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The Mesozoïc sediments in the Eastern North Pyrenean Zone have suffered a high temperature-low pressure metamorphism which reached its climax before the major deformation event. The mineral associations in pelitic rocks are consistent with temperatures of 500°–600°C and a maximum pressure of 3–4 kb. Post-metamorphic brittle deformation has disturbed the initial thermal pattern. The Albo-Cenomanian (98–87 Ma) metamorphism is related to thermal anomalies contemporaneous with the crustal thinning in the North Pyrenean Zone. The distribution of paleotemperatures suggests that the intensity of metamorphism may have been related to the magnitude of crustal attenuation. High-grade rocks are associated with lherzolites and granulites, whereas low-grade rocks are associated with higher-level crustal material (gneisses and micaschists). Crustal thinning and metamorphism developed during sinistral transcurrent displacement of Iberia with respect to Europe.  相似文献   

The Austroalpine Sesia-Lanzo inlier and upper Austroalpine Dent Blanche, Mt. Mary and Pillonet outliers occur on top of the western-Alpine orogenic wedge and, as a whole, override the structurally composite ophiolitic Piemonte zone. Instead, the Mt. Emilius, Glacier-Rafray, Etirol-Levaz and other lower Austroalpine eclogitic outliers are inserted within the Piemonte zone, between its upper (Combin) and lower (Zermatt-Saas) tectonic elements, or within the latter. Rb-Sr dating on phengitic micas show that the eclogitic imprint in the lower Austroalpine outliers, conventionally regarded as Late Cretaceous by comparison with the Sesia-Lanzo inlier, is of Eocene age (49-40 Ma), like the underlying Zermatt-Saas ophiolite (45-42 Ma) between the Aosta valley and Gran Paradiso massif. 40Ar-39Ar plateau ages on the same mica concentrates of the ophiolitic Zermatt-Saas nappe (46-43 Ma) are consistent with Rb-Sr dating, whereas that on the Austroalpine Glacier-Rafray klippe (92 Ma) is influenced by argon excess. The lower Austroalpine outliers underwent the subduction metamorphism concurrently with the Zermatt-Saas nappe, 20-25 Ma later than the eclogitic Sesia-Lanzo inlier and blueschist Pillonet klippe. The temporal gap and present intra-ophiolitic position mean that the lower Austroalpine outliers were probably derived from an intraoceanic extensional allochthon (Mt. Emilius domain) stranded inside the Piemonte-Ligurian ocean far from the Dent Blanche-Sesia domain and Adriatic margin.  相似文献   

The Peripheral Schieferhülle of the Tauern Window of the Eastern Alps represents post-Hercynian Penninic cover sequences and preserves a record of metamorphism in the Alpine orogeny, without the inherited remnants of Hercynian events that are retained in basement rocks. The temperature-time-deformation history of rocks at the lower levels of these cover sequences have been investigated by geochronological and petrographic study of units whose P-T evolution and structural setting are already well understood. The Eclogite Zone of the central Tauern formed from protoliths with Penninic cover affinities, and suffered early Alpine eclogite facies metamorphism before tectonic interposition between basement and cover. It then shared a common metamorphic history with these units, experiencing blueschist facies and subsequent greenschist facies conditions in the Alpine orogeny. The greenschist facies phase, associated with penetrative deformation in the cover and the influx of aqueous fluids, reset Sr isotopes in metasediments throughout the eclogite zone and cover schists, recording deformation and peak metamorphism at 28-30 Ma. The Peripheral Schieferhülle of the south-east Tauern Window yields Rb-Sr white mica ages which can be tied to the structural evolution of the metamorphic pile. Early prograde fabrics pre-date 31 Ma, and were reworked by the formation of the large north-east vergent Sonnblick fold structure at 28 Ma. Peak metamorphism post-dated this deformation, but by contrast to the equivalent levels in the central Tauern, peak metamorphic conditions did not lead to widespread homogenization of the Sr isotopes. Localized deformation continued into the cooling path until at least 23 Ma, partially or wholly resetting Sr white mica ages in some samples. These isotopic ages may be integrated with structural data in regional tectonic models, and may constrain changes in the style of crustal deformation and plate interaction. However, such interpretations must accommodate the demonstrable variation in thermal histories over small distances.  相似文献   

