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2022年4月4日,IPCC第六次评估报告第三工作组《气候变化2022:减缓气候变化》报告和决策者摘要发布。报告全面评估了2010年以来减缓气候变化领域的最新科学进展,为国际社会深度认识和理解全球温室气体排放情况、不同温升水平下的减排路径以及可持续发展背景下的气候变化减缓和适应行动等提供了重要科学依据。基于报告主要结论,围绕温室气体排放的区域差异、减缓路径分类、与土地利用相关的排放评估及CO去除技术评估等方面的亮点,文中提出在应对气候变化减缓政策行动中,中国应坚定“双碳”战略目标,在综合考虑经济发展阶段和资源禀赋差异背景下,将可持续发展、公平和消除贫困植根于社会发展愿景中实施减缓路径,并加快提升气候变化综合评估核心科学技术的研发进度,以进一步提升国际影响力和话语权。  相似文献   

分析、解读了IPCC第五次评估报告对能源供应,工业,交通,建筑,农业、林业和其他土地利用(AFOLU)等部门温室气体和CO2减排途径和措施评估的主要结论。2000年以来,除了AFOLU,其他部门的温室气体排放量一直在增长。在增加的排放量中能源系统、工业、交通运输和建筑部门分别贡献了47%、30%、11%和3%。未来,这些部门仍将是全球温室气体的主要排放源和减排的重点领域。通过推进技术进步,持续提高能源效率,进一步优化能源结构,提高碳排放效率,提高原材料使用效率,强化废物管理,提高产品使用效率,减少对产品及相应服务的需求以及广泛利用碳捕获与封存和CO2去除技术,到2050年与基准情景相比,这些部门的CO2排放量可减少15%~80%。所有这些减排措施对我国主要部门减排CO2均具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

IPCC第六次评估报告第三工作组报告于2022年4月发布,与前几次评估报告类似,其中一章是长期减排路径。每次评估报告长期减排路径在整个评估过程中扮演重要角色。长期减排路径可以为全球未来的合作提供学术支持。第六次评估报告对到2021年为止的公开发表的情景进行了评估,其中主要的情景是针对《巴黎协定》中提出的温升目标进行的研究,这次评估报告长期减排路径的核心是分析实现《巴黎协定》目标的路径和相关政策、成本,以及和可持续发展目标的关联。本文解析了IPCC第六次评估报告第三工作组报告中第三章的主要评估结果,也给出了未来长期减排路径研究的方向。实现《巴黎协定》温升目标下的碳预算随着CO2排放持续上升而缩减,要实现这些目标,全球需要在2025年之前实现碳达峰之后进入快速下降阶段,并在未来需要负排放技术,所有部门都需要有力的减排措施,这些减排会给经济发展带来一定的负担。  相似文献   

IPCC于2022年4月正式发布了第六次评估报告(AR6)第三工作组(WGⅢ)报告《气候变化2022:减缓气候变化》,该报告以已发布的第一和第二工作组报告作为基础,评估了各领域减缓气候变化的进展。报告的第九章建筑章节系统全面地评估了全球建筑领域的温室气体排放现状、趋势和驱动因素,综述并评估了建筑减缓气候变化的措施、潜力、成本和政策。报告主要结论认为,全球建筑领域有可能在2050年实现温室气体净零排放,但如果政策措施执行不力,将有可能在建筑领域形成长达几十年的高碳锁定效应。报告的主要结论将成为全球建筑领域应对气候变化行动的重要参考,对于我国建筑领域实现碳达峰、碳中和目标也有非常重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

减缓气候变化的最新科学认知   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
 摘 要:2007年5月4日,IPCC第三工作组在泰国曼谷发布了第四次评估报告《气候变化2007:减缓气候变化》的决策者摘要及主报告。报告综合评估了2001年以来有关减缓气候变化的最新研究成果,考察分析了中短期(2030年前)和长期(2030年后)温室气体的排放情景、减排潜力、成本范围,以及稳定大气温室气体(GHG)浓度水平的可能选择。报告总体认为,未来温室气体排放取决于发展路径的选择,现有各种技术手段和许多在2030年以前具有市场可行性的低碳和减排技术,将以较低的成本实现有效减排;在2030年以后将温室气体浓度稳定在较低水平的成本并不高,但需要国际合作,采取一致行动,并认为可持续发展与温室气体减排可以相互促进。  相似文献   

