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Systematic westerly biases in the southern hemisphere wintertime flow and easterly equatorial biases are experienced in the Météo-France climate model. These biases are found to be much reduced when a simple parameterization is introduced to take into account the vertical momentum transfer through the gravity waves excited by deep convection. These waves are quasi-stationary in the frame of reference moving with convection and they propagate vertically to higher levels in the atmosphere, where they may exert a significant deceleration of the mean flow at levels where dissipation occurs. Sixty-day experiments have been performed from a multiyear simulation with the standard 31 levels for a summer and a winter month, and with a T42 horizontal resolution. The impact of this parameterization on the integration of the model is found to be generally positive, with a significant deceleration in the westerly stratospheric jet and with a reduction of the easterly equatorial bias. The sensitivity of the Météo-France climate model to vertical resolution is also investigated by increasing the number of vertical levels, without moving the top of the model. The vertical resolution is increased up to 41 levels, using two kinds of level distribution. For the first, the increase in vertical resolution concerns especially the troposphere (with 22 levels in the troposphere), and the second treats the whole atmosphere in a homogeneous way (with 15 levels in the troposphere); the standard version of 31 levels has 10 levels in the troposphere. A comparison is made between the dynamical aspects of the simulations. The zonal wind and precipitation are presented and compared for each resolution. A positive impact is found with the finer tropospheric resolution on the precipitation in the mid-latitudes and on the westerly stratospheric jet, but the general impact on the model climate is weak, the physical parameterizations used appear to be mostly independent to the vertical resolution.  相似文献   

经验正交函数分解在地壳垂直形变场分析中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
崔笃信  刘文义 《地震》2000,20(3):82-86
论述了应用经验正交函数分解方法分析地壳垂直形变场,处理分析了甘肃河西地区的实测资料,结果显示,地壳垂直形变场的第一典型场对中强以上地震发震地点的判定有重要意义;而地壳垂直形变场的时间权系数能够表示区域地壳运动的相对强弱,它可以作为区域地震危险性判定的时间判据。  相似文献   

风垂直切变对中尺度地形对流降水影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵玉春  王叶红 《地球物理学报》2012,55(10):3213-3229
针对长江中下游中尺度地形特点以及暴雨过程发生发展期间风垂直切变的主要观测特征,设计了一系列中尺度地形的三维理想数值试验,分析了干大气地形流和重力波特征,探讨了条件不稳定湿大气地形对流降水的模态分布,在此基础上研究了圆形、直线风垂直切变和切变厚度对中尺度地形对流降水强度和模态分布的影响.结果发现:在 Fr≈1的干大气条件下,气流遇到地形后分支、绕流和爬升现象同时存在,地形激发的重力波在水平和垂直方向上传播,其在迎风坡、背风坡、地形上游和下游的振幅不同,并组织出不同强度的垂直上升运动.在Fr > 1的条件不稳定湿大气下,地形对流降水主要存在三种模态,即迎风坡和背风坡准静止对流降水以及地形下游移动性对流降水,地形对流降水的形成与重力波在低层组织的上升运动密切相关.风垂直切变对地形对流降水的强度和模态分布有重要作用,其中圆形风垂直切变(风随高度旋转)不仅影响地形下游对流降水系统的移动方向,而且影响迎风坡和背风坡山脚处对流降水中心的分布和强度;直线风垂直切变(风随高度无旋转)主要影响地形对流降水的移动速度和强度.风随高度自下而上顺(逆)时针旋转,地形对流系统向下游传播时向右(左)偏移.风垂直切变主要通过影响地形重力波的结构和传播以及对流系统的形成、移动方向和速度,来影响地形对流降水的模态分布,其中对流层中低层的风垂直切变对地形对流降水强度和模态分布有重要影响.  相似文献   

