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Andreas Nathues 《Icarus》2010,208(1):252-275
Reflectance spectra in visible and near-infrared wavelengths of 97 nominal members of the Eunomia asteroid family have been obtained and analyzed. According to these investigations, 94% of the observed dynamic family members belong to the Tholen S-class, only 4% to the C-class and 2% to the M-class. The S-asteroids are believed to be “genetic” members of the Eunomia family and thus are fragments of 15 Eunomia. The fragments show different 1- and 2-μm absorption band characteristics, which are likely attributed to their place of origin within the parent body. The major volume fraction of the investigated members seems to originate from the “crust” of the parent body while the volume fraction of “mantle” material is less. Previous spectral investigations (Nathues, A., Mottola, S., Kaasalainen, M., Neukum, G. [2005], Icarus 175 (2), 452-463) of the family’s main body, 15 Eunomia, revealed variations of olivine and pyroxene on a hemispherical scale. These findings, together with the conclusion that the major mineral component of 15 Eunomia and its fragments is olivine, suggest that a large fraction of the original pyroxene-enriched crust layer has been lost due to a major collision that created the asteroid family. Significant spectral evidences consistent with high concentrations of metals have not been found in the rotational resolved spectra of 15 Eunomia and in its fragments. This led to the conclusion that either a core, which consists mainly of metals, does not exist or that an eventual one has not yet been unearthed by an impact. The absence of V-type asteroids, the low number of M-types among the dynamic family members and the lack of distinct feldspar absorption features in the S-asteroid spectra suggest that the parent body of the Eunomia family was partially differentiated rather than fully differentiated.  相似文献   

P. Pravec  A.W. Harris 《Icarus》2007,190(1):250-259
We compiled a list of estimated parameters of binary systems among asteroids from near-Earth to trojan orbits. In this paper, we describe the construction of the list, and we present results of our study of angular momentum content in binary asteroids. The most abundant binary population is that of close binary systems among near-Earth, Mars-crossing, and main belt asteroids that have a primary diameter of about 10 km or smaller. They have a total angular momentum very close to, but not generally exceeding, the critical limit for a single body in a gravity regime. This suggests that they formed from parent bodies spinning at the critical rate (at the gravity spin limit for asteroids in the size range) by some sort of fission or mass shedding. The Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect is a candidate to be the dominant source of spin-up to instability. Gravitational interactions during close approaches to the terrestrial planets cannot be a primary mechanism of formation of the binaries, but it may affect properties of the NEA part of the binary population.  相似文献   

D.G. Korycansky  Erik Asphaug 《Icarus》2003,163(2):374-388
We explore whether the cumulative effect of small-scale meteoroid bombardment can drive asteroids into nonaxisymmetric shapes comparable to those of known objects (elongated prolate forms, twin-lobed binaries, etc). We simulate impact cratering as an excavation followed by the launch, orbit, and reimpact of ejecta. Orbits are determined by the gravity and rotation of the evolving asteroid, whose shape and spin change as cratering occurs repeatedly. For simplicity we consider an end-member evolution where impactors are all much smaller than the asteroid and where all ejecta remain bound. Given those assumptions, we find that cumulative small impacts on rotating asteroids lead to oblate shapes, irrespective of the chosen value for angle of repose or for initial angular momentum. The more rapidly a body is spinning, the more flattened the outcome, but oblateness prevails. Most actual asteroids, by contrast, appear spherical to prolate. We also evaluate the timescale for reshaping by small impacts and compare it to the timescale for catastrophic disruption. For all but the steepest size distributions of impactors, reshaping from small impacts takes more than an order of magnitude longer than catastrophic disruption. We conclude that small-scale cratering is probably not dominant in shaping asteroids, unless our assumptions are naive. We believe we have ruled out the end-member scenario; future modeling shall include angular momentum evolution from impacts, mass loss in the strength regime, and craters with diameters up to the disruption threshold. The ultimate goal is to find out how asteroids get their shapes and spins and whether tidal encounters in fact play a dominant role.  相似文献   

