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One‐dimensional thermal (1DT) modelling of an Acadian (Devonian) tectonothermal regime in southern Vermont, USA, used measured metamorphic pressures and temperatures and estimated metamorphic cooling ages based on published thermobarometric and geochronological studies to constrain thermal and tectonic input parameters. The area modelled lies within the Vermont Sequence of the Acadian orogen and includes: (i) a western domain containing garnet‐grade pre‐Silurian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks from the eastern flank of an Acadian composite dome structure (Rayponda–Sadawga Dome); and (ii) an eastern domain containing similar, but staurolite‐ or kyanite‐grade, rocks from the western flank of a second dome structure (Athens Dome), approximately 10 km farther east. Using reasonable input parameters based on regional geological, petrological and geochronological constraints, the thermal modelling produced plausible PT paths, and temperature–time (T t) and pressure–time (Pt) curves. Information extracted from PT t modelling includes values of maximum temperature and pressure on the PT paths, pressure at maximum temperature, predicted Ar closure ages for hornblende, muscovite and K‐feldspar, and integrated exhumation and cooling rates for segments of the cooling history. The results from thermal modelling are consistent with independently obtained pressure, temperature and Ar cooling age data on regional metamorphism in southern Vermont. Modelling results provide some important bounding limits on the physical conditions during regional metamorphism, and indicate that the pressure contemporaneous with the attainment of peak temperature was probably as much as 2.5 kbar lower than the actual maximum pressure experienced by rocks along various particle paths. In addition, differences in peak metamorphic grade (garnet‐grade versus staurolite‐grade or kyanite‐grade) and peak temperature for rocks initially loaded to similar crustal depths, differences in calculated exhumation rates, and differences in 40Ar/39Ar closure ages are likely to have been consequences of variations in the duration of isobaric heating (or ‘crustal residence periods’) and tectonic unroofing rates. Modelling results are consistent with a regional structural model that suggests west to east younging of specific Acadian deformational events, and therefore diachroneity of attainment of peak metamorphic conditions and subsequent 40Ar/39Ar closure during cooling. Modelling is consistent with the proposition that regional variations in timing and peak conditions of metamorphism are the result of the variable depths to which rocks were loaded by an eastward‐thickening thrust‐nappe pile rooted to the east (New Hampshire Sequence), as well as by diachronous structural processes within the lower plate rocks of the Vermont Sequence.  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰造山带低压变质作用相平衡研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过对阿尔泰造山带低压型变质序列中典型泥质岩石进行详细的岩相学及相平衡研究,获得黑云母带变质作用的温度为445~550℃和压力为0.2~0.6 GPa;石榴石带为480~566℃、0.54±0.22 GPa;十字石带601±20℃、0.8±0.25GPa;十字石-红柱石带540±20℃、0.32±0.05 GPa,而632.4℃、0.785 GPa这个值不是红柱石的稳定范围,这可能是其早期中压变质作用条件;矽线石带为640℃、0.43 GPa左右,由于石榴石中有蓝晶石包体,因此其早期也可能经历中压条件的变质;堇青石-矽线石带740~800℃、0.4~0.7 GPa。阿尔泰造山带低压变质序列不是一个正常的变质序列,其野外变质梯度呈现“Z”字型特征。阿尔泰造山带低压变质作用可能形成于早期中压变质岩的挤压抬升和以此相关的大量花岗岩侵入的构造环境中。  相似文献   

