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泥炭地是一种水-陆过渡型的湿地生态系统。水体沼泽化过程中,植被等生物群落也随之改变,进而影响泥炭地碳埋藏和发育过程。作为泥炭地生态系统重要的次级生产者,摇蚊群落结构变迁可以为追溯泥炭地环境演变和发育历史提供关键线索。泥炭地在发育过程中将经历各种不同阶段,然而,现有的泥炭地摇蚊群落调查仅限于泥炭生境或泥炭地中开阔水域,较短的生境梯度不足以提供更为全面的摇蚊群落变化信息。神农架大九湖湿地包含泥炭地、湖泊、临时性水体等多种生境,本研究选择该湿地公园作为研究区域,通过采集不同生境的表层沉积物及水体样品,提取底泥亚化石摇蚊头壳,分析大九湖湿地中不同生境下的摇蚊群落结构差异,并对其与环境因子间的关系进行探讨。结果表明:1)大九湖湿地不同生境中摇蚊优势种迥异,泥炭藓藓丘生境中Limnophyes、Psilometriocnemus、Pseudosmittia等半陆生种类为主要优势种,湖泊生境中则以典型静水种Polypedilum nubeculosum-type为主要优势种,而过渡性水域(泥炭地洼地、沟渠及水洼生境)中,静水种与半陆生种共存;2)烧失量、水位埋深和pH是塑造不同生境类型下摇蚊群落结构的显著环境因子,水文条件主要通过改变碳积累过程等其他环境条件间接影响生物群落组成;3)沿水生-半陆生生境梯度,有机质含量和类型均发生显著变化,而摇蚊群落也由静水种、静水/半陆生共存转变为以半陆生种为主,摇蚊群落对生境变化表现出良好的响应过程。本研究揭示了不同生境条件下摇蚊群落的结构差异及影响摇蚊群落结构的潜在因子,为未来基于摇蚊的长时间尺度上泥炭地发育过程分析提供参考依据。 相似文献
为了探讨泥炭藓共生细菌和泥炭表层沉积物细菌群落的垂向变化以及它们在湿地生态系统中的作用,对大九湖泥炭湿地泥炭藓植株的不同部位和下伏泥炭沉积物进行了分层采样.利用克隆文库和荧光定量PCR技术对样品中的细菌进行了定性和定量分析.结果表明,尽管细菌的16S rRNA基因拷贝数在同一个数量级(108个拷贝/克样品),并以变形菌和酸杆菌占优势,但细菌群落组成由泥炭藓上部至下部再到泥炭沉积物不同深度存在显著的空间变化.泥炭藓上部以蓝细菌(Cyanobacteria)和a变形菌门(alpha-Proteobacteria)为主,中部则以酸杆菌门(Acidobateria)为主,泥炭藓下部和最表层泥炭以?变形菌门和酸杆菌门为主,地表以下的泥炭样品以酸杆菌门占优势.细菌组成的这种空间分布规律与细菌的生态功能密切相关.泥炭藓上部的蓝细菌通过光合作用与泥炭藓共生.酸杆菌门的细菌一方面能适应泥炭湿地低pH的环境条件,另一方面还在泥炭藓植株的降解及泥炭的形成中发挥重要作用,并可能参与泥炭湿地酸性条件的形成.在泥炭藓不同部位均发现了甲基胞囊菌科(Methylocystaceae)的克隆,暗示甲烷氧化不仅局限于泥炭藓死亡的透明细胞中,而是在泥炭藓的整个植株中均可能存在着活跃的甲烷氧化过程.这一工作对深刻理解和定量研究泥炭地的微生物地球化学过程,特别是甲烷通量以及甲烷循环具有重要意义. 相似文献
探究湖泊生态系统稳态转换机制对科学管理湖泊环境具有重大的意义本文通过西氿沉积岩芯XJ2018中的生物指标(摇蚊亚化石)及地球化学指标(总氮和总磷),探讨了其环境演变历程以及生态系统的稳态转换摇蚊亚化石群落变化和系统突变指数(RSI)结果均表明,西氿生态系统在近40年内经历了明显的稳态转换1990s前,湖泊营养状态较低,水生植被覆盖度较高,摇蚊群落以附植型摇蚊(Cricotopus trifasciatus、Dicrotendipes spp)为主,广食性的长足类摇蚊丰度最低,此时西氿为草型-清水态湖泊;以1990年为节点一直到2000年前后,由于宜兴市围网养鱼以及农业发展迅速,湖泊营养状态在较短的时间内,发生了一次显著的转变,附植型类群逐步减少,广食型类群(Tanypus chinensis、Microchironomus tabarui)暴发且逐步占据统治地位,湖泊营养化程度逐渐加剧,由草型逐步向藻型过渡; 2000 2010年,湖泊生态系统进一步恶化,附植型类群几乎消失,广食型长足亚科(Tanypus chinensis、Procladius choreus)占绝对优势,2010年以后,附植型摇蚊类群的恢复和广食型摇蚊数量的下降,表明随着生态保护的重视和生态治理的实施,西氿环境略有改善,但藻型富营养湖泊的状态仍未改变. 相似文献
偏远的亚高山湿地受人为活动直接干扰较小,是追踪气候变化和大气沉降双重影响下湿地生态系统演化的理想研究地.本研究以位于巫山的葱坪湿地为研究对象,基于一根50 cm沉积岩芯的210Pb和137Cs测年、摇蚊亚化石和元素序列,探讨该湿地近200年来环境演化历史.结果表明,摇蚊种群由1910年之前的Chironomus anthracinus-type、Limnophyes sp.、Cladotanytarsus mancus-type 1变为1910-1925年的C.mancus-type 1、C.anthracinus-type、Procladius sp.和Endochironomus impar-type的优势组合,这些优势种均指示浅水环境.此后,耐营养种E.impar-type、Polypedilum nubeculosum-type和C.anthracinus-type逐渐成为优势种.冗余分析表明,总磷、总碳和钙是解释摇蚊组合变化的显著环境因子.20世纪30年代以前摇蚊种群可能与进入湿地的径流量小、水位较低相关,而20世纪中叶以来摇蚊组合变化指示大气沉降增长背景下湿地营养富集过程.在大气沉降和气候变化的双重影响下,耐营养属种增加和生物多样性降低表明葱坪湿地生态环境正发生退化. 相似文献
近200 a来云南阳宗海摇蚊群落多样性及稳定性变化 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
