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A review and reinterpretation of previous experimental data on the deformation of partially melted crustal rocks reveals that the relationship of aggregate strength to melt fraction is non‐linear, even if plotted on a linear ordinate and abscissa. At melt fractions, Φ < 0.07, the dependence of aggregate strength on Φ is significantly greater than at Φ > 0.07. This melt fraction (Φ = 0.07) marks the transition from a significant increase in the proportion of melt‐bearing grain boundaries up to this point to a minor increase thereafter. Therefore, we suggest that it is the increase of melt‐interconnectivity that causes the dramatic strength drop between the solidus and a melt fraction of 0.07. We term this drop the ‘melt connectivity transition’ (MCT). A second, less‐pronounced strength drop occurs at higher melt fractions and corresponds to the breakdown of the solid (crystal) framework. This is the ‘solid‐to‐liquid transition’ (SLT), corresponding to the well known ‘rheologically critical melt percentage’. Although the strength drop at the SLT is about four orders of magnitude, the absolute value of this drop is small compared with the absolute strength of the unmelted aggregate, rendering the SLT invisible in a linear aggregate strength v. melt‐fraction diagram. On the other hand, the more important MCT has been overlooked in previous work because experimental data usually are plotted in logarithmic strength v. melt‐fraction diagrams, obscuring large strength drops at high absolute strength values. We propose that crustal‐scale localization of deformation effectively coincides with the onset of melting, pre‐empting attainment of the SLT in most geological settings. The SLT may be restricted to controlling flow localization within magmatic bodies, especially where melt accumulates.  相似文献   

Continental collision results in deep burial of crustal rocks and their subsequent partial melting. Field relations of melt along zones of intense deformation suggest that partially molten rocks may play an important role in regional tectonics. However, subsequent deformation may erase the microstructures produced by the earlier deformation mechanisms, inhibiting our understanding of the rheology of partially molten crustal rocks. Thus, in this paper, we report the results of an experimental study of the distribution of 2–5 vol% melt in quartzo-feldspathic aggregates of various grain sizes: 2–5, 5–10, 10–16 and 26–31 μm. Three types of samples were examined, all with the composition of 60 wt% albite, 25 wt% potassium feldspar, 10 wt% quartz and 5 wt% biotite. The first group included mineral powders annealed at 1000 °C, 1.0 GPa, for c. 100 h. The second group included commercially hot-pressed mineral powders which yielded c. 25 vol% glass; cores of this material were also annealed at 1000 °C, 1.0 GPa, for c. 100 h. The third group included cores of hot-pressed material that were annealed at 1000 °C, 1.0 GPa, for c. 45 h, then deformed. All samples were quenched rapidly in order to examine the melt distribution. Wetting angles are very similar in both the hydrostatically annealed and the deformed samples. Analysis of melt pool orientations reveal that melt migrates away from grain boundaries normal to the maximum compressive stress direction in response to the applied non-hydrostatic stress. This response is easily seen in the coarser-grained samples in which melt pools elongated parallel to the maximum compressive stress direction formed during deformation. If these results extrapolate to naturally deformed rocks, it will be important to consider the orientation of the state of stress in a region during syn-magmatic deformation because of its effect on the melt distribution.  相似文献   

刘翔  陈国兴  孙田 《岩土力学》2012,33(11):3313-3317
基于某高速公路路基花岗岩全风化土浸水湿化的情况,采用GDS非饱和三轴仪进行了接近实际应力路径下三轴“单线法”湿化变形试验,研究了试样在不同围压、不同湿化应力水平下的湿化情况,得到了试样在湿化前后应力-应变曲线,轴变与体变间的变化规律,经成果分析表明,试样在湿化过程中均产生了轴变与体变,并且经湿化变形后产生了各向异性。当初始有效围压相同时,各湿化应力水平下的抗剪强度指标c、? 值近似相等,与干样相比,湿样的黏聚力c值减少明显,内摩擦角? 值变化不大。在初始有效围压较低情况下,试样约在轴向应变达10%左右时体积变形由剪缩变为剪胀,而在初始有效围压较高的情况下则没发生类似的现象。  相似文献   

