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In the oxidized zone of Rakha-Chapri Block of the Singhbhum Copper Belt, alteration of biotite, chlorite and muscovite extends down to ∼ 60 m. Below this level, these minerals are not altered, implying a supergene origin for the clay alteration products. The altered host-rock profile consists of an upper, predominantly kaolinitic zone and a lower illite-chlorite rich zone, with the clay minerals showing an overall tendency to decrease with depth. Kaolinite is the dominant clay mineral, the proportion of which varies considerably with depth, and chlorite, illite and halloysite are the other clay minerals of the oxidized zone. Incipient removal of copper even from the cap rocks, in-situ transformation of sulphides to oxidized compounds, and the unusual mode of occurrence of copper in the oxidized zone are the characteristic features of the Rakha-Chapri Block. Insufficient localized hydrolysis of silicates is considered responsible for relatively low acidity in the oxidized zone as a whole. Copper forms a component of the clay minerals probably as surface adsorbed or/lattice-bound ions.  相似文献   

花岗岩型铀矿中铀的来源问题,长期以来是铀矿床学研究的热点问题之一。大多数学者认为其成矿物质主要来源于花岗岩本身的含铀副矿物,然而对于含铀副矿物热液蚀变行为研究较少。鹿井铀矿田位于诸广山复式岩体的中部,是华南最主要花岗岩型铀矿田之一,碎裂蚀变岩型铀矿化在该矿田内占主导地位。小山铀矿床位于鹿井矿田中部,是近些年新发现的碎裂蚀变岩型矿床。本文以钻孔ZK1-1为研究对象,对热液蚀变带开展了精细矿物学研究。研究表明:蚀变带中发育有晶质铀矿、铀石—钍石、独居石、磷钇矿、锆石、磷灰石、金红石等含铀副矿物。晶质铀矿、铀石—钍石中铀含量高,热液蚀变条件不稳定,铀容易释放;独居石蚀变为直氟碳钙铈矿和磷钇矿蚀变为次生磷灰石过程中容易释放出铀;锆石因结构稳定,铀难以释放;磷灰石、金红石中铀含量较低,供铀能力差。综合分析认为花岗岩中晶质铀矿、铀石—钍石是主要铀源矿物,独居石、磷钇矿为次要铀源矿物。  相似文献   

The differentiated Mesozoic alkali dolerite Prospect Intrusion contains a wide range of secondary minerals, including carbonates (primarily calcite), laumontite, prehnite and heulandite, whose stability relationships imply a formation temperature of <200°C. The δ18O data for carbonates define a higher temperature (160 – 195°C) suite, and a lower temperature (51 – 73°C) suite. The δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr isotope systematics for these carbonates suggest derivation of the higher temperature group from magmatic fluids, whereas the other group had a major meteoric component that probably originated from porewater in the country rock. Source fluids for prehnite were meteoric rather than magmatic in origin based on their δD and δ18O ratios. Early in the intrusion's emplacement, CO2-rich hydrothermal fluids formed a carbonate rind sealing the upper part of the hydrothermal system and produced the higher temperature carbonates (calcite) and laumontite. Later, cooler fluids with a meteoric component infiltrated vesicles and fractures, depositing the lower temperature carbonates (calcite, aragonite), heulandite and prehnite.  相似文献   