F. Marchis  M. Kaasalainen 《Icarus》2006,185(1):39-63
This paper presents results from a high spatial resolution survey of 33 main-belt asteroids with diameters >40 km using the Keck II Adaptive Optics (AO) facility. Five of these (45 Eugenia, 87 Sylvia, 107 Camilla, 121 Hermione, 130 Elektra) were confirmed to have satellite. Assuming the same albedo as the primary, these moonlets are relatively small (∼5% of the primary size) suggesting that they are fragments captured after a disruptive collision of a parent body or captured ejecta due to an impact. For each asteroid, we have estimated the minimum size of a moonlet that can positively detected within the Hill sphere of the system by estimating and modeling a 2-σ detection profile: in average on the data set, a moonlet located at 2/100×RHill (1/4×RHill) with a diameter larger than 6 km (4 km) would have been unambiguously seen. The apparent size and shape of each asteroid was estimated after deconvolution using a new algorithm called AIDA. The mean diameter for the majority of asteroids is in good agreement with IRAS radiometric measurements, though for asteroids with a D<200 km, it is underestimated on average by 6-8%. Most asteroids had a size ratio that was very close to those determined by lightcurve measurements. One observation of 104 Klymene suggests it has a bifurcated shape. The bi-lobed shape of 121 Hermione described in Marchis et al. [Marchis, F., Hestroffer, D., Descamps, P., Berthier, J., Laver, C., de Pater, I., 2005c. Icarus 178, 450-464] was confirmed after deconvolution. The ratio of contact binaries in our survey, which is limited to asteroids larger than 40 km, is surprisingly high (∼6%), suggesting that a non-single configuration is common in the main-belt. Several asteroids have been analyzed with lightcurve inversions. We compared lightcurve inversion models for plane-of-sky predictions with the observed images (9 Metis, 52 Europa, 87 Sylvia, 130 Elektra, 192 Nausikaa, and 423 Diotima, 511 Davida). The AO images allowed us to determine a unique photometric mirror pole solution, which is normally ambiguous for asteroids moving close to the plane of the ecliptic (e.g., 192 Nausikaa and 52 Europa). The photometric inversion models agree well with the AO images, thus confirming the validity of both the lightcurve inversion method and the AO image reduction technique.  相似文献   

The apparent strength of absorptions due to H2O near 1.9 and 3 μm in reflectance spectra is strongly affected by sample albedo. This study uses experimental and analytical approaches to quantify the effects of albedo on estimating the water content of hydrated minerals using various band parameters. We compare spectral band parameters for a series of low-albedo physical and numerical mixtures to measured water contents. Physical experiments consist of montmorillonite, clinoptilolite, and palagonite mixed with lesser amounts of carbon black and ilmenite, whereas numerical mixtures are composed of these host minerals mixed with a material of constant, low albedo. We find the effective single-particle absorption-thickness parameter provides the best correlation to water content, independent of composition and albedo, when derived from continuum-removed single scattering albedo spectra. Uncertainties in estimated water content are on the order of ±1 wt% using this method. The normalized optical path length parameter provides the best correlation to water content when using reflectance spectra, yielding estimates within ±1.6 wt% H2O. The accuracy of these models is related to the physical nature of the darkening material. Scattering and absorption efficiencies are easier to model for intimate mixtures containing relatively large, dark grains than mixtures dominated by coatings of a fine-grained, strongly absorbing material. This suggests the physical properties that give rise to the albedo of a material are an important factor for accurate estimates of absolute water content.  相似文献   

