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The mercury contents of 11 sandstone, 11 shale and 6 limestone samples from Pennsylvania average 7, 23 and 9 ppb Hg, respectively, which is lower than the values for sedimentary rocks reported in the literature. The differences may arise because many of the reported high values are from regions characterized by more mineralization and volcanism than is present in central Pennsylvania. The lowest values found for shale and sandstone in Pennsylvania (0.4 and 0.5 ppb Hg, respectively) are lower by an order of magnitude than the lowest previously reported values. The mercury content of sedimentary rocks varies markedly due to the effects of volcanism, organic material and sulfur in reducing environments, iron and manganese oxides in oxidizing environments, diagenesis, hydrothermal processes, and the thermal history of the rock.Soils in Pennsylvania have much greater amounts of mercury than their parent rocks even after taking into account possible residual concentration, suggesting that mercury is added to the soils from an outside source. Rain is the major source of mercury absorbed by the soil. A portion of the absorbed mercury returns to the atmosphere, establishing a rain-soil-atmosphere mercury cycle. The general enrichment of mercury in soils and sediments compared to rocks is supported by the observation that the mercury content of rain is greater than freshwater. The much higher values of mercury in unconsolidated sediments compared to sedimentary rocks suggest that mercury is lost during diagenesis.Man's contribution of mercury to the surface environment is nearly equal to the natural contribution. Industrial loss contributes more than 65 per cent of man's total, and the contribution of fossil fuel consumption is small, although it may be locally important. The implications of mercury loss and absorption by soils may be an important factor in concentrating mercury in crops and other living matter, especially near industrialized areas.  相似文献   

黑龙江黑土区农田土壤/大气界面汞交换通量特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用动力学通量箱与Tekran 2537B气态汞分析仪技术,对黑龙江省黑土区农田土壤/大气界面汞交换通量进行了实地监测,结果显示不同地区黑土的汞交换通量存在显著差异,7个监测点土壤/大气界面汞交换通量均值为(69.46±37.08)ng·m-2·h-1,接近我国典型城市城区土壤/大气界面汞交换通量平均水平。影响因素分析显示,土壤汞含量影响土壤释汞能力,汞交换通量与总辐射强度、土壤温度、土壤湿度和风速呈显著正相关,与相对湿度呈显著负相关,与大气压不相关。  相似文献   

利用动力学通量箱-大气自动测汞仪联用技术,分别于2002年12月和2003年5月对贵州省西南部滥木厂汞矿区5个采样点的土壤汞释放通量进行了系统的测定.结果表明该区土壤是大气的重要汞释放源.5个采样点土壤释汞通量最高值达10 543.7 ng/(m2·h),平均值最高达(2 283.3±2 434.2)ng/(m2·h)(n=152).结果显示土壤总汞含量与土壤释汞通量关系密切,是决定土壤汞释放的内在因素,光照、温度、湿度和大气汞含量等环境因素与土壤释汞通量有较好的相关性,对土壤汞的释放有显著的影响.  相似文献   

A fractionation and speciation was performed to determine the distribution of selenium (Se) species in major components of quartzite surface mine environment (rocks, mine tailings, soils, stream sediments, surface waters and plants) in obov, Slovakia. A three-step sequential extraction procedure was utilised for the fractionation of Se in mine tailings and soils. The first extractant in order to evaluate the soluble and ligand exchangeable fraction of Se (0.1 mol/l K2HPO4 + KH2PO4 at pH 7.0) solubilized up to 15% of total Se content. The second step (0.1 mol/l K2S2O8 at 90°C) which extracted Se associated or occluded with organic matter released 13 – 45% of total selenium. The decomposition of the residue (HNO3 + H2SO4 1+1) was used to solubilize the remaining 35–88% of total Se as the final step. The recovery of the procedure was between 97 and 106%. Selenate predominated in natural river and lake waters about pH 7.0 (>95%) but in acid mine leakings up to 40% of selenite was found. In the plants (birch leaves, grass leaves and roots) collected from the area acidified by mine leakings no significant accumulation of selenium was observed. The correlation between total Se and S in the rocks from the mine gives an evidence of the common origin of these elements in the studied area.  相似文献   

