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根据河口海岸水沙输移的特点,建立了一个新的二维分组数学模型,用来预测该区域的水沙输移过程。该模型耦合了水动力模块、泥沙输移模块和床面演变模块。其中水动力模块基于浅水方程组,综合考虑了柯氏力、床面切应力以及表面风应力的影响,引入干湿判断法处理动边界。泥沙输移模块首先将泥沙按照粒径分组,针对不同泥砂性质,对各组泥沙分别进行建模求解。床面演变模块基于质量守恒方程,实时更新床面高程以及床沙级配变化,并传递给水动力模块,更新底部边界。该模型被应用在了英国塞汶(Severn)河口,其预测的泥沙浓度和实测数据以及不分组的模型的预测结果进行了比较,结果显示,文中建立的分组模型预测的结果要明显好于不分组模型。  相似文献   

Nitrogen and phosphorus contents are analyzed in the overlying waters and pore waters taken from the Changjiang Estuary and Shanghai coastal tidal flats in this study. In addition, the diffusion fluxes of nitrogen and phosphorus across the sediment-water interface in tidal flats are estimated according to the nutrient concentration gradients at the interface. It has been indicated that the concentrations of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and dissolved phosphorus in overlying waters range from 0.0082~2.56, 0.03~0.58, 0.69~5.38 and 0.035~0.53 mg/L, respectively, while 0.0025 ~ 1.35 mg/L for NH4+-N, 0. 0055 ~ 0.20mg/L for NO2--N, 0.61~1.14 mg/L for NO3--N and 0.11~0.53mg/L for DP insurface pore waters.The findings have revealed that ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and dissolved phosphorus diffusion fluxes across the sediment-water interface are between -0.024~0.99, -0.39~ -0.0019, -3.09~the source of phosphorus and an important sink for nitrogen in the waters.  相似文献   

In the coastal and estuarine waters of Goa, particulate organic carbon (POC) varied from 0.52 to 2.51 mg l?1 and from 0.28 to 5.24 mg l?1 and particulate phosphorus (PP) varied from 0.71 to 5.18 μg l?1 and from 0.78 to 20.34 μg l?1, respectively. The mean values of chlorophyll and primary productivity were 1.94 mg m?3 and 938.1 mg C m?2 day?1 in the coastal waters and 4.3 mg m?3 and 636.5 mg C m?1 day?1 in the estuarine waters, respectively.POCchl ratios were low in June and October even when POC values were quite high. The POC in surface waters was linearly correlated with the chlorophyll content. Also PP increased when chlorophyll and primary productivity remained high. The results suggest that the phytoplankton was sharply increasing and contributed to POC and PP content. The percentage of detritus calculated from the intercept values of chlorophyll on POC varied from 46 to 76% depending on season. Results indicate that the major portion of POC and PP during postmonsoon (October–January) is derived from phytoplankton production while the allochthonous matter predominate during monsoon (June–September).  相似文献   

Three-dimensionalrefinedmodelingofwaterqualityinVictoriaHarbourShenYongming,QiuDahong,A.T.Chwang(ReceivedSeptember12,1996;acc...  相似文献   

海洋环境管理从以往单纯的海洋污染管理已发展到当前的海洋生态环境综合管理。相应地,海洋环境质量评价也从以往单一的污染状况评价(包括水质、沉积物和生物体)发展到海洋生态环境质量综合评价。重点介绍了2种有代表性并被广泛应用的河口和沿岸海域生态环境质量综合评价方法———欧盟的“生态状况评价综合方法”和美国的“沿岸海域状况综合评价”。比较和评析了2种方法的异同和优缺点。建议尽快建立适合中国河口和沿岸海域特点的海洋生态环境质量综合评价方法以及相应的监测和管理体系。  相似文献   