近期发布的IPCC第六次评估报告再次强调了短寿命期温室气体减排对温升减缓的作用。甲烷是最重要的短寿命期非CO2温室气体。在各国提出各自新的减排目标之后,针对甲烷减排的行动方案也越来越多。甲烷减排正在成为下一阶段各国和全球合作的重点领域之一。本文在我国碳减排目标下的能源转型基础上,结合其他非能源活动的减排排放源的减排技术选择基础上,利用IPAC模型对未来甲烷的排放情景进行了分析。在模型设定的两个情景分析基础之上,研究发现,到2050年的能源转型可明显减少能源活动的甲烷排放,和2015年相比能源活动的排放可减少67%。和其他行业相比,能源部门的甲烷减排具有更好的协同性。如果考虑进一步减排甲烷,则需要在考虑其他大气污染物减排的基础上,可通过实现天然气的进一步减排来实现。同时其他部门的甲烷减排也具有很大潜力,低甲烷排放情景可以实现到2050年将甲烷排放减少到1 494万吨,和2015年相比全范围排放可减排58%。  相似文献   

为实现2℃全球温升控制目标,中国交通部门亟待低碳转型.分析了当前交通部门的温室气体排放现状和发展趋势,结合已有减排措施的减排潜力和减排成本,探究中国交通部门未来低碳发展的可能路径.在未来若干年,中国交通部门碳排放将长期保持较快增长,其中道路运输在总排放中的占比仍然较高,而民航运输碳排放增速最快.现有减排措施主要可分为交...  相似文献   

IPCC第五次评估报告第三工作组报告是在世界经济、能源、温室气体排放、技术、全球气候治理等战略格局经历着深刻调整,新一轮国际气候谈判正在进行期间完成的。本文从IPCC第五次评估报告第三工作组报告的主线思路论争,减缓气候变化社会经济评价的概念体系构建,温室气体排放的历史趋势与动因,实现2℃温升控制目标的转型路径,支持路径转型的体制与政策选择和减缓气候变化知识体系与方法学发展等方面,对该报告进行了评述,并从中国低碳发展战略方向与政策取向、未来如何正确解读与应用该报告的科学信息和结论等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

IPCC第五次评估报告进一步阐述和明确了全球平均地表温升与累积CO2排放之间的近似线性关系。尽管在科学上仍存在一定的不确定性,国际社会对2℃温升目标及所对应的全球累积碳排放空间(即全球碳预算目标)已达成一定的科学认知和政治共识。但如何将碳预算从目标要求转变为各国决策和实际行动,仍是政策制定者们所面临的一个重要问题。在此背景下,提出建立一个有效的碳预算综合管理框架,努力避免人为温室气体排放导致气候系统危害,并利用其科学和政策的双重内涵,来推动谈判进程和加大行动力度,在新型气候治理模式下推动全球减排目标的实现。  相似文献   

气候变化科学的最新进展:IPCC第四次评估综合报告解析   总被引:69,自引:2,他引:67  
政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第四次评估报告综合报告于2007年11月17日在西班牙正式发布。综合报告将温室气体排放、大气温室气体浓度与地球表面温度直接联系起来,综合评估了气候变化科学、气候变化的影响和应对措施的最新研究进展。综合报告指出:控制温室气体排放量的行动刻不容缓;能否减小全球变暖所带来的负面影响,将在很大程度上取决于人类在今后二三十年中在削减温室气体排放方面所作的努力和投资。这对国际社会和各国政府制定经济社会发展政策,适应和减缓气候变化有一定的指导和促进作用。  相似文献   

All sectors face decarbonization for a 2 °C temperature increase to be avoided. Nevertheless, meaningful policy measures that address rising CO2 from international aviation and shipping remain woefully inadequate. Treated with a similar approach within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), they are often debated as if facing comparable challenges, and even influence each others’ mitigation policies. Yet their strengths and weaknesses have important distinctions. This article sheds light on these differences so that they can be built upon to improve the quality of debate and ensuing policy development. The article quantifies ‘2 °C’ pathways for these sectors, highlighting the need for mitigation measures to be urgently accelerated. It reviews recent developments, drawing attention to one example where a change in aviation mitigation policy had a direct impact on measures to cut CO2 from shipping. Finally, the article contrasts opportunities and barriers towards mitigation. The article concludes that there is a portfolio of opportunities for short- to medium-term decarbonization for shipping, but its complexity is its greatest barrier to change. In contrast, the more simply structured aviation sector is pinning too much hope on emissions trading to deliver CO2 cuts in line with 2 °C. Instead, the solution remains controversial and unpopular – avoiding 2 °C requires demand management.

