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Lake Tyrrell is the largest playa in the Murray Basin of southeast Australia. Optical dating of transverse dune (lunette) sediments extends the lake's radiocarbon chronology to the last interglacial period. The highest lake level was attained 131,000 ± 10,000 yr ago, forming Lake Chillingollah, a megalake that persisted until around 77,000 ± 4000 yr ago. Pedogenesis of its sandy lunette continued until buried by a silty clay lunette deflated from the lake floor 27,000 ± 2000 yr ago. The dated soil-stratigraphic units correlate with the upper Tyrrell Beds and contain evidence that humans visited the lakeshore before 27,000 yr ago. The Lake Chillingollah megalake was synchronous with very high lake levels in monsoon-dominated Australia, yet it was not influenced by tropical monsoon systems. It was filled instead by increased winter rainfall from westerly low-pressure fronts. Greater effective precipitation across Australia is evident, the result of a weakened subtropical high-pressure zone.  相似文献   

The Tyrell catchment lies on the western margin of the Riverine Province in the south-central Murray Basin, one of Australia’s most important groundwater resources. Groundwater from the shallow, unconfined Pliocene Sands aquifer and the underlying Renmark Group aquifer is saline (total dissolved solids up to 150,000 mg/L) and is Na-Cl-Mg type. There is no systematic change in salinity along hydraulic gradients implying that the aquifers are hydraulically connected and mixing during vertical flow is important. Stable isotopes (18O+2H) and Cl/Br ratios indicate that groundwater is entirely of meteoric origin and salts in this system have largely been derived by evapotranspiration of rainfall with only minor halite dissolution, rock weathering (mainly feldspar dissolution), and ion exchange between Na and Mg on clays. Similarity in chemistry of all groundwater in the catchment implies relative consistency in processes over time, independent of any climatic variation. Groundwater in both the Pliocene Sands and Renmark Group aquifers yield ages of up to 25 ka. The Tyrrell Catchment is arid to semi-arid and has low topography. This has resulted in relatively low recharge rates and hydraulic gradients that have resulted in long groundwater residence times.  相似文献   

Accurate reconstruction of the paleo-Mojave River and pluvial lake (Harper, Manix, Cronese, and Mojave) system of southern California is critical to understanding paleoclimate and the North American polar jet stream position over the last 500 ka. Previous studies inferred a polar jet stream south of 35°N at 18 ka and at ~ 40°N at 17–14 ka. Highstand sediments of Harper Lake, the upstream-most pluvial lake along the Mojave River, have yielded uncalibrated radiocarbon ages ranging from 24,000 to > 30,000 14C yr BP. Based on geologic mapping, radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating, we infer a ~ 45–40 ka age for the Harper Lake highstand sediments. Combining the Harper Lake highstand with other Great Basin pluvial lake/spring and marine climate records, we infer that the North American polar jet stream was south of 35°N about 45–40 ka, but shifted to 40°N by ~ 35 ka. Ostracodes (Limnocythere ceriotuberosa) from Harper Lake highstand sediments are consistent with an alkaline lake environment that received seasonal inflow from the Mojave River, thus confirming the lake was fed by the Mojave River. The ~ 45–40 ka highstand at Harper Lake coincides with a shallowing interval at downstream Lake Manix.  相似文献   

Shark Bay is an 8000 sq. km shallow marine embayment on the western coast of Western Australia. The waters exhibit a well established salinity gradient from oceanic to hypersaline. The chemical assemblage of sediment hydrocarbons along the salinity gradient may be classified into two distinct chemogeographic types. Firstly, oceanic sediments contain n-alkanes and a suite of highly branched and branched/cyclic C25 alkenes. Hypersaline sediments are characterised by a high relative abundance of a C25H50 alkene together with an analogous C20H40 alkene and its parent C20H42 alkene (2,6,10-trimethyl-7-(3-methylbutyl)-dodecane). A pair of alkanes C21H42 and C22H44 increase in concentration and relative abundance with depth. The hydrocarbons of the hypersaline basins are found in only trace amounts in oceanic sediments. These chemical signals are overlain by further input indicative of the immediate biotic community.  相似文献   