The results of photometric observations of eight main-belt asteroids with low surface albedo are presented. The magnitude-phase dependences including low phase angles (<1 deg) have been obtained for Asteroids 76 Freia (down to phase angle 0.1 deg, P-type), 190 Ismene (0.3 deg, P-type), 303 Josephina (0.2 deg, C-type), 309 Fraternitas (0.1 deg, C-type), 313 Chaldaea (0.1 deg, C-type), 444 Gyptis (0.8 deg, P-type), 615 Roswitha (0.1 deg, C-type), and 954 Li (0.03 deg, FCX-type). The behavior of brightness in the range of opposition effect is found to be practically linear for 190 Ismene with amplitude of opposition effect only 0.03 mag. Amplitudes of the opposition effect for other asteroids are close to a mean for this type. The obtained data allowed us also to determine the rotation periods of asteroids: 303 Josephina (12.497±0.001 h), 309 Fraternitas (11.205±0.005 h), 615 Roswitha (4.422±0.001 h) and 954 Li (7.207±0.002 h). The color indexes B-V, V-R and R-I have been determined for some asteroids.  相似文献   

We used the NIRSPEC instrument on the Keck-2 telescope atop Mauna Kea, HI to observe Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) in a Target of Opportunity campaign on UT 2001 July 9.5, 10.5 August 4.4, 10.5. We measured seven organic parent volatiles (C2H6, C2H2, HCN, CH4, CO, CH3OH, H2CO) simultaneously with H2O. We obtained absolute production rates and relative abundances for parent volatiles, and also measured rotational temperatures for several of these species. The chemical composition of C/2001 A2 differs substantially from any comet we have observed to date. The abundances we measure (relative to H2O) for C2H6, C2H2, HCN, and CH3OH are enriched by a factor of ∼2 to 3 in C/2001 A2 compared with most comets in our database. Other molecular species were detected within the typical range of measured abundances. C/2001 A2 presented a unique opportunity to study the chemistry of a fragmenting comet where pristine areas are exposed to the Sun.  相似文献   

D. Vokrouhlický  D. ?apek 《Icarus》2005,179(1):128-138
We consider the possibility of detecting the Yarkovsky orbital perturbation acting on binary systems among the near-Earth asteroids. This task is significantly more difficult than for solitary asteroids because the Yarkovsky force affects both the heliocentric orbit of the system's center of mass and the relative orbit of the two components. Nevertheless, we argue these are sufficiently well decoupled so that the major Yarkovsky perturbation is in the simpler heliocentric motion and is observable with the current means of radar astrometry. Over the long term, the Yarkovsky perturbation in the relative motion of the two components is also detectable for the best observed systems. However, here we consider a simplified version of the problem by ignoring mutual non-spherical gravitational perturbations between the two asteroids. With the orbital plane constant in space and the components' rotation poles fixed (and assumed perpendicular to the orbital plane), we do not examine the coupling between Yarkovsky and gravitational effects. While radar observations remain an essential element of Yarkovsky detections, lightcurve observations, with their ability to track occultation and eclipse phenomena, are also very important in the case of binaries. The nearest possible future detection of the Yarkovsky effect for a binary system occurs for (66063) 1998 RO1 in September 2006. Farther out, even more statistically significant detections are possible for several other systems including 2000 DP107, (66391) 1999 KW4 and 1996 FG3.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the outcome of high-velocity impact experiments on porous targets, composed of pumice, with the results of simulations by a 3D SPH hydrocode in which a porosity model has been implemented. The different populations of small bodies of our Solar System are believed to be composed, at least partially, of objects with a high degree of porosity. To describe the fragmentation of such porous objects, a different model is needed than that used for non-porous bodies. In the case of porous bodies, the impact process is not only driven by the presence of cracks which propagate when a stress threshold is reached, it is also influenced by the crushing of pores and compaction. Such processes can greatly affect the whole body's response to an impact. Therefore, another physical model is necessary to improve our understanding of the collisional process involving porous bodies. Such a model has been developed recently and introduced successfully in a 3D SPH hydrocode [Jutzi, M., Benz, W., Michel, P., 2008. Icarus 198, 242-255]. Basic tests have been performed which already showed that it is implemented in a consistent way and that theoretical solutions are well reproduced. However, its full validation requires that it is also capable of reproducing the results of real laboratory impact experiments. Here we present simulations of laboratory experiments on pumice targets for which several of the main material properties have been measured. We show that using the measured material properties and keeping the remaining free parameters fixed, our numerical model is able to reproduce the outcome of these experiments carried out under different impact conditions. This first complete validation of our model, which will be tested for other porous materials in the future, allows us to start addressing problems at larger scale related to small bodies of our Solar System, such as collisions in the Kuiper Belt or the formation of a family by the disruption of a porous parent body in the main asteroid belt.  相似文献   

