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利用常规气象资料、NCEP FNL 1°×1°再分析、风廓线雷达、云顶亮温(black body temperature, TBB)及逐时自动气象站降雨量资料,对2019 年8 月10—13 日由台风“利奇马”引起山东极端暴雨的多尺度特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)此次台风特大暴雨主要为中低纬系统相互作用及台风倒槽本体直接影响产生,其与冷空气密切相关。冷暖空气交汇有利于山东大部地区稳定性降水长时间持续发生。冷空气从低层侵入暖湿气流底部,形成冷垫,使得暖湿气流在冷垫上滑行,加大降水强度。(2)低空急流指数的变化提前1 h 预示了降水的出现及未来小时雨量的增减,其峰值出现预示着未来3 h 的强降雨时段,即对强降雨时段的出现和雨强大小有一定的预示性,低空急流向低空的快速扩展对应着短时强降水的开始。可以用于强降水的短时临近预报。(3)Q 矢量散度负值的强弱对于未来6 h 的雨强大小有较好的指示意义。(4)淄博西河镇出现全省最大降雨量与其朝向东北的喇叭口地形和对流层低层东北风倒灌有关。(5)TBB 场能较直观地反映强降水过程中降水的分布和强度。风廓线雷达超低空风场的变化对雨强大小和出现最大雨强的时段有着明显的指示意义。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°的6 h再分析资料、常规气象观测资料和潍坊风廓线雷达资料综合分析了台风"麦德姆"影响山东时的环流背景、冷空气活动和风廓线特征,结果表明:此次台风暴雨过程中,西风槽冷空气渗透到台风倒槽云系,通过在低层形成冷垫强迫暖空气抬升,形成斜压锋区后触发不稳定能量及潜热能释放,对暴雨的产生加强起了巨大作用;风廓线雷达的垂直风场分布对此次降水的强弱特别是短时强降水的预报有明显的指示作用,低层风速迅速加大的时段与潍坊短时强降水出现的时段是一致的。  相似文献   

本文对2007年8月10~12日山东半岛连续3日的区域性暴雨天气过程进行了分析。环流形势分析表明:热带系统的水汽条件、西风带弱冷空气的抬升条件和副热带高压边缘的不稳定层结条件,共同作用形成了这次明显的暴雨天气;能量场和物理量场分析得出:强降水发生前,山东半岛都存在36℃以上的K指数高能舌和大于60℃的θse高能舌区,对强降水的预报具有一定的指导意义;雷达分析表明:第一阶段的强降水是强风暴引起的,其中尺度系统是飑线和中尺度雨带,当中尺度系统发生合并时,都能使降水强度得到提升;在弱对流降水阶段,当东海低压和低层切变线发生叠加时,能使降水强度大大增强。  相似文献   

用天气动力学和统计学相结合的方法。以地面影响系统为主要依据。对1983-2000年6-8月青岛地区的40次暴雨进行分型,分为气旋,台风和冷锋三种类型,根据预报经验,选取相应的预报因子,建立0-1权重回归方程,预报青岛地区未来24h的暴雨,对于冷锋类暴雨,本文认为来自低纬度西南低空急流是水汽,涡度的输送通道,它向暴雨区提供了暴雨所需的水汽和能量,因此把它列为起始场条件,因子选取了代表水汽,位势不稳定,能量的物理因子。统计得出;冷锋类暴雨方程的准确率为13/14(92.9%)。用此方法对1980年6-8月进行试报。没有出现空漏报现象,效果较好。  相似文献   

以地面影响系统为主要依据 ,使用天气动力学和统计学相结合的方法 ,将1 983~ 2 0 0 0年 6~ 8月青岛地区的 4 0次暴雨分为气旋、台风和冷锋 3种类型。根据预报经验 ,选取相应的预报因子 ,建立 0 -1权重回归方程 ,用于预报青岛地区未来 2 4 h的暴雨。对于台风暴雨 ,认为来自低纬度洋面的东南 (或西南 )低空急流是水汽、涡度的输送通道 ,它向台风提供了形成暴雨所需的水汽和能量 ,因此把它列为起始场条件。因子选取了代表水汽、位势不稳定、能量及冷空气活动的物理因子。统计得出 :台风类暴雨方程的预报准确率为 96%。用该方程对1 975年 6~ 8月进行试报 ,没有出现空漏报现象 ,效果较好  相似文献   

