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In March 2001, the Hayabusa spacecraft target, Asteroid 25143 Itokawa, made its final close approach to Earth prior to the spacecraft's launch. We carried out an extensive observing campaign from January to September 2001 to better characterize this near-Earth asteroid. Global physical properties of the surface of Itokawa were characterized by analyzing its photometric properties and behavior. Results included here capitalize on analysis of broadband photometric observations taken with a number of telescopes, instruments, and observers. We employed a Hapke model to estimate the surface roughness, single particle scattering albedo, single particle scattering characteristics, phase integral, and geometric and bond albedo. We find that this asteroid has a higher geometric albedo than average main belt S-class asteroids; this is consistent with results from other observers. The broadband colors of Itokawa further support evidence that this is an atypical S-class asteroid. Broadband colors show spectral characteristics more typically found on large-diameter main-belt asteroids believed to be space-weathered, suggesting the surface of this small diameter, near-Earth asteroid could likewise be space-weathered.  相似文献   

A photometric analysis of the S-type Asteroid 25143 Itokawa is performed over multiple wavelengths ranging from 0.85 to 2.10 μm based on disk-resolved reflectance spectra obtained with the Hayabusa near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS). We derive the global photometric properties of Itokawa in terms of Hapke's photometric model. We find that Itokawa has a single-scatter albedo that is 35-40% less than that of Asteroid 433 Eros. Itokawa also has a single-particle phase function that is more strongly back-scattering than that of Eros. Despite its hummocky surface strewn with large boulders, Itokawa exhibits an opposition effect. However, the total amplitude of the opposition surge for Itokawa was estimated to be less than unity while Eros and other S-type asteroids have been found to have model values exceeding unity. The wavelength dependence of the opposition surge width reveals that coherent backscatter contributes to the opposition effect on Itokawa's surface. The photometric roughness of Itokawa is well constrained to a value of 26° ± 1° which is similar to Eros, suggesting that photometric roughness models the smallest surface roughness scale for which shadows exist.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the observational campaign carried out at ESO NTT and VLT in April and May 2006 to investigate the nature and the structure of the near-Earth object (144898) 2004 VD17. In spite of a great quantity of dynamical information, according to which it will have a close approach with the Earth in the next century, the physical properties of this asteroid are largely unknown. We performed visible and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy, as well as polarimetric observations. Polarimetric and spectroscopic data allowed us to classify 2004 VD17 as an E-type asteroid. A good agreement was also found with the spectrum of the aubrite meteorite Mayo Belwa. On the basis of the polarimetric albedo (pv=0.45) and of photometric data, we estimated a diameter of about 320 m and a rotational period of about 2 h. The analysis of the results obtained by our complete survey have shown that (144898) 2004 VD17 is a peculiar NEO, since it is close to the breakup limits for fast rotator asteroids, as defined by Pravec and Harris [Pravec, P., Harris, A.W., 2000. Icarus 148, 12-20]. These results suggest that a more robust structure must be expected, as a fractured monolith or a rubble pile in a “strength regime” [Holsapple, K.A., 2002. Speed limits of rubble pile asteroids: Even fast rotators can be rubble piles. In: Workshop on Scientific Requirements for Mitigation of Hazardous Comets and Asteroids, Washington, September, 2002].  相似文献   

The Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa is planed to reach the Asteroid Itokawa in September 2005, and to bring back some samples of its surface to Earth in 2007. We have studied the future possible evolution of this asteroid by integrating numerically over 100 Myr a set of 39 initially indistinguishable orbits (clones), obtained either by small variations of the nominal initial conditions, or by using different computers (introducing different round-off errors). The results indicate that an Earth impact of this 500-m-size asteroid is likely within a million years, which is only a factor of four larger than the average impact frequency of asteroids of this size. The mission Hayabusa may thus sample a good candidate for being among the next 500-m-size Earth impactors.  相似文献   

