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A typical stratigraphy below a streamlined till plain in Northumberland, England, consists of cross-cutting lodgement till units, within and between which occur repeated shoestring interbeds of ‘cut and fill’ channels. Till units have erosional lower contacts; in certain cases marked changes in erratic content and local ice flow direction are evident from one till unit to another. These lodgement till complexes have hitherto been described by ‘tripartite’ schemes of lower grey till (s) and upper reddened till (s) identified with respect to ‘middle’ fluvial horizons; regional correlation proceeding on the basis of matching ‘middle’ horizons, with the whole sequence commonly interpreted as evidence for multiple glaciation. Data indicates, by way of contrast, that these lodgement till complexes were deposited during a single phase of subglacial deposition. Till deposition was not continuous but was interrupted by erosional episodes. Changes in the mix of bedrock lithologies transported by the glacier down a single flow line or by lateral displacement of basal ice flow units within the glacier result in till units of different facies to be emplaced when deposition recommences, a process referred to as ‘unconformable facies superimposition’. Subglacial meltwater flow was also a characteristic of the glacier bed; channeled glaciofluvial sediment bodies are found as ribbon-like inclusions in the till and appear to have been deposited rapidly. These so-called ‘middle’ fluvial horizons occur repeatedly in section, their lateral extent at any given exposure being dependent upon the orientation of the exposure with respect to former ice flow direction. These lenses act as internal drainage blankets and have accelerated postglacial soil formation in the drier climate of eastern Britain accounting for the reddened colour of upper till(s). It is suggested that this model of subglacial deposition can be employed in other areas of northern England characterized by subglacial (lodgement till plain) terrains.  相似文献   

Sedimentological, structural and chemical characteristics of till and weathering crust are studied in the Kittila area of western Finnish Lapland. Four separate till beds and a weathering crust are discovered at three study sites - Pulju, Jerisjarvi and Mantovuoma. An upper grey till bed and a brown till bed are found at each site, the former being interpreted as a melt-out till, the latter as a lodgement till. A yellowish brown till bed occurs only in the Pulju area and is interpreted as a local saprolite till of a lodgement facies, while a lower grey till bed, seen only in the Jerisjärvi area, is a melt-out type till. The weathering crust (saprolite) is a product of chemical weathering of long duration and must be preglacial in age. In the earlier stages of glaciation the ice divide was located near the Scandinavian mountain range, ice movement took place from the northwest, and a lower grey till bed was deposited in the study area. In the later stages of deglaciation the ice divide was located south of the area, so the ice flowed from the south, depositing a brown till bed and locally also a yellowish brown till bed. In the latest stages the ice flowed from the southwest, depositing an upper grey till bed.  相似文献   

Reinvestigation of the lower part of the key Quaternary section at Castle Hill, Gardenstown, has shown that the sediments are not in stratigraphical order, but consist chiefly of glaciotectonites, including rafts of soft sediments, which were deposited by ice moving southeastwards from the Moray Firth. Sedimentary structures are preserved in some of the rafts, which are separated by subhorizontal shears. The rafts accreted subglacially under conditions of moderate to high strain, the final glacial event being the deposition of a thin, discontinuous sheet of till, probably derived from a more westerly direction. It is proposed that interbedded dark grey shelly clay, till and sand elsewhere in northern Banffshire were emplaced, at least in part, by a similar mechanism during either the Middle Devensian, or more likely, the Late Devensian. Sand and clay with paired bivalve shells, which were formerly exposed within the Quaternary successions at Castle Hill and inland at King Edward, some 12 km to the south, are interpreted to be within glacigenic rafts, and are not in situ deposits formed during a widespread marine transgression. It is suggested that the alternation of phases of constructional and excavational deformation within a single glacial event rather than discrete glaciations provides a useful model for glacial deposition in northern Banffshire, and more generally in northeast Scotland. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Coastal cliffs and stream cut sections at Langelandselv on Jameson Land show a 22 m thick sedimentary succession reflecting the development of shallow marine and fluvial environments during the last interglaciation. The shallow marine sediments were deposited in upper shoreface, back-barrier, and delta environments during a rise in the relative sea level from 0 to 18 m. The interglacial succession ends with glaciotectonically dislocated fluvial sand, and is capped by alternating beds of lodgement till and fluvial sand, deposited during the Early Weichselian. The age is determined by palacoceanographic correlation of molluse and foraminifer faunas with isotopic substage 5e in the deep sea record, supported by luminescencs and U/Th dates and amino acid analysis.  相似文献   

