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Laura Kerber  James W. Head 《Icarus》2010,206(2):669-684
The Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF), covering about 2.1 × 106 km2 (with an estimated volume of 1.4 × 106 km3) and straddling the equatorial region of Mars east of Tharsis, has historically been mapped and dated as Amazonian in age. Analysis of the MFF using a range of new observations from recent mission data at multiple resolutions reveals evidence that the formation is older than previously hypothesized, with parts of the MFF having formed in the Hesperian and parts having been reworked and reformed throughout the Amazonian, up to the present. Ancient outcroppings of the MFF, edged with jagged yardangs, became a “mold” for embaying Hesperian-aged lavas. The erosion of the MFF left solidified lava “casts” in the embaying lava unit. This lava edge morphology permits the identification of ancient contacts between the MFF and Hesperian-aged lava terrain. Additionally, the flanking fan of the Hesperian-aged Apollinaris Patera volcano embays the formation at its foot, indicating that parts of the MFF were formed in the Hesperian. Erosion has erased and inverted many of the superposed craters in the region, showing that very young Amazonian ages derived from impact crater size-frequency distributions are resurfacing ages, and not emplacement ages. We find abundant evidence that the formation is extremely mobile and continuously reworked. We conclude that a significant part of the MFF may have originally been emplaced in the Hesperian. These observations place new constraints on the mode of origin of the MFF.  相似文献   

The nature of strong martian crustal field sources is investigated by mapping and modeling of Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer data near Apollinaris Patera, a previously proposed volcanic source, supplemented by large-scale correlative studies. Regional mapping yields evidence for positive correlations of orbital anomalies with both Apollinaris Patera and Lucus Planum, a nearby probable extrusive pyroclastic flow deposit that is mapped as part of the Medusae Fossae Formation. Iterative forward modeling of the Apollinaris Patera magnetic anomaly assuming a source model consisting of one or more uniformly magnetized near-surface disks indicates that the source is centered approximately on the construct with a scale size several times larger and comparable to that of the Apollinaris Patera free-air gravity anomaly. A significantly lower rms deviation is obtained using a two-disk model that favors a concentration of magnetization near the construct itself. Estimates for the dipole moment per unit area of the Lucus Planum source together with maximum thicknesses of ∼3 km based on topographic and radar sounding data lead to an estimated minimum magnetization intensity of ∼50 A/m within the pyroclastic deposits. Intensities of this magnitude are similar to those obtained experimentally for Fe-rich Mars analog basalts that cooled in an oxidizing (high fO2) environment in the presence of a strong (?10 μT) surface field. Further evidence for the need for an oxidizing environment is provided by a broad spatial correlation of the locations of phyllosilicate exposures identified to date using Mars Express OMEGA data with areas containing strong crustal magnetic fields and valley networks in the Noachian-aged southern highlands. This indicates that the presence of liquid water, which is a major crustal oxidant, was an important factor in the formation of strong magnetic sources. The evidence discussed here for magnetic sources associated with relatively young volcanic units suggests that a martian dynamo existed during the late Noachian/early Hesperian, after the last major basin-forming impacts and the formation of the northern lowlands.  相似文献   

The form of erosional remnants of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) on Mars provide evidence of their development progression and implicate two spatially distinct environments in the equatorial regions of Mars. Ubiquitous yardangs are clearly the product of strong unidirectional winds acting over time on variably indurated deposits. Yardang orientation is used as a proxy to map regional and local wind direction at meso-scale resolution. In other, more limited areas not subjected to strong unidirectional winds, randomly oriented kilometer-scale mesas and buttes are found to be remnants of progressive cliff recession through mass wasting as support is lost from within the MFF lithology at its margins. The differing processes that dominate the formation of the distinctive landforms have implications for meso-scale variations in climate that remain unresolved by current modeling efforts. Additionally, the variability of erosional forms within the deposit emphasizes the overall complexity of this extensive formation.  相似文献   

