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The Imiter inlier at the eastern Anti-Atlas chain (Morocco) hosts a world-class epithermal Ag-Hg deposit, and several occurrences of sulfide-magnetite mineralization. These occurrences are confined to transcurrent faults that cut mildly to highly potassic I- and S-type granite intrusions (e.g., Igoudrane, Bou Teglimt, Taouzzakt and Bou Fliou).In this contribution, we present new field, petrographic and microanalytical data of the Bou Fliou sulfide-magnetite mineralization in the northwestern part of the Bou Teglimt granodiorite intrusion (567?±?6Ma). Field and microscopic investigations reveal pervasive silicification and potassic alteration associated with iron oxides-rich (>10?vol %) veins, stockworks, and breccias along NE-SW faults. The ore minerals are mainly magnetite, hematite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, Ag-galena, cobaltite, and less abundant Bi-sulfosalts (i.e., cosalite, galenobistmuthite, and llilanite-gustavite). The low-titanium iron oxides (magnetite and hematite), widespread iron-rich breccia, association with crustal scale fault zone, pervasive alteration, and overprinting mineral assemblages suggest a shallow level IOCG-style mineralization. High-order splays of the major fault zone could have provided effective traps for magmatic and basinal Cu and Zn-Pb hydrothermal fluids. The ~550 Ma intrusive phases in the region could have contributed by fluid, elements or heat in a local effective blumbing. The mineralogical and ore textural criteria reflecting ore formation at a realtively shallow crustal environment, but a fluid inclusion study is needed to characterize the ore fluids and mechanism of ore deposition.  相似文献   

The Bou Madine ore deposit is located SW of Jbel Ougnat, the easternmost inlier of the Anti-Atlas Pan-African belt in Morocco. The host rocks are high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks, that are part of the Neoproterozoic Tamerzaga-Timrachine Formation (TTF, lower PIII). The TTF consists of ignimbrites of rhyolitic to dacitic compositions, andesite flows and hypovolcanic bodies (andesite dykes and rhyolite chonoliths) emplaced along N160°E tension gashes associated with a regional N30°E sinistral fault system. The mineralization is related to a high enthalpy geothermal system, eventually evolving into a low temperature epithermal system. A regional propylitisation (T around 260 °C) overprinted the TTF rocks prior to the emplacement of the mineralization. There were two main hydrothermal stages. During the first stage, massive veins with pyrite, arsenopyrite and minor pyrrhotite and cassiterite were formed. The veins were emplaced along N160°E-trending en echelon joints related to N120°E dextral arrays. A quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration overprinted the propylites around the veins (“bleached haloes”), at temperatures up to 300–310 °C. The second stage of mineralization was coeval with dextral re-activation of the N160°E veins, in relation with a NE-ward shift of the shortening direction. First, polymetallic sulphides (sphalerite, chalcopyrite, stannite, galena) were deposited at temperatures 260 °C. Younger quartz veinlets contain arsenopyrite and minor micrometre-size sulphides and sulpho-salts, hosting the precious metals. This was the low temperature epithermal stage (≈150 °C), in relation with invading meteoric water.  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic volcanic series are exposed in the northern edge of the Saghro massif (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Four volcanic rock types (basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite) were distinguished in the Boumalne inlier within the so-called Saghro volcanic sequences based on petrographic and geochemical observations. Boumalne volcanic rocks contain high Al2O3, Fe2O3, Ba, Sr, Zr, Rb, and Nb contents, including calc-alkaline affinity in composition. Boumalne volcanic rocks are similar to other lower-Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks such Agouiniy formation in Sirwa inlier and in other parts of Bou-Azzer inlier. Indeed, they indicate an active subduction signature. The geochemical data show a LREE enrichment compared to HREE. The fractional crystallization has played a major role during the evolution of the magma. The less-siliceous dacitic rocks could have been formed after a low degree of partial melting of mafic parental magma source, whereas the rich-siliceous rhyolite may have been derived from dacitic magma source by a higher degree of fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Tesbihdere is one of a number of spatially close epithermal Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au deposits hosted by andesites and rhyolites, typical of deposits in the Biga peninsula. Microthermometry of fluid inclusions shows a wide range of temperatures, ~360–170°C, and salinities, ~10-0.5 wt.% NaCl, in the different deposits studied. Dilution of a moderately saline magmatic? fluid with meteoric water occurred at constant temperature indicating, the temperature of both fluids was controlled by the geological environment. Boiling was not a major factor, but did occur in very minor amounts. The large range of temperatures within individual samples can only reasonably be explained by variations from near lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure during vein and fracture opening. That this pressure decrease did not produce extensive boiling suggests that vein opening was gradual rather than aggressive, allowing the pressure and temperature decrease to follow a path close to the L-V boiling curve. P-T reconstruction places emplacement of these ore veins at between 300–500 m beneath the surface. Similarities of LA-ICPMS of fluid inclusions from Tesbihdere, Azitepe and Basmakci, supports the conclusion that they were part of the same contemporaneous mineralizing system. The fluids are dominated by Na, with the concentrations of K>Ca>Mg combined equivalent to the concentration of Na. The range of K/Na ratios is not consistent with the fluid inclusion temperatures as the calculated temperatures are significantly higher indicating the fluids were not close to equilibrium with the enclosing rocks. Elevated K concentrations are consistent with acid-sulphate waters in shallow epithermal systems. Ore metals Cu, Zn and Pb are present in significant concentrations ~500, 300 and 200 ppm respectively and the low Fe/Mn ratios are indicative of a relatively oxidising fluid. The negative δ 34S values of sulphides are consistent with boiling and oxidising redox conditions.  相似文献   

