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在内激波伽玛暴(GRB)模型下,中心能源喷出一系列质量相当但整体Lorentz 因子相差悬殊的物质壳层,这些先后快慢的壳层发生激烈的碰撞并产生相对论性的激波,壳层中的电子被激波加热后通过同步辐射和逆康普顿散射发射高能γ光子.对于能量高达GeV的高能光子(观测者系)可能因为γ-γ碰撞产生电子对而被火球吸收.Pilla和Leob数值计算发现产生的电子对数目远高于火球本身的电子数目,Li等人最近也得到了类似的结果并以此来解释早期余辉中缺少光学闪.通过解析研究该过程中电子对的产生与湮灭随时间的演化后,发现对于一个典型的pulse,同步高能部分产生的e±数目早期较多,湮灭率也高;在后期由于受到最大同步辐射频率的限制,该成分不再对e±的产生有贡献.与之不同,逆康普顿散射成分对e±的产生的贡献近似与pulse的持续时标成正比.在典型的参数范围下,两种成分共同作用产生的电子对数目可达原火球携带的电子数目的10来倍.由于所产生的e±的Lorentz因子较小,相应的同步辐射不会影响到观测谱(至少在BATSE探测器的能段是这样),但再次逆康普顿散射后则可能影响到观测谱.由于电子对的质量远比质子质量小,所以对后期的火球动力学演化的影响不大.至少对于均匀介质环境,电子对的存在对于早期余辉的光学辐射影响不大.  相似文献   

伽玛射线暴:各向同性火球还是柱形喷流?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多数伽玛射线暴的光学余辉衰减较平缓且光变曲线未见明显拐折,通常认为它们产生于各向同性火球,GRBs970228,970508,971214,980329及980703等就是典型的例子,但柱型喷流模型其实也能对这类伽玛射线暴的余辉给出极好的拟合,因此它们完全有可能产生于柱形喷流,而并非一定是来自各向同性火球。  相似文献   

用中心有脉冲星的γ射线暴的火球模型计算出GRB970228和GRB000301c两个γ射线暴的余辉辐射流,计算结果与观测结果相比较,符合的很好,解释了GRB970228和GRB000301c光学R波段余辉的光变曲线带‘拐折’的特征,讨论了中心脉冲星参数的取值对余辉的光曲线起的重要作用。  相似文献   

“天外来客”飞抵鄄城王玉卿,李恩杰1997年2月15日午夜11时27分许,在山东鄄城县城上空,有一直经约1米的呈蓝白色的火球由东向西划破长空呼啸而过。火球形成一束耀眼的强光赫然照天,响声犹如滚地的春雷隆隆震响。陨石在落地之前发生两次高空爆裂,随之如同...  相似文献   

本文首先对Gamma暴的观测特性和物理过程作了简要的介绍,而后,对火球模型的相对论流体动力学机制和同步加速辐射机制作了论述。主要工作是:具体研究火球所抛出壳层的相对论流体动力学演化,应用同步加速辐射机制,通过由共动坐标系到实验室坐标系的相对论变换,得到Gamma暴余辉的光变曲线。对于火球壳层的不同的动力学演化规律,各向同性或各向异性的壳层抛出形式,以及不同的外部介质环境,所得到的光变曲线都各不相同。通过对这些不同的光变曲线的比较,明确了Gamma暴余辉的整体的物理演化图象以及各种物理过程在Gamma暴余辉演化过程中所起的作用,并从余辉演化的方面进一步理解了Gamma暴的物理本质。  相似文献   

在火球模型下,研究了不同的无联系的和有联系的角区域的脉冲性质。发现:(1)FRED脉冲形状的上升和下降阶段来自于火球面的不同角区域,并且上升部分主要来自于靠近视线轴向的角区域部分;(2)整个火球形成的FRED脉冲形状主要是有张角为γ6/10的角区域部分提供;(3)球形火球或者张角大于γ6/10的喷流可以形成FRED脉冲形状。如果伽玛暴源不是球形火球或者也不是张角大于γ6/10的喷流,则形成的观测脉冲不是FRED形状。  相似文献   

黎卓  戴子高 《天文学报》1999,40(3):225-229
在γ射线暴( 简称γ暴) 的火球模型下,γ暴余辉存在等时面,面上发射的光子会同时被观测到.通过对等时面积分来计算辐射流量Fν(t) ,结果表明等时面的引入对峰值以及峰值前后流量随观测者时间的变化关系有明显的影响  相似文献   

本文首先对Gamma暴的观测特性和物理过程作了简要的介绍 ,而后 ,对火球模型的相对论流体动力学机制和同步加速辐射机制作了论述。主要工作是 :具体研究火球所抛出壳层的相对论流体动力学演化 ,应用同步加速辐射机制 ,通过由共动坐标系到实验室坐标系的相对论变换 ,得到Gamma暴余辉的光变曲线。对于火球壳层的不同的动力学演化规律 ,各向同性或各向异性的壳层抛出形式 ,以及不同的外部介质环境 ,所得到的光变曲线都各不相同。通过对这些不同的光变曲线的比较 ,明确了Gamma暴余辉的整体的物理演化图象以及各种物理过程在Gamma暴余辉演化过程中所起的作用 ,并从余辉演化的方面进一步理解了Gamma暴的物理本质  相似文献   