Abstract Petrological study of highly strained carbonate and pelitic rocks within the contact aureole surrounding the western part of the Papoose Flat pluton yields thermal profiles (plots of metamorphic temperature versus distance) across the aureole that show temperature gradients which are relatively flat and narrow (<100m). The gradients occur close to the contact and indicate a slight decrease in temperature from 500–550°C at the pluton/wall rock contact to 450–500°C at the outer margin of the aureole. One thermal profile across low-strain metasedimentary rocks located in the southern part of the aureole shows that thermal effects from emplacement extend no further than 600 m from the contact. Coexistence of andalusite and cordierite in pelitic rocks of the aureole constrain pressures to <4 kbar. Thermal modelling using an analytical solution of the conductive heat flow equation for a rectangular-shaped pluton reproduces the observed thermal maxima and profile shape. Conductive rather than convective cooling also is supported by isotopic and field evidence for limited fluid flow along the strongly deformed margin of the pluton. Simple thermal models coupled with observed high-temperature deformation features and a measured 90% attenuation of stratigraphic units in the plastically deformed western part of the pluton's aureole indicate that strain rates may have been of the order of 10-12s-1. Evidence for episodic heating, such as two distinct generations of andalusite growth in pelites from the aureole, alternatively may indicate a longer heating event and, therefore, slower strain rates. Thermal models also indicate that parts of the pluton still may have been above the solidus during deformation of the pluton margin and aureole.  相似文献   

During Hercynian low-pressure/high-temperature metamorphism of Palaeozoic metasediments of the southern Aspromonte (Calabria), a sequence of metamorphic zones at chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite–andalusite and sillimanite–muscovite grade was developed. These metasediments represent the upper part of an exposed tilted cross-section through the Hercynian continental crust. P–T information on their metamorphism supplements that already known for the granulite facies lower crust of the section and allows reconstruction of the thermal conditions in the Calabrian crust during the late Hercynian orogenic event. Three foliations formed during deformation of the metasediments. The peak metamorphic assemblages grew mainly syntectonically (S2) during regional metamorphism, but mineral growth outlasted the deformation. This is in accordance with the textural relationships found in the lower part of the same crustal section exposed in the northern Serre. Pressure conditions recorded for the base of the upper crustal metasediments are c. 2.5 kbar and estimated temperatures range from <350 °C in the chlorite zone, increasing to 500 °C in the lower garnet zone, and reaching 620 °C in the sillimanite–muscovite zone. Geothermal gradients for the peak of metamorphism indicate a much higher value for the upper crust (c. 60 °C km?1) than for the granulite facies lower crust (30–35 °C km?1). The small temperature difference between the base of the upper crust (620 °C at c. 2.5 kbar) and the top of the lower crust (690 °C at 5.5 kbar) can be explained by intrusions of granitoids into the middle crust, which, in this crustal section, took place synchronously with the regional metamorphism at c. 310– 295 Ma. It is concluded that the thermal structure of the Calabrian crust during the Hercynian orogeny – as it is reflected by peak metamorphic assemblages – was mainly controlled by advective heat input through magmatic intrusions into all levels of the crust.  相似文献   

High‐T, low‐P metamorphic rocks of the Palaeoproterozoic central Halls Creek Orogen in northern Australia are characterised by low radiogenic heat production, high upper crustal thermal gradients (locally exceeding 40 °C km?1) sustained for over 30 Myr, and a large number of layered mafic‐ultramafic intrusions with mantle‐related geochemical signatures. In order to account for this combination of geological and thermal characteristics, we model the middle crustal response to a transient mantle‐related heat pulse resulting from a temporary reduction in the thickness of the mantle lithosphere. This mechanism has the potential to raise mid‐crustal temperatures by 150–400 °C within 10–20 Myr following initiation of the mantle temperature anomaly, via conductive dissipation through the crust. The magnitude and timing of maximum temperatures attained depend strongly on the proximity, duration and lateral extent of the thermal anomaly in the mantle lithosphere, and decrease sharply in response to anomalies that are seated deeper than 50–60 km, maintained for <5 Myr in duration and/or have half‐widths <100 km. Maximum temperatures are also intimately linked to the thermal properties of the model crust, primarily due to their influence on the steady‐state (background) thermal gradient. The amplitudes of temperature increases in the crust are principally a function of depth, and are broadly independent of crustal thermal parameters. Mid‐crustal felsic and mafic plutonism is a predictable consequence of perturbed thermal regimes in the mantle and the lowermost crust, and the advection of voluminous magmas has the potential to raise temperatures in the middle crust very quickly. Although pluton‐related thermal signatures significantly dissipate within <10 Myr (even for very large, high‐temperature intrusive bodies), the interaction of pluton‐ and mantle‐related thermal effects has the potential to maintain host rock temperatures in excess of 400–450 °C for up to 30 Myr in some parts of the mid‐crust. The numerical models presented here support the notion that transient mantle‐related heat sources have the capacity to contribute significantly to the thermal budget of metamorphism in high‐T, low‐P metamorphic belts, especially in those characterised by low surface heat flow, very high peak metamorphic geothermal gradients and abundant mafic intrusions.  相似文献   

