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Because of the viscoelastic behaviour of the earth, accumulation of elastic strain energy by tectonic loading and release of such energy by earthquake fault slips at subduction zones may take place on different spatial scales. If the lithospheric plate is acted upon by distant tectonic forces, strain accumulation must occur in a broad region. However, an earthquake releases strain only in a region comparable to the size of the rupture area. A two-dimensional finite-element model of a subduction zone with viscoelastic rheology has been used to investigate the coupling of tectonic loading and earthquake fault slips. A fault lock-and-unlock technique is employed so that the amount of fault slip in an earthquake is not prescribed, but determined by the accumulated stress. The amount of earthquake fault slip as a fraction of the total relative plate motion depends on the relative sizes of the earthquake rupture area and the region of tectonic strain accumulation, as well as the rheology of the rock material. The larger the region of strain accumulation is compared to the earthquake rupture, the smaller is the earthquake fault slip. The reason for the limited earthquake fault slip is that the elastic shear stress in the asthenosphere induced by the earthquake resists the elastic rebound of the overlying plate. Since rapid permanent plate shortening is not observed at subduction zones, there must be either strain release over a large region or strain accumulation over a small region over earthquake cycles. The former can be achieved only by significant aseismic fault slip between large subduction earthquakes. The most likely mechanism for the latter is the accumulation of elastic strain around isolated locked asperities of the fault, which requires significant aseismic fault slip between asperities.  相似文献   

Joint bulk-sound and shear tomography for Western Pacific subduction zones   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Detailed regional body wave tomographic inversion of the Western Pacific region has been performed using P and S travel times from common sources and receivers, with a joint inversion in terms of bulk-sound and shear wave-speed variations in the mantle. This technique allows the separation of the influence of bulk and shear moduli, and hence a more direct comparison with mineral physics information. The study region is parameterized with cells of side 0.5° to 2° and 19 layers to a depth of 1500 km, while the rest of the mantle was parameterized with 5×5° cells with 16 layers between the surface and the core–mantle boundary. A simultaneous inversion is made for regional and global structures to minimize the influence of surrounding structures on the regional image. A nested iterative inversion scheme is employed with local linearization and three-dimensional ray tracing through the successive model updates. The results of the regional tomographic inversion reveal the penetration of a subducted slab below the 660 km discontinuity at the Kurile–Kamchatka trench, while flattening of slabs above this depth is observed in the Japan and Izu–Bonin subduction zones on both the bulk-sound and shear wave-speed images. The penetration of a subducted slab down to a depth of at least 1200 km is seen below the southern part of the Bonin trench, Mariana, Philippine, and Java subduction zones. Fast shear wave-speed perturbations associated with the subducted slabs, down to the 410 km transition zone, are larger than the comparable bulk-sound perturbations for all these subduction zones except the Philippines. The bulk-sound signature for the subducted slab is more pronounced than for shear in the Philippines, Talaud, New Guinea, Solomon, and Tonga subduction zones, where penetration of the slab into the middle mantle is observed. Variation in the amplitude ratio between bulk-sound and shear wave-speed anomalies correlates well with the subduction parameters of the descending slab. Slabs younger than 90 Ma at the trench show bulk-sound dominance in the upper mantle, while older slabs have a stronger shear wave-speed signature. Spreading of the fast shear wave-speed zone between 800 and 1000 km is observed in the areas of deep subducted slab penetration, but has no comparable expression in the bulk-sound images. This high-velocity feature may reflect physical or chemical disequilibria introduced to the lower mantle by subducted slabs.  相似文献   

Major cases of the MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake are obtained through field investigations of the epicenter and high-intensity areas, and the relationships among earthquake faults, ground motion and earthquake disasters near fault zones are analyzed.Both strong deformation and ground rupture lead to significant damages of the buildings, indicating that it is necessary to keep safe distance away from active faults and to take other necessary measures.There are two reasons for that the buildings near the surface ...  相似文献   

