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We report on new retrievals of water vapor column abundances from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data. The new retrievals are from the TES nadir data taken above the ‘cold’ surface areas in the North polar region (Tsurf < 220 K, including seasonal frost and permanent ice cap) during spring and summer seasons, where retrievals were not performed initially. Retrievals are possible (with some modifications to the original algorithm) over cold surfaces overlaid by sufficiently warm atmosphere. The retrieved water vapor column abundances are compared to the column abundances observed by other spacecrafts in the Northern polar region during spring and summer and good agreement is found. We detect an annulus of water vapor growing above the edge of the retreating seasonal cap during spring. The formation of the vapor annulus is consistent with the previously proposed mechanism for water cycling in the polar region, according to which vapor released by frost sublimation during spring re-condenses on the retreating seasonal CO2 cap. The source of the vapor in the vapor annulus, according to this model, is the water frost on the surface of the CO2 at the retreating edge of the cap and the frost on the ground that is exposed by the retreating cap. Small contribution from regolith sources is possible too, but cannot be quantified based on the TES vapor data alone. Water vapor annulus exhibits interannual variability, which we attribute to variations in the atmospheric temperature. We propose that during spring and summer the water ice sublimation is retarded by high relative humidity of the local atmosphere, and that higher atmospheric temperatures lead to higher vapor column abundances by increasing the water holding capacity of the atmosphere. Since the atmospheric temperatures are strongly influenced by the atmospheric dust content, local dust storms may be controlling the release of vapor into the polar atmosphere. Water vapor abundances above the residual polar cap also exhibit noticeable interannual variability. In some years abundances above the cap are lower than the abundances outside of the cap, consistent with previous observations, while in the other years the abundances above the cap are higher or similar to abundances outside of the cap. We speculate that the differences may be due to weaker off-cap transport in the latter case, keeping more vapor closer to the source at the surface of the residual cap. Despite the large observed variability in water vapor column abundances in the Northern polar region during spring and summer, the latitudinal distribution of the vapor mass in the atmosphere is very similar during the summer season. If the variability in vapor abundances is caused by the variability of vapor sources across the residual cap then this would mean that they annually contribute relatively little vapor mass to significantly affect the vapor mass budget. Alternatively this may suggest that the vapor variability is caused by the variability of the polar atmospheric circulation. The new water vapor retrievals should be useful in tuning the Global Circulation Models of the martian water cycle.  相似文献   

Nicolas Mangold 《Icarus》2005,174(2):336-359
Patterned grounds such as polygonal features and slope stripes are the signature of the presence of ground ice and of temperature variations in cold regions on Earth. Identifying similar features on Mars is important to understand its past climate as well as the ground ice distribution. In this study, young patterned grounds are classed and mapped from the systematical analysis of Mars Observer Camera high resolution images. These features are located poleward of 55° latitude which fits the distribution of ground ice found by the Neutron Spectrometer onboard Mars Odyssey. Thermal contraction due to seasonal temperature variations is the predominant process of formation of polygons formed by cracks which sizes vary from 15 to 300 m. The small (<40 m) widespread polygons are very recent and degraded by the desiccation of ground ice from the cracks which enhances the effect of ice sublimation. The large polygons (50 to 300 m) located only around the south CO2 polar cap indicate the presence of ground ice and thus outline the limit of the CO2 ice cap. They could be due to the blanketing of water ice deposits by the advances and retreats of the residual CO2 ice cap during the last thousand years. Large (50-250 m) and homogeneous polygons similar to ice wedge polygons, hillslope stripes and solifluction lobes may indicate that specific environments such as crater floors and hillslopes could have been submitted to freeze-thaw cycles, possibly related to higher summer temperatures in periods of obliquity higher than 35°. These interpretations must be strengthened by higher resolution images such as those of the HiRise mission of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter because locations with past seasonal thaw could be of major interest as potential landing sites for the Phoenix mission.  相似文献   