A survey of THEMIS visible wavelength images in the Aeolis/Zephyria Plana region over the two western lobes of the equatorial Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) shows ∼150 sinuous ridges having a variety of morphologies and contexts. To systematize investigation, we use a classification scheme including both individual ridge and ridge network types, as well as associations with impact craters and fan-shaped features. The morphology of the ridges, their location downslope from higher topography (e.g., crater rims and scarps), and their association with fan-shaped forms indicate that most sinuous ridges formed through overland aqueous flow. Analysis of observations by individual ridge type leads to interpretation of most of these sinuous ridges as inverted fluvial channels or floodplains and a few as possible eskers, with the origin of the remaining ridges under continuing investigation. About 15% of the sinuous ridges are associated with impact craters, but data analysis does not support a genetic relationship between the craters and the sinuous ridges. Instead, analysis of one sinuous ridge network associated with a crater indicates that the water source for the network was atmospheric in origin, namely, precipitation runoff. The broad areal distribution of these ∼150 ridges and the network morphologies, in particular the branched and subparallel types, suggest that an atmospheric water source is generally applicable to the population of sinuous ridges as a whole. This concentration of sinuous ridges is the largest single population of such landforms on Mars and among the youngest. These ridges are situated at a paleoscarp between Cerberus Palus and the Aeolis highlands, suggesting that the precipitation that formed them was orographic in origin. The ages of the equatorial MFF units in which this population of sinuous ridges is found imply that this orographic rain and/or snow fell during some period from the late Hesperian through the middle Amazonian.  相似文献   

HiRISE images of the lower member of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) were used to identify characteristics of two specific landforms that are well expressed in this particular geologic unit; yardangs and sinuous ridges. Yardangs are wind-eroded ridges that are usually confined to arid environments where the bedrock materials can be easily eroded by windblown sand. Yardangs are common in the lower member of MFF, where many individual yardangs show evidence of a caprock unit overlying a more friable unit, most consistent with an ignimbrite origin for these MFF deposits. Heights of the yardangs in the lower member materials are generally less than a few tens of meters, in contrast to yardangs in the thicker middle member MFF materials to the east of the study area. The yardangs may form in materials comprised of discrete depositional units, and there is good evidence that at least a dozen such depositional events contributed to the emplacement of the lower member of MFF. The lower member yardang heights indicate aeolian erosion has removed at least 19,000 km3 of lower member MFF materials. Sinuous ridges are elongate, positive-relief landforms that have been attributed to a variety of possible fluvial flow processes on Mars. Sinuous ridges are very common within exposures of the lower member of MFF. Multiple ridge types are present, but all forms seen at HiRISE scale are most consistent with some form of aqueous channel flow rather than other possible origins. The results from this initial examination of HiRISE images indicate the potential utility of comparing yardangs and sinuous ridges in the lower member to other members of MFF, although it remains to be determined if sinuous ridges are abundant in the younger MFF members.  相似文献   

The SHARAD (shallow radar) sounding radar on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter detects subsurface reflections in the eastern and western parts of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF). The radar waves penetrate up to 580 m of the MFF and detect clear subsurface interfaces in two locations: west MFF between 150 and 155° E and east MFF between 209 and 213° E. Analysis of SHARAD radargrams suggests that the real part of the permittivity is ∼3.0, which falls within the range of permittivity values inferred from MARSIS data for thicker parts of the MFF. The SHARAD data cannot uniquely determine the composition of the MFF material, but the low permittivity implies that the upper few hundred meters of the MFF material has a high porosity. One possibility is that the MFF is comprised of low-density welded or interlocked pyroclastic deposits that are capable of sustaining the steep-sided yardangs and ridges seen in imagery. The SHARAD surface echo power across the MFF is low relative to typical martian plains, and completely disappears in parts of the east MFF that correspond to the radar-dark Stealth region. These areas are extremely rough at centimeter to meter scales, and the lack of echo power is most likely due to a combination of surface roughness and a low near-surface permittivity that reduces the echo strength from any locally flat regions. There is also no radar evidence for internal layering in any of the SHARAD data for the MFF, despite the fact that tens-of-meters scale layering is apparent in infrared and visible wavelength images of nearby areas. These interfaces may not be detected in SHARAD data if their permittivity contrasts are low, or if the layers are discontinuous. The lack of closely spaced internal radar reflectors suggests that the MFF is not an equatorial analog to the current martian polar deposits, which show clear evidence of multiple internal layers in SHARAD data.  相似文献   

The Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) is an extensive deposit (2.2 × 106 km2, Bradley, B.A., Sakimoto, S.E.H., Frey, H., Zimbelman, J.R. [2002]. J. Geophys. Res. 107, 5058) of wind-eroded material of widely debated origin, which unconformably overlies a considerable area of the crustal dichotomy boundary on Mars. The MFF shows a variety of layering patterns, erosional styles and channel-like forms and has been mapped into five main outcrops and three geological members according to exposure and stratigraphy (Scott, D.H., Tanaka, K.L., 1986. USGS Map I-1802-A; Greeley, R., Guest, J.E., 1987. Map I-1802-B; Zimbelman, J.R., Crown, D., Jenson, D., 1996. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXVII. Abstract #1748.). Away from the three main lobes are numerous outliers of MFF materials. These have mainly been reported in the northern lowlands regions (Keszthelyi, L., Jaeger, W.L., and HiRISE team, 2008. Lunar Planet. Sci. XXXIX. Abstract #2420.) but few studies have examined the possibility of MFF outliers on high ground south of the dichotomy boundary. We have searched Mars Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle (MOC NA) images for outliers in this region. Our observations show that there are many MFF outliers on the southern highlands. The characteristics of the outliers indicate materials which overlie the underlying terrain for they appear widely in dips, craters and topographic lows. The surfaces are typified by yardang fields and have a similar patchy and discontinuous nature to materials of the upper member of the MFF. Most have consistent lineation orientations across the wider area which match the dominant orientation of yardangs in the main MFF outcrops. Furthermore, elevation data shows that the maximum, minimum and mean elevations of these newly discovered outliers are closest to those of the upper member of the MFF. We therefore conclude that these deposits are MFF outliers and that they probably represent remnant upper member material. We suggest that there might be two possible explanations for these outliers: (1) the MFF had a much greater pre-erosional extent than previously estimated, or (2) materials from the main outcrops were eroded and then blown south to accrue in the highland areas, where they were subsequently reworked. We suggest that the topography of the region favors the first option. We outline an “overflowing” layer-cake deposition model, in which layers of sediment stacked up against the dichotomy boundary until they reached the topographic level of the highlands. Further materials (that went onto become upper-member MFF material and outliers) were then deposited across a wider area, including south of the dichotomy boundary. Severe erosion subsequently removed much of this material.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach involving various remote sensing instruments is used to investigate Apollinaris Mons, a prominent volcano on Mars, as well as the surrounding plains for signs of prolonged hydrologic and volcanic, and possibly hydrothermal activity. The main findings include (1) evidence from laser altimetry indicating the large thickness (1.5–2 km at some locations) of the fan deposits draping the southern flank contrary to previous estimates, coupled with possible layering which point to a significant emplacement phase at Apollinaris Mons, (2) corroboration of Robinson et al. (Robinson, M.S., Mouginis-Mark, P.J., Zimbelman, J.R., Wu, S.S.C., Ablin, K.K., Howington-Kraus, A.E. [1993]. Icarus 104, 301–323) hypothesis regarding the formation of incised valleys on the western flanks by density current erosion which would indicate magma–water interaction or, alternatively, volatile-rich magmas early in the volcano’s history, (3) mounds of diverse geometric shapes, many of which display summit depressions and occur among faults and fractures, possibly marking venting, (4) strong indicators on the flanks of the volcano for lahar events, and possibly, a caldera lake, (5) ubiquitous presence of impact craters displaying fluidized ejecta in both shield-forming (flank and caldera) materials and materials that surround the volcano that are indicative of water-rich target materials at the time of impact, (6) long-term complex association in time among shield-forming materials and Medusae Fossae Formation.The findings point to a site of extensive volcanic and hydrologic activity with possibly a period of magma–water interaction and hydrothermal activity. Finally, we propose that the mound structures around Apollinaris should be prime targets for further in situ exploration and search for possible exobiological signatures.  相似文献   