In the Solomon Islands and New Britain subduction zones, the largest earthquakes commonly occur as pairs with small separation in time, space and magnitude. This doublet behavior has been attributed to a pattern of fault plane heterogeneity consisting of closely spaced asperities such that the failure of one asperity triggers slip in adjacent asperities. We analyzed body waves of the January 31, 1974,M w =7.3, February 1, 1974,M w =7.4, July 20, 1975 (1437)M w =7.6 and July 20, 1975 (1945),M w =7.3 doublet events using an iterative, multiple station inversion technique to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of seismic moment release associated with these events. Although the 1974 doublet has smaller body wave moments than the 1975 events, their source histories are more complicated, lasting over 40 seconds and consisting of several subevents located near the epicentral regions. The second 1975 event is well modeled by a simple point source initiating at a depth of 15 km and rupturing an approximate 20 km region about the epicenter. The source history of the first 1975 event reveals a westerly propagating rupture, extending about 50 km from its hypocenter at a depth of 25 km. The asperities of the 1975 events are of comparable size and do not overlap one another, consistent with the asperity triggering hypothesis. The relatively large source areas and small seismic moments of the 1974 doublet events indicate failure of weaker portions of the fault plane in their epicentral regions. Variations in the roughness of the bathymetry of the subducting plate, accompanying subduction of the Woodlark Rise, may be responsible for changes in the mechanical properties of the plate interface.To understand how variations in fault plane coupling and strength affect the interplate seismicity pattern, we relocated 85 underthrusting earthquakes in the northern Solomon Islands Are since 1964. Relatively few smaller magnitude underthrusting events overlap the Solomon Islands doublet asperity regions, where fault coupling and strength are inferred to be the greatest. However, these asperity regions have been the sites of several previous earthquakes withM s 7.0. The source regions of the 1974 doublet events, which we infer to be mechanically weak, contain many smaller magnitude events but have not generated any otherM s 7.0 earthquakes in the historic past. The central portion of the northern Solomon Islands Arc between the two largest doublet events in 1971 (studied in detail bySchwartz et al., 1989a) and 1975 contains the greatest number of smaller magnitude underthrusting earthquakes. The location of this small region sandwiched between two strongly coupled portions of the plate interface suggest that it may be the site of the next large northern Solomon Islands earthquake. However, this region has experienced no known earthquakes withM s 7.0 and may represent a relatively aseismic portion of the subduction zone.  相似文献   

Before the 1944 Tonankai earthquake along the Nankai Trough, seismic activity increased in the shallow depths, and then the activity gradually migrated downwards. When it reached its limit (a depth of approximatelty 70 km), the main shock occurred. Several deep earthquakes, including one ofM5.3, occurred several months prior to the Tonankai earthquake. A similar downward migration pattern also can be recognized regarding the 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake. In this case the deepest earthquakes reached about 400 km. This may be one of the intermediate-term precursory phenomena of great thrusttype earthquakes in subduction zones. Recent observations in the Tokai district along the Suruga Trough, where a large earthquake is expected to occur in the future, suggest a similar downward migration pattern in the land area.  相似文献   

环太平洋俯冲带内双地震带及其成因机制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
俯冲带作为地球最为庞大的循环系统的重要组成部分,已成为地球科学的研究热点之一.很多俯冲带,特别是环太平洋俯冲带内的中深源地震,在空间上呈明显的分层分布,并且各层地震具有不同的震源机制,即所谓的双地震带现象.本文简要介绍了环太平洋双地震带形态特征与震源机制的空间分布,并回顾了双地震带的几种成因模型.根据形态特征和震源机制的差异,中源深度的双地震带可以分为两类,其中,一类双地震带对应上、下二层分别为压缩和张性的地震分布;另一类双地震带的震源分布较浅,且其浅部地震以横向压缩为主.此外,日本本州东北俯冲带的地震分布可能是由三层地震带组成的,而且汤加、伊豆-小笠原地区还发现深源深度的双地震带.通过对双地震带的形态特征以及其热力学条件的研究,人们从抗弯作用、脱水脆化、相变断层等多方面,尝试建立解释双地震带成因的模型.目前,大多数研究利用数值计算结果,结合蛇纹石脱水脆化、相变断层模型,能够不同程度地分别解释中源和深源双地震带成因.不过,这些模型几乎相互独立,并不能同时解释中源和深源双地震带.有人试图尝试用统一模型解释中深源地震成因,例如,先前存在的断层模型,不过该模型还不很具有说服力.也可能是多种因素的联合作用,共同影响着俯冲板内的温度场、应力场分布.  相似文献   