The Hayabusa Spacecraft Asteroid Multi-band Imaging Camera (AMICA) has acquired more than 1400 multispectral and high-resolution images of its target asteroid, 25143 Itokawa, since late August 2005. In this paper, we summarize the design and performance of AMICA. In addition, we describe the calibration methods, assumptions, and models, based on measurements. Major calibration steps include corrections for linearity and modeling and subtraction of bias, dark current, read-out smear, and pixel-to-pixel responsivity variations. AMICA v-band data were calibrated to radiance using in-flight stellar observations. The other band data were calibrated to reflectance by comparing them to ground-based observations to avoid the uncertainty of the solar irradiation in those bands. We found that the AMICA signal was linear with respect to the input signal to an accuracy of ?1% when the signal level was <3800 DN. We verified that the absolute radiance calibration of the AMICA v-band (0.55 μm) was accurate to 4% or less, the accuracy of the disk-integrated spectra with respect to the AMICA v-band was about 1%, and the pixel-to-pixel responsivity (flat-field) variation was 3% or less. The uncertainty in background zero level was 5 DN. From wide-band observations of star clusters, we found that the AMICA optics have an effective focal length of 120.80 ± 0.03 mm, yielding a field-of-view (FOV) of 5.83° × 5.69°. The resulting geometric distortion model was accurate to within a third of a pixel. We demonstrated an image-restoration technique using the point-spread functions of stars, and confirmed that the technique functions well in all loss-less images. An artifact not corrected by this calibration is scattered light associated with bright disks in the FOV.  相似文献   

The results of V-band polarimetric observations of the potentially hazardous near-Earth Asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 at large phase angles are presented as well as its photometric observations in BVRI bands. Observations were made in March-April 2006 during its close approach to the Earth using the 1.82-m Asiago telescope (Italy) and the 0.7-m telescope at the Chuguevskaya Observational Station (Ukraine). We obtained polarimetric measurements at the phase angle of 115°, the largest phase angle ever observed in asteroid polarimetry. Our data show that the maximum value of the polarization phase curve reached 7.7% and occurred in the phase angle range of 90-115°. The measured values of linear polarization degree, BVRI colors and magnitude-phase dependence correspond to the S-type composition of this asteroid. Based on our observations the following characteristics of the Asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 were obtained: a rotation period of 2.5325±0.0004 h, a lightcurve amplitude of 0.13 mag, an albedo of 0.24±0.06 and a diameter of 1.6±0.3 km.  相似文献   

Triplicity and physical characteristics of Asteroid (216) Kleopatra   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To take full advantage of the September 2008 opposition passage of the M-type Asteroid (216) Kleopatra, we have used near-infrared adaptive optics (AO) imaging with the W.M. Keck II telescope to capture unprecedented high resolution images of this unusual asteroid. Our AO observations with the W.M. Keck II telescope, combined with Spitzer/IRS spectroscopic observations and past stellar occultations, confirm the value of its IRAS radiometric radius of 67.5 km as well as its dog-bone shape suggested by earlier radar observations. Our Keck AO observations revealed the presence of two small satellites in orbit about Kleopatra (see Marchis, F. et al. [2008a]. (3749) Balam. In: Green, D.W.E. (Ed.), IAU Circ. 8928; Marchis, F., Descamps, P., Berthier, J., Emery, J.P. [2008b]. S/2008 ((216)) 1 and S/2008 ((216)) 2. In: Green, D.W.E. (Ed.), IAU Circ. 8980). Accurate measurements of the satellite orbits over a full month enabled us to determine the total mass of the system to be 4.64 ± 0.02 × 1018 kg. This translates into a bulk density of 3.6 ± 0.4 g/cm3, which implies a macroscopic porosity for Kleopatra of ∼30-50%, typical of a rubble-pile asteroid. From these physical characteristics we measured its specific angular momentum, very close to that of a spinning equilibrium dumbbell.  相似文献   

