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A freeze-drying technique for cutting thin-sections of soft sediments without disturbance is used to study several Lake Baikal sedimentary microstructures. Image analysis methodology is applied to selected thin-sections. This new technique provides quantification of the size, shape, orientation and packing of the objects forming the sedimentary structures. Sedimentary processes, which were previously poorly documented, have been identified, and others are better understood. Spheroidal lens-like pure aggregates of the diatom genus Synedra are found in hemipelagic sediments, providing a new insight into their traditional paleoecological interpretation. They are possibly related to a transportation mechanism from the littoral zone or to lacustrine snow. Laminae of Aulacoseira have also been recorded. Evidence of rapid sedimentation suggests they are due to massive algal blooms. The depositional mechanism that was suggested by other studies for explaining the laminations at the Buguldeika uplift is confirmed: the hemipelagic sedimentation is interrupted by terrigenous pulses due to discharge events. The sedimentation rate appears to be increasing during these pulses. Preliminary results from the Academician Ridge show stronger microbioturbation during cold periods. This observation strengthens the hypothesis of intense water circulation during colder times. Thin-section image analysis provides crucial information for deciphering lacustrine records and their regional and palaeoclimatic significance. Received: 27 November 1998 / Accepted: 13 September 1999  相似文献   

采用新疆天然钠基膨润土作为防水毯颗粒原料,通过中试和1∶ 1工业实验对原矿进行干法提纯,测试确定了最佳提纯工艺生产条件.实验证明,在最佳条件之下,产品的各种性能较原矿均有较大提高;在不添加任何其他辅料的情况下膨胀指数和吸蓝量就可以达到防水毯产品原料标准.相比湿法提纯工艺,该项研究可以直接指导工业生产,有十分重要的实际意义和经济意义.  相似文献   

邓检良  许强  龙冈文夫 《岩土力学》2013,34(10):2857-2862
塑性单元体与黏性单元体并联之后再与弹性单元体串联即构成三要素模型,其各单元体都具有非线性本构关系。通过考虑增湿过程中饱和度对三要素模型中的黏性单元体和塑性单元体的影响,建立了弹-塑-黏性与湿陷性耦合的湿陷流变本构模型。湿陷对塑性单元体的影响表现为应变不变条件下屈服应力的降低;而对黏性单元体的影响表现为速率敏感系数的升高。两种影响可以通过试验确定。以此模型为基础,分析了高岭土的单轴压缩固结试验中的湿陷-流变变形,提出了一种湿陷-流变分析方法。试验中,在干燥条件下观测了蠕变;在增湿过程中观测了湿陷。试验中对含水量的测量精度高。理论所得含水率-应变-时间关系与实测结果接近,并区分了增湿过程中的湿陷和干燥条件下的蠕变,证明了本方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A geological survey carried out in the Yaoundé (Cameroon) region has revealed the presence of homogeneous clayey laterite in the upper part of a laterite cover on interfluves, thickest on hills (780–800 m altitude) where ferricrete is absent, and clayey heterogeneous hydromorphic material in valleys. We present in this paper the physical, mineralogical and geochemical properties of these occurrences and discuss their potential as raw material for pottery, manufacture of bricks and tiles. These clayey raw materials are mostly made up of fine particles (ranging from 55 to 60% clay + silt in the clayey laterite, more than 70% clay + silt in the clayey hydromorphic material). Their chemical composition is characterized by silica (<60% SiO2), alumina (<35% Al2O3) and iron (ranging from 3 to 14% Fe2O3). Their main clay minerals are disorganized and poorly crystallized kaolinites. The average limits of liquidity (44.56% versus 91.58%) and limits of plasticity (22.4 versus 45.93) revealed that clayey hydromorphic material has the greatest plasticity. The studied raw materials are suitable for making pottery as well as the manufacture of bricks and tiles. However, the high iron content in the clayey laterite (between 11 and 12% Fe2O3) prevents their efficient use in the manufacture of ceramics.  相似文献   

若干交代成岩成矿作用组份质量转移的计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘德正 《铀矿地质》2002,18(2):110-117
本以几种常见的交代成岩成矿作用为例,介绍了一种新的综合性的组份质量转移计算法-真恒量定值非固定同体积质量计算法(TCFM法),并根据计算结果对这些成岩,成岩作用的形成条件进行了分析。  相似文献   