1521号台风"杜鹃"是在5 880 gpm副高控制下,5 920 gpm副高加强西伸过程中,登陆福建莆田沿海的。分析发现副高的加强西伸和低空华北高压的东移,改变了"杜鹃"东部低空急流和水汽辐合的分布,导致水汽辐合和不稳定能量在浙闽东部汇聚,在高空幅散、低空辐合产生的强烈上升运动触发下,产生大暴雨和特大暴雨。"杜鹃"消亡后,925 h Pa以下的边界层残留低压倒槽顶部东南急流与偏东急流的汇合,使水汽辐合和不稳定能量在浙北东部持续,是该地区继续出现大暴雨的主要原因。"杜鹃"外围东南急流与偏东急流的汇合造成的降雨回波,结构虽没那么致密,但发展更为旺盛,对流性更强,更易造成特强降水,业务预报中,需特别引起注意。  相似文献   

张伟红 《海洋预报》2006,23(Z1):98-103
应用卫星云图、常规观测资料及T213数值分析产品,分析了2004年12月3~5日发生在浙江东部地区的暴雨和舟山市沿海的大风过程。分析结果表明:这次天气过程是由台风倒槽和冷空气及深厚的高空槽共同作用引起的;台风环流引起的东南低空急流为暴雨区输送了大量的水汽和不稳定能量;冷空气的侵入加上深厚的高空槽引起的低空辐合、中高层辐散,促使了东海低压的剧烈发展,产生了猛烈的大风。  相似文献   

一次渤海强对流天气系统监测与大风成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用FY-2E卫星云图、天气雷达、雷电、海上平台、海岛站及海洋模式产品等资料,对2011年9月1日01—06时出现在渤海湾强对流天气成因进行综合分析。结果表明:位于燕山南麓较弱中β尺度云团,在500 hPa西风急流出口处、低层925 hPa切变线及层结不稳定条件下,触发多单体风暴重新发展,造成西岸区短时强降水天气及冰雹天气;中尺度系统主体入海后南压强度少变,在多单体风暴后部下沉气流与后部冷空气动量下传共同作用下,迅速加大渤海湾海区东北大风的分量,在同时具备天文大潮的条件下导致了南岸局部风暴潮灾害的发生。同步监测显示:云图中尺度象元TBB为-25°—-65℃,对流云团强弱交替变化时间为3—6 h,减弱后迅速转向东北岸区;三部天气雷达径向速度图先后监测到NE向低空急流"牛眼"时空尺度特征,同步垂直风廓线(VWP)反演出NE向低空急流由1000 m下降至300 m动量下传过程,与海岛站、平台监测值接近一致,中部与南部海区转为东北大风时间差为3—4 h;20时探空海岸带与风场垂直和水平切变明显,K指数为33℃,SI指数为-3.8℃,对流有效位能Cape为1555 J/kg;海洋中尺度数值产品3—6 h的K指数及海区辐合线的动态模拟与云图TBB中尺度象元、雷达回波移向相对一致,但风速明显偏小10—12 m/s。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、山东自动站资料以及NCEP/NCAR1°×1°逐6h再分析资料,对2013年5月26日山东气旋暴雨过程进行诊断分析。结果表明:此次暴雨是由高空低涡切变线和地面气旋共同影响产生。暴雨发生在深厚的暖湿气流中,高低空系统随高度略向北倾斜,冷空气比较弱,暴雨落区主要位于地面气旋中心北部的东南气流里。在这次暴雨过程中,850h Pa西南急流与东南急流对能量锋区的形成与维持起到关键的作用,暴雨的落区主要位于能量锋区内并偏于θse高值区一侧。此次气旋暴雨也是发生在深厚的强上升运动区内,在这次过程中暴雨落区及其移动与强的上升运动中心的相关性比较好。暴雨的辐合中心主要集中在950h Pa附近,比一般暴雨的辐合层(一般在900h Pa附近)高度更低,说明边界层辐合对于气旋暴雨的重要性。暴雨过程中,700h Pa山东MPV1为正值,MPV2为负值;700h Pa等压面上MPV1正值中心与该层上的低涡系统对应比较好。  相似文献   