Twenty total rock Rb/Sr isochrons (λ 87Rb = 1.47 · 10?11yr?1) and many individual data, mainly obtained by the K/Ar and Rb/Sr methods, on total rocks and minerals show that the orogenic story of the Precambrian of the Anti-Atlas, which was studied in its western and central parts, began with the Eburnean orogeny (1900-1650 m.y.). Up to now there is no good evidence of an older basement, even if the rather high initial ratio (0.707–0.709) of some Eburnean granites might suggest that such a basement exists at depth. There is also no geochronological evidence of plutonism until in early Panafrican time (680 m.y.) there started a period of intense magmatic and thermal activity which was ended by the emplacement of late post-tectonic granites at 530-520 m.y.The late Panafrican acid volcanism does not generally give suitable material for Rb/Sr dating, because of the great mobility of the radiogenic strontium in such a material even under very weak thermal conditions.  相似文献   

The 13.1-Moz high-sulfidation epithermal gold deposit of Lagunas Norte, Alto Chicama District, northern Peru, is hosted in weakly metamorphosed quartzites of the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Chimú Formation and in overlying Miocene volcanic rocks of dacitic to rhyolitic composition. The Dafne and Josefa diatremes crosscut the quartzites and are interpreted to be sources of the pyroclastic volcanic rocks. Hydrothermal activity was centered on the diatremes and four hydrothermal stages have been defined, three of which introduced Au ± Ag mineralization. The first hydrothermal stage is restricted to the quartzites of the Chimú Formation and is characterized by silice parda, a tan-colored aggregate of quartz-auriferous pyrite–rutile ± digenite infilling fractures and faults, partially replacing silty beds and forming cement of small hydraulic breccia bodies. The δ34S values for pyrite (1.7–2.2?‰) and digenite (2.1?‰) indicate a magmatic source for the sulfur. The second hydrothermal stage resulted in the emplacement of diatremes and the related volcanic rocks. The Dafne diatreme features a relatively impermeable core dominated by milled slate from the Chicama Formation, whereas the Josefa diatreme only contains Chimú Formation quartzite clasts. The third hydrothermal stage introduced the bulk of the mineralization and affected the volcanic rocks, the diatremes, and the Chimú Formation. In the volcanic rocks, classic high-sulfidation epithermal alteration zonation exhibiting vuggy quartz surrounded by a quartz–alunite and a quartz–alunite–kaolinite zone is observed. Company data suggest that gold is present in solid solution or micro inclusions in pyrite. In the quartzite, the alteration is subtle and is manifested by the presence of pyrophyllite or kaolinite in the silty beds, the former resulting from relatively high silica activities in the fluid. In the quartzite, gold mineralization is hosted in a fracture network filled with coarse alunite, auriferous pyrite, and enargite. Alteration and mineralization in the breccias were controlled by permeability, which depends on the type and composition of the matrix, cement, and clast abundance. Coarse alunite from the main mineralization stage in textural equilibrium with pyrite and enargite has δ34S values of 24.8–29.4?