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福建沿岸海域赤潮发生特点及防治措施   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
许珠华  侯建军 《台湾海峡》2006,25(1):143-150
根据多年来福建沿岸海域发生赤潮的情况及相关资料,概述了该海域赤潮发生的主要趋势、时间、区域、种类和危害等特点,分析和讨论了赤潮发生的自然因素和人为因素;并指出赤潮防灾和减灾工作中存在的主要问题是海洋综合管理力量薄弱,海洋法律法规不够健全,海洋执法能力有待加强,海洋事业经费投入不足.在此基础上提出了防治福建沿岸海域赤潮灾害的如下措施和建议:进一步调查和研究赤潮发生的类型并分析其主要成因;建立健全福建省近岸海域环境监测网络和海洋环境监测系统,大力开展具有福建区域特色的赤潮生物及其有害赤潮发生机理等科学研究;控制陆源污染,减少含氮污染物的排放总量和入海量,提倡和推广使用农家肥,提高生活污水的处理效率;认真研究和分析港湾的环境容量,合理开发福建的海水养殖业;加强围填海等涉海工程对海水动力学影响的研究,以及加强对船舶压仓水等带来外来赤潮生物影响的研究等.  相似文献   

海洋类型自然保护区有效管理初论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海洋自然保护区建设中管理是一项长期而又艰巨的任务,它不仅涉及国家各项法律、法规和方针政策的贯彻落实,更多的是涉及当地政府及群众的利益。本文试图从保护、开发及管理的角度,结合多年保护区管理工作实践,阐述如何加强海洋类型自然保护区的有效管理,找出一条既有利于保护区发展,使被保护对象得到有效保护,又能促进当地经济发展的思路。 海洋类型自然保护区作为一种保护类型被单独提出并付诸实践,这在很大程度上反映了我们国家对自然保护的高度重视,也体现了我们不断提高的保护意识。与其它类型的保护区一样,海洋类型自然保护…  相似文献   

总结了荷兰海洋区测的有益经验,提出了我国开展海洋区测工作应考虑的问题,即根据国家及社会的需求尽快开展不同比例尺的海洋区测工作;尽快组织有关专家修改目前试行的海洋区域地质调查规范;数据库的开发和建设应与海洋区测工作同步;应制定相应的法律法规,实现资料和资源的共享,规范海岸带的合理开发和保护。  相似文献   

1995年4月25~29日于广西壮族自治区南宁市召开了《全国海岛海岸带开发管理学术讨论会》。会议由广西海洋开发保护管理委员会办公室、中国海洋学会海岸带开发管理分会和广西海洋学会联合组织的,与会95人。采取大会发言、小组交流讨论与实地参观考察相结合的方式进行。会议生动活泼,成效显著。会上进行交流的论文有34篇,内容包括:海岛海岸带开发与管理,资源与环境保护,海洋自然灾害的防御措施,海洋自然保护区的建设与管理等有关海洋新领域新技术。在海岛海岸带开发与管理方面,有的文章提出加强4个转变和2个认识,即由单一的陆地开发…  相似文献   

厦门市无居民海岛开发利用现状与管理保护对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄发明  谢在团 《台湾海峡》2003,22(4):531-536
本文介绍了厦门市无居民海岛的总体分布情况及其开发利用现状,分析了其存在的主要问题,并据此提出了建立统一协调海岛综合管理体制,实施开发利用许可证制度;编制厦门市无居民海岛开发保护规划;加强对海岛生态环境和资源的保护;控制海岛开发强度;建设“数字海岛”等开发和管理保护厦门市无居民海岛的若干对策建议。  相似文献   

