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重谱即傅立叶空间的三点相关函数,是研究由引力不稳定性产生的大尺度结构的最低非高斯阶统计性质.在傅立叶空间中,发现二维和三维空间的统计性质是等价的,相对三维快速傅立叶,二维快速傅立叶变换可以节省很多计算机资源.结合二维和三维的快速傅立叶变换,利用高精度的初始谱指数为-1的N体数值模拟,测量了从弱线性区域到强非线性区域的重谱.在测量过程中,考虑并严格校正了作用于功率谱和重谱上的数值效应,如离散效应(particle discreteness)、软化因子(force softening)、模拟盒子的大小、混淆效应(alias effect).发现约化重谱即使在强非线性区域仍然依赖于三角形的形状和尺度,并随着波数的增加而增加,这和前人的假设完全不同.在测量结果的基础上,拟合了重谱的一个适用于初始谱指数为-1的宇宙学模型的经验公式.  相似文献   

Bispectrum, or three-point correlation function in Fourier space, is the lowest order non-Gaussian statistic to study the large-scale structure produced by gravitational instability. In Fourier space, the 2-dimensional density field has the same statistical properties as the 3-dimensional field, and compared with the 3-dimensional fast Fourier transform (FFT), the 2-dimensional FFT can save a lot of computer resources. In a combination of 2- and 3-dimensional FFTs and using a high-resolution N-body numerical simulation with the initial spectral index -1, we have measured the bispectrum from the weakly linear regime to the strongly nonlinear regime. All possible effects of numerical artefacts on the power spectrum and bispectrum, such as particle discreteness, force softening, finite box size and alias effect, are considered and strictly corrected. In contrast with what previous researchers assumed, it is revealed that the reduced bispectrum depends on the triangle shape and scale even in the strongly nonlinear regime, and increases with the wave number. And based on the measured results, a new fitting formula for the bispectum suitable for cosmological models with an initial spectral index −1 is obtained.  相似文献   

With increasingly large data sets, weak lensing measurements are able to measure cosmological parameters with ever-greater precision. However, this increased accuracy also places greater demands on the statistical tools used to extract the available information. To date, the majority of lensing analyses use the two-point statistics of the cosmic shear field. These can be either studied directly using the two-point correlation function or in Fourier space, using the power spectrum. But analysing weak lensing data inevitably involves the masking out of regions, for example to remove bright stars from the field. Masking out the stars is common practice but the gaps in the data need proper handling. In this paper, we show how an inpainting technique allows us to properly fill in these gaps with only   N log  N   operations, leading to a new image from which we can compute straightforwardly and with a very good accuracy both the power spectrum and the bispectrum. We then propose a new method to compute the bispectrum with a polar fft algorithm, which has the main advantage of avoiding any interpolation in the Fourier domain. Finally, we propose a new method for dark matter mass map reconstruction from shear observations, which integrates this new inpainting concept. A range of examples based on 3D N -body simulations illustrates the results.  相似文献   