The stringer zones and commonly the interaction zone at the base of the massive sulphide mounds in the Iberian Pyrite Belt contain bismuth and cobalt minerals that are not found in the overlying massive sulphides. These are fairly rare cobalt sulphoarsenides (cobaltite, alloclasite, galucodot) that were formed at the beginning of the massive sulphide genesis, and fairly common bismuth sulphides (bismuthinite, hammarite, wittichenite, cosalite, kobellite, joseite, etc.), including species rare at world scale (nuffieldite, giessenite, jaskolskiite) that were deposited from last stage high-temperature (> 300 °C) copper-bearing fluids containing Bi (Te, Se). The last stage fluids precipitated chalcopyrite containing Cu, Bi, Te, (Se) sulphosalts at the base of the sulphide mound to form a high cupriferous zone. Their interaction with the massive sulphides is reflected by the formation of an exchange zone, a few metres thick, showing chalcopyrite disease textures, at the base of the mound; this zone forms the upper limit of potentially economic copper enrichment and of bismuth minerals. Gold is undoubtedly in part, if not totally, related to this last phase. The bismuth concentrations being equivalent in the massive sulphides and the stringers, the presence of bismuth minerals in the stringer zones results from high-temperature conditions combined with a rarity of galena, which impedes absorption of available Bi. The distribution of these bismuth minerals provides a basic mineralogical zoning in the stringer zone, with a deep, low-aS2 zone containing native bismuth and tellurides and a shallow, higher-aS2 zone in contact with the massive ore sensu stricto and containing complex bismuth sulphides. These results make it possible to distinguish between sulphide veinlets belonging to stockwork zones of massive orebodies and veinlets of an ambiguous nature, and provide mineralogical criteria for the proximity of copper-rich zones. They enrich the very complex mineralogy of the Iberian Pyrite Belt.  相似文献   

Detrital volcanic and vein quartz, accompanied by felsic volcanic debris, occur as minor constituents in the Ordovician subduction‐related mafic volcanics of the Molong Volcanic Belt. In the western province of the Molong Volcanic Belt, detrital quartz is present in the three episodes of the mafic Volcanics. Volcanic quartz occurs in allochthonous limestone blocks in the Bendigonian Hensleigh Siltstone overlying the Mitchell Formation. The second volcanic episode (the Fairbridge Volcanics) commenced after a hiatus of approximately 20 million years and lasted around 10 million years from Darriwilian to Gisbornian time. Locally derived vein quartz, volcanic quartz and felsic detritus are concentrated at the bases of autochthonous Wahringa and Yuranigh Limestone Members of the volcanics and are extensive and abundant in basal beds of the regional Eastonian limestone body that transgressed over an eroded volcanic centre at Cargo. This early Eastonian debris, deposited early in an 8 million‐year volcanic hiatus preceding the final Ordovician Bolindian volcanism, establishes a pre‐Eastonian age for mineralisation at Cargo. It is inferred that the pauses in volcanism were preceded by magmatic fractionation, intrusion and hydrothermal activity and followed by erosion, subsidence and deposition of autochthonous limestones. Minor occurrences of vein and volcanic quartz are found in Bolindian volcanogenic sediments of the third volcanic phase. It is concluded that hydrothermal vein formation (and mineralisation by inference) was associated with pauses in volcanic activity throughout the Middle to early Late Ordovician over a wide area in the western province, culminating in the mineralisation at Cargo and Copper Hill near Molong. Volcanism in the eastern province of the Molong Volcanic Belt was continuous from at least Darriwilian to latest Ordovician time. Here, detrital hydrothermal vein quartz and volcanic quartz and felsic detritus are distributed through late Middle and early Late Ordovician turbidites of the Weemalla Formation. The possible existence of cycles in the source area like those of the Fairbridge Volcanics is masked by the distal nature of these deposits. Vein formation occurred in both provinces from late Middle Ordovician to early Late Ordovician, long before the formation of the world‐class mineral deposit at Cadia associated with the latest Ordovician Cadia Monzonite.  相似文献   

The mineralisation potential of Palaeoproterozoic strata from the central Gawler Craton, South Australia, is poorly known. This study defines the timing of Zn-rich skarn formation within Palaeoproterozoic calcsilicate and highlights this as a new mineralisation style for the Gawler Craton. Sulphides within the garnet–diopside skarn in the No. 17 Bore Prospect are predominantly in the form of sphalerite, associated with galena, minor chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pyrite. Sulphide is present in disseminated form and as a coarse-grained sulphide within a sericite-rich cavity-fill. Mineralisation is inferred to have formed at 1710 ± 16 Ma through a Sm–Nd isochron from garnet and diopside aliquots. A weakly mineralised and altered granite immediately below the calcsilicate skarn crystallised at 1729 ± 13 Ma (LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon), within error of the skarn mineralisation. The skarn is interpreted to have formed through the initiation of fluid circulation as a result of high-level granite emplacement within the Palaeoproterozoic strata. Exploration for skarn Zn–Pb deposits such as the No. 17 Bore Prospect is assisted by their geophysical properties.  相似文献   