γ暴余辉的发现是γ暴研究史上的一个重大突破,火球模型几乎可以较好地解释γ暴余辉的观测特性。但在标准的火球模型中,通常只考虑电子的同步加速辐射,没有考虑电子逆康普顿散射的贡献。这里我们详细计算了逆康普顿散射对γ暴余辉的影响,发现在一定的条件下,逆康普顿散射的影响是很重要的,它可以显著地改变辐射能谱,进而改变γ暴余辉的光变特性。  相似文献   

观太阳火球李良太阳作为一个炽热的发光气体球,是地球上一切生物的能量源泉,自古以来,人们就想知道太阳是什么样子?其结构如何?考古学家们在埃及一座庙宇里找到一幅3500年前的壁画,上面画得是古埃及人膜拜太阳的情景。太阳被画作一个光芒四射的、凸起的圆盘,在...  相似文献   

The afterglow of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) is commonly thought to be the result of continuous deceleration of a relativistically expanding fireball in the surrounding medium. Assuming that the expansion of the fireball is adiabatic and that the density of the medium is a power-law function of shock radius, i.e. n ext ∝  R − k , we study the effects of the first-order radiative correction and the non-uniformity of the medium on a GRB afterglow analytically. We first derive a new relation among the observed time, the shock radius and the Lorentz factor of the fireball: t  =  R /4(4− k ) γ2c, and also derive a new relation among the comoving time, the shock radius and the Lorentz factor of the fireball: t co = 2 R /(5− k ) γc. We next study the evolution of the fireball by using the analytic solution of Blandford &38; McKee. The radiation losses may not significantly influence this evolution. We further derive new scaling laws both between the X-ray flux and observed time and between the optical flux and observed time. We use these scaling laws to discuss the afterglows of GRB 970228 and GRB 970616, and find that if the spectral index of the electron distribution is p  = 2.5, implied from the spectra of GRBs, the X-ray afterglow of GRB 970616 is well fitted by assuming k  = 2.  相似文献   

In the relativistic fireball model, the afterglow of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) is produced by synchrotron radiation of the electrons accelerated in the external shock that emerges as the relativistic flow moves. According to this model, the afterglow peaks on a time scale of ~10 s when observed in the soft gamma-ray band. The peak flux can be high enough to be detected by modern all-sky monitors. We investigate the emission from short (ΔT<1 s) GRBs on a time scale t≈10 s using BATSE/CGRO data. A significant flux is recorded for ~20% of the events. In most cases, the observed persistent emission can be explained in terms of the model as an early burst afterglow. No early afterglows of most short GRBs are observed. The model parameters for these bursts are constrained.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMom the detection at X-rap optical and radio wavelengths of ganuna-ray bursts (GRBs)since 1997 (Costa et al. 1997; van Paradijs et al. 1997; Sahu et al. 1997; Djorgovsld et al. 1997;Metzger et al. 1997; Frail et al. 1997; Taylor et al. 1997; Kulforni et al. 1998; Halpern et al.1998; Castro-Tirado et al. 1999; Kulkalni et al. 1999; Galama et al. 1999), we have come toknow that the GRBs can release 1051 ~ 1054 ergs in a few seconds and that the fireball modelcan describ…  相似文献   

Relativistic shocks can accelerate particles by the first-order Fermi mechanism; the particles then emit synchrotron emission in the post-shock gas. This process is of particular interest in the models used for the afterglow of gamma-ray bursts. In this paper we use recent results in the theory of particle acceleration at highly relativistic shocks to model the synchrotron emission in an evolving, inhomogeneous and highly relativistic flow. We have developed a numerical code that integrates the relativistic Euler equations for fluid dynamics with a general equation of state, together with a simple transport equation for the accelerated particles. We present tests of this code and, in addition, we use it to study the gamma-ray burst afterglow predicted by the fireball model, along with the hydrodynamics of a spherically-symmetric relativistic blast wave.
We find that, while broadly speaking the behaviour of the emission is similar to that already predicted with semi-analytic approaches, the detailed behaviour is somewhat different. The 'breaks' in the synchrotron spectrum behave differently with time, and the spectrum above the final break is harder than had previously been expected. These effects are due to the incorporation of the geometry of the (spherical) blast wave, along with relativistic beaming and adiabatic cooling of the energetic particles leading to a mix, in the observed spectrum, between recently injected 'uncooled' particles and the older 'cooled' population in different parts of the evolving, inhomogeneous flow.  相似文献   