The steady-state population of bodies resulting from a collisional cascade depends on how material strength varies with size. We find a simple expression for the power-law index of the population, given a power law that describes how material strength varies with size. This result is extended to the case relevant for the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt, in which the material strength is described by 2 separate power laws—one for small bodies and one for larger bodies. We find that the power-law index of the small body population is unaffected by the strength law for the large bodies, and vice versa. Simple analytical expressions describe a wave that is superimposed on the large body population because of the transition between the two power laws describing the strength. These analytical results yield excellent agreement with a numerical simulation of collisional evolution. These results will help to interpret observations of the asteroids and KBOs, and constrain the strength properties of those objects.  相似文献   

Bruce Hapke 《Icarus》2008,195(2):918-926
It is well known that the bidirectional reflectance of a particulate medium such as a planetary regolith depends on the porosity, in contrast to predictions of models based on the equation of radiative transfer as usually formulated. It is shown that this failure to predict porosity dependence arises from an incorrect treatment of the light that passes between the particles. In this paper a more physically correct treatment that takes account of the necessity of preventing particles from interpenetrating is used together with the two-stream approximation to solve the radiative transfer equation and derive improved expressions for the bidirectional and directional-hemispherical reflectances. It is found that increasing the filling factor (decreasing the porosity) increases the reflectance of low and medium albedo powders, but decreases it for ones with very high albedos. The model agrees qualitatively with measured data.  相似文献   

When the observational data are not enough to compute a meaningful orbit for an asteroid/comet we can represent the data with an attributable, i.e., two angles and their time derivatives. The undetermined variables range and range rate span an admissible region of Solar System orbits, which can be sampled by a set of Virtual Asteroids (VAs) selected by means of an optimal triangulation [Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., de' Michieli Vitturi, M., Kne?evi?, Z., 2004. Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 90, 59-87]. The attributable 4 coordinates are the result of a fit and they have an uncertainty, represented by a covariance matrix. Two short arcs of observations, represented by two attributables, can be linked by considering for each VA (in the admissible region of the first arc) the covariance matrix for the prediction at the time of the second arc, and by comparing it with the attributable of the second arc with its own covariance. By defining an identification penalty we can select the VAs allowing to fit together both arcs and compute a preliminary orbit. Two attributables may not be enough to compute an orbit with convergent differential corrections. Thus the preliminary orbit is used in a constrained differential correction, providing solutions along the Line Of Variation which can be used as second generation VAs to further predict the observations at the time of a third arc. In general the identification with a third arc will ensure a well determined orbit, to which additional sets of observations can be attributed. To test these algorithms we use a large scale simulation and measure the completeness, the reliability and the efficiency of the overall procedure to build up orbits by accumulating identifications. Under the conditions expected for the next generation asteroid surveys, the methods developed in this and in the preceding papers are efficient enough to be used as primary identification methods, with very good results. One important property is that the completeness in finding the possible identifications is as good for comparatively rare orbits, such as the ones of Near-Earth Objects, as for main belt orbits.  相似文献   

The nucleus of Comet C/2001 A2 (LINEAR) split several times during its recent apparition, presenting an unusual opportunity to search for chemical differences in freshly exposed material. We conducted this search using NIRSPEC at the W.M. Keck Observatory on four dates in 2001: 9.5 and 10.5 July and 4.4 and 10.5 August. We detected the R0 and R1 lines of the ν3 vibrational band of CH4 near 3.3 μm on all dates. The R2 line was detected on 4.4 and 10.5 August. When we compare production rates of CH4 to H2O, we find evidence of a significant enhancement in August relative to that found in July. H2CO was securely detected via its ν1 and ν5 bands on 9.5 July. On 10.5 July, H2CO emission was much weaker, and its mixing ratio had dropped by a factor of about four. The mixing ratios for other detected volatile species did not change significantly over the course of the observations. We discuss the implications of this evidence for chemical heterogeneity in the nucleus of Comet C/2001 A2.  相似文献   