《Ore Geology Reviews》2010,37(4):350-362
The mineralisation potential of Palaeoproterozoic strata from the central Gawler Craton, South Australia, is poorly known. This study defines the timing of Zn-rich skarn formation within Palaeoproterozoic calcsilicate and highlights this as a new mineralisation style for the Gawler Craton. Sulphides within the garnet–diopside skarn in the No. 17 Bore Prospect are predominantly in the form of sphalerite, associated with galena, minor chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pyrite. Sulphide is present in disseminated form and as a coarse-grained sulphide within a sericite-rich cavity-fill. Mineralisation is inferred to have formed at 1710 ± 16 Ma through a Sm–Nd isochron from garnet and diopside aliquots. A weakly mineralised and altered granite immediately below the calcsilicate skarn crystallised at 1729 ± 13 Ma (LA-ICPMS U–Pb zircon), within error of the skarn mineralisation. The skarn is interpreted to have formed through the initiation of fluid circulation as a result of high-level granite emplacement within the Palaeoproterozoic strata. Exploration for skarn Zn–Pb deposits such as the No. 17 Bore Prospect is assisted by their geophysical properties.  相似文献   

李希 《地质与勘探》2016,52(3):489-496
国内外已广泛使用高光谱方法提取和识别岩石和矿物的技术。本文利用这个技术,在地面光谱测试、数据处理和光谱特征分析的基础上,提取和识别出斑岩钼矿区的蚀变矿物,通过分析与钼矿化蚀变的相关性,从12种主要蚀变矿物中优选出5种在矿区具有代表性的蚀变矿物:绢云母、蒙脱石、伊利石化绢云母、高岭石(结晶差)和铁镁绿泥石。结合其空间分布和分带特征,分析了与钼矿化的关系,进而划分出内、中和外三个蚀变带,预测了矿区的找矿方向,并提供了一种新的找矿思路。  相似文献   

Regional oxygen isotopic sytematics have been performed mainly on the felsic volcanic footwall rocks of the orebodies but also on purple schist characteristic of the hanging wall series, around two giant VMS deposits in the Spanish Iberian Pyrite Belt, Riotinto and La Zarza. As the terranes of the Iberian Pyrite Belt, these two giant deposits have been affected by the Hercynian tectono-metamorphic events, strongly modifying their geometry. About 60 and 40 samples were collected over a 10×4 km2 area at Riotinto and a 3×2 km2 area at La Zarza, respectively. Whole-rock powders were analysed for oxygen by CO2-laser fluorination. At both sites, a same type of low-δ18O anomaly down to +3.6‰, well differentiated from the regional background (up to 20‰), was identified near the orebodies. The lowest δ18O values (+4 to +11‰) correspond to the chlorite hydrothermal halo, essentially restricted to the feeder zones of the orebody. Intermediate δ18O values (+9 to +15‰) correspond to the sericite hydrothermal halo, mostly developed laterally to the orebody until 0.5–1 km. The regional background (+16 to +20‰) is represented by spilitised volcanic rocks. A same kind of low anomaly, but with less contrast, was defined in purple schist in the immediate hanging wall of the orebodies. All these results demonstrate that, despite high geometrical modifications of the orebodies related to the Hercynian tectonics, oxygen isotopic anomalies recorded by volcanic host rocks during the emplacement of the mineralising hydrothermal systems are still identified. This strongly suggests that oxygen isotopic systematics could be useful to identify target areas in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, as already demonstrated on other VMS targets in the world.  相似文献   