基于气象要素高空探测、地面观测以及NCEP再分析资料,针对2003年8月下旬(0312)和2004年8月下旬(0418)山东省两场发生在不同环流形势下的远距离暴雨过程进行了对比分析。结果显示,台风在两次暴雨过程中均起了重要作用,但机理不同。除台风东侧低空急流为大暴雨的发生提供充沛的水汽,有利于构建不稳定的大气层结以及加强暴雨区的辐合上升运动等共同点之外,还存在着显著的不同:(1)0312台风远距离暴雨是台风与切变线相互作用的产物,0418台风远距离暴雨则是由台风与冷锋相互作用造成的;(2)在这两次暴雨过程中,直接影响系统和台风所起的作用不同:0312台风远距离暴雨过程中,切变线为暴雨的发生发展提供了原始的正涡度场,而台风东侧的低空急流加强北推进一步加强了切变线附近正涡度和辐合强度,加强了上升运动;0418台风远距离暴雨过程中,台风倒槽顶端生成并分裂发展的气旋式涡旋为暴雨系统的原始涡源,台风东侧低空急流北上在一定程度上加强了暴雨区的辐合和上升运动;(3)两次台风远距离暴雨中,与台风相连的偏南风急流对暴雨区的水汽净流入贡献最大,但最大水汽输送层不同,0312台风远距离暴雨的最大水汽输送层在925hPa附近,而0418台风远距离暴雨的最大水汽输送出现在800hPa上下。  相似文献   

本文用能量天气学方法分析了1999年8月11日--12日发生在鲁东南的特大暴雨天气过程。分析发现:能量锋区产生在高低空干冷空气与暖湿空气的交汇处。特大暴雨产生在能量锋区的右侧高能舌附近,此处是位势不稳定能量的大值区,由云图和雷达回波可以看出也是水汽聚集和上升运动最强烈的地区,且位势不稳定能量中心的移动对未来12小时暴雨落区有较好的指示性。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Ocean upper mixed layer, with nearly uniform temperature, salinity and density, is formed by sea sur- face forces such as wind stress, buoyancy flux and sur- face waves, etc. Under the mixed layer, thermocline and halocline often exist. Usually the depth of them is almost equal. But in the tropical ocean, the halocline is often shallower than the thermocline. Then between the layer of uniform salinity and the thermocline, there is a layer which has a rather strong density gradi…  相似文献   

Matched-field inversion is used to, estimate geoacoustic properties from data obtained in an experiment with a vertical line array (VLA). The experiment was carried out using broad-band sources (shots) in water depths of about 200 m on the continental shelf off Vancouver Island. The data were processed to obtain spectral components of the field for frequencies near the bubble frequency for the shot. The ocean bottom in this region consists of a layer of mainly sandy sediments (about 100 m thick) overlying older consolidated material. Consequently, the inversion was designed to estimate the parameters of a two-layer elastic sediment model. In the inversion, an adaptive global search algorithm was used to investigate the multidimensional space of geoacoustic models in order to determine the set of values corresponding to the best replica field. Convergence is driven by adaptively guiding the search to regions of the parameter space associated with above-average values of the matched field correlation between the measured and replica fields. The geoacoustic profile estimated by the inversion consisted of a 125-m layer with compressional speed ~1700 m/s and shear speed ~400 m/s, overlying a layer with compressional speed ~1900 m/s. This model is consistent with the results from conventional seismic experiments carried out in the same region  相似文献   

青岛逆温层特征及其对空气质量的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭丽娜  黄容  马艳 《海岸工程》2014,33(4):14-25
利用2006-2012年青岛站逐日08时和20时(北京时)的探空资料,研究了青岛市大气逆温层特征和变化规律以及大气逆温层和城市空气质量之间的关系.结果表明,青岛的逆温在春季最多,夏季最少,以接地逆温为主.接地逆温层平均厚度为290.6 m,最大厚度可达1443m;平均强度为0.56℃·(100m)-1,最大强度为10.00℃·(100 m)-1.空气污染前和污染时出现的逆温中,接地逆温占73.2%.空气污染前24 h内的20时和污染时08时的逆温强度与污染日API呈正相关关系,逆温层厚度与空气质量关系不明显.中度以上污染时,08时接地逆温强度与污染日API相关系数达0.99,通过0.001的置信度检验.  相似文献   