The structure, microstructure and petrology of a small area close to the village of Bard in Val d'Aosta (Italy) has been studied in detail. The area lies across the contact between the Gneiss Minuti (GM) and the Eclogitic Micaschist (EMS) Complexes of the Lower element of the Sesia portion of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone (Western Alps). Both complexes have undergone high-pressure metamorphism, but the metamorphic assemblages indicate a sudden increase in pressure in going across the contact from the GM to the EMS. Therefore, we interpret the contact as a thrust dividing the lower element of the Sesia into two sub-elements. This interpretation is supported by structural evidence.
The early Alpine (90-70 Ma) metamorphic history is best preserved in the EMS and is one of increasing pressure associated with thrusting. The maximum P/T recorded in the EMS is >1500 MPa (>15kbar) and 550°C and in the GM is < 1500-1300 MPa (< 15-13 kbar) and 500-550°C. We suggest that the rocks were probably in an active Benioff zone during this time.
From then on the histories of the GM and EMS are the same. Deformation continued and the thrust and thrust slices were folded during decreasing pressure. We interpret the first postthrusting deformation in terms of uplift associated with continued shortening of the crust and underplating after the Benioff zone had become inactive and a new Benioff zone had developed further to the north-west.
A still later deformation and the Lepontine metamorphism (38 Ma) are related to continued uplift. Much of this deformation is characterized by structures indicative of vertical shortening and lateral spreading as the mountains rose above the general level of the surface.  相似文献   

Kinematic data from the internal zones of the Western Alps indicate both top-to-SE and top-to-NW shearing during synkinematic greenschist facies recrystallisation. Rb/Sr data from white micas from different kinematic domains record a range of ages that does not represent closure through a single thermal event but reflects the variable timing of synkinematic mica recrystallisation at temperatures between 300 and 450 °C. The data indicate an initial phase of accretion and foreland-directed thrusting at ca. 60 Ma followed by almost complete reworking of thrust-related deformation by SE-directed shearing. This deformation is localised within oceanic units of the Combin Zone and the base of the overlying Austroalpine basement, and forms a regional scale shear zone that can be traced for almost 50 km perpendicular to strike. The timing of deformation in this shear zone spans 9 Ma from 45 to 36 Ma. The SE-directed shear leads to local structures that cut upwards in the transport direction with respect to tectonic stratigraphy, and such structures have been interpreted in the past as backthrusts in response to ongoing Alpine convergence. However, on a regional scale, the top-to-SE deformation is related to crustal extension, not shortening, and is coincident with exhumation of eclogites in its footwall. During this extension phase, deformation within the shear zone migrated both spatially and temporally giving rise to domains of older shear zone fabrics intercalated with zones of localised reworking. Top-NW kinematics preserved within the Combin Zone show a range of ages. The oldest (48 Ma) may reflect the final stages of emplacement of Austroalpine Units above Piemonte oceanic rocks prior to the onset of extension. However, much of the top-to-NW deformation took place over the period of extension and may reflect either continuing or episodic convergence or tectonic thinning of the shear zone.40Ar/39Ar data from the region are complicated due to the widespread occurrence of excess 40Ar in eclogite facies micas and partial Ar loss during Alpine heating. Reliable ages from both eclogite and greenschist facies micas indicate cooling ages in different tectonic units of between 32 and 40 Ma. These ages are slightly younger than Rb/Sr deformation ages and suggest that cooling below ca. 350 °C occurred after juxtaposition of the units by SE-directed extensional deformation.Our data indicate a complex kinematic history involving both crustal shortening and extension within the internal zones of the Alpine Orogen. To constrain the palaeogeographic and geodynamic evolution of the Alps requires that these data be integrated with data from the more external zones of the orogen. Complexity such as that described is unlikely to be restricted to the Western Alps and spatially and temporally variable kinematic data are probably the norm in convergent orogens. Recognising such features is fundamental to the correct tectonic interpretation of both modern and ancient orogens.  相似文献   