The condensing CO2 south polar cap of Mars and the mechanisms of the CO2 ice accumulation have been studied through the analysis of spectra acquired by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) during the first two years of ESA's Mars Express (MEX) mission. This dataset spans more than half a martian year, from Ls∼330° to Ls∼194°, and includes the southern fall season which is found to be extremely important for the study of the residual south polar cap asymmetry. The cap expands symmetrically and with constant speed during the fall season. The maximum extension occurs sometime in the 80°-90° Ls range, when the cap edges are as low as −40° latitude. Inside Hellas and Argyre basins, frost can be stable at lower latitudes due to the higher pressure values, causing the seasonal cap to be asymmetric. Within the seasonal range considered in this paper, the cap edge recession rate is approximately half the rate at which the cap edge expanded. The longitudinal asymmetries reduce during the cap retreat, and disappear around Ls∼145°. Two different mechanisms are responsible for CO2 ice accumulation during the fall season, especially in the 50°-70° Ls range. Here, CO2 condensation in the atmosphere, and thus precipitation, is allowed exclusively in the western hemisphere, and particularly in the longitudinal corridor of the perennial cap. In the eastern hemisphere, the cap consists mainly of CO2 frost deposits, as a consequence of direct vapor deposition. The differences in the nature of the surface ice deposits are the main cause for the residual south polar cap asymmetry. Results from selected PFS orbits have also been compared with the results provided by the martian general circulation model (GCM) of the Laboratoire de Météorologie dynamique (LMD) in Paris, with the aim of putting the observations in the context of the global circulation. This first attempt of cross-validation between PFS measurements and the LMD GCM on the one hand confirms the interpretation of the observations, and on the other hand shows that the climate modeling during the southern polar night on Mars is extremely sensitive to the dynamical forcing.  相似文献   

Our ground-based measurements of martian atmospheric water vapor, made throughout Ls=34° to 249°, 24 September 1998 to 23 November 1999, during Mars year 24 (MY 24), show changes in Mars' humidity on hourly, daily, and seasonal timescales. We made concomitant measurement of nearby CO2 bands, and when possible, results were corrected for aerosol extinction using aerosol optical depths derived from our own CO2 analysis. Where there is spatial and temporal overlap, similar results are obtained for water vapor abundances and aerosol opacities as those observed from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer on Mars Global Surveyor. In addition some further discussion of our published earlier water vapor measurements (1991-1995) is included. Six results from this data set are: (1) the measured aerosol opacity in Mars atmosphere was variable but not greater than τ=1, with almost no clear atmosphere being observed, (2) measurements made with the slit crossing many hours of local time on Mars' Earth-facing disk show a diurnal pattern with highest abundances at mid-day and low abundance in very early morning and late afternoon for some but not all measurements, (3) water vapor abundance is patchy on hourly and daily time scales but follows the usual seasonal trends seen by instrumentation on the Mars Atmospheric Water Detector on the Viking Orbiters and by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer on Mars Global Surveyor, (4) there is a slight longitudinal correlation with the ground-ice observed by the Gamma Ray Spectrometer on Mars Odyssey, (5) there is evidence of the Low Southern Latitude Summer Minimum in our water vapor measurements but our data set for southern summer is limited, and (6) MY 24 appears to be wetter than MY 22 and MY 23.  相似文献   

The Mars Orbiter Camera onboard the Mars Global Surveyor has obtained several images of polygonal features in the southern polar region. In images taken during the end of the southern spring, when the surrounding surface is free of the seasonal frost, CO2 ice still appears to be present within the polygonal troughs. In Earth's polar regions, polygons such as these are indicative of water ice in the ground below. We analyzed the seasonal evolution of the thermal state and the CO2 content of these features. Our 2-D model includes condensation and sublimation of the CO2 ice, a self consistent treatment of the variations of the thermal properties of the regolith, and the seasonal variations of the local atmospheric pressure which we take from the results of a general circulation model. We find that the residence time of seasonal CO2 ice in troughs depends not only on atmospheric opacity and albedo of the CO2 ice, but also and most significantly on the distribution of water ice in the regolith. Optical properties of the atmosphere and surface CO2 ice can be independently obtained from observations. To date this is not true about the distribution of water ice below the surface. Our analysis quantifies the dependence of the seasonal cycle of the CO2 ice within the troughs on the assumed distribution of the water ice below the surface. We show that presence of water ice in the ground at a depth smaller than the depth of the troughs reduces winter condensation rate of CO2 ice. This is due to higher heat flux conducted from the water ice rich regolith toward the facets of the troughs.  相似文献   

