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The dissipation of tidal energy causes the ongoing silicate volcanism on Jupiter's satellite, Io, and cryovolcanism almost certainly has resurfaced parts of Saturn's satellite, Enceladus, at various epochs distributed over the latter's history. The maintenance of tidal dissipation in Io and the occurrence of the same on Enceladus depends crucially on the maintenance of the respective orbital eccentricities by the existence of mean motion resonances with nearby satellites. A formation of the resonances among the Galilean satellites by differential expansion of the satellite orbits from tides raised on Jupiter by the satellites means the onset of the volcanism on Io could be relatively recent. If, on the other hand, the resonances formed by differential migration from resonant interactions of the satellites with the disk of gas and particles from which they formed, Io would have been at least intermittently volcanically active throughout its history. Either means of assembling the Galilean satellite resonances lead to the same constraint on the dissipation function of Jupiter Q J 106, where the currently high heat flux from Io seems to favor episodic heating as Io's eccentricity periodically increases and decreases. Either of the two models might account for sufficient tidal dissipation in the icy satellite Enceladus to cause at least occasional cryovolcanism over much of its history. However, both models are assumption-dependent and not secure, so uncertainty remains on how tidal dissipation resurfaced Enceladus.  相似文献   

New estimates for Io eruption temperatures: Implications for the interior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The initial interpretation of Galileo data from Jupiter's moon, Io, suggested eruption temperatures . Tidal heating models have difficulties explaining Io's prodigious heat flow if the mantle is , although we suggest that temperatures up to may be possible. In general, Io eruption temperatures have been overestimated because the incorrect thermal model has been applied. Much of the thermal emission from high-temperature hot spots comes from lava fountains but lava flow models were utilized. We apply a new lava fountain model to the highest reported eruption temperature, the SSI observation of the 1997 eruption at Pillan. This resets the lower temperature limit for the eruption from 1600 to . Additionally, viscous heating of the magma may have increased eruption temperature by as a result of the strong compressive stresses in the ionian lithosphere. While further work is needed, it appears that the discrepancy between observations and interior models is largely resolved.  相似文献   

The Io flux tube (IFT), along which Io interacts with the Jovian magnetosphere, is the place of plasma acceleration processes resulting in auroral like emissions, in UV, IR and Radio emissions in the decameter range. At Earth, the study of the acceleration processes is mainly made by in situ measurements. Acceleration processes at Jupiter were first deduced from the observation of a particular kind of decameter radio emissions from the IFT: the short (S-)bursts. These radio bursts present a negative drift in the time-frequency domain, which is related to the motion of the energetic electrons which produce them. The measure of their drift thus permits the kinetic energy of the electrons to be obtained, as well as its variations along the IFT which have been interpreted as electric potential jumps. Using an enhanced S-burst detection and drift measurement method, more than 1 h of quasi-continuous decametric emissions recorded at the Kharkov UTR-2 radiotelescope have been analyzed. We observe the evolution of the electron kinetic energy with the longitude of Io with a resolution of , and detect the presence of acceleration structures with characteristics being consistent with electric potential jumps of few hundred volts, and moving along the IFT in the upward direction (toward Io) at the local sound velocity.  相似文献   

The giant planets of our solar system possess envelopes consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium but are also significantly enriched in heavier elements relatively to our Sun. In order to better constrain how these heavy elements have been delivered, we quantify the amount accreted during the so-called “late heavy bombardment”, at a time when planets were fully formed and planetesimals could not sink deep into the planets. On the basis of the “Nice model”, we obtain accreted masses (in terrestrial units) equal to for Jupiter, and for Saturn. For the two other giant planets, the results are found to depend mostly on whether they switched position during the instability phase. For Uranus, the accreted mass is with an inversion and without an inversion. Neptune accretes in models in which it is initially closer to the Sun than Uranus, and otherwise. With well-mixed envelopes, this corresponds to an increase in the enrichment over the solar value of 0.033±0.001 and 0.074±0.007 for Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. For the two other planets, we find the enrichments to be 2.1±1.4 (w/ inversion) or 1.2±0.7 (w/o inversion) for Uranus, and 2.0±1.2 (w/ inversion) or 2.7±1.6 (w/o inversion) for Neptune. This is clearly insufficient to explain the inferred enrichments of ∼4 for Jupiter, ∼7 for Saturn and ∼45 for Uranus and Neptune.  相似文献   