‰ and $ {\delta^{18 }}{{\mathrm{O}}_{{\mathrm{S}{{\mathrm{O}}_4}}}} $ values of 6.8–13.9?‰, consistent with H2S as the dominant sulfur species in the mostly magmatic fluid and constraining the fluid composition to low pH (0–2) and logfO2 of ?28 to ?30. Alunite–pyrite sulfur isotope thermometry records temperatures of 190–260 °C; the highest temperatures corresponding to samples from near the diatremes. Alunite of the third hydrothermal stage has been dated by 40Ar/39Ar at 17.0?±?0.22 Ma. The fourth hydrothermal stage introduced only modest amounts of gold and is characterized by the presence of massive alunite–pyrite in fractures, whereas barite, drusy quartz, and native sulfur were deposited in the volcanic rocks. The $ {\delta^{18 }}{{\mathrm{O}}_{{\mathrm{S}{{\mathrm{O}}_4}}}} $ values of stage IV alunite vary between 11.5 and 11.7?‰ and indicate that the fluid was magmatic, an interpretation also supported by the isotopic composition of barite (δ34S?=?27.1 to 33.8?‰ and $ {\delta^{18 }}{{\mathrm{O}}_{{\mathrm{S}{{\mathrm{O}}_4}}}} $ ?=?8.1 to 12.7?‰). The Δ34Spy–alu isotope thermometry records temperatures of 210 to 280 °C with the highest values concentrated around the Josefa diatreme. The Lagunas Norte deposit was oxidized to a depth of about 80 m below the current surface making exploitation by heap leach methods viable.  相似文献   

伊米泰尔(Imiter)银矿床位于摩洛哥小阿特拉斯山地区,是世界级超大型浅成低温热液银矿床。矿区内矿化主要受伊米泰尔断裂带控制,矿化期可以分为以下两期:(1)贱金属矿化期(BME),与Taouzzakt花岗闪长岩(572±5Ma)有关,(2)浅成低温热液矿化期(ESE),与Takhatert流纹岩(550±3Ma)有关。通过He、S、Os同位素研究,伊米泰尔矿床的成矿物质和成矿流体都具有幔源的特征,其成矿模式表现出地幔来源的浅成低温热液成矿模式。  相似文献   

The results of tectono-metallogenic, geological-structural, mineralogical, isotopic, and thermobarogeochemical studies at the Alshar deposit and in the adjacent area are discussed. The data obtained show that the gold mineralization at the deposit is similar to that observed at the Carlin-type deposits in the western United States. Similar characteristics include the Au-As-Sb-Tl-Hg geochemical assemblage; low Pb, Zn, Cu, and Ag contents in ore; widespread jasperoid and argillic metasomatic alterations of host siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentary rocks; and the spatial relations to fault zones. At the same time, the Alshar deposit differs from the Carlin-type deposits by the following features: (1) Pliocene age of mineralization, (2) expansion of mineralization over younger volcanics, (3) a high Tl grade in ore, and (4) localization of the ore field in a long-lived central-type magmatic structure. The results obtained can be used as an exploration model.  相似文献   