Current views on the internal structure of many glacial landforms need further definition. For example, drumlinized Halton till plain near the Scarborough Bluffs, Ontario would traditionally be. viewed as a lodgement till sheet, but it was found to consist of complex sedimentary assemblages including sediment flows, melt-out, deformation and lodgement tills. These facies vary spatially depending on whether deposition occurred beneath grounded ice or within subglacial cavities. Proglacial sediments bury portions of the till plain. Surface Rutings and drumlins clearly indicate the action of subglacial processes on the surface of Halton drift. Sedimentary structures at the contact between stratified sediments and diamictons within the Late Wisconsinan Halton drift are similar to those in older beds exposed at Scarborough Bluffs. The demonstration of the role of grounded ice in Halton drift and the similarity of sedimentary structures to those of the underlying Thorncliffe and Sunnybrook sediments suggests that the action of grounded ice cannot be ruled out in the case of the lower beds, as has been done by Eyles & Eyles ( Geology 11 , 146–152, 1983). Thus, surface Halton drift may be a model for recognition of similar environments of deposition in older beds beneath Halton. This analysis indicates flaws in a recent re-evaluation of Scarborough Bluffs sediment interpreted as solely lacustrine and not directly affected by glaciers.  相似文献   

A Pleistocene drift sequence in hummocky terrain along part of the southern Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland is interpreted to comprise complexly interrelated lodgement till, melt-out till, flow till, supraglacial and proglacial outwash, and supraglacial rhythmites. The gray and tan melt-out tills are stacked in imbricate fashion, giving rise to exceptionally thick stratigraphic sections. Contacts between melt-out tills are interpreted as remnants of shear planes because they are sharp, they dip in the up-ice direction, and they converge toward valley margins. Overlying flow tills interdigitate with supraglacial outwash. The drift sequence was deposited during a single episode of glaciation, rather than by repeated glacier advance, as previously proposed. It is the product of thrusting of englacial debris along ice-marginal shear planes, subsequent melting-out of englacial debris, and formation of supraglacial flow till and outwash. Preservation of this sequence probably is due to high content of englacial debris within the Wisconsinan ice. The sedimentary, glacitectonic, and morphologic features of this sequence are similar to those found at the margins of certain Arctic glaciers of subpolar thermal regime which have recently been the subject of Pleistocene glacial sedimentation models for west-central Canada and Great Britain. Recognition of these distinct elements indicates wisconsinan glacier lobes were of the cold Arctic type in southeastern Newfoundland. Alternative explanations for this sequence, such as deposition by glaciers of temperate thermal regime or by surging glaciers, are discounted. Because the features described here are complex and difficult to recognize, they may be more widespread in Pleistocene drift than has previously been interpreted.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Pebble fabric data are available from several facies of glacigenic sediments deposited by modern glaciers, where sedimentary processes can be observed or inferred with relatively little ambiguity. Over 100 samples from contemporary environments illustrate fabrics characterizing melt-out till, deformed and undeformed lodgement till, sediment flow deposits and ice slope colluvium. Lodgement till fabric variability is related to the two-layer structure of these sediments; a structureless, friable upper layer with low shear strength and high consolidation coefficient, overlying a very compact material of horizontal platy structure. Fabric strength (assessed by eigenvalue analysis) is weaker and pebble dip is more dispersed in the upper structureless horizon. Stronger fabrics in the lower platy horizon may be primary depositional fabrics which are destroyed by subglacial shearing to give weaker fabrics in the upper horizon. Alternatively, upper horizon fabrics may be characteristic of all recently-deposited lodgement tills, with stronger fabrics developing at depth by dewatering and consolidation. There is a general reduction in fabric strength and an increase in particle dip associated with the transition from melt-out tills, through undeformed and deformed lodgement tills, to sediment flow deposits and ice slope colluvium. There is, however, considerable overlap in the fabric strengths characteristic of sediment flow deposits and deformed lodgement tills. Fabric data from modern glacial sedimentary facies are used to assist in interpreting the mode of deposition of some Quaternary glacial sediments. Relatively strong fabrics characteristic of melt-out tills and undeformed lodgement tills are more likely to be diagnostic of genesis than weaker fabrics associated with deformed sediments.  相似文献   