It is extremely difficult to determine shallow ocean bottom properties (such as sediment layer thicknesses, densities, and sound speeds). However, when acoustic propagation is affected by such environmental parameters, it becomes possible to use acoustic energy as a probe to estimate them. Matched-field processing (MFP) which relies on both field amplitude and phase can be used as a basis for the inversion of experimental data to estimate bottom properties. Recent inversion efforts applied to a data set collected in October 1993 in the Mediterranean Sea north of Elba produce major improvements in MFP power, i.e., in matching the measured field by means of a model using environmental parameters as inputs, even using the high-resolution minimum variance (MV) processor that is notoriously sensitive and usually results in very low values. The inversion method applied to this data set estimates water depth, sediment thickness, density, and a linear sound-speed profile for the first layer, density and a linear sound-speed profile for a second layer, constant sound speed for the underlying half space, array depth, and source range and depth. When the inversion technique allows for the array deformations in range as additional parameters (to be estimated within fractions of a wavelength, e.g., 0.1 m), the MFP MV peak value for the Med data at 100 Hz can increase from 0.48 (using improved estimates of environmental parameters and assuming a vertical line array) to 0.68 (using improved estimates of environmental parameters PLUS improved phone coordinates). The ideal maximum value would be 1.00 (which is achieved for the less sensitive Linear processor). However, many questions remain concerning the reliability of these inversion results and of inversion methods in general  相似文献   

In this paper,based on the observational data of 1995in the Chinese Antarctic Great Wall Station the snowstorm is studied synoptically.It is found that there are two kinds of snowstorms with different physical characteristics and that the happening of snowstorm is always accompanied by a near-ground level inversion laycr.The function of the inversion layer is analyzed,too,It is indicated that thestrong ESE-wind type snowstorm is mainly caused by katbatic wind and gradient wind together.This idea is new and different from the general concept that there is no katabatic wind in the westerm Antarctic area.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(1):59-68
Sound-speed computations from CTD casts in the Arabian Gulf during 1992, reveal spatial and temporal variations in acoustic properties. Hydrographic conditions affecting sound speed propagation were seasonally investigated. A monotonic decrease in sound speed profiles with depth was commonly observed at almost all the stations in the Gulf. However, an exception occurred at Hormuz strait during winter. The water exchange pattern between the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Gulf seems to influence the sound-speed structure, especially in the southern part of the latter. Winter profiles along the Gulf axis showed almost vertically homogenous sound speed. Maximum speeds are observed in summer, with a strong gradient associated with the development of the summer thermocline layer. Horizontal distributions in both winter and summer show a decreasing trend in sound speed from the Strait of Hormuz to the head of the Gulf. The resultant profiles provide a more comprehensive and reliable data set than any that have been reported in the literature. Shallowness and multiple refraction and reflection in the Arabian Gulf may cause sound speed energy to be trapped. No sound channel was detected inside the Gulf. A correlation analysis shows that sound speed is closely correlated with temperature throughout the Gulf, except in winter in the southern half where salinity effects, as a result of inversion and water exchange at the entrance, are found to be dominant.  相似文献   

The fifth Pennsylvania State University and National Center for Atmospheric Research mesoscale model (MM5) is utilized to study the precipitation and wind speed during Typhoon Chanchu (2006).Five model experiments with different physical parameterizations and sea surface temperature (SST) distributions are carried out.It is found that the control experiment configured with the Blakadar boundary scheme,Resiner2 moisture,the Betts-Miller cumulus scheme and daily updated SST has the most reasonable precipitation.The MRF boundary scheme tends to simulate a dryer boundary layer and stronger vertical mixing,which can greatly reduce the intensity of tropical cyclone (TC),resulting in a smaller maximum wind speed but larger range of medium wind speed (25-30 m/s).Constant SST through the TC cycle provides more energy from ocean surface,which could cause a significant increase in TC’s intensity,thus resulting in the largest overestimation on rainfall and maximum wind speed.Longitudinally-uniform SST distribution before the rapid intensification could reduce TC’s intensity and heat fluxes,which can partially compensate for the overestimation of precipitation in the control experiment.  相似文献   

通过使用天气研究与预报(Weather Research and Forecasting,WRF)模式对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)个例“派比安”(1807)进行了一组数值试验,分析了东海黑潮暖舌对“派比安”强度的影响。研究结果表明,东海黑潮暖舌高海面温度(以下简称“海温”)导致TC区域内海气界面热通量显著增加,并造成TC边界层不稳定特征发展,形成了有利于垂直对流发展的边界层环境。因此TC内特别是TC眼墙处对流更为活跃,TC强度显著提高,同时黑潮暖舌对TC的局部加热还会引起TC内部对流活动的非对称分布。根据数值试验的结果,黑潮暖舌为“派比安”整体动能增加做出约24.7%的贡献,中心气压变化对东海黑潮暖舌高海温特征的响应时间约为10 h。此外,在黑潮暖舌作用下,“派比安”7级风圈半径扩张16.3%,最大风速半径收缩10.7%。  相似文献   

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