The Otavi Mountain Land is a base metal sulphide ore province in northern Namibia where deposits are hosted by platform carbonates of the Otavi Group in a foreland fold-and-thrust belt on the northern edge of the Pan-African Damara Belt. Deposits have been classified as the Berg Aukas- or Tsumeb-types, based on differences in ore association, stratigraphic position and geochemistry of ores and gangue carbonates. Mineralisation at these deposits is accompanied by carbonate alteration in the form of dolomite and calcite veins, carbonate recrystallisation, calcitisation and carbonate silicification. Based on cathodoluminescence imaging, trace and rare earth element (REE), O and C isotope, and fluid inclusion data, a series of carbonate generations, constituting wall rock alteration around the Tsumeb and Kombat (Tsumeb-type) and Berg Aukas (Berg Aukas-type) deposits, was established. Similar data obtained on the recently discovered Khusib Springs deposit indicate a strong affinity to Tsumeb-type deposits. Tsumeb-type deposits are distinguished from Berg Aukas-type deposits by having trace element and REE concentrations that are significantly higher in the alteration products compared to the carbonate host rocks. Only around Tsumeb-type deposits a relative enrichment in light REE is noted for the hydrothermal carbonate generations that are cogenetic with the main stage of mineralisation. Microthermometric results from fluid inclusions in carbonate alteration phases and associated quartz indicate relatively high salinity (17–23 wt% NaCl equivalent) for the main mineralising and subsequent sulphide remobilisation stages at the deposits investigated. Estimated mineralisation temperatures are significantly higher for Tsumeb-type deposits (370–405 °C) with early sulphide remobilisation in Tsumeb at 275 °C, whereas they are lower at Berg Aukas (up to 255 °C). Fluid inclusion leachate analysis suggests that most of the observed salinity can be ascribed to dissolved, predominantly Ca- and Mg-carbonates and chlorides with subordinate NaCl. Na-Cl-Br leachate systematics indicate a derivation of the fluid salinity from the interaction with evaporitic rocks en route. Tsumeb-type mineralisation is interpreted to be derived from fluids expelled during Pan-African orogeny in the more intensely deformed internal zones of the Damara Belt further south. When the high salinity fluids reached the carbonate platform after having scavenged high concentrations of base metals, base metal sulphide precipitation occurred in zones of high porosity, provided by karst features in the carbonate sequence. Results obtained for the Berg Aukas-type deposits emphasise their derivation from basinal brines, similar to Mississippi Valley-type deposits, and confirm that mineralisation of the Berg Aukas- and Tsumeb-types are both spatially and temporally distinct. Received: 5 May 1999 / Accepted: 10 November 1999  相似文献   