It is proposed that a lake, here named “Subglacial Lake McGregor”, existed beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet at, or near, the last glacial maximum. The lake resided in the ancient buried McGregor and Tee Pee preglacial valleys, which are now mostly filled with glacigenic deposits. The greatest thickness of sediment in the valleys is in the form of chaotically deposited lake beds that were laid down in a subaqueous environment by a number of process: gravity flow, water transport, and suspension settling. Topographic, sedimentary, and stratigraphic evidence point to a subglacial, not a proglacial, origin for the beds. During the early stages of lake existence, ice movement was significant as there are numerous sets of shear planes in the sedimentary beds. This indicates that the lake filled (lake sedimentation) and drained (shearing of the beds by overlying ice when ice contacted the bed) often. Thus, early in its history, the lake(s) was/were ephemeral. During the later stages of lake existence, the lake was relatively stable with no rapid draining or influx of sediment. Gradual drainage of the lake resulted in lowering of the ice onto the lake beds resulting in subglacial till deposition. Drainage was not a single continuous event. Rather it was characterized by multiple phases of near total drainage (till deposition), followed by water accumulation (lake sedimentation). Water accumulation events became successively less significant reflected by thinning of lake beds and thickening of till beds higher in the stratigraphic sequence. Since subglacial lake sedimentation appears to be restricted to the subglacial valleys, it is suggested that the valleys acted as a large-scale interconnected cavity system that both stored and transported water. It is also suggested that these acted as the main routes of water flow beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Structural, stratigraphic, and lithologic data from a section 69 m long of Catfish Creek drift (north shore of Lake Erie) tell a complex story of two competing glacial lobes. Stone surface features and orientations indicate that stones rotated in viscously deforming, fine-medium textured subglacial till prior to final emplacement. Fractures, shears, and attenuated sediment lenses in tills reveal that they experienced some brittle shear superposed on ductile shear during till dewatering and stiffening. The Huron-Georgian Bay lobe advanced first from the northwest, deforming interstadial sediments and depositing subglacial till. Next, southward confluent flow of the Huron, Georgian Bay, and Erie lobes carved subglacial troughs into sediments and deposited (then deformed) bouldery deformation till by squeeze flow. The northwest flowing Erie lobe then prevailed, depositing deformation till, subglacial aquatic sediments, and mudflows. Finally, a pavement-bearing, hybrid deformation-lodgement till covered the section. Till formation was mainly by subglacial viscous flow with minor lodgement superposed as water content decreased and some fines were probably winnowed. This implies that till deformation probably accounted for much of the glacier movement. Therefore, rapid ice flow could have occurred over the section, along the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Late Weichselian glacial sediments were studied in three sections west of Lund, southwest Sweden. The lowermost sedimentary unit is a lodgement till containing rock fragments derived from the northeast-east. Fabric analyses indicate successive ice flow directions: from the northeast, east-northeast, south-southeast and then east. The last active ice movement in the area was from the east. Above the lodgement till are deglaciation sediments consisting of meltout till, flow till and glaciofluvial sand and gravel deposited in a subaerial stagnant-ice environment. The uppermost unit consists of glaciolacustrine clay and silt, containing abundant ice-rafted debris, deposited during a short-lived transgression phase when stagnant ice was still present in the area. At the westernmost site investigated, the petrographical composition of the deglaciation deposits displays a gradual change, with upwards increasing components of Cretaceous chalky limestone. The presence of this rock type requires a period of glacial transport from the south. This stratigraphy cannot be explained with traditional glaciodynamic models. A possible scenario can, however, be constructed using a previously published model (Lagerlund, 1987) where marginal ice domes in the southwestern Baltic area interact with the main Scandinavian Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