Abstract High- P/T metamorphic parageneses are preserved within two late Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic assemblages of the southern Klamath Mountains that show contrasting structural styles and mineral parageneses reflecting formation in different parts of a subduction-zone regime. Blueschist facies tectonites of the Stuart Fork terrane represent a coherent subduction complex formed at relatively deep crustal levels, whereas the chaotic metasedimentary mélange of the eastern Hayfork terrane contains a diverse range of metamorphic parageneses reflecting complex structural mixing of metamorphic components at shallower levels. The convergent-margin-type accretionary metamorphism evident in both terranes pre-dates Middle Jurassic low- P/T metamorphism resulting from regional tectonic contraction and magmatism.
The epidote- to lawsonite-zone Stuart Fork blueschists (and eclogites locally) formed at pressures of about 6-11 kbar and temperatures of 250-400° C. Deformed matrix material of the eastern Hayfork mélange formed at similar temperatures but lower pressures, on the order of 3-6 kbar. The mélange contains a diverse assemblage of tectonic blocks that formed under a range of P-T conditions, including those of the blueschist, pumpellyite-actinolite, greenschist and upper greenschist to amphibolite facies.
The succession of mineral parageneses and inferred P-T conditions of the eastern Hayfork blocks reflect those of igneous protolith formation, structural mixing, subduction-zone metamorphism, olistolith transport, and tectonic and erosional denudation. Although temporal relations are not well constrained, the evolution of these terranes is consistent with formation within a single convergent-margin system.  相似文献   

Christoffer Nielsen  H. Thybo   《Tectonophysics》2009,470(3-4):298-318
The Cenozoic Baikal Rift Zone (BRZ) is situated in south-central Siberia in the suture between the Precambrian Siberian Platform and the Amurian plate. This more than 2000-km long rift zone is composed of several individual basement depressions and half-grabens with the deep Lake Baikal at its centre. The BEST (Baikal Explosion Seismic Transect) project acquired a 360-km long, deep seismic, refraction/wide-angle reflection profile in 2002 across southern Lake Baikal. The data from this project is used for identification of large-scale crustal structures and modelling of the seismic velocities of the crust and uppermost mantle. Previous interpretation and velocity modelling of P-wave arrivals in the BEST data has revealed a multi layered crust with smooth variation in Moho depth between the Siberian Platform (41 km) and the Sayan-Baikal fold belt (46 km). The lower crust exhibits normal seismic velocities around the rift structure, except for beneath the rift axis where a distinct 50–80-km wide high-velocity anomaly (7.4–7.6 ± 0.2 km/s) is observed. Reverberant or “ringing” reflections with strong amplitude and low frequency originate from this zone, whereas the lower crust is non-reflective outside the rift zone. Synthetic full-waveform reflectivity modelling of the high-velocity anomaly suggests the presence of a layered sequence with a typical layer thickness of 300–500 m coinciding with the velocity anomaly. The P-wave velocity of the individual layers is modelled to range between 7.4 km/s and 7.9 km/s. We interpret this feature as resulting from mafic to ultra-mafic intrusions in the form of sills. Petrological interpretation of the velocity values suggests that the intrusions are sorted by fractional crystallization into plagioclase-rich low-velocity layers and pyroxene- and olivine-rich high-velocity layers. The mafic intrusions were probably intruded into the ductile lower crust during the main rift phase in the Late Pliocene. As such, the intrusive material has thickened the lower crust during rifting, which may explain the lack of Moho uplift across southern BRZ.  相似文献   

