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利用瞬态全场测量技术———粒子图像测速(PIV)技术,研究了波浪对透空式建筑物上部结构冲击过程的流场变化特性。通过对采集到的CCD图像互相关分析,直观地显示了波浪冲击作用发生时结构物底面的流场状态,得到瞬间全场流体水质点速度矢量,并且应用概率分析法研究了冲击压力峰值与波浪水质点运动速度之间的关系。  相似文献   

针对波浪破碎试验中气泡区速度与水体速度无法同时测量的难题,基于实验室条件,搭建了粒子图像测速(PIV)和气泡图像测速(BIV)系统,采用声学多普勒测速仪(ADV)对PIV测量精度和不同场景下BIV测量精度进行了细致的验证,并设计多种试验方案以期实现BIV与PIV的同步耦合测量。试验结果表明,7W激光+后置灯的优化照明方案,其耦合测量的气泡区速度代表参数与标准BIV照明方案的结果误差小于5%,且耦合测量的气泡区下方水质点的速度曲线与标准PIV测量结果吻合,表明该改进方案满足PIV与BIV耦合测量的条件。本文实现的PIV与BIV耦合测量有利于优化测量和分析工作,减小破碎波浪重复生成的影响,有利于提高测量精度,为大范围波浪破碎速度场的快速测量提供了新的方案。  相似文献   

尝试建立1种基于无单元法的涡激振动数值模拟算法,并给出适用于涡激振动分析的前处理自动布点方法.基于无单元法理论,使用动最小二乘法构造形函数,利用无单元伽辽金法,采用速度和压力分离模式,及手工布点和自动布点2种方法所得出的节点布置形式,对流场控制方程进行空间离散,模拟二维涡激振动的流场形态,并对VIV相关参数进行分析,计算不同节点布置情况下的升力系数(Cl)、曳力系数(Cd)及斯特罗哈数(St),并与物理模型实验结果进行对比.计算结果表明,无单元伽辽金法应用于立管VIV分析是可行的,且文中采用2种布点方法均能较好的模拟流场中泻涡脱落的形态,计算结果与传统方法和物理模型实验结果吻合良好.证明文中2种布点方法都能用于固定圆柱的二维VIV分析,但自动布点法能够更好地适用于复杂问题的计算及圆柱体在流场中的VIV动力响应分析.  相似文献   

相干声纳条带测深系统采用船舷安装时,连接系统水下单元的钢管在水流作用下可能发生共振和频率锁定而剧烈振动,其下端的以换能器为主的系统水下单元也会随之摆动,使数据质量和测量精度受到影响。笔者通过分析在实际工作中遇到的问题发现:连接系统水下单元的钢管越长,钢管越容易在低流速条件下发生共振现象;换能器剧烈摆动会造成大量噪音信号;换能器摆动幅度较大时系统的安装校准会失效。本文通过解析计算得出了在现场操作中不同悬挂长度的钢管发生频率锁定时的控制流速以及换能器最大摆动幅度,认为实际工作中换能器距固定点在1.0m以内是可靠的,并对现场操作中如何减弱和避免涡激振动对系统精度的影响提出建议。  相似文献   

基于欧拉-伯努力梁理论确定了多跨管道结构振动方程,采用非线性Van der pol方程描述旋涡脱落的尾流动力特性,利用弹簧模拟两端和中间的复杂边界约束,构建了多跨海底管道横流向涡激振动预报模型。基于模态正交性展开流-固耦合作用方程,对各阶主坐标响应进行数值求解。对比了本模型预报结果与试验结果、软件分析以及DNV规范推荐值,吻合情况比较理想。本模型可为深海多跨管道涡激振动的研究、防范和治理提供有效的分析方法。  相似文献   

利用双正交小波CDF(2,2)分解的各级小波系数能够充分体现悬沙图像中颗粒信息的特点,并结合各级小波中不同的功率分布,提出了一种对各级小波系数进行非线性调整的自适应算法。该算法能够在清除无关背景色的同时,可以最大程度地保留颗粒信息,进而获得很好的二值化图像,有利于颗粒图像的深入分析。  相似文献   

