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The XMM-Newton X-ray observatory was launched at the end of 1999 and it is still successfully operated. In addition to the X-ray instruments, the payload carries a small telescope, the Optical Monitor, which provides simultaneous imaging and spectroscopic observations in the optical and UV ranges. In this report we review the status of the OM and its main achievements after 10 years of operations. We also introduce the XMM-OM Serendipitous Ultra-violet Source Survey (SUSS) Catalogue.  相似文献   

Marginal short-period contact binaries are important to understand as they pose a different physical scenario than the predicted theoretical model based on the thermal relaxation oscillation mechanism due to their shallow degree of contact.Here we present the optical and X-ray studies of a contact binary source RW Dor using the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite(TESS) and XMM-Newton telescopes.For the first time we report the varying O’Connell effect and explain the asymmetry with a spot mode...  相似文献   

The understanding of high-energy astrophysical sources often depends on observations over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Yet, extensive multifrequency observing campaigns can consume the resources of a large number of telescopes, including ground-based and satellite facilities, and usually involve large, unwieldy consortia of observers. Because most X-ray sources are variable on a short time-scale, there is an additional need to make the multifrequency observations simultaneous. The logistical difficulties involved in coordinating these observations, coupled with the vagaries of the weather at ground-based observing sites, mean that comparatively few such coordinated campaigns are attempted; of those that have been tried the success rate for achieving simultaneity is low.In the present paper we argue that simultaneous X-ray, optical and ultraviolet observations could be achieved more logically, cheaply, and effectively by mounting a small boresighted optical/UV-telescope alongside future X-ray telescopes. A 12 optical/UV monitor could, for instance, be incorporated into X-ray facilities such as the American AXAF or the European XMM missions with minimal impact on the total cost, weight, size, and telemetry requirements. Such a telescope, equipped with a position sensitive photoncounting detector, could provide two-dimensional photometric imaging of stars as faint asB=23.5 in a 1000 s exposure with a resolution that could easily be matched to that of the X-ray telescope. A series of wide- and narrow-band filters could be used to define spectral bands, while wide-field, low-resolution spectroscopy could be provided by a prism. Such an instrument could monitor not only the multifrequency variability of such active sources as quasars, Seyfert galaxies, BL Lac objects, X-ray binaries, cataclysmic variables, RS CVn stars, and flare stars, but also could provide astrometry, broadband colours, low-resolution spectroscopy, and imaging of constant sources and fortuitously observed field objects. Moreover, the concept of providing multifrequency simultaneous coverage of astrophysical objects in an unbiased way allows new phenomena to be discovered. A review is given of the scientific problems that require such a monitor, and some of the design and performance characteristics of a suitable monitor are discussed.  相似文献   

Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) onboard AstroSat is an Xray sky monitor in the soft X-ray band designed with a large field of view to detect and locate transient X-ray sources and alert the astronomical community about interesting phenomena in the X-ray sky. SSM comprises position sensitive proportional counters with 1D coded mask for imaging. There are three detector units mounted on a platform capable of rotation which helps covering about 50% of the sky in one full rotation. This paper discusses the elaborate details of the instrument and few immediate results from the instrument after launch.  相似文献   

The Stellar Imager (SI) is a space-based, UV/Optical Interferometer (UVOI) designed to enable 0.1 milli-arcsecond (mas) spectral imaging of stellar surfaces and of the Universe in general. It will also probe via asteroseismology flows and structures in stellar interiors. SI’s science focuses on the role of magnetism in the Universe and will revolutionize our understanding of the formation of planetary systems, of the habitability and climatology of distant planets, and of many magneto-hydrodynamically controlled processes, such as accretion, in the Universe. The ultra-sharp images of SI will revolutionize our view of many dynamic astrophysical processes by transforming point sources into extended sources, and snapshots into evolving views. SI is a “Flagship and Landmark Discovery Mission” in the 2005 Heliophysics Roadmap and a potential implementation of the UVOI in the 2006 Science Program for NASA’s Astronomy and Physics Division. We present here the science goals of the SI Mission, a mission architecture that could meet those goals, and the technology development needed to enable this mission. Additional information on SI can be found at: http://hires.gsfc.nasa.gov/si/.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2000,44(7-9):503-510
AGNs with narrow Balmer lines show various extreme properties. In particular, rapid X-ray variability, steep X-ray spectra, peculiar optical and UV line ratios, and possibly peculiar line profiles. Since all these phenomena occur together they are likely to be related to one specific underlying physical parameter. I review recent evidence, based on HST imaging of low z quasars, which suggests that the Hβ line width and continuum luminosity of quasars provide a reasonably accurate estimate of the black hole mass. This implies that narrow-line AGN have relatively low black hole masses, and thus high L/LEdd, as independently suggested based on their steep X-ray spectra. I present additional evidence suggesting that the X-ray variability and the radio loudness are primarily driven by the black hole mass. The high mass inflow rate into the core of narrow-line AGNs may produce a denser and more enriched BLR, a high column radiation pressure driven outflow, and a smaller illumination angle for the NLR, as suggested by the observed emission line properties. Narrow-line AGNs may thus provide important clues for understanding the rich overall phenomenology of AGNs.  相似文献   

