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根据当前仿真技术发展和星载SAR的设计和数字信号处理面临的实际需要,针对星载数据量大,仿真时间长,提出一种基于HLA的星载SAR分布式仿真系统框架,并在Windows平台下验证了该仿真系统的可行性。  相似文献   

对仅从剖分单元的形状和面积的变形研究,不能完全表达格网模型几何稳定性作了分析,并提出了从研究格网结点空间分布均匀性在多分辨率剖分过程中的变化出发,分析格网系统稳定性的研究思路,并选择能直接反映格网结点分布特性的四个统计量作为格网结点均匀性的评价指标。对几种离散格网系统的几何稳定性进行比较和评价,分析了不同格网生成方式对稳定性的影响,最后,在此研究基础之上,提出了进一步研究的工作方向。  相似文献   

利用“球面上任意3点确定的平面与球的相交曲线为圆,该截面圆心与球心的连线(球截面圆心法线)垂直于圆平面”的几何关系,提出一种基于球体几何关系的球标靶特征提取算法。通过对球标靶点云构建多组截面圆,对截面圆设定约束条件,构造球心到球截面圆心法线距离平方和的目标函数,以此目标函数最小为条件求解球标靶的球心坐标。通过实验比较本文方法、最小二乘方法、整体最小二乘方法、加权整体最小二乘方法和稳健加权整体最小二乘方法对球标靶的处理效果,结果表明本文方法具有较高的准确性和稳健性。  相似文献   

本文针对空间面群目标提出了一种几何相似度计算模型。首先,利用拓扑关系概念领域图定义了面群之间的拓扑关系相似度;然后,对不同类型的面状目标选用合适的"降维"方法处理为"线群"目标,利用方向均值定义线群之间的方向关系即面群目标的方向相似度,以及利用"环形方差"定义线群目标之间的距离关系即面群目标的距离相似度。最后,结合面群的长度和平均长度、面积和平均面积,面密度及紧致度,建立了面群目标几何相似度计算模型,以对面群目标相似度进行整体度量。该模型综合考虑了空间面群目标的几何特征和空间关系特征,并对其作了适当的权重分配。从时间邻近度和尺度邻近度角度,本文设计了2个实验,结果表明,相似度计算结果与地物特征比较一致,符合人们的直观空间认知。  相似文献   

基于DEM的SAR影像几何定位参数校正方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大范围无地面控制的SAR影像几何纠正,利用在一定时间和空间范围内SAR系统几何定位参数误差具有一定稳定性的特点,提出基于DEM的几何定位参数校正方法。该方法首先基于DEM进行影像模拟生成模拟SAR影像;然后在模拟SAR影像上提取特征点,针对特征点将模拟SAR影像和原始SAR影像进行匹配,得到特征点在原始SAR影像上的同名特征点,再结合DEM进行模拟影像间接定位获取特征点的地理坐标,以此作为几何定位参数校正的参考点;进而根据严密SAR几何构像模型构建几何定位参数校正模型,解算几何定位参数校正值;最后,利用几何参数校正值改正区域内其他SAR影像几何定位参数,提高区域内SAR影像几何定位精度。以高分三号影像进行试验,使用本文方法获取一景影像的几何定位参数校正值,对同一轨道内的和不同轨道的其他SAR影像进行参数校正,并对参数校正前后的几何定位精度进行评价。结果显示,同一轨道内的影像定位精度由66.0 m提高到9.7 m,不同轨道的影像定位精度由65.0 m提高到13.5 m,表明本文方法能够显著提高SAR影像几何定位精度。  相似文献   

利用CYGNSS(cyclone global navigation satellite system)采集的GNSS卫星反射信号,提出一种基于星载GNSS-R的水体分布探测方法.首先对CYGNSS低轨卫星星座采集的GNSS反射信号进行处理,获取地表反射率数据;再按0.01°×0.01°的空间分辨率将研究区划分为格网,...  相似文献   

基于少量控制点的Radarsat-2影像快速几何纠正技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耿忠  张波  林丽  吴樊 《地理信息世界》2010,8(1):27-30,69
Radarsat-2卫星依据其搭载的GPS接收机可实现3倍中误差小于60m的精确实时定轨。由此本文提出依据其影像元数据信息实现快速几何纠正的方法,该方法利用少量的几个控制点来消除Radarsat-2影像与待纠正参考系间的系统误差,从而实现Radarsat-2影像的快速几何纠正。本文并依据SAR斜距成像原理的纠正公式和实地采集的GPS数据,验证了元数据中所提供RPF模型的内部精度和外部符合精度。通过实验验证了本快速纠正技术可以获得中误差小于2个像素的平面几何纠正精度。  相似文献   