In consideration of the effect of the internal flowing fluid and the external marine environmental condition on the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of top tensioned riser (Till), the differential equation is derived based on work-energy principles and the riser near wake dynamics is modeled by Facchinetti' s wake oscillator model. Then Galerkin' s finite element approximation is implemented to derive the nonlinear matrix equation of the coupled equations and file corresponding numerical programs are compiled which solve the coupled equations directly in the time domain. The comparison of the predicted results with the recent experimental results and the prediction of SHEAR7 is performed. The results show the validity of the proposed method on the prediction of VIV of deep water risers. The effect of internal flow on the dynamic characteristics and dynmnic response of the riser is analyzed and several valuable conelusions are drawn.  相似文献   

苯并(a)对大弹涂鱼肝脏抗氧化防御系统影响的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
苯苯并并((aa))芘芘((BBaaPP))是是一一种种具具强强致致癌癌性性的的多多环环芳芳烃烃,,广广泛泛存存在在于于受受污污染染的的海海洋洋环环境境中中。。早早期期对对苯苯并并((aa))芘芘的的研研究究主主要要集集中中于于苯苯并并((aa))芘芘暴暴露露与与终终反反应应—————癌癌变变的的发发生生或或肿肿瘤瘤的的形形成成之之间间的的相相关关性性研研究究。。近近年年来来,,通通过过对对苯苯并并((aa))芘芘在在动动物物体体内内的的代代谢谢过过程程及及其其致致毒毒机机理理的的研研究究,,发发现现苯苯…  相似文献   

诱导型一氧化氮合成酶(iNOS)在生物机体免疫,特别在无脊椎动物免疫中的作用近来得到了广泛的关注,由其催化产生的一氧化氯(NO)除具有已知的神经传导、松弛平滑肌等功能外,还具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗寄生虫等作用。作者通过硝基四氯唑蓝(NBT)法和血细胞形态观察等方法,对中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)血细胞中存在的诱导型一氧化氮合成酶进行了初步鉴定。在此基础上,通过亚硝酸盐法和L-瓜氨酸法对比,研究了感染白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)后中国明对虾血细胞中一氧化氯合成酶的变化情况。结果显示,中国明对虾在感染WSSV后,iNOS活性在12h内有上升趋势,实验36h后酶活性显著下降,至60h后酶活性降至对照组的一半左右。同时,被脂多糖(LPS)诱导的一氧化氮合成酶活性与对照相比也有显著下降。与此对应的是,核酸探针斑点杂交法检测病毒的结果显示:实验36h后在对虾体内能够检测到白斑综合症病毒。对照组中国明对虾血细胞的iNOS在实验过程中基本保持稳定。这说明WSSV在感染中国明对虾初期可以诱导血细胞产生iNOS,但随着WSSV在中国明对虾体内的大量增殖及其对血细胞的破坏,使得iNOS活性显著降低,对虾也趋于死亡。因此,iNOS能够作为反映对虾在病毒感染过程中健康状况的有效指标。  相似文献   

1996~1997年,在进行6-二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-DMAP)诱导太平洋牡蛎产生三倍体的实验过程中,发现一定数量的四倍体。解剖法获取精卵,人工授精。染色体倍性鉴别采用染色体计数法。(1)三因素四水平L16(45)正交设计。试验平行重复2次。最高四倍体诱导率为40.0±0.0%。太平洋牡蛎四倍体各诱导因素的最优水平组合:当精卵混合20min时,将受精卵浸泡在含6-DMAP450μmolL-1的海水中10min;决定四倍体产生的三因素的主次顺序:6-DMAP浓度→诱导时机→诱导持续时间。(2)三因素三水平L9(34)正交设计。试验平行重复3次。最高四倍体诱导率为9.6±4.9%。诱导太平洋牡蛎四倍体各因素的最优水平组合:当50%受精卵出现第一极体时,将受精卵浸泡在含6-DMAP450μmolL-1的海水中15min;决定四倍体产生的三因素的主次顺序:诱导时机→6-DMAP浓度→诱导持续时间。  相似文献   