A variety of Late Amazonian landforms on Mars have been attributed to the dynamics of ice-related processes. Evidence for large-scale, mid-latitude glacial episodes existing within the last 100 million to 1 billion years on Mars has been presented from analyses of lobate debris aprons (LDA) and lineated valley fill (LVF) in the northern and southern mid-latitudes. We test the glacial hypothesis for LDA and LVF along the dichotomy boundary in the northern mid-latitudes by examining the morphological characteristics of LDA and LVF surrounding two large plateaus, proximal massifs, and the dichotomy boundary escarpment north of Ismeniae Fossae (centered at 45.3°N and 39.2°E). Lineations and flow directions within LDA and LVF were mapped using images from the Context (CTX) camera, the Thermal Emission Imaging Spectrometer (THEMIS), and the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC). Flow directions were then compared to topographic contours derived from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) to determine the down-gradient components of LDA and LVF flow. Observations indicate that flow patterns emerge from numerous alcoves within the plateau walls, are integrated over distances of up to tens of kilometers, and have down-gradient flow directions. Smaller lobes confined within alcoves and superposed on the main LDA and LVF represent a later, less extensive glacial phase. Crater size-frequency distributions of LDA and LVF suggest a minimum (youngest) age of 100 Ma. The presence of ring-mold crater morphologies is suggestive that LDA and LVF are formed of near-surface ice-rich bodies. From these observations, we interpret LDA and LVF within our study region to result from formerly active debris-covered glacial flow, consistent with similar observations in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars. Glacial flow was likely initiated from the accumulation and compaction of snow and ice on plateaus and in alcoves within the plateau walls as volatiles were mobilized to the mid-latitudes during higher obliquity excursions. Together with similar analyses elsewhere along the dichotomy boundary, these observations suggest that multiple glacial episodes occurred in the Late Amazonian and that LDA and LVF represent significant reservoirs of non-polar ice sequestered below a surface lag for hundreds of millions of years.  相似文献   

The MARSIS radar experiment aboard the ESA Mars Express satellite has recorded several unusual reflections in the Ma'adim Vallis region of Mars. These reflections display a wide variety of morphologies which are very different from those of reflections seen beneath the Polar Layered Deposits, Medusae Fossae Formation and Dorsa Argentea Formation. Their morphologies are sometimes very laterally extensive, parabolic or hyperbolic, and apparently deep, but they can also appear horizontal and shallow. Aided by a geological map of the Ma'adim Vallis region, the morphological, locational and temporal characteristics of the reflections have been studied individually in an attempt to constrain their origin. While some may be subsurface reflections based on their shallow morphologies and correlation with the Eridania Planitia basin network, all of the reflections are ambiguous to some degree, displaying characteristics that do not allow a definite subsurface- or possibly ionospheric-sourced mechanism to be proposed for their creation. Those with more exaggerated morphologies are regarded as being much more likely to result from ionospheric distortion rather than subsurface inhomogeneity.  相似文献   

