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The saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons of two samples (HD-19 and HD-21) from the same section of the Middle Eocene lacustrine Huadian oil shale in NE China were identified and shown to be mainly from algal and bacterial sources. Comparison of the two samples provided an opportunity to explore the contribution from telalginite to the hydrocarbon profiles. Cells identified from microscopy as Botryococcus in the telalginite of HD-21 were confirmed as belonging to the L race of B. braunii from the presence of monoaromatic lycopane derivatives and small amounts of several lycopadienes. Lycopane was abundant and was probably derived from biohydrogenation of lycopadienes and related lipids on the basis of δ13C values. Hopane distributions showed a dominance of those with the biological 17β,21β-stereochemistry, as expected for an immature shale, with low amounts of 17β,21α-hopanes (moretanes) and 17α,21β-hopanes. Two hopenes were also abundant and assigned as C29 and C30 neohop-13(18)-enes, which occurred together with the C29 and C30 hop-17(21)-enes. These had depleted carbon isotope values (−43.7‰ to −50.8‰), indicative of production by methane oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs). The high proportion of hopanoids with carbon numbers < C32 indicates extensive post-depositional diagenetic alteration of bacteriohopanepolyols as well as a direct input of C30 hopanoids. The data clearly indicate that there was active utilization of methane in this lacustrine depositional setting, but isoprenoid hydrocarbon biomarkers for methanogens, such as pentamethylicosane (PMI) and squalane, were in surprisingly low abundance. It is possible that these bacterial contributions were present as polar lipids. The origins of an unusual C38 isoprenoid alkane assigned as bipristane are uncertain, but may be from methanogens. Steranes and sterenes were relatively minor components, but abundant diasterenes and 4-methyldiasterenes were present, reflecting significant conversion of the original lipid composition by way of clay-catalysed diagenesis. The biomarker data suggest that the bottom waters in the original depositional environment had low O2 content, but the sediments were probably neither sulfidic nor strongly reducing. The high content of organic matter in the shale likely reflects both high (but fluctuating) productivity due to eutrophic conditions in the overlying water and good preservation in the sediments.  相似文献   

The Nepal Himalayas is the source of many glacial and spring-fed river systems crisscrossing the moun-tainous terrain.There is an increasing recognition of small mountain rivers(SMRs)to have a significant combined export of dissolved and particulate organic carbon to the global carbon flux.We analyzed flu-vial sediments from two SMRs and compared the results with two large mountain rivers(LMRs)in Nepal.We investigated the organic matter(OM),its compositional variability,and seasonal export using a suite of lipid biomarkers,namely n-alkanes,n-alkanoic acids,n-alkanols,and sterols.The SMRs indicated a similarity in lipid distribution and were affected by a strong seasonal variability.The LMRs showed a dis-tinct contrast in the distribution of lipids in suspended sediments.Bedload sediments in SMRs were derived from diverse sources with weak terrigenous dominance all-year-round compared to the sus-pended load.Functional lipids(n-alkanoic acids and n-alkanols)were the major constituents in SMR sed-iments,indicating better preservation.In contrast,n-alkane concentration dominated over other fractions in suspended sediments retrieved from LMRs.The biomarker trends differentiate SMRs from LMRs with lower transformed/degraded OM in SMRs.A common observation was the strong presence of even carbon compounds in short-chain n-alkanes in SMR bedload sediments and their predominance in suspended sediments in LMRs.Such an unusual trend is attributed to specific biomarker sources from the catchment and ongoing processes in fluvial systems.Topsoil colonized by fungal species under moist acidic condi-tions and autochthonous bacteria contributes to the organic matter pool in shallow SMRs.In LMRs,the contribution from thermally mature sedimentary hydrocarbons and the diagenetic reduction of n-alkanoic acids to n-alkanes are additional contributors to the allochthonous carbon pool.The differences in lipid concentrations,their distribution,seasonality,and the size of rivers suggest differential preserva-tion/degradation of the organic matter pool and their importance in contributing to the carbon budget.  相似文献   