论近海资源和海洋可持续发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
可持续发展是人类关于经济、社会、资源和环境协调发展的新的战略思想。海洋可持续发展是可持续发展概念在海洋经济领域的体现,是一种技术上应用得当,资源利用节约,生产集约经营,生态环境不退化,可以实现海洋资源的综合利用、深度开发和循环再生,经济上持续发展和社会曾遍接受的海洋开发模式。近海资源是海洋可持续发展的基础,只有合理开发和有效保护近海资源,才能实施海洋可持续发展;只有提高对海洋可持续发展的认识,实施海洋可持续发展战略,才能有效地保护好近海资源。 我国是陆海兼备的海洋大国。改革开放以来,我国的海洋经…  相似文献   

王文海 《海岸工程》1994,13(1):10-19
探讨了龙口湾的开发功能、利用和保护问题,认为龙口湾的最重要功能是港口建设,同时应兼顾其他方面的发展;还指出在海湾开发的同时,应加强对海湾和沿岸土地的管理与保护。  相似文献   

加强和创新社会管理,是党中央正确把握国内外复杂多变的新形势作出的重大决策。在实施海洋战略、发展蓝色经济的大背景下,海洋与渔业面临着重大的发展机遇,但也存在很多矛盾和问题,要实现海洋与渔业资源的科学开发、海洋生态环境的有效保护、海洋与渔业经济的可持续发展,就必须加强和创新社会管理,协调处理好海洋与渔业发展过程中的各种矛盾和关系,推进和谐海洋、和谐渔业建设。  相似文献   

文章针对深圳海岸开发与海洋生态现状及存在问题,从海岸绿色屏障建设和海洋生态环境保护的角度,提出强化海岸和海域管理、加强海岸资源调查与研究、恢复海岸及海湾红树林湿地、建立海岸生态保护带、合理规划海岸及海域开发利用等一系列海岸及海洋生态保护措施,旨在提升深圳海洋城市的品位,确保深圳海洋资源的合理有序地开发及海洋环境的适度有效地保护,促进海洋经济的可持续健康快速发展,实现将从海洋大市向海洋强市的跨越。  相似文献   

文章针对深圳海岸开发与海洋生态现状及存在问题,从海岸绿色屏障建设和海洋生态环境保护的角度,提出强化海岸和海域管理、加强海岸资源调查与研究、恢复海岸及海湾红树林湿地、建立海岸生态保护带、合理规划海岸及海域开发利用等一系列海岸及海洋生态保护措施,旨在提升深圳海洋城市的品位,确保深圳海洋资源的合理有序地开发及海洋环境的适度有效地保护,促进海洋经济的可持续健康快速发展,实现将从海洋大市向海洋强市的跨越。  相似文献   

通过系统梳理并分析了近年来国家和沿海地方在制订和实施海洋生态修复政策的现状和实施概况,从管理政策、技术政策和经济政策三个方面进行研究分析认为:目前海洋生态修复的政策大多分散在岸线保护、滨海湿地保护、围填海管控修复的单项法律法规、政策文件、相关规划或标准中,国家和地方层面对于系统开展海洋生态修复工程尚缺少针对性和系统性的...  相似文献   

为推动我国国土空间规划新视角下的海洋空间规划实践,提升我国海洋综合管理水平,文章概述基于生态系统的挪威海海洋环境综合管理计划的主要内容,并重点分析挪威海的海洋环境空间管理措施。研究结果表明:挪威海海洋环境综合管理计划是基于生态系统的海洋空间规划,建立在良好的海洋环境状况和海洋生物多样性与其栖息地的保护基础之上,以可持续利用海洋资源来实现海洋产业的价值创造与生态系统服务供给;该管理计划制定一系列海洋环境保护措施和人类活动空间管理措施,以实现挪威海海洋环境的有效保护和海洋经济产业的有效管理;挪威海海洋空间规划的发展可为我国国土空间规划涉海内容的编制、海洋资源的可持续利用与海洋产业的快速健康发展提供重要参考。  相似文献   