Low-grade schists from the Slavonian Mountains (Tisia Mega-Unit, Mt Papuk, Croatia), previously assigned to Precambrian to Lower Palaeozoic metamorphism, have been subjected to geochemical investigations, P-T modelling, and in situ age dating of monazite. The studied fine-grained metasediments consist of chlorite (5–15 vol.%), K white-mica (40–55 vol.%), quartz (20–35 vol.%), feldspar (albite 15–20 vol.%), opaques (<2 vol.%), and accessory minerals. According to their whole-rock geochemistry, the detritus of the former sediments came from upper crustal felsic rocks as they occur, for instance, at Mt Papuk. The schists show a complex microtectonic fabric, including well-developed schistosity systems. P-T pseudosections in the system MnNCKFMASHTO, constructed for typical schists of the study area, resulted in peak P-T conditions of 445–465 °C and 4.6–6.0 kbar for a sample from Kutjevo (eastern part of the study area) and 450–460 °C and 5.2–6.0 for a Vranovo sample (western part). Electron microprobe (EMP) dating of monazite in the schists gave a weighted average age of 109.0 ± 13.1 Ma (2σ) eventually with three subgroups of ages at 225 ± 63 (two analyses), 114 ± 24 and 83 ± 22 Ma. We conclude that the metamorphism of the studied schists at depths of c. 20 km is due to an Alpine collisional event.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Kamuikotan zone, central Hokkaido, Japan, two distinct types of metamorphic rocks are tectonically mixed up, along with a great quantity of ultramafic rocks; one type consists of high-pressure metamorphic rocks, and the other of low-pressure ones. The high-pressure metamorphic rocks are divided into two categories. (1) Prograde greenschist to glaucophaneschist facies rocks derived from mudstone, sandstone, limestone, a variety of basic rocks such as pillow and massive lavas, hyaloclastite and tuff, and radiolarian (Valanginian to Hauterivian) chert, among which the basic rocks and the chert, and occasionally the sandstone, occur as incoherent blocks (or inclusions) enveloped by mudstone. (2) Retrograde amphibolites with minor metachert and glaucophane-calcite rock, which are tectonic (or exotic) blocks enclosed within prograde mudstone or serpentinite, or separated from these prograde rocks by faults. The K-Ar ages of the prograde metamorphic rocks (72, 107 and 116 Ma on phengitic muscovites) are younger than those of the retrograde rocks (109, 132, 135 and 145 Ma on muscovites, and 120 Ma on hornblende). The low-pressure metamorphic rocks consist of the mafic members of an ophiolite sequence with a capping of radiolarian (Tithonian) chert with the metamorphic grade ranging from the zeolite facies, through the greenschist (partly, actinolite-calcic plagioclase) facies to the amphibolite (partly, hornblende-granulite) facies. The low-pressure metamorphism has a number of similarities with that described for'ocean-floor'metamorphism. The tectonic evolution of such a mixed-up zone is discussed in relation to Mesozoic plate motion.  相似文献   

A hydrothermally metamorphosed greenstone complex, capped by bedded cherts and banded iron formations (BIFs), is exposed in the Cleaverville area, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. It has been interpreted as an accretionary complex characterized by both a duplex structure and an oceanic plate stratigraphy, and is shown to represent a 3.2 Ga upper oceanic crust. Three metamorphic zones are identified in the basaltic greenstones. The metamorphic grade increases from sub-greenschist facies (zones A and B) to greenschist facies (zone C) under low-pressure conditions. The boundaries between three mineral zones are subparallel to the bedding plane of overlying chert/BIF, and metamorphic temperature increases stratigraphically downward. The zones correspond to the thermal structure of ocean-floor metamorphism, at a mid-ocean ridge.
The uppermost greenstone in the study area is more pervasively altered and carbonatized than the modern upper oceanic crust. This indicates the enrichment of CO2 in the metamorphic fluid by which widespread formation of carbonate occurred, compared with a narrow stability region of Ca-Al silicates. It is, therefore, suggested that the Archean hydrothermal alteration played a more important role in fixation of CO2 than present-day ocean-ridge hydrothermal alteration, as an interaction between sea water and oceanic crust.  相似文献   