The eastern Central Alps consist of several Pennine nappes with different tectonometamorphic histories. The tectonically uppermost units (oceanic Avers Bündnerschiefer, continental Suretta and Tambo nappes, oceanic Vals Bündnerschiefer) show Cretaceous/early Tertiary W-directed thrusting with associated blueschist facies metamorphism related to subduction of the Pennine units beneath the Austroalpine continental crust. This event caused eclogite facies metamorphism in the underlying continental Adula nappe. The gross effect was crustal thickening. The tectonically lower, continental Simano nappe is devoid of any imprint from this event. In the course of continent-continent collision, high- T metamorphism and N-directed movements occurred. Both affected the whole nappe pile more or less continuously from amphibolite to greenschist facies conditions. Crustal thinning commenced during the regional temperature peak. A final phase is related to differential uplift under retrograde P–T conditions. Further thinning of the crust was accommodated by E- to NE-directed extensional deformation.  相似文献   

Mylonitic structures related to two orogenic events are described from the upper and lower contacts of the Combin zone and the immediately overlying upper Austroalpine Dent Blanche nappe/Mont Mary klippe and the directly underlying lower Austroalpine Etirol-Levaz slice. The first event, Late Eocene in age, commenced during blueschist facies P-T conditions, but pre-dated the peak of subsequent greenschist facies overprint. The second event, Early Oligocene in age, took place during retrograde greenschist facies conditions. Most sense of shear indicators associated with the retrograde mylonites indicate top SE shearing, but subordinate top NW displacing shear sense indicators have also been mapped. Mylonitic top SE shearing appears to be restricted to the Combin zone and its upper and lower contacts. Within the Dent Blanche nappe and Mont Mary klippe and at the base of the Etirol-Levaz slice, structures were observed which developed during blueschist/greenschist facies conditions and are, in conjunction with the P-T-t history of these rocks, inferred to be older. Associated kinematic data indicate a top NW shear sense. Comparable blueschist/greenschist facies shear sense indicators have not been observed in the Combin zone. Nonetheless, the foliation in the Combin zone shows a progressive evolution from blueschist facies to greenschist facies to retrograde greenschist facies conditions. This indicates that the Combin zone and the immediately over- and underlying Austroalpine units shared a common tectono-metamorphic evolution since the Late Eocene. Finite strain data reveal oblate strain fabrics, which are thought to result from a true flattening strain geometry. Flow path modelling reveals a general non-coaxial deformation régime and corroborates significant departures from a simple shear deformation. In the study area, mylonitic top SE shearing in the Combin zone is attributed to Early Oligocene backfolding and backthrusting of the Mischabel phase. Temperature-time curves suggest slight reheating in the Monte Rosa nappe underneath and cooling in the Dent Blanche nappe above the Combin zone, hence confirming a thrust interpretation for this event. The top NW displacing structures are thought to result from Late Eocene emplacement of the Dent Blanche nappe and the Combin zone onto the Middle Pennine Barrhorn series along the Combin fault. As related structures initiated during mildly blueschist facies conditions in the Dent Blanche nappe and the underlying Combin zone and both were emplaced together onto the greenschist facial Barrhorn series, it is concluded that the structures developed as the nappes moved upward relative to the earth's surface. Thus the Combin fault is regarded as a thrust. The geometry of this structure indicates that the Combin fault is an out of sequence thrust that locally cut down section. Hence, top NW out of sequence thrusting caused local thinning of the metamorphic/structural section in association with horizontal shortening. Out of sequence thrusts cutting down section, and back-thrusts, offer the possibility of explaining the pronounced break in the grade of metamorphism across the Combin fault, i.e. the contact between the eclogite facial Zermatt-Saas zone and the overlying lower grade Combin zone, by contractional deformation.  相似文献   