During the Cassini-Huygens flyby of Jupiter in December 2000, VIMS-V acquired multispectral data cubes of Jupiter's atmosphere. The visual and infrared imaging spectrometer-visual channel (VIMS-V) is one of the principal contributions of Italian Space Agency (ASI) to the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn. VIMS-V is an imaging spectrometer operating in the wavelength range 300-, with a (nominal) spectral resolution of , and a (nominal) spatial resolution of . VIMS-V is boresighted with the VIMS-IR channel operating in the wavelength range 0.8-. During the early phases of the Cassini mission, the spacecraft encountered Venus (June 23, 1999), followed shortly thereafter by a flyby of the Earth. During the Earth flyby the Moon (August 17, 1999) was observed. Following the Earth-Moon flyby, the spacecraft encountered Jupiter (closest approach on December 31, 2000), and during the roughly 6 months prior to Jupiter closest approach a series of observations were made of most of the objects in the Jovian system. We have determined the instrumental transfer function of VIMS-V using the Moon and Venus day side data. This transfer function was then used to remove instrumental effects from the Jupiter data and to convert raw instrumental response numbers to spectral radiance from the target. It was thus possible to study the spectral variability of Jupiter's atmosphere across its disk using data from both the visual (V) and infrared (IR) channels of VIMS. In this paper we discuss the main results obtained by the V channel. We have analyzed the principal spectral features of Jupiter atmosphere, and in particular, the spatial variation of methane and ammonia absorption bands over the Jovian disk. Using the instrument's spatial mapping capabilities we have investigated the nature of the absorption band in the spectrum of Jupiter's atmosphere at that is consistent with the presence of ammonia or water vapor. After comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacted Jupiter, water vapor was considered the most likely cause of the absorption feature, but our data indicate that ammonia is the source of this band. Other analyses were performed using standard techniques such as forming band ratios and removal of the continuum. Our analyses confirm previous ground or satellite based observations. We were also able to verify the instrument radiometric calibration, using observations conducted during the close encounters with Venus and the Moon.  相似文献   

We detected a volcanic outburst in Io's northern hemisphere on 17 April 2006 with the OSIRIS imaging spectrometer at Keck, and confirmed it was still erupting on 2 June 2006. The eruption, which we name 060417A, was located in Tvashtar Paterae, ∼100 km southeast of the February 2000 eruption. The observed temperature was , over a surface area of , providing a total thermal output of .  相似文献   

The ionosphere of Jupiter's satellite Io, discovered by the Pioneer 10 radio-occultation experiment, cannot easily be understood in terms of a model of a gravitationally bound, Earth-like ionosphere. Io's gravitational field is so weak that a gravitationally bound ionosphere would probably be blown away by the ram force of the Jovian magnetospheric wind — i.e., the plasma corotating in the Jovian magnetosphere. We propose here a model in which the material for Io's atmosphere and ionosphere is drawn from the ionosphere of Jupiter through a Birkeland current system that is driven by the potential induced across Io by the Jovian corotation electric field. We argue that the ionization near Io is caused by a comet-like interaction between the corotating plasma and Io's atmosphere. The initial interaction employs the critical velocity phenomenon proposed many years ago by Alfvén. Further ionization is produced by the impact of Jovian trapped energetic electrons, and the ionization thus created is swept out ahead of Io in its orbit. Thus, we suggest that what has been reported as a day-night ionospheric asymmetry is in fact an upstream-downstream asymmetry caused by the Jovian magnetospheric wind.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30th May, 1978.  相似文献   

We apply an automated cloud feature tracking algorithm to estimate eddy momentum fluxes in Saturn's southern hemisphere from Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem near-infrared continuum image sequences. Voyager Saturn manually tracked images had suggested no conversion of eddy to mean flow kinetic energy, but this was based on a small sample of <1000 wind vectors. The automated procedure we use for the Cassini data produces an order of magnitude more usable wind vectors with relatively unbiased sampling. Automated tracking is successful in and around the westward jet latitudes on Saturn but not in the vicinity of most eastward jets, where the linearity and non-discrete nature of cloud features produces ambiguous results. For the regions we are able to track, we find peak eddy fluxes and a clear positive correlation between eddy momentum fluxes and meridional shear of the mean zonal wind, implying that eddies supply momentum to eastward jets and remove momentum from westward jets at a rate . The behavior we observe is similar to that seen on Jupiter, though with smaller eddy-mean kinetic energy conversion rates per unit mass of atmosphere (). We also use the appearance and rapid evolution of small bright features at continuum wavelengths, in combination with evidence from weak methane band images where possible, to diagnose the occurrence of moist convective storms on Saturn. Areal expansion rates imply updraft speeds of over the convective anvil cloud area. As on Jupiter, convection preferentially occurs in cyclonic shear regions on Saturn, but unlike Jupiter, convection is also observed in eastward jet regions. With one possible exception, the large eddy fluxes seen in the cyclonic shear latitudes do not seem to be associated with convective events.  相似文献   