We report radar, photometric, and spectroscopic observations of near-Earth Asteroid (136617) 1994 CC. The radar measurements were obtained at Goldstone (8560 MHz, 3.5 cm) and Arecibo (2380 MHz, 12.6 cm) on 9 days following the asteroid’s approach within 0.0168 AU on June 10, 2009. 1994 CC was also observed with the Panchromatic Robotic Optical Monitoring and Polarimetry Telescopes (PROMPT) on May 21 and June 1-3. Visible-wavelength spectroscopy was obtained with the 5-m Hale telescope at Palomar on August 25. Delay-Doppler radar images reveal that 1994 CC is a triple system; along with (153591) 2001 SN263, this is only the second confirmed triple in the near-Earth population. Photometry obtained with PROMPT yields a rotation period for the primary P = 2.38860 ± 0.00009 h and a lightcurve amplitude of ∼0.1 mag suggesting a shape with low elongation. Hale telescope spectroscopy indicates that 1994 CC is an Sq-class object. Delay-Doppler radar images and shape modeling reveal that the primary has an effective diameter of 0.62 ± 0.06 km, low pole-on elongation, few obvious surface features, and a prominent equatorial ridge and sloped hemispheres that closely resemble those seen on the primary of binary near-Earth Asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4. Detailed orbit fitting reported separately by Fang et al. (Fang, J., Margot, J.-L., Brozovic, M., Nolan, M.C., Benner, L.A.M., Taylor, P.A. [2011]. Astron. J. 141, 154-168) gives a mass of the primary of 2.6 × 1011 kg that, coupled with the effective diameter, yields a bulk density of 2.1 ± 0.6 g cm−3. The images constrain the diameters of the inner and outer satellites to be 113 ± 30 m and 80 ± 30 m, respectively. The inner satellite has a semimajor axis of ∼1.7 km (∼5.5 primary radii), an orbital period of ∼30 h, and its Doppler dispersion suggests relatively slow rotation, 26 ± 12 h, consistent with spin-orbit lock. The outer satellite has an orbital period of ∼9 days and a rotation period of 14 ± 7 h, establishing that the rotation is not spin-orbit locked. Among all binary and triple systems observed by radar, at least 25% (7/28) have a satellite that rotates more rapidly than its orbital period. This suggests that asynchronous configurations with Protation < Porbital are relatively common among multiple systems in the near-Earth population. 1994 CC’s outer satellite has an observed maximum separation from the primary of ∼5.7 km (∼18.4 primary radii) that is the largest separation relative to primary radius seen to date among all 36 known binary and triple NEA systems. 1994 CC, (153591) 2001 SN263, and 1998 ST27 are the only triple and binary systems known with satellite separations >10 primary radii, suggesting either a detection bias, or that such widely-separated satellites are relatively uncommon in NEA multiple systems.  相似文献   

We report the first detection of a fragment of Asteroid (4) Vesta’s mantle in the near-Earth and main belt Vestoid populations. The near-infrared (NIR) spectrum of near-Earth Asteroid (237442) 1999 TA10 shows band parameters, and inferred surface mineralogy, and pyroxene chemistry, similar to diogenite meteorites, which are believed to be fragments of (4) Vesta’s upper mantle. This strongly indicates that the impact that led to the excavation of 1999 TA10 was deep enough to sample Vesta’s upper mantle and provides constraints on Vesta’s internal structure that can be verified by the Dawn mission.  相似文献   

In August 2002, the near-Earth Asteroid 2002 NY40, made its closest approach to the Earth. This provided an opportunity to study a near-Earth asteroid with a variety of instruments. Several of the telescopes at the Maui Space Surveillance System were trained at the asteroid and collected adaptive optics images, photometry and spectroscopy. Analysis of the imagery reveals the asteroid is triangular shaped with significant self-shadowing. The photometry reveals a 20-h period and the spectroscopy shows that the asteroid is a Q-type.  相似文献   

