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More than 150 landslides originated in the eastern part of the Czech Republic (region of the Flysch Outer Western Carpathians—hereinafter, OWC) due to soil saturation caused by antecedent precipitation and long lasting and intensive rainfalls on 16–18 May 2010 (>300 mm as measured by some stations). As a consequence, a multitude of small failures originated 88% of which was smaller than 104 m2. Most landslides are characterised as shallow (<10 m) or middle–deep (10–30 m) incipient (rather short travel) landslides, debris slides and soil slips spatially clustered to a geological domain underlain by rather weak thin-bedded flysch and unconsolidated Quaternary deposits. An exception to this is represented by a kilometre-long rockslide (∼2–3 mil m3) affecting tectonically weakened and weathered claystone/mudstone-dominated flysch on the southern slope of Mt. Girová (the Beskydy Mountains). The rockslide is one of the largest long runout landslides in the territory of the Czech Republic activated over the past few decades as it reaches the dimensions of the largest documented Holocene long runout landslides in the Czech part of the OWC. A majority of the May 2010 landslide events developed inside older (Holocene or historic) landslide terrains, which points to their spatial persistency and recurrent nature. In spite of the fact that the May 2010 landslide event was not as destructive as some previous landslide activisation in the OWC region (e.g. July 1997 event), it left many slope failures at the initial stage of their potential future reactivation.  相似文献   

Petr Jehli?ka 《Geoforum》2011,42(3):362-372
This paper brings together consideration of food policies and practices and of post-socialist transition to raise neglected questions about means of nurturing more sustainable food systems in the developed world. The last three decades have been marked by the growing salience of food as a political and scholarly concern. While market-based alternative food systems have been heralded for their potential to promote environmental sustainability, the benefits of non-market practices such as household food self-provisioning and barter have been assumed rather than being the focus of research. In the western context, both types of food consumption have positive connotations. Although food self-provisioning in European post-socialist societies is a more wide-spread practice than in western societies, it has been on the periphery of research. The existing literature has conceptualised them as ‘coping strategies’ or as a legacy of irregular supply of goods in the state socialist era. Drawing on empirical research in the Czech Republic, we are proposing a novel approach to the phenomenon of household food production in post-socialist societies as a practice compliant with principles of sustainability. First, we highlight the large extent and social inclusivity of food self-provisioning in Czech society to demonstrate how post-socialist societies are a repository of a rich set of sustainability-promoting consumption practices in relation to food systems. Second, we show that international and domestic policy actors in these societies have ignored these alternative, socially inclusive and environmentally effective practices in favour of far less effective market-based sustainability oriented food policy initiatives. The paper promotes a more integrated view of non-market and market approaches in the pursuit of more sustainable food systems.  相似文献   

Qualitative geological acceptance criteria and quantitative seismological acceptance criteria for radioactive waste disposals are developed. The background material for the initiation of site selection and for its earthquake hazard assessment is discussed. The recent movements of the Earth's surface as well as the other mechanical properties of geological media, hydrological conditions of geological blocks, their groundwater chemistry, geochemical rheology, petrological analyses of rocks, etc., have to be taken into account. A new comprehensive integrated safety analysis of the final underground disposal of spent nuclear fuel has been underway in the Czech Republic since 1991. In accordance with these seismogeological acceptance criteria regions for building underground final radioactive waste disposals are singled out in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Gravitational spreading of mountain ridges displays primary disequilibrium of flysch mountain areas of the Czech Carpathians. The progression of various types of mass movements is a product of long-term ridge disintegration and is predisposed by the geological structure of the area and the upper Tertiary-Quaternary morphogenesis of the mountain area. Deep-seated slope deformations are spatially interconnected by the occurrence of some other types of slope deformations (e.g. debris flows, debris slides, slumps, rock avalanches, etc.), which pose a considerable risk for the existence of human society. An important causative factor in these dynamically developing hazardous processes is, among other factors, the way in which land has been used in the last three centuries. Therefore, the occurrence of various types of slope deformations is studied in terms of their relation to deep-seated gravitational deformations and in terms of other limiting factors (structural geological, morphological and climatic factors, manmade impacts, etc.). The paper presents several case studies of slope deformations (Velká Čantoryje Mt, Lysá hora Mt, Ropice Mt and Smrk Mt) in the area of the Outer Carpathians within the territory of the Czech Republic and also adverts to some consequences in terms of the socioeconomic structure of the landscape.  相似文献   

Geology of Ore Deposits - The recognition of the Fouta Djallon–Mandingo territory as an independent bauxite province is substantiated. It is confined to the morphostructure of the same name...  相似文献   