We present an overview of recent X-ray observations of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars with XMM-Newton and Chandra. These observations are aimed at determining the differences in X-ray properties between massive WR + OB binary systems and putatively single WR stars. A new XMM spectrum of the nearby WN8 + OB binary WR 147 shows hard absorbed X-ray emission (including the Fe Kα line complex), characteristic of colliding wind shock sources. In contrast, sensitive observations of four of the closest known single WC (carbon-rich) WR stars have yielded only non-detections. These results tentatively suggest that single WC stars are X-ray quiet. The presence of a companion may thus be an essential factor in elevating the X-ray emission of WC + OB stars to detectable levels.  相似文献   

We present the results of Chandra and XMM-Newton observations for six hard X-ray sources (IGR J12134-6015, IGR J18293-1213, IGR J18219-1347, IGR J17350-2045, IGR J18048-1455, XTE J1901+014) from the INTEGRAL all-sky survey. Based on these observations, we have improved significantly the localization accuracy of the objects and, therefore, have managed to identify their optical counterparts. Using data from the publicly available 2MASS and UKIDSS infrared sky surveys as well as data from the SOFI/NTT telescope (European Southern Observatory), we have determined the magnitudes of the optical counterparts, estimated their types and (in some cases) the distances to the program objects. A triplet of iron lines with energies of 6.4, 6.7, and 6.9 keV has been detected in the X-ray spectrum of IGR J18048-1455; together with the detection of pulsations with a period of ~1440 s from this source, this has allowed it to be classified as a cataclysmic variable, most likely an intermediate polar. In addition, broadband X-ray spectra of IGR J12134-6015 and IGR J17350-2045 in combination with infrared and radio observations suggest an extragalactic nature of these objects. The source IGR J18219-1347 presumably belongs to the class of high-mass X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Solar-B satellite (Hinode) is designed to perform high-precision photometric and polarimetric observations of the Sun in visible light spectra (388 – 668 nm) with a spatial resolution of 0.2 – 0.3 arcsec. The SOT consists of two optically separable components: the Optical Telescope Assembly (OTA), consisting of a 50-cm aperture Gregorian with a collimating lens unit and an active tip-tilt mirror, and an accompanying Focal Plane Package (FPP), housing two filtergraphs and a spectro-polarimeter. The optomechanical and optothermal performance of the OTA is crucial to attain unprecedented high-quality solar observations. We describe in detail the instrument design and expected stable diffraction-limited on-orbit performance of the OTA, the largest state-of-the-art solar telescope yet flown in space.  相似文献   

XMM-Newton is the direct precursor of the future ESA ATHENA mission. A study of its particle-induced background provides therefore significant insight for the ATHENA mission design. We make use of ~12 years of data, products from the third XMM-Newton catalog as well as FP7 EXTraS project to avoid celestial sources contamination and to disentangle the different components of the XMM-Newton particle-induced background. Within the ESA R&D AREMBES collaboration, we built new analysis pipelines to study the different components of this background: this covers time behavior as well as spectral and spatial characteristics.  相似文献   

The High Energy Transient Experiment (HETE), scheduled for launch this year, is a small satellite dedicated to multiwavelength observations of -ray and X-ray bursts. The HETE spacecraft will be equipped with gamma-ray detectors, X-ray detectors with a coded mask, and ultraviolet-sensitive CCD cameras. The UV cameras on HETE are wide-field imagers which will a) provide UV images of the regions in which -ray or X-ray bursts are detected, before, duringand after the burst, b) detect UV transients, whether associated with a high-energy transient or not, c) monitor the brightnesses of field stars for variability over a wide range of timescales, and d) serve as star trackers for HETE. In this poster, we describe the HETE UV instrumentation, control software, and data products.  相似文献   

We report on our analysis of two XMM-Newton observations of the Vela pulsar performed in December 2000 (total exposure time: 96.5 ks). We succeeded in resolving the pulsar spectrum from the surrounding bright nebular emission taking advantage both of the accurate calibration of the EPIC point spread function and of the Chandra/HRC surface brightness map of the nebula. This made it possible to assess to pulsar spectral shape disentangling its thermal and non-thermal components. Exploiting the photon harvest, we have also been able to perform a phase-resolved study of the pulsar emission.   相似文献   