崔伟广 《天文学进展》2011,29(2):238-240
主要研究了修改引力论在非线性尺度上的表现。现在已经存在很多修改引力论的模型,如f(R),DGP,Mond等,但是在工作中并没有使用别人已经提出的修改引力论方法,因为首先不可能去对所有的修改引力论模型都进行研究;其次重点研究的是修改引力对于宇宙中的物质分布在非线性尺度上的影响,而各种修改引力论对于物质聚集的影响是相似的,都可以通过一个参数表达出来。因此笔者提出一种修改引力论的方法,引进了一个简单参数ζ。这个参数ζ定义为Geff/G/-φ/Ψ,这里Geff是有效牛顿常数,G是牛顿常数,φ和Ψ则是时空度规的标量扰动方程中的两个势。这个ζ参数在广义相对论的基础上修改了物质粒子受到的加速度,加大或者减小这个参数会相应地改变物质粒子的加速度,进而会加快或者减慢大尺度结构的形成。这种对大尺度结构在线性尺度上的影响可以通过理论计算得到,但是大尺度结构的非线性增长无法通过理论计算得出,现在只有借助已经发展得比较成熟的数值模拟方法来研究这个问题。该文修改了现在已经比较成熟的数值模拟程序GADGET-2,加入了ζ参数。在进行数值模拟之前,首先检验了数值模拟的质量分辨率、模拟尺度,以及初始红移对最终物质功率谱的影响,并且证实修改后的GADGET-2程序是正确的。设定不同ζ参数的值,ζ=0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.2,1.5,这里ζ=1.0对应标准宇宙学,然后对每个ζ值运行了一组数值模拟。为了减少数值效应对最终结果的影响,并且突出显示修改引力论在非线性尺度上的表现,没有简单直接地使用不同ζ值物质功率谱来做比较,而是精巧地设置不同ζ值的输出红移,使不同ζ值在其对应的输出红移处有相同的线性功率谱,并且最终使用了ξ=ζ≠1.0/ζ=1.0这个比值参数来研究修改引力论在非线性尺度上的表现。通过宇宙学尺度上的数值模拟和高精度的小波物质功率谱方法,我们研究了ζ参数对物质在非线性尺度上增长的影响。通过ξ这个参数,在线性功率谱相同的时候,比较了不同ζ参数的功率谱在非线性尺度上相对于标准宇宙学模型的偏离。得到重大的发现:大尺度结构在非线性上的增长并不是想象的那样,较大的ζ参数加大了物质粒子的加速度,进而在线性和非线性尺度上都加快了结构形成,反而是在线性功率谱相同的时候,较大值的ζ给出了较小的非线性功率谱。这个发现也证明HKLM假定的不正确,从而证明基于这个假定的功率谱拟合公式(PD96,Smith2003)不适用于修改引力论,直接将这些功率谱拟合公式推广到修改引力论是不正确的。基于这个ζ参数的修改引力论模型,利用一系列的数值模拟的结果,为修改引力论提出了一个新的拟合公式。这个新的拟合公式不是对现有的这些拟合公式做推广,而是借助于标准宇宙学下的非线性功率谱,通过几个简单的参数就可以得到对应不同ζ值的非线性功率谱,而且其精度保证在5%以内。利用这套数值模拟的结果,我们进而研究ζ修改引力论下的本动速度场的功率谱、暗晕的质量方程,以及暗晕的性质。这些工作为我们从观测上区分修改引力论和广义相对论提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

We study the power spectrum of galaxies in redshift space, with third-order perturbation theory to include corrections that are absent in linear theory. We assume a local bias for the galaxies: i.e., the galaxy density is sampled from some local function of the underlying mass distribution. We find that the effect of the non-linear bias in real space is to introduce two new features: first, there is a contribution to the power which is constant with wavenumber, whose nature we reveal as essentially a shot-noise term. In principle this contribution can mask the primordial power spectrum, and could limit the accuracy with which the latter might be measured on very large scales. Secondly, the effect of second- and third-order bias is to modify the effective bias (defined as the square root of the ratio of galaxy power spectrum to matter power spectrum). The effective bias is almost scale-independent over a wide range of scales. These general conclusions also hold in redshift space. In addition, we have investigated the distortion of the power spectrum by peculiar velocities, which may be used to constrain the density of the Universe. We look at the quadrupole-to-monopole ratio, and find that higher order terms can mimic linear theory bias, but the bias implied is neither the linear bias, nor the effective bias referred to above. We test the theory with biased N -body simulations, and find excellent agreement in both real and redshift space, providing the local biasing is applied on a scale whose fractional rms density fluctuations are < 0.5.  相似文献   