The Omeo Metamorphic Complex forms the southern end of the Wagga Metamorphic Belt, which is the main locus of Palaeozoic low-pressure metamorphism in the Lachlan Fold Belt, south-eastern Australia. It comprises metamorphosed Ordovician quartz-rich turbidites originally derived from Precambrian cratonic rocks. Prograde regional metamorphism occurred in the early Silurian, very soon after sedimentation had ceased. The sequence of metamorphic zones, with increasing grade, is: chlorite, biotite, cordierite, andalusite–K-feldspar and sillimanite–K-feldspar. Migmatites occur in the sillimanite–K-feldspar zone, but large bodies of S-type granite were derived from rocks underlying the exposed Ordovician sequence. P and T estimates for the highest grade rocks are T = 700°C and P = 3.5 kbar, indicating a very high P–T gradient of 65°C/km.
The high heat flow during prograde metamorphism probably resulted from a combination of a thermal anomaly persisting from a pre-metamorphic back-arc basin environment, and intrusion of hot, mantle-derived magmas into the lower and middle crust.
Regional retrograde metamorphism coincided with a general reheating of the crust in the Siluro-Devonian, accompanied by intrusion of many I-type plutons and resetting of the K–Ar dates of some earlier plutons. The Omeo Metamorphic Complex was exposed to erosion at this time.  相似文献   

Abstract Widespread ultra-high-P assemblages including coesite, quartz pseudomorphs after coesite, aragonite, and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite in marble, gneiss and phengite schist are present in the Dabie Mountains eclogite terrane. These assemblages indicate that the ultra-high-P metamorphic event occurred on a regional scale during Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons. Marble in the Dabie Mountains is interlayered with coesite-bearing eclogite and gneiss and as blocks of various size within gneiss. Discontinuous boudins of eclogite occur within marble layers. Marble contains an ultra-high-P assemblage of calcite/aragonite, dolomite, clinopyroxene, garnet, phengite, epidote, rutile and quartz/coesite. Coesite, quartz pseudomorphs after coesite, aragonite and calcite pseudomorphs after aragonite occur as fine-grained inclusions in garnet and omphacite. Phengites contain about 3.6 Si atoms per formula unit (based on 11 oxygens). Similar to the coesite-bearing eclogite, marble exhibits retrograde recrystallization under amphibolite–greenschist facies conditions generated during uplift of the ultra-high-P metamorphic terrane. Retrograde minerals are fine grained and replace coarse-grained peak metamorphic phases. The most typical replacements are: symplectic pargasitic hornblende + epidote after garnet, diopside + plagioclase (An18) after omphacite, and fibrous phlogopite after phengite. Ferroan pargasite + plagioclase, and actinolite formed along grain boundaries between garnet and calcite, and calcite and quartz, respectively. The estimated peak P–T conditions for marble are comparable to those for eclogite: garnet–clinopyroxene geothermometry yields temperatures of 630–760°C; the garnet–phengite thermometer gives somewhat lower temperatures. The minimum pressure of peak metamorphism is 27 kbar based on the occurrence of coesite. Such estimates of ultra-high-P conditions are consistent with the coexistence of grossular-rich garnet + rutile, and the high jadeite content of omphacite in marble. The fluid for the peak metamorphism was calculated to have a very low XCO2 (<0.03). The P–T conditions for retrograde metamorphism were estimated to be 475–550°C at <7 kbar.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that the metamorphic evolution of the ultrahigh‐pressure garnet peridotite from Alpe Arami was characterized by rapid subduction to a depth of c. 180 km with partial chemical equilibration at c. 5.9 Gpa/1180 °C and an initial stage of near‐isothermal decompression followed by enhanced cooling. In this study, average cooling rates were constrained by diffusion modelling on retrograde Fe–Mg zonation profiles across garnet porphyroclasts. Considering the effects of temperature, pressure and garnet bulk composition on the Fe–Mg interdiffusion coefficient, cooling rates of 380–1600 °C Myr?1 for the interval from 1180 to 800 °C were obtained. Similar or even higher average cooling rates resulted from thermal modelling, whereby the characteristics of the calculated temperature‐time path depend on the shape and size of the hot peridotite body and the boundary conditions of the cooling process. The very high cooling rates obtained from both geospeedometry and thermal modelling imply extremely fast exhumation rates of c. 15 mm yr?1 or more. These results agree with the range of exhumation rates (16–50 mm yr?1) deduced from geochronological results. It is suggested that the Alpe Arami peridotite passively returned towards the surface as part of a buoyant sliver, caused as a consequence of slab breakoff.  相似文献   