The general classification of intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the metamorphic zone of Gaoligong Mountains as one of the metamorphic terranes of Proterozoic Gaoligong Mountains is problematic regarding the intrusion stage and age, as well as the subsequent metamorphism and deformation. In this study, we investigated granitic gneiss in the metamorphic zone of Gaoligong Mountains based on the 1:50,000 regional geological survey of Qushi Street (2011-2013) and SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology. Results showed that the SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of granitic gneiss ranged from 163.5±5.7 Ma to 74.0±2.0 Ma. Thus, the granitic gneiss was grouped into orthometamorphic rocks (metamorphic intrusions). The dating data of granite rocks associated with intense metamorphism and deformation were divided into three groups, 163.5±5.7 to 162.3±3.1 Ma, 132.2-101.0 Ma and 99.4±3.5-74.0±2.0 Ma, which respectively represented three independent geologic events including an important magma intrusion with superimposed metamorphic effects in the late Middle Jurassic, regional dynamic metamorphism and superimposed reformation of fluid action in the early Cretaceous, and dynamic metamorphism dominated by ductile shear and metamorphism starting from the late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

赣中变质岩带的组成及构造变质变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赣中变质岩带不是简单的一套震旦纪地层 ,而是由结晶基底中元古界中深变质岩系 (斜长角闪岩的Sm Nd全岩等时线年龄为 1113± 4 9Ma)和褶皱基底变质较浅的震旦系组成。两者之间以具热流体参与的混合岩化、韧性剪切带和递进变质三位一体组成的动热变质带接触。结晶基底经历了4期构造变质变形的叠加改造 ,每期构造变形都在变质岩石构造单元内留下各种变形形迹 ,变质作用表现为时间上的递进和空间上的叠加演化系列 ,是一套以众多的不平衡结构和多相共生混存的矿物组合 ,热变质带为一套动热变质塑性变形带 ,空间上依次形成绢云母—绿泥石带、黑云母带、石榴石带、十字石带以及夕线石带  相似文献   

Textural relationships and the trace element chemistry of accessory minerals and garnet can provide the linkage between in situ SHRIMP ages and quantitative pressure–temperature data that is required to decipher complex polymetamorphic and polydeformational histories. Application of these methods to lower amphibolite facies rocks of the Stewart River area, Yukon (Canada) yields robust new constraints on the tectonic evolution of central Yukon Tanana Terrane (YTT).
A TIMS U/Pb titanite age of 365–350 Ma is interpreted to date low- P metamorphism (M1) and D1 deformation associated with arc plutonism above an east-dipping subduction zone. Monazite inclusions in garnet porphyroblasts record a transition from low to high pressure (∼9 kbar and 600 °C) at c . 239 Ma. These data help to establish a c . 260–240 Ma tectonometamorphic event (M2–D2) reflecting intra-arc thickening during west-dipping subduction of Slide Mountain Ocean. Another transition from low- to high- P (M3–D3; 7.8 kbar and 595 °C), dated by c . 195–187 Ma monazite, is interpreted to reflect the change from regional contact metamorphism during arc plutonism to internal duplication of YTT during initial collision of YTT with the North American craton.
The Mt Burnham (north-eastern) region records a different history because of its proximity to later plutons and its late exhumation via extensional faulting. Monazite growth at 146 Ma dates ∼9 kbar metamorphism (M4), interpreted to reflect a previously unrecognized period of plutonism associated with auriferous quartz veins in the Klondike region. Monazite growth at 114–107 Ma reflects low- P (<4.6 kbar) contact metamorphism (M5) accompanying regional plutonism and extension.  相似文献   