We propose a novel seismic tomography method,Source Side Seismic Tomography(3STomo),which is designed particularly to image the subsurface structure beneath seismically active regions.Unlike the teleseismic tomography,in which the data are relative traveltime residuals between closely spaced stations for each teleseismic event,3STomo uses relative traveltime shifts between earthquakes within the study region for each distant station.Given the relatively evener distribution of global seismic stations,this method has unique advantages for imaging the structure beneath regions that have numerous earthquakes but lack of dense seismic stations,for example,some subduction zones and spreading ridges in the ocean.In addition,3STomo has potentially better vertical resolution at shallow depths than the traditional teleseismic tomography.The effect of the inaccurate source parameters on its resolution can be minimized by using depth phases and the technique of joint source and structure inversion.Numerical experiments and application to Luzon Island,Philippines show that 3STomo can be a valuable tool to investigate the subsurface structure beneath some areas where the traditional method cannot be applied to,or at least it can be used as a complementary component of conventional teleseismic tomography to obtain better back-azimuth coverage and achieve higher resolution at shallow depths in the inversion.  相似文献   

本文通过野外地震地质考察和系统的年代学样品的采集与测试,对长岭-半边山断裂带的第四纪活动性进行了讨论。在探讨川东地区发震构造条件的基础上,笔者结合长岭-半边山断裂带的基本特征和年代学特征,认为该断裂具有发生最大潜在地震为5.0~6.0级的发震能力。  相似文献   

The relation between the local mean lunar time τ of earthquake occurrence and their fault trends is studied in this paper. The local mean lunar times τ of 53 earthquakes in 24 groups are calculated. Because the tidal generation force arisen by the moon is a cyclic function of about 12 hours 25 minutes in the main, the two tidal generation forces anywhere in the earth arising by the moon are equal in general when the moon lies to the two sites of 180° interval of local mean lunar time. Based on this phenomenon the values Δτ of τ1–τ2 or τ1–τ2 ± 180° of two earthquakes occurring repetitiously in the same place are also calculated. The calculated results show that if the fault trends of the two earthquakes in the same place is near, the Δτ is usually smaller and if the fault trends of the two ones is not near, the Δτ is usually larger and the distribution of the local mean lunar time τ of earthquakes in different places is dispersive even if fault trends of these earthquakes are near, and the τ does not concentrate on the lower and upper transit of the moon. The above phenomena clear up that the triggering earthquake of earth solid tide arisen by the moon is relative with the fault trends of earthquakes and we ought to think over the difference of environmental conditions of earthquake preparation of each seismogenic zone and can not make statistics to earthquakes in different places when we study the relation between the solid earth tide arisen by the moon and earthquakes.  相似文献   

Abstract The transformation of smectite‐group clay minerals to illite has garnered considerable interest as a potentially important process affecting both the mechanical and hydrologic behavior of subduction zones. Illitization can generate fluid overpressure by release of bound water, and the mineralogical change and associated cementation may increase intrinsic frictional strength while decreasing the sliding stability of faults. Released bound water also contributes to pore water freshening observed in boreholes at numerous margins. Here the authors combine data from Ocean Drilling Program drill sites along two transects at the Nankai subduction zone with numerical models of smectite transformation, to (i) quantify the distribution of smectite transformation and fluid production downdip of the trench; and (ii) evaluate its hydrologic and mechanical implications. High heat flow (ca 180 mW/m2) along the axis of the Kinan Seamount Chain (Muroto transect) initiates clay mineral transformation outboard of the trench, whereas lower heat flow (70–120 mW/m2) 100 km to the SW (Ashizuri transect) results in negligible presubduction diagenesis. As a result, considerably more bound fluid is subducted along the Ashizuri transect; simulated peak fluid sources down‐dip of the trench are considerably higher than for the Muroto transect (ca 1.2–1.3 × 10?14/s vs ca 6 × 10?15/s), and are shifted ca 10 km further from the trench. More generally, sensitivity analysis illustrates that heat flow, taper angle, incoming sediment thickness, and plate convergence rate all systematically affect reaction progress and the distribution of bound water release down‐dip of the trench. These shifts in the loci and volume of fluid release are important for constraining fluid flow pathways, and provide insight into the links between clay transformation and fault mechanics.  相似文献   