We present results from a new simulation code that accounts for the evolution of the reservoirs of carbon dioxide on Mars, from its early years to the present. We establish a baseline model parameter set that produces results compatible with the present (i.e., Patm?6.5 mbar with permanent CO2 ice cap) for a wide range of initial inventories. We find that the initial inventory of CO2 broadly determines the evolutionary course of the reservoirs of CO2. The reservoirs include the atmosphere, ice cap, adsorbed CO2 in the regolith, and carbonate rocks. We track the evolution of the free inventory: the atmosphere, ice cap and regolith. Simulations begin at 4.53 Gyr before present with a rapid loss of free inventory to space in the early Noachian. Models that assume a relatively small initial inventory (?5 bar) have pronounced minima in the free inventory of CO2 toward the end of the Noachian. Under baseline parameters, initial inventories below ∼4.5 bar result in a catastrophic loss of the free inventory to space. The current free inventory would be then determined by the balance between outgassing, sputtering losses and chemical weathering following the end of the late bombardment. We call these “thin” models. They generically predict small current free inventories in line with expectations of a small present CO2 ice cap. For “thick” models, with initial inventories ?5 bar, a surplus of 300-700 mbar of free CO2 remains during the late-Noachian. The histories of free inventory in time for thick models tend to converge within the last 3.5 Gyr toward a present with an ice cap plus atmospheric inventory of about 100 mbar. For thick models, the convergence is largely due to the effects of chemical weathering, which draws down higher free inventories more rapidly than the low. Thus, thick models have ?450 mbar carbonate reservoirs, while thin models have ?200 mbar. Though both thick and thin scenarios can reproduce the current atmospheric pressure, the thick models imply a relatively large current CO2 ice cap and thin models, little or none. While the sublimation of a massive cap at a high obliquity would create a climate swing of greenhouse warming for thick models, under the thin model, mean temperatures and pressures would be essentially unaffected by increases in obliquity.  相似文献   

Mark A. Wieczorek 《Icarus》2008,196(2):506-517
The polar caps of Mars have long been acknowledged to be composed of unknown proportions of water ice, solid CO2 (dry ice), and dust. Gravity and topography data are here analyzed over the southern cap to place constraints on its density, and hence composition. Using a localized spectral analysis combined with a lithospheric flexure model of ice cap loading, the best fit density of the volatile-rich south polar layered deposits is found to be 1271 kg m−3 with 1-σ limits of 1166 and 1391 kg m−3. The best fit elastic thickness of this geologically young deposit is 140 km, though any value greater than 102 km can fit the observations. The best fit density implies that about 55% dry ice by volume could be sequestered in these deposits if they were completely dust free. Alternatively, if these deposits were completely free of solid CO2, the dust content would be constrained to lie between about 14 and 28% by volume. The bulk thermal conductivity of the polar cap is not significantly affected by these maximum allowable concentrations of dust. However, even if a moderate quantity of solid CO2 were present as horizontal layers, the bulk thermal conductivity of the polar cap would be significantly reduced. Reasonable estimates of the present day heat flow of Mars predict that dry ice beneath the thicker portions of the south polar cap would have melted. Depending on the quantity of solid CO2 in these deposits today, it is even possible that water ice could melt where the cap is thickest. If independent estimates for either the dust or CO2 content of the south polar cap could be obtained, and if radar sounding data could determine whether this polar cap is presently experiencing basal melting or not, it would be possible to use these observations to place tight constraints on the present day heat flow of Mars.  相似文献   