In the area of Arosa?CDavos?CKlosters (Eastern Switzerland) the different tectonic elements of the Arosa zone mélange e.g. the Austroalpine fragments, the sedimentary cover of South Penninic ophiolite fragments, as well as the matrix (oceanic sediments and flysch rocks) show distinctively different metamorphic histories and also different climaxes (??peaks??) of Alpine metamorphism. This is shown by a wealth of Kübler-Index, vitrinite and bituminite reflectance measurements, and K-white mica b cell dimension data. At least six main metamorphic events can be recognized in the area of Arosa?CDavos?CKlosters: (1) A pre-orogenic event, typical for the Upper Austroalpine and for instance found in the sediments at the base of the Silvretta nappe but also in some tectonic fragments of the Arosa zone (Arosa zone mélange). (2) An epizonal oceanic metamorphism observed in the close vicinity of oceanic basement rocks units of the Arosa zone (South Penninic) is another pre-orogenic process. (3) A metamorphic overprint of the adjacent Lower Austroalpine nappes and structural fragments of the Lower Austroalpine in the Arosa zone. This metamorphic overprint is attributed to the orogenic metamorphic processes during the Late Cretaceous. (4) A thermal climax observed in the South Penninic sediments of the Arosa zone can be bracketed by the Austroalpine Late Cretaceous event (3) and the middle Tertiary event (5) in the Middle Penninic units and predates Oligocene extension of the ??Turba phase??. (6) North of Klosters, in the northern part of our study area, the entire tectonic pile from the North Penninic flysches to the Upper Austroalpine is strongly influenced by a late Tertiary high-grade diagenetic to low-anchizone event. In the Arosa zone mélange an individual orogenic metamorphic event is evidenced and gives a chance to resolve diagenetic?Cmetamorphic relations versus deformation. Six heating episodes in sedimentary rocks and seven deformation cycles can be distinguished. This is well explained by the propagation of the Alpine deformation front onto the foreland units. Flysches at the hanging wall of the mélange zone in the north of the study area (Walsertal zone) show data typical for low-grade diagenetic thermal conditions and are therefore sandwiched between higher metamorphic rock units and separated from theses units by a disconformity. The Arosa zone s.s., as defined in this paper, is characterised by metamorphic inversions in the hanging wall and at the footwall thrust, thus shows differences to the Walsertal zone in the north and to the Platta nappe in the south.  相似文献   

中生代早期造山作用使松潘-甘孜地区地壳厚度加厚到约50~60km,因而随即经历了大规模区域性地壳伸展和减薄作用,然而迄今为止,对伸展和减薄事件的形成和发育机制还缺少深入了解。通过对龙门山前陆逆冲带腹陆地区,特别是其中发育的变质核杂岩及伸展变质穹隆体的详细构造解析,发现震旦系—古生界中普遍发育各种形式的顺层韧性流变构造,如韧性剪切带、透入性顺层面理及矿物拉伸线理、糜棱岩化及绿片岩相—低角闪岩相变质作用,并在龙门山北、中和南段造成大规模和不同程度的地层构造缺失或减薄;韧性流变构造流变方向在龙门山北段指向南或SSE,中、南段则指向SE;对志留系茂县群变质作用温压条件进行估算,其温度变化范围为265~405℃,压力变化范围为0.31~0.48GPa,代表了中地壳韧性流壳层(middle crustal ductile channel flow)的形成条件;前人用39Ar/40Ar和SHRIMP锆石U-Pb等方法对这一套区域动力变质岩石变质年龄的时代限定为190~150Ma,与中生代早期造山后板内伸展减薄事件相匹配。因此表明造山作用加厚地壳在中地壳层次以大规模韧性流变变形和变质作用对地壳厚度进行了调整,相对于上地壳层次变形和变质作用而言,中地壳韧性流壳层是松潘-甘孜造山带伸展和减薄的主要原因。在区域上如果消除新生代松潘-甘孜高原加厚和相对上扬子地块逆时针旋转的影响,中生代韧性流壳层流变方向总体为SSE或向南,因此代表南秦岭造山作用后的板内演化阶段,并且是造成松潘-甘孜造山带伸展垮塌的主要原因。  相似文献   