Platinum-group element (PGE) mineralisation within the Platreef at Overysel is controlled by the presence of base metal sulphides (BMS). The floor rocks at Overysel are Archean basement gneisses, and unlike other localities along the strike of the Platreef where the floor is comprised of Transvaal Supergroup sediments, the intimate PGE–BMS relationship holds strong into the footwall rocks. Decoupling of PGE from BMS is rare and the BMS and platinum-group mineral assemblages in the Platreef and the footwall are almost identical. There is minimal overprinting by hydrothermal fluids; therefore, the mineralisation style present at Overysel may represent the most ‘primary’ style of Platreef mineralisation preserved anywhere along the strike. Chondrite-normalised PGE profiles reveal a progressive fractionation of the PGE with depth into the footwall, with Ir, Ru and Rh dramatically depleted with depth compared to Pt, Pd and Au. This feature is not observed at Sandsloot and Zwartfontein, to the south of Overysel, where the footwall rocks are carbonates. There is evidence from rare earth element abundances and the amount of interstitial quartz towards the base of the Platreef pyroxenites that contamination by a felsic melt derived from partial melting of the gneissic footwall has taken place. Textural evidence in the gneisses suggests that a sulphide liquid percolated down into the footwall through a permeable, inter-granular network that was produced by partial melting around grain boundaries in the gneisses that was induced by the intrusion of the Platreef magma. PGE were originally concentrated within a sulphide liquid in the Platreef magma, and the crystallisation of monosulphide solid solution from the sulphide liquid removed the majority of the IPGE and Rh from it whilst still within the mafic Platreef. Transport of PGE into the gneisses, via downward migration of the residual sulphide liquid, fractionated out the remaining IPGE and Rh in the upper parts of the gneisses leaving a ‘slick’ of disseminated sulphides in the gneiss, with the residual liquid becoming progressively more depleted in these elements relative to Pt, Pd and Au. Highly sulphide-rich zones with massive sulphides formed where ponding of the sulphide liquid occurred due to permeability contrasts in the footwall. This study highlights the fact that there is a fundamental floor rock control on the mechanism of distribution of PGE from the Platreef into the footwall rocks. Where the floor rocks are sediments, fluid activity related to metamorphism, assimilation and later serpentinisation has decoupled PGE from BMS in places, and transport of PGE into the footwall is via hydrothermal fluids. In contrast, where the floor is comprised of anhydrous gneiss, such as at Overysel, there is limited fluid activity and PGE behaviour is controlled by the behaviour of sulphide liquids, producing an intimate PGE–BMS association. Xenoliths and irregular bands of chromitite within the Platreef are described in detail for the first time. These are rich in the IPGE and Rh, and evidence from laurite inclusions indicates they must have crystallised from a PGE-saturated magma. The disturbed and xenolithic nature of the chromitites would suggest they are rip-up clasts, either disturbed by later pulses of Platreef magma in a multi-phase emplacement or transported into the Platreef from a pre-existing source in a deeper staging chamber or conduit.  相似文献   

In response to the discovery of diamonds within modern alluvium in the glaciated area of Wawa, Ontario, Canada, the Ontario Geological Survey undertook a regional program of surficial mapping and modern alluvial sediment sampling to assess the potential of the area for diamond-bearing kimberlite. Five varieties of kimberlite-derived indicator minerals were recovered and the composition of three varieties was evaluated, resulting in the identification of G10 Cr-pyrope garnet, inclusion field chromite and Mg-ilmenite. The distribution of indicator minerals was examined in the context of the glacial and bedrock geology. Glacial dispersal from non-kimberlitic marker units is restricted (commonly less than 200 m) and many kimberlite indicator minerals were recovered from samples collected close to cross-cutting NE–SW and NW–SE faults and a strong NE–SW trend in the bedrock associated with the Kapuskasing Structural Zone. From this, several potential exploration targets for diamond-bearing kimberlite are defined.  相似文献   

Sixteen kimberlite boulders were collected from three sites on the Munro and Misema River Eskers in the Kirkland Lake kimberlite field and one site on the Sharp Lake esker in the Lake Timiskaming kimberlite field. The boulders were processed for heavy-mineral concentrates from which grains of Mg-ilmenite, chromite, garnet, clinopyroxene and olivine were picked, counted and analyzed by electron microprobe. Based on relative abundances and composition of these mineral phases, the boulders could be assigned to six mineralogically different groups, five for the Kirkland Lake area and one for the Lake Timiskaming area. Their indicator mineral composition and abundances are compared to existing data for known kimberlites in both the Kirkland Lake and Lake Timiskaming areas. Six boulders from the Munro Esker form a compositionally homogeneous group (I) in which the Mg-ilmenite population is very similar to that of the A1 kimberlite, located 7–12 km N (up-ice), directly adjacent to the Munro esker in the Kirkland Lake kimberlite field. U–Pb perovskite ages of three of the group I boulders overlap with that of the A1 kimberlite. Three other boulders recovered from the same localities in the Munro Esker also show some broad similarities in Mg-ilmenite composition and age to the A1 kimberlite. However, they are sufficiently different in mineral abundances and composition from each other and from the A1 kimberlite to assign them to different groups (II–IV). Their sources could be different phases of the same kimberlite or—more likely—three different, hitherto unknown kimberlites up-ice of the sample localities along the Munro Esker in the Kirkland Lake kimberlite field. A single boulder from the Misema River esker, Kirkland Lake, has mineral compositions that do not match any of the known kimberlites from the Kirkland Lake field. This suggests another unknown kimberlite exists in the area up-ice of the Larder Lake pit along the Misema River esker. Six boulders from the Sharp Lake esker, within the Lake Timiskaming field, form a homogeneous group with distinct mineral compositions unmatched by any of the known kimberlites in the Lake Timiskaming field. U–Pb perovskite age determinations on two of these boulders support this notion. These boulders are likely derived from an unknown kimberlite source up-ice from the Seed kimberlite, 4 km NW of the Sharp Lake pit, since indicator minerals with identical compositions to those of the Sharp Lake boulders have been found in till samples collected down-ice from Seed. Based on abundance and composition of indicator minerals, most importantly Mg-ilmenite, and supported by U–Pb age dating of perovskite, we conclude that the sources of 10 of the 16 boulders must be several hitherto unknown kimberlite bodies in the Kirkland Lake and Lake Timiskaming kimberlite fields.  相似文献   