刘云  姜国良  姜明  杨栋  张士璀 《海洋科学》2000,24(11):45-48
运用电镜技术,在牙鲆肠淋巴样组织鉴定出4种无颗粒白细胞,即淋巴细胞、巨噬细胞、单核细胞和浆细胞样细胞。它们的形态均比在造血器官中多样化。巨噬细胞形态极其有规则;单核细胞的细胞质中有较多空泡;淋巴细胞具多且细长的伪足,而浆细胞样细胞是以内含大量的粗面内质网为其主要特征。同时,作者对无颗粒白细胞的形态与功能之间的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为了研究磺胺甲基唑(Sulfamethoxazole, 简称SMZ)和恩诺沙星(Enrofloxacin, 简称ERFX)在日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)体内的药物代谢动力学特点, 在水温21℃±0.5℃, 盐度29.91 的条件下, 应用萃取、液相测定和反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)对药物平均回收率、主要动力学参数及在3种组织中的半衰期进行了测定, 检测数据经药物代谢动力学软件3p97 进行研究。结果表明, SMZ 和ERFX 在对虾肝脏、肌肉和血淋巴的平均回收率分别为90.09%, 88.92%, 84.84%和89.14%, 86.04%,91.77%。药物代谢动力学分析表明, SMZ 单次腹部肌肉注射日本囊对虾, 其肝脏药时数据符合二室模型, 肌肉和血淋巴药时数据符合一室模型,半衰期为19.1284, 4.5799, 9.1855 h。ERFX 单次腹部肌肉注射日本囊对虾, 其肌肉药时数据符合二室模型, 肝脏和血淋巴药时数据符合一室模型。半衰期分别为15.16, 16.83, 17.19 h。通过两种药物的代谢特征比较分析表明, SMZ 在肌肉中吸收较ERFX 快, ERFX在血淋巴和肝脏中吸收较SMZ 快。根据SMZ 和ERFX 在21℃±0.5℃的条件下的主要动力学参数及3种组织内消除半衰期, 建议SMZ 在日本囊对虾的休药期不少于10 d, ERFX 的休药期不少于12 d。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s,Sargassum fusiforme has been cultivated in Zhejiang,South China,and nowadays it becomes one of the important commercial seaweeds in China.With traditions of eating habits in the East Asian countries,this brown alga is used as food,because it contained functional oligo/polysaccharides and chemical components,and was regarded playing roles in antioxidant activities and regulating immunology.Through over 15 years’selection,breeding and cultivation,we obtained three strains with good traits and testified their characters during the production,which included the cultivars with high yield and other two good characters,either all the selected strains were applied in the Sargassum production.To avoid confusion during the selection and nursery,it was preferred to establish one fingerprint for distinguishing the Sargassum cultivars from different strains.Random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)and inter-simple sequence repeat(ISSR)methods were adopted to analyze the genetic diversities of the selected S.fusiforme strains.With that,one fingerprint with RAPD markers was constructed,and one sequence characterized amplifi ed region(SCAR)marker to S.fusiforme was obtained.It is indicated that the applied fingerprint could be valid in S.fusiforme genetic and germplasm justification,and will be positive to molecular marker assistance in its selection and cultivation.  相似文献   

The distributions of DMS and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate, in both dissolved (DMSPd) and particulate fractions (DMSPp) were determined in the seasurface microlayer and corresponding subsurface water of the Jiaozhou Bay, China and its adjacent area in May and August 2006. The concentrations of all these components showed a clear seasonal variation, with higher concentrations occurring in summer. This can be mainly attributed to the higher phytoplankton biomass observed in summer. Simultaneously, the enrichment extents of DMSPd and DMSPp in the microlayer also exhibited seasonal changes, with higher values in spring and lower ones in summer. Higher water temperature and stronger radiant intensity in summer can enhance their solubility and photochemical reaction in the microlayer water, reducing their enrichment factors (the ratio of concentration in the microlayer to that in the corresponding subsurface water). A statistically significant relationship was found between the microlayer and subsurface water concentrations of DMS, DMSP and chlorophyll a, demonstrating that the biogenic materials in the microlayer come primarily from the underlying water. Moreover, our data show that the concentrations of DMSPp and DMS were significantly correlated with the levels of chlorophyll a, indicating that phytoplankton biomass might play an important role in controlling the distributions of biogenic sulfurs in the study area. The ratios of DMS/chlorophyll a and DMSPp/chlorophyll a varied little from spring to summer, suggesting that there was no obvious change in the proportion of DMSP producers in the phytoplankton community. The mean sea-to-air flux of DMS from the study area was estimated to be 5.70 μmol/(m2·d), which highlights the effects of human impacts on DMS emission.  相似文献   

原子荧光光度法测定天然水体中的Sb(Ⅴ)和Sb(Ⅲ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用氢化物-原子荧光光度法(HG-AFS),测定天然水体中的总溶解态无机锑(Sb(V+Ⅲ))和三价锑(Sb(c)).选择的最佳仪器条件为:灯电流60 mA,负高压-260 V,原子化器的温度190℃和氩气的载气流量600mL/min.Sb(V+Ⅲ)在1 mol/L HC1介质中进行测定,检出限为0.024μg/L,线性...  相似文献   