中始新世是古近纪温室气候到冰室气候的重要过渡期, 对该时期气候演化的认识主要来自海相沉积记录, 而来自陆相沉积记录的证据相对较少, 因此探索该时期陆相气候特征和演化规律具有重要意义。渤海湾盆地东营凹陷始新统沙河街组的沙四段-沙三段富有机质页岩层系不仅是我国东部陆相页岩油勘探的重点层段, 而且为系统研究中始新世陆相气候演化提供了详实的地质记录。本研究以东营凹陷N1井中始新统(沙四下亚段顶部-沙四上亚段-沙三下亚段下部)厚度约253 m的富有机质页岩层系为分析对象, 利用伽马(GR)测井曲线, 结合沉积速率定量估计的相关系数法(COCO), 开展旋回地层学研究, 建立了天文年代标尺。在此基础上, 进一步综合Ca和Ti含量、Fe/Al比值以及TOC含量数据, 探讨天文驱动力对中始新世东营凹陷气候水文演化和有机质富集的控制作用。结果表明, N1井研究目的层段的沉积年龄为45.06 Ma至40.45 Ma, 记录的沙四上亚段延续时间为2.76 Ma, 与具有良好年代框架的东营凹陷FY1井的分析结果一致。通过建立偏心率周期与高频层序的对应关系, 以GR时间序列的405 ka长偏心率周期作为四级层序的参考曲线, 以约100 ka短偏心率周期作为五级层序的参考曲线, 将研究目的层段划分出11个四级层序和45个五级层序。研究结果显示, 在约41.6 Ma之前, TOC含量、Ca含量和Fe/Al比值时间序列的405 ka周期与Ti含量时间序列和La2010d的405 ka周期呈反相关系; 在约41.6 Ma之后, TOC含量、Ca含量和Fe/Al比值时间序列的405 ka周期与Ti含量时间序列的405 ka周期依然是反相关系, 但与La2010d的405 ka周期转为正相关系。这说明在约41.6 Ma前后, 长偏心率周期影响下的东营凹陷的陆源输入、古生产力、氧化还原条件以及有机质富集机理具有显著差异, 这可能与天文驱动力和该时期区域气候变化(总体由干旱转为潮湿)的叠加效应有关。


The Eocene represents the last greenhouse interval before Present. The maximum warming during the early Eocene was followed by a long-term cooling trend culminating in the Antarctica glaciation at the base of the Oligocene. Superimposed on this long-term cooling trend there is a prominent transient warming event known as the middle Eocene climatic optimum (MECO) occurring during the early Bartonian. The carbonate ramp succession cropping out in the Argentina Valley (Maritime Alps) offers new insights on the evolution of shallow water realms during this time interval. This ramp displays two main facies belts, middle and outer ramp. The middle ramp is recorded by larger benthic foraminifer floatstone to rudstone, passing to Solenomeris branches and nodule floatstone to rudstone evolving to branching coralline algal floatstone. The outer ramp is dominated by bioturbated marly wackestone to packstone alternating with larger benthic foraminifer floatstone with a silty matrix. The investigated ramp was affected by continuous dispersion and reworking of the skeletal components as other Tethyan Eocene ramps. During the Eocene, the Alpine foreland was influenced by fine terrigenous input controlling the trophic conditions and promoting seawater stratification and the development of a strong pycnocline, for which many perturbations could propagate as internal waves. The reworking of skeletal components of the ramp has been ascribed to the action of internal waves. The switch of carbonate production from a carbonate factory dominated by larger benthic foraminifera to a factory in which the encrusting foraminifer Solenomeris was the main carbonate producer biota, is indicative of a radical change in palaeoenvironmental conditions affecting the early Bartonian. The acme of Solenomeris often coincided with the crisis of carbonate producers during intervals of an evident deterioration of environmental conditions. In this case the acme is probably related to the adverse conditions linked to the (MECO) warming event. Finally, the drowning of the nummulitic ramp has been caused by light reduction for the photo-dependent biota due to progressively increasing depth linked to flexural subsidence of the foreland plate, and minor efficiency of the aphotic carbonate factory.  相似文献   

位于青藏高原北缘的酒西盆地,出露有完整的晚始新世地层,真实地记录了周缘构造的运动,使其成为研究高原北缘新生代构造活动的最佳场所之一.基于酒西盆地11条沉积剖面的沉积相、重矿物和古水流研究,建立了火烧沟组-白杨河组高精度的沉积格架,识别出盆地在晚始新世主要为走滑盆地,沉积形态主要受阿尔金断裂左行走滑作用控制.阿尔金断裂强烈的走滑作用受到北部阿拉善地体的阻挡,在酒西盆地北部形成一个前锋带.随后,高原内部强烈的南-北向挤压作用沿酒西盆地的刚性基底向南传递到北祁连断裂,形成了新近纪早期酒西前陆盆地的雏形.  相似文献   