The structurally controlled Au–Pd mineralization at Bleïda Far West occurs in a volcano-sedimentary rock sequence in altered amphibolites and chlorite schists of the Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer–El Graara inlier. The Au–Pd mineralization is virtually sulfide-free; instead, gold is associated with hematite, barite, quartz, and calcite. The gold grains are silver- and palladium-bearing (up to 19 wt% Ag and 6.3 wt% Pd) and are intergrown with a distinct suite of mainly Pd-dominated platinum group minerals, namely mertieite-I/isomertieite, merenskyite, keithconnite, kotulskite, palladseite, and sperrylite, defining a Au–Pd–As–Sb–Se–Te chemical signature. Stable isotope and fluid inclusion studies indicate a wide range of fluid compositions with a prominent saline component. In conjunction with the mineral association, oxidizing fluids are indicated, and Au and PGE transport and deposition likely took place by chloride complexes in the epithermal range, at elevated f O2 and/or low pH. It is still speculative whether the mineralization is late Pan-African (~600–550 Ma) in age, or connected with the Variscan orogeny (~330–300 Ma), or related to some other hydrothermal event. Common to all Au–Pd mineralizations worldwide (Brazil, Australia, UK), including Bleïda Far West, is their formation in the epithermal (<300°C) range; deposition mainly in brittle structures; sulfide-poor mineral assemblages comprising hematite, sulfate minerals, and selenides; and metal transport by, and deposition from, oxidized, chloride-rich fluids. These deposits are further characterized by noble metal abundances in the order Au>Pd>Pt and the chemical signature Au–Pd–Se–Te (±As, Sb, Bi). As such, the Au–Pd association represents a discrete style of gold mineralization distinct from other classes of gold deposits.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):279-288
Between the High Atlas and the Saharan platform, the Anti-Atlas of Morocco offers large exposures of Precambrian rocks beneath the moderately folded Paleozoic series. These inliers allow reconstructing a segment of the Pan-African Belt and of its foreland at the northern outskirts of the West African Craton (WAC). From ∼ 885 Ma to ∼ 540 Ma, three periods are recognized in the Pan-African cycle. The Tonian–Cryogenian period ends with the obduction of supra-subduction ophiolite and oceanic arc material at ∼ 640 Ma. The Early Ediacaran period is marked by the development and subsequent closure of a wide marginal basin next to a likely Andean-type arc. The Late Ediacaran period is recorded by subaerial molasse deposits associated with post-collisional high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism. Although a wide consensus has been reached based on the number of new robust datings, several questions still remain pending, which we address taking into account relevant African and European correlations.  相似文献   

The Au-Ag (-Pb-Zn) Apacheta deposit is located in the Shila district, 600 km southeast of Lima in the Cordillera Occidental of Arequipa Province, southern Peru. The vein mineralization is found in Early to Middle Miocene calc-alkaline lava flows and volcanic breccias. Both gangue and sulfide mineralization express a typical low-sulfidation system; assay data show element zoning with base metals enriched at depth and higher concentrations of precious metals in the upper part of the veins. Three main deposition stages are observed: (1) early pyrite and base-metal sulfides with minor electrum 1 and acanthite; (2) brecciation of this mineral assemblage and cross-cutting veinlets with subhedral quartz crystals, Mn-bearing calcite and rhombic adularia crystals; and finally (3) veinlets and geodal filling of an assemblage of tennantite/tetrahedrite + colorless sphalerite 2 + galena + chalcopyrite + electrum 2. Fluid inclusions in the mineralized veins display two distinct types: aqueous-carbonic liquid-rich Lw-c inclusions, and aqueous-carbonic vapor-rich Vw-c inclusions. Microthermometric data indicate that the ore minerals were deposited between 300 and 225 °C from relatively dilute hydrothermal fluids (0.6-3.4 wt% NaCl). The physical and chemical characteristics of the hydrothermal fluids show a vertical evolution, with in particular a drop in temperature and a loss of H2S. The presence of adularia and platy calcite and of co-existing liquid-rich and vapor-rich inclusions in the ore-stage indicates a boiling event. Strong H2S enrichment in the Vw-c inclusions observed at -200 m, the abundance of platy calcite, and the occurrence of hydrothermal breccia at this level may indicate a zone of intense boiling. The vertical element zoning observed in the Apacheta deposit thus seems to be directly related to the vertical evolution of hydrothermal-fluid characteristics. Precious-metal deposition mainly occurred above the 200-m level below the present-day surface, in response to a liquid/vapor phase separation due to an upward boiling front.  相似文献   