Seismic networks have significantly improved in the last decade in terms of coverage density, data quality, and instrumental diversity. Moreover, revolutionary advances in ultra-dense seismic instruments, such as nodes and fiber-optic sensing technologies, have recently provided unprecedented high-resolution data for regional and local earthquake monitoring. Nodal arrays have characteristics such as easy installation and flexible apertures, but are limited in power efficiency and data storage and thus most suitable as temporary networks. Fiber-optic sensing techniques, inclu-ding distributed acoustic sensing, can be operated in real time with an in-house power supply and connected data storage, thereby exhibiting the potential of becoming next-generation permanent networks. Fiber-optic sensing techniques offer a powerful way of filling the observation gap particularly in submarine environments. Despite these technological advancements, various challenges remain. First, the data characteristics of fiber-optic sensing are still unclear. Second, it is challenging to construct software infrastructures to store, transfer, visualize, and process large amount of seismic data. Finally, innovative detection methods are required to exploit the potential of numerous channels. With improved knowledge about data characteristics, enhanced software infrastructures, and suitable data processing techniques, these innovations in seismic instrumentation could profoundly impact observational seismology.  相似文献   

龙门山断裂带精细速度结构的双差层析成像研究   总被引:10,自引:11,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
利用川西流动地震台阵、汶川地震震后应急台网记录到的P波到时资料,对2008年5月至2008年10月期间发生的汶川地震余震序列应用双差层析成像方法进行了地震震源和三维P波速度结构的联合反演.结果显示,联合反演获得的地震重定位结果与基于一维地壳参考模型的双差定位方法结果相近;研究区15 km以上速度结构与地表断裂分布密切相关,20 km以下深度呈现北东向和北西向交错结构.汶川地震破裂带南段龙门山断裂带之间上地壳呈现高速异常,速度结构的非均匀变化是控制余震分布和主震破裂传播的主要因素;联合反演结果给出了小鱼洞—理县方向存在隐伏断裂的速度结构证据,同时发现,破裂带北东段可能沿新发断裂扩展;结果确认了汶川地震起始段的高角度逆冲断裂特征,也确认了前山断裂和中央断裂在约20 km深度合并到脆韧转换带的特征.  相似文献   

2014年鲁甸M_S6.5地震位于川滇菱形块体向东突出的过渡变形区大凉山次级块体南东缘的昭通、莲峰断裂带内部,属于青藏高原东南缘南北地震带的中南段,近十多年来,该断裂带及其周边中强地震的发生频次明显增多,昭通、莲峰断裂带是否具备孕育和发生强震的深部构造背景成为一个亟待研究的问题.为了研究昭通、莲峰断裂带的深部结构特征及孕震背景,探求2014年鲁甸M_S6.5地震的成因的深部动力机制,本文充分收集了四川、云南等区域数字地震台网和"中国地震科学台阵探测-南北地震带南段"("喜马拉雅"项目Ⅰ期)流动地震台阵的观测数据,应用区域震和远震联合反演的方法得到川滇地区三维速度结构图像,在此基础上重点剖析和研究了昭通、莲峰断裂带P波速度结构;再对昭通、莲峰断裂带及周边区域的重力、航磁数据进行三维视密度和视磁化强度反演,得到了壳内不同深度层视密度的横向变化特征和反映壳内磁性物质的分布范围以及结晶基底的视磁化强度异常分布情况,综合分析研究昭通、莲峰断裂带的深部结构特征及孕震动力环境.研究结果表明:川滇交界东部昭通、莲峰断裂带及其周边地区上地壳物质存在显著的横向介质差异,中下地壳深度范围大凉山次级块体西南缘存在低速异常分布,并呈现出近SN向的展布特征,2014年鲁甸M_S6.5地震位于该高低速异常的分界线附近略偏向高速体一侧.P波速度结构还揭示了鲁甸M_S6.5主震震源体下方中下地壳存在大范围低速异常分布,P波速度异常扰动与重磁异常的展布特征、梯度变化在深度和分区特征上均具有较好的联系和可比性,结合昭通、莲峰断裂带中下地壳范围内存在大范围的低密度弱磁性异常分布,综合表明了该区中下地壳物质相对较为软弱,这种特有的深部物性结构特征有利于应力在脆性的上地壳内积累和集中.研究结果还揭示了共轭断裂的深部构造形态,高低航磁异常边界与NW向的苞谷脑—小河断裂的深部展布形态相一致,苞谷脑—小河断裂处于航磁异常突变带附近,昭通断裂北段(昭通—鲁甸段)位于上地壳强磁性、高波速异常区内且具有深大断裂的深部地球物理场响应特征,因此该断裂段(昭通—鲁甸段)具备发生7级及以上强震的深部构造背景.当大凉山次级块体内部的中下地壳低速管流层自NW向SE方向运动到昭通、莲峰断裂带附近时,受到华南块体的强烈阻挡,应力在昭通、莲峰断裂附近基底性质存在差异处集中,脆性上地壳中低强度区域在横向挤压的构造应力场作用下易于破裂从而引发强震,这也正是昭通、莲峰断裂带内部鲁甸M_S6.5地震孕育和发生的深部构造环境.  相似文献   