YANG Chen  LIU Ying 《海洋工程》2017,31(4):389-395
A two-dimensional depth-integrated numerical model is refined in this paper to simulate the hydrodynamics, graded sediment transport process and the fate of faecal bacteria in estuarine and coastal waters. The sediment mixture is divided into several fractions according to the grain size. A bed evolution model is adopted to simulate the processes of the bed elevation change and sediment grain size sorting. The faecal bacteria transport equation includes enhanced source and sink terms to represent bacterial kinetic transformation and disappearance or reappearance due to sediment deposition or re-suspension. A novel partition ratio and dynamic decay rates of faecal bacteria are adopted in the numerical model. The model has been applied to the turbid water environment in the Bristol Channel and Severn estuary, UK. The predictions by the present model are compared with field data and those by non-fractionated model.  相似文献   

九龙江河口湾高浓度悬沙水体的分布与扩散特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对九龙江河口湾洪水期和枯水期含沙量等值线的分析,描述了河口湾内悬浮泥沙的时空分布特征及其在涨潮和落潮期间的变化情况,并对洪水期大潮湾内水质点的滞流点位置作了计算.结果表明,水流运动和水体含沙量沿入海方向均呈现有规律的变化,河口湾内存在两个主要水流滞流区,一处位于海门岛北部,一处位于鸡屿东侧.悬浮泥沙的分布和水流运动间呈现明显的相关性.  相似文献   

Secchi depth(SD, m) is a direct and intuitive measure of water's transparency, which is also an indicator of water quality. In 2015, a semi-analytical model was developed to derive SD from remote sensing reflectance, thus able to provide maps of water's transparency in satellite images. Here an in-situ dataset(338 stations) is used to evaluate its potential ability to monitor water quality in the coastal and estuarine waters, with measurements covering the Zhujiang(Pearl) River Estuary, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea where measured SD values span a range of 0.2–21.0 m. As a preliminary validation result, according to the whole dataset, the unbiased percent difference(UPD) between estimated and measured SD is 23.3%(N=338, R~2=0.89), with about 60% of stations in the dataset having relative difference(RD)≤20%, over 80% of stations having RD≤40%. Furthermore, by excluding the field data which with relatively larger uncertainties, the semi-analytical model yielded the UPD of 17.7%(N=132,R~2=0.92) with SD range of 0.2–11.0 m. In addition, the semi-analytical model was applied to Landsat-8 images in the Zhujiang River Estuary, and retrieved high-quality mapping and reliable spatial-temporal patterns of water clarity. Taking into account the uncertainties associated with both field measurements and satellite data processing, and that there were no tuning of the semi-analytical model for these regions, these findings indicate highly robust retrieval of SD from spectral techniques for such turbid coastal and estuarine waters. The results suggest it is now possible to routinely monitor coastal water transparency or visibility at high-spatial resolutions from measurements, like Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 and newly launched Gaofen-5.  相似文献   

胶州湾多分潮漫滩数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在普林斯顿海洋模式(POM)数值模型的基础上加入了漫滩格式,通过对胶州湾1个月实测潮位资料的调和分析,选取了5个较大的分潮,首次对胶州湾进行了多分潮的潮位和潮流数值模拟,模拟结果与实测资料符合较好。  相似文献   

To deal with the moving boundary hydrodynamic problems of the tidal flats in shallow water flow models,a new wetting and drying (WD) method is proposed.In the new method,a "predicted water depth" is evaluated explicitly based on the simplified shallow water equations and used to determine the status (wet or dry) together with the direction of flow.Compared with previous WD method,besides the water elevation,more factors,such as the flow velocity and the surface shear stress,are taken into account in the new method to determine the moving boundary.In addition,a formula is deduced to determine the threshold,as critical water depth,which needs to be preset before simulations.The new WD method is tested with five cases including three 1D ones and two 2D ones.The results show that the new WD method can simulate the wetting and drying process,in both typical and practical cases,with smooth manner and achieves effective estimation of the retention volume at shallow water body.  相似文献   