Crnac is an intermediate sulfidation Pb–Zn–Ag epithermal deposit located within the Vardar suture zone of the Central Balkan Peninsula. The epithermal Pb–Zn–Ag mineralization consists of (i) a series of steeply-dipping veins hosted within the Jurassic amphibolites, and (ii) overlying hydrothermal-explosive breccia with angular (level IV) or rounded fragments of listwanite (surface) cemented by epithermal mineralization. The mineralization is related to the Oligocene quartz latite dykes that crosscut the Crnac antiform. Quartz latite rocks predominantly display a shoshonitic character. The obtained 40Ar/39Ar age of fresh quartz latite is 28.9 ± 0.3 Ma. Fine-grained sericite from altered quartz latite is dated at 28.6 ± 0.5 Ma. Early, alteration related fluid inclusions within quartz latite show coexistence of high-density brine and a low-density vapor-saturated phase that homogenized at 280–405 °C. Phase separation occurs at a paleodepth of 0.6 to 0.9 km.Epithermal mineralization developed in three stages: (i) early pyrite–arsenopyrite–pyrrhotite–quartz–kaolinite; (ii) main sphalerite–galena–tetrahedrite–chalcopyrite and (iii) late carbonate–pyrite–arsenopyrite assemblage. The onset of mineral deposition within epithermal veins was initiated by boiling of Na–Cl ± K ± Ca ± Mg fluid at a paleodepth of 0.6 to 0.9 km. Coexisting vapor and liquid-rich inclusions display salinities and trapping temperatures of 4 wt.% NaCl equiv., 280–370 °C and 2–27 wt.% NaCl equiv., 230–375 °C, respectively. Boiling continued throughout the deposition of the sphalerite-galena-tetrahedrite-chalcopyrite assemblage. Late stage carbonate was deposited from diluted, non-boiling, low-temperature Na–Ca–Mg–Cl ± CO2 fluid (0.2 to 4.8 wt.% NaCl equiv., 115–280 °C).About 100–150 m higher in the system, precipitation of listwanite breccia cement began as a result of boiling Na–Cl ± Ca ± Mg ± K fluid of medium salinities (2.6 to 12.1 wt.% NaCl equiv.) at temperatures of 245–370 °C. Boiling and dilution of fluids continue throughout the precipitation of the main sphalerite-galena-tetrahedrite and late, mainly carbonate assemblage. Surface listwanite breccia contain quartz phenocrysts deposited from a homogeneous fluid with a medium salinity (8–10 wt.% NaCl equiv.) and high temperatures (Th = 295–315 °C), whereas the early and main stage of a surface listwanite breccia cement precipitated from a boiling fluid of decreasing salinity and temperature. Aqueous ± CO2, high salinity (16 to 18 wt.% NaCl equiv.), low temperature (120 °C), homogeneously trapped fluid that precipitated late stage carbonates, is most likely a remnant of boiled off fluid. The epithermal assemblage of the surface listwanites precipitated at a paleodepth of 0.4 to 0.6 km.The δ13C values of the late stage ankerite range from − 4.2 to 4.1‰, whereas δ18O range from 9.6 to 17.5‰. The calculated δ18O of fluid that precipitated carbonates within epithermal veins, and listwanite breccia cement range from 6.3 to 11.3‰, indicating a contribution of magmatic water.Deposition of all mineralization types was initiated by neutralization of primary acidic magmatic fluid by water-rock reactions that caused widespread propylitization and sericitization. Extensive and long-lasting boiling combined with dilution by meteoric water increased the pH towards the final stage of hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   

