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We analyze nearly periodic solutions in the plane problem of three equal-mass bodies by numerically simulating the dynamics of triple systems. We identify families of orbits in which all three points are on one straight line (syzygy) at the initial time. In this case, at fixed total energy of a triple system, the set of initial conditions is a bounded region in four-dimensional parameter space. We scan this region and identify sets of trajectories in which the coordinates and velocities of all bodies are close to their initial values at certain times (which are approximately multiples of the period). We classify the nearly periodic orbits by the structure of trajectory loops over one period. We have found the families of orbits generated by von Schubart’s stable periodic orbit revealed in the rectilinear three-body problem. We have also found families of hierarchical, nearly periodic trajectories with prograde and retrograde motions. In the orbits with prograde motions, the trajectory loops of two close bodies form looplike structures. The trajectories with retrograde motions are characterized by leafed structures. Orbits with central and axial symmetries are identified among the families found.  相似文献   

The Medium Earth Orbit region is the home of the navigation constellations. It is shown how the orbits of these constellations of satellites are strongly affected by the so-called inclination dependent luni-solar resonances. The analytical theory of these resonances is recalled and a large set of numerical integrations is used to investigate the stability of the orbits of the constellations over very long time spans. The stability issue is important in the definition of possible disposal strategies for the constellation spacecraft, after their end-of-life. Two possible disposal strategies are envisaged involving either stable or unstable orbits (from the eccentricity growth point of view). In particular it is shown how, to have disposal orbits with moderately short lifetime (of the orders of 40–50 years), a very large disposal maneuver would be required to rise the inital eccentricity to values above ~ 0.3.  相似文献   

Orbits repeating their ground track on the surface of the earth are found to be members of periodic-orbit families (in a synodic frame) of the tesseral problem of the Earth artificial satellite. Families of repeat ground track orbits appear as vertical bifurcations of the equatorial family of periodic orbits, and they evolve from retrograde to direct motion throughout the 180 degrees of inclination. These bifurcations are always close to the resonances of the Earth's rotation rate and the mean motion of the orbiter.  相似文献   

Flower Constellations (FCs) have been extensively studied for use in optimal constellation design. The Harmonic FCs (HFCs) subset, representing the symmetric configurations, have recently been reformulated into 2-D Lattice Flower Constellations (2D-LFCs), encompassing the complete set of HFCs. Elliptic orbits are generally avoided due to the deleterious effects of Earth’s oblateness on the constellation, but here we present a novel concept for avoiding this problem and enabling more effective global coverage utilizing elliptic orbits. This new 3D Lattice Flower Constellations (3D-LFCs) framework generalizes the 2D-LFCs, Walker constellations, elliptical Walker constellations, and many of Draim’s global coverage constellations. Previous studies have shown FCs can provide improved performance in global navigation over existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). We found a 3D-LFC design that improved the average positioning accuracy by 3.5 % while reducing launch $\varDelta v$ Δ v requirements when compared to the existing Galileo GNSS constellation.  相似文献   

The 2-D lattice theory of Flower Constellations, generalizing Harmonic Flower Constellations (the symmetric subset of Flower Constellations) as well as the Walker/ Mozhaev constellations, is presented here. This theory is a new general framework to design symmetric constellations using a $2\times 2$ 2 × 2 lattice matrix of integers or by its minimal representation, the Hermite normal form. From a geometrical point of view, the phasing of satellites is represented by a regular pattern (lattice) on a two-Dimensional torus. The 2-D lattice theory of Flower Constellations does not require any compatibility condition and uses a minimum set of integer parameters whose meaning are explored throughout the paper. This general minimum-parametrization framework allows us to obtain all symmetric distribution of satellites. Due to the $J_2$ J 2 effect this design framework is meant for circular orbits and for elliptical orbits at critical inclination, or to design elliptical constellations for the unperturbed Keplerian case.  相似文献   

Several families of periodic orbits exist in the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. This work studies orbital motion of a spacecraft among these periodic orbits in the Earth–Moon system, using the planar circular restricted three-body problem model. A new cylindrical representation of the spacecraft phase space (i.e., position and velocity) is described, and allows representing periodic orbits and the related invariant manifolds. In the proximity of the libration points, the manifolds form a four-fold surface, if the cylindrical coordinates are employed. Orbits departing from the Earth and transiting toward the Moon correspond to the trajectories located inside this four-fold surface. The isomorphic mapping under consideration is also useful for describing the topology of the invariant manifolds, which exhibit a complex geometrical stretch-and-folding behavior as the associated trajectories reach increasing distances from the libration orbit. Moreover, the cylindrical representation reveals extremely useful for detecting periodic orbits around the primaries and the libration points, as well as the possible existence of heteroclinic connections. These are asymptotic trajectories that are ideally traveled at zero-propellant cost. This circumstance implies the possibility of performing concretely a variety of complex Earth–Moon missions, by combining different types of trajectory arcs belonging to the manifolds. This work studies also the possible application of manifold dynamics to defining a suitable, convenient end-of-life strategy for spacecraft placed in any of the unstable orbits. The final disposal orbit is an externally confined trajectory, never approaching the Earth or the Moon, and can be entered by means of a single velocity impulse (of modest magnitude) along the right unstable manifold that emanates from the Lyapunov orbit at \(L_2\) .  相似文献   