Syria Planum and Alba Patera are two of the most prominent features of magmatic-driven activity identified for the Tharsis region and perhaps for all of Mars. In this study, we have performed a Geographic Information System-based comparative investigation of their tectonic histories using published geologic map information and Mars Orbiter Laser Altimetry (MOLA) data. Our primary objective is to assess their evolutional histories by focusing on their extent of deformation in space and time through stratigraphic, paleotectonic, topographic, and geomorphologic analyses. Though there are similarities among the two prominent features, there are several distinct differences, including timing deformational extent, and tectonic intensity of formation. Whereas Alba Patera displays a major pulse of activity during the Late Hesperian/Early Amazonian, Syria Planum is a long-lived center that displays a more uniform distribution of simple graben densities ranging from the Noachian to the Amazonian, many of which occur at greater distances away from the primary center of activity. The histories of the two features presented here are representative of the complex, long-lived evolutional history of Tharsis.  相似文献   

Caleb I. Fassett 《Icarus》2008,195(1):61-89
Valley networks, concentrations of dendritic channels that often suggest widespread pluvial and fluvial activity, have been cited as indicators that the climate of Mars differed significantly in the past from the present hyperarid cold desert conditions. Some researchers suggest that the change in climate was abrupt, while others favor a much more gradual transition. Thus, the precise timing of valley network formation is critical to understanding the climate history on Mars. We examine thirty valley network-incised regions on Mars, including both cratered upland valley networks and those outside the uplands, and apply a buffered crater counting technique to directly constrain when valley network formation occurred. The crater populations that we derive using this approach allow assessment of the timing of the last activity in a valley network independent of the mapping of specific geological units. From these measurements we find that valley networks cluster into two subdivisions in terms characteristics and age: (1) valley network activity in the cratered highlands has an average cessation age at the Noachian-Hesperian boundary and all valleys that we crater counted are Early Hesperian or older. No evidence is found for valley networks in the cratered uplands of Late Hesperian or Amazonian age. The timing of the cessation of cratered upland valley network activity at the Noachian-Hesperian boundary also corresponds to a decline in the intensity of large crater formation and degradation and to the apparent end of phyllosilicate-type weathering. (2) A few valley network-incised regions formed outside of the cratered uplands on volcanic edifices, in association with younger impact craters, and on the rim of Valles Marineris. We applied our buffered crater counting technique to four such valleys, on the volcanoes Ceraunius Tholus, Hecates Tholus, and Alba Patera and on the rim of Echus Chasma, and find that each has distinctive and different Late Hesperian or Early Amazonian ages, indicating that valley networks formed from time to time in the post-Noachian period. Unlike the cratered upland valley networks, these isolated occurrences are very local and have been interpreted to represent local conditions (e.g., snowpack melted during periods of intrusive volcanic activity). In contrast to a gradual cessation in the formation of valley networks proposed by some workers, our new buffered crater counting results indicate a relatively abrupt cessation in the formation of the widespread cratered upland valley networks at approximately the end of the Noachian, followed only by episodic and very localized valley network formation in later Mars history, very likely due to specific conditions (e.g., local magmatic heating). These valley network ages and correlations are thus consistent with a major change in the near-surface aqueous environment on Mars at approximately the Noachian-Hesperian boundary. The Noachian environment supported surface running water and fluvial erosion across Mars in the cratered uplands, enhanced crater degradation, and a weathering environment favoring the formation of phyllosilicates. The Hesperian-Amazonian environment was more similar to the hyperarid cold desert of today, with valley networks forming only extremely rarely and confined to localized special conditions. Sources of water for these latter occurrences are likely to be related to periodic mobilization and equatorward migration of polar volatiles due to variations in spin-axis orbital parameters, and to periodic catastrophic emergence of groundwater.  相似文献   