Knowledge of the natural background content of metals is important, but can be difficult to establish because the concentrations of substances dissolved in ground waters vary considerably with time and space. The main objective of the paper is to assess the natural background of five selected elements: As, Al, Cd, Pb and Hg. Each of these elements, with the exception of Al, is included in the Minimum list of pollutants and their indicators for which the EU Member States should establish threshold values (Daughter Groundwater Directive). The data of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute which contains analyses obtained by regular monitoring of the quality of ground waters at intervals of 6 months has been used as the source information. This system incorporates ca. 450 monitoring sites which provide information about water in all the types of rocks penetrated by individual boreholes. Because of the low concentrations of certain elements (Hg, Pb and Cd in particular) a significant number of analytical results lie below the quantification limit of the analytical methods used. Therefore, conventional statistical methods for processing data were not applicable and alternative procedures were used. The Kaplan–Meier procedure was used within the NADA module for statistical analysis of data sets containing values below the quantification limit. The concentrations of monitored elements that can be considered natural background are suggested to be values of the third quartile, i.e. values that are less than or equal to 75% of analytical results in the assessed dataset. The remaining 25% of analytical results that exceed the proposed limit can be considered to be anomalies which may be natural or anthropogenic. Based on the statistical analysis of data specific values for the natural background content of elements in ground waters within particular types of lithology have been proposed. These can be considered the natural background values that apply within the whole of the territory of the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

This paper systematically reviews the glacial geomorphological evidence of the Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS; Younger Dryas) glaciation in Britain (12.9–11.7 ka). The geomorphology of sub‐regions within Scotland, England and Wales is assessed, providing the most comprehensive synthesis of this evidence to date. The contrasting nature of the evidence at the local scale is reviewed and conceptual themes common to multiple sub‐regions are examined. Advancements in glaciological theory, mapping technologies, numerical modelling and dating have been applied unevenly to localities across Britain, inhibiting a holistic understanding of the extent and dynamics of the LLS glaciation at a regional scale. The quantity and quality of evidence is highly uneven, leading to uncertainties regarding the extent of glaciation and inhibiting detailed analysis of ice dynamics and chronology. Robust dates are relatively scarce, making it difficult to confidently identify the limits of LLS glaciers and assess their synchroneity. Numerical models have allowed the glacier–climate relationships of the LLS to be assessed but have, thus far, been unable to incorporate local conditions which influenced glaciation. Recommendations for future research are made that will allow refined reconstructions of the LLS in Britain and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of glacier–climate interactions during the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

This study deals with the determination of the actual limit angles in the long-term formed subsidence basin in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin (the remaining part lays in Poland). Here there was the most extensive underground exploitation of black coal in the north-east of the Czech Republic. A limit angle is absolutely decisive in the determination of deep mining influences in relation to the current and future utilisation of this territory. The two CSM and Paskov mine localities on the edge of the subsidence basin were selected for this study, since they could not have been affected by mining in neighbouring mines. On the grounds of the long-term levelling monitoring of points on the surface which started prior to mining, the horizontal distance between the mined out area and the undisturbed ground surface was identified. The impact of limit angle on the surface was calculated by means of the horizontal distance and the established mining depth. Such identified actual limit angles reached the values of 36° at the CSM Mine and 25° for the Paskov Mine. The calculated values are significantly lower when compared with the currently applied empirical values of 57° for the CSM Mine and 56° for the Paskov Mine. This means that the extent of the undermining effects is unambiguously wider by 611 m at the CSM Mine and by 883 m at the Paskov Mine. This study thus establishes the existence of a significantly vaster area influenced by coal deep mining than previously expected. The identified facts lead to the conclusion that regular revisions and follow-up updates of the empirically determined parameters are recommended.  相似文献   