A method to rapidly estimate the Fourier power spectrum of a point distribution is presented. This method relies on a Taylor expansion of the trigonometric functions. It yields the Fourier modes from a number of fast Fourier transforms (FFTs), which is controlled by the order N of the expansion and by the dimension D of the system. In three dimensions, for the practical value   N = 3  , the number of FFTs required is 20.
We apply the method to the measurement of the power spectrum of a periodic point distribution that is a local Poisson realization of an underlying stationary field. We derive an explicit analytic expression for the spectrum, which allows us to quantify – and correct for – the biases induced by discreteness and by the truncation of the Taylor expansion, and to bound the unknown effects of aliasing of the power spectrum. We show that these aliasing effects decrease rapidly with the order N . For   N = 3  , they are expected to be, respectively, smaller than  ∼10−4  and 0.02 at half the Nyquist frequency and at the Nyquist frequency of the grid used to perform the FFTs. The only remaining significant source of errors is reduced to the unavoidable cosmic/sample variance due to the finite size of the sample.
The analytical calculations are successfully checked against a cosmological N -body experiment. We also consider the initial conditions of this simulation, which correspond to a perturbed grid. This allows us to test a case where the local Poisson assumption is incorrect. Even in that extreme situation, the third-order Fourier–Taylor estimator behaves well, with aliasing effects restrained to at most the per cent level at half the Nyquist frequency.
We also show how to reach arbitrarily large dynamic range in Fourier space (i.e. high wavenumber), while keeping statistical errors in control, by appropriately 'folding' the particle distribution.  相似文献   

We compute the density redshift-space power spectrum in the presence of tangled magnetic fields and compare it with existing observations. Our analysis shows that if these magnetic fields originated in the early universe then it is possible to construct models for which the shape of the power spectrum agrees with the large scale slope of the observed power spectrum. However requiring compatibility with observed CMBR anisotropies, the normalization of the power spectrum is too low for magnetic fields to have significant impact on the large scale structure at present. Magnetic fields of a more recent origin generically give density power spectrumα k 4which doesn’t agree with the shape of the observed power spectrum at any scale. Magnetic fields generate curl modes of the velocity field which increase both the quadrupole and hexadecapole of the redshift space power spectrum. For curl modes, the hexadecapole dominates over quadrupole. So the presence of curl modes could be indicated by an anomalously large hexadecapole, which has not yet been computed from observation. It appears difficult to construct models in which tangled magnetic fields could have played a major role in shaping the large scale structure in the present epoch. However if they did, one of the best ways to infer their presence would be from the redshift space effects in the density power spectrum.  相似文献   

We use very large cosmological N -body simulations to obtain accurate predictions for the two-point correlations and power spectra of mass-limited samples of galaxy clusters. We consider two currently popular cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogonies, a critical density model ( τ CDM) and a flat low density model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM). Our simulations each use 109 particles to follow the mass distribution within cubes of side 2  h −1 Gpc ( τ CDM) and 3  h −1 Gpc (ΛCDM) with a force resolution better than 10−4 of the cube side. We investigate how the predicted cluster correlations increase for samples of increasing mass and decreasing abundance. Very similar behaviour is found in the two cases. The correlation length increases from     for samples with mean separation     to     for samples with     The lower value here corresponds to τ CDM and the upper to ΛCDM. The power spectra of these cluster samples are accurately parallel to those of the mass over more than a decade in scale. Both correlation lengths and power spectrum biases can be predicted to better than 10 per cent using the simple model of Sheth, Mo & Tormen. This prediction requires only the linear mass power spectrum and has no adjustable parameters. We compare our predictions with published results for the automated plate measurement (APM) cluster sample. The observed variation of correlation length with richness agrees well with the models, particularly for ΛCDM. The observed power spectrum (for a cluster sample of mean separation     ) lies significantly above the predictions of both models.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(3):231-253
We discuss the four-point correlation function, or the trispectrum in Fourier space, of CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies due to the weak gravitational lensing effect by intervening large scale structure. We discuss the squared temperature power spectrum as a probe of this trispectrum and, more importantly, as an observational approach to extracting the power spectrum of the deflection angle associated with the weak gravitational lensing effect on the CMB. We extend previous discussions on the trispectrum and associated weak lensing reconstruction from CMB data by calculating non-Gaussian noise contributions, beyond the previously discussed dominant Gaussian noise. Non-Gaussian noise contributions are generated by lensing itself and by the correlation between the lensing effect and other foreground secondary anisotropies in the CMB such as the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect. When the SZ effect is removed from temperature maps using its spectral dependence, we find these additional non-Gaussian noise contributions to be an order of magnitude lower than the dominant Gaussian noise. If the noise-bias due to the dominant Gaussian part of the temperature squared power spectrum is removed, then these additional non-Gaussian contributions provide the limiting noise level for the lensing reconstruction. The temperature squared power spectrum allows a high signal-to-noise extraction of the lensing deflections and a confusion-free separation of the curl (or B-mode) polarization due to inflationary gravitational waves from that due to lensed gradient (or E-mode) polarization. The small angular scale temperature and polarization anisotropy measurements provide a novel approach to weak lensing studies, complementing the approach based on galaxy ellipticities.  相似文献   