Global data sets of images, topography and gravity are available for Mars from several orbiter missions. At the eve of new global data from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), the capabilities of 3D geophysical modelling based on areal topography and gravity data combined with geologic-tectonic image interpretation is demonstrated here. A unique structure is chosen for the model calculations: the Alba Patera volcanic complex at the northern border of the Tharsis rise. Five groups of graben are discriminated: Ceraunius Fossae, Catenae, Tantalus Fossae (radial group) radial to the Tharsis rise, mainly associated to the formation of Tharsis, and Alba and Tantalus Fossae (circular group), younger than the other graben and circular around Alba Patera. Combining 3D elastic flexure of the lithosphere due to a 3D topographic surface load with 3D gravity models results in a rather thick lithosphere (150–200 km) and thick crust (60–100 km). In another model estimate it has been assumed that the circular grabens are induced by the stresses from the surface load of Alba Patera. In a first order calculation the surface stresses under a point load have been determined resulting in a good correlation of the stress maximum with the location of the circular grabens for a 50-km thick lithosphere. This is in accordance with earlier results from this method, but in contradiction with the thick lithosphere derived from flexure-gravity models. One possibility for this contradiction may be that the different models represent two evolutionary points of Alba Patera. (1) The correlation of stresses with the circular grabens may represent an older stage of evolution with a thinner lithosphere. (2) The flexure-gravity models represent a younger to present stage with a thick lithosphere. The results of the lithosphere thicknesses are compared with an admittance calculation and different thermal evolution models which determine comparable thicknesses (150 km). More detailed models including 3D stress models should wait for new data sets from MGS. The results from the lineament analysis and geophysical modelling are summarized in an evolution model for Alba Patera.  相似文献   

The conditions of formation and the form of yardangs in ignimbrites in the Central Andes of Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina may be the most convincing terrestrial analog to the processes and lithology that produce the extensive yardangs of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) of Mars. Through remote and field study of yardang morphologies in the Central Andes we highlight the role that variable material properties of the host lithology plays in their final form. Here, ignimbrites typically show two main facies: an indurated and jointed facies, and a weakly to poorly indurated, ash- and pumice-rich facies. Both facies are vertically arranged in large (erupted volume >100's of km3) ignimbrites resulting in a resistant capping layer, while smaller (10's of km3) ignimbrites are made predominantly of the weakly indurated facies. The two facies have quite different mechanical properties; the indurated facies behaves as strong rock, fails by block collapse and supports steep/vertical cliffs, while the non-indurated facies is more easily eroded and forms gentle slopes and manifests as more subdued erosional forms. In response to aeolian action, the presence of an upper indurated facies results in large, elongate, high aspect ratio (1:20-1:40) megayardangs that form tall (100 m), thin ridges with steep to vertical walls. These are built on a broad apron of the weakly indurated facies with abundant fallen blocks from the upper indurated facies. These terrestrial megayardangs appear to be analogous to megayardangs with associated block fields seen on Mars. Smaller-volume, weakly indurated ignimbrites are sculpted into smaller, stubbier forms with aspect ratios of 1:5-1:10 and heights rarely exceeding 10 m. Excavation of a windward basal moat suggests an erosional progression like that seen in incipient yardangs on Mars. Excavation rates of 0.007-0.003 cm/year are calculated for the weakly indurated ignimbrites. While a persistent strong unidirectional wind is the dominant parameter controlling yardang formation and orientation, a role for flow separation and vorticity is also suggested by our observations at both yardang types. While the indurated facies is commonly pervasively jointed, jointing is of secondary importance in controlling yardang orientation. Serrated margins, a common feature on Mars, result from oblique intersections of jointing with yardang flanks or scarps of ignimbrite. The processes of yardang formation we describe from ignimbrites from the Central Andes are not necessarily specific to ignimbrites, but do connote that degree and distribution of induration is a major control in yardang formation and this has implications for the lithology of the MFF on Mars.  相似文献   