High Mg–Al granulites from the Sunki locality in the central portion of the Eastern Ghats Province record evidence for the high-temperature peak and retrograde evolution. Peak metamorphic phase assemblages from two samples are garnet + orthopyroxene + quartz + ilmenite + melt and orthopyroxene + spinel + sillimanite + melt, respectively. Isochemical phase diagrams (pseudosections) based on bulk rock compositions calculated in the chemical system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO) and Al contents in orthopyroxene indicate peak UHT metamorphic conditions in excess of 960 °C and 9.7 kbar. Microstructures and the presence of cordierite interpreted to record the post-peak evolution show that the rocks underwent decompression and minor cooling from conditions of peak UHT metamorphism to conditions of ~ 900 °C at ~ 7.5 kbar. In situ U–Pb isotope analyses of monazite associated with garnet and cordierite using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) yield a weighted mean 207Pb/235U age of ca. 980 Ma, which is interpreted to broadly constrain the timing of high-temperature monazite growth during decompression and melt crystallization at ~ 900–890 °C and 7.5 kbar. However, the range of 207Pb/235U monazite ages (from ca. 1014 Ma to 959 Ma for one sample and ca. 1043 Ma to 922 Ma for the second sample) suggest protracted monazite growth during the high-temperature retrograde evolution, and possibly diffusive lead loss during slow cooling after decompression. The results of the integrated petrologic and geochronologic approach presented here are inconsistent with a long time gap between peak conditions and the formation of cordierite-bearing assemblages at lower pressure, as proposed in previous studies, but are consistent with a simple evolution of a UHT peak followed by decompression and cooling.  相似文献   

