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基于活动块体的基本概念,综合对研究区内活动断裂带空间展布、地震活动性等资料的分析将巴颜喀拉块体东部及邻区划分为巴颜喀拉块体(I)、华南块体(Ⅱ)、川滇块体(Ⅲ)和西秦岭块体(IV)等4个一级块体.利用GPS形变场、地球物理场等资料结合F检验法,将巴颜喀拉块体划分为阿坝(I1)、马尔康(I2)和龙门山(I3)3个次级块体,将西秦岭块体划分为岷县(IV1)和礼县(IV2) 2个次级块体.利用分布在各个块体内部的GPS测站,计算各活动块体及块体边界断裂带的运动变形特征.结果表明:各活动块体的整体运动包括平移和旋转运动;东昆仑断裂带、甘孜—玉树断裂带和鲜水河断裂带的滑动速率明显高于龙门山断裂带的滑动速率;巴颜喀拉块体东部走向北西或北西西的边界断裂表现出左旋拉张的特性;走向北东的边界断裂带,除成县—太白断裂带外,均表现出右旋走滑兼挤压的活动特征.巴颜喀拉块体的东向运动存在自西向东的速度衰减,衰减主要被龙日坝断裂带和岷江断裂带分解吸收,其中龙日坝断裂带的水平右旋分解非常明显,约为~4.8±1.6 mm/a,岷江断裂带的水平分解较弱.龙门山断裂带被马尔康、龙门山和岷县等次级块体分成南、中、北三段,龙门山断裂带中段上的主压应变率要明显小于龙门山断裂带南段上的应变率,其北西侧变形幅度从远离断裂带较大到靠近断裂带逐渐减小,表明其在震前已经积累了较高的应变能,有利于发生破裂滑动.汶川地震后,地表破裂带和余震分布揭示的断裂带运动性质自南西向北东由以逆冲运动为主,逐渐转为逆冲兼走滑的特征可能与龙门山断裂带中段所受主压应力方向自南西向北东的变化有关.马尔康、龙门山和岷县3个次级块体与华南块体之间较低的相对运动速度以及龙门山断裂带低应变率、强闭锁的特征都决定了汶川地震前龙门山断裂带低滑动速率的运动特征.  相似文献   

陈棋福  华诚  李乐  程晋 《地球物理学报》2015,58(11):4129-4137
根据龙门山断裂带地区的主要构造特征,建立该地区的有限元模型,同时考虑地下深处的黏弹性蠕动和不同部位间的接触关系,模拟计算了研究区在强震轮回活动中的时间演化历程.模拟结果表明:龙门山断裂带深处的滑动速率比浅表的滑动速率大,龙门山断裂带周围是相对容易发生应变积累的地区,其5~19 km深度也是高应力聚集成核区,随时间推移的应力集中程度加剧而引发强震.本模拟分析证实了重复地震观测所揭示的龙门山断裂带存在深浅活动速率差异的现象,这在一定程度上可以解释出乎预料的汶川MW7.9地震的孕育机理.综合分析研究提出:应充分利用重复地震这一天然的"地下蠕变计(subsurface creepmeter)"来探测深部构造变形的活动,为强震危险性分析提供必要的"原位(in situ)观测"约束信息.  相似文献   

The Anninghe fault is one of the significant earthquake-generating fault zones in the Southwest China. Local his-torical record shows that a M≥7 strong earthquake occurred in the year of 1536. On the basis of the detailed air-photographic interpretation and field investigation, we have acquired the following knowledge: 1 The average sinistral strike-slip rate since the Late Pleistocene is about 3~7 mm/a; 2 There is important reverse faulting along the fault zone besides the main left-lateral strike-slip motion, and the shortening rate across the Anninghe fault zone due to the reverse faulting is about 1.7~4.0 mm/a. If the Xianshuihe fault zone is simply partitioned into the Anninghe and Daliangshan faults, we can also get a slip rate of 3~7 mm/a along the Daliangshan fault zone, which is the same as that on the Anninghe fault zone. Moreover, on the basis of our field investigation and the latest knowledge concerning the active tectonics of Tibetan crust, we create a dynamic model for the Anninghe fault zone.  相似文献   

The nearly EW-trending East Kunlun fault zone is the north boundary of the Bayan Har block.The activity characteristics and the position of the eastern end of its eastward extension are of great significance to probing into the dynamic mechanism of formation of the east edge of the Tibetan Plateau,and also lay the foundation for seismic risk assessment of the fault zone.The following results are obtained by analysis based on satellite image interpretation of landforms,surface rupture survey,terrace scarp deformation survey,and terrace dating data on the eastern part of the East Kunlun fault zone:(1)the Luocha segment is a Holocene active fault,where a reverse L-shape paleoearthquake surface rupture zone of about 50 km long is located;(2)the Luocha segment is characterized by left-lateral slip movement under the compression-shear condition since the later period of the Late Pleistocene,with a rate of 7.68–9.37 mm/a and a vertical slip rate of 0.7–0.9 mm/a,which are basically in accord with the activity rate of segments on its west side.The results indicate that it is a part of eastward extension of the East Kunlun fault zone;(3)the high-speed linear horizontal slip of the nearly EW-trending East Kunlun fault zone is blocked by the South China block at east,and transforms into the vertical movement of the nearly SN-NNE trending Minjiang fault zone and the Longmenshan fault zone,and the uplift of Longmenshan and Minjiang.The area where transform of the two tectonic systems occurred confines the position of the east end;(4)Luocha segment and Maqu segment constitute the"Maqu seismic gap",so,seismic risk at Maqu segment is higher than that at Luocha segment,which should attract more attention.  相似文献   