Mercury in soil near a long-term air emission source in southeastern Idaho   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory in southeastern Idaho, a 500 °C fluidized bed calciner was intermittently operated for 37 years, with measured Hg emission rates of 9-11 g/h. Surface soil was sampled at 57 locations around the facility to determine the spatial distribution of Hg fallout and surface Hg variability, and to predict the total residual Hg mass in the soil from historical emissions. Measured soil concentrations were slightly higher (p<0.05) within 5 km of the source but were overall very low (15-20 ng/g) compared to background Hg levels published for similar soils in the USA (50-70 ng/g). Concentrations decreased 4%/cm with depth and were found to be twice as high under shrubs and in depressions. Mass balance calculations accounted for only 2.5-20% of the estimated total Hg emitted over the 37-year calciner operating history. These results suggest that much of the Hg deposited from calciner operations may have been reduced in the soil and re-emitted as Hg(0) to the global atmospheric pool.  相似文献   

The abundances of 24 major, minor and trace elements have been measured by INAA in Luna 20 metaigneous rocks 22006,1 and 22007,1, breccia 22004 and soil 22001,9 and in Apollo 16 soils 62281, 66041 and 66081. An additional 12 trace meteoritic and non-meteoritic elements have also been determined in 22001 and 62281 soils by RNAA. The bulk compositions of L 20 and Ap 16 rocks and soils show close similarity between the two highland sites. There are appreciable differences in bulk compositions between the L 20 highland and the L 16 mare site (120 km apart), suggesting little intermixing of rocks and soils from either site. Luna 20 rocks 22006 and 22007 are nearly identical in chemical composition to Ap 16 metaigneous rocks 61156 and 66095. Luna 20 rocks are feldspathic and are similar to low K-type Fra Mauro basalts. Such rocks and anorthositic gabbros appear to be the major components in highland soils. Luna 20 soil can be distinguished from Ap 16 soils by lower abundances of Al2O3, CaO and large ion lithophilic elements. Luna 20 breccia 22004 probably is compacted soil. All L 20 samples show negative Eu anomalies with SmEu ratios of 5.8, 7.2, 3.9 and 3.3 for rocks 22006, 22007, breccia 22004 and soil 22001, respectively. Norite-KREEP is insignificant, ≤1 per cent, at the L 20 highland site. The derivation of the L 20 soil may be explained by ≈33 per cent of L 20 metaigneous rocks and ≈ 65 per cent anorthositic gabbroic breccia rocks like 15418 (with a positive Eu anomaly) and ≈ 2 per cent meteoritic contributions. Interelement correlations observed previously for maria are also found in highland samples. Luna 20 and Ap 16 soils are low in alkalis. Both soils show an apparent Cd-Zn rich component similar to that observed at the mare sites and high 11 abundances relative to mare sites. The Ap 16 (62281) soil contains a fractionated meteoritic component (probably ancient) of ≈ 1.5 per cent in addition to ≈ 1.9 per cent Cl like material. Luna 20 soil may simply contain 1.9 per cent Cl equivalent.  相似文献   

The total nitrogen contents of a number of lunar samples from Apollo 16 and 17 missions are reported. Solar wind is the main source for the observed excess nitrogen in most fines. Total nitrogen in the soils is found to be proportional to the solar wind rare gases Ar36 and Xe132. Linear correlations are also noted between the agglutinate contents of the soils and their carbon and nitrogen contents. Seventeen soils (Apollo 15, 16 and 17) have been sieved and nitrogen has been measured in various grain size fractions. An inverse correlation between the mean grain diameter and the nitrogen contents is seen, showing that a large fraction of the solar wind nitrogen is surface correlated. An apparent volume component, due to the presence of agglutinates, is found in most soils.  相似文献   

汞在地壳、岩石和疏松沉积物中的分布   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
迟清华 《地球化学》2004,33(6):641-648
20世纪80年代以来分析测试技术取得了突破性的进展,积累了汞在岩石和疏松沉积物大量可靠的分析数据,发现引用20世纪70年代前发表的有关汞的地壳丰度及岩石和沉积物中的平均含量作为衡量标准已不适宜.本文根据近20年来发表的有关汞在地壳、岩石和疏松沉积物中含量的文献,结合作者在地壳元素丰度研究中积累的大量岩石中汞含量的可靠数据以及IGCP360"全球地球化学基准"计划获得的国外沉积物中汞含量的可靠数据,综合给出了汞在地壳、出露岩石地壳的丰度分别为7 ng/g和13 ng/g,岩石、火成岩、沉积岩、变质岩的平均含量分别为12.5 ng/g、6.9 ng/g、22.6 ng/g和8.6 ng/g,大陆疏松沉积物、水系沉积物、泛滥平原沉积物、土壤和浅海沉积物的平均含量分别为60 ng/g、60 ng/g、60 ng/g、65 ng/g和25ng/g.  相似文献   