Two characteristics of peralkaline igneous rocks that are poorly understood are the extreme enrichment in HFSE, notably Zr, Nb, Y and REE, and the occurrence of fluid inclusions dominated by methane and higher hydrocarbons. Although much of the HFSE enrichment can be explained by magmatic processes, the common intense alteration of the parts of the peralkaline intrusions most enriched in these elements suggests that hydrothermal processes also play an important role in HFSE enrichment. Likewise, although the origin of the higher order hydrocarbons that occur as inclusions in these rocks is still debated, there is strong evidence that at least in some cases their formation involved hydrothermal processes. The issues of HFSE enrichment and hydrocarbon formation in peralkaline intrusions are examined using data from the Strange Lake pluton, a small, middle-Proterozoic intrusion of peralkaline granite in northeast Canada. This pluton contains some of the highest concentrations of Zr, REE and Y ever reported in an igneous body, and is characterised by abundant hydrocarbon-dominated fluid inclusions in rocks that have been hydrothermally altered, including those that form a potential HFSE ore zone. We show that HFSE at Strange Lake were partly concentrated to near exploitable levels as a result of their transport in a high salinity magmatic aqueous liquid, and that this fluid coexisted immiscibly with a carbonic phase which reacted with hydrogen and iron oxides generated during the associated hydrothermal alteration to produce hydrocarbons via a Fischer–Tropsch synthesis. As a result, hydrocarbons and HFSE mineralization are intimately associated. We then go on to show that hydrothermal alteration, HFSE mineralisation and hydrocarbons are also spatially associated in other peralkaline complexes, and present a model to explain this association, which we believe may be applicable to any peralkaline intrusion where HFSE enrichment was accompanied by calcium metasomatism, hematisation and hydrothermal fluorite. We also suggest that, even where these criteria are not satisfied, hydrothermally enriched HFSE and hydrocarbons will be intimately associated simply because they are products of the same initial magmatic fluid. Finally, we speculate that the association of HFSE and hydrocarbons may in some cases actually be genetic, if, as seems possible, unmixing or effervescence of a reduced carbonic fluid from the original magmatic fluid caused changes in temperature, pH, fO2 or the activity of volatile ligands sufficient to induce the deposition of HFSE minerals.  相似文献   

对达来诺尔湖北岸岸边(DL-0)、湖中心(DL-1)和湖南岸(DL-2)3个点的岩心沉积物进行了详细的岩性分析、粒度分析和粒度参数垂向分布序列分析。对沉积环境变化较为敏感的粒度组分的分析发现DL-0与DL-1和DL-2井岩心沉积物敏感粒度组分的峰值有较大差别,其粒度分布范围相差较大,表明湖北岸岸边、湖中心和湖南岸的沉积物来源和沉积环境的时空差异。敏感粒度组分含量随深度变化的初步分析表明,湖北岸岸边(DL-0)和湖中心(DL-1)两个点的沉积环境较为稳定;而位于湖南岸(DL-2)点的沉积环境变化比较大,包含了5个明显的沉积波动旋回,并对达来诺尔湖由北至南进行了沉积地层分析。在达来诺尔湖水下1.5m内主要是粒径0~200μm的颗粒,岩性为粘土、粉砂和砂,以粘土和粉砂为主,随着深度的增加,黏土含量增大,粉砂和砂含量减小。  相似文献   

江西省鄱阳湖及周边经济区土壤有机碳储量分布特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
土壤是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,土壤碳储量研究在碳循环和全球变化中具有重要意义。本文利用江西省鄱阳湖及周边经济区多目标区域地球化学调查取得的土壤碳数据,计算了研究区表层、中层、深层土壤的全碳储量和有机碳储量,分析其有机碳储量和有机碳密度的分布特征。结果表明:研究区总体碳储量是以有机碳储量为主;表层土壤(0~0.2 m)的有机碳密度为3512 t/km2,有机碳储量为1.38亿吨;中层土壤(0~1.0 m)的有机碳密度为11156 t/km2,有机碳储量为4.39亿吨;深层土壤(0~1.8 m)的有机碳密度为15617 t/km2,有机碳储量为6.14亿吨。与全国农业地质调查数据进行对比,研究区表层土壤的有机碳密度高于全国农业地质调查区内表层土壤有机碳密度的10.86%,中层及深层土壤的有机碳密度与全国农业地质调查区平均水平接近,显示研究区土壤的有机碳储量巨大。进一步分析研究区不同土壤类型、不同土地利用类型、不同地貌单元、不同行政单元的土壤有机碳密度及有机碳储量,系统查明了土壤有机碳的分布和分配特征。研究认为,区域内各层土壤有机碳密度空间分布具有同一性特征,与所处区域的成土地质背景和植被覆盖率密切相关。土壤有机碳密度高值区均分布在山地和丘陵区,包括江西丰城市北部、高安市南部、乐平市周边地区等古生代炭质岩和煤系地层区,其中乐平市表层土壤的有机碳密度最高;低值区均分布在湖区和水系河谷地区。该成果可为江西省的碳循环和碳排放研究提供可靠的数据基础。  相似文献   