Summary A bottom mounted BroadBand ADCP was deployed for about two months in the German Bight (54° 15.3′, N, 7° 35.5′ E) at 40 m depth. The ADCP recorded current data and echo intensity between 3 and 38m depth with a vertical resolution of 1 m. The data, which provide continuous vertical current profiles, are investigated with regard to the vertical variations of residual and tidal currents and kinetic energies. To investigate the temporal variability of the current profiles, the time series are subdivided into 8-day intervals. Furthermore, the data are compared with historical data. According to the ADCP profiles, the water column can be subdivided into three layers: A primarily wind-driven near-surface layer (∼10m), a middepth layer with great directional variability, and a near-bottom layer of about 10 m thickness with a strictly logarithmic current profile.
über das Stromprofil in der Deutschen Bucht: Eine zweimonatige BroadBand ADCP Zeitserie mit hoher vertikaler Aufl?sung
Zusammenfassung Ein am Boden stehender BroadBand ADCP wurde für zwei Monate in der Deutschen Bucht (54° 15.3′ N, 7° 35.5′ E) in 40 m Wassertiefe eingesetzt. Er registrierte Str?mungsdaten und Echointensit?t zwischen 3 und 38 m Wassertiefe mit einer vertikalen Aufl?sung von 1 m. Dieser Datensatz, der kontinuierliche vertikale Stromprofile liefert, wird hinsichtlich der vertikalen Variation von Rest- und Gezeitenstr?men und kinetischer Energie analysiert. Zur Untersuchung der zeitlichen Variabilit?t der Stromprofile wird die Gesamtzeitserie in 8-Tage-Intervalle unterteilt. Ferner werden die Ergebnisse mit historischen Messungen verglichen. Aus den ADCP-Profilen ergibt sich eine prinzipielle Dreiteilung der Wassers?ule: Eine vorwiegend windgetriebene oberfl?chennahe Schicht (∼10m), eine mittlere Schicht mit hoher Richtungsvariabilit?t und eine etwa 10 m m?chtige Bodenschicht mit streng logarithmischem Stromprofil.


A high vertical resolution model is used to examine the instability of a baroclinic zonal flow and a finite amplitude topographically forced wave. Two families of unstable modes are found, consisting of zonally propagating most unstable modes, and stationary unstable modes. The former have time scale and spatial structure similar to baroclinic synoptic disturbances, but are localized in space due to interaction with the zonally asymmetric forcing. These modes transport heat efficiently in both the zonal and meridional directions. The second family of stationary unstable modes has characteristics of modes of low frequency variability of the atmosphere. They have time scales of 10 days and longer, and are of planetary scale with an equivalent barotropic vertical structure. The horizontal structure resembles blocking flows. They are maintained by available potential energy of the basic wave, and have large zonal heat fluxes. The results for both families of modes are interpreted in terms of an interaction between forcing and baroclinic instability to create favoured regions for eddy development. Applications to baroclinic planetary waves are also considered.  相似文献   

近地表广泛分布的小尺度非均匀介质严重影响地震数据和成像质量. 本文引入参数化的随机介质来描述近地表非均匀介质;借助功率谱、相关长度、均方根扰动等随机统计特征量研究近地表非均匀介质层对地震波传播、散射及成像的影响;通过成像过程的点弥散函数表述成像分辨率. 利用数值方法建立模型的随机统计特征量与成像分辨率特征量之间的关系,以定量或半定量的方式研究二者之间的相关性.数值计算结果表明,近地表非均匀介质层的厚度、速度扰动的幅度以及非均匀体的尺度等都对地震数据质量和成像品质有明显的影响.以全数值方法建立起关于近地表非均匀介质复杂性和地下成像质量之间的关系,有望成为研究近地表非均匀介质对地震数据采集和成像分辨率影响的有效工具.  相似文献   

湖泊水体的对流混合是最基本的物理过程,其能显著影响湖泊生态系统温室气体等循环,但浅水湖泊水体对流混合的研究鲜有报道.本研究基于太湖(面积2400 km2,平均水深1.9 m)中尺度通量网的原位、高频、连续和多点的观测数据,分析该大型浅水湖泊水体对流混合速率w*的时空特征.结果表明太湖水体w*的均值为2.49 mm/s,因太湖的风速、水温和辐射等物理参数无空间变化,w*也无明显的空间变化.但是研究表明w*呈现显著的昼夜变化和季节变化,且昼夜变化幅度强于季节变化.总体上夜间w*是白天的4倍多,冬季w*(均值1.79 mm/s)明显低于春季(均值2.42 mm/s)、夏季(均值2.91 mm/s)和秋季(均值2.82 mm/s).太湖w*主要受风速和能量收支影响,白天风速是主要驱动因子,夜晚能量收支是主要驱动因子.  相似文献   