云南省拥有丰富的生物多样性,其生态系统稳定性对于发挥生态系统服务功能十分重要,但近几十年以来的人类活动以及气候变化带来的干扰削弱了该区域的生态系统功能.本文以阳宗海为研究对象,探讨了1820s—2006年间人类活动背景下摇蚊群落多样性和稳定性的变化过程,并进一步探讨阳宗海摇蚊群落多样性与稳定性之间的关系.利用沉积物中的营养指标(总有机碳(TOC)含量、总氮(TN)含量和TOC/TN摩尔比)及摇蚊分别重建了湖泊营养变化及摇蚊群落物种丰富度、均匀度、相似度和稳定性(ar1),利用PCA第1轴代表摇蚊群落以检测突变点.研究发现摇蚊群落组成与湖泊营养变化有较好的一致性,二者在1990年左右发生突变,物种丰富度、均匀度和相似度指数分别在1950s、1990s初以及1970s初升高,说明摇蚊群落组成逐渐多样化,种属分布更加均匀.通过检测发现摇蚊群落稳定性在1960s初开始降低,比湖泊系统突变提前30 a左右.摇蚊群落的物种丰富度、均匀度以及稳定性指标伴随着湖泊外源营养物质输入比例增加而升高,群落多样性与稳定性之间的相关性分析表明群落稳定性随物种丰富度的升高而降低. 相似文献
江湖联通状况对湖泊生态系统有着重要影响,但是由于缺乏长期的生态水文监测数据,湖泊系统对其响应的过程与机理仍缺乏认识.本研究选择长江中下游地区典型湖泊——涨渡湖,结合该湖一沉积短柱的210Pb、137Cs年代测试,通过高分辨率的多指标分析(硅藻、元素地球化学和粒度),揭示近200年来湖泊生态系统对该湖与长江之间联通关系改变的响应过程.与历史文献记载一致,古湖沼学记录揭示出该湖与长江的联通状况经历了3个阶段.1)江湖联通期(1954年以前):该湖与长江自然相通,江湖水体交换频繁,丰富的贫营养浮游种Cyclotella bodanica表明该湖长期处于低营养及湖泊水位相对较高的状态.2)江湖隔绝期(1954 2005年):随着湖坝的兴建,江湖联通关系被隔绝,湖泊换水周期变长,透明度降低,喜好扰动环境的Aulacoseria granulata大量生长.相应地,富营养硅藻的增加、高TOC含量以及较高的沉积物TP、TN浓度表明,该湖营养水平逐渐升高.特别是近20年来,较高含量的富营养硅藻种——C.meneghinena、A.alpigena、Nitzschia palea、Surirella minuta和地球化学记录,包括TOC含量和沉积物TP、TN浓度,表明该湖富营养化程度加剧.3)江湖季节性联通期(2005年后):硅藻以附生种、底栖种为主,但仍有一定含量的富营养化属种,且TOC含量以及沉积物TP、TN浓度仍然保持较高水平,表明富营养程度有所缓解.古湖沼学和历史记录都揭示了自该湖与长江无连通后其生态状况的快速退化、重新联通后生态状况有所好转.因此,在长江中下游洪泛平原区,江湖关系的重新联通将是减轻湖泊生态压力的有效手段. 相似文献
基于新疆巴音布鲁克高寒湿地中一碟形洼地沉积岩芯210Pb测年、摇蚊、沉积理化指标分析结果,利用冗余分析,结合气象资料,探讨了近60 a来气候变化对摇蚊演替的影响.摇蚊亚化石组合表明,从1990s开始摇蚊优势种从适应性较强的Chironomus plumosus-type向与水生植物关系密切的Dicrotendips nervosus-type、Paratanytarsus penicillatus-type转变.冗余分析结果表明总有机碳含量和粒度是影响摇蚊组合演替的主要环境因子,两者共同解释了摇蚊组合变化的31%.气候变化通过改变湿地水量平衡影响水生植被、土壤侵蚀和水体扰动,进而影响摇蚊种群演替. 相似文献
采用210pb方法对亚北极白令海B2~9岩芯样进行定年,获得分辨率以10年等级变化的100来年(1890~1999年)连续海洋沉积环境序列.该岩芯样检出众多的分子化石,正构烷烃、类异戊二烯、脂肪酸和甾醇等.利用这些精细分子C27,C28,C29甾醇及分子组合特征Pr/Ph,Ph+22/∑C-21,CPI,C18:2/C18:0并结合有机碳含量变化,重建100年以来亚北极海洋环境变化史.结果表明过去的100年以来北极经历了两次较强的气候变暖事件(7.5~5.5 cm和3.0~0.0 cm,对应时间段约1920~1950,1980~1999年),随之陆源物质减少,海洋自生源增长而沉积环境呈氧化状态.还经历了两次短暂的降温事件(8.0 cm和4.0~3.0 cm,对应时间段1910和1970~1980年),随之陆源物质增加,海洋自生源相应减少,沉积环境呈弱还原状态.同时揭示了这两种冷与暖变化过程与北极区域性和全球性变化有直接关系. 相似文献
干旱区湖泊沉积可以有效记录区域湿度变化及粉尘活动历史,位于柴达木盆地德令哈南部的咸水封闭湖泊尕海具有恢复区域环境变化的潜力.该地区的长序列环境演变研究已开展了较多的工作,但缺乏短尺度、高分辨率的近代以来的环境变化湖泊记录.通过对尕海深水区短钻岩芯放射性核素210Pb和137Cs的年代测定和沉积物各指标分析,认为尕海沉积物碳酸盐含量可以反映区域湿度变化;而粗颗粒组分(66.9μm)主要由风力搬运入湖,其含量可以指示区域粉尘活动历史.区域近400 a的环境变化可划分为3个阶段:1633 1750 AD:各指标出现大幅度波动,表现出该时期气候环境的不稳定和干湿交替,其中1650 1720 AD的变化波动尤为显著,这与太阳活动进入Maunder极小期存在一定的联系.1750 1950 AD:区域气候环境无明显波动,碳酸盐含量逐渐降低,湿度增加.1950 2010 AD:各指标变动剧烈,区域虽降水增多,但由于蒸发加强,湿度降低;1974 AD以后粗颗粒组分含量急剧上升,表现出高强度尘暴事件. 相似文献
用归一化月速率方法处理了6次强震前近震中区11个台的地电阻率数据,得到在孕震中短期至短临阶段,与主压应力方向正交(或近于正交)测向的地电阻率下降变化的速率大于平行(或近于平行)主应力方向的变化速率.产生变化速率各向异性的原因可能是:在孕震后期的扩容阶段,裂隙走向沿主压应力方向优势排列,导电流体活动产生真电阻率变化速率的各向异性,表现为地表视电阻率变化速率的各向异性.本文为视电阻率各向异性的实验结果提供了震例支持,物理解释比较清晰,可能成为研究某些强震孕育晚期震源区及其附近地壳应力状态的参考依据. 相似文献