The grain‐scale spatial arrangement of melt in layer‐parallel leucosomes in two anatectic rocks from two different contact aureoles located in central Maine, USA, is documented and used to constrain the controls on grain‐scale melt localization. The spatial distribution of grain‐scale melt is inferred from microstructural criteria for recognition of mineral pseudomorphs after melt and mineral grains of the solid matrix that hosted the melt. In both rocks, feldspar mimics the grain‐scale distribution of melt, and quartz is the major constituent of the solid matrix. The feldspar pockets consist of individual feldspar grains or aggregates of feldspar grains that show cuspate outlines. They have low average width/length ratios (0.54 and 0.55, respectively), and are interstitial between more rounded and equant (width/length ratios 0.65 for both samples) quartz grains. In two dimensions, the feldspar pockets extend over distances equivalent to multiple quartz grain diameters, possibly forming a connected three‐dimensional intergranular network. Both samples show similar mesoscopic structural elements and in both samples the feldspar pockets have a shape‐preferred orientation. In one sample, feldspar inferred to replace melt is aligned subparallel to the shape‐preferred orientation of quartz, indicating that pre‐ or syn‐anatectic strain controlled the grain‐scale distribution of melt. In the other sample, the preferred orientation of feldspar inferred to replace melt is different from the orientations of all other mesoscopic or microscopic structures in the rock, indicating that differential stress controlled grain‐scale melt localization. This is probably facilitated by conditions of higher differential stress, which may have promoted microfracturing. Grain‐scale melt distribution and inferred melt localization controls give insight into possible grain‐scale deformation mechanisms in melt‐bearing rocks. Application of these results to the interpretation of deep crustal anatectic rocks suggests that grain‐scale melt distribution should be controlled primarily by pre‐ or syn‐anatectic deformation. Feedback relations between melt localization and deformation are to be expected, with important implications for deformation and tectonic evolution of melt‐bearing rocks.  相似文献   

A suite of migmatites in uppermost amphibolite facies schists of the Koettlitz Group exposed in the Taylor Valley, Antarctica, provides direct evidence of the behaviour of partially molten rock during syn-anatectic deformation. The geometry of the migmatites is directly related to their position relative to the hinge of a kilometre-scale antiform. Migmatitic rocks on the fold limbs are characterized by extensional shears and fractures, filled with leucosome material, that intersect the pervasive foliation and millimetre-thick stromatic leucosomes. Vein- and dyke-like leucosomes become more common and thicker from the limb to the hinge region of the antiform. Rocks characterized by high leucosome-to-rock ratios near the antiform hinge are xenolithic in appearance. Major parasitic folds within the hinge contain leucogranite 'microplutons' up to 50 m across beneath refractory 'cap-rock' layers.
Angular boudinage structures in schists surrounded by leucosomes indicate a relatively low yield strength in the leucosome, which is compatible with a molten rather than solid leucosome. Leucogranite-bearing extensional shears and fractures indicate that repeated extensional fracturing and shearing promoted by high fluid (melt) pressure is an important mechanism of melt segregation. Dilation in the hinges of developing folds aids the migration of melt into fold hinges and the development of 10–50-m-wide 'microplutons' of xenolith-rich leucogranite.
Lack of vapour-absent melting and consequent low melt-to-rock ratios allowed the Koettlitz Group to maintain its structural coherency on a kilometre scale. Consequently, leucosome 'microplutons' did not exceed 50 m in width, and therefore observed leucosomes have not contributed to the development of adjacent plutonic-scale granitoids.  相似文献   

Adamellites, granite porphyries, and white granites of the western dome of the Arga-Ynnykh-Khaya Massif (Yakutiya) have been studied with emphasis on the white granites. The main features of its magmatic crystallization and initial transformation have been obtained by investigating the intensity of transformations using stochastic Markov models. The most widespread transformation is albitization. Two varieties exist. First, and most common, is development of a secondary albite crystal between two primary grains of potassium feldspar. Second, secondary albite has developed between primary quartz grains. Both variants have definite probabilities of occurrence. Less commonly, but with a constant probability, a secondary quartz grain forms as an intergrowth between two grains of potassium feldspar.  相似文献   

富氟花岗质熔体形成和演化的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过高温高压实验,模拟了富氟花岗质熔体形成和演化的过程,结果表明,随着结晶分异作用的进行,熔体中SiO2含量降低而Al2O3和F含量升高,相应地,A/NKC和NKA/Si比值逐渐升高,并最终形成了贫硅过铝富氟的熔体。  相似文献   