The High-Energy Transient Experiment (HETE) is designed for the multiwavelengths study of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) in UV, X-ray and gamma-ray range with three scientific instruments. The X-ray instrument, Wide-field X-ray Monitor (WXM), consists of four units of one-dimensional position sensitive gas proportional counters and two perpendicularly oriented one-dimensional coded apertures. The WXM has a wide FOV of 1.5 steradian together with the capability to locate GRBs with 10 arcmin accuracy, and covers photon energies of 2 to 25 keV with an energy resolution of typically 18 % at 6 keV, measuring wide band spectra together with the gamma-ray spectrometer (FREGATE). The coded X-ray image will be deconvolved on board and the GRB location will be provided to the UV camera within 1 sec . GRB locations will also be broadcast in real time to ground-based observers for follow-up observations.  相似文献   

The optical photometric evolution of the final helium flash object V4334 Sgr from 1994 to 2001 is described. The rise to optical maximum (1994–1996) is characterized by a continuous increase of colour indices, indicating a slowly expanding, cooling pseudo-photosphere. This photosphere became stationary in 1997. In the following years, the object underwent brightnessdeclines of increasing strength, which are similar in character to the `reddeclines' of RCB stars. The fading of V4334 Sgr is more dramatic than anybrightness decline of an RCB star: at present, only 10-5 of the visual light reaches the observer. Most short-wavelength radiation is absorbed by a dust envelopethat completely surrounds the star, and is re-radiated in the infrared. The sparse optical data of 2000–2001 show that the obscuration has not increased in strength any more. The light curve of V4334 Sgr is similar to that of the final helium flash object V605 Aql which erupted in 1919.  相似文献   

In March 2019 the first dedicated of optical observation of space debris and artificial satellites (Optical Satellites Tracking Station (OSTS)) in Egypt has been performed by National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) at Kottamia Observatory. The 0.28 m Telescope is used for tracking and surveying debris and operational satellites at Low Earth Orbit (LEO), High ellipse orbit (HEO) and the Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO). OSTS has also collaborated with International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) for optical observation. The necessary programs to control the telescope, camera and monitoring process are configured. Coordinate corrected metric data is provided with the time information. The system has validated and calibrated processing. The first results of the observations with image processing using Apex-2 software are presented. The optical observations using OSTS are being used to help characterize the debris environment in LEO, HEO and GEO to assist in the modeling projections for space debris database, real population and distribution, detection and orbital determination, and conjunction analysis between operational satellites and/or dangers debris.  相似文献   

The new black hole candidate XTE J1817-330, discovered on 26 January 2006 with RXTE, was observed with XMM-Newton and INTEGRAL in February and March 2006, respectively. The X-ray spectrum is dominated by the thermal emission of the accretion disk in the soft band, with a low absorption column density (N H=1.77(±0.01)×1021 cm−2) and a maximum disk temperature kT max=0.68(±0.01) keV, plus a power law component, with the photon index decreasing from 2.66±0.02 to 1.98±0.07 between the two observations. Several interstellar absorption lines are detected in the X-ray spectrum, corresponding to O I, O II, O III, O VII and Fe XXIV. We constrain the distance to the system to be in the range 1–5 kpc.   相似文献   

The “Fast X-ray Monitor” (BRM) instrument operated in the complex of the scientific instruments onboard the CORONAS-PHOTON satellite from February 19, 2009, until December 1, 2009. The instrument is intended for the registration of the hard X-ray radiation of solar flares in the 20–600 keV energy range in six differential energy channels (20–30, 30–40, 40–50, 50–70, 70–130, and 130–600 keV) with temporal resolution to 1 ms. In the instrument, a detector based on the YAP: Ce scintillator is used; this detector is 70 mm in diameter and 10 mm thick (the decay time is about 28 ns). For the decrease of the back-ground charge of the detector, the collimator limiting the angle of view of the instrument of value 12° is mounted over the scintillator. The effective area of the detector amounts to 27.7 cm2 (at the X-ray radiation energy 80 keV), and the dead time of the detector is 1 μs. Over the operation onboard the CORONAS-PHOTON satellite, the BRM instrument has registered gamma ray burst series and, perhaps, one solar flare of the class C1.3 on October 26, 2009.  相似文献   

The Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) is the first space-borne visible-light telescope that enables us to observe magnetic-field dynamics in the solar lower atmosphere with 0.2 – 0.3 arcsec spatial resolution under extremely stable (seeing-free) conditions. To achieve precise measurements of the polarization with diffraction-limited images, stable pointing of the telescope (<0.09 arcsec, 3σ) is required for solar images exposed on the focal plane CCD detectors. SOT has an image stabilization system that uses image displacements calculated from correlation tracking of solar granules to control a piezo-driven tip-tilt mirror. The system minimizes the motions of images for frequencies lower than 14 Hz while the satellite and telescope structural design damps microvibration in higher frequency ranges. It has been confirmed from the data taken on orbit that the remaining jitter is less than 0.03 arcsec (3σ) on the Sun. This excellent performance makes a major contribution to successful precise polarimetric measurements with 0.2 – 0.3 arcsec resolution. K. Kobayashi now at NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL 35812, USA.  相似文献   

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