H.M. Böttger  S.R. Lewis  F. Forget 《Icarus》2005,177(1):174-189
This paper describes General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations of the martian water cycle focusing on the effects of an adsorbing regolith. We describe the 10-layer regolith model used in this study which has been adapted from the 1-D model developed by Zent, A.P., Haberle, R.M., Houben, H.C., Jakosky, B.M. [1993. A coupled subsurface-boundary layer model of water on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E2), 3319-3337, February]. Even with a 30-min timestep and taking into account the effect of surface water ice, our fully implicit scheme compares well with the results obtained by Zent, A.P., Haberle, R.M., Houben, H.C., Jakosky, B.M. [1993. A coupled subsurface-boundary layer model of water on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E2), 3319-3337, February]. This means, however, that the regolith is not able to reproduce the diurnal variations in column water vapour abundance of up to a factor of 2-3 as seen in some observations, with only about 10% of the atmospheric water vapour column exchanging with the subsurface on a daily basis. In 3-D simulations we find that the regolith adsorbs water preferentially in high latitudes. This is especially true in the northern hemisphere, where perennial subsurface water ice builds up poleward of 60° N at depths which are comparable to the Odyssey observations. Much less ice forms in the southern high latitudes, which suggests that the water ice currently present in the martian subsurface is not stable under present conditions and is slowly subliming and being deposited in the northern hemisphere. When initialising the model with an Odyssey-like subsurface water ice distribution the model is capable of forcing the simulated water cycle from an arbitrary state close to the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer observations. Without the actions of the adsorbing regolith the equilibrated water cycle is found to be a factor of 2-4 too wet. The process by which this occurs is by adsorption of water during northern hemisphere summer in northern mid and high latitudes where it remains locked in until northern spring when the seasonal CO2 ice cap retreats. At this time the water diffuses out of the regolith in response to increased temperature and is returned to the residual water ice cap by eddie transport.  相似文献   

We jointly analyze data from the High-Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) onboard the NASA Mars Odyssey spacecraft and data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) onboard the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. The former instrument measures the content of hydrogen (in the form of H2O or OH) in the subsurface layer of soil and the latter instrument measures the surface albedo with respect to the flux of solar energy. We have checked the presence of a correlation between these two data sets in various Martian latitude bands. A significant correlation has been found between these data at latitudes poleward of 40° in the northern hemisphere and at latitudes 40°–60° in the southern hemisphere. This correlation is interpreted as evidence for the presence of stable water ice in these regions under a dry layer of soil whose thickness is determined by the condition for equilibrium between the condensation of water from the atmosphere and its sublimation when heated by solar radiation. For these regions, we have derived an empirical relation between the flux of absorbed solar radiation and the thickness of the top dry layer. It allows the burial depth of the water ice table to be predicted with a sub-kilometer resolution based on near-infrared albedo measurements. We have found no correlation in the southern hemisphere at latitudes >60°, although neutron data also suggest that water ice is present in this region under a layer of dry soil. We conclude that the thickness of the dry layer in this region does not correspond to the equilibrium condition between the water ice table and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Measurements of martian atmospheric water vapor made throughout Ls = 18.0°-146.4° (October 3, 1996-July 12, 1997) show changes in Mars humidity on hourly, daily, and seasonal time scales. Because our observing program during the 1996-1997 Mars apparition did not include concomitant measurement of nearby CO2 bands, high northern latitude data were corrected for dust and aerosol extinction assuming an optical depth of 0.8, consistent with ground-based and HST imaging of northern dust storms. All other measurements with airmass greater than 3.5 were corrected using a total optical depth of 0.5. Three dominant results from this data set are as follows: (1) pre- and post-opposition measurements made with the slit crossing many hours of local time on Mars’ Earth-facing disk show a distinct diurnal pattern with highest abundances around and slightly after noon with low abundances in the late afternoon, (2) measurements of water vapor over the Mars Pathfinder landing site (Carl Sagan Memorial Station) on July 12, 1997, found 21 ppt μm in the spatial sector centered near 19° latitude, 36° longitude while abundances around the site varied from as low as 6 to as high as 28 ppt μm, and (3) water vapor abundance is patchy on hourly and daily time scales but follows the usual seasonal trends.  相似文献   

The mostly carbon dioxide (CO2) atmosphere of Mars condenses and sublimes in the polar regions, giving rise to the familiar waxing and waning of its polar caps. The signature of this seasonal CO2 cycle has been detected in surface pressure measurements from the Viking and Pathfinder landers. The amount of CO2 that condenses during fall and winter is controlled by the net polar energy loss, which is dominated by emitted infrared radiation from the cap itself. However, models of the CO2 cycle match the surface pressure data only if the emitted radiation is artificially suppressed suggesting that they are missing a heat source. Here we show that the missing heat source is the conducted energy coming from soil that contains water ice very close to the surface. The presence of ice significantly increases the thermal conductivity of the ground such that more of the solar energy absorbed at the surface during summer is conducted downward into the ground where it is stored and released back to the surface during fall and winter thereby retarding the CO2 condensation rate. The reduction in the condensation rate is very sensitive to the depth of the soil/ice interface, which our models suggest is about 8 cm in the Northern Hemisphere and 11 cm in the Southern Hemisphere. This is consistent with the detection of significant amounts of polar ground ice by the Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer and provides an independent means for assessing how close to the surface the ice must be. Our results also provide an accurate determination of the global annual mean size of the atmosphere and cap CO2 reservoirs, which are, respectively, 6.1 and 0.9 hPa. They also indicate that general circulation models will need to account for the effect of ground ice in their simulations of the seasonal CO2 cycle.  相似文献   