Glaciolacustrine sediments, ranging in age from Early to Late Mérida (Wisconsinan) in sections in the northern Venezuelan Andes near Pedregal, were studied to assess the effect of small‐scale folding and faulting on the surface microtextures of individual grains. At site PED5, faulting of sediments beneath 35 m of Middle to Late Mérida glaciolacustrine, glaciofluvial and probable till deposits, has resulted in a maximum displacement of 1 m and many crushed sand grains are found along the shear zone. These dominantly quartz particles are typically smoothed and/or faceted with surface skins split from parent grains to produce adhering blade or wafer‐shaped coarse silts. Faulting with displacement of< 40 cm occurs in Late Mérida glaciolacustrine beds at sites PED13 and PED11, beneath ca. 1–5 m of sediment and is thought to result from the removal of lateral support during valley erosion and possibly seismic disturbance. Associated sediments exhibit a greater incidence of small‐scale fold structures and convoluted bedding but with similar numbers and types of crushed grains. All of the fault traces examined exhibit microstructural modifications, including microfaulting, folding and multiple domains associated with fluidisation and liquefaction. The microtextures described are distinct from those produced by glacial or glaciofluvial transport processes and potentially may be used to infer glaciotectonic or other post‐depositional disturbance of sediments. Rare euhedral quartz grains with distorted crystallographic axes may derive from the shear zone of the regional transform Boconó Fault, although many of these grains appear to be overprinted by glacial and/or recent deformation processes. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高级变质镁铁质岩石叶理形成于地壳深部环境,对其组成及形成机制的深入研究有助于讨论在深部地壳(下地壳)环境中岩石的表现与流动过程。以辽宁海城马风地区广泛出露的斜长角闪岩为例,对变质镁铁质岩石中几种不同类型叶理的组成及形成机制进行初步探讨。显微构造分析结果表明,变质斜长角闪岩中主要发育三种具有不同特点的叶理构造型式:条带状、糜棱状和片麻状。作为岩石叶理的主要组成矿物。角闪石对叶理的形成贡献最大。斜长石在不同类型岩石中对叶理的形成作用不同。组成叶理的斜长石和角闪石矿物对的温压测算结果表明,它们形成于426~532MPa和58l℃~639℃之间。变质基性岩中叶理的形成是这种温度和压力条件下多种机制(包括晶体的定向重结晶作用、应力作用下的变质分异、晶质塑性变形、亚颗粒旋转动态重结晶)共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

赵中岩  方爱民 《岩石学报》2005,21(4):1109-1116
超高压变质岩是大陆深俯冲作用的产物。超高压变质岩在深俯,中和快速折返过程中,经历了长距离地构造搬运和构造力的作用。其构造变形主要集中在韧性剪切带中,并发生强烈地塑性流变。研究超高压变质构造岩的显微构造及其变形机制对于深入了解大陆壳岩石在深俯;中过程中的流变学行为有十分重要的意义。山东仰口的超高压韧性剪切带中榴辉岩质和花岗质糜棱岩记录了超高压变形的历史。在超高压条件下的稳定矿物绿辉石、多硅白云母、兰晶石和钾长石具有不规则波状消光、亚晶界、核幔构造和动态重结晶等显微构造特征,TEM研究揭示了大量的位错构造,表明位错蠕变是其主要的变形机制。在花岗质糜棱岩中,金红石在刚性矿物的压力影中沉积,细粒的石榴石条带平行片理延伸,都说明超高压变形过程中有流体存在,流体助力的物质扩散迁移是又一个重要的变形机制、依据现有的流变学定律估算的流变应力应该在几十兆帕以上。  相似文献   