安宁河—则木河断裂带及东侧的大凉山断裂带作为大凉山次级块体西侧与东侧边界,具有发生大地震的活动构造背景.本文意在用有限的形变数据和地震数据两种资料评估大凉山次级块体边界断裂带的孕震深度及其地震危险性.采用弹性半空间模型对安宁河断裂、则木河断裂和大凉山断裂带滑动速率和闭锁深度进行了详细分析;计算了90%、95%和99%不同分位数的小震深度下界值并与GPS得到的闭锁深度进行对比,分析二者异同点.结果显示,安宁河断裂北段闭锁深度为6.2 km,不到90%分位小震震源深度16 km的一半,表明该段在1952年MS63/4地震后,断层逐渐趋于闭锁;而在6~16 km深度主要以小地震和无震滑动两种形式释放能量,存在深部蠕滑运动.大凉山断裂北段在0~10 km范围内完全闭锁,而10~25 km闭锁程度较弱.安宁河断裂南段、则木河断裂、大凉山断裂中段和南段均处于完全闭锁阶段,闭锁深度接近90%分位数小震深度的下界值,标准差约为0.94 km.此外,A、B、C三个剖面的反演结果表明大凉山次级块体的运动自北向南具有顺时针旋转特性,与川滇块体顺时针运动特征吻合.大凉山次级块体北、中、南三段边界断裂及块体内部总的滑动速率分别为9.8 mm·a-1、8.9 mm·a-1和8.4 mm·a-1,呈自北向南递减趋势.大凉山断裂南段布拖断裂和交际河断裂积累的能量分别能够发生一次矩震级为MW7.5的地震,离逝时间已经接近地震平均复发间隔,未来100年大地震的发震概率分别为7.1%和5.9%,应对其地震危险性给予重视.


安宁河—则木河断裂带及东侧的大凉山断裂带作为大凉山次级块体西侧与东侧边界,具有发生大地震的活动构造背景.本文意在用有限的形变数据和地震数据两种资料评估大凉山次级块体边界断裂带的孕震深度及其地震危险性.采用弹性半空间模型对安宁河断裂、则木河断裂和大凉山断裂带滑动速率和闭锁深度进行了详细分析;计算了90%、95%和99%不同分位数的小震深度下界值并与GPS得到的闭锁深度进行对比,分析二者异同点.结果显示,安宁河断裂北段闭锁深度为6.2 km,不到90%分位小震震源深度16 km的一半,表明该段在1952年MS63/4地震后,断层逐渐趋于闭锁;而在6~16 km深度主要以小地震和无震滑动两种形式释放能量,存在深部蠕滑运动.大凉山断裂北段在0~10 km范围内完全闭锁,而10~25 km闭锁程度较弱.安宁河断裂南段、则木河断裂、大凉山断裂中段和南段均处于完全闭锁阶段,闭锁深度接近90%分位数小震深度的下界值,标准差约为0.94 km.此外,A、B、C三个剖面的反演结果表明大凉山次级块体的运动自北向南具有顺时针旋转特性,与川滇块体顺时针运动特征吻合.大凉山次级块体北、中、南三段边界断裂及块体内部总的滑动速率分别为9.8 mm·a-1、8.9 mm·a-1和8.4 mm·a-1,呈自北向南递减趋势.大凉山断裂南段布拖断裂和交际河断裂积累的能量分别能够发生一次矩震级为MW7.5的地震,离逝时间已经接近地震平均复发间隔,未来100年大地震的发震概率分别为7.1%和5.9%,应对其地震危险性给予重视.  相似文献   