As a result of population growth and economic development, there has been a rapid increase in sea use around the island of Taiwan. Such increased use is placing pressure on the marine environment and its resources. Three draft territory laws (the Draft National Territory Planning Act, the Land Re-conservation Draft Bill, and the Draft Coastal Act) and the Local Government Act are neither consistent nor sufficiently comprehensive. Consequently, local Governments (municipalities and counties) experience difficulties in planning and managing their inshore waters. This paper will discuss the role local Governments plays in marine spatial planning and management. Local Government officials working in specialist marine affairs units from Kaohsiung and Keelung cities were surveyed to elicit their views with regards to management authority, management capacity and resources, officials’ commitment, and intergovernmental coordination/collaboration with respect to inshore waters. In-depth interviews were also conducted with local directors of specialist marine affairs units along with experts, to identify the causes of problems brought to light through the survey and to propose potential solutions to these problems. The study findings indicated that it is necessary to specify the marine spatial planning and management authority, as well as the scope of local Governments, in both the Coastal Act and Local Government Act. In order to sustainably develop Taiwan’s marine and coastal areas, it is important that the following four primary factors (management authority, management capacity and resources, officials’ commitment, and intergovernmental coordination/collaboration) be improved.  相似文献   

海洋空间资源开发利用质量与政府公共资源规划配置决策、资源使用者利用方式密切相关。文章通过对目前海洋空间资源开发利用特征研究,揭示了影响海洋资源开发质量的资源储备、规划配置、生态环境、开发方式等方面的制约因素,并从政府机制建设和使用者资源开发模式两个层面提出完善和改进对策。一是政府在海洋资源收储、统筹集约规划、生态环境保护方面建立保障与引导机制;二是资源使用者选择技术创新和精细化开发策略,以期为实现海洋空间资源高质量开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》1998,22(3):229-234
The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, UN Conference, 1972) outlined a ‘masterplan’ linking environmental assessment, environmental management and supporting measures as basic and inseparable elements of environmental actions plans. It also indicated the advantages of a regional approach in contributing to the solution of global problems. The Regional Seas Programme of UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) was subsequently initiated in 1974 (UN General Assembly, 1972). Development of UNEP’s Regional Seas Programme demonstrated that the basic concepts formulated at Stockholm can effectively foster regional cooperation among interested States, and may benefit from the support of the United Nations system as a whole.The present Regional Seas Programme includes fourteen regions, comprising over 140 coastal States. It was conceived as an action-oriented programme encompassing a comprehensive, trans-sectoral approach to marine and coastal areas and to environmental problems, considering not only the consequences, but also the causes of environmental degradation. Each Regional Seas Programme is based on the needs of the region concerned. The Regional Seas Programmes promote the parallel development of regional legal agreements, and of action-oriented programme activities, as embodied in the action plans. The overall strategy to be followed, as defined by UNEP’s Governing Council (UNEP, 1974) is:
  • 1. Promotion of international and regional conventions, guidelines and actions for the control of marine pollution and the protection and management of aquatic resources.
  • 2. Assessment of the state of marine pollution, pollution sources and trends, and of the impact of pollution on human health, marine ecosystems and amenities.
  • 3. Coordination of efforts with regard to environmental aspects of the protection, development and management of marine and coastal resources.
  • 4. Support for education and training efforts to facilitate the full participation of developing countries in the protection, development and management of marine and coastal resources.
Because the goal of each Regional Seas Programme is to benefit the States of that region, governments are involved from the very beginning in the formulation of the action plan. After acceptance, the implementation of the programme is carried out, under the overall authority of the governments concerned, by national institutions nominated by their governments. Although the Regional Seas Programme is implemented primarily by government-nominated institutions, specialized United Nations bodies, as well as the relevant international and regional organizations, contribute to its formulation, and also provide assistance to these national institutions. UNEP acts as an overall coordinator for the development and implementation of regional action plans. In some cases, this role is limited to the initial phase of the activities.  相似文献   