The frequency and intensity of drought is projected to increase within the boreal region under future climatic conditions. Peatlands are widely considered to regulate water loss under drought conditions, increasing surface resistance (rs) and reducing evaporative losses. This maintains peat moisture content, increasing the resilience of these globally important carbon stores. However, the magnitude and form of this important negative feedback response remains uncertain. To address this, we monitored the response of rs to drought within four peat cores under controlled meteorological conditions. When the water‐table was dropped to a depth of 0.30 m and the humidity reduced to ≤40%, a step shift in rs from ~50 s m‐1 up to 1000 s m‐1 was observed within burned and unburned peat, which virtually shuts down evaporation, limiting water loss. We show that measured near‐surface tension cannot be used to directly calculate this transition in peat surface resistance. However, empirical relationships that account for strong vertical variations in tension through the near‐surface and/or disequilibrium between pore air and near‐surface pore water pressure provide the potential to incorporate this negative feedback response into peatland ecohydrological models. Further observations are necessary to examine this response under dynamic atmospheric conditions. We suggest that the link between surface temperature and evaporation provides potential to further examine this feedback in either burned peatlands or peatlands with a low vascular vegetation cover. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
统计分析了青藏高原不同区域水体环境表层沉积物陆相介形类的属种分布特征,探讨了介形类在不同水环境下(盐度、pH值及水深)对生态环境的响应.结果显示,青藏高原现生介形类共计21属67种,其中Candona candida、Ilyocypris bradyi、Eucypris inflata、Limnocythere dubiosa、Limnocythere inopinata、Paracypricerus angulata、Leucocytherella sinensis和Leucocythere mirabilis为青藏高原地区的常见种.湖泊、河流、洼地和湿地4类水体环境中,湖泊中介形类最为丰富,达19属62种;青藏高原东北部(祁连山和柴达木盆地)、北部(昆仑山)、西部和南部不同区域的介形类常见种存在较大差异,可能是区域海拔、pH值和盐度综合作用的结果.淡水和微咸水环境介形类属种数量较咸水及盐湖中丰富,分别有17属41种和13属42种,Limnocythere dubiosa (0.52~90.6 g/L)和Leucocythere mirabilis(0.51~174.63 g/L)在淡水、咸水及盐湖中均有出现,适应盐度范围较广;pH值在8.0~10.0范围内介形类属种多样性最丰富,表明大部分介形类具有嗜碱性的特征;青藏高原陆相介形类属种多样性随水深的增加而降低,浅湖(0~15 m)中介形类属种最为丰富,达到17属52种,其中Candona candida(0.2~80 m)和Leucocythere dorsotuberosa(0.3~110 m)从滨湖至深湖区均有分布,二者均具有较大的水深适应范围. 相似文献