巢湖富营养化过程的沉积记录   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
姚书春  李世杰 《沉积学报》2004,22(2):343-347
土地利用和人类活动加剧所导致的营养元素输入的增加是引起湖泊富营养化趋势增强的重要原因。巢湖沉积钻孔柱状样中总有机碳和总氮自20世纪70年代以来呈明显升高趋势,分别增加了2.5、2.9倍。由柱状样中的TOC/TN比值、TARHC、OEP判断得出,19世纪末到20世纪40年代中期TOC是陆源和内源两种来源并重;20世纪40年代中期到20世纪70年代初期以陆源为主,并可能存在石油污染;20世纪70年代以来沉积物有机质中藻类来源的有机质占主要地位。巢湖沉积柱状样的研究表明20世纪70年代以来巢湖富营养化开始恶化。  相似文献   

Despite the upsurge in hydrocarbon exploration in the Lake Albert Rift Basin(LARB)over the past three decades,systematic characterization of hydrocarbon compositions remains lacking,leading to uncertainties in source rock and oil generation determination.We characterized crude oil compositions and oil sand samples in the northern and southern subbasins of LARB.The relative abundance of normal and branched linear alkanes,hopanes,steranes,and aromatic hydrocarbon suggest that northern and southern hydrocarbons were deposited in anoxic to suboxic lacustrine environments and share similar biological source compositions(i.e.,a mixture of plants and aquatic algae and bacteria).Relative to southern samples,northern samples show more negative δ13C values for oils,saturates and aromatics,indicating longer migration paths,and exhibit higher MPI-1,DNR-1 and 4-/1-MDBT ratios,indicating higher maturity.Between the two possible sets of source rocks(upper Miocene and Jurassic strata),the positive δ13C values of saturated hydrocarbons(average=-20.5‰)suggest that the upper Miocene lacustrine shale is the most likely candidate.Oleanane index(<5% in our samples)does not exclude either source rock possibility,and C28/C29 regular sterane(average=0.63)may be biased by high terrestrial inputs in a lacustrine setting.Together,our data show that northern and southern oils originate from the same source rocks but different oil kitchens.Given the similar geochemical characteristics of southern and northern oils,previous exploration successes in the northern subbasin likely suggest similar potential in the southern sector,while other elements influencing exploration success must be also evaluated.  相似文献   

Glaciated alpine landscapes are sensitive to changes in climate. Shifts in temperature and precipitation can cause significant changes to glacier size and terminus position, the production and delivery of organic mass, and in the hydrologic energy related to the transport of water and sediment through proglacial environments. A sediment core representing a 12,900-yr record collected from Swiftcurrent Lake, located on the eastern side of Glacier National Park, Montana, was analyzed to assess variability in Holocene and latest Pleistocene environment. The spectral signature of total organic carbon content (%TOC) since ~ 7.6 ka matches that of solar forcing over 70-500 yr timescales. Periodic inputs of dolomite to the lake reflect an increased footprint of Grinnell Glacier, and occur during periods when sediment sinks are reduced, glacial erosion is increased, and hydrologic energy is increased. Grain size, carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios, and %TOC broadly define the termination of the Younger Dryas chronozone at Swiftcurrent Lake, as well as major Holocene climate transitions. Variability in core parameters is linked to other records of temperature and aridity in the northern Rocky Mountains over the late Pleistocene and Holocene.  相似文献   

Sediment and water from the Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu were analyzed to examine the historical relation between the accumulation of biogenic silica (BSi) and total phosphorus (TP). The results indicate that BSi accumulation in the northern part of Lake Taihu had been controlled by diatom production and phosphorus loading since the 1950s. BSi accumulation increased with the growing agricultural activity since the 1950s, up to a maximum level in the 1960s. After that, BSi accumulation decreased due to the diatom dissolution till the 1980s, and then the diatom biomass decreased with BSi accumulation increased. Lake Taihu came into an accelerated eutrophication periods since the 1990s, while BSi accumulation began to increase but the proportion of diatom decreased. Although the onset of silica depletion cannot be confirmed in the present work, it is clear that BSi accumulation was restrained by the input of TP.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of organic matter from lake sediments has been extensively used to infer variations in productivity. In this paper, based on the study of the contents and δ13C values of organic matter in different types of lakes, it has been found that δ13C values of organic matter have different responses to lake productivity in different lakes. As to the lakes dominated by aqutic macrophytes such as Lake Caohai, organic matter becomes enriched in 13C with increasing productivity. As to the lakes dominated by aquatic algae such as Lake Chenghai, δ13C values of organic matter decrease with increasing productivity, and the degradation of aquatic algae is the main factor leading to the decrease of δ13C values of organic matter with increasing productivity. Therefore, we should be cautious to use the carbon isotopic composition of organic matter to deduce lake productivity.  相似文献   