Contacts between rocks recording large differences in metamorphic grade are indicative of major tectonic displacements. Low-P upon high-P contacts are commonly interpreted as extensional (i.e. material points on either side of the contact moved apart relative to the palaeo-horizontal), but dating of deformation and metamorphism is essential in testing such models. In the Western Alps, the Piemonte Ophiolite consists of eclogites (T ≈550–600 °C and P≈18–20 kbar) structurally beneath greenschist facies rocks (T ≈400 °C and P≈9 kbar). Mapping shows that the latter form a kilometre-wide shear zone (the Gressoney Shear Zone, GSZ) dominated by top-SE movement related to crustal extension. Rb–Sr data from micas within different GSZ fabrics, which dynamically recrystallized below their blocking temperature, are interpreted as deformation ages. Ages from different samples within the same fabric are reproducible and are consistent with the relative chronology derived from mapping. They show that the GSZ had an extensional deformation history over a period of c. 9 Myr between c. 45–36 Ma. This overlaps in time with the eclogite facies metamorphism. The GSZ operated over the entire period during which the footwall evolved from eclogite to greenschist facies and was therefore responsible for eclogite exhumation. The discrete contact zone between eclogite and greenschist facies rocks is the last active part of the GSZ and truncates greenschist facies folds in the footwall. These final movements were therefore not a major component of eclogite exhumation. Pressure estimates associated with old and young fabrics within the GSZ are comparable, indicating that during extensional deformation there was no significant unroofing of the hangingwall. Since there are no known extensional structures younger than 36 Ma at higher levels in this part of the Alps, exhumation since the final juxtaposition of the two units (at 36 Ma) seems to have been dominated by erosion. Key words: deformation age, eclogite, exhumation, Rb–Sr dating, tectonic.  相似文献   

桐柏-大别-苏鲁UHP和HP变质带的结构及流变学演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在岩石圈流变学基本原理指导下,运用现代构造解析学方法,在不同尺度上差别和分析了桐柏-大别-苏鲁UHP和HP变质带内深俯冲,同碰撞构造及UHP和HP岩石折返过程中的变形特征,重点讨论同碰撞形成的高角度网结状榴辉岩切带阵列,高角闪岩相剪切及有关变形组合以及碰撞期后伸展韧性薄化变形样式,强调指出不同地壳层次和物理条件下变形分解作用的重要性,而且,在UHP和HP变质带内最有效的应变体制是剪切作用,并在三维空间上形成不同格式的剪切带网状系统,以构造学记录为主线,结合已有可利用的岩石学,变质作用pT轨迹和同位素年代学资料,提出一个UHP和HP变质带尺度上的流变学演化模式,其中,UHP和HP变质岩石由地幔深度折返到地壳表层,经历了楔状挤出,碰撞期后地壳韧性薄化及晚造山伸展塌陷,揭顶作用等多个阶段的动力学过程。  相似文献   


The western margin of the Tauera Window (Eastern Alps) is defined by a low angle westward dipping fault zone of potently We disp lacement. Ductile deformation of the fault rocks results in a carpet of mylonites up to 400 metres thick. Evidence from shear criteria and the excision of part of the Cretaceous-Tertiary metamorphic edifice both indicate normal displacements, and relative movement of Austroalpine nappe complex towards the west. The Sterzing-Steinach mylonite zone overprints the Alpine nappe edifice. Movements occurred on the cooling path of the Tauern metamorphism, and may be as recent as Middle Miocene.