Regional‐scale 40Ar–39Ar data presented in this paper reveal significant across‐strike and along‐strike age differences in the Committee Bay belt (CBb), Rae Province, Nunavut, Canada, that complement variations in observed monazite ages. 40Ar–39Ar hornblende ages are c. 1795, 1775, and 1750 Ma in the western, eastern and central parts of the Prince Albert Group (PAG) domain respectively. The migmatite domain and Walker Lake intrusive complex are characterized by c. 1750–1730 40Ar–39Ar hornblende ages without significant along‐strike variation. The 40Ar–39Ar data provide important constraints on the cooling history and on thermal modelling that elucidates the controls on diachroneity and metamorphic patterns within the belt. In the western CBb, prograde monazite growth occurred 26 ± 10 Myr earlier in the migmatite domain (1864 ± 9 Ma; peak P–T = 5 kbar?700 °C) than in the PAG domain (1838 ± 5 Ma; peak P–T = 5 kbar?580 °C). Calculations indicate that this earlier monazite growth results from tectonic thickening of higher heat productivity Archean lithologies in the migmatite domain, which undergoes more rapid prograde heating than the less radiogenetic and lower grade rocks of the PAG domain. Granite generation via biotite dehydration melting at 800 °C and 20 km depth is predicted to occur c. 1835 Ma, in agreement with geochronological constraints. The tectonic burial of crustal domains with contrasting radiogenic properties also explains the general congruence of lower to upper amphibolite facies metamorphic zones generated during the two main orogenic cycles (i.e. M2–D1 and M3–D2). The modelled timing of prograde monazite growth in the migmatite domain suggests that D2 tectonic thickening began at 1872 ± 9 Ma, some 8 ± 3 Myr before monzazite growth, coeval with the inferred time of collision of the Meta Incognita terrane with the southern Rae Province. Along‐strike diachroneity, reflected in 25 Myr younger monazite and 40Ar–39Ar hornblende ages in the eastern relative to the western PAG domain, cannot be accounted for by heat productivity contrasts along the belt. Instead the younger deformation and metamorphism in the eastern CBb was driven by its proximity to the eastern promontory of the Superior Province which collided with the Rae Province at c. 1820 Ma. The 40Ar–39Ar data presented here support the interpretation that the youngest monazite in the CBb crystallized at c. 1790 Ma in the central CBb when this part of the belt was downfolded into a gentle synformal structure while the western part of the belt cooled through 40Ar–39Ar hornblende closure. The results of this study illustrate the important influence of contrasting rock properties on the thermal evolution of orogenic belts and on the temporal record of this evolution.  相似文献   

大量的岩石学证据表明: 碰撞造山带中常发育900~1100℃的超高温变质作用。然而, 碰撞造山带中如何出现如此极端的超高温条件仍然存在争议。为了更好地理解超高温变质作用加热机制和碰撞造山带中主要热源的相对贡献, 我们建立了一系列高分辨率二维热-动力学模型, 借此探讨了俯冲大陆岩石圈密度亏损程度、大陆地壳放射性生热率和大陆汇聚速率等因素对碰撞造山过程中超高温变质主要热源的影响。当大陆岩石圈密度亏损(Δρ=ρ软流圈地幔-ρ岩石圈地幔)大于50kg/m3时, 有利于发生大陆平板俯冲, 软流圈地幔无法上涌为地壳物质提供热源; 此时, 具有较高放射性生热率(>3μW/m3)的地壳可以发生"浅俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用。而当大陆岩石圈密度亏损小于10kg/m3时, 大陆上地壳在深俯冲阶段首先发生超高压榴辉岩相变质作用, 随后伴随着大陆岩石圈地幔后撤和软流圈上涌, 进而出现以异常高的地幔热流加热为主的"深俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用。此外, 较低的大陆汇聚速率(< 1cm/yr)更有利于"深俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用的产生。将数值模拟结果与特提斯构造域的变质岩石数据和地球物理观测进行对比, 我们认为在现今板块构造体制下, 由具有密度亏损程度较高的大陆岩石圈平俯冲有利于"浅俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用的发生, 而由密度亏损程度较低的大陆岩石圈俯冲可能导致"深俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用的产生。  相似文献   