The Galileo spacecraft encountered the inner magnetosphere of Jupiter on its way to a flyby of Amalthea on November 5, 2002. During this encounter, the spacecraft observed distinct spin modulation of plasma wave emissions. The modulations occurred in the frequency range from a few hundred hertz to a few hundred kilohertz and probably include at least two distinct wave modes. Assuming transverse EM radiation, we have used the swept-frequency receivers of the electric dipole antenna to determine the direction to the source of these emissions. Additionally, with knowledge of the magnetic field some constraints are placed on the wave mode of the emission based on a comparative analysis of the wave power versus spin phase of the different emissions. The emission appears in several bands separated by attenuation lanes. The analysis indicates that the lanes are probably due to blockage of the freely propagating emission by high density regions of the Io torus near the magnetic equator. Radio emission at lower frequencies (<40 kHz) appears to emanate from sources at high latitude and is not attenuated. Emission at is consistent with O-mode and Z-mode. Lower frequency emissions could be a mixture of O-mode, Z-mode and whistler mode. Emission for shows bands that are similar to upper hybrid resonance bands observed near the terrestrial plasmapause, and also elsewhere in Jovian magnetosphere. Based on the observations and knowledge of similar terrestrial emissions, we hypothesize that radio emission results from mode conversion near the strong density gradient of the inner radius of the cold plasma torus, similar to the generation of nKOM and continuum emission observed in the outer Jovian magnetosphere and in the terrestrial magnetosphere from source regions near the plasmapause.  相似文献   

New numerical simulations of the formation and evolution of Jupiter are presented. The formation model assumes that first a solid core of several M accretes from the planetesimals in the protoplanetary disk, and then the core captures a massive gaseous envelope from the protoplanetary disk. Earlier studies of the core accretion-gas capture model [Pollack, J.B., Hubickyj, O., Bodenheimer, P., Lissauer, J.J., Podolak, M., Greenzweig, Y., 1996. Icarus 124, 62-85] demonstrated that it was possible for Jupiter to accrete with a solid core of 10-30 M in a total formation time comparable to the observed lifetime of protoplanetary disks. Recent interior models of Jupiter and Saturn that agree with all observational constraints suggest that Jupiter's core mass is 0-11 M and Saturn's is 9-22 M [Saumon, G., Guillot, T., 2004. Astrophys. J. 609, 1170-1180]. We have computed simulations of the growth of Jupiter using various values for the opacity produced by grains in the protoplanet's atmosphere and for the initial planetesimal surface density, σinit,Z, in the protoplanetary disk. We also explore the implications of halting the solid accretion at selected core mass values during the protoplanet's growth. Halting planetesimal accretion at low core mass simulates the presence of a competing embryo, and decreasing the atmospheric opacity due to grains emulates the settling and coagulation of grains within the protoplanet's atmosphere. We examine the effects of adjusting these parameters to determine whether or not gas runaway can occur for small mass cores on a reasonable timescale. We compute four series of simulations with the latest version of our code, which contains updated equation of state and opacity tables as well as other improvements. Each series consists of a run without a cutoff in planetesimal accretion, plus up to three runs with a cutoff at a particular core mass. The first series of runs is computed with an atmospheric opacity due to grains (hereafter referred to as ‘grain opacity’) that is 2% of the interstellar value and . Cutoff runs are computed for core masses of 10, 5, and 3 M. The second series of Jupiter models is computed with the grain opacity at the full interstellar value and . Cutoff runs are computed for core masses of 10 and 5 M. The third series of runs is computed with the grain opacity at 2% of the interstellar value and . One cutoff run is computed with a core mass of 5 M. The final series consists of one run, without a cutoff, which is computed with a temperature dependent grain opacity (i.e., 2% of the interstellar value for ramping up to the full interstellar value for ) and . Our results demonstrate that reducing grain opacities results in formation times less than half of those for models computed with full interstellar grain opacity values. The reduction of opacity due to grains in the upper portion of the envelope with has the largest effect on the lowering of the formation time. If the accretion of planetesimals is not cut off prior to the accretion of gas, then decreasing the surface density of planetesimals lowers the final core mass of the protoplanet, but increases the formation timescale considerably. Finally, a core mass cutoff results in a reduction of the time needed for a protoplanet to evolve to the stage of runaway gas accretion, provided the cutoff mass is sufficiently large. The overall results indicate that, with reasonable parameters, it is possible that Jupiter formed at 5 AU via the core accretion process in 1 Myr with a core of 10 M or in 5 Myr with a core of 5 M.  相似文献   