徐洋  刘成林  曹养同 《地质学报》2021,95(7):2183-2192
古盐湖成盐演化具有多期次、连续性和淡化—咸化—盐化的周期性特征,系统研究成盐剖面的沉积韵律有利于恢复古盐湖成盐演化特征.本文以库车盆地KL4钻孔含盐系剖面及其74个石盐样品为研究对象,将含盐系剖面划分为4个成盐韵律,在此基础上开展岩相学、石盐元素地球化学以及石盐流体包裹体氢氧同位素分析等工作.结果显示:剖面上部Ⅲ和Ⅳ成...  相似文献   

含硫物质与地质体中有机质的形成、演化过程密切相关,但在地质演化过程中它们对沉积有机质中生物标志物的影响较少报道。对四川盆地固体沥青样品开展在单质硫(S0)和含硫矿物(黄铁矿、硫酸亚铁、硫酸铁和硫酸钙)存在条件下的加水热模拟实验,进而探讨上述含硫物质在固体沥青热演化过程中对其赋存生物标志物的影响。研究表明,单质硫和含硫矿物对固体沥青中可溶有机质产率均有不同程度的影响,它们的影响程度顺序是:S0>Fe2(SO4)3>FeSO4>CaSO4>FeS2。对于反映成熟度的生物标志物参数,单质硫和含硫矿物对甾烷C29-αββ/(αββ+ααα)、C29-20S/(20S+20R)和藿烷C31H-22S/(22S+22R)的比值均无显著影响,但对甾烷(S21+S22)/C27–29、藿烷Ts/(Ts+Tm)和规则甾烷系列比值有影响。单质硫和含硫矿物会显著改变反映生源的生物标志物参数,不同含硫物质对甾烷S21/S22、藿烷C29H/C30H、三环萜...  相似文献   

Abstract There are discrete masses of un-deformed metabasite within the blueschist series of the island of Syros. Greece. Around the margins of these masses are zonal sequences through rocks showing intracrystalline deformation but without a geometric fabric, to rocks with discrete and anastomosing shear zones, and finally to penetratively foliated rocks with isolated relics of the original undeformed texture. Textural relics suggest that this spatial sequence is at least qualitatively also a temporal sequence.
This progressive shear zone deformation took place concurrently with a glaucophane-epidote to eclogite reaction. The reaction pathways in the rocks that underwent the shear zone deformation can be compared with those in rocks of a similar composition that suffered a longer deformation history and show no relics of an undeformed parent. Although the final assemblages are in both cases the same, the pathways are different. These differences are in part related to reactions promoted by the change from local to bulk equilibrium on the onset of deformation in the rocks. They are also related to the crystallization and later breakdown during the sequence of progressive equilibration of a metastable phase, in this case an impure glaucophane.  相似文献   

In the Karakoram Shear Zone, Ladakh, NW India, Miocene leucogranitic dykes form an extensive, varied and complex network, linking an anatectic terrane exposed in the Pangong Range, with leucogranites of the Karakoram Batholith. Mineral paragenesis of the heterogeneous anatectic source rocks suggests melting has resulted from water influx into rocks at upper amphibolite facies conditions, and microstructures suggest anatexis was contemporaneous with shearing. The network is characterized by continuous and interconnected dykes, with only rare cross‐cutting relationships, forming swarms and chaotic injection complexes where magmatic rocks cover up to 50% of the outcrop area. Despite this volume of magma, the system did not lose continuity, suggesting that it did not flow en masse and that the magma network was not all liquid simultaneously. Leucogranites in this network, including leucosomes in migmatites, carry an isotopic signature intermediate between the two main anatectic rocks in the source, suggesting efficient homogenization of the magmatic products. Here, we describe a number of microscopic features of these magmatic rocks which suggests that several pulses of magma used the same pathways giving rise to textural and chemical disequilibrium features. These include: (i) narrow, tortuous corridors of fine‐grained minerals cutting across or lining the boundaries of larger grains, interpreted to be remnants of magma‐filled cracks cutting across a pre‐existing magmatic rock; (ii) corrosion of early formed grains at the contact with fine‐grained material; (iii) compositional zoning of early formed plagioclase and K‐feldspar grains and quartz overgrowths documented by cathodoluminescence imaging; (iv) incipient development of rapakivi and anti‐rapakivi textures, and (iv) different crystallographic preferred orientation of early formed quartz and fine‐grained quartz. Mapping of the fine‐grained corridors interpreted to represent late melt channels reveal an interlinked network broadly following the S‐C fabric defined by pre‐existing magmatic grains. We conclude that early formed dykes provided a pathway exploited intermittently or continuously by new magma batches. New influxes of magma opened narrow channels and migrated through a microscopic network following predominantly grain boundaries along an S‐C fabric related to syn‐magmatic shearing. A mixed isotopic signature resulted not from the mixing of magmas, but from the micro‐scale interaction between new magma batches and previously crystallized magmatic rocks, through local equilibration.  相似文献   