The river Odra, which rises in the Czech Republic and disgorges into the Baltic, suffered an extreme flood in July 1997 which was responsible for the loss of 55 lives and over a billion dollars worth of damage in southern Poland. The return period of the flood is variously estimated between 250 and 1000 years. The paper describes the hydrological and hydraulic studies undertaken for a flood reservoir (storage capacity is approximately 180,000,000 m3) to be constructed on the River Odra just upstream the ancient town of Raciborz, on the border between Poland and Czech Republic. These studies included the hydrodynamic modelling of a 220 km stretch of the river down to the city of Wroclaw where most of the damage occurred, flood damage analysis with and without the proposed reservoir, sensitivity analysis of operating rules for Nysa reservoirs and improvement of flood control capacity of existing channels and polders. Cost-benefits analysis, environmental impact assessments and resettlement plans, in addition to the engineering studies of the dam itself, were also carried out during the project stage but have not been included in the present paper.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, documentary data (written and iconographic sources) have been increasingly employed in geomorphologic research aiming at reconstruction of territorial distribution, temporal occurrence and social and economic impacts of various geomorphologic hazards. The goal of this paper is to broaden the previous discussion (Glade et al. The use of historical data in natural hazard assessments. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2001) of the methodological constraints on the use of documentary data for geomorphologic hazard research. Using the interdisciplinary approach of geomorphology, historiography and medial studies, we firstly summarise the major finding of papers that have employed various types of documentary data sources to study geomorphologic hazards in different regions. In the second section, we present case studies from the Czech Republic resulting from the ongoing research project that is devoted to the assessment of the potential of documentary data to reconstruct past occurrences of and mitigation strategies for geomorphologic hazards. Finally, we discuss three main methodological issues emerging from our research: (a) problems emerging from the positivist approach to documentary data sources and the necessity for critical analyses of documentary data sources based on modern historiographic approaches, (b) constraints arising from the combination of documentary data from different spatiotemporal scales and (c) lacks in the use of documentary data to study local-based adaptation strategies to cope with geomorphologic hazards.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services are important to maintain the human well-being. However, their provisioning has been under the increasing pressure from both natural and socio-economic changes. This paper aims to assess the most significant hazards, such as water quality, nitrogen deposition, erosion, floods, invasive species, urbanisation and contaminated sites affecting delivery of ecosystem services in the Czech Republic. Using the multi-hazard assessment, the integrated risk index for ecosystem service provisioning was proposed. The spatial analysis based on this approach was then applied to the Czech Republic as a case study. The results showed that about 48% of the area falls into the very low risk category followed by 30%, 21%, and 1% for low, medium and high categories, respectively. Forest and wetland ecosystems were estimated to have the highest proportion of their total area among the highest risk values. Moreover, we found that the national parks appeared to have the highest proportion of medium- and high-risk classes among the natural areas. The approach presented in this study should aggregate the existing knowledge on ecosystem services and hazards and thus monitor the integrated risk. The results are intended to help with various planning and management decisions at both the national and regional levels and to bring more attention on the most problematic hot-spots.  相似文献   

The study brings new information concerning a large slope deformation in the northern part of the Silesian Beskydy Mountains in the territory of the Czech Republic. The studied area is a large-scale transformation of the forefront of a flysch nappe formed especially by rigid sandstones upon a plastic underlying nappe. As a consequence of the vertical contact of mechanically different formations and depositing conditions of rocks and tectonics on the nappe forefront, several generations of deep-seated slope deformations occurred accompanied by shallow landslides in the historic period. Structural measurement and geophysical sounding proved prevailing lateral spreading in the upper parts of the slopes as well as the occurrence of rotational landslides whose landslide scarps overlap with the line of overthrust of the Godula Nappe on the Těšín Nappe. Radiocarbon dating determined the period of the occurrence of rotational landslides as falling into the Subboreal up to Subatlantic.  相似文献   

P. Daněk 《GeoJournal》1993,30(3):249-254
In the 1991 population census, 1.4 million inhabitants of the Czech Republic applied for Moravian or Silesian nationality, which did not exist before.They expressed their consciousness of territorial appurtenance to the historical provinces of Moravia and Silesia and by this declaration they set it above the appurtenance to the Czech nation. New social cleavage thus developed in ethnically almost homogeneous environment of the Czech Republic, which constitutes a potential threat of the further splitting of the State. Trying to find the causes of such a phenomenon, the author deals with the territorial differentiation of these inhabitants and factors which influenced it. The close interconnection with political demands is stressed. The insensive centralizing measures of the communist regime are considered as the direct impulses of the present development. The phenomenon is understood as a specific manifestation of the posttotalitarian social crisis in Central and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

The mobility of REE, Y and Zr during the Variscan uranium mineralization event in high‐grade metasediments of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic has been investigated to understand their behaviour in alkaline hydrothermal alterations. The REE patterns together with high mobility of Y and Zr point to movement of REE, Y, Zr and U by highly mineralising, oxidising basinal fluids in the Permian. Their high mobility during the origin of an economically important uranium mineralization is supported by the occurrence of Y‐ and Zr‐rich coffinite.  相似文献   

The shift to market forces in Poland, East Germany and Czech Republic has fundamentally reconfigured its economic geography. In particular, spatial inequalities between neighboring Polish, Czech and German border regions have re-emerged forcefully in response to new values, expectations and preferences. In this paper the example of coal mines illustrates the potency of spatial planning. The abundance of coal mines in the Polish, Czech and German borderland at or near abandonment and their proximity to ecological corridors make them candidates for renewed uses in industry or conservation. Attention will also be given to the main environmental problems caused by wrongly conducted spatial policy on this borderland. Transforming a landscape requires continuation of guidance and financial assistance of the European Union.  相似文献   