During the Cassini spacecraft's flyby of Jupiter (October, 2000-March, 2001), the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) produced an extensive dataset consisting of 3349 spectrally dispersed images of the Io plasma torus. Here we present an example of the raw data and representative EUV spectra (561-1181 Å) of the torus, obtained on October 1, 2000 and November 14, 2000. For most of the flyby period, the entire Io torus fit within the UVIS field-of-view, enabling the measurement of the total power radiated from the torus in the extreme ultraviolet. A typical value for the total power radiated in the wavelength range of 580-1181 Å is 1.7×1012 W, with observed variations of up to 25%. Several brightening events were observed. These events lasted for roughly 20 hours, during which time the emitted power increased rapidly by ∼20% before slowly returning to the pre-event level. Observed variations in the relative intensities of torus spectral features provide strong evidence for compositional changes in the torus plasma with time. Spatial profiles of the EUV emission show no evidence for a sharply peaked “ribbon” feature. The ratio of the brightness of the dusk ansa to the brightness of the dawn ansa is observed to be highly variable, with an average value of 1.30. Weak longitudinal variations in the brightness of the torus ansae were observed at the 2% level.  相似文献   

The classical way to treat absorption of solar light in thermophysical modeling of cometary nuclei (and other ice-rich bodies such as jovian satellites) has been to assume complete opaqueness of the surface material. However, as shown by Davidsson and Skorov (2002, Icarus156, 223-248), substantial light penetration can occur in porous ice even if it is very dusty, implying that gradual absorption of energy in a surface layer should be accounted for.We present a thorough comparison between a surface energy absorption model and a layer energy absorption model, for various combinations of heliocentric distances, conductivities, opacities, pore sizes, and rotational periods relevant for cometary nuclei, by fully solving the coupled differential equations of heat transfer and gas diffusion. We find substantial differences between the models in terms of gas production rate, thermal lag angle, surface temperature, and the origin of coma molecules. For example, the surface energy absorption model overestimates the total gas production by a factor of 2-7, underestimates the lag angle by a factor of 2-3, and places the origin of coma molecules at the surface, instead of the near-surface interior.  相似文献   

Narrowband reflectance spectra (0.53-1.0 μm) of Iapetus' leading and trailing sides were obtained in 2000 to test the presence of an absorption feature located near 0.67 μm seen in reflectance spectra of Iapetus' dark material and Hyperion's surface material. No feature was observed. The difference in reflectance across the UV/VIS/NIR spectral region, and the dependence of the presence or absence of this absorption feature on angular separation from the apex of Iapetus in its orbit, phase angle, and heliocentric distance (affecting temperature), were examined. A trend of increased reddening, and the presence of the absorption feature, correlate with an angular separation from the apex of ? approximately 10°. Spectral information is lost when the contribution of the bright water ice signal to the reflectance spectrum increases sufficiently. In order to optimize compositional studies of Iapetus, we encourage future ground-based and space-based spectral observations to maximize the concentration of dark material in the instrumental field of view.  相似文献   