In this work we consider when and how much liquid water during present climate is possible within the gullies observed on the surface of Mars. These features are usually found on poleward directed slopes. We analyse the conditions for melting of H2O ice, which seasonally condenses within the gullies. We follow full annual cycle of condensation and sublimation of atmospheric CO2 and H2O, accounting for the heat and mass transport in the soil. During the summer, once the facets of the gullies are exposed to the Sun the water ice can melt and evaporate. Two mid latitude locations in both hemispheres are considered. The model includes both the rough geometry of the gullies as well as the slope of the surface where the gullies appear. It is an extension of the model developed to calculate condensation of CO2 ice in troughs of different sizes, including polygonal features on Mars (Kossacki and Markiewicz, 2002, Icarus 160, 73; Kossacki et al., 2003, Planet. Space Sci. 51, 569). We have found, that water ice accumulated during winter can undergo transition to the liquid phase after complete sublimation of CO2 ice. The amount of liquid water depends on water content in the atmosphere and on the local wind speed. It is probably not enough to destabilise the slope and cause flow of the surface material. However, even the small amounts of liquid water predicted, can play an important role in surface chemistry, in increasing the cohesive strength of the soil's surface layer and possibly may have some exobiological implications.  相似文献   

We calculate new estimates of ground-ice stability and the depth distribution of the ice table (the depth boundary between ice-free soil above and ice-cemented soil below) and compare these theoretical estimates of the distribution of ground ice with the observed distribution of leakage neutrons measured by the Neutron Spectrometer instrument of the Mars Odyssey spacecraft's Gamma Ray Spectrometer instrument suite. Our calculated ground-ice distribution contains improvements over previous work in that we include the effects of the high thermal conductivity of ice-cemented soil at and below the ice table, we include the surface elevation dependence of the near-surface atmospheric humidity, and we utilize new high resolution maps of thermal inertia, albedo, and elevation from Mars Global Surveyor observations. Results indicate that ground ice should be about 5 times shallower than in previous predictions. While results are dependent on the atmospheric humidity, depths are generally between a few millimeters and a few meters with typical values of a few centimeters. Results are also geographically similar to previous predictions with differences due to the higher resolution of thermal inertia and the inclusion of elevation effects on humidity. Comparison with the measured epithermal-neutron count rates in the southern hemisphere indicate that the geographic distribution of the count rate is best correlated with ground ice in equilibrium with 10 to 20 pr μm (precipitable micrometers) column abundance of atmospheric water, assuming a uniform distribution with CO2; however, given the uncertainties, 5 to 30 pr μm also may be viable. This water abundance represents a longer-term average over 100 to 1000 yr. There is a high degree of correlation between the depth of the ice table and the epithermal count rate that agrees remarkably well with predicted count rates as a function of ice-table depth. These results indicate that ground ice in the upper meter of the martian soil is in diffusive equilibrium with the atmosphere. Since ground ice in this depth zone is expected to undergo saturation/desiccation cycles with orbital variations, this ice should be younger than about 500 kyr and was emplaced under similar cold and dry climate conditions of today. Remaining differences between the predicted depths of the ice table and those inferred from the neutron data are likely to be due to subpixel heterogeneity in the martian surface including the presence of rocks, slopes, and patches of soil with varying thermophysical properties.  相似文献   