We present a numerical study of the set of orbits of the planar circular restricted three body problem which undergo consecutive close encounters with the small primary, or orbits of second species. The value of the Jacobi constant is fixed, and we restrict the study to consecutive close encounters which occur within a maximal time interval. With these restrictions, the full set of orbits of second species is found numerically from the intersections of the stable and unstable manifolds of the collision singularity on the surface of section that corresponds to passage through the pericentre. A ‘skeleton’ of this set of curves can be computed from the solutions of the two-body problem. The set of intersection points found in this limit corresponds to the S-arcs and T-arcs of Hénon’s classification which verify the energy and time constraints, and can be used to construct an alphabet to describe the orbits of second species. We give numerical evidence for the existence of a shift on this alphabet that describes all the orbits with infinitely many close encounters with the small primary, and sketch a proof of the symbolic dynamics. In particular, we find periodic orbits that combine S-type and T-type quasi-homoclinic arcs.  相似文献   

We consider periodic halo orbits about artificial equilibrium points (AEP) near to the Lagrange points L 1 and L 2 in the circular restricted three body problem, where the third body is a low-thrust propulsion spacecraft in the Sun–Earth system. Although such halo orbits about artificial equilibrium points can be generated using a solar sail, there are points inside L 1 and beyond L 2 where a solar sail cannot be placed, so low-thrust, such as solar electric propulsion, is the only option to generate artificial halo orbits around points inaccessible to a solar sail. Analytical and numerical halo orbits for such low-thrust propulsion systems are obtained by using the Lindstedt Poincaré and differential corrector method respectively. Both the period and minimum amplitude of halo orbits about artificial equilibrium points inside L 1 decreases with an increase in low-thrust acceleration. The halo orbits about artificial equilibrium points beyond L 2 in contrast show an increase in period with an increase in low-thrust acceleration. However, the minimum amplitude first increases and then decreases after the thrust acceleration exceeds 0.415 mm/s2. Using a continuation method, we also find stable artificial halo orbits which can be sustained for long integration times and require a reasonably small low-thrust acceleration 0.0593 mm/s2.  相似文献   

The outer region of the jovian system between ∼50 and 300 jovian radii from the planet is found to be the host of a previously unknown dust population. We used the data from the dust detector aboard the Galileo spacecraft collected from December 1995 to April 2001 during Galileo's numerous traverses of the outer jovian system. Analyzing the ion amplitudes, calibrated masses and speeds of grains, and impact directions, we found about 100 individual events fully compatible with impacts of grains moving around Jupiter in bound orbits. These grains have moderate eccentricities and a wide range of inclinations—from prograde to retrograde ones. The radial number density profile of the micrometer-sized dust is nearly flat between about 50 and 300 jovian radii. The absolute number density level (∼10 km−3 with a factor of 2 or 3 uncertainty) surpasses by an order of magnitude that of the interplanetary background. We identify the sources of the bound grains with outer irregular satellites of Jupiter. Six outer tiny moons are orbiting the planet in prograde and fourteen in retrograde orbits. These moons are subject to continuous bombardment by interplanetary micrometeoroids. Hypervelocity impacts create ejecta, nearly all of which get injected into circumjovian space. Our analytic and numerical study of the ejecta dynamics shows that micrometer-sized particles from both satellite families, although strongly perturbed by solar tidal gravity and radiation pressure, would stay in bound orbits for hundreds of thousands of years as do a fraction of smaller grains, several tenths of a micrometer in radius, ejected from the prograde moons. Different-sized ejecta remain confined to spheroidal clouds embracing the orbits of the parent moons, with appreciable asymmetries created by the radiation pressure and solar gravity perturbations. Spatial location of the impacts, mass distribution, speeds, orbital inclinations, and number density of dust derived from the data are all consistent with the dynamical model.  相似文献   