Information on the organic compounds in water of Mochou Lake and Heart Lake, Antarctica is given in this paper. 93 organic compounds were identified from 121 chemical constituents in lake water, including n-alkanes, lipidal isopentadienes, aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatics, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, monocarboxylic acids and phthalic esters in the range of 0. 027~4. 97 μg/L. Organic compounds of global occurrence like BHC, DDT and PCBs were detected in the water,at the concentration of 0. 012~0. 356 μg/L.  相似文献   

通过对鄱阳湖沉积物的高密度采样和有机质碳同位素分析,讨论了鄱阳湖近 8 ka来的古气候环境.鄱阳湖沉积物有机质δ 13C值为-22.42‰~-32.42‰,属 C3类植物来源.暖湿期δ 13C值相对偏负;冷(凉)干期δ 13C值相对偏正.这些记录表明,鄱阳湖近 8 ka来经历了 4次暖湿和 4次冷(凉)干的气候环境变化, 7 900~3 660 a B.P.、3 440~2 990 a B.P.、2 940~2 170 a B.P.、1 820~6 50 a B.P.属相对温暖湿润的气候环境;3 660~3 440 a B.P.、2 990~2 940 a B.P.、2 170~1 820 a B.P.、650~200 a B.P.为相对冷凉干旱的气候环境,自 200 a B.P.(1 750 A.D.)以来湖区气候开始转暖.暖湿期持续时间较长,冷(凉)干期持续时间较短,1 000 a B.C.左右为一次重要的气候变冷事件.我国全新世几个特征性气候在湖区均有不同的显示,并与孢粉、硅藻、历史记录所反映的古气候环境对应性较好,可以作为恢复古气候变化的灵敏指标.  相似文献   

To determine the degree of hydrocarbon contamination and the contribution of local petroleum industries to contaminant loadings in sediments from the Beiluohe River, China, 12 surface sediment samples were collected for geochemical analysis in 2005. Sediment samples were extracted by organic solvents, separated by silica gel column chromatography and the profiles of n-alkanes, biomarkers and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Concentrations of total hydrocarbons in the sediments varied from 12.1 to 3,761.5 μg g−1 dry wt, indicating that most sediments in Beiluohe River was only slightly to moderately contaminated by hydrocarbons. Concentrations of PAHs for six samples (sum of 16 isomers) varied from 17.7 to 407.7 ng g−1 dry wt and at present low levels of PAHs did not cause adverse biological effects in Beiluohe River sedimentary environment. PAH compositions, n-alkanes and biomarker profiles all suggested that there were different sources of contaminations in studied areas. n-Alkanes reflect two distinct sources: a fossil n-alkane series from crude oil at sites S40, S43, S87 and plantwax n-alkanes at sites S39 and S45. Judged by their PAH ratios, the sediments at site S15 were pyrolytic, sediments at S17 and S43 were petrogenic, and sediments at S39, S40 and S64 had a mixture source of pyrolytic and petrogenic.  相似文献   

通过对湖光岩玛珥湖沉积物的TOC,TN,δ13CTOC,δ15N和s-ratio的研究,作者重建了全新世期间湖泊初级生产力的变 化,从而揭示了湖光岩地区全新世气候演变历史。早全新世时期(10 400~6100 yr BP),高值的TOC,TN,δ13CTOC和低值 的δ15N,s-ratio指示了高水平的湖泊初级生产力,反映温暖湿润的气候条件; 8500~7400 yr BP期间,δ15N出现最低值,同时 TN出现高值,表明可能受了固氮蓝藻的影响,指示该段时间季风减弱,可能为对应着8.2 ka事件;中全新世期间(6100~ 3600 yr BP),TOC,TN和δ13CTOC下降,s-ratio上升,指示湖泊生产力下降,气候逐渐向冷干转变;晚全新世期间(3600 yr BP至今),TOC和TN继续下降,δ13CTOC处于最低值,s-ratio达到最大值,代表季风最弱的时期和湖泊生产力持续降低。全新 世湖泊生产力的逐渐下降反映了季风的逐步减弱,而驱动因素则是北纬30°太阳辐射的减少。在~1000 yr BP以后,δ13CTOC与 δ15N表现出不同于全新世演化趋势的异常,可能指示人类活动的加剧,尤其是烧荒开田对沉积物的影响。  相似文献   