R. Brasser  M.J. Duncan 《Icarus》2006,184(1):59-82
Observations suggest most stars originate in clusters embedded in giant molecular clouds [Lada, C.J., Lada, E.A., 2003. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 41, 57-115]. Our Solar System likely spent 1-5 Myrs in such regions just after it formed. Thus the Oort Cloud (OC) possibly retains evidence of the Sun's early dynamical history and of the stellar and tidal influence of the cluster. Indeed, the newly found objects (90377) Sedna and 2000 CR105 may have been put on their present orbits by such processes [Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2004. Astron. J. 128, 2564-2576]. Results are presented here of numerical simulations of the orbital evolution of comets subject to the influence of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn (with their current masses on orbits appropriate to the period before the Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) [Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2005. Nature 435, 459-461]), passing stars and tidal force associated with the gas and stars of an embedded star cluster. The cluster was taken to be a Plummer model with 200-400 stars, with a range of initial central densities. The Sun's orbit was integrated in the cluster potential together with Jupiter and Saturn and the test particles. Stellar encounters were incorporated by directly integrating the effects of stars passing within a sphere centred on the Sun of radius equal to the Plummer radius for low-density clusters and half a Plummer radius for high-density clusters. The gravitational influence of the gas was modeled using the tidal force of the cluster potential. For a given solar orbit, the mean density, 〈ρ〉, was computed by orbit-averaging the density of material encountered. This parameter proved to be a good measure for predicting the properties of the OC. On average 2-18% of our initial sample of comets end up in the OC after 1-3 Myr. A comet is defined to be part of the OC if it is bound and has q>35 AU. Our models show that the median distance of an object in the OC scales approximately as 〈ρ−1/2 when . Our models easily produce objects on orbits like that of (90377) Sedna [Brown, M.E., Trujillo, C., Rabinowitz, D., 2004. Astrophys. J. 617, 645-649] within ∼1 Myr in cases where the mean density is or higher; one needs mean densities of order to create objects like 2000 CR105 by this mechanism, which are reasonable (see, e.g., Guthermuth, R.A., Megeath, S.T., Pipher, J.L., Williams, J.P., Allen, L.E., Myers, P.C., Raines, S.N., 2005. Astrophys. J. 632, 397-420). Thus the latter object may also be part of the OC. Close stellar passages can stir the primordial Kuiper Belt to sufficiently high eccentricities (e?0.05; Kenyon, S.J., Bromley, B.C., 2002. Astron. J. 123, 1757-1775) that collisions become destructive. From the simulations performed it is determined that there is a 50% or better chance to stir the primordial Kuiper Belt to eccentricities e?0.05 at 50 AU when . The orbit of the new object 2003 UB313 [Brown, M.E., Trujillo, C.A., Rabinowitz, D.L., 2005. Astrophys. J. 635, L97-L100] is only reproduced for mean cluster densities of the order of , but in the simulations it could not come to be on its current orbit by this mechanism without disrupting the formation of bodies in the primordial Kuiper Belt down to 20 AU. It is therefore improbable that the latter object is created by this mechanism.  相似文献   