The Martian seasonal CO2 ice caps advance and retreat each year. In the spring, as the CO2 cap gradually retreats, it leaves behind an extensive defrosting zone from the solid CO2 cap to the location where all CO2 frost has sublimated. We have been studying this phenomenon in the north polar region using data from the THermal EMission Imaging System (THEMIS), a visible and infra-red (IR) camera on the Mars Odyssey spacecraft, and the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) on Mars Global Surveyor. Recently, we discovered that some THEMIS images of the CO2 defrosting zone contain evidence for a distinct defrosting phenomenon: some areas just south of the CO2 cap edge are too bright in visible wavelengths to be defrosted terrain, but too warm in the IR to be CO2 ice. We hypothesize that we are seeing evidence for a seasonal annulus of water ice (frost) that recedes with the seasonal CO2 cap, as predicted by previous workers. In this paper, we describe our observations with THEMIS and compare them to simultaneous observations by TES and OMEGA. All three instruments find that this phenomenon is distinct from the CO2 cap and most likely composed of water ice. We also find strong evidence that the annulus widens as it recedes. Finally, we show that this annulus can be detected in the raw THEMIS data as it is collected, enabling future long-term onboard monitoring.  相似文献   

Mars General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations are presented to illustrate the importance of the ice emissivity of the seasonal CO2 polar caps in regulating the effects of airborne dust on the martian CO2 cycle. Simulated results show that atmospheric dust suppresses CO2 condensation when the CO2 ice emissivity is high but enhances it when the CO2 ice emissivity is low. This raises the possibility that the reason for the repeatable nature of the CO2 cycle in the presence of a highly variable dust cycle is that the CO2 ice emissivity is “neutral” - the value that leads to no change in CO2 condensation with changing atmospheric dust. For this GCM, the “neutral” emissivity is approximately 0.55, which is low compared to observed cap emissivities. This inconsistency poses a problem for this hypothesis. However, it is clear that the CO2 ice emissivity is a critical physical parameter in determining how atmospheric dust affects the CO2 cycle on Mars.  相似文献   

The Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA), functioning as a high-resolution radiometer, has observed several appearances of the Martian residual ice caps. We examine these data to quantify both seasonal behavior and interannual differences. The northern residual cap (NRC) was found to be mostly stable with the exception of one, previously identified, region of strong variability. Interannual change in the extent of the NRC appears to be small and reversible on timescales of 1 or 2 years. The NRC has an elaborate seasonal evolution of albedo. Annuli of fine-grained CO2 and water frost, which track the inner and outer edges of the seasonal CO2 cap, cause large temporary brightenings. The NRC albedo is stable from just after solstice to Ls 150°, after which albedo decreases steadily. This late-summer darkening can be explained by shadowing within the rough topography of the NRC, leading to a lower limit on topographic relief of 80 cm. The southern residual cap (SRC) appears stable in extent. As has been previously discovered, its seasonal frost albedo behavior appears to be correlated with insolation. However, residual CO2 appears not to share this characteristic; we use this behavioral difference to infer net deposition of CO2 ice on the SRC during 1 out of 3 years. Uncharacteristically, the SRC abruptly darkens at Ls 320° in 1 Martian year (year beginning April 2002). Circumstantial evidence suggests atmospheric scattering by dust is responsible. The 2001 global dust-storm appears, either, to have had no effect on the polar cap albedos, or, resulted in slightly brighter ice deposits.  相似文献   

P.C. Thomas  P.B. James  R. Haberle 《Icarus》2009,203(2):352-798
The residual south polar cap (RSPC) of Mars includes a group of different depositional units of CO2 ice undergoing a variety of erosional processes. Complete summer coverage of the RSPC by ∼6-m/pixel data of the Context Imager (CTX) on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has allowed mapping and inventory of the units in the RSPC. Unit maps and estimated thicknesses indicate the total volume of the RSPC is currently <380 km3, and represents less than 3% of the total mass of the current Mars atmosphere. Scarp retreat rates in the CO2 ice derived from comparison of High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) data with earlier images are comparable to those obtained for periods up to 3 Mars years earlier. These rates, combined with sizes of depressions suggest that the oldest materials were deposited more than 125 Mars years ago. Most current erosion is by backwasting of scarps 1-12 m in height. This backwasting is initiated by a series of scarp-parallel fractures. In the older, thicker unit these fractures form about every Mars year; in thinner, younger materials they form less frequently. Some areas of the older, thicker unit are lost by downwasting rather than by the scarp retreat. A surprising finding from the HiRISE data is the scarcity of visible layering of RSPC materials, a result quite distinct from previous interpretations of layers in lower resolution images. Layers ∼0.1 m thick are exposed on the upper surfaces of some areas, but their timescale of deposition is not known. Late summer albedo changes mapped by the CTX images indicate local recycling of ice, although the amounts may be morphologically insignificant. Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) data show that the primary material of all the different forms of the RSPC is CO2 ice with only small admixtures of water ice and dust.  相似文献   