We develop a new method to determine the linear mass power spectrum using the mass function of galaxy clusters. We obtain the rms mass fluctuation  σ( M )  using the expression for the mass function in the Press & Schechter, Sheth, Mo & Tormen and Jenkins et al. formalisms. We apply different techniques to recover the adimensional power spectrum  Δ2( k )  from  σ( M )  namely the   k eff  approximation, the singular value decomposition and the linear regularization method. The application of these techniques to the τCDM and ΛCDM GIF simulations shows a high efficiency in recovering the theoretical power spectrum over a wide range of scales. We compare our results with those derived from the power spectrum of the spatial distribution of the same sample of clusters in the simulations obtained by application of the classical Feldman, Kaiser & Peacock (FKP) method. We find that the mass function based method presented here can provide a very accurate estimate of the linear power spectrum, particularly for low values of k . This estimate is comparable to, or even better behaved than, the FKP solution.
The principal advantage of our method is that it allows the determination of the linear mass power spectrum using the joint information of objects of a wide range of masses without dealing with specific assumptions on the bias relative to the underlying mass distribution.  相似文献   

At an energy scale of 1015-1016 eV, a direct measurement of the energy carried by charged cosmic radiation is a real challenge for balloon-borne and space based instruments. As a consequence of the very small fluxes, a large collecting power is required which is difficult to accommodate with weight-limited instruments equipped with calorimeters. A different approach has been proposed that might allow for a sizeable reduction of the instrument mass. It is based on a kinematical technique, whereby the energy of the cosmic-ray is estimated on the basis of the measured angular distribution of the secondaries resulting from its interaction in a target. In this paper, we review the basic principles of the method and study the properties of different energy estimators by means of a full simulation of the interaction of the incident particle in a conceptual instrument. We also discuss the intrinsic limitations of the method and investigate its possible application to direct measurements of the cosmic-ray spectrum in the region of the ‘knee’.  相似文献   

We investigate a spatially flat cold dark matter model (with the matter density parameter     with a primordial feature in the initial power spectrum. We assume that there is a bump in the power spectrum of density fluctuations at wavelengths     , which corresponds to the scale of superclusters of galaxies . There are indications for such a feature in the power spectra derived from redshift surveys and also in the power spectra derived from peculiar velocities of galaxies. We study the mass function of clusters of galaxies, the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature fluctuations, the rms bulk velocity and the rms peculiar velocity of clusters of galaxies. The baryon density is assumed to be consistent with the big bang nucleosynthesis value. We show that with an appropriately chosen feature in the power spectrum of density fluctuations at the scale of superclusters, the mass function of clusters, the CMB power spectrum, the rms bulk velocity and the rms peculiar velocity of clusters are in good agreement with the observed data.  相似文献   