In polycrystalline aggregates of olivine with mean grain sizes above 35 μm plus a low basaltic melt fraction, both wetted and melt-free grain boundaries are observed after equilibration times at high pressures and temperatures of between 15 and 25 days. In order to assess a possible dependence of the wetting behaviour on the relative orientation of neighbouring grains, a SEM based technique, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), is used to determine grain orientations. From the grain orientations relative orientations of neighbouring grains are calculated, which are expressed as misorientation axis/angle pairs. The distribution of misorientation angles and axes of melt-free grain boundaries differ significantly from a purely random distribution, whereas those of wetted grain boundaries are statistically indistinguishable from the random distribution. The relative orientation of two neighbouring grains therefore influences the character of their common grain boundary. However, no clustering towards special (coincident site lattice) misorientation axes is observed, with the inference that the energy differences between special and general misorientations are too small to lead to the development of preferred misorientations during grain growth. Received: 8 December 1997 / Revised, accepted: 6 April 1998  相似文献   

为探讨应力条件下地质体的变形规律及物质组分对变形的响应,在600℃和600MPa等应变速率条件下对中粒花岗岩进行了变形实验。实验结果显示,花岗岩在实验温压范围内表现出脆-韧性转化的特征,并显现一种共轭扇式的宏观变形结构。对遭受韧性剪切变形的长石、黑云母进行的常量元素变异分析表明,动力变形可造成矿物组分的变异,且这种变异有一定的次序S;i是动力变形中最稳定的组分,SiO2的增加可能是由其他组分的减少造成的,是相对的。  相似文献   

本文利用高精度Paterson气体介质变形装置对富铁橄榄石集合体(Mg0.5,Fe0.5)2SiO4进行了高温简单剪切变形试验。试验在温度1473K和围压300MPa的条件下进行,差应力为64~153MPa, 应变率为10-5~10-3s-1。 一共进行了三组试验,试件的剪切变形量分别为89%, 131%和200%, 通过对变形后试件的反射光学显微结构分析,得到富铁橄榄石集合体动态重结晶的微观机制,由结晶各向异性分析给出晶格最优取向和波速各向异性的分布及随应变的增加而表现出的演化特征。  相似文献   

The nature and extent of deformation associated with 1.4 Ga tectonism in the south-western USA are poorly understood. Two models have been proposed. Both agree that Proterozoic crustal accretion occurred at 1.65 Ga and that the rocks remained at mid-crustal conditions ( c . 12 km depth) until 1.4 Ga. However, one model suggests that 1.4 Ga deformation was regionally extensive, the other that it was localized around 1.4 Ga plutons. Following 1.4 Ga tectonism, the crust cooled below 300 °C. Detailed studies of quartz mylonite microfabrics in samples both adjacent to and removed from 1.4 Ga plutons in the Manzano Mountains, central New Mexico, are used to discriminate between these models of mid-Proterozoic thermotectonic history. In this area, as in much of northern New Mexico, the metamorphic conditions prior to emplacement of 1.4 Ga plutons were 500 °C and 4 kbar. The quartz mylonite microfabrics include ribbon grains, recrystallized grains with serrated boundaries, and strong c-axis crystallographic preferred orientations, which indicate no post-deformational modification. All of these microfabrics are consistent with deformation at upper greenschist/lower amphibolite facies conditions, and could have formed during either 1.65 or 1.4 Ga tectonism. Microfabrics formed during 1.65 Ga tectonism, however, should have been substantially modified by annealing recrystallization during residency in the middle crust and/or thermal/mechanical effects associated with 1.4 Ga tectonism. The observed microstructures are consistent with regional deformation associated with metamorphism at 1.4 Ga. The effects of deformation at 1.4 Ga in New Mexico are therefore more widespread than previously thought.  相似文献   

石英显微变形机制及流变学特征研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石英是组成地壳的主要矿物之一,其物理性质与地壳的变形行为及流变学属性密切相关,因此石英的显微变形机制及流变学特征研究意义重大。随着石英显微变形机制及流变学属性实验学研究的深入,我们对石英在地壳变形过程中重要作用的认识也随之提升。本文从石英结构入手,对升温过程中石英主滑移系的转换进行了总结,并且升温过程中显微变形机制也发生了改变,对流变学内涵也不同,所以分述了石英的主要变形机制,及其流变学参数;由于应变局部化为地壳变形的研究热点,并且石英对应变局部化具有一定的指示意义,所以本文对石英在应变局部化过程中的表现进行了深入讨论。考虑到地壳变形的研究过程中,石英不常作为单矿物发生变形,所以本文对多相矿物的变形表现也进行了讨论。最后我们将简单介绍一些现今主流的石英显微变形机制的研究手段。  相似文献   