童永生  王元青李茜 《地质论评》2006,52(2):153-162,i0002
岭茶地区的古近纪地层常称为栗木坪组或岭茶组。根据哺乳动物化石、地层特征和新近的古地磁和碳同位素研究成果,本文将岭茶地区的古近纪地层分为上古新统栗木坪组和下始新统岭茶组。岭茶组典型剖面,可选在成家冲东北的岭茶—霞流公路旁。由于底部出现碳同位素负向漂移,是目前中国可确定的始新统/古新统界线。在中国早始新世哺乳动物中首次出现的哺乳动物有奇蹄类、偶蹄类、真正的灵长类和梳趾鼠类型的啮齿类,并有许多首现的属。根据哺乳动物群组成特征,将中国早始新世哺乳动物群分为两个组合带:以李官桥盆地大尖动物群为代表的岭茶晚期的犀貘一菱臼兽组合带(Heptodon--Rhombomylus Assemblage Zone)和以衡阳盆地岭茶动物群为代表的岭茶早期的始祖貘一软食中兽组合带(Homogalax--Hapalodectes Assemblage Zone)。  相似文献   

Phosphorite concretions are recorded for the first time within the lower part of the Umm Rijam Chert Limestone Formation (Eocene) in the Ma'an area, southern Jordan. The phosphorite concretions are typically hosted and encountered as individual layer in moderately lithified sediments of marl, chalk and chalky marl. The phosphorite concretions are present in thin layer (10–30 cm thick). They are localized on a hardground surface that formed as a result of cementation of soft ground by bioclastic materials. Light grey and brownish to black colors are encountered with isometric, ellipsoid, elongated, subangular to subrounded phosphorite concretions (up to 6 cm in length). Most of the phosphorite concretions preserve bioturbation structures; they also include fecal pellets of various sizes. The main biogenic components are fragments of macrofossils (bivalves) and microfossils (planktonic foraminifera) in different proportions. Petrographic examinations reveal that the phosphorite concretions are composed of cryptocrystalline apatite that characteristically appears in cross-polarized light almost as isotropic phosphate and minor anisotropic phosphate. Apatite and calcite are the main mineral constituents of the phosphorite concretions identified by XRD. The apatite is identified as francolite (carbonate-flour-apatite). Chemical analyses of the phosphorite concretions using X-ray florescence indicate that the P2O5 content ranges from 18.8 to 31.19%, whereas SEM–EDS analyses indicate that the phosphorus proportion is around 14% by volume. It could be argued that the phosphorite concretions were transported after being reworked, or were derived from carbonate and chalk pebbles that were later phosphatized and subjected to erosion, forming residual lag deposit along the hardground surface.  相似文献   

The structural evolution and stratigraphic architecture of the Southern Lufeng Depression in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea show two second-order sequences (SSQ1 and SSQ2) and nine third-order sequences (WSQ1-5 and ESQ1-4) within the Eocene rift-related successions. Based on integrated interpretations of seismic reflections, well logs and core data, five distinct tectono-stratigraphic patterns are identified: (1) the initial synrift-I sequence (WSQ1) of low tectonic subsidence, overfilled by alluvial fan or fan-delta deposits and volcanic deposits, with no clear systems tracts; (2) the climax synrift-I sequences (WSQ2–4) developed in response to rapid tectonic subsidence, generally consisting of a low-stand systems tract (LST), transgressive systems tract (TST) and high-stand systems tract (HST); (3) the late synrift-I sequence (WSQ5) characterised by a decreased tectonic subsidence rate, dominated by braided delta, deep and shallow lacustrine sediments, mainly constructed by TST and HST; (4) the early synrift-II sequences (ESQ1–2) rapidly filled by braided deltaic sandstone and mainly composed of TST and HST with less common LST units; and (5) the late synrift-II sequences (ESQ3–4), which are totally filled by braided deltaic system in a shallow-water lake setting, presenting typical imbricate clinoforms or sub-parallel seismic configurations, consisting of only TST and HST components. During the climax stage of synrift-I development, the depositional setting changed from a prominent shallow lake (WSQ2) to a deep-lucustrine with turbiditic deposits (WSQ3) and finally dominated by mostly braided deltaic-shallow lacustrine deposits (WSQ4); the HST occupies an increasing proportion from early to late. Furthermore, the stratigraphic patterns, especially LST units of the climax synrift-I stage, are significantly influenced by topographic variations and slope-break belt types in the hanging dip-slope. This study reveals that the spatial and temporal evolution of lacustrine depositional and stratigraphic patterns were significantly controlled by the interplay of tectonic subsidence and sediment supply, and provides a fundamental basis for predicting the favourable reservoirs and geometry of source rocks related to the general variability of Eocene rift-related tectonic subsidence in the Southern Lufeng Depression of the Pearl River Mouth Basin. Furthermore, the topographic responses of differential active fault-stepped patterns associated with magma intrusions, highlight the variability of relevant sequence architectures in the hanging dip-slope in lacustrine rift basins.  相似文献   