The distribution of platinum-group elements (PGEs), together with spinel composition, of podiform chromitites and serpentinized peridotites were examined to elucidate the nature of the upper mantle of the Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer ophiolite, Anti-Atlas, Morocco. The mantle section is dominated by harzburgite with less abundant dunite. Chromitite pods are also found as small lenses not exceeding a few meters in size. Almost all primary silicates have been altered, and chromian spinel is the only primary mineral that survived alteration. Chromian spinel of chromitites is less affected by hydrothermal alteration than that of mantle peridotites. All chromitite samples of the Bou Azzer ophiolite display a steep negative slope of PGE spidergrams, being enriched in Os, Ir and Ru, and extremely depleted in Pt and Pd. Harzburgites and dunites usually have intermediate to low PGE contents showing more or less unfractionated PGE patterns with conspicuous positive anomalies of Ru and Rh. Two types of magnetite veins in serpentinized peridotite, type I (fibrous) and type II (octahedral), have relatively low PGE contents, displaying a generally positive slope from Os to Pd in the former type, and positive slope from Os to Rh then negative from Rh to Pd in the latter type. These magnetite patterns demonstrate their early and late hydrothermal origin, respectively. Chromian spinel composition of chromitites, dunites and harzburgites reflects their highly depleted nature with little variations; the Cr# is, on average, 0.71, 0.68 and 0.71, respectively. The TiO2 content is extremely low in chromian spinels, <0.10, of all rock types. The strong PGE fractionation of podiform chromitites and the high-Cr, low-Ti character of spinel of all rock types imply that the chromitites of the Bou Azzer ophiolite were formed either from a high-degree partial melting of primitive mantle, or from melting of already depleted mantle peridotites. This kind of melting is most easily accomplished in the supra-subduction zone environment, indicating a genetic link with supra-subduction zone magma, such as high-Mg andesite or arc tholeiite. This is a general feature in the Neoproterozoic upper mantle.  相似文献   

九龙湾银矿床位于内蒙古大青山东段,是近年来发现的有潜力的银多金属矿床。流体包裹体的岩相学、显微测温、激光拉曼探针及扫描电钐能谱分析研究表明,主成矿阶段的成矿流体以中低温(150-310℃)、中低盐度(3-17wt%NaCl)、较低密度(0.75~1.0g/cm^3)的盐水体系为特征,与造山型金矿床的富CO2流体有很大的差别。蚀变硅化阶段的流体相对富CO2、CH4、N2等挥发分,但在银铅锌主成矿阶段演化成贫CO2的盐水流体。九龙湾成矿流体的这种性质与国内外陆相火山一次火山热液型银矿床的成矿流体特征非常相似。矿床地质特征(与石英斑岩的关系、断裂控矿、围岩蚀变、矿石矿物共生组合)、稳定同位素地球化学特征均说明九龙湾银-多金属矿床应属与陆相次火山岩有关的中低温浅成热液矿床。  相似文献   

We document two phases of folding within the central part of the Late Palaeozoic Anti‐Atlas chain of Morocco. A first generation of SW–NE folds involve a horizontal shortening of 10–20%, accommodated by polyharmonic buckle folding of contrasting wavelengths in Ordovician Jbel Bani quartzites and Devonian Jbel Rich carbonates. A second generation of folds with similar style and wavelengths in an E–W direction lead to complex interference patterns. Dome and basins are developed within the Jbel Rich and within Lower Cambrian dolomites. Both folding phases are related to thick‐skinned uplift of Precambrian basement in a Laramide style. In contrast to the typical Rocky Mountain foreland style, however, cover deformation in the Anti‐Atlas is mostly decoupled from the undying basement along thick incompetent horizons such as the Lower Cambrian Lie‐de‐Vin and Silurian shales.  相似文献   

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