The Kinematics and geometry of the mylonite zone constrain two likely t ectonic explanations that are both compatible with secondary thining of a thick orogenic wedge. (1) Ute the Austroalpine nappe pile due to tectonic unroofing of the Tauern window. (2) Continental escape by east-west stretching of the Alpine orogenic wedge in response to continental collision.  相似文献   

Jurassic Tectonics of North China: A Synthetic View   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
This paper gives a synthetic view on the Jurassic tectonics of North China, with an attempt to propose a framework for the stepwise tectonic evolution history. Jurassic sedimentation, deformation and magmatism in North China have been divided into three stages. The earliest Jurassic is marked by a period of magmatism quiescence (in 205-190 Ma) and regional uplift, which are considered to be the continuation of the “Indosinian movement” characterized by continent-continent collision between the North and South China blocks. The Early to Middle Jurassic (in 190-170 Ma) was predominated by weak lithospheric extension expressed by mantle-derived plutonism and volcanism along the Yanshan belt and alongside the Tan-Lu fault zone, normal faulting and graben formation along the Yinshan- Yanshan tectonic belt, depression and resuming of coal-bearing sedimentation in vast regions of the North China block (NCB). The Middle to Late Jurassic stage started at 165y.5 Ma and ended up before 136 Ma; it was dominated by intensive intraplate deformation resulting from multi-directional compressions. Two major deformation events have been identified. One is marked by stratigraphic unconformity beneath the thick Upper Jurassic molasic series in the foreland zones of the western Ordos thrust-fold belt and along the Yinshan-Yanshan belt; it was predated 160 Ma. The other one is indicated by stratigraphic unconformity at the base of the Lower Cretaceous and predated 135 Ma. During this last stage, two latitudinal tectonic belts, the Yinshan-Yanshan belt in the north and the Qinling-Dabie belt in the south, and the western margin of the Ordos basin were all activated by thrusting; the NCB itself was deformed by the NE to NNE-trending structural system involving thrusting, associated folding and sinistral strike-slip faulting, which were spatially partitioned. Foliated S-type granitic plutons aged 160-150 Ma were massively emplaced in the Jiao-Liao massif east of the Tan-Lu fault zone and indicate important crustal thicken  相似文献   

在滇西南澜沧江构造带东侧、扬子板块西缘中元古代团梁子岩组含有大量的平行于区域面理(S2)的构造热液石英脉,利用LA-ICP-MS对3件石英脉和1件绿片岩中的锆石进行~(206)U/~(238)Pb测年,获得3组明显的组合年龄:395~461Ma、240~260Ma和222~228Ma,大部分集中于222~228Ma。对比研究表明,区域上2期变质变形(M_1D_1、M_2D_2)与获得的锆石年龄有较好的对应性,早期的变质变形(M_1D_1)形成于早古生代(395~461Ma)原特提斯洋盆向东俯冲阶段;晚期的2期变质变形(M_(2a)D_(2a),M_(2b)D_(2b))发生于晚古生代—中生代早期(240~260Ma)古特提斯洋盆向东俯冲阶段和晚三叠世早期(222~228Ma)古特提斯洋盆闭合阶段。晚三叠世早期变质变形(M_(2b)D_(2b))构造热液发生在临沧花岗岩侵位和弧陆碰撞型忙怀组火山岩(229~235Ma)之后,早于小定西组/芒汇河组拉伸期火山岩(210~222Ma),是古特提斯洋与扬子陆块碰撞后的应力松弛阶段俯冲岩片快速折返的证据,同时也反映了古特提斯洋盆在晚三叠世早期之前已经关闭。  相似文献   