The Tertiary Mineoka ophiolite occurs in a fault zone at the intersection of the Honshu and Izu forearcs in central Japan and displays structural evidence for three major phases of deformation: normal and oblique-slip faults and hydrothermal veins formed during the seafloor spreading evolution of the ophiolite at a ridge-transform fault intersection. These structures may represent repeated changes in differential stress and pore-fluid pressures during their formation. The second series of deformation is characterized by oblique thrust faults with Riedel shears and no significant mineral veining, and is interpreted to have resulted from transpressional dextral faulting during the obduction of the ophiolite through oblique convergence and tectonic accretion. This deformation occurred at the NW corner of a TTT-type (trench–trench–trench) triple junction in the NW Pacific rim before the middle Miocene. The third series of deformation of the ophiolite is marked by contractional and oblique shear zones, Riedel shears, and thrust faults that crosscut and offset earlier structures, and that give the Mineoka fault zone its lenticular (phacoidal) fabric at all scales. This deformation phase was associated with the establishment and the southward migration of the TTT Boso triple junction and with the kinematics of oblique subduction and forearc sliver fault development. The composite Mineoka ophiolite hence displays rocks and structures that evolved during its complex geodynamic history involving seafloor spreading, tectonic accretion, and triple junction evolution in the NW Pacific Rim.  相似文献   

The nature and origin of glacial sediments at Wylfa Head are described, and their significance with regard to sedimentary environments during Late Devensian deglaciation of the Irish Sea Basin is discussed. Recent models of deglaciation under glaciomarine conditions are challenged. The Quaternary sequence at Wylfa consists of eroded and glaciotectonically deformed bedrock, locally derived lodgement till, calcareous silt-rich lodgement till containing northern erratics, discontinuous units of orange-brown silty sand of possible aeolian origin, and grey laminated freshwater silts filling a small kettle hole. The till units thicken to the south where the surface is drumlinised. It is concluded that the landforms and deposits result from a warm-based Irish Sea glacier, which moved towards the southwest. Spatial variation in basal water pressure resulted from localised drainage through zones of more heavily jointed bedrock. Rapid glacial erosion occurred in areas where subglacial water pressure was relatively high, while deposition of the resulting basal sediment took place where water pressures were reduced. The glacier also carried basal calcareous silty till onshore, which was deposited by lodgement processes. None of the deposits at Wylfa are interpreted as glaciomarine in origin, and there is no evidence at this site for an isostatically induced marine transgression prior to deglaciation.  相似文献   

Claybox experiments show that with progressive left-lateral displacement on basal left-stepping, en échelon strike-slip faults an extremely complicated zone of evolving fracture, strain and subsidence patterns develops in the overlying clay. The fracture pattern is more complex than predicted by theoretical models and consists of a progressively widening array of Riedel shears, conjugate Riedel shears, and tension gashes above basal master faults. Conjugate Riedel shears rotate anticlockwise and lengthen, forming S-shaped fractures. Riedel shears rotate both anticlockwise and clockwise. Those that rotate anticlockwise eventually open as tension gashes. Other tension gashes open where the ends of Riedel and conjugate Riedel shears link. Strain contours in the deformed clay show an asymmetrical Z-shaped pattern over the stepover area between basal en échelon faults. In the early stages of displacement, strain is distributed penetratively over a progressively broadening zone. In later stages of displacement strain is partitioned into a narrow middle zone. Maximum strain is sustained always in the middle of the sheared zone and increases exponentially with progressive displacement. Subsidence is accommodated in the stepover area by oblique-slip on many Riedel and conjugate Riedel shears distributed throughout the stepover area. Subsidence (y) exhibits a linear relationship with master fault displacement (x) described by y = 0.36x − 1.4. The experimental fracture, strain and subsidence patterns in clay over en échelon faults can be used as interpretive and predictive tools with which to constrain interpretations of static field examples, especially in pull-apart basins on the crustal scale where many similarities with the models exist.  相似文献   

The stratigraphy and sedimentology of the glacial deposits exposed along the coast of east Yorkshire are reviewed. Critical sections at Filey Brigg, Barmston and Skipsea are examined to reassess the stratigraphy of Devensian Dimlington Stadial glacial deposits in the light of recent developments in glacial sedimentology. Sedimentary and glaciotectonic structures studied in the field and by using scanning electron microscopy are emphasised. Two hypotheses are considered for the genesis of the interbedded diamictons and stratified sediments. The first involves the deposition of lodgement till and/or deformation till followed by meltout till, which was overridden to produce more deformation till, reflecting periods of ice stagnation punctuated by glacier thickening. The second hypothesis, which is favoured on the basis of field evidence and micromorphology, involves the vertical accretion of a deforming till layer associated with cavity/channel or tunnel valley fills, beneath active ice. At Barmston the upper part of the diamicton contains elongate pendant structures containing gravels, indicating that the diamicton was saturated and able to flow. The diamictons, therefore, represent a complex sequence of tills deposited and deformed by active ice during the Dimlington Stadial. Previously published stratigraphical schemes involving classifications of multiple tills in east Yorkshire should be simplified and it is more appropriate to assign these to a single formation, the Skipsea Till Formation. Rhythmic glaciolacustrine and proglacial glaciofluvial sediments overlie the tills at Barmston and Skipsea. These were deposited in sag basins during deglaciation as the tills settled and deformed under thickening sediment and as buried ice melted out. Extensive sands and gravels cap the succession and were deposited on a sandur during the later stages of deglaciation.  相似文献   