HyLogger hyperspectral data obtained from seven orogenic gold deposits in central Victoria, including Bendigo, Ballarat, Maldon, Fosterville, Costerfield, Castlemaine and Wildwood, are presented. The data demonstrate that fresh diamond drill core displays substantial mineralogical variation that can be attributed to the effects of cryptic hydrothermal alteration that might not otherwise be recognised. The most significant hyperspectral response lies in the white mica compositions, which vary in a systematic manner between high-Al muscovitic zones (Al–OH absorption around 2208 nm) that define a phyllic alteration halo around mineralised structures, and low-Al phengitic–chlorite zones (Al–OH absorption >2014 nm) inferred to represent either more distal alteration or possibly regional metamorphic background. An extensive ferroan dolomite alteration halo overlaps the phyllic and sulfidic alteration zones and extends beyond the sampled core in most instances. This ferroan dolomite halo has previously been defined petrographically, geochemically and using carbonate staining techniques, and is further characterised using thermal infrared hyperspectral data in drill core from the Ballarat goldfield. The mineralogical trends identified by the hyperspectral data are best developed in diamond drill core from the Costerfield, Fosterville and Ballarat goldfields, and are less pronounced at the other deposits. At Bendigo and Castlemaine the reasons for this are not immediately clear, but may be related to the close timing of gold mineralisation relative to peak metamorphism. The Maldon area lies within the contact aureole of the Harcourt Batholith and so has been thermally overprinted leading to the recrystallisation of earlier hydrothermal assemblages. The Wildwood deposit is similar to the Magdala deposit at Stawell and differs from the other goldfields in its geological setting, host rock lithologies and style of hydrothermal alteration, with the development of Fe-rich chlorite closely associated with gold mineralisation. The results demonstrate how hyperspectral data can be used to define large hydrothermal alteration footprints associated with orogenic gold mineralisation in central Victoria that are of direct benefit to mineral explorers, as well as independently characterising lithological variations in drill core.  相似文献   

The small granite plutons occurring at the contact of the Singhbhum-Orissa Iron Ore craton (IOC) to the north and the Eastern Ghat Granulite Belt (EGGB) to the south in eastern Indian shield are characterised by the presence of enclaves of the granulites of EGGB and the greenschist facies rocks of IOC. These granites also bear the imprints of later cataclastic deformation which is present at the contact of the IOC and the EGGB. In situ Pb-Pb zircon dating of these granites gives minimum age of their formation 2.80 Ga. A whole-rock three point Rb-Sr isochron age of this rock is found to be 2.90 Ga. Therefore, the true age of formation of these granites will be around 2.90–2.80 Ga. These granitic rocks also contain xenocrystic zircon components of 3.50 Ga and show a later metasomatic or metamorphic effect 2.48 Ga obtained from the analyses on overgrowths developed on 2.80 Ga old zircon cores. The presence of granulitic enclaves within these contact zone granite indicates that the granulite facies metamorphism of the EGGB is 2.80 Ga or still older in age. The cataclastic deformations observed at the contact zone of the two adjacent cratons is definitely younger than 2.80 Ga and possibly related to 2.48 Ga event observed from the overgrowths. As 2.80 Ga granite plutons of small dimensions are also observed at the western margin of the IOC; it can be concluded that a geologic event occurred 2.80 Ga over the IOC when small granite bodies evolved at the marginal part of this craton after its stabilisation at 3.09 Ga.  相似文献   