To deal with the moving boundary hydrodynamic problems of the tidal flats in shallow water flow models, a new wetting and drying (WD) method is proposed. In the new method, a “predicted water depth” is evaluated explicitly based on the simplified shallow water equations and used to determine the status (wet or dry) together with the direction of flow. Compared with previous WD method, besides the water elevation, more factors, such as the flow velocity and the surface shear stress, are taken into account in the new method to determine the moving boundary. In addition, a formula is deduced to determine the threshold, as critical water depth, which needs to be preset before simulations. The new WD method is tested with five cases including three 1D ones and two 2D ones. The results show that the new WD method can simulate the wetting and drying process, in both typical and practical cases, with smooth manner and achieves effective estimation of the retention volume at shallow water body.  相似文献   

陶建峰  张长宽 《海洋工程》2007,25(1):133-142
回顾了近年来国内外河口、近岸海域三维斜压水流数值模式研究的进展,着重讨论了不同垂向坐标下三维水流模式的发展状况以及存在的问题。地形拟合坐标(σ坐标)模式可以很好地拟合床面地形和自由面,已在物理海洋学中被广泛使用。但在地形变化剧烈,尤其在密度层结效应明显的海域,σ坐标模式中的水平压强梯度力误差会引起伪密度流。寻求高精度的数值模式以及更加有效的拟合坐标变换将是值得努力的方向。  相似文献   

通过现场调查研究报道了长江口及邻近海域表层沉积物中重金属、有机碳、石油类、硫化物以及氮磷的分布、来源以及沉积物环境质量.结果显示,长江口及邻近海域表层沉积物中重金属、有机碳、石油类、硫化物以及氮磷的分布很不均匀,除硫化物外,重金属、有机碳、石油类以及氮磷基本呈现长江口和杭州湾东北近岸的上海外海出现高值,其他区域浓度较低...  相似文献   

研究了深圳海域2008年4月、9月的水体弧菌数量、种类组成及其分布,探讨了弧菌总数及各优势类群的数量分布与环境因子间的相关关系。结果表明:弧菌总数分布具有季节性,东部海域春季(4月)的弧菌数量高于秋季(9月)的,其均值分别为1.50×104 ,8.89×102 CFU/cm3;在西部海域秋季的略高于春季的,其均值分别为5.09×102,2.66×102 CFU/cm3;弧菌数量最高值出现在大亚湾(4.40×104 CFU/cm3)。弧菌的优势类群具有季节性分布特征:春季特有的优势类群有Vibrio gigantis类似种和V. splendidus类似种,秋季特有的优势类群有V. natriegens类似种;V. alginolyticus类似种是两个季节共有的优势类群,其数量春季高于秋季的。弧菌种类、数量与海水温度、盐度及细菌总数、Chl-a等环境因子有一定的相关性,其中盐度为弧菌种类及数量分布的主要影响因子。  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic model is developed for the Blackwater estuary (UK) and used to estimate nitrate removal by denitrification. Using the model, sediment analysis and estimates of sedimentation rates, we estimate changes in estuarine denitrification and intertidal carbon and nutrient storage and associated value of habitat created under a scenario of extensive managed realignment. We then use this information, together with engineering and land costs, to conduct a cost benefit analysis of the managed realignment. This demonstrates that over a 50–100 year timescale the value of the habitat created and carbon buried is sufficient to make the large scale managed realignment cost effective. The analysis reveals that carbon and nutrient storage plus habitat creation represent major and quantifiable benefits of realignment. The methodology described here can be readily transferred to other coastal systems.  相似文献   

中国海洋溢油污染现状及其生态影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分析了中国近海溢油污染的现状、污染加剧的背景和原因,着重探讨了海洋溢油污染的生态危害,并提出了防治方法与对策.  相似文献   