Galaxy clustering provides insightful clues to our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution, as well as the universe. The redshift assignment for the random sample is one of the key steps to accurately measure galaxy clustering. In this paper, by virtue of the mock galaxy catalogs, we investigate the effect of two redshift assignment methods on the measurement of galaxy two-point correlation functions(hereafter 2 PCFs), the V_(max) method and the "shuffled" method. We have found that the shuffled method significantly underestimates both of the projected 2 PCFs and the two-dimensional 2 PCFs in redshift space,while the V_(max) method does not show any notable bias on the 2 PCFs for volume-limited samples. For fluxlimited samples, the bias produced by the V_(max) method is less than half of the shuffled method on large scales. Therefore, we strongly recommend the V_(max) method to assign redshifts to random samples in the future galaxy clustering analysis.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the redshift-space power spectrum, P ( k ), of rich clusters of galaxies based on an automated cluster catalogue selected from the APM Galaxy Survey. We find that P ( k ) can be approximated by a power law, P ( k )∝ kn , with n ≈−1.6 over the wavenumber range 0.04< k <0.1 h Mpc−1. Over this range of wavenumbers, the APM cluster power spectrum has the same shape as the power spectra measured for optical and IRAS galaxies. This is consistent with a simple linear bias model in which different tracers have the same power spectrum as that of the mass distribution, but shifted in amplitude by a constant biasing factor. On larger scales, the power spectrum of APM clusters flattens and appears to turn over on a scale k ∼0.03 h Mpc−1. We compare the power spectra estimated from simulated APM cluster catalogues with those estimated directly from cubical N -body simulation volumes, and find that the APM cluster survey should give reliable estimates of the true power spectrum at wavenumbers k ≳0.02 h Mpc−1. These results suggest that the observed turnover in the power spectrum may be a real feature of the cluster distribution, and that we have detected the transition to a near-scale-invariant power spectrum implied by observations of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation. The scale of the turnover in the cluster power spectrum is in good agreement with the scale of the turnover observed in the power spectrum of APM galaxies.  相似文献   

We study the interplay of clumping at small scales with the collapse and relaxation of perturbations at larger scales using N -body simulations. We quantify the effect of collapsed haloes on perturbations at larger scales using the two-point correlation function, moments of counts in cells and the mass function. The purpose of the study is twofold and the primary aim is to quantify the role played by collapsed low-mass haloes in the evolution of perturbations at large scales; this is in view of the strong effect seen when the large scale perturbation is highly symmetric. Another reason for this study is to ask whether features or a cut-off in the initial power spectrum can be detected using measures of clustering at scales that are already non-linear. The final aim is to understand the effect of ignoring perturbations at scales smaller than the resolution of N -body simulations. We find that these effects are ignorable if the scale of non-linearity is larger than the average interparticle separation in simulations. Features in the initial power spectrum can be detected easily if the scale of these features is in the linear regime; detecting such features becomes difficult as the relevant scales become non-linear. We find no effect of features in initial power spectra at small scales on the evolved power spectra at large scales. We may conclude that, in general, the effect on the evolution of perturbations at large scales of clumping on small scales is very small and may be ignored in most situations.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of the correlation function of dark matter haloes in the CDM class of models. We show that the halo correlation function does not evolve in proportion with the correlation function of the underlying mass distribution. The earliest haloes to collapse, which correspond to rare peaks in the density field, cluster very strongly. The amplitude of the halo correlation function decreases from its initial, large, value. This decrease continues until the average peaks have collapsed, after which the amplitude grows slowly. This behaviour is shown to be generic and the epoch of minimum amplitude depends only on the rms  fluctuations in mass at the relevant scale and, to a much smaller extent, on the slope of the power spectrum at that scale. We discuss the relevance of this result for interpretation of observations of galaxy and quasar clustering.  相似文献   

天体光谱分类是天文学研究的重要内容之一,其关键是从光谱数据中选择和提取对分类识别最有效的特征构建特征空间.提出一种新的基于2维傅里叶谱图像的特征提取方法,并应用于LAMOST (the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope)恒星光谱数据的分类研究中.光谱数据来源于LAMOST Data Release 5(DR5),选取30000条F、 G和K型星光谱数据,利用短时傅里叶变换(Short-Time Fourier Transform, STFT)将1维光谱数据变换成2维傅里叶谱图像,对得到的2维傅里叶谱图像采用深度卷积网络模型进行分类,得到的分类准确率是92.90%.实验结果表明通过对LAMOST恒星光谱数据进行STFT可得到光谱的2维傅里叶谱图像,谱图像构成了新的光谱数据特征和特征空间,新的特征对于光谱数据分类是有效的.此方法是对光谱分类的一种全新尝试,对海量天体光谱的分类和挖掘处理有一定的开创意义.  相似文献   

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