The determination of the nuclear magnitudes of comets, and with it nuclear size frequency distributions, is strongly complicated by cometary activity. By now, only nuclear size frequency distributions for Jupiter Family comets are available, and they are still subject of uncertainties. For comets of other dynamical classes, nuclear magnitudes are known for only a few comets. The size frequency distributions are thus not well constrained.In this work we study whether nuclear magnitudes of comets can be constrained from sky survey observations as published by the Minor Planet Center. Observations from sky survey programs in which the comet was classified as a point-like source are analyzed in this respect.From the available published observations from 1998 to 2008, we derive nuclear magnitudes, as well as nuclear radii, for 84 comets. Among these are comets of the Jupiter Family, dynamically old and new isotropic comets, Halley-type comets and Centaurs. For Jupiter Family comets and for isotropic comets, the size frequency distributions are presented.Uncertainties of derived nuclear magnitudes arise from photometry and from potentially undetected activity. However, a comparison with objects with well known nuclear parameters shows that, despite substantial observational uncertainties, nuclear magnitudes are constrained to ±0.6 mag, thereby providing first indications for nuclear sizes. This is particularly relevant for isotropic comets with so far ill-constrained size distributions. Exponents of the differential size frequency distributions of for Jupiter Family comets and for isotropic comets are presented. The values derived here form a basis for future, dedicated observational studies which provide higher measurement accuracy.  相似文献   

We report unusual and somewhat unexpected observations of the jovian satellite Io, showing strong methane absorption bands. These observations were made by the Cassini VIMS experiment during the Jupiter flyby of December/January 2000/2001. The explanation is straightforward: Entering or exiting from Jupiter's shadow during an eclipse, Io is illuminated by solar light which has transited the atmosphere of Jupiter. This light, therefore becomes imprinted with the spectral signature of Jupiter's upper atmosphere, which includes strong atmospheric methane absorption bands. Intercepting solar light refracted by the jovian atmosphere, Io essentially becomes a “mirror” for solar occultation events of Jupiter. The thickness of the layer where refracted solar light is observed is so large (more than 3000 km at Io's orbit), that we can foresee a nearly continuous multi-year period of similar events at Saturn, utilizing the large and bright ring system. During Cassini's 4-year nominal mission, this probing technique should reveal information of Saturn's atmosphere over a large range of southern latitudes and times.  相似文献   

Ke Zhang  Douglas P. Hamilton 《Icarus》2007,188(2):386-399
We investigate the orbital resonant history of Proteus and Larissa, the two largest inner neptunian satellites discovered by Voyager 2. Due to tidal migration, these two satellites probably passed through their 2:1 mean-motion resonance a few hundred million years ago. We explore this resonance passage as a method to excite orbital eccentricities and inclinations, and find interesting constraints on the satellites' mean density () and their tidal dissipation parameters (Qs>10). Through numerical study of this mean-motion resonance passage, we identify a new type of three-body resonance between the satellite pair and Triton. These new resonances occur near the traditional two-body resonances between the small satellites and, surprisingly, are much stronger than their two-body counterparts due to Triton's large mass and orbital inclination. We determine the relevant resonant arguments and derive a mathematical framework for analyzing resonances in this special system.  相似文献   

We study the Jupiter family comet (JFC) population assumed to come from the Scattered Disk and transferred to the Jupiter’s zone through gravitational interactions with the Jovian planets. We shall define as JFCs those with orbital periods and Tisserand parameters in the range 2<T?3.1, while those comets coming from the same source, but that do not fulfill the previous criteria (mainly because they have periods ) will be called ‘non-JFCs’. We performed a series of numerical simulations of fictitious comets with a purely dynamical model and also with a more complete dynamical-physical model that includes besides nongravitational forces, sublimation and splitting mechanisms. With the dynamical model, we obtain a poor match between the computed distributions of orbital elements and the observed ones. However with the inclusion of physical effects in the complete model we are able to obtain good fits to observations. The best fits are attained with four splitting models with a relative weak dependence on q, and a mass loss in every splitting event that is less when the frequency is high and vice versa. The mean lifetime of JFCs with radii and is found to be of about 150-200 revolutions (∼. The total population of JFCs with radii within Jupiter’s zone is found to be of 450±50. Yet, the population of non-JFCs with radii in Jupiter-crossing orbits may be ∼4 times greater, thus leading to a whole population of JFCs + non-JFCs of ∼2250±250. Most of these comets have perihelia close to Jupiter’s orbit. On the other hand, very few non-JFCs reach the Earth’s vicinity (perihelion distances ) which gives additional support to the idea that JFCs and Halley-type comets have different dynamical origins. Our model allows us to define the zones of the orbital element space in which we would expect to find a large number of JFCs. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that a physico-dynamical model is presented that includes sublimation and different splitting laws. Our work helps to understand the role played by these erosion effects in the distribution of the orbital elements and lifetimes of JFCs.  相似文献   

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