Near-Earth Asteroid (29075) 1950 DA may closely encounter Earth in 2880. The probability of Earth impact may be as high as 1/300, but the outcome of the encounter depends critically on the physical properties of the asteroid [Giorgini et al., 2002. Science 196, 132-136]. We have used Arecibo and Goldstone radar data and optical lightcurves to estimate the shape, spin state, and surface structure of 1950 DA. The data allow two distinct models. One rotates prograde and is roughly spheroidal with mean diameter 1.16±0.12 km. The other rotates retrograde and is oblate and about 30% larger. Both models suggest a nickel-iron or enstatite chondritic composition. Ground-based observations should be able to determine which model is correct within the next several decades.  相似文献   

Jay McMahon  Daniel Scheeres 《Icarus》2010,209(2):494-509
A previous theory by the authors for detailed modeling of the binary YORP effect is reviewed and expanded to accommodate doubly-synchronous binary systems, as well as a method for non-dimensionalizing the coefficients for application to binary systems where a shape model to compute its own coefficients is not available. The theory is also expanded to account for the effects of primary J2 and the Sun’s 3rd body perturbation on the secular orbit evolution. The newly expanded theory is applied to the binary near-Earth Asteroid 1999 KW4, for which a detailed shape model is available. The result of simulation of the secular evolutionary equations shows that the KW4 orbit will be double in size in approximately 22,000 years, and will reach the Hill radius in approximately 54,000 years. The simulation also shows that the eccentricity will alternate growing and shrinking in magnitude, depending on the location of the solar node in the body-fixed frame. Therefore the eccentricity is not fixed to evolve in the opposite sign as the semi-major axis unless the circulation of the node (with a period of 500 years) is averaged out as well. The current orbit expansion rate for KW4 of 7 cm per year is shown to be detectable with observations of the mean anomaly which grows quadratically in time with an expanding orbit. Finally, the KW4 results are scaled for application to a number of other binary systems for which detailed shape models are not available. This application shows that the orbits considered can expand to their Hill radius in the range of 104-106 years. This implies rapid formation of binary systems is necessary to support the large percentage of binaries observed in the NEA population.  相似文献   

(U)BVRI photometry of 27 mainly small (≈30 km) Trojans show that the previously reported size-spectral slope trend among Trojans and Hildas must be modified. The small-slope small-bodies gap present in previous works does not exist. This has also been noted by other recent reported observations. While the largest asteroids have slopes less than about 10% kÅ−1 the smallest asteroids have both small and large slopes. The maximum slope is about 15% kÅ−1 for all outer main belt groups (Cybeles, Hildas and Trojans). Combining observations from different authors reveal that these three groups have small asteroids (below 50 km) in the same slope range, while the large Trojans (≈100 km) have in general significantly steeper slopes than Hildas and Cybeles of similar size. The size-slope trend would favor organic materials as mainly responsible for the reflectance properties of the surfaces.  相似文献   

The known close approach of Asteroid (99942) Apophis in April 2029 provides the opportunity for the case study of a potentially hazardous asteroid in advance of its encounter. The visible to near-infrared (0.55 to 2.45 μm) reflectance spectrum of Apophis is compared and modeled with respect to the spectral and mineralogical characteristics of likely meteorite analogs. Apophis is found to be an Sq-class asteroid that most closely resembles LL ordinary chondrite meteorites in terms of spectral characteristics and interpreted olivine and pyroxene abundances, although we cannot rule out some degree of partial melting. A meteorite analog allows some estimates and conjectures of Apophis' possible range of physical properties such as the grain density and micro-porosity of its constituent material. Composition and size similarities of Apophis with (25143) Itokawa suggest a total porosity of 40% as a “current best guess” for Apophis. Applying these parameters to Apophis yields a mass estimate of 2×1010 kg with a corresponding energy estimate of 375 Mt for its potential hazard. Substantial unknowns, most notably the total porosity, allow uncertainties in these mass and energy estimates to be as large as factors of two or three.  相似文献   