Abstract In the Twin Lakes area, central Sierra Nevada, California, most contact metamorphosed marbles contain calcite + dolomite + forsterite ± diopside ± phlogopite ± tremolite, and most calc-silicate hornfelses contain calcite + diopside + wollastonite + quartz ± anorthite ± K-feldspar ± grossular ± titanite. Mineral-fluid equilibria involving calcite + dolomite + tremolite + diopside + forsterite in two marble samples and wollastonite + anorthite + quartz + grossular in three hornfels samples record P± 3 kbar and T± 630° C. Various isobaric univariant assemblages record CO2-H2O fluid compositions of χCO2= 0.61–0.74 in the marbles and χCO2= 0.11 in the hornfelses. Assuming a siliceous dolomitic limestone protolith consisting of dolomite + quartz ° Calcite ± K-feldspar ± muscovite ± rutile, all plausible prograde reaction pathways were deduced for marble and hornfels on isobaric T-XCO2 diagrams in the model system K2O-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-CO2. Progress of the prograde reactions was estimated from measured modes and mass-balance calculations. Time-integrated fluxes of reactive fluid which infiltrated samples were computed for a temperature gradient of 150 °C/km along the fluid flow path, calculated fluid compositions, and estimated reaction progress using the mass-continuity equation. Marbles and hornfelses record values in the range 0.1–3.6 × 104 cm3/cm2 and 4.8–12.9 × 104 cm3/cm2, respectively. For an estimated duration of metamorphism of 105 years, average in situ metamorphic rock permeabilities, calculated from Darcy's Law, are 0.1–8 × 10?6 D in the marbles and 10–27 × 10?6 D in the hornfelses. Reactive metamorphic fluids flowed up-temperature, and were preferentially channellized in hornfelses relative to the marbles. These results appear to give a general characterization of hydrothermal activity during contact metamorphism of small pendants and screens (dimensions ± 1 km or less) associated with emplacement of the Sierra Nevada batholith.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the metamorphic thermal structure of the Higo Metamorphic Complex (HMC) and presents the results of a numerical simulation of a geotherm with melt migration and solidification. Reconstruction of the geological and metamorphic structure shows that the HMC initially had a simple thermal structure where metamorphic temperatures and pressures increased towards apparent lower structural levels. Subsequently, this initial thermal structure has been collapsed by E–W and NNE–SSW trending high‐angle faults. Pressure and temperature conditions using the analysis of mineral assemblages and thermobarometry define a metamorphic field P–T array that may be divided into two segments: the array at apparent higher structural levels has a low‐dP/dT slope, whereas that at apparent lower structural levels has a high‐dP/dT slope. This composite array cannot be explained by heat conduction in subsolidus rocks alone. Migmatite is exposed pervasively at apparent lower structural levels, but large syn‐metamorphic plutons are absent at the levels exposed in the HMC. Transport and solidification of melt within migmatite is a potential mechanism to generate the composite array. Thermal modelling of a geotherm with melt migration and solidification shows that the composite thermal structure may be formed by a change of the dominant heat transfer from an advective regime to a conduction regime with decreasing depth. The model also predicts that strata beneath the crossing point will consist of high‐grade solid metamorphic rocks and solidified melt products, such as migmatite. This prediction is consistent with the observation that migmatite was associated with the very high‐dP/dT slope. The melt migration model is able to generate the very high‐dP/dT segment due to the high rate of heat transfer by advection.  相似文献   

The compositions of biotite and muscovite were examined in terms of the paragenesis and the metamorphic grade in low- to medium-grade pelitic rocks of the Ryoke metamorphism in the Yanai district, southwest Japan. The biotite and muscovite that coexist with K-feldspar have a higher K component in an A'KF diagram than those in rocks lacking K-feldspar. This fact reflects an increase in the K2O content in muscovite, but in biotite it reflects an increase of not only the K2O content but also of the octahedral vacancy.
At higher metamorphic grade beyond the cordierite isograd, where cordierite coexists with neither chlorite nor K-feldspar, the biotite shows an increase in illite, K Aliv □xii−1 Si−1, and Tschermak components, Alvi Aliv R+−1 Si−1, where □xii and R+ denote the interlayer vacancy and (Fe+Mg+Mn), respectively. A reaction to define the cordierite isograd is proposed by treating this chemical change as being responsible for the first appearance of cordierite, i.e. K,Al-poor biotite+phengitic muscovite=K,Al-rich biotite+cordierite+quartz+water .By treating this as a key reaction in medium-grade metamorphism, a set of reaction in a progressive metamorphism is established for the Ryoke metamorphism, a typical low-pressure type metamorphism. Some textures in one of the high-grade areas, the K-feldspar-cordierite zone, suggest that a further two prograde reactions have taken place, i.e. andalusite+biotite+quartz=cordierite+K-feldspar+water
and   andalusite=sillimanite.quartz=cordierite+K-feldspar+water
This implies that this zone probably has a P–T  path involving isobaric heating.  相似文献   

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