Two lithologically distinct tills are present near the pre-Illinoian glacial boundary in northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri. The tills are probably early middle Pleistocene (780 000-620 000 BP) based on normal polarity and their stratigraphic relationship to dated terraces. The upper till is sandier than the lower till and contains more expandable clay minerals and less illite than the lower till. Glaciofluvial and supraglacial sediments are preserved between the tills, yet palaeosols, or other evidence of an interglacial, are not present, suggesting that the tills were deposited during a single glaciation. Southeasterly and southwesterly trending striae and till fabric suggest that the glacial succession was deposited by at least two fluctuations (phases) of a lobe, which probably advanced down the axis of the present Missouri River lowland. These tills probably correlate to early middle Pleistocene tills in southwestern Iowa and eastern Nebraska, although it is possible that the lower till may correlate to even older tills in these areas.  相似文献   

An unusual structural paragenesis, complicated by brachyanticlines, is revealed for the first time in the sedimentary cover of the West Siberian Plate by 3D seismic surveying. These are linear (in plan view) systems of en-echelon arranged low-amplitude normal faults related to wrench faults in the basement. On different sides off a wrench fault, the planes of normal faults dip in opposite directions, forming a helicoidal structure that resembles the blades of a propeller. In the section parallel to the wrench fault, the boundaries of the beds and normal fault planes dip in opposite directions as well. In the section across the strike of the normal faults converging toward the basement, the beds take the shape of an antiform with a crest sagged along the normal faults (flower structure). This structural assembly was formed as a result of interference of stress fields of horizontal shear in the vertical plane (induced by faulting in the basement) and in the horizontal plane (caused by gravity resistance of the cover). In this case, the displacements along the normal faults develop in both the vertical and, to a greater extent, horizontal directions, so that the faults in cover are actually characterized by normal-strike-slip kinematics. The regional N-S-trending compression of the West Siberian Plate is the main cause of shearing along the NW- and NE-trending faults in the basement, which make up a rhomb-shaped system in plan view. Petroliferous brachyanticlines, whose axes, notwithstanding tectonophysical laws, are oriented in the direction close to the maximum compression axis, are known in the large wrench fault zones of Western Siberia. Our experiments with equivalent materials showed that a local stress field arising at the ends of echeloned Riedel shears within a wrench fault zone may be a cause of the formation of such brachyanticlines. The progressive elongation of Riedel shears leads to the corresponding elongation of the brachyanticlines located between their ends. The performed study has shown that the known types of interference of elementary geodynamic settings such as horizontal shear along the vertical plane + horizontal compression (transpression) and horizontal shear along the vertical plane + horizontal extension (transtension) may be supplemented by combination of horizontal shears along the vertical and horizontal planes, resulting in tectonic lamination. By analogy, we propose to name this type of interference of elementary shear settings translamination. Petroliferous helicoidal structures arise in the given geodynamic setting of translamination.  相似文献   

A distinct element method analysis is carried out to examine the development of shear bands in overburden soil subjected to a strike-slip fault. About 2.3 million spherical particles are used in the analysis and the results are compared with the shears observed at the Nojima earthquake fault during the 1995 Hyogoken Nanbu earthquake. En echelon shears and secondary shears which strike at lower angles to the basement fault – typical in strike-slip faults – are observed in the numerical analysis. Simple shear in the horizontal plane and drag due to the dependence of velocity on depth are confirmed to control the helicoidal shape of Riedel shears. Rotation of the compressional direction toward the fault strike as a result of slip along Riedel shears is also verified. It is found that the compressional direction is more horizontal within the area enclosed by Riedel shears than in outside areas and that these compressional directions produce secondary lower-angle shears that are less helicoidal. It is shown that the formation of column-like structures of particles and their subsequent buckling play significant micromechanical roles in three-dimensionally wrenched shears. The results of the numerical analysis, such as shear intervals and striking angles, show a resemblance to observational results at sites where sediment contains coarse grains and is subjected to strike slip with a small dip component, although they are not exactly the same as those observed at locations with similar overburden thicknesses.  相似文献   