Dawn spacecraft orbited Vesta for more than one year and collected a huge volume of multispectral, high-resolution data in the visible wavelengths with the Framing Camera. We present a detailed disk-integrated and disk-resolved photometric analysis using the Framing Camera images with the Minnaert model and the Hapke model, and report our results about the global photometric properties of Vesta. The photometric properties of Vesta show weak or no dependence on wavelengths, except for the albedo. At 554 nm, the global average geometric albedo of Vesta is 0.38 ± 0.04, and the Bond albedo range is 0.20 ± 0.02. The bolometric Bond albedo is 0.18 ± 0.01. The phase function of Vesta is similar to those of S-type asteroids. Vesta’s surface shows a single-peaked albedo distribution with a full-width-half-max ∼17% relative to the global average. This width is much smaller than the full range of albedos (from ∼0.55× to >2× global average) in localized bright and dark areas of a few tens of km in sizes, and is probably a consequence of significant regolith mixing on the global scale. Rheasilvia basin is ∼10% brighter than the global average. The phase reddening of Vesta measured from Dawn Framing Camera images is comparable or slightly stronger than that of Eros as measured by the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission, but weaker than previous measurements based on ground-based observations of Vesta and laboratory measurements of HED meteorites. The photometric behaviors of Vesta are best described by the Hapke model and the Akimov disk-function, when compared with the Minnaert model, Lommel–Seeliger model, and Lommel–Seeliger–Lambertian model. The traditional approach for photometric correction is validated for Vesta for >99% of its surface where reflectance is within ±30% of global average.  相似文献   

M. Delbò  A. Cellino 《Icarus》2007,188(1):266-269
The near-Earth object (99942) Apophis will make an extremely close approach to the Earth in 2029, and currently has approximately a one-in-45,000 chance of impacting our planet in 2036 (JPL Sentry, November 2006). Computation of the orbital evolution of this object is limited by insufficient knowledge of physical properties required to determine the role played by non-gravitational effects. Using polarimetric observations, we have obtained the first reliable determination of the albedo of Apophis, obtaining 0.33±0.08. We also derive an updated estimate of the asteroid's absolute magnitude: H=19.7±0.4. Using this albedo and H, we find that Apophis has a diameter of 270±60 m, slightly smaller than preliminary estimates based upon an assumed albedo. Our observations demonstrate the feasibility of polarimetric observations aimed at obtaining albedos and sizes of small, potentially hazardous asteroids.  相似文献   

The potentially hazardous Asteroid (33342) 1998 WT24 approached the Earth within 0.0125 AU on 2001 December 16 and was the target of a number of optical, infrared, and radar observing campaigns. Interest in 1998 WT24 stems from its having an orbit with an unusually low perihelion distance, which causes it to cross the orbits of the Earth, Venus, and Mercury, and its possibly being a member of the E spectral class, which is rare amongst near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). We present the results of extensive thermal-infrared observations of 1998 WT24 obtained in December 2001 with the 3-m NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii and the ESO 3.6-m telescope in Chile. A number of thermal models have been applied to the data, including thermophysical models that give best-fit values of 0.35±0.04 km for the effective diameter, 0.56±0.2 for the geometric albedo, pv, and 100-300 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1 for the thermal inertia. Our values for the diameter and albedo are consistent with results derived from radar and polarimetric observations. The albedo is one of the highest values obtained for any asteroid and, since no other taxonomic type is associated with albedos above 0.5, supports the suggested rare E-type classification for 1998 WT24. The thermal inertia is an order of magnitude higher than values derived for large main-belt asteroids but consistent with the relatively high values found for other near-Earth asteroids. A crude pole solution inferred from a combination of our observations and published radar results is β=−52°, λ=355° (J2000), but we caution that this is uncertain by several tens of degrees.  相似文献   