It is known that the dynamical orbit determination is the most common way to get the precise orbits of spacecraft. However, it is hard to build up the precise dynamical model of spacecraft sometimes. In order to solve this problem, the technique of the orbit determination with the B-spline approximation method based on the theory of function approximation is presented in this article. In order to verify the effectiveness of this method, simulative orbit determinations in the cases of LEO (Low Earth Orbit), MEO (Medium Earth Orbit), and HEO (Highly Eccentric Orbit) satellites are performed, and it is shown that this method has a reliable accuracy and stable solution. The approach can be performed in both the conventional celestial coordinate system and the conventional terrestrial coordinate system. The spacecraft's position and velocity can be calculated directly with the B-spline approximation method, it needs not to integrate the dynamical equations, nor to calculate the state transfer matrix, thus the burden of calculations in the orbit determination is reduced substantially relative to the dynamical orbit determination method. The technique not only has a certain theoretical significance, but also can serve as a conventional algorithm in the spacecraft orbit determination.  相似文献   

The tristatic EISCAT 930-MHz UHF system is used to determine the absolute geocentric velocities of meteors detected with all three receivers simultaneously at 96 km, the height of the common radar volume. The data used in this study were taken between 2002 and 2005, during four 24-h runs at summer/winter solstice and vernal/autumnal equinox to observe the largest seasonal difference. The observed velocities of 410 tristatic meteors are integrated back through the Earth atmosphere to find their atmospheric entry velocities using an ablation model. Orbit calculations are performed by taking zenith attraction, Earth rotation as well as obliquity of the ecliptic into account. The results are presented in the form of different orbital characteristics. None of the observed meteors appears to be of extrasolar or asteroidal origin; comets, particularly short-period (<200 yr) ones, may be the dominant source for the particles observed. About 40 per cent of the radiants can be associated with the north apex sporadic meteor source and 58 per cent of the orbits are retrograde. There is evidence of resonance gaps at semimajor axis values corresponding to commensurabilities with Jupiter, which may be the first convincing evidence of Jupiter's gravitational influence on the population of small sporadic meteoroids surveyed by radar. The geocentric velocity distribution is bimodal with a prograde population centred around 38 km s−1 and a retrograde population peaking at 59 km s−1. The EISCAT radar system is located close to the Arctic Circle, which means that the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) is near zenith once every 24 h, i.e. during each observational period. In this particular geometry, the local horizon coincides with the ecliptic plane. The meteoroid influx should therefore be directly comparable throughout the year.  相似文献   

Motivated by the dynamics of resonance capture, we study numerically the coorbital resonance for inclination \(0\le I\le 180^\circ \) in the circular restricted three-body problem. We examine the similarities and differences between planar and three dimensional coorbital resonance capture and seek their origin in the stability of coorbital motion at arbitrary inclination. After we present stability maps of the planar prograde and retrograde coorbital resonances, we characterize the new coorbital modes in three dimensions. We see that retrograde mode I (R1) and mode II (R2) persist as we change the relative inclination, while retrograde mode III (R3) seems to exist only in the planar problem. A new coorbital mode (R4) appears in 3D which is a retrograde analogue to an horseshoe-orbit. The Kozai–Lidov resonance is active for retrograde orbits as well as prograde orbits and plays a key role in coorbital resonance capture. Stable coorbital modes exist at all inclinations, including retrograde and polar obits. This result confirms the robustness the coorbital resonance at large inclination and encourages the search for retrograde coorbital companions of the solar system’s planets.  相似文献   

Starting from 80 families of low-energy fast periodic transfer orbits in the Earth–Moon planar circular Restricted Three Body Problem (RTBP), we obtain by analytical continuation 11 periodic orbits and 25 periodic arcs with similar properties in the Sun–Earth–Moon Quasi-Bicircular Problem (QBCP). A novel and very simple procedure is introduced giving the solar phases at which to attempt continuation. Detailed numerical results for each periodic orbit and arc found are given, including their stability parameters and minimal distances to the Earth and Moon. The periods of these orbits are between 2.5 and 5 synodic months, their energies are among the lowest possible to achieve an Earth–Moon transfer, and they show a diversity of circumlunar trajectories, making them good candidates for missions requiring repeated passages around the Earth and the Moon with close approaches to the last.  相似文献   