NASA’s Dawn mission observed a great variety of colored terrains on asteroid (4) Vesta during its survey with the Framing Camera (FC). Here we present a detailed study of the orange material on Vesta, which was first observed in color ratio images obtained by the FC and presents a red spectral slope. The orange material deposits can be classified into three types: (a) diffuse ejecta deposited by recent medium-size impact craters (such as Oppia), (b) lobate patches with well-defined edges (nicknamed “pumpkin patches”), and (c) ejecta rays from fresh-looking impact craters. The location of the orange diffuse ejecta from Oppia corresponds to the olivine spot nicknamed “Leslie feature” first identified by Gaffey (Gaffey, M.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 130–157) from ground-based spectral observations. The distribution of the orange material in the FC mosaic is concentrated on the equatorial region and almost exclusively outside the Rheasilvia basin. Our in-depth analysis of the composition of this material uses complementary observations from FC, the visible and infrared spectrometer (VIR), and the Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND). Several possible options for the composition of the orange material are investigated including, cumulate eucrite layer exposed during impact, metal delivered by impactor, olivine–orthopyroxene mixture and impact melt. Based on our analysis, the orange material on Vesta is unlikely to be metal or olivine (originally proposed by Gaffey (Gaffey, M.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 130–157)). Analysis of the elemental composition of Oppia ejecta blanket with GRaND suggests that its orange material has ∼25% cumulate eucrite component in a howarditic mixture, whereas two other craters with orange material in their ejecta, Octavia and Arruntia, show no sign of cumulate eucrites. Morphology and topography of the orange material in Oppia and Octavia ejecta and orange patches suggests an impact melt origin. A majority of the orange patches appear to be related to the formation of the Rheasilvia basin. Combining the interpretations from the topography, geomorphology, color and spectral parameters, and elemental abundances, the most probable analog for the orange material on Vesta is impact melt.  相似文献   

Ralph B. Baldwin 《Icarus》2006,184(2):308-318
About 30 years ago there was a suggestion by several able scientists at the California Institute of Technology that the Moon had undergone a Terminal Lunar Cataclysm. This meant that most of the early impact cratering had been concentrated strongly at about the time of formation of the Imbrium basin. This solution was discussed in many papers and the idea of a cataclysm gradually faded away. In about 1990 it was again revived by several scientists. The idea of a Terminal Lunar Cataclysm at about the time the Imbrium basin was formed was advanced albeit in a somewhat different manner. The present paper has been written to analyze the various observations and interpretations that have been advanced to permit a cataclysm. It is concluded that the three main proposals, which, if correct, would have permitted a cataclysm to have occurred, are each faulty and not consistent with such a cataclysm. To demonstrate this conclusion it was necessary to determine absolute ages of various lunar features. This meant, in part, determinations of the existence and nature of lunar crustal viscosity consistent with times of formation of six lunar basins. The results of such studies yielded an internally consistent model which requires a long period from the original formation of the Moon at about 4.5 byr to a time slightly earlier than that of the formation of the Imbrium basin at about 3.84 byr. On this model there is no indication of a clustering of events and it is concluded that a Terminal Lunar Cataclysm never occurred.  相似文献   

Visible-near infrared reflectance spectra for five particle size fractions of a Hawaiian palagonite (HWMK101) and a nontronite (ferruginous smectite, Clay Minerals Society source clay SWa-1) were measured under ambient, purged, and heated conditions to characterize the effects of surface and volume scattering on the relationship between absolute H2O content and the strength of the 3 μm absorption feature. Both materials were ground and dry sieved to particle sizes of <25, 25-45, 45-75, 75-125, and 125-250 μm. Particles of the bulk palagonite have an approximate bimodal distribution consisting of small, amorphous particles <5 μm in diameter mixed with crystalline and glass particles <1 mm in diameter, whereas the nontronite particles are polycrystalline aggregates. We find that band parameters value relating the strength of the 3 μm hydration feature to water content increase with particle size for a given water content, regardless of whether reflectance or single scattering albedo spectra are used. Spectra generally increase in reflectance as particle size decreases, a result of the relative increase in volume to surface scattering. Spectra of large particles are commonly saturated in the 3 μm region due to an increase in optical path length, making an accurate estimate of water content indeterminate until the samples dehydrate to the volume-scattering regime. We find that the presence of fines in several of the size fractions of palagonite cause their spectra to be representative of the finest fraction rather than the mean particle size. The nontronite spectra appear to be representative of an effective particle size within the range of the sieved size fractions. Many planetary surfaces are expected to have a large number of small particles which can dominate their spectral signature. Our results for particles <45 μm provide a reasonable model for estimating the H2O content of hydrated asteroids and regions of Mars.  相似文献   

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