Gullies are extremely young erosional/depositional systems on Mars that have been carved by an agent that was likely to have been comprised in part by liquid water [Malin, M.C., Edgett, K.S., 2000. Evidence for recent groundwater seepage and surface runoff on Mars. Science 288, 2330-2335; McEwen, A.S. et al., 2007. A closer look at water-related geologic activity on Mars. Science 317, 1706-1709]. The strong latitude and orientation dependencies that have been documented for gullies require (1) a volatile near the surface, and (2) that insolation is an important factor for forming gullies. These constraints have led to two categories of interpretations for the source of the volatiles: (1) liquid water at depth beneath the melting isotherm that erupts suddenly (“groundwater”), and (2) ice at the surface or within the uppermost layer of soil that melts during optimal insolation conditions (“surface/near-surface melting”). In this contribution we synthesize global, hemispheric, regional and local studies of gullies across Mars and outline the criteria that must be met by any successful explanation for the formation of gullies. We further document trends in both hemispheres that emphasize the importance of top-down melting of recent ice-rich deposits and the cold-trapping of atmospherically-derived H2O frost/snow as important components in the formation of gullies. This provides context for the incorporation of high-resolution multi-spectral and hyper-spectral data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that show that (1) cold-trapping of seasonal H2O frost occurs at the alcove/channel-level on contemporary Mars; (2) gullies are episodically active systems; (3) gullies preferentially form in the presence of deposits plausibly interpreted as remnants of the Late Amazonian emplacement of ice-rich material; and (4) gully channels frequently emanate from the crest of alcoves instead of the base, showing that alcove generation is not necessarily a product of undermining and collapse at these locations, a prediction of the groundwater model. We interpret these various lines of evidence to mean that the majority of gullies on Mars are explained by the episodic melting of atmospherically emplaced snow/ice under spin-axis/orbital conditions characteristic of the last several Myr.  相似文献   

The geomorphology and topography of the Cerberus Plains region of Mars show three spatially and temporally distinct, young, aqueous flood channel systems. Flood geomorphology in each of these channels, as seen in Mars Orbiter Camera images, consists of streamlined forms, longitudinal lineations, and a single occurrence of transverse dunes, features similar to those in the flood-carved terrain of the Channeled Scabland in the northwestern United States. As additional geomorphic evidence of flooding, small cones (interpreted as phreatic) are found preferentially in the channels or at their distal ends. Glaciers, lava flows, and CO2-charged density flows are each inconsistent with these geomorphic features. Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter data show two of the three channel systems (Athabasca Valles and an unnamed northern channel system) emanating from the Cerberus Fossae; we suggest that the third channel system (Marte Vallis) also originated at the fissures. The discharges for two of the three systems (Athabasca Valles and Marte Vallis) have been estimated from surface topography to have been on the order of 106 m3/s. Crater counts indicate that the channels are not only young (extreme Late Amazonian), but also were carved asynchronously. Geomorphic evidence suggests that two of the channels (Athabasca and Marte Valles) experienced more than one flood. Emanation from volcanotectonic fissures instead of chaotic terrain distinguishes these Cerberus Plains channels from the larger, older circum-Chryse channels. Groundwater must have collected in a liquid state prior to flood onset to flow at the estimated discharge rates. Lack of large-scale subsidence near the channels' origination points along the Cerberus Fossae indicates that this groundwater was at least several kilometers deep.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this paper are to determine the modal mineralogy of selected low albedo terrains of different ages ranging from Noachian to Amazonian exposed on the surface of Mars. This analysis is conducted using the spectral modeling of the Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces, et l'Activité (OMEGA) reflectance data. Results from this work are consistent with the major results of previous spectroscopic studies: plagioclase (40-60% in volume) and high calcium pyroxene (20-40%, HCP) are the dominant minerals of the most regions. Low calcium pyroxene (10-15%, LCP) and minor amounts of olivine are also present. The oldest terrains are characterized by the largest amount of LCP and the lowest concentration of plagioclase. These overall compositions are consistent with two-pyroxene basalts. The particle sizes are in the range of a few hundreds of micrometers, which is in good agreement with the thermal inertia of the martian low albedo regions. In the region around the Nili Fossae, localized concentrations of olivine up to 40% with millimeter particle size similar to picritic basalts observed in situ by the Spirit rover in the Gusev crater are inferred. Chemical compositions are calculated for the first time from OMEGA spectra. They are quite consistent with Gusev rocks and shergottite compositions but they appear to be significantly SiO2-poorer than Thermal Emission Spectrometer data. A decreasing low calcium pyroxene abundance with the decreasing age of the low albedo regions is reported. This may be indicative of decreasing degree of partial melting as thermal flux decreases with time. We propose that the ancient Noachian-aged, LCP-rich terrains could have been formed from H2O-bearing melts. Then, dry, basaltic volcanism occurred leading to decreasing LCP abundance with time due to decreasing degree of partial melting. The olivine-bearing material modeled in Nili Fossae resembles the composition of ALH77005 and Chassigny meteorites consistent with prior studies. Implications on the formation of the basaltic Shergottites are discussed.  相似文献   