This paper addresses development and problems of the legislative framework for coastal and coral reef resources management in Indonesia. It describes the background to the legal framework of Indonesian coastal and coral reef legislation and proposes an appropriate legal framework for addressing Indonesian coastal and coral reef management. This paper outlines several major challenges faced by the Indonesian legislators. It reviews some of the justifications of creating an appropriate legal framework for coastal management.It argues that an adequate and appropriate legal framework will promote sustainable development and management of coastal and coral reef resources. It argues that, the complicated and inappropriate legal framework currently place in Indonesia has contributed to serious degradation of coastal and marine resources. It also argues that this degradation has been exacerbated by the lack of a national marine policy, severe weaknesses in law enforcement of natural resource including those of the fisheries laws and regulations in Indonesia. This paper suggests that there is a general malaise or lack of commitment to sustainable management and development of natural resources. This paper also focuses on the political aspects and their impacts on legislation for coastal and coral reef management at the national and selected regional levels.  相似文献   

The coastal and marine environments and resources of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden are globally significant and generally in a healthy state. Current regional issues include localized destruction of coral reefs, seagrass and mangroves; declines in some fisheries; exploitation of some endangered species; pollution from the development and transport of petroleum; and disposal of industrial and municipal wastes. The underlying causes of these issues are the natural vulnerability of the Red Sea due to its semi-enclosed nature; economic reliance on the petroleum industry; significant navigation risks; a rapidly increasing coastal population and associated developments; lack of fisheries information, surveillance and management; poor coastal zone planning; and limited technical expertise. Strategic actions addressing these issues will need to be implemented regionally and focus on coastal zone management that integrates environmental planning, environmental assessment and review; training and institutional development; public awareness and participation; information gathering especially fisheries statistics; reducing navigation risks; and the development of resource management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

丁金胜 《海洋科学》2019,43(12):59-66
我国对海岛管理的研究主要集中在海岛管理立法研究、海岛开发利用研究与海岛生态保护研究3个层面。鉴于我国目前的海岛管理制度在法律、社会、经济和生态等多方面环境约束下存在一系列的问题,诸如法律法规的不完善、海岛居民异地搬迁管理制度不完善、无居民海岛的个人特许经营制度效用低下、海岛生态系统保护管理执法力度欠缺,综合现代社会发展前沿趋势,针对不同的环境约束提出优化我国海岛管理制度的建议和对策,包括完善海岛立法体系、完善岛民外迁政策、创新经济机制与加强过程监管并举等。海岛巨大的军事、生态、经济和科研价值使得对海岛管理制度的研究意义深远,为我国海岛的可持续发展提供更多动力。  相似文献   

Jon Day   《Marine Policy》2008,32(5):823-831
An increasing number of scientists and resource managers recognise that successful marine management approaches, including marine spatial planning (MSP), cannot occur without effective monitoring, evaluation and adaptation. These basic components are necessary to ensure that any marine planning or marine management measures are both effective and efficient. While a number of fundamental principles for marine monitoring, evaluation and adaptive management exist, there are varying levels of understanding about how these should be undertaken and what they may achieve. Challenges include the development of realistic and measurable objectives and indicators against which effectiveness can be practically measured. The matter becomes even more complicated as the focus of marine planning and management strategies changes from ‘single species’ to ‘habitats’ and ‘ecosystems’ that may enable a diversity of permitted uses consistent with a variety of overall objectives. Over the last 30 years, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) has successfully established a multiple-use spatial management approach that allows both high levels of environmental protection and a wide range of human activities. Drawing on this unique long-term experience in the GBRMP, this article discusses key aspects of effective monitoring and evaluation, and summarises lessons learned from over two decades of adaptive management.  相似文献   

文章概述福建省无居民海岛开发利用、保护和管理现状,从相关法律法规和规划办法逐步完善的角度分析无居民海岛开发利用的契机,同时指出面临的海岛开发利用投资成本高和回报周期长、开发利用同质化和低质化、海岛生态环境资源遭到破坏、历史遗留问题仍未解决以及不同类型海岛未能区别管理等挑战,在此基础上提出探索海岛开发利用新模式、加快区域用岛规划编制、理顺海岛保护管理体制机制和海岛分等级管理审批的对策建议。  相似文献   

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