氧化物矿物中的化学键主要是离子键,结构可看成配位多面体以不同方式相连形成,因此,晶胞参数可用配位多面体几何要素表示,这样求得的晶胞参数与实测晶胞参数间的相对误差一般在百分之几。  相似文献   

为在统一的框架下研究方向和度量关系,在改进的锥形模型表达方向关系、定性度量关系表示的基础上,本文提出一种新的方向和度量关系组合描述模型。在对方向关系和度量关系定性描述基础上,采用7×7的矩阵和简化后的3×3的矩阵,分别表达方向和度量关系组合模型,并对组合模型的取值范围和数量进行分析。在方向和度量关系组合模型基础上,定义了组合描述模型的5个有效性规则,用于排除不可能的组合关系;设计了方向和度量关系组合描述模型的实例,用于验证模型的有效性。方向和度量关系组合描述模型将方向关系和度量关系有机地结合在一起,提高了空间关系描述的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Globalwindprofiledataprovidepartofthemostimportantparametersinatmosphericdynamics ,involv ingtheglobalatmosphericcyclingofenergy ,transportofwater ,aerosols ,andotherairborneelements .Un derstandingofwindisalsoimportantinoceanicre search .Thatiswhygreatattentionhasbeenpaidtothewinddetection . Asaprovedfeasiblewinddetectionmethod ,windlidarhasbeendevelopedforabout 30 years .Windve locitycanberetrievedfromtheDopplerfrequencyshiftinthesignalbackscatteredbytheatmosphericelements…  相似文献   

The influence derived from atmosphere transmitting of radar wave, in the application of high-resolution airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) stereo positioning, may produce some phase errors, and eventually be introduced into positioning model. This paper described the principle of airborne SAR stereo positioning and the error sources of stereo positioning accuracy that arose from atmosphere transmitting, established a corresponding assessment model of atmosphere transmitting influence, and testified the model and the assessment principle taking the 1-m resolution airborne SAR images of Zigong City, Sichuan Province in China, as the test dataset. The test result has proved that the assessment model is reliable and reasonable. And, it has shown that the phase error arisen from time delay is the main error source during the atmosphere transmitting, which has much more influences on cross-track direction and introduces a stereo positioning error of about eight meters, but less on the along-track direction.  相似文献   

Wind plays an important role in hydrodynamic processes such as the expansion of Changjiang (Yangtze) River Diluted Water (CDW), and shelf circulation in the Changjiang estuary. Thus, it is essential to include wind in the numerical simulation of these phenomena. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with high resolution and wide spatial coverage is valuable for measuring spatially inhomogeneous ocean surface wind fields. We have collected 87 ERS-2 SAR images with wind-induced streaks that cover the Cbangjiang coastal area, to verify and improve the validity of wind direction retrieval using the 2D fast Fourier transform method. We then used these wind directions as inputs to derive SAR wind speeds using the C-band model. To demonstrate the applicability of the algorithms, we validated the SAR-retrieved wind fields using QuikSCAT measurements and the atmospheric Weather Research Forecasting model. In general, we found good agreement between the datasets, indicating the reliability and applicability of SAR- retrieved algorithms under different atmospheric conditions. We investigated the main error sources of this process, and conducted sensitivity analyses to estimate the wind speed errors caused by the effect of speckle, uncertainties in wind direction, and inaccuracies in the normalized radar cross section. Finally, we used the SAR-retrieved wind fields to simulate the salinity distribution off the Changjiang estuary. The findings of this study will be valuable for wind resource assessment and the development of future numerical ocean models based on SAR images.  相似文献   

A method for sea surface wind field retrieval from SAR image mode data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To retrieve wind field from SAR images, the development for surface wind field retrieval from SAR images based on the improvement of new inversion model is present. Geophysical Model Functions(GMFs) have been widely applied for wind field retrieval from SAR images. Among them CMOD4 has a good performance under low and moderate wind conditions. Although CMOD5 is developed recently with a more fundamental basis, it has ambiguity of wind speed and a shape gradient of normalized radar cross section under low wind speed condition. This study proposes a method of wind field retrieval from SAR image by combining CMOD5 and CMOD4 Five VV-polarisation RADARSAT2 SAR images are implemented for validation and the retrieval results by a combination method(CMOD5 and CMOD4) together with CMOD4 GMF are compared with QuikSCAT wind data. The root-mean-square error(RMSE) of wind speed is 0.75 m s-1 with correlation coefficient 0.84 using the combination method and the RMSE of wind speed is 1.01 m s-1 with correlation coefficient 0.72 using CMOD4 GMF alone for those cases. The proposed method can be applied to SAR image for avoiding the internal defect in CMOD5 under low wind speed condition.  相似文献   