饱和粉质黏土反复冻融电阻率及变形特性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付伟  汪稔 《岩土力学》2010,31(3):769-774
针对青藏铁路北麓河粉质粘土,利用冻融循环全过程电阻率试验设备获取封闭系统下冻融过程电阻率、土体温度场、冻胀融沉变形量全过程曲线,探讨了饱和粉质黏土正冻正融过程电阻率及变形特性。试验结果表明:冻融循环过程中电阻率与冻融变形的变化是实时的、完全同步的,利用电阻率特性研究冻融过程土体结构变化是可行的;每次冻融冻土电阻率随着冻融次数增加呈指数关系减小,融土电阻率随冻融次数增加呈指数关系增加;每次冻胀量与融沉量随冻融次数的增加而减小,平均干密度随冻融次数增加而增加,并且经过5次冻融循环后冻胀融沉量和干密度均趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Microstructure of a natural slip zone was comprehensively examined using a combination of images captured systematically by optical microscopy (OPM) and backscattered electron microscopy (BEM) techniques. Microstructural features identified on these images were processed and evaluated using an advanced image analysis system, which proved that quantitative analyses could considerably enhance the understanding of shear behavior of slip zones. It was found that variations of porosity, abundance of platy clay particles and alignments of particles are significant indicators revealing nature of deformation processes. These indicators show that global mechanical behavior of the investigated slip zone can be conceptualized as that of normally consolidated clayey soils under drained conditions.

The geometric patterns of the microstructure of the slip zone are similar to the S–C fabrics seen in tectonic shear zones. It is suggested that combined progressive bulk simple shear and pure shear modes enable to realistically reconstruct the kinematic history of the slip zone, through which particle movements and microstructural evolution were accomplished via various types of particulate flows. The results of this study show that clay mineralogy plays a more important role in the development of the slip zone than abundance of clay-size particles, while both clay mineralogy and relative proportions of each particle size fraction control the response of particles to shear deformation. Among the fractions present in the slip zone, fine silts are the strongest indicator of global shear stress characterized by their highest degree of alignment, whereas clay particles are the weakest. Highest degree of shape preferred orientation is also found within fine silt domains.  相似文献   

用盐酸对高岭石和蒙脱石进行酸活化改性,再对酸活化后的蒙脱石进行羟基铝柱撑改性,然后采用X射线衍射仪对改性前后的矿物结构进行表征,并在此基础上,采用Hammett指示剂法,以正丁胺-环己烷滴定在H0为+4. 8~-5. 6酸强度范围的固体表面酸上,测出各粘土在不同酸强度下的酸量,拟合得到其酸强度分布曲线,最后以异丙苯裂解转化为模型考察了各粘土固体酸的催化性能。实验结果表明,高岭石和蒙脱石经酸活化后虽然可以提高异丙苯转化率,但是催化稳定性却有所降低;蒙脱石经过羟基铝柱撑改性后不仅大幅度提高了异丙苯转化率,而且还提高了催化稳定性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new interpretation method for pulse tests, a field permeability test that allows for rapid measurements of hydraulic conductivity k in aquitards. This new method applies to soft clay deposits. To initiate a pulse test, a known volume of water is injected into the sand filter of a monitoring well isolated by a packer. The resulting pressure increase yields an outward movement of the sand filter cavity wall. After presenting the usual interpretation methods and their limits, this paper proposes a new interpretation method based on a coupled analysis of the pressure and displacement fields in the soil using the Biot–Darcy formulation. A series of analytical and numerical non‐dimensional velocity graphs, normalized plots of the mean hydraulic head difference versus its rate of change, are given. For a linear elastic material, these type curves show relatively small variations with the sand filter aspect ratio and the Poisson ratio of the tested clay. The type curves are also found to be independent of the clay compressibility (mv) and k, an important result. A series of pulse tests conducted in a soft marine clay deposit near Montreal, Canada, are interpreted with the proposed method. The hydraulic conductivity values calculated from these tests are closely correlated with independent estimates obtained using long‐duration variable‐head tests. Compared with previous interpretation methods, the proposed method allows soil volume changes to be reconciled with cavity expansion phenomena and the range of type curves available for the interpretation of test data to be constrained. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