Using a consistent perturbation theory for collisionless disk-like and spherical star clusters, we construct a theory of slow modes for systems having an extended central region with a nearly harmonic potential due to the presence of a fairly homogeneous (on the scales of the stellar system) heavy, dynamically passive halo. In such systems, the stellar orbits are slowly precessing, centrally symmetric ellipses (2: 1 orbits). Depending on the density distribution in the system and the degree of halo inhomogeneity, the orbit precession can be both prograde and retrograde, in contrast to systems with 1: 1 elliptical orbits where the precession is unequivocally retrograde. In the first paper, we show that in the case where at least some of the orbits have a prograde precession and the stellar distribution function is a decreasing function of angular momentum, an instability that turns into the well-known radial orbit instability in the limit of low angular momenta can develop in the system. We also explore the question of whether the so-called spoke approximation, a simplified version of the slow mode approximation, is applicable for investigating the instability of stellar systems with highly elongated orbits. Highly elongated orbits in clusters with nonsingular gravitational potentials are known to be also slowly precessing 2: 1 ellipses. This explains the attempts to use the spoke approximation in finding the spectrum of slow modes with frequencies of the order of the orbit precession rate. We show that, in contrast to the previously accepted view, the dependence of the precession rate on angular momentum can differ significantly from a linear one even in a narrow range of variation of the distribution function in angular momentum. Nevertheless, using a proper precession curve in the spoke approximation allows us to partially “rehabilitate” the spoke approach, i.e., to correctly determine the instability growth rate, at least in the principal (O(α T−1/2) order of the perturbation theory in dimensionless small parameter α T, which characterizes the width of the distribution function in angular momentum near radial orbits.  相似文献   

We prove that, in general, a given two-dimensional inhomogeneous potential V(x,y) does not allow for the creation of homogeneous families of orbits. Yet, depending on the case at hand, if the given potential satisfies certain conditions, this potential is compatible either with one (or two) monoparametric homogeneous families of orbits or at most with five such familes. The orbits are then found on the grounds of the given potential.  相似文献   

The computation of translunar Halo orbits of the real Earth–Moon system (REMS) has been an open problem for a long time, but now, it is possible to compute Halo orbits of the REMS in a systematic way. In this paper, we describe the method used for the numerical computation of Halo orbits for a time span longer than 41 years. Halo orbits of the REMS are computed from quasi-periodic Halo orbits of the quasi-bicircular problem (QBCP). The QBCP is a model for the dynamics of a spacecraft in the Earth–Moon–Sun system. It is a Hamiltonian system with three degrees of freedom and depending periodically on time. In this model, Earth, Moon and Sun are moving in a self-consistent motion close to bicircular. The computed Halo orbits of the REMS are compared with the family of Halo orbits of the QBCP. The results show that the QBCP is a good model to understand the main features of the Halo family of the REMS.  相似文献   

In the zonal problem of a satellite around the Earth, we continue numerically natural families of periodic orbits with the polar component of the angular momentum as the parameter. We found three families; two of them are made of orbits with linear stability while the third one is made of unstable orbits. Except in a neighborhood of the critical inclination, the stable periodic (or frozen) orbits have very small eccentricities even for large inclinations.  相似文献   

Summary Informations on 736 pairs of visual binaries are given in the form of the Tables. The General Catalogue gives ephemerides (t,θ°,ρ″) in 20 years (1984–2003) for each pair with the figures of its apparent elliptical orbit where the positions of secondary component relative to the primary one at different epochs are indicated.The General Catalogue contains four parts: Part one — Source and Grading of Orbit; Part two — Ephemérides and Atlas of Apparent Orbits; Part three — Classifications of Visual Binary Stars; Part four — Indexes of Visual Binary Stars. The principle of calculation and the statistical data are presented in this paper. There are seven statistical tables, giving the elements distribution of true and apparent orbits, grading distribution of orbits, number distribution with different physical property of component of binary star. The number of binary stars in anyone constellation, the number of binary stars brighter than 6m.5. The number of binary stars nearer than 25 parsec.  相似文献   

We have studied periodic orbits generated by Lagrangian solutions of the restricted three body problem when one of the primaries is an oblate body. We have determined the periodic orbits for different values of μ, h and A (h is energy constant, μ is mass ratio of the two primaries and A is an oblateness factor). These orbits have been determined by giving displacements along the tangent and normal to the mobile coordinates as defined by Karimov and Sokolsky (Celest. Mech. 46:335, 1989). These orbits have been drawn by using the predictor-corrector method. We have also studied the effect of oblateness by taking some fixed values of μ, A and h. As starters for our method, we use some known periodic orbits in the classical restricted three body problem.  相似文献   

The concept of closest approach is analyzed in Hill’s problem, resulting in a partitioning of the position space. The different behavior between the direct and retrograde motion is explained analytically, resulting in a simple estimate of the variation of Hill’s periodic and quasi-circular orbits as a function of the Jacobi constant. The local behavior of the orbits on the zero velocity surfaces and an analytical definition of local escape and capture in Hill’s problem are also given.  相似文献   

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