In the Vizianagaram area (E 83°29.442′; N 18°5.418′) of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India, a suite of graphite‐bearing calc‐silicate granulites, veined by syenitic rocks, developed wollastonite‐rich veins at 6–7 kbar and > 850 °C. During subsequent near‐isobaric cooling wollastonite was replaced by calcite + quartz and a graphic intergrowth of fluorite + quartz ± clinopyroxene. Titanite with variable Al and F contents is present throughout the rock. Combining the compositional variation of titanite and recent experimental data, it is demonstrated that the mineral assemblage, the composition of coexisting fluids and the mobility of Al exert a far greater control on the composition of titanite than pressure, temperature or the whole rock composition. Thermodynamically computed isothermal–isobaric logfO2– logfCO2 and logfF2– logfO2 grids in the systems Ca–Fe–Si–O–F (CISOF; calcite‐free) and Ca–Fe–Si–O–F–C–H (CISOFV; calcite‐present) demonstrate the influence of bulk rock and fluid compositions on the stability of the fluorite‐bearing assemblages in diverse geological environments and resolve the problem of the stability of titanite in fayalite + fluorite‐bearing rocks in the Adirondacks. The mineralogy of the studied rocks and the topological constraints tightly fix the logfO2, logfF2 and logfCO2 at ?15.8, ?30.6 and 4.1, respectively, at 6.5 kbar and c. 730 °C. Because of the similarity in the P–T conditions, the compositions of pore fluids in the fluorite‐bearing assemblages of the Adirondacks and the Eastern Ghats Belt have been compared.  相似文献   

In western Victoria, a widespread stratiform style of gold enrichment in Palaeozoic black mudstone and chert—clearly different from the classic mesothermal quartz vein deposits of the Victorian goldfields—has been confirmed by whole-rock geochemistry and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). This enrichment pre-dates compaction, deformation and low-grade metamorphism of the sedimentary host-rocks, and therefore possibly developed diagenetically during slow deposition of the thin carbonaceous black mudstone beds and the thinner layers of chert. These paired strata have been documented at many locations in three regional outcrop areas of chevron-folded Cambrian and Lower Ordovician metasediments in the Stawell and Bendigo Zones, where they are interbedded with quartz-rich turbidites. The layers were named ‘indicators’ by the early miners, who found locally rich nuggety gold deposits at intersections between these layers and mesothermal quartz veins. Gold is present in euhedral pyrite crystals in both black shale and chert. LA-ICPMS analysis of individual pyrite crystals in the indicator beds shows that pyrite is enriched in Au, As, Sb, Se, Te and Bi. The Au content of pyrite varies from 0.03 to 2.69 ppm with a mean of 0.58 ppm and shows a positive correlation with As, which varies from 1000 to 6000 ppm. Many pyrite crystals show enrichment of gold in their cores and depletion in their rims, confirming the likely syngenetic or syndiagenetic accumulation of gold during pyrite formation in the sediments. Prior to regional metamorphism, folding and faulting, the many indicator strata in the outcrop areas were parts of an extensive marine sequence of Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician age. The former primary source of this mineralisation is considered to have been one or more contemporaneously exhalative submarine hydrothermal systems. Thus, the older Palaeozoic sediments of the western Lachlan Fold Belt were significantly enriched in syngenetic gold in the Early Palaeozoic, at least 40 million years before emplacement of the quartz – gold vein deposits of the goldfields.  相似文献   