取样与施工过程会对天然沉积结构性软黏土产生扰动,使土体的工程性质发生演化,一些学者分别以扰动度和损伤变量两个特征参数对该问题进行了较为深入的研究,但扰动度与描述土体应力状态的损伤变量之间的相关性目前仍未明晰。为此,以连云港天然沉积结构性软黏土进行不同应力路径下快速加载试验模拟土体应力损伤,对损伤后土体进行固结试验和无侧限抗压强度试验,结合张孟喜提出的损伤变量以及两种常用的扰动度(变形和强度)的定义,评价了损伤后土体的损伤变量和扰动度,探讨二者间关系。结果表明,损伤后土体压缩曲线屈服前的斜率并未产生明显改变,即损伤变量与按变形定义的扰动度间关系不明显;而损伤变量与以强度定义的扰动度之间存在线性递增关系,说明了当土体沿着某一路径加载时,越接近破坏线,其损伤程度越高,土体的强度也随之降低。  相似文献   

水库静水结冰过程及冰盖热力变化的模拟试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究水库水体结冰及冰盖热力变化规律,在恒温实验室中进行了不同水深、不同负气温条件下的静水结冰试验,对结冰历时、垂向温度分布、冰盖厚度等要素进行观测,研究静水条件下水深与气温对结冰过程、冰盖热力变化及水温、冰温分布的影响。试验表明:在静水条件下,气温是影响冰情的主要因素,冰盖厚度与累积小时负气温线性相关;水深对初冰开始时间有所影响,但对冰盖热力变化过程的影响不明显;冰盖生长过程中,冰内温度基本呈线性分布,冰温斜率随气温降低而增大;融冰期冰盖下水温分布基本保持不变。  相似文献   




Convective activity is one of the major processes in the atmosphere influencing the local and large-scale weather in the tropics. The latent heat released by the cumulus cloud is known to drive monsoon circulation, which on the other hand supplies the moisture that maintains the cumulus clouds. An investigation is carried out on the convective structure of the atmosphere during active and suppressed periods of convection using data sets obtained from the Bay of Bengal and Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX). The cumulus convection though being a small-scale phenomenon, still influences its embedding environment by interaction through various scales. This study shows the variation in the kinematic and convective parameters during the transition from suppressed to active periods of convection. Convergence in the lower levels and strong upward vertical velocity, significant during active convection are associated with the formation of monsoon depressions. The apparent heat source due to latent heat release and the vertical transport of the eddy heat by cumulus convection, and the apparent moisture sink due to net condensation and vertical divergence of the eddy transport of moisture, are estimated through residuals of the thermodynamic equation and examined in relation to monsoon activity during BOBMEX.  相似文献   

胶结砂及半成岩粘土目前处于一种由土向岩石转化的状态.它们和正常意义上的土及岩石均有明显的区别.在组成、结构和构造等方面,它们既具有部分土的特征,又具有部分岩石的特征.本文对湘阴湘江大桥桥位区产出的胶结砂及半成岩粘土的土力学和岩石力学特征进行了分析,对其成因和应用进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Samples of heat affected coal taken near two igneous intrusions (dykes) in the Victoria Tunnel Seam of the Newcastle Coalfield have been investigated by chemical analysis, petrography, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and solid state13C NMR spectroscopy. Visual inspection of the seam near the intrusion showed four distinct zones. These have been called, in order of increasing distance from the dyke, the massive cinder, the banded cinder, heat affected coal and apparently unaffected coal. The samples show an increase in structural change as the distance from the dyke decreases, with the samples taken from the massive cinder nearest the dyke being classified as semicokes.FTIR and13C NMR results, together with the results of dipolar dephasing NMR experiments, suggest that the predominant structural change in the heat affected zone is replacement of aromatic ethers and/or phenols with hydrogen, leading to an increase in proton aromaticity. Closer to the intrusion, bond rupture leads to a marked loss of aliphatic groups, while in the most affected region adjacent to the dyke aromatic crosslinking has also occurred to form coke-like material.  相似文献   

采用电子探针、扫描电镜、X射线粉晶衍射、红外光谱分析、热重分析、X射线能谱分析、激光拉曼光谱分析等测试方法对"昌化田黄石"样品的结构和成分进行了研究,并结 合寿山田黄石进行对比,结果表明"昌化田黄石"样品主要以隐晶质结构、块状构造为主,主要矿物组成为地开石,并含有部分高岭石、高岭石-地开石的过渡物和微量明矾石,其成分和结构与寿山产田黄石基本一致。因此,本文提出了对田黄石定义的建议,即凡产于坡积层或田坑中,具有"细、洁、润、腻、温、凝"之"六德标准"且主要由地开石等高岭石族矿物组成的透有黄色调的块状独石均可称为田黄石。  相似文献   