Policy relevance

The governance arrangements around the CO2 produced by international aviation and shipping are different from other sectors because their emissions are released in international airspace and waters. Instead, through the Kyoto Protocol, the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) were charged with developing policies towards mitigating their emissions. Slow progress to date, coupled with strong connections with rapidly growing economies, has led to the CO2 from international transport growing at a higher rate than the average rate from all other sectors. This article considers this rapid growth, and the potential for future CO2 growth in the context of avoiding a 2 °C temperature rise above pre-industrial levels. It explores similarities and differences between these two sectors, highlighting that a reliance on global market-based measures to deliver required CO2 cuts will likely leave both at odds with the overarching climate goal.  相似文献   


The expected growth in the demand for passenger and freight services exacerbates the challenges of reducing transport GHG emissions, especially as commercial low-carbon alternatives to petroleum fuels are limited for shipping, air and long-distance road travel. Biofuels can offer a pathway to significantly reduce emissions from these sectors, as they can easily substitute for conventional liquid fuels in internal combustion engines. In this paper, we assess the potential of bioenergy to reduce transport GHG emissions through an analysis leveraging various integrated assessment models and scenarios, as part of the 33rd Energy Modeling Forum study (EMF-33). We find that bioenergy can contribute a significant, albeit not dominant, proportion of energy supply to the future transport sector: in scenarios aiming to keep the temperature increase below 2 °C by the end of the twenty-first century, models project that in 2100 bioenergy can provide on average 42 EJ/yr (ranging from 5 to 85 EJ/yr) for transport (compared to 3.7 EJ in 2018), mainly through lignocellulosic fuels. This makes up 9–62% of final transport energy use. Only a small amount of bioenergy is projected to be used in transport through electricity and hydrogen pathways, with a larger role for biofuels in road passenger transport than in freight. The association of carbon capture and storage (CCS) with bioenergy technologies (BECCS) is a key determinant in the role of biofuels in transport, because of the competition for biomass feedstock to provide other final energy carriers along with carbon removal. Among models that consider CCS in the biofuel conversion process the average market share of biofuels is 21% in 2100 (ranging from 2 to 44%), compared to 10% (0–30%) for models that do not. Cumulative direct emissions from the transport sector account for half of the emission budget (from 306 to 776 out of 1,000 GtCO2). However, the carbon intensity of transport decreases as much as other energy sectors in 2100 when accounting for process emissions, including carbon removal from BECCS. Lignocellulosic fuels become more attractive for transport decarbonization if BECCS is not feasible for any energy sectors. Since global transport service demand increases and biomass supply is limited, its allocation to and within the transport sector is uncertain and sensitive to assumptions about political as well as technological and socioeconomic factors.


省级土地利用变化和林业(LUCF)温室气体清单主要评估“森林和其他木质生物质生物量碳储量的变化”和“森林转化温室气体排放”两类主要温室气体的排放源或吸收汇。省级LUCF温室气体清单编制方法以政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)有关国家温室气体清单指南为基础,结合中国LUCF活动的实际情况,特别是在考虑核心关键数据的可获得性与可靠性的基础上制订完成。同时还建立了适用于不同省的关键排放因子和参数数据库,旨在为科学合理地编制中国省级LUCF温室气体清单提供方法学依据。  相似文献   

开展交通领域大气污染物与温室气体协同减排研究对于实现能源、环境和气候变化综合管理具有重要意义.文中以我国交通部门污染物与温室气体协同治理为切入点,开展道路、铁路、水运、航空和管道运输等各子部门未来需求预测,并运用长期能源可替代规划系统模型(LEAP),通过构建基准情景、污染减排情景、绿色低碳情景和强化低碳情景,模拟分析...  相似文献   