Mercury fluxes from air/surface interfaces in paddy field and dry land   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to provide insight into the characteristics of Hg exchange in soil/water-air surface from cropland (including paddy field and dry land), Hg fluxes were measured in Chengjiang. Mercury fluxes were measured using the dynamic flux chamber method, coupled with a Lumex® multifunctional Hg analyzer RA-915+ (Lumex Ltd., Russia). The Hg fluxes from paddy field and dry land were alternatively measured every 30 min. Data were collected for 24-48 h once per month for 5 months. Mercury fluxes in both fields were synchronously measured under the same conditions to compare Hg emissions between paddy field and dry land over diurnal and seasonal periods and find out what factors affect Hg emission on each surface. These results indicated that air Hg concentrations at the monitoring site was double the value observed at the global background sites in Europe and North America. The Hg release fluxes were 46.5 ± 22.8 ng m−2 h−1 in the warm season, 15.5 ± 18.8 ng m−2 h−1 in the cold season for dry land, and 23.8 ± 15.6 ng m−2 h−1 in the warm season, 6.3 ± 11.9 ng m−2 h−1 in the cold season for paddy field. Solar radiation is important in the emission of Hg over both sites. Hg exchange at the soil/air and water/air interfaces showed temporal variations. The amount of Hg emission from dry land was higher than that from the paddy field, and the emission in daytime was higher than that at night. Moreover, Hg emissions from land covered by crops, was lower than that for bare land.  相似文献   

Relationship between radon concentrations in indoor air and in soil gas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the Ljubljana region, 53 schools were selected for measurements of radon concentrations in soil gas close to a school building, and indoor radon concentrations in one of the ground-floor classrooms of each building. The aim was to establish a relationship between radon concentrations in indoor air and in soil gas from the ground on which the building is situated. Soil gas radon concentrations between 2 and 14 kBqm-3 were found. Indoor radon concentrations ranged from 20 to 1,440 Bqm-3, with seven values exceeding 200 Bqm-3. It is concluded that good quality of the construction elements ensure low indoor radon concentration, regardless of high soil gas radon level.  相似文献   

Mercury smelting is one of the important anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources. Small-scale mercury smelting activities with indigenous method which is considered illegal and forbidden by local government always extensively existed in the Wuchuan area, northeastern Guizhou Province, China. Because of the simple processes without any environmental protection, a large amount of mercury vapor released to the ambient air during the processing of cinnabar roasting. By determining mercury concentrations in mercury ore and smelting slag samples, a mass balance method was used to calculate mercury emission factors and annual mercury emission from indigenous mercury smelting in Wuchuan mercury mining areas, Guizhou Province, China. The mercury emission factors ranged from 6.9% to 32.1% with the recovery from 78.4% to 93.6% and the annual mercury emission was up to 3.7-9.6 metric tons. The results highlighted that the indigenous mercury smelting was one of the most important anthropogenic atmospheric mercury emission sources in this region.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total Hg (T-Hg) were measured in mine waste, stream water, soil and moss samples collected from the Tongren area, Guizhou, China to identify potential Hg contamination to local environments, which has resulted from artisanal Hg mining. Mine waste contained high T-Hg concentrations, ranging from 1.8 to 900 mg/kg. High concentrations of Hg were also found in the leachates of mine waste, confirming that mine waste contains significant water-soluble Hg compounds. Total Hg distribution patterns in soil profiles showed that top soil is contaminated with Hg, which has been derived from atmospheric deposition. Data suggest that organic matter plays an important role in the binding and transport of Hg in soil. Elevated T-Hg concentrations (5.9–44 mg/kg) in moss samples suggest that atmospheric deposition is the dominant source of Hg to local terrestrial ecosystems. Concentrations of T-Hg were highly elevated in stream water samples, varying from 92 to 2300 ng/L. Particulate Hg in water constituted a large proportion of the T-Hg and played a major role in Hg transport. Methyl–Hg (Me–Hg) concentrations in the water samples was as high as 7.9 ng/L. Data indicate that Hg contamination is dominantly from artisanal Hg mining in the study area, but the extent of Hg contamination is dependent on the mining history and the scale of artisanal Hg mining.  相似文献   