The transition between blueschist and eclogite plays an important role in subduction zones via dehydration and densification processes in descending oceanic slabs. There are a number of previous petrological studies describing potential mineral reactions taking place at the transition. An experimental determination of such reactions could help constrain the pressure–temperature conditions of the transition as well as the processes of dehydration. However, previous experimental contributions have focused on the stability of spontaneously formed hydrous minerals in basaltic compositions rather than on reactions among already formed blueschist facies minerals. Therefore, this study conducted three groups of experiments to explore the metamorphic reactions among blueschist facies minerals at conditions corresponding to warm subduction, where faster reaction rates are possible on the time scale of laboratory experiments. The first group of experiments was to establish experimental reversals of the reaction glaucophane+paragonite to jadeite+pyrope+quartz+H2O over the range of 2.2–3.5 GPa and 650–820°C. This reaction has long been treated as key to the blueschist–eclogite transition. However, only the growth of glaucophane+paragonite was observed at the intersectional stability field of both paragonite and jadeite+quartz, confirming thermodynamic calculations that the reaction is not stable in the system Na2O–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O. The second set of experiments involved unreversed experiments using glaucophane+zoisite ±quartz in low‐Fe and Ca‐rich systems and were run at 1.8–2.4 GPa and 600–780°C. These produced omphacite+paragonite/kyanite+H2O accompanied by compositional shifts in the sodium amphibole, glaucophane, towards sodium–calcium amphiboles such as winchite (?(CaNa)(Mg4Al)Si8O22(OH)2) and barroisite (?(CaNa)(Mg3Al2)(AlSi7)O22(OH)2). This suggests that a two‐step dehydration occurs, first involving the breakdown of glaucophane+zoisite towards a paragonite‐bearing assemblage, then the breakdown of paragonite to release H2O. It also indicates that sodium–calcium amphibole can coexist with eclogite phases, thereby extending the thermal stability of amphibole to greater subduction zone depths. The third set of experiments was an experimental investigation at 2.0–2.4 GPa and 630–850°C involving a high‐Fe (Fe#=Fetotal/(Fetotal+Mg)≈0.36) natural glaucophane, synthetic paragonite and their eclogite‐forming reaction products. The results indicated that garnet and omphacite grew over most of these pressure–temperature conditions, which demonstrates the importance of Fe‐rich glaucophane in forming the key eclogite assemblage of garnet+omphacite, even under warm subduction zone conditions. Based on the experiments of this study, reaction between glaucophane+zoisite is instrumental in controlling dehydration processes at the blueschist–eclogite transition during warm subduction.  相似文献   

Determining the timing, duration and mechanism of tectonic events within an orogenic cycle, such as ocean subduction, continent–continent collision or gravitational collapse, is challenging, especially in ancient orogenic belts. Variations in the tectonic transport direction, however, can be used as a guide to these stages of orogeny. While thrust sheets within the Caledonian allochthon in north Norway were emplaced broadly eastwards perpendicular to the trend of the orogen, many features indicate material transport in other orientations. One dominant feature of the Magerøy Nappe, sitting above and infolded with the Kalak Nappe Complex, is the development of a strong N–S lineation orthogonal to the main transport direction. Strain measurements, in part determined by a new method, are used, in the context of the regional structural data to identify the critical stage in orogeny when compressional forces are balanced by orogen-parallel lateral escape. Quantitative 3-D strain estimation in the Magerøy Nappe indicates prolate deformation with c. 50% horizontal shortening parallel to the thrusting direction (E–W) and c. 200% extension along the orogenic strike (N–S) with c. 30% vertical shortening. Temporal constraint on this fabric is provided by Ar–Ar isotopic analysis of undeformed white mica in cross-cutting granitic pegmatites. These data show that prolate deformation occurred before the white mica cooling age of 416 ± 4 Ma, while the previously determined depositional age of the Hellefjord Schist indicates that it occurred after 438 ± 4 Ma. A granitic pegmatite that intruded the Hellefjord Schist after an initial deformation phase but during or prior to a later deformation, has been dated at 431 ± 2 Ma by U–Pb zircon. A previous lower age constraint on this deformation of 428 ± 5 Ma is given by metamorphic zircon overgrowths on fractured grains. These results constrain the continental collision between Baltica and Laurentia in Finnmark to the interval c. 431–428 Ma. Placed in a regional context, these results indicate that lateral escape was orthogonal to the thrusting direction and occurred during the continent–continent collision stage in the Scandian Orogeny before gravitationally driven collapse.  相似文献   

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