黑鳞云母花岗质岩浆的结晶分异及钠长花岗质岩浆的形成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以含F、过铝质、K_2O>Na_2O为特征的浅色黑鳞云母花岗岩为初始物,在P=150MPa,T=850~650℃和H_2O不饱和条件下进行熔化-结晶分异实验,结果表明:首先晶出的是石英和富钾碱性长石;随结晶温度下降和结晶相含量的增加,残余熔体中挥发份F及Na_2O、Al_2O_3含量逐渐增加,SiO_2、K_2O、CaO含量减少,显示含F浅色花岗质熔体具有向贫硅富钠的富氟钠长花岗质熔体组成演化的趋势;700℃开始,残余熔体具有天然富氟钠长花岗岩的组成特征:富Na_2O(Na_2O>K_2O)、Al_2O_3(>16%)和F(>1.5%)。上述残余熔体组成的演化特征与自然界从含氟黑鳞云母花岗岩到富氟钠长花岗岩的组成变化规律是一致的,充分证明了在本文的实验条件下,含氟黑鳞云母花岗岩能够经结晶分异演化出富氟钠长花岗岩熔体。  相似文献   

By analysing a series of four successive thin‐sections from a ceramic clay that was subjected to uniaxial compression, we were able to monitor the development of microstructures in a fine‐grained sediment. The artificially induced microstructures, such as unidirectional clay reorientations and linear and circular grain arrangements, are identical to features that have been observed in thin‐sections of subglacially deformed tills, and therefore may be used as representative analogues. We argue that the structures, reflecting slip, planar shear displacements as well as rotational movements, can be explained by assuming a Coulomb‐plastic response to imposed shear. We conclude that sediments subjected to subglacial deformation behave as Coulomb materials, at least during the final stages of the deformation. The present study bridges the gap between field studies, experimental studies and theoretical modelling. The microscopic observations assist in visualising inferred subglacial processes and facilitate up‐ and downscaling between diverse methodological approaches. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

部分熔融状态下岩石的流变行为及变形机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
熔体的形成受地温梯度,压力和流体等多种因素的制约,在部分熔融过程中,岩体的形态仅发生微小变化,但随着熔体比例的增大,岩石的变形方式和变形机制将发生较大变化,变形方式由水力破碎转变成为熔体强化的韧性变形,变形机制由位错蠕变转变为扩散蠕变,此外,下地壳熔体能长期存在并大幅度地调节应变,起到润滑层的作用。  相似文献   

锗橄榄石-尖晶石扭转大变形实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对(Mg,Ni)2GeO4尖晶石一橄榄石集合体进行了高温高压扭转大变形实验研究。试验在一台高分辨率的气体介质试验机上进行,试验温度为1473K,围压为300MPa,应变率为10^-4~10^-5S^-1,剪切应力为80~250MPa,剪切应变为30%~700%。将变形后试件沿轴向切开进行了显微结构分析,确定了两相成分的比值。利用EBSD方法分别对变形前后试件中的橄榄石和尖晶石中的晶格最优取向(LPO)进行了测定,由微结构的差异确定了变形机制及两相材料的相对强度。  相似文献   

丁艳辉  张丙印  钱晓翔  殷殷  孙逊 《岩土力学》2019,40(8):2975-2981
湿化变形是土石坝的主要后期变形之一,对坝体的应力变形性状具有显著影响。采用糯扎渡高心墙堆石坝的弱风化花岗岩堆石料进行了常规三轴试验、不同围压和应力水平条件下的流变-湿化组合试验和快速湿化三轴试验等,分析了流变-湿化组合试验各阶段的变形特征,重点研究了堆石料湿化变形的过程、特性及发生机制。结果表明,可将堆石料湿化变形划分为湿化瞬时变形和湿态流变变形两个部分。其中,湿化瞬时变形是堆石料随浸水饱和过程发生的变形,其应变增量的方向平行于相应应力状态下应力加载应变增量的方向,且具有非硬化特性;湿态流变变形是堆石料试样在饱和浸水完成后发生的随时间的变形,和一般堆石料的流变变形具有相类似的特性。湿化变形是堆石料浸水后所导致的物态弱化变形。可将堆石料湿化看作一种广义的荷载。  相似文献   

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