Quaternary sedimentary successions are described from the Linda Valley, a small valley in western Tasmania that was dammed by ice during Early and Middle Pleistocene glaciations. Mapping and logging of exposures suggest that an orderly sequence of deposits formed during ice incursion, occupation and withdrawal from tributary valleys. Four principal sediment assemblages record different stages of ice occupation in the valley. As the glacier advanced, a proglacial, lacustrine sediment assemblage dominated by laminated silts and muds deposited from suspension accumulated in front of the glacier. A subglacial sediment assemblage consisting of deformed lacustrine deposits and lodgement till records the overriding of lake-bottom sediments as the glacier advanced up the valley into the proglacial lake. As the glacier withdrew from the valley, a supraglacial sediment assemblage of diamict, gravel, sand and silt facies formed on melting ice in the upper part of the valley. A lacustrine regression in the supraglacial assemblage is inferred on the basis of a change from deposits mainly resulting from suspension in a subaqueous setting to relatively thin and laterally discontinuous laminated sediments, occurrence of clastic dykes, and increasing complexity of the geometry of deposits that indicate deposition in a subaerial setting. A deltaic sediment assemblage deposited during the final stage of ice withdrawal from the valley consists of steeply dipping diamict and normally graded gravel facies formed on delta foresets by subaqueous sediment gravity flows. The sediment source for the delta, which prograded toward the retreating ice margin, was the supraglacial sediment assemblage previously deposited in the upper part of the valley. A depositional model developed from the study of the Linda Valley may be applicable to other alpine glaciated areas where glaciers flowed through or terminated in medium- to high-relief topography.  相似文献   

胶南地区的伸展作用——以胶南—诸城一带为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
胶南地区的胶南—诸城一带存在两期不同方向的伸展构造。早期以形成近EN向的拉伸线理为特征,并在不同构造层次上显示出不同的变形。出露于研究区中部桃林尚庄隆起的含榴辉岩片麻岩中,主要以LS的组构为特征,显示出早期伸展作用下地壳岩石的垂直轴缩短、EW向拉伸的共轴应变;而在把下地壳含榴辉岩片麻岩与以变沉积岩为主的中上地壳岩石分开的韧性滑脱带上,此期伸展作用则表现为从东向西剪切的非共轴简单剪切变形,具有近水平的拉伸线理及近水平的EW向剪切褶皱和鞘褶皱枢纽。晚期伸展作用表现为近SN的伸展垮塌作用,形成向北和向南倾斜的两条韧性正剪切带,且遭受低角闪岩高绿片岩相条件下的透入性均匀简单剪切变形,剪切方向分别向北和向南。  相似文献   

Structures and textures in till indicating subglacial deposition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five structural and textural features are discussed: (1) small lenses of sorted material, (2) smudges, (3) small-scale deformations of till matrix and smudges by clasts, (4) clasts consistently striated, and (5) clasts with stoss-and-lee sides. Analyses suggest that these features may be produced by subglacial processes acting in the ice-bed interface. Long axes of small sand lenses and smudges as well as the striation on the upper surface of scattered clasts in lodgement till have a strong preferred orientation in good agreement with the glacier flow direction as indicated by clast fabrics, bedrock striation, and surface fluting of ground moraine. When in traction against the till bed, clasts may plough up till banks. Clasts with stoss-and-lee sides development were also very distinctly oriented as their stoss sides faced significantly up-glacier.
It is concluded (1) that each of the five features discussed is useful as a criterion for subglacial deposition by lodgement, (2) that they indicate important differential movement along the ice-bed interface and therefore suggest a temperate regime in this part of the glacier during the till deposition, (3) that very few orientation measurements of one or more of these features signify the ice movement direction; i.e. a time-saving method to find the paleoflow direction of Pleistocene glaciers, and (4) that taken together with till preconsolidation, mechanical composition, and clast fabric, they may support each other and give good indications of the genesis of Pleistocene tills.  相似文献   

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