自1978年第一颗星载SAR——Seasat-A发射以来,世界主要航天大国相继发射了多颗SAR卫星。几十年来,星载SAR传感器的性能不断提高,向着高分辨率、多极化、多模式和星座化等趋势发展。德国和意大利分别完成了SAR-Lupe(5颗)和COSMO-Sky Med(4颗)SAR卫星星座的布署,用于军事侦察或军民两用,欧空局和加拿大也正在积极开发SAR星座任务,甚至一些商业公司也开始研发小卫星SAR星座。SAR星座能够显著提高对地观测能力,既可以通过编队飞行进行双/多站、多角度或干涉成像,还可以通过多星组网大大缩短重访周期,满足对重点区域的密集观测需求。在SAR传感器和卫星平台都越来越小型化、低成本的背景下,星座组网正成为SAR对地观测发展的主要方向之一。  相似文献   

Several image fusion approaches for CCD/SAR images are studied and the performance evaluation of these fusion approaches is completed in this paper. Firstly, the preprocessing of CCD/SAR images before fusion is fulfilled. Then, the image fusion methods including linear superposition, nonlinear operator method and multiresolution methods, of which the multiresolution methods include Laplacian pyramid, ratio pyramid, contrast pyramid, gradient pyramid, morphological pyramid and discrete wavelet transform, are adopted to fuse two types of images. Lastly, the four performance measures, standard deviation, entropy, cross entropy and spatial frequency, are calculated to compare the fusion results by different fusion approaches in this paper. Experimental results show that contrast pyramid, morphology pyramid and discrete wavelet transformation in multiresolution approaches are more suitable for CCD/SAR image fusion than other ones proposed in this paper and the objective performance evalution of CCD/SAR image fusion approaches are effective. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Astronautical Innovation Fund of China. Biography: WANG Yan-li (1977 – ), female, a native of Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, Ph. D. candidate of School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, specialized in scene matching, image registration and fusion.  相似文献   

将ICA(Independence Component Analysis)消噪原理应用于合成孔径雷达抗噪声干扰技术中,用噪声信号和受到干扰的SAR回波数据作为扩展的虚拟观测信号,对扩展的多维加噪观测信号进行分离, 得到源雷达回波信号, 从而实现噪声的有效消除.通过对条带式SAR点目标成像进行仿真试验, 结果表明这种消噪方法在消除SAR噪声干扰中是有效的.  相似文献   

基于谱-有限元法计算一个球型、非自转、完全弹性、各向同性(SNERI)的地球固体潮形变,其中地球固体部分潮汐形变的弱解用哈密顿变分原理给出,液核部分的弱解采用静态中性分层的流体近似。计算过程中把SNERI地球进行等间距球层剖分,球面上对解函数和试探函数采用球谐展开,径向上采用线性插值。比较数值计算结果与同质地球模型的解析解结果得出,1 km径向等距剖分即可获得10~(-8)精度量级的低阶Love数。基于PREM地球模型的计算结果表明,谱-有限元法计算的固体潮2~3阶Love数与Runge-Kutta法的计算值差异在10~(-4)量级;与武汉台超导重力仪8个主潮波的实测重力潮汐因子相比,本方法计算的理论重力潮汐因子相差平均约0.15%。研究结果说明,谱-有限元法具有较好的收敛性与较高的计算精度,比传统Runge-Kutta法更适用于高精度地计算复杂地球模型的固体潮形变。  相似文献   

Hydraulic impact perforator is powerful tools for trenchless project. It has advantages in cabinet structure, low cost, long life and easy protected. Compared with pneumatic DTH, the hydraulic impact spear worked under high pressure and using uncompressible fluid thusgreater impact energy and higher efficiency can be supported. The authors founded the dynamic simulation model of HDI-146 hydraulic impact spear. The project for solving the differential equation was suggested also. By means of virtual machine technology, the dynamic mechanism of HDI-146 can be explored and tutoring us to optimize the structural parameters can be made.  相似文献   

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