The surface topography of Asteroid 25143 Itokawa is explored using the LIght Detection And Ranging instrument (LIDAR). The data confirm the presence of a rough highland and a smooth lowland. The highland is dominated by boulders, but also possesses topography associated with surface lineaments and broad surface facets. The boulders ensure that the roughness of the highlands over short distances is typically greater relative to most surfaces on 433 Eros. Over larger distances, Itokawa is always smoother than Eros possibly because of its smaller size and weak rubble-pile structure. The lowlands of Itokawa are very smooth, and are typically devoid of boulders. Some transitional regions midway between the highlands and lowlands also exist. In these areas, craters that retain their regolith fill possess flat floors and resemble “ponds” seen on 433 Eros. Analyses of surface elevation, imagery and a quantitative measure of surface roughness are consistent with regolith flowing downhill from the highlands to fill in the low areas of Itokawa, probably covering up any pre-existing rough terrain. Using this interpretation, we find a minimum 2.3±0.4 m thick layer of regolith in the lowlands, which, if spread evenly across the entire asteroid, corresponds to a 42±1 cm thick layer. It is very difficult to generate this amount of regolith with the population of craters seen on Itokawa. However, an Itokawa composed of several large masses may have retained this regolith during its formation. The presence of such large masses could account for the observed lineaments and what appear to be exposures of bedrock on the largest steep slope observed.  相似文献   

Patrick Michel  Marco Delbo 《Icarus》2010,209(2):520-534
In this paper, we present our study of the orbital and thermal evolutions, due to solar radiative heating, of four near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) considered as potential target candidates for sample return space missions to primitive asteroids. We used a dynamical model of the NEA population to estimate the most likely source region and orbital history of these objects. Then, for each asteroid, we integrated numerically over their entire lifetime a set of 14 initially indistinguishable orbit (clones), obtained by small variations of the nominal initial conditions. Using a thermal model, we then computed surface and sub-surface temperatures of these bodies during their dynamical history. Our aim is to determine whether these bodies are likely to have experienced high temperature level, and whether great temperature changes can be expected due to the orbital changes as well as their maximum and minimum values. Such information is important in the framework of sample return space missions whose goal is to bring back pristine materials. The knowledge of the temperature range of materials at different depth over the orbital evolution of potential targets can help defining sampling strategies that ensure the likelihood that unaltered material will be brought back. Our results suggest that for all the considered potential targets, the surface has experienced for some time temperatures greater than 400 K and at most 500 K with 50% probability. This probability drops rapidly with increasing temperature. Sub-surface materials at a depth of only 3 cm are much more protected from high temperature and generally do not reach temperatures exceeding 450 K (with 50% probability). They should thus be unaltered at this depth at least from a Sun-driven heating point of view. On the other hand, surface material for some of the considered objects can have a range of temperature which can make them less reliable as pristine materials. However, it is assumed here that the same material is constantly exposed to solar heat, while regolith turnover may occur. The latter can be caused by different processes such as seismic shaking and/or impact cratering. This would reduce the total time that materials are exposed to a certain temperature. Thus, it is very likely that a sample collected from any of the four considered targets, or any primitive NEA with similar dynamical properties, will have components that will be thermally unaltered as long as some of it comes from only 3 to 5 cm depth. Such a depth is not considered difficult to reach with some of the current designs of sampling devices.  相似文献   

In 2007, the M-type binary Asteroid 22 Kalliope reached one of its annual equinoxes. As a consequence, the orbit plane of its small moon, Linus, was aligned closely to the Sun's line of sight, giving rise to a mutual eclipse season. A dedicated international campaign of photometric observations, based on amateur-professional collaboration, was organized and coordinated by the IMCCE in order to catch several of these events. The set of the compiled observations is released in this work. We developed a relevant model of these events, including a topographic shape model of Kalliope refined in the present work, the orbit solution of Linus as well as the photometric effect of the shadow of one component falling on the other. By fitting this model to the only two full recorded events, we derived a new estimation of the equivalent diameter of Kalliope of 166.2±2.8 km, 8% smaller than its IRAS diameter. As to the diameter of Linus, considered as purely spherical, it is estimated to 28±2 km. This substantial “shortening” of Kalliope, gives a bulk density of 3.35±0.33 g/cm3, significantly higher than past determinations but more consistent with its taxonomic type. Some constraints can be inferred on the composition.  相似文献   

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