Recent studies have shown that boreal peatlands exhibit considerable chemical variability but without clear spatial pattern. This chemical heterogeneity illustrates the complex hydrological behaviour of peatlands, particularly patterned fen. Isotopic, chemical and physical tracers were used to describe the hydrological behaviour of a small boreal headwater catchment (13 ha) during the snow‐free period with a special emphasis on the downstream patterned fen. Results showed that shallow pools were mixed every day during the summer, particularly during nights or discharge periods. Despite large water storage capacities in pools, which should induce large buffer effect, hydrological behaviour of patterned fen is more similar to a piston flow process. This is probably because of the division of the fen into successive small cascading streamflow reservoirs. The consequences were a rapid change of the chemical signature throughout the fen, particularly upstream. A spatial pattern was observed downstream in early summer. The isotopic signature passed from an upstream depleted and homogeneous signature to a progressively enriched downstream signature. However, this pattern was not identified during the wetter period (late summer), probably because the discharge, which dominated the water budget, decreased the surface water residence time and flushed a large proportion of stored surface water. We developed for this patterned fen a conceptual model of the surface flow to explain these particular mixing effects and the implications on the dynamics of the chemical signature. To further our understanding of similar boreal headwater catchments, future work should include the development of a multiple mixed‐reservoir model. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
采用天然河道实测资料分析和实验室试验分析方法对伊拉克底格里斯河摩苏尔55km河段的河道床沙组成进行研究,目的是分析河床表层及底层泥沙组成,以及该河段的床沙粗化条件.通过收集天然河道的床沙资料,对沙样进行实验室分析,结果表明:底格里斯河摩苏尔河段床沙已形成粗化:一般河床表层泥沙颗粒大小分布随着河段距离的增加而减小,床沙接近于均勻分布,表层床沙沙样颗粒中圆盘形、 球形、柱形和片状分别为48.34%、25.2%、15.34%和11.08%.在床沙的表层和底层泥沙以粗沙砾石为主,分别为74%和36%. 相似文献
Recent studies have suggested that the hydrologic connectivity of northern headwater catchments is likely controlled by antecedent moisture conditions and land cover patterns. A water storage model (EWS), based on water levels (WLs), specific yield (Sy) and surface elevation (SE) changes, was compared with a basic water budget of a small, boreal, patterned fen (13 ha) during the ice‐free period. Results showed that the EWS model reproduced well storage variations derived from the water budget. These results suggest that storage variations can be properly represented by the fluctuations of WLs when we consider the heterogeneous soil properties. However, storage deviations occurred at the daily scale and could be explained by a lack of information on water retention in unsaturated layers, canopy interceptions and preferential flows. Despite the significant impact of SE changes on the different peatland cover storage budgets (strings and lawns), using Sy mean values had a low impact on storage estimations. This can be explained by the large proportion of pools and high WLs throughout the fen. At the fen scale, high storage in the pools seemed to reduce the Sy difference between strings and lawns. The results of this study provide new insights about the complex hydrological behaviour of northern catchments and allow for conceiving new hydrological modelling perspectives. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
2006年4月在武汉月湖采集了8个样点的水样和表层沉积物样品,采用气-质联用技术分析了样品中25种半挥发性有机污染物(SVOCs)的含量,探讨月湖受有机物污染的程度.水样中25种半挥发性有机污染物总浓度为564.04-1209.41ng/L,平均值为965.64ng/L.沉积物中总浓度为8500.26-23347.20ng/g(DW),平均值为14832.04ng/g(DW).邻苯二甲酸酯类物质是月湖的主要污染物,其中,邻苯二甲酸乙基己基酯和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯含量最高.多环芳烃、硝基甲苯、异佛尔酮等均有不同程度检出,靠近以前的排污口的样点浓度最高.沉积物中25种半挥发性有机污染物的含量大约是水体中含量的15倍,具有潜在生态风险. 相似文献
Hydrology, particularly the water table position below the surface (relative water level, RWL), is an important control on biogeochemical and ecological processes in peatlands. The surface elevation (SE) in a peatland oscillates in response to changes in effective stress on the peat matrix mainly caused by water level fluctuations. This phenomenon is called peatland surface oscillation (PSO). To investigate the spatiotemporal variability of PSO, surface elevation and the water level above sea level (AWL) were measured monthly (23 sites) over one year in a warm‐temperate restiad peatland, New Zealand. At one site peat surface elevation was measured indirectly by monitoring AWL and RWL continuously with pressure transducers. Annual PSO (the difference between maximum and minimum surface elevation) ranged from 3·2 to 28 cm (mean = 14·9 cm). Surface elevation changes were caused by AWL fluctuations. Spatially homogenous AWL fluctuations (mean 40 cm among sites) translated into RWL fluctuations reduced 27–56% by PSO except for three sites with shallow and dense peat at the peatland margin (7–17%). The SE‐AWL relationship was linear for 15 sites. However, eight sites showed significantly higher rates of surface elevation changes during the wet season and thus a non‐linear behaviour. We suggest flotation of upper peat layers during the wet season causing this non‐linear behaviour. Surprisingly, PSO was subjected to hysteresis: the positive SE‐AWL relationship reversed after rainfall when the surface slowly rose despite rapidly receding AWL. Hysteresis was more prominent during the dry season than during the wet season. Total peat thickness and bulk density together could only explain 50% of the spatial variability of PSO based on manual measurements. However, we found three broad types of SE‐AWL relationships differing in shape and slope of SE‐AWL curves. These oscillation types reflected patterns in vegetation and flooding. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Lisa R. Belyea 《水文研究》2007,21(5):675-687