中国晚始新世—早渐新世地层孢粉组合及其古气候特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
始新世—渐新世是从65Ma恐龙绝灭以来新生代地球历史上最重要的事件, 此时地球从“暖室”过渡到“冰室”, 全球气候突变, 南极冰首次出现, 气候突变引起生物的大绝灭, 而我国的孢粉组合也有明显的变化特征.根据我国各个区始新世晚期—渐新世早期地层中孢粉组合的演化规律来探讨当时我国的古气候变化规律, 研究认为中国从始新世晚期到渐新世早期总体上亚热带、热带植物成分丰度和分异度都降低, 温带植物如桦科和榆科花粉大增, 耐寒山地针叶植物大量发育, 干旱类型植物增加, 草本植物开始繁盛.这些反映了从始新世晚期到渐新世早期植被组成由热带亚热带常绿阔叶树为主的针阔叶林转变为落叶树为主的针阔混交林, 说明晚始新世气候温暖湿润过渡到早渐新世气候变干变冷.孢粉植物群所反映的我国气候变化趋势与全球气候变化趋势一致, 说明我国的陆地也受全球构造的演变和南极大陆冰盖的影响.   相似文献   


The structure of la Garrotxa area within the Cadi unit (south-eastern Pyrenees) consists of a set of duplexes at different scales which repeat the different carbonatic litho-units of the Lower and Middle Eocene. These duplexes are folded by antiformal stacks structures with basement rocks in their cores. The north boundary of these antiformal stacks represents an inversion of pre-existent extensional faults which formed half-graben geometries. The basement rocks involved in the structure represent short-cuts formed in the footwall of the extensional faults. All thrusts of La Garrotxa area branch with the upper Garrotxa thrust. The more complex structure of La Garrotxa area than the adjacent areas within the Cadí unit, is due to the initial complex synsedimentary geometry of the sedimentary pile.

The Cadi unit overlies the Serrat unit with a hangingwall ramp geometry. This unit was deduced from the Serrat-1 well, drilled in 1987. The Serrat unit is made up of a Middle Eocene evaporitic sequence, with alternating shales and anhydrites and a 100 meters thick salt layer close to the top. The total thickness of this evaporitic Beuda sequence is 1 000 meters. The Beuda sequence clearly controlled the thrust geometry of the younger thrusts.  相似文献   

扎雪石英二长斑岩体分布于冈底斯岩浆弧带的中段,侵入于前奥陶系松多岩群和石炭-二叠系来姑组中,并被帕那组火山岩呈火山沉积不整合覆盖,其黑云母K-Ar年龄值为54.42Ma,时代为始新世。岩石学和岩石化学特征:ω(SiO2)=67.04%~69.75%、ω(Al2O3)=14.85%~16.75%、ω(TiO2)=0.45%~0.53%、ω(K2O Na2O)=9.64%~10.28%、ω(K2O/Na2O)=1.8~1.97,表明扎雪石英二长斑岩体为酸性钾玄质浅成侵入岩。它与冈底斯带上广泛发育的林子宗群年波组火山同时异相,形成于印度板块和欧亚板块后碰撞阶段,成为大洋俯冲体制向大陆碰撞体制转换的岩石记录。  相似文献   