伽玛射线暴是一种来自宇宙空间随机方向的短时间内伽玛射线突然增亮的现象。伽玛射线暴虽然早在1967年就由Vela卫星观测到,但直到1997年人们才通过余辉观测确定其寄主星系,并通过寄主星系的红移最终确定了伽玛射线暴的宇宙学起源。对伽玛射线暴研究概况进行了评述:详细介绍了伽玛射线暴及其余辉的观测进展,特别是近期Swift卫星和Fermi卫星带来的新发现;系统描述了伽玛射线暴标准火球模型、伽玛射线暴余辉物理(相对论性外流与暴周环境介质的相互作用过程、辐射产生机制等)及伽玛射线暴的前身星等。也对伽玛射线暴的未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

There has been increasing evidence that at least some gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are emission beamed. The beamed GRB-afterglow evolution has been discussed by several authors in the ultrarelativistic case. It has been shown that the dynamics of the blast wave will be significantly modified by the sideways expansion, and there may be a sharp break in the afterglow light curves under certain circumstances. However, this is only true when the fireball is still relativistic. Here we present an analytical approach to the evolution of the beamed GRB blast wave expanding in the surrounding medium (density     in the non-relativistic case, our purpose is to explore whether the sideways expansion will strongly affect the blast-wave evolution as in the relativistic case. We find that the blast-wave evolution is strongly dependent on the speed of the sideways expansion. If it expands with the sound speed, then the jet angle θ increases with time as     which means that the sideways expansion has little effect on the afterglow light curves, the flux     for     and     for     It is clear that the light curve of     is not always steeper than that of     as in the relativistic case. We also show that if the expansion speed is a constant, then the jet angle     and the radius     in this case the sideways expansion has the most significant effect on the blast-wave evolution, the flux     independent of s , and we expect that there should be a smooth and gradual break in the light curve.  相似文献   

Helium star–compact object binaries, and helium star–neutron star binaries in particular, are widely believed to be the progenitors of the observed double-neutron-star systems. In these, the second neutron star is presumed to be the compact remnant of the helium star supernova. In this paper, the observational implications of such a supernova are discussed, and in particular are explored as a candidate γ-ray burst mechanism. In this scenario, the supernova results in a transient period of rapid accretion on to the compact object, extracting via magnetic torques its rotational energy at highly super-Eddington luminosities in the form of a narrowly beamed, strongly electromagnetically dominated jet. Compton scattering of supernova photons advected within the ejecta, and photons originating at shocks driven into the ejecta by the jet, will cool the jet and can produce the observed prompt emission characteristics, including the peak-inferred isotropic energy relation, X-ray flash characteristics, subpulse light curves, energy-dependent time lags and subpulse broadening, and late time spectral softening. The duration of the burst is limited by the rate of Compton cooling of the jet, eventually creating an optically thick, moderately relativistically expanding fireball that can produce the afterglow emission. If the black hole or neutron star stays bound to a compact remnant, late term light curve variability may be observed as in SN 2003dh.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach for studying the radiation of a fireball, one of the main processes which occur when the meteor body enters the planetary atmosphere. The only quantities which directly follow from the available observations are the fireball brightness, its height above sea level, the length along the trajectory, and as a consequence its velocity as a function of time. Other important parameters like meteoroid’s mass, its shape, bulk and grain density, temperature remain unknown. The present study takes recent results in fireball aerodynamics and considers them together with the classical postulate that a fraction of the meteoroid kinetic energy is transformed into radiation during its flight. This gives us a new analytical dependence, which in particular shows that the fireball luminosity in general is proportional to the body pre-entry mass value, its initial velocity to the power of 3, and the sine of the slope between horizon and trajectory. Research helps in finding an answer to the general important question: Which fraction of the fireball kinetic energy is transformed into light during meteoroid drag and ablation in the atmosphere?  相似文献   

Whether gamma-ray bursts are highly beamed or not is a very important question, as it has been pointed out that the beaming will lead to a sharp break in the afterglow light curves during the ultrarelativistic phase, with the breaking point determined by  Γ∼1/ θ 0  , where Γ is the bulk Lorentz factor and θ 0 is the initial half opening angle of the ejecta, and such a break is claimed to be present in the light curves of some GRBs. In this paper we will examine whether all the observed breaks in GRB afterglow light curves can be explained by jet effects. Here we present a detailed calculation of the jet evolution and emission, and have obtained a simple formula of bulk Lorentz factor evolution. We show that the light curves are very smoothly steepened by jet effect, and the shape of the light curve is determined by only one parameter –     , where E and n are the fireball energy and surrounding medium density, respectively. We find that for GRB 990123 and GRB 991216, the jet model can approximately fit their light curves, and the values of     are about 0.17 and 0.22, respectively. On the other hand, the light curves of GRB 990510, GRB 000301c, GRB 000926 and GRB 010222 cannot be fitted by the jet model, which suggests that the breaks may be caused by some other reasons, and the jet effect should be not the unique reason.  相似文献   

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