On patterned peatlands, open water pools develop within a matrix of terrestrial vegetation (‘ridges’). Regional patterns in the distribution of ridge–pool complexes suggest that the relative cover of these two surface types is controlled in part by climate wetness, but landscape topography must also be an important controlling factor. In this paper, a functional model that relates relative cover of ridges and pools to climate and surface gradient was developed and tested. The model was formulated in terms of a water budget, based on the differential effects of ridges and pools on losses by evapotranspiration and subsurface flow. It predicts a positive relationship between surface gradient and ridge proportion, with a linear effect related to water supply and ridge hydraulic conductivity, modified at high ridge proportion by differences in evapotranspiration between ridges and pools. The limit to patterned peatland distribution occurs where the surface is completely covered by ridges. The model may be sensitive or insensitive to climate differences between localities, depending on whether hydraulic characteristics of ridge peat co‐vary with water supply. To distinguish between these alternative hypotheses, surface gradient and ridge proportion were surveyed along 20 transects in each of three localities in Scotland that differ threefold in net precipitation to pools. The results of the field survey served to reject the climate‐sensitive hypothesis, but were consistent with the climate‐insensitive hypothesis. Analysis of the residuals suggested that variation within localities was related more to topographic control of water supply than to ridge hydraulic conductivity or developmental stage. Hence, within this maritime climate region, the distribution of ridge–pool complexes and the relative abundance of pools are controlled mainly by topographic variables. Field surveys across both maritime and continental regions are required to confirm a subtle climatic effect that allows pools to occur on higher gradients in drier climates than in wetter climates. Further development and testing of the functional model will provide a stronger basis for assessing potential feedback between climate change, peatland surface structure and methane emission from pools. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献