Initiation of crustal shortening in the Himalaya   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
New monazite U/Th‐Pb petrochronological data from the Annapurna region of central Nepal outline a protracted thermal history spanning ~ 30 Ma from the early Eocene (c. 48 Ma) to the early Miocene (c. 18 Ma). Rare earth element data collected concomitant with the isotopic analyses are consistent with prograde metamorphism and crustal thickening between ~ 48 and 30 Ma and anatexis between ~ 28 and 18 Ma. The timing of metamorphism recorded in these rocks is consistent with records of crustal shortening derived from ultrahigh‐pressure rocks in the western Himalaya and exhumed metamorphic rocks in southern Tibet. Although previous records of early shortening/metamorphism related to the initial collision of India with Asia are spatially associated with the northern margin of the Indian plate, the ages presented in this study extend that early record south into the main Himalayan range. These new data provide important geological constraints on this early, poorly documented history.  相似文献   

桐柏杂岩的南北边界的剪切带分别是殷店-马垅韧性剪切带和晓天-磨子潭韧性剪切带,这两条韧性剪切带内都发育杆状构造,且杆状构造具有层状结构,层与层之间通过一种特殊的滑脱面结合。由于晓天-磨子潭韧性剪切带相对于殷店-马垅剪切带位置明显更靠近商丹断裂带,早期商丹断裂带的活动在岩石中留下的变形痕迹导致了后期晓天-磨子潭韧性剪切带的变形程度要略强于殷店-马垅剪切带。这两条剪切带都是以简单剪切为主的剪切带,变质条件也相似,都属于角闪岩相变质,处于中-下地壳流变层位置。U-Pb同位素测年结果显示,晓天-磨子潭韧性剪切带的活动年龄为171~142Ma,殷店-马垅韧性剪切带的活动年龄为164~137Ma,两条剪切带的主活动期都在中-晚侏罗世,在早白垩世随着岩浆活动的峰期到来慢慢减弱停止。桐柏造山带在印支晚期碰撞挤压背景下的向东挤出不是一个整体的挤出,而是有层次的差异挤出,挤出的同时层与层之间会发生滑动,滑脱面类似滑动的润滑剂,酷似"管状流动"的构造。在晓天-磨子潭韧性剪切带和殷店-马垅韧性剪切带的牵引作用下,整个桐柏造山带由西向东发生管状流动。  相似文献   

The Austroalpine basement to the south of the Tauern Window once was part of the northern margin of Gondwana. It includes the “Altkristallin” and the phyllitic Thurntaler Complex. In the Altkristallin (AMU, MPU), suites of arc-related metamafic sequences occur together with calc-alkaline metagranite. SHRIMP U–Pb dating of zircon from calc-alkaline metagranite associated with an eclogitic amphibolite give an age of 470 ± 3 Ma interpreted as the age of protolith emplacement. In the Thurntaler Complex, metaporphyroids occur together with tholeiitic as well as alkaline within-plate basalt-type metabasite. The metaryholites of this association give a crystallization SHRIMP age of 477 ± 4 Ma, which suggests contemporaneity of arc-related and extensional settings in the Austroalpine basement units. The age data demonstrate widespread magmatic activity associated with the Early-Ordovician amalgamation at the end of the 550–470 Ma subduction–accretion–collision cycle. The Pb–Pb and U–Pb systematics of step-wise leached staurolite and kyanite from the peak-metamorphic assemblage of the Altkristallin indicate that (1) step-wise leaching of staurolite and kyanite yields the age of inclusions rather than the host; (2) zircon inclusions in staurolite suggest an Ordovician or older age for the precursor of the staurolite-schists; (3) the weighted average of the 206Pb/238U data of the various leaching steps yields a Variscan age for the inclusions (ilmenite, biotite, and andesine). Since these inclusions are part of the metamorphic mineral assemblage, this age provides a minimum estimate for staurolite growth, i.e., metamorphism. Thus, the Pb–Pb and U–Pb systematics of staurolite provide evidence for a Variscan metamorphism of the Austroalpine basement, e.g., MPU, AMU and Thurntaler Complex, to the south of the Tauern Window.  相似文献   

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