郑学正  关鸿 《岩石学报》1996,12(3):424-433
大水清金矿带是华北克拉通中有代表性的改造型绿岩金矿之一。它产于前东武纪绿岩地体中安家营子石英二长岩体内外接触带附近的剪切带中。金矿化交代主要受后阶段张性脆裂控制,而剪切带早阶段韧性剪切作用无明显矿化交代,后者主要为成矿交代提供有益的江游交代构造环,境即成矿交代蚀变作用和剪切带同步的两阶段演化模式。大水清金矿带的交代作用有四个阶段:即用长石化阶段,绿泥石化阶段,黄铁绢英岩化和石英-硫化物阶段以及石英-碳酸盐化阶段。第三阶段由五个亚阶段组成:即黄铁绢英岩化和强硅化-强黄铁矿化,石英-多金属硫化物交代,石英-贫扶矿充填交代和细粒黄铁矿充填交代。其中前四个亚阶段是本区金的主要成矿期.当韧性剪切转化为张性脆裂时产生的骤然扩容和伴随发生的交代体系转变为富硅体系的钾交代和石英-硫化物交代是金矿成矿的关键。本文还研究和探讨了该金矿成矿交代流体的性质及交代的物理化学环境。  相似文献   

孙雨 《地质与勘探》2022,58(3):653-664
航空高光谱遥感数据具有“空谱合一”的优势,深入挖掘并应用高光谱数据中蕴含的蚀变矿物地质信息具有重要意义。本文应用航空高光谱CASI-SASI数据,建立了基于“整体谱形-特征参量协同”的蚀变矿物信息提取流程,并在甘肃省敦煌市小金窝子地区开展了蚀变矿物信息提取、地质涵义分析和野外查证。基于高光谱CASI-SASI数据成功提取了褐铁矿、绿泥石、绿帘石、短波云母、中短波云母、中长波云母、长波云母共7种蚀变矿物。高光谱CASI-SASI数据提取的大面积区域性分布的蚀变矿物多为区域热液作用产物,小范围定向分布的蚀变矿物与断裂、岩脉等成矿热液活动关系密切,局部产出且具定向性的中短波云母与断裂构造及酸性脉体关系密切,基于野外地质调查和ASD光谱实测的蚀变矿物野外查证工作证实蚀变矿物提取结果可信。褐铁矿+中短波云母的蚀变矿物组合具有金矿化指示意义,为基础地质调查和矿产资源勘查提供了重要的遥感信息。  相似文献   

A multivariate statistical analysis was carried out with log-transformed values of Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Ag, Cr, Mn, Ca, and Sr in several sets of samples collected across the mineralized base metal zone in sheared soda granite, feldspathic schist, and chlorite schist from the central section of Mosaboni Mine of the famous Singhbhum Copper Belt of eastern India. Linear correlation coefficient matrices of two sets of ore samples (>0.5% Cu)—one from levels 18 and 21 and the other from levels 25 and 28—indicate two well-defined and distinct clusters comprising Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, and Zn on one hand and Ca, Sr, and Mn on the other. Varimax-rotatedR-mode factor analysis of two above-noted sample sets, taken along with available geologic information, indicates that over 80% of the variability in data matrices for 9–10 elements can be accounted for by four distinct processes: (a) an early phase of copper mineralization which apparently replaced Mn, Ca, and Sr in the host rock; (b) a silicate-cum-oxide phase of crystallization/recrystallization of host rock; (c) remobilization of sulfide-forming ore elements (Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, and Zn); and (d) a phase of mineralization of Ag which appears to have replaced Cr, Ca and Cu. Process (c) was quantitatively most important. Factor score studies are suggestive of preferred introduction of Ni, Co, Pb, and Zn along central parts of preexisting copper-mineralized zones.  相似文献   

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