Water-limited ecosystems are characterized by precipitation with low annual totals and significant temporal variability, transpiration that is limited by soil-moisture availability, and infiltration events that may only partially rewet the vegetation root zone. Average transpiration in such environments is controlled by precipitation, and accurate predictions of vegetation health require adequate representation of temporal variation in the timing and intensity of plant uptake. Complexities introduced by variability in depth of infiltration, distribution of roots, and a plant's ability to compensate for spatially heterogeneous soil moisture suggest a minimum vertical resolution required for satisfactory representation of plant behavior.To explore the effect of vertical resolution on predictions of transpiration, we conduct a series of numerical experiments, comparing the results from models of varying resolution for a range of plant and climate conditions. From temporal and spatial scales of the underlying processes and desired output, we develop dimensionless parameters that indicate the adequacy of a finite-resolution model with respect to reproducing characteristics of plant transpiration over multiple growing seasons. These parameters may be used to determine the spatial resolution required to predict vegetation health in water-limited ecosystems.  相似文献   

Summary Seismicity in the continents is characterized by its foci distribution. Intermediate foci are packed into small spaces with depth range of about 100–200 km. Shallow foci on the other hand, scatter quite widely. Study in the present paper is focussed to the latter feature. A suggestion is given that the wide scattering of shallow earthquakes in the continents as well as the recent remarkable uplifts of mountains are both resulted from the stress in lithosphere plate without entrance (trench) the movement of which is being impeded.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-eight balloons have been flown in Canada to measure vertical and horizontal electric fields at balloon altitudes. A horizontal electric field of magnitude typically between 10 and 50 millivolts/meter has been measured at night at high latitudes in association with auroras and magnetic disturbances. Its origin is in the magnetosphere and it maps to balloon alitudes with small attenuation according to Maxwell's equations. The vertical electric field at the balloon displays variations as the horizontal ionospheric field changes in order to maintain . Thus, magnetospheric processes affect both vertical and horizontal atmospheric electric fields and the potential differences induced by these processes may be comparable to weather induced potential differences. Weather processes have also been observed to produce large horizontal electric fields at balloon altitudes. Methods of distinguishing horizontal fields of ionospheric origin from those of weather origin are investigated with the conclusion that a determination of the source of a given event can often if not generally be made.This paper was presented byU. Fahleson  相似文献   

位场垂向梯度最佳自比值的边界检测技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
位场梯度换算在地质体边界检测中有着重要的应用.但传统的梯度算法易受干扰影响,计算稳定性差,且很难在复杂的叠加异常中识别出小型地质体的边界.鉴于此,本文给出了自比值的定义,提出了能够处理高阶导数的位场垂向梯度最佳自比值的边界检测方法,阐述了方法的数学含义和物理意义.模型试验表明,垂向梯度最佳自比值算法不仅计算稳定性强,而且能清晰地检测出传统梯度算法无法检测的模型体边界.在地质条件复杂的鸭绿江盆地的重力异常实例应用中,垂向三阶导数最佳自比值计算结果识别出的构造边界与实际地质体分布有着较好的对应关系,这不但与前人的工作成果互为佐证,而且自比值圈定的负异常分布区能较好地反映出浑江煤田的工作范围.  相似文献   

This paper presents a well-balanced numerical scheme for simulating frictional shallow flows over complex domains involving wetting and drying. The proposed scheme solves, in a finite volume Godunov-type framework, a set of pre-balanced shallow water equations derived by considering pressure balancing. Non-negative reconstruction of Riemann states and compatible discretization of slope source term produce stable and well-balanced solutions to shallow flow hydrodynamics over complex topography. The friction source term is discretized using a splitting implicit scheme. Limiting value of the friction force is derived to ensure stability. This new numerical scheme is validated against four theoretical benchmark tests and then applied to reproduce a laboratory dam break over a domain with irregular bed profile.  相似文献   

