethys Ocean,expanded rapidly during this time.  相似文献   

Kaguyak Caldera lies in a remote corner of Katmai National Park, 375 km SW of Anchorage, Alaska. The 2.5-by-3-km caldera collapsed ~ 5.8 ± 0.2 ka (14C age) during emplacement of a radial apron of poorly pumiceous crystal-rich dacitic pyroclastic flows (61–67% SiO2). Proximal pumice-fall deposits are thin and sparsely preserved, but an oxidized coignimbrite ash is found as far as the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, 80 km southwest. Postcaldera events include filling the 150-m-deep caldera lake, emplacement of two intracaldera domes (61.5–64.5% SiO2), and phreatic ejection of lakefloor sediments onto the caldera rim. CO2 and H2S bubble up through the lake, weakly but widely. Geochemical analyses (n = 148), including pre-and post-caldera lavas (53–74% SiO2), define one of the lowest-K arc suites in Alaska. The precaldera edifice was not a stratocone but was, instead, nine contiguous but discrete clusters of lava domes, themselves stacks of rhyolite to basalt exogenous lobes and flows. Four extracaldera clusters are mid-to-late Pleistocene, but the other five are younger than 60 ka, were truncated by the collapse, and now make up the steep inner walls. The climactic ignimbrite was preceded by ~ 200 years by radial emplacement of a 100-m-thick sheet of block-rich glassy lava breccia (62–65.5% SiO2). Filling the notches between the truncated dome clusters, the breccia now makes up three segments of the steep caldera wall, which beheads gullies incised into the breccia deposit prior to caldera formation. They were probably shed by a large lava dome extruding where the lake is today.  相似文献   

An earthquake ofM S=6.9 occurred at the Gonghe, Qinghai Province, China on April 26, 1990. Three larger aftershocks took place at the same region,M S=5.5 on May 7, 1990,M S=6.0 on Jan. 3, 1994 andM S=5.7 on Feb. 16, 1994. The long-period recordings of the main shock from China Digital Seismograph Network (CD-SN) are deconvolved for the source time functions by the correspondent recordings of the three aftershocks as empirical Green’s functions (EGFs). No matter which aftershock is taken as EGF, the relative source time functions (RSTFs) obtained are nearly identical. The RSTFs suggest theM S=6.9 event consists of at least two subevents with approximately equal size whose occurrence times are about 30 s apart, the first one has a duration of 12 s and a rise time of about 5 s, and the second one has a duration of 17 s and a rise time of about 8 s. Comparing the RSTFs obtained from P- and SH-phases respectively, we notice that those from SH-phases are a slightly more complex than those from P-phases, implying other finer subevents exist during the process of the main shock. It is interesting that the results from the EGF deconvolution of long-period wavform data are in good agreement with the results from the moment tensor inversion and from the EGF deconvolution of broadband waveform data. Additionally, the two larger aftershocks are deconvolved for their RSTFs. The deconvolution results show that the processes of theM S=6.0 event on Jan. 3, 1994 and theM S=5.7 event on Feb. 16, 1994 are quite simple, both RSTFs are single impulses. The RSTFs of theM S=6.9 main shock obtained from different stations are noticed to be azimuthally dependent, whose shapes are a slightly different with different stations. However, the RSTFs of the two smaller aftershocks are not azimuthally dependent. The integrations of RSTFs over the processes are quite close to each other, i. e., the scalar seismic moments estimated from different stations are in good agreement. Finally the scalar seismic moments of the three aftershocks are compared. The relative scalar seismic moment of the three aftershocks deduced from the relative scalar seismic moments of theM S=6.9 main shock are very close to those inverted directly from the EGF deconvolution. The relative scalar seismic moment of theM S=6.9 main shock calculated using the three aftershocks as EGF are 22 (theM S=6.0 aftershock being EGF), 26 (theM S=5.7 aftershock being EGF) and 66 (theM S=5.5 aftershock being EGF), respectively. Deducing from those results, the relative scalar sesimic moments of theM S=6.0 to theM S=5.7 events, theM S=6.0 to theM S=5.5 events and theM S=5.7 to theM S=5.5 events are 1.18, 3.00 and 2.54, respectively. The correspondent relative scalar seismic moments calculated directly from the waveform recordings are 1.15, 3.43, and 3.05.  相似文献   