The area of the Jizerské Mountains in the northern part of the Czech Republic is known to have suffered from heavy acid atmospheric deposition which has led to mass extinction of the forest cover in apical parts of the mountains and to degradation of groundwater quality. A methodology for construction of groundwater vulnerability maps, using a Geographical Information System (GIS), has been developed as a tool for protecting the groundwater resources. The maps were constructed by using four subsidiary layers, each of which reflects a particular parameter that governs acidification. The factors that determine vulnerability are: (1) elevation above sea level, (2) morphology of the terrain, (3) areal extent and type of vegetation cover, and (4) lithology of the aquifer. A step-wise analysis and application of the data in each of the layers was accomplished to compare changes in the quality of groundwaters, and to obtain the best weighting factors for the individual parameters. Changes in alkalinity of the groundwater during the last 30 years were used as a test criterion. The vulnerability map should be a valuable tool to identify and outline areas most vulnerable to acidification and also areas considered for reforestation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Lewis A. Owen   《Quaternary Science Reviews》2009,28(21-22):2150-2164
The timing and extent of latest Pleistocene and Holocene alpine glacier fluctuations in the Himalaya and Tibet are poorly defined due to the logistical and political inaccessibility of the region, and the general lack of modern studies of the glacial successions. Nevertheless, renewed interest in the region and the aid of newly developing numerical dating techniques have provided new insights into the nature of latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier oscillations. These studies provide abundant evidence for significant glacial advances throughout the Last Glacial cycle. In most high Himalayan and Tibetan regions glaciers reached their maximum extent early in the Last Glacial cycle. However, true Last Glacial Maximum glacier advances were significantly less extensive. Notable glacier advances occurred during the Lateglacial and the early Holocene, with minor advances in some regions during the mid-Holocene. There is abundant evidence for multiple glacial advances throughout the latter part of the Holocene, although these are generally very poorly defined, and were less extensive than the early Holocene glacier advances. The poor chronological control on latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacial successions makes it difficult to construct correlations across the region, and with other glaciated regions in the world, which in turn makes it hard to assess the relative importance of the different climatic mechanisms that force glaciation in this region. The Lateglacial and Holocene glacial record, however, is particularly well preserved in several regions, notably in Muztag Ata and Kongur, and the Khumbu Himal. These successions have the potential to be examined in detail using newly developing numerical dating methods to derive a high-resolution record of glaciation to help in paleoclimatic reconstruction and understanding the dynamics of climate and glaciation in the Himalaya and Tibet.  相似文献   

Summary Traces of the Eocambrian glaciation are found in three district in Norwegian territory, 1) in the south-east, at and north of the lake MjØsa, 2) in north-east, in Finnmark, and 3) in Spitzbergen. The two first districts are connected by a number of localities in Sweden, along the margin of the Caledonian Mountain chain. The glacial beds form the base of the Eocambrian, which is taken as the lowest part of the Cambrian. They generally rests with a more or less pronounced disconformity on dolomitic rocks of the Esmarkian (the upper part of the Riphean system). In some cases they rest directly on the crystalline Precambrian basement. This is due either to Esmarkian tectonic movements, to deep glacial erosion or both. The glacial beds are varied lithologically, but the characteristic rock types are tillites, boulder-shales and varved mudtones. All tillites are not regarded as fossil moraines, formed by ice movement. Some of them are supposed to have been formed by dropping of material from floating ice, either glacier ice or sea ice in a marine or brackish environment. The wide and uniform distribution of the tillite seems to preclude an interpretation as mudflows. Comparison with the Quaternary glacial sediments have given interesting results, and add to the evidence for a glacial origin of the tillites. It is also indicated that the direction of transport will depend on whether the material was rafted with glacial ice, or with drifting sea ice. Much more work has to be done both on the sedimentology, stratigraphy and paleomagnetism of the Norwegian Eocambrian glacial deposits and comparable sediments in order to get a clear and coherent picture of the glaciation, but the present evidence seem to indicate that it was part of a world-wide glaciation of even greater extent than the Permo-Carboniferous and Quarternary ones.  相似文献   

未来50—100年全球可能迅速变暖。围绕这一问题,第四纪研究出现了一些新动向:第四纪地质时期里是否出现过快速变暖阶段?在这阶段里生态环境怎样变化?有机界对气候快速变化的响应程度如何?在地质时期的高温阶段里生物界的景况怎样?等等,以期借鉴过去预测未来。不过,这里也存在这样一个问题,即“在多大程度上‘过去’是预测未来的钥匙?”  相似文献   

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