We have remapped the geology of the north polar plateau on Mars, Planum Boreum, and the surrounding plains of Vastitas Borealis using altimetry and image data along with thematic maps resulting from observations made by the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. New and revised geographic and geologic terminologies assist with effectively discussing the various features of this region. We identify 7 geologic units making up Planum Boreum and at least 3 for the circumpolar plains, which collectively span the entire Amazonian Period. The Planum Boreum units resolve at least 6 distinct depositional and 5 erosional episodes. The first major stage of activity includes the Early Amazonian (∼3 to 1 Ga) deposition (and subsequent erosion) of the thick (locally exceeding 1000 m) and evenly-layered Rupes Tenuis unit (Abrt), which ultimately formed approximately half of the base of Planum Boreum. As previously suggested, this unit may be sourced by materials derived from the nearby Scandia region, and we interpret that it may correlate with the deposits that regionally underlie pedestal craters in the surrounding lowland plains. The second major episode of activity during the Middle to Late Amazonian (1 Ga) began with a section of dark, sand-rich and light-toned ice-rich irregularly-bedded sequences (Planum Boreum cavi unit, Abbc) along with deposition of evenly-bedded light-toned ice- and moderate-toned dust-rich layers (Planum Boreum 1 unit, Abb1). These units have transgressive and gradational stratigraphic relationships. Materials in Olympia Planum underlying the dunes of Olympia Undae are interpreted to consist mostly of the Planum Boreum cavi unit (Abbc). Planum Boreum materials were then deeply eroded to form spiral troughs, Chasma Boreale, and marginal scarps that define the major aspects of the polar plateau's current regional topography. Locally- to regionally-extensive (though vertically minor) episodes of deposition of evenly-bedded, light- and dark-toned layered materials and subsequent erosion of these materials persisted throughout the Late Amazonian. Sand saltation, including dune migration, is likely to account for much of the erosion of Planum Boreum, particularly at its margin, alluding to the lengthy sedimentological history of the circum-polar dune fields. Such erosion has been controlled largely by topographic effects on wind patterns and the variable resistance to erosion of materials (fresh and altered) and physiographic features. Some present-day dune fields may be hundreds of kilometers removed from possible sources along the margins of Planum Boreum, and dark materials, comprised of sand sheets, extend even farther downwind. These deposits also attest to the lengthy period of erosion following emplacement of the Planum Boreum 1 unit. We find no evidence for extensive glacial flow, topographic relaxation, or basal melting of Planum Boreum materials. However, minor development of normal faults and wrinkle ridges may suggest differential compaction of materials across buried scarps. Timing relations are poorly-defined mostly because resurfacing and other uncertainties prohibit precise determinations of surface impact crater densities. The majority of the stratigraphic record may predate the recent (<20 Ma) part of the orbitally-driven climate record that can be reliably calculated. Given the strong stratigraphic but loose temporal constraints of the north polar geologic record, a comparison of north and south polar stratigraphy permits a speculative scenario in which major Amazonian depositional and erosional episodes driven by global climate activity is plausible.  相似文献   

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