The Christmas Mountains caldera complex developed approximately 42 Ma ago over an elliptical (8×5 km) laccolithic dome that formed during emplacement of the caldera magma body. Rocks of the caldera complex consist of tuffs, lavas, and volcaniclastic deposits, divided into five sequences. Three of the sequences contain major ash-flow tuffs whose eruption led to collapse of four calderas, all 1–1.5 km in diameter, over the dome. The oldest caldera-related rocks are sparsely porphyritic, rhyolitic, air-fall and ash-flow tuffs that record formation and collapse of a Plinian-type eruption column. Eruption of these tuffs induced collapse of a wedge along the western margin of the dome. A second, more abundantly porphyritic tuff led to collapse of a second caldera that partly overlapped the first. The last major eruptions were abundantly porphyritic, peralkaline quartz-trachyte ash-flow tuffs that ponded within two calderas over the crest of the dome. The tuffs are interbedded with coarse breccias that resulted from failure of the caldera walls. The Christmas Mountains caldera complex and two similar structures in Trans-Pecos Texas constitute a newly recognized caldera type, here termed a laccocaldera. They differ from more conventional calderas by having developed over thin laccolithic magma chambers rather than more deep-seated bodies, by their extreme precaldera doming and by their small size. However, they are similar to other calderas in having initial Plinian-type air-fall eruption followed by column collapse and ash-flow generation, multiple cycles of eruption, contemporaneous eruption and collapse, apparent pistonlike subsidence of the calderas, and compositional zoning within the magma chamber. Laccocalderas could occur else-where, particularly in alkalic magma belts in areas of undeformed sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Peralkaline silicic welded ash-flow tuffs differ characteristically in a number of properties from most calc-alkaline welded tuffs, due to their generally lower viscosity and higher temperatures. For example, individual cooling units are relatively small (less than 30 m thick, less than 5 km3 in volume); rocks can be thoroughly welded and crystallized to feldspar, quartz, and mafic minerals; several primary deformational structures (e.g. lineations, stretching of pumice, folds, ramp structures) indicate late stage laminar creep, resulting from the low yield strength of the nearly homogeneous glass of very low viscosity. Theoretical considerations also suggest that peralkaline melts are of low viscosity and high temperature, as inferred from,e.g., their chemical composition (high iron- and alkali-, and low alumina-concentrations). The low viscosity may also be due to trapping of volatiles. Absence or paucity of OH-bearing phenocryst phases, paucity of pyroclastic rocks, other than ash flow tuffs, formed from highly explosive eruptions, and apparently high crystallization temperatures, indicate that peralkaline silicic magmas are comparatively dry. The common occurrence of peralkaline ash-flow tuffs may be due to an increased water content of the magmas, resulting also in amphibole phenocrysts in some welded tuffs, or to specific volcanotectonic conditions. Ash flows of peralkaline composition move as particularly dense particulate flows. This type of flowage and the very rapid welding of the low viscosity glass lead to a high degree of homogenization of the fine glass shards. This in turn inhibits complete degassing of the collapsing ash flow. Semiclosed systems result where gas overpressures can develop and where volatiles play an important role by fluxing crystallization and transporting dissolved matter. Several types of vesicles can form under these conditions: (a) Spherical vesicles within collapsed ash and pumice particles formed after deposition of the ash flow. (b) Round or irregular vesicles transsecting pyroclastic particles, vesicle sheets, and large cavities, several m in diameter, may form in a largely homogenized ash-flow tuff beneath tightly welded layers. (c) Lensoid cavities formed during granophyric crystallization of large pumice particles. Small ash particles of peralkaline composition may assume spherical shapes due to their low viscosity and in some cases, expansion of bubbles. They form during transport and are preserved under low load pressure in the top part of cooling units. Globule lavas and most froth flows are interpreted as welded ash-flow tuffs, some of their unusual features being due to their peralkaline composition.  相似文献   