电阻率各向异性及在地震研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地电阻率各向异性广泛存在地壳中,尤其是浅部.因地震、矿山开采、火山喷发以及大型地质构造运动会明显改变地应力场,从而导致裂隙优势排列及裂隙中充填的流体重新分布,最终导致明显的电阻率各向异性.通过监测其变化,不仅可研究和了解地应力场的动态演化过程,还可以作为预测地震,矿震、火山活动和灾害性地质构造运动的依据,并研究它们形成的物理过程和物理机制.本文从室内、野外实验和数值模拟方面对电阻率各向异性的研究进行了概述,阐述了其在地震监测预报研究中的应用.探讨了室内电阻率各向异性岩石实验研究的发展特点,提出了新手段--电成像技术实验研究岩石电阻率各向异性的思路,期望建立研究电阻率各向异性的阵列式观测系统.  相似文献   

2014年8月3日,云南省昭通-鲁甸地区发生MS6.5级地震,造成了重大的人员伤亡和财产损失.鲁甸震区位于扬子块体的西缘,小江断裂带的东侧北东向的昭通-莲峰断裂带内.由于至今没有穿越该断裂带的人工源深地震测深剖面,而丽江-攀枝花-清镇650 km长深地震测深剖面距离鲁甸主震区不超过50 km,利用宽角地震资料的初至波震相,通过有限差分反演揭示该地区上地壳速度结构,可以为鲁甸震区的地震定位、地震孕育机制等提供深部速度模型.速度剖面显示:剖面结晶基底厚度平均为2 km左右;小江断裂带速度较低,东西两侧的速度较高;因此小江断裂带区域地壳强度比较低,加上断裂两侧的应变速率很高,所以小江断裂带和旁边的鲁甸-昭通断裂带,未来具有发生较大地震的可能,值得关注.  相似文献   

We describe the deep structure of the south Colombian–northern Ecuador convergent margin using travel time inversion of wide-angle seismic data recently collected offshore. The margin appears segmented into three contrasting zones. In the North Zone, affected by four great subduction earthquakes during the 20th century, normal oceanic crust subducts beneath the oceanic Cretaceous substratum of the margin underlined by seismic velocities as high as 6.0–6.5 km/s. In the Central Zone the subducting oceanic crust is over-thickened beneath the Carnegie Ridge. A steeper slope and a well-developed, high velocity, Cretaceous oceanic basement characterizes the margin wedge. This area coincides with a gap in significant subduction earthquake activity. In the South Zone, the subducting oceanic crust is normal. The fore-arc is characterized by large sedimentary basins suggesting significant subsidence. Velocities in the margin wedge are significantly lower and denote a different nature or a higher degree of fracturing.

Even if the distance between the three profiles exceeds 150 km, the structural segmentation obtained along the Ecuadorian margin correlates well with the distribution of seismic activity and the neotectonic zonation.  相似文献   

1999年9月24日福州震群活动与地震构造的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用双差地震定位法,重新确定了1999年9月24日发生于福州盆地,最大震级为ML3·8的震群序列的148次地震的震源位置,并结合福州市活断层探测的最新成果,探讨了该震群活动与福州盆地深部构造的关系。结果表明,此次震群的震源破裂过程可能主要受北西向断裂的控制,整个震群位于北西向断裂、南北向断裂与北东向断裂相互交汇的地区。  相似文献   

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