通过对进行了等时处理的甜水海钻孔有机碳含量所做的R/S分析,发现其存在明显的Hurst现象,Hurst楷数H为0.74,分数维D=2-H=1.26,这与太平洋深海岩芯的氧同位素分析结果非常接近。Hurst指数H=0.74〉0.5,表明甜水海地区气候环境演化存在的持续性(persistence)。甜水海地区地处青藏高原腹地,这种气候环境演化的持续特征可能是晚新生代以来青藏高原持续构造抬升活动影响的结  相似文献   

A new extended pollen and charcoal record is presented from Lake Euramoo, Wet Tropics World Heritage rainforest of northeast Queensland, Australia. The 8.4-m sediment core taken from the center of Lake Euramoo incorporates a complete record of vegetation change and fire history spanning the period from 23,000 cal yr B.P. to present. The pollen record is divided into five significant zones; 23,000–16,800 cal yr B.P., dry sclerophyll woodland; 16,800–8600 cal yr B.P., wet sclerophyll woodland with marginal rainforest in protected pockets; 8600–5000 cal yr B.P., warm temperate rainforest; 5000–70 cal yr B.P., dry subtropical rainforest; 70 cal yr B.P.–AD 1999, degraded dry subtropical rainforest with increasing influence of invasive species and fire.The process of rainforest development appears to be at least partly controlled by orbital forcing (precession), though more local environmental variables and human activity are also significant factors. This new record provides the opportunity to explore the relationship between fire, drought and rainforest dynamics in a significant World Heritage rainforest region.  相似文献   

The Wono and Trego Hot Springs (THS) tephras are widespread in the Lahontan basin and have been identified in a variety of sedimentary environments at different elevations. Davis (1983) reported lake level to be at about 1256 m when the THS tephra was deposited, an interpretation questioned by Benson et al. (1997) who interpreted lake level to be ≤ 1177 m at that time. This is a significant difference in lake size with important implications for interpreting the climate that prevailed at that time. Based on new interpretations of depositional settings of the THS bed at multiple sites, the larger lake size is correct. Additional sites containing the Wono tephra indicate that it was deposited when lake level was at about 1217 m in the western subbasins and at about 1205 m in the Carson Sink. Sedimentary features associated with progressively deeper paleowater depths follow a predictable pattern that is modulated by proximity to sediment sources and local slope. Fine to coarse sands with wave-formed features are commonly associated with relatively shallow water. Silty clay or clay dominates in paleowater depths > 25 m, with thin laminae of sand and ostracods at sites located adjacent to or downslope from steep mountain fronts.  相似文献   

青藏高原北部可可西里库赛湖年纹层微区分析及形成机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈钰  刘兴起  何利  叶莉  陈惠芬  李凯 《地质学报》2016,90(5):1006-1015
湖泊年纹层是进行高分辨率古气候环境研究的重要载体之一,其形成机理的研究能够为高分辨率古气候环境信息的提取提供重要的依据。本文以青藏高原北部可可西里库赛湖沉积的年纹层为研究对象,通过纹层薄片显微镜观察,以及纹层的扫描电镜、X衍射和同步辐射X射线荧光等微区分析,对库赛湖沉积年纹层的形态、沉积和成分特征进行了研究,以探讨库赛湖年纹层形成过程和机理。结果表明:年纹层层偶由深浅相间的微层组成,深色层主要由灰褐色—黑褐色的粗颗粒物质组成,磨圆中等、分选性差,矿物以石英、长石、白云母、黏土矿物等为主,其中石英含量占73%左右,且具有明显的风力搬运特征;浅色层呈灰白色,矿物颗粒较细,除石英、长石、白云母、黏土外,还有自生的文石,同时浅色层中含有大量的枝角类碎片和半月形介形类生物壳体。研究认为,库赛湖冬季温度低、风力强劲,风的机械搬运作用使大量的陆源物质在冰面堆积,等到春季湖泊开封,冰面上粗颗粒物质沉积到湖底形成库赛湖年纹层的深色层(粗颗粒层);夏季温度升高,冰雪融化,降水增加,河流搬运的陆源粗颗粒物质由于重力作用先在湖泊边缘沉积,而黏土矿物等细颗粒物质则在湖泊中心沉积,同时夏季湖水温度升高,蒸发作用加强,生物活动增强,湖泊自身的生物、化学作用加强,从而形成以细碎屑矿物、生物残体、自生碳酸盐沉积为主的浅色层(细颗粒层)。因此,库赛湖的年纹层层偶是由冬季冰面风成物质形成的粗颗粒深色层(冰融化后,风成物质沉降至湖底堆积)和夏季沉积的细颗粒浅色层两者交替而形成的。  相似文献   

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