At three sample sites where there are good exposures of the upper 15 m of the 1912 ash-flow sheet in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes (VTTS), Alaska, 18O/16O studies indicate that fumarolic activity produced a very wide range of δ18O values (?0.1 to +12.6; n=32) in the groundmass adjacent to fossil fissure fumaroles. This contrasts sharply with the uniformity of δ18O in the groundmass away from fumarolic conduits (δ18O=+5.9 to +7.1; n=7) and in all of the feldspar phenocrysts (δ18O=+6.11 to +7.5 1 for 11 samples from this study and Hildreth 1987), independent of whether these were collected from fossil fumaroles or from unaltered tuff. Only one sample contained feldspars that were even slightly 18O-enriched relative to the others (cloudy plagioclase δ18O=+8.45). and this sample also contained the most 180-enriched groundmass of any of those analyzed (δ18O=+12.6). This preservation of primary magmatic δ18O values in the VTTS feldspar phenocrysts is clearly a consequence of the extremely short time span (i.e., 1912 to ≈1923) of vigorous, high-temperature, fumarolic activity in the 1912 ash-flow sheet. These 18O/l6O systematica are strikingly similar to those discovered in the 2.8-Ma intracaldera Chegem Tuff (Gazis et al. 1996) and in the fossil fumaroles in the outflow sheet of the 0.76 Ma Bishop Tuff (Holt and Taylor 1998), thus confirming that a similar type of fumarolic meteoric-hydro-thermal activity occurred above the zone of intense welding in all three of these ash-flow tuffs. This is particularly important, because it provides a direct linkage between the older tuffs and the actual observations at the VTTS of steam chemistry, water/rock interaction, circulation geometry, flow velocities, and fumarolic temperatures (up to 645°C). The 18O/l6O effects in the VTTS can all be explained in terms of a two-stage history: (a) an early, 10- to 15-year-long, high-temperature (τ;450°C), fumarolic 18O-depletion event (groundmass δ18O=?0.1 to +4.8); and (b) a subsequent, much longer-lived, low-temperature (<150°C), 18O-enrichment episode (groundmass as high as δ18O=+12.6). Steam in these low-temperature fumaroles probably passed through various parts of the same hydrothermal system associated with the earlier, higher-temperature, fumarolic activity, and a weakened form of this low-temperature hydrothermal circulation continues to the present day (Keith et al. 1992; Lowell and Keith 1991). This low-temperature 18O/16O exchange probably occurred in combination with mineralogical alteration of both the groundmass and the calcium-rich portions of feldspar phenocrysts during the waning (<150°C) stages of fumarolic activity (Spilde et al. 1993). The slight 18O enrichment of apparently pristine, transparent feldspar phenocrysts (δ18O=+7.51) in one of the 18O-depleted, meteoric-hydrothermally altered fumarolic samples (whole-rock δ18O=+4.8) probably indicates that this sample was incipiently altered at low temperatures as fumarolic activity waned, and thus may have had a whole-rock δ18O value much lower than +4.87‰ prior to 1923.  相似文献   

Detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Green Tuff of Pantelleria shows that this formation can be divided into several members designateda throughh from base to top. These members have a coherent pattern when traced from outcrop to outcrop throughout the island shedding light on their origin. Only memberg completely mantles the entire island. The distribution of the other members is controlled by prevailing wind direction or by topography. Membera is entirely of fall origin. Membersc ande are of fall and/or surge type. Membersb,d, andh have the characteristics of thin welded ash-flow tuffs. Membersf andg are ash-flow tuffs with textural characteristics of compound cooling units. Most of the ash-flow tuffs exhibit characteristics of ignimbrites: vertical fluidization pipes, local concentrations of lithic lapilli, imbrication of clasts, and valley ponding. Memberg is unusual in that it is highly-welded, exhibits large-scale rheomorphic structures, contains huge lithic clasts, and has near-vertical foliation where it adheres to cliffs and caldera walls.Granulometric data from the members identified in the field as ignimbrites confirms this conclusion, as do density profiles through the various members.  相似文献   

From Middle-Upper Jurassic volcanics at the western margin of the Maranha?o Basin (6.4°S, 47.4°W) 15 sites (121 samples) have a mean magnetization directionD = 3.9°,I = ?17.9° withα95 = 9.3°,k = 17.9 after AF cleaning (all sites have normal polarity). This yields a pole (named SAJ2) at 85.3°N, 82.5°E (A95 = 6.9°) which is near to the other known Middle Jurassic South American pole. For 21 sites (190 samples) from Lower Cretaceous basalt intrusions from the eastern part of the Maranha?o Basin (6.5°S, 42°W) the mean direction isD = 174.7°,I = +6.0° withα95 = 2.8°,k = 122 (all sites have reversed polarity) yielding a pole (SAK9) at 83.6°N, 261°E (A95 = 1.9°) in agreement with other Lower Cretaceous pole positions for South America. Comparing Mesozoic pole positions for South America and Africa in the pre-drift configuration after Bullard et al. [13] one finds a significant difference (with more than 95% probability) for the Lower Cretaceous and Middle Jurassic poles and also a probable difference for the mean Triassic poles indicating a small but probably stationary separation of the two continents from the predrift position in the Mesozoic until Lower Cretaceous time which may be due to an early rifting event.  相似文献   