Shallow soft-bottom habitats including mangroves and mudflats provide important nursery functions for juvenile fishes, but little information exists concerning the relative nursery value of these habitats for juvenile fishes. We compared the potential of a mangrove and a mudflat in a semi-enclosed bay in Hong Kong to serve as fish nurseries by measuring species composition, dietary composition, gut fullness and diet breadth of juvenile fishes. Fish abundance was higher in mangrove than mudflat, but species richness was almost similar between the two habitats. After excluding Ambassis gymnocephalus, which was found mainly in the mangrove, difference in fish abundance between the two habitats was small. The gut fullness and diet breath of most species did not differ between mangrove and mudflat, suggesting that the two habitats were very similar in terms of providing feeding opportunity for juvenile fishes. While the importance of mangrove as nursery of fishes has been repeatedly emphasized, our data suggest that other soft-bottom habitats, such as mudflats, are also important and need to be protected.  相似文献   

2003年夏季和2004年夏、秋季,分别在浙江沿岸海域10m等深线(以下称内侧海域)和50 m等深线(禁渔线附近,以下称外侧海域)处共设置37个站位,对采集于大、小潮汛期间的浮游植物样品进行了种类组成、优势种、细胞丰度分布和群落结构特征的调查研究,并分析了其分布特征与环境因子的关系.结果表明,调查海域共鉴定出浮游植物3...  相似文献   

利用2009年4月在浙江近岸海域采集的47个浮游植物水样,对该海域浮游植物的类群组成及其空间分布特征进行了研究,并分析了其空间分布特征与环境因子的关系,结果表明:(1)共鉴定出浮游植物81种,隶属于4门32属,其中硅藻26属69种,甲藻4属10种,硅藻在种类数上占优势,中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum和具槽直链藻Melosira sulcata为优势种。(2)各水层浮游植物总细胞密度为(2~236.8)×102个/dm3,平均值为41.9×102个/dm3。平面分布上,表层和5 m层的浮游植物总细胞密度分布趋势较一致,即调查区域最南端出现高值区(>200×102个/dm3),沿岸向北则细胞密度值呈递减趋势。硅藻细胞密度为(1.2~236.4)×102个/dm3,平均值为40.88×102个/dm3,与浮游植物总细胞密度分布趋势基本一致。甲藻细胞密度为(0~13.6)×102个/dm3,平均值为0.94×102个/dm3。垂直分布上,浮游植物总细胞密度大小依次为30 m层(82.5×102个/dm3)>表层(35.3×102个/dm3)>10 m层(31.9×102个/dm3)>5 m层(31.8×102个/dm3)。断面分布上,浮游植物总细胞密度由大到小依次为D断面(83.1×102个/dm3)>C断面(36.5×102个/dm3)>B断面(30.9×102个/dm3)>A断面(16.3×102个/dm3)。(3)总体上,浮游植物生态分布与水温、营养盐均呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

刘琳  王珍岩 《海洋科学》2019,43(10):55-65
依据2015年GOCI(geostationary ocean color imager)卫星影像反演的悬浮体浓度数据,分析了山东半岛沿岸海域表层悬浮体质量浓度和锋面月变化特征,揭示该海域悬浮体的分布特征和扩散格局,并结合风速、波高以及海表温度数据,对其控制因素进行初步探讨。结果显示:研究区内悬浮体质量浓度整体表现为冬季最高,春秋次之,夏季最低的分布特征;悬浮体扩散过程可以划分为4个阶段,冬季稳定外输,春季向岸退缩,夏季近岸贮存,秋季向外扩散。此外,山东半岛近岸存在一条悬浮体质量浓度高于10 mg/L的浑浊带,该浑浊带同样表现出季节变化,它在秋季开始形成,其悬浮体含量、幅宽及延伸范围在冬季达到最大,春季减弱,夏季消失。研究认为山东半岛沿岸海域的表层悬浮体来源主要是海底沉积物的再悬浮。风场、海浪以及沿岸流的强弱变化对悬浮体分布和输运的季节变化有重要的控制作用:风场和海浪影响海水混合搅拌强度,改变海底沉积物再悬浮作用的临界深度,进而影响表层海水悬浮体浓度,致使悬浮体浓度与风浪的月际变化趋势基本一致;沿岸流携带高浓度悬浮体沿山东半岛输运形成沿岸浑浊带,沿岸流的强度变化直接控制浑浊带的季节变化。  相似文献   

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