Earth-based observations of Mars atmospheric water vapor, made from McDonald Observatory, are presented for the 1975–1976, 1977–1978, and 1983 apparitions. Comparisons are made with near-simultaneous spacecraft measurements made from the Viking Orbiter MarsAtmospheric Water Detection experiment during 1976–1978 and with previous Earth-based measurements (made since 1964). Differences occur between the behavior in the different years, and may be related to the Mars climate. Measurements during the southern summer in 1969 indicate a factor of three times as much water as is present at this same season in other years.This difference may have resulted from the sublimation of water from the south polar residual cap upon removal of most or all of the CO2 ice present; sublimation of all the CO2 ice during some years could be a result of a greater thermal load being placed on the cap due to the presence of differing amounts of atmospheric dust. If substantiated, the water vapor variability will turn out to be a very sensitive indicator of yearly variability in the Martian climate.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(10):1319-1327
The advance and retreat of the polar caps were one of the first observations that indicated Mars had seasons. Because a large portion of the atmosphere is cycled in and out of the seasonal caps during the year, the frost deposits play a significant role in regional and global atmospheric circulation. Understanding the nature of the seasonal polar caps is imperative if we are to understand the current Martian climate. In this study, we track the seasonal cap edges as a function of season and longitude for the fall and winter seasons (MY27), using data from the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard the Mars Express (MEX) ESA mission. Making use of the rapid rise (decrease) in surface temperature that occurs when CO2 ice is removed (deposited), in a first approach, we defined the advancing cap edge to be where the surface temperature drops below 150 K, and the retreating cap edge where the surface temperature rises above 160 K. In this case, starting from Ls∼50°, the edge progression speed start to be longitude dependent. In the hemisphere that extends form the eastern limit of the Hellas basin to the western limit of the Argyrae basin (and containing the two) the edges progression speed is about a half than that of the other hemisphere; the cap is thus asymmetric and, unexpectedly, no CO2 ice seems to be present inside the basins. This is because the above mentioned surface temperatures used in this approach to detect the cap edges are not adequate (too low) for the high-pressure regions inside the basins where, following the Clausius–Clapeyron's law, the CO2 condensation temperature can be several degrees higher than that of the adjacent lower-pressure regions. In the second, final approach, special attention has been given to this aspect and the advancing and retreating cap edges are defined where, respectively, the surface temperatures drop below and rise above the CO2 condensation temperature for the actual surface pressure values. Now, the results show an opposite situation than the previous one, with the progression speed being higher and the cap more extended (up to −30° latitude) in the hemisphere containing the two major Martian basins. During the fall season, up to Ls∼50° the South Martian polar cap consists of CO2 frost deposits that advance towards lower latitudes at a constant speed of 10° of latitude per 15 degrees of Ls. The maximum extension (−40° latitude) of the South polar cap occurs somewhere in the 80°–90° Ls range. At the winter solstice, when the edges of the polar night start moving poleward, the cap recession has already started, in response to seasonal changes in insolation. The CO2 ice South polar cap will recede with a constant speed of ∼5° of latitude every 25° degrees of Ls during the whole winter. The longitudinal asymmetries reduce during the cap retreat and completely disappear around Ls=145°.  相似文献   

We present an application of a multivariate analyses technique on data returned by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) instrument on board the ESA’s Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft in order to separate the atmospheric contribution from the observed radiation. We observe that Thermal/Far Infrared spectra returned from Mars, covering almost a whole martian year, can be represented by a linear model using a limited set of end-member spectra. We identify the end-members as the suspended mineral dust and water ice clouds, but no surface signature was found. We improve previous studies performed with data from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) thanks to the higher spectral resolution of PFS. This allows for distinguishing narrow gaseous bands present in the martian atmosphere. Furthermore, the comparison of results from PFS and TES with data collected in 1971 by the Mariner 9 Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) shows an atmospheric dust component with similar spectral behavior. This might indicate homogeneity of the dust source regions over a time period of more than 30 years.  相似文献   

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