谢学锦  常勇  程志中 《地质通报》2013,32(10):1485-1492
《史记》记载秦皇陵中存在大量的水银,考古学家对此存在较大的争议。利用地球化学地球物理方法证明,在秦皇陵中有水银存在,汞气测量在秦皇陵中存在非常强的汞异常。通过理论推算,若真如记载秦皇陵中以山水为百川,则其用量为300~2500t,如此巨大的水银从何而来?通过对古代几个汞矿的分析和地球化学块体推算,单靠陕西省旬阳公馆镇的汞矿无法供给如此巨大的水银,而重庆酉阳的地球化学块体蕴含巨量的汞,可能也是秦皇陵中水银的重要来源。  相似文献   

The Carson River Superfund Site in west-central Nevada is an area of Hg-contaminated soil, sediment, water, air, and biola resulting from the amalgamation milling of Ag-Au ores of the Comstock lode worked approximately a century ago. In order to develop an understanding of the behavior, transport, and fate of Hg at this site, a technique was developed to estimate the proportions of total, elemental, exchangeable, organic, and sulfide Hg in soils, sediments, and tailings.Results of this analysis performed on active Carson River sediments indicate that Hg is selectively dissolved out of Hg-Au amalgam particles and subsequently adsorbed to fine-grained sediments which are then deposited in downstream, low-energy reaches of the Carson River and Labontan Reservoir. In the relatively more-reducing environment of the reservoir Hg appears to be converted, in large part, to relatively-insoluble HgS.The original elemental form of Hg released to the environment is the chemical form which is still dominant in most highly-contaminated soils, sediments, and tailings. Deeper, more-reducing soil horizons, however, appear to fix a significant portion of the Hg as HgS, analogous to the Lahontan Reservoir example described above. This fixation as HgS is documented to be largely limited to higher-sulfur areas where sulfide minerals from the Comstock ores increase the total sulfur concentrations of contaminated soils, sediments, and tailings.  相似文献   

黄土是第四纪以来形成的具有多孔隙弱胶结的特殊沉积物,受自然环境及人类工程活动影响,黄土体内分布大量不连续面,统称为黄土界面。黄土界面是黄土灾变的本底控制因素。依据界面灾害效应,黄土界面划分为巨观、宏观、细观和微观界面。黄土细观界面是指分割黄土块体的不连续面。本文通过野外调查,归纳出细观界面具有圆形状、对钩状、尖灭状及V形状的几何形态特征,组合特征表现为发散型的爪状、阶梯状、羽列状以及闭合型网格状。按成因分类为物理力学成因、生物活动成因、水土耦合成因、风化成因以及异相成因。黄土细观界面的发育演化是一个动态循环再生过程,具有时空特性、辐射特性,对土体具有分离、松动和软化渗透的灾变效应。本文针对黄土细观界面的初步探讨,旨在完善黄土界面灾变理论体系的科学基础,以期为黄土灾变机理研究提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   

Agricultural (Ap, Ap-horizon, 0–20 cm) and grazing land soil samples (Gr, 0–10 cm) were collected from a large part of Europe (33 countries, 5.6 million km2) at an average density of 1 sample site/2500 km2. The resulting more than 2 × 2000 soil samples were air dried, sieved to <2 mm and analysed for their Hg concentrations following an aqua regia extraction. Median concentrations for Hg are 0.030 mg/kg (range: <0.003–1.56 mg/kg) for the Ap samples and 0.035 mg/kg (range: <0.003–3.12 mg/kg) for the Gr samples. Only 5 Ap and 10 Gr samples returned Hg concentrations above 1 mg/kg. In the geochemical maps the continental-scale distribution of the element is clearly dominated by geology. Climate exerts an important influence. Mercury accumulates in those areas of northern Europe where a wet and cold climate favours the build-up of soil organic material. Typical anthropogenic sources like coal-fired power plants, waste incinerators, chlor-alkali plants, metal smelters and urban agglomerations are hardly visible at continental scales but can have a major impact at the local-scale.  相似文献   

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