Radiogenic isotopic dating and Lu–Hf isotopic composition using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry(LA-ICP-MS)of the Wude basalt in Yunnan province from the Emeishan large igneous province(ELIP)yielded timing of formation and post-eruption tectonothermal event.Holistic lithogeochemistry and elements mapping of basaltic rocks were further reevaluated to provide insights into crustal contamination and formation of the ELIP.A zircon U–Pb age of 251.3±2.0 Ma of the Wude basalt recorded the youngest volcanic eruption event and was consistent with the age span of 251-263 Ma for the emplacement of the ELIP.Such zircons hadεHf(t)values ranging from7.3 to+2.2,identical to those of magmatic zircons from the intrusive rocks of the ELIP,suggesting that crust-mantle interaction occurred during magmatic emplacement,or crust-mantle mixing existed in the deep source region prior to deep melting.The apatite U–Pb age at 53.6±3.4 Ma recorded an early Eocene magmatic superimposition of a regional tectonothermal event,corresponding to the Indian–Eurasian plate collision.Negative Nb,Ta,Ti and P anomalies of the Emeishan basalt may reflect crustal contamination.The uneven Nb/La and Th/Ta values distribution throughout the ELIP supported a mantle plume model origin.Therefore,the ELIP was formed as a result of a mantle plume which was later superimposed by a regional tectonothermal event attributed to the Indian–Eurasian plate collision during early Eocene.  相似文献   

Structures and carbon isotopic compositions of biomarkers and kerogen pyrolysis products of a dolomite, a bituminous shale and an oil shale of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (KCF) in Dorset were studied in order to gain insight into (i) the type and extent of water column anoxia and (ii) changes in the concentration and isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the palaeowater column. The samples studied fit into the curve of increasing δ13C of the kerogen (δ13CTOC) with increasing TOC, reported by Huc et al. (1992). Their hypothesis, that the positive correlation between TOC and δ13CTOC is the result of differing degrees of organic matter (OM) mineralisation in the water column, was tested by measuring the δ13C values of primary production markers. These δ13C values were found to differ on average by only 1‰ among the samples, implying that differences in the extent of OM mineralisation cannot fully account for the 3‰ difference in δ13CTOC. The extractable OM in the oil shale differs from that in the other sediments due to both differences in maturity, and differences in the planktonic community. These differences, however, are not likely to have significantly influenced δ13CTOC either. All three sediments contain abundant derivatives of isorenieratene, indicating that periodically euxinia was extending into the photic zone. The sediments are rich in organic sulfur, as revealed by the abundant sulfur compounds in the pyrolysates. The prominence of C1-C3 alkylated thiophenes over n-alkanes and n-alkenes is most pronounced in the pyrolysate of the sediment richest in TOC. This suggests that sulfurisation of OM may have played an important role in determining the TOC-δ13CTOC relationship reported by Huc et al. (1992).  相似文献   

在1∶25万区域地质调查工作中,于当惹雍错中部的吉松一带发现环斑花岗岩,获同位素K-Ar法年龄45.3Ma,时代为始新世。吉松环斑花岗具特殊的卵状环斑结构,K2O Na2O含量较高,K2O>Na2O;稀土元素含量高,具明显的铕亏损,为造山型环斑花岗岩,形成于青藏高原陆内碰撞造山晚期的后碰撞环境。  相似文献   

本文对藏南冈底斯带中段的花岗岩类和角闪辉长岩进行了锆石U-Pb年代学和全岩地球化学分析,据此阐明了岩体的形成机制与演化过程,并探讨了成岩时的大地构造背景。分析结果显示,研究区内花岗岩类和角闪辉长岩体的LA-ICPMS锆石U-Pb定年结果为41~55Ma,为始新世早-中期岩浆活动的产物,代表了区内岩体的成岩年龄。在地球化学组成上,花岗岩类属于钙碱性到高钾钙碱性系列,均富集轻稀土(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(LILE)(Rb、Ba和K),强烈亏损Nb、Ta、P等高场强元素(HFSE),具有弧型岩浆岩的地球化学组成。此外,花岗岩类的铝饱和指数(A/CNK)小于1.1,属于准铝质到弱过铝质的I型花岗岩。角闪辉长岩为石榴橄榄岩部分熔融的产物,并在后期侵位的过程中遭受到了壳源物质的混染。综合分析表明,研究区内的岩体形成于初始碰撞向主碰撞的转化阶段。始新世早期(~50Ma)新特提斯洋板片的断离引起软流圈物质上涌,导致岩石圈地幔发生部分熔融形成基性岩浆,随后基性岩浆底侵至下地壳并诱发下地壳发生部分熔融形成花岗岩质岩浆,最后经过岩浆混合作用形成始新世早-中期冈底斯地区的花岗岩类。  相似文献   

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