Water and nutrient fluxes were studied during a 12-month period in an alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides) forest, located in a remote site at the Cordillera de la Costa (40°05′S) in southern Chile. Measurements of precipitation, throughfall, stemflow, effective precipitation, soil infiltration and stream flow were carried out in an experimental, small watershed. Simultaneously, monthly water samples were collected to determine the concentrations and transport of organic-N, NO3-N, total-P, K+, Ca2+, Na+ and Mg2+ in all levels of forest. Concentration of organic-N, NO3-N, total-P and K+ showed a clear pattern of enrichment in the throughfall, stemflow, effective precipitation and soil infiltration. For Ca2+ and Mg2+, enrichment was observed in the effective precipitation, soil infiltration and stream flow. Annual transport of K+, Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ showed that the amounts exported from the forest via stream flow (K+=0·95, Na+=32·44, Ca2+=8·76 and Mg2+=7·16 kg ha−1 yr−1) are less than the inputs via precipitation (K+=6·39, Na+=40·99, Ca2+=15·13 and Mg2+=7·61 kg ha−1 yr−1). The amounts of organic-N and NO3-N exported via stream flow (organic-N=1·04 and No3-N=3·06 kg ha−1 yr−1) were relatively small; however, they represented greater amounts than the inputs via precipitation (organic-N=0·74 and NO3-N=0·97 kg ha−1 yr−1), because of the great contribution of this element in the superficial soil horizon, where the processes of decomposition of organic material, mineralization and immobilization of the nutrients occurs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deep-sea sediments in the Panama Basin-Carnegie Ridge area contain biogenic material, detrital carbonate, mineral clay and volcanic ash layers. Ash layer “L” of Bowles et al. (1973) is correlated mineralogically and by the physical property of glass shards through sixteen cores. Isopachs and grain-size analyses of the ash layer indicate that it originated in Colombia or Ecuador, and was carried by easterly winds. The distribution of the ash and of mica percentage in the ash form a W-shaped pattern opening towards the west. This suggests that two branches of the Cromwell current, one moving along the equator and one along 3°S, had a significant influence on the distribution of the ash.CaCO3 content has been measured down thirteen cores and oxygen isotope content of benthonic Foraminifera obtained in two. Two cores penetrate theStylatractus universus extinction datum. Ash “L” fell 230,000 years ago during the cold substage 7b of isotope stage 7. Deposition rates vary between 2.5 and 6 cm/1000 yr and show no relationship with bottom topography or proximity to land.  相似文献   

Tanna island is part of a large volcanic complex mainly subsided below sea-level. On-land, two series of hydroclastic deposits and ignimbrites overlie the subaerial remains of a basal, mainly effusive volcano. The ‘Older’ Tanna Ignimbrite series (OTI), Late Pliocene or Pleistocene in age, consists of ash flows and ash- and scoria-flow deposits associated with fallout tephra layers, overlain by indurated pumice-flow deposits. Phreatomagmatic features are a constant characteristic of these tuffs. The ‘younger’ Late Pleistocene pyroclastics, the Siwi sequence, show basal phreatomagmatic deposits overlain by two successive flow units, each comprising a densely welded layer and a nonwelded ash-flow deposit. Whole-rock analyses of 17 juvenile clasts from the two sequences (vitric blocks from the phreatomagmatic deposits, welded blocks, scoriaceous bombs and pumices from the ignimbrites) show basaltic andesite and andesite compositions (SiO2=53–60%). In addition, 296 microprobe analyses of glasses in these clasts show a wide compositional range from 51 to 69% SiO2. Dominant compositions at ∼54, 56, 58.5 and 61–62% SiO2 characterize the glass from the OTI. Glass compositions in the lower – phreatomagmatic – deposits from the Siwi sequence also show multimodal distribution, with peaks at SiO2=55, 57.5, 61–62 and 64% whereas the upper ignimbrite has a predominant composition at 61–62% SiO2. In both cases, mineralogical data and crystal fractionation models suggest that these compositions represent the magmatic signature of a voluminous layered chamber, the compositional gradient of which is the result of fractional crystallization. During two major eruptive stages, probably related to two caldera collapses, the OTI and Siwi ignimbrites represent large outpourings from these magmatic reservoirs. The successive eruptive dynamics, from phreatomagmatic to Plinian, emphasize the role of water in initiating the eruptions, without which the mafic and intermediate magmas probably would not have erupted. Received: February 19, 1993/Accepted October 10, 1993  相似文献   

The source parameters of the Bohai Sea earthquake, July 18, 1969 and Yongshan, Yunnan earthquake, May 11, 1974 were determined by full — wave theory synthetic seismograms of teleseismic P waves. P+pP+sP wereform were calculated with WKBJ approximation and real integral paths. One — dimensional unilateral, finite propagation source was also considered. By trail — and — error in comparing the theoretical seismograms with the observational ones of WWSSN stations, the source parameters were obtained as follow: for Bohai earthquake, φ=195°, δ=85°, λ=65°,M o=0.9×1019Nm,L=59.9km.V R=3.5km/s, ∧ R =160°; for Yongshan earthquake, φ=240°, δ=80°, ∧=150°,M o=1.3×1018Nm,L=48.8km,V R=3km/s, ∧ R =−10°, where φ is strike, δ dip angle, λ slip angle,M o seismic moment,L rupture length,V R rupture propagation speed. As III type fractures the faulting propagated along the fault planes, and ∧ R is the angle from the strike to the propagation direction. Yongshan earthquake showed complexity in its focal process, having four sub—ruptures during the first 60 seconds. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 1–8, 1991.  相似文献   

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