A sample of coastal marine fulvic acids (mfua) was studied and its binding site structures that form stable complexes with metal ions were identified. A previously developed self-modeling methodology, based on the coupling of synchronous fluorescence (SyF) spectroscopy with evolving factor analysis (EFA), was used for the analysis of the interactions between mfua and two metal ions that act as probes for binding sites, namely Be(II) and Al(III). Two types of binding site structures were detected, probably of the salicylic acid and catechol types. The values of the conditional stability constants between mfua and the two metal ions were: for Be(II), at pH = 6, log K = 5.32(8); for Al(III), at pH = 4, log K = 5.1(2). The concentration of the corresponding binding sites was found to be less than one half of those found for soil fulvic acid samples.  相似文献   

Sixteen surface microlayer samples and corresponding subsurface water samples were collected in the western North Atlantic during April–May 2003 to study the distribution and cycling of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and the factors influencing them. In the surface microlayer, high concentrations of DMS appeared mostly in the samples containing high levels of chlorophyll a, and a significant correlation was found between DMS and chlorophyll a concentrations. In addition, microlayer DMS concentrations were correlated with microlayer DMSPd (dissolved) concentrations. DMSPd was found to be enriched in the microlayer with an average enrichment factor (EF) of 5.19. However, no microlayer enrichment of DMS was found for most samples collected. Interestingly, the DMS production rates in the microlayer were much higher than those in the subsurface water. Enhanced DMS production in the microlayer was likely due to the higher concentrations of DMSPd in the microlayer. A consistent pattern was observed in this study in which the concentrations of DMS, DMSPd, DMSPp (particulate) and chlorophyll a in the microlayer were closely related to their corresponding subsurface water concentrations, suggesting that these constituents in the microlayer were directly dependent on the transport from the bulk liquid below. Enhanced DMS production in the microlayer further reinforces the conclusion that the surface microlayer has greater biological activity relative to the underlying water.  相似文献   

固定化鲅鱼乙酰胆碱酯酶的制备及部分性质测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
酶的固定化是酶传感器制备过程中重要的1个环节.研究采用直接共价法固定鲅鱼乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE).制备方法为:0.1g CNBr活化的Sepharose 4B凝胶用1mmol/L的HCl充分溶胀后,与活力为10U的AChE溶液混合,于4℃下150r/min振荡8h.所制备的固定化酶活力回收率较高(96%),对pH值和温度变化的适应能力均优于非固定化酶;在3个月保存期内,前者的活力损失13%,而后者的活力则下降89%.这说明固定过程能够大大提高AChE的抗逆性和保持酶活力的稳定,有利于酶传感器的制备.  相似文献   

The distributions of DMS and its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate, in both dissolved (DMSPd) and particulate fractions (DMSPp) were determined in the sea-surface microlayer and corresponding subsurface water of the Jiaozhou Bay, China and its adjacent area in May and August 2006. The concentrations of all these components showed a clear seasonal variation, with higher concentrations occurring in summer. This can be mainly attributed to the higher phytoplankton biomass observed in summer. Simultaneously, the enrichment extents of DMSPd and DMSPp in the microlayer also exhibited seasonal changes, with higher values in spring and lower ones in summer. Higher water temperature and stronger radiant intensity in summer can enhance their solubility and photochemical reaction in the microlayer water, reducing their enrichment factors (the ratio of concentration in the microlayer to that in the corresponding subsurface water). A statistically signi.cant relationship was found between the microlayer and subsurface water concentrations of DMS, DMSP and chlorophyll a, demonstrating that the biogenic materials in the microlayer come primarily from the underlying water. Moreover, our data show that the concentrations of DMSPp and DMS were signi.cantly correlated with the levels of chlorophyll a, indicating that phytoplankton biomass might play an important role in controlling the distributions of biogenic sulfurs in the study area. The ratios of DMS/chlorophyll a and DMSPp/chlorophyll a varied little from spring to summer, suggesting that there was no obvious change in the proportion of DMSP producers in the phytoplankton community. The mean sea-to-air .ux of DMS from the study area was estimated to be 5.70 μmol/(m2 ·d), which highlights the e.ects of human impacts on DMS emission.  相似文献   

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