The main assumptions and findings are presented on a comparative analysis of three GHG long-term emissions scenarios for Brazil. Since 1990, land-use change has been the most important source of GHG emissions in the country. The voluntary goals to limit Brazilian GHG emissions pledged a reduction in between 36.1% and 38.9% of GHG emissions projected to 2020, to be 6–10% lower than in 2005. Brazil is in a good position to meet the voluntary mitigation goals pledged to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) up to 2020: recent efforts to reduce deforestation have been successful and avoided deforestation will form the bulk of the emissions reduction commitment. In 2020, if governmental mitigation goals are met, then GHG emissions from the energy system would become the largest in the country. After 2020, if no additional mitigation actions are implemented, GHG emissions will increase again in the period 2020–2030, due to population and economic growth driving energy demand, supply and GHG emissions. However, Brazil is in a strong position to take a lead in low-carbon economic and social development due to its huge endowment of renewable energy resources allowing for additional mitigation actions to be adopted after 2020.

Policy relevance

The period beyond 2020 is now relevant in climate policy due to the Durban Platform agreeing a ‘protocol, legal instrument or agreed outcome with legal force’ that will have effect from 2020. After 2020, Brazil will be in a situation more similar to other industrialized countries, faced with a new challenge of economic development with low GHG energy-related emissions, requiring the adoption of mitigation policies and measures targeted at the energy system. Unlike the mitigation actions in the land-use change sector, where most of the funding will come from the national budgets due to sovereignty concerns, the huge financial resources needed to develop low-carbon transport and energy infrastructure could benefit from soft loans channelled to the country through nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs).  相似文献   

The Paris Agreement, which entered into force in 2016, sets the ambitious climate change mitigation goal of limiting the global temperature increase to below 2°C and ideally 1.5°C. This puts a severe constraint on the remaining global GHG emissions budget. While international shipping is also a contributor to anthropogenic GHG emissions, and CO2 in particular, it is not included in the Paris Agreement. This article discusses how a share of a global CO2 budget over the twenty-first century could be apportioned to international shipping, and, using a range of future trade scenarios, explores the requisite cuts to the CO2 intensity of shipping. The results demonstrate that, under a wide range of assumptions, existing short-term levers of efficiency must be urgently exploited to achieve mitigation commensurate with that required from the rest of the economy, with virtually full decarbonization of international shipping required as early as before mid-century.

Key policy insights

  • Regulatory action is key to ensuring the international shipping sector’s long-term sustainability.

  • For the shipping industry to deliver mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement, virtually full decarbonization needs to be achieved.

  • In the near term, immediate and rapid exploitation of available mitigation measures is of critical importance.

  • Any delay in the transition will increase the risk of stranded assets, or diminish the chances of meeting the Paris Agreement's temperature commitments.


The energy sector is the main contributor to GHG emissions in Saudi Arabia. The tremendous growth of GHG emissions poses serious challenges for the Kingdom in terms of their reduction targets, and also the mitigation of the associated climate changes. The rising trend of population and urbanization affects the energy demand, which results in a faster rate of increase in GHG emissions. The major energy sector sources that contribute to GHG emissions include the electricity generation, road transport, desalination plants, petroleum refining, petrochemical, cement, iron and steel, and fertilizer industries. In recent years, the energy sector has become the major source, accounting for more than 90% of national CO2 emissions. Although a substantial amount of research has been conducted on renewable energy resources, a sustainable shift from petroleum resources is yet to be achieved. Public awareness, access to energy-efficient technology, and the development and implementation of a legislative framework, energy pricing policies, and renewable and alternative energy policies are not mature enough to ensure a significant reduction in GHG emissions from the energy sector. An innovative and integrated solution that best serves the Kingdom's long-term needs and exploits potential indigenous, renewable, and alternative energy resources while maintaining its sustainable development stride is essential.

Policy relevance

The main contributor to GHG emissions in Saudi Arabia is the energy sector that accounts for more than 90% of the national CO2 emissions. Tremendous growth of GHG emissions poses serious challenges for the Kingdom in their reduction and mitigating the associated climate changes. This study examines the changing patterns of different activities associated with energy sector, the pertinent challenges, and the opportunities that promise reduction of GHG emissions while providing national energy and economic security. The importance of achieving timely, sustained, and increasing reductions in GHG emissions means that a combination of policies may be needed. This study points to the long-term importance of making near- and medium-term policy choices on a well-informed, strategic basis. This analytical paper is expected to provide useful information to the national policy makers and other decision makers. It may also contribute to the GHG emission inventories and the climate change negotiations.  相似文献   

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