In several fields of Geophysics, such as Hydrology, Meteorology or Oceanography, it is often useful to generate random fields, displaying the same variabilitity as the observed variables. Usually, these synthetic data are used as forcing fields into numerical models, to test the sensitivity of their outputs to the variability of the inputs. Examples can be found in subsurface or surface Hydrology and in Meteorology with General Circulation Models (GCM). Different techniques have already been proposed, often based on the spectral representation of the random process, with, usually, assumptions of stationarity. This paper suggests that Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis, which leads to the decomposition of the covariance kernel on the set of its eigen-functions, is a possible answer to this problem. The convergence and accuracy of the method are shown to depend mainly on the number of EOFs retained in the expansion of the covariance kemel. This result is confirmed by a comparison with the turning band method and a matrix technique. Furthermore, a synthetic example of non-homogencous fields shows the interest of EOF analysis in the direct simulation of such fields.  相似文献   

目前国内地磁台垂直分量磁变以的灵敏度都普遍偏低,不能适应一些研究工作的需要,必须予以适当的提高,本文在基本不改变仪器固有灵敏度的前提下,采取记录光线二次反射法,以提高仪器的记录灵敏度,利用这种方法既使仪器的灵敏度提高一倍同时又保证了仪器原有的稳定性。  相似文献   

Summary The possible modes of vertical transport of angular momentum in the atmosphere are considered. Momentum balance calculations for both hemispheres show the possibility of countergradient transport by vertical eddies in the region of the mid-latitude jet. As a consequence, it is pointed out that the transport of momentum downward from the region of maximum westerlies would have to be accomplished by the mean meridional motions, through the action of Coriolis torques. The same mechanism may account for a large part of the upward transport in the tropics. The very approximate nature of the calculations must, however, be borne clearly in mind.  相似文献   

Wave energy flow in shallow ground depth is calculated based on main shock records obtained at 30 vertical array sites throughout Japan during nine recent strong earthquakes (MJ=6.4–8.0) by assuming vertical propagation of SH waves. It is generally found that upward energy tends to decrease considerably as it goes up from the base (about 100 m deep) to the ground surface. Large energy is reflected at layer boundaries with clear impedance contrast and returns to deeper ground, so that only less than 10–30% of the upward energy at the base level arrives at the ground surface in most sites. Energy dissipation calculated from the upward and downward energies tends to increase with the increase of damping ratio of the ground back-calculated from the seismic records. It is also found that the upward energy at the base may roughly be estimated for engineering purposes using spherical energy radiation of the body wave despite strong effects of fault rupture/path mechanisms.  相似文献   

Atmospheric gravity waves, with small to medium scales, prevail in the atmosphere and have global ef- fects. Many researches show that gravity waves are the main source that causes the variation of wind and temperature field in the stratosphere, and that the break-up of upward propagating gravity waves is the dominant sources of small scale turbulent and mixing processes in the middle atmosphere. Theories and ob- servations indicate that the redistribution of momen- tum, caused by the generati…  相似文献   

Vertical resolution, i.e. the ability to resolve two close reflectors, is a crucial aspect of pulses used in geo‐acoustic exploration of sea sub‐bottoms. This paper deals with the problem of exploring the shallowest unconsolidated layers of the seafloor with conventional piezo‐electric sonar pulses. Such transducers do not have a sufficiently broad transmission response to enable them to radiate short high‐resolution pulses. Therefore, some kind of equalization process must be applied to broaden the transmission response. Here, inverse filtering is used to calculate the transducer driving waveform so that the subsequent acoustic pulse has a zero‐phase cosine‐magnitude nature. Within a specified bandwidth, this pulse has minimum length, i.e. maximum resolution. The method has been applied to compress the acoustic pulses radiated by two piezo‐electric transducers. In conventional performance, these transducers radiate narrowband pulses which contain several cycles at the natural resonance frequency. Under equalized driving, both transducers emit broadband pulses, with resolving power greatly increased, at the cost of some amplitude loss. That is, the pulses radiated by both transducers have been shortened from 1 ms (low‐frequency transducer) and 0.274 ms (high‐frequency transducer) in conventional performance to 0.13 ms and 0.038 ms in equalized mode, with amplitude losses of 33% and 56%, respectively. The great improvement in the resolution of this technique is demonstrated by comparing the synthetic echograms that should be obtained when exploring a wedge model using zero‐phase cosine‐magnitude pulses with conventional ping pulses.  相似文献   

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