2 Conclusion Fenghuangshan-Tianshui fault is a Holocene active fault. It laterally slips at the average rate of 1.1 mm/a during 6.4 ka and vertically slips at the average rate of 0.37 mm/a and 0.16 mm/a since the time 16.6 ka and 6.4 ka before respectively. Diaogoumeng-Dongjiawan segment has occurred an abrupt event in the period of 6.4 ka BP, which is assumed to be related to the 734 Tianshui M=7 earthquake, but further work is still necessary. Foundation item: Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation (198023).  相似文献   

罗云山山前断裂带阶地调查研究及其构造意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
罗云山山前断裂带位于山西临汾盆地西侧,控制着盆地的西界.对罗云山山前断裂带8条冲沟的阶地测量资料的研究表明:该断裂带冲沟发育T1~T5五级阶地.T1 阶地拔沟3m左右,T2 阶地拔沟8~10m,T3 阶地拔沟20m左右,T4 阶地拔沟30m左右,T5 阶地拔沟40~50m.阶地测年数据及断错地貌调查表明:罗云山山前断裂带在晚第四纪以来有过多次活动.晚更新世中晚期以来阶地的抬升速率为0.41 mm/a,全新世以来抬升速率为0.75mm/a.罗云山山前断裂带冲沟阶地从晚更新世中晚期到全新世抬升速率有逐渐增大的趋势,反映该断裂带自晚第四纪以来构造抬升作用逐渐加强,这与临汾盆地从晚更新世晚期到全新世沉降速率也有增大的趋势比较一致.  相似文献   


利用基于消去-恢复原理的最小二乘配置方法,对2009—2013年相对重力/GPS联合观测数据与EGM2008模型数据进行融合,更新了巴颜喀拉块体东缘地区的自由空气与布格重力异常场.基于该布格重力异常数据,以CRUST1.0地壳密度模型为初始条件,使用二维多边形棱柱体正演与非线性最小二乘反演方法,获取了巴颜喀拉块体东缘地壳分层密度结构.基于地壳不可压缩和均衡调整原理提出了计算垂向构造应力新方法,并结合上述地壳分层密度结构和地形数据计算了巴颜喀拉块体东缘垂向构造应力分布.结果表明,龙门山断裂带中南段蓄积了较高的正向构造应力(约40 MPa),马尔康周边地区蓄积了较高的负向构造应力(约-30 MPa).对研究区域1970年以来5级(MS)以上地震进行统计发现,地震多发生在垂向构造应力梯度带上,垂向构造应力为正的地区易触发浅源地震,为负的地区易触发深源地震.在地壳横向变形强烈的区域,垂向构造应力与地震深度的对应关系减弱.


Introduction Shanxi fault depression zone (SFDZ) is one of important Cenozoic fault basin zones and strong earthquake belts in Chinese mainland. Its northern part has aroused wide research interests due to the complicated tectonics and high activity of strong earthquakes there. Early researches on this depression zone were carried out since 60s of last century (DENG, et al, 1973; DENG, YOU, 1985; LU, DING, 1985; XU, 1990; XU, et al, 1996, 2002). In 90s of last century, the geologica…  相似文献   

2010年玉树地震地表破裂带典型破裂样式及其构造意义   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
野外调查表明,青海玉树MS7.1地震发生在青藏高原中部甘孜—玉树断裂的玉树段上,在玉树县结古镇至隆宝镇之间产生了一系列包括剪切破裂、张剪切破裂、压剪切破裂、张性破裂及其不连续岩桥区出现的鼓包或陷落坑(拉分盆地)、高寒地区特有的冰裂缝等地表破裂单元,它们斜列组合成整体走向约300°、长约65 km、最大同震左旋位移2.4 m的地表破裂带,具有变形局部化的基本特征.玉树地震地表破裂带整体上可划分为长约15 km的结隆次级地表破裂带和长约31 km的结古次级地表破裂带,两者呈左阶羽列,其间无地表破裂段长约17 km,对应于MW6.4和MW6.9两个次级地震事件.地表破裂类型、基本组合特征等显示出甘孜—玉树断裂两盘块体的运动方式以纯剪切的左旋走滑为主,从一个方面反映了青藏高原物质存在着向东的逃逸和挤出现象.  相似文献   


郯庐断裂带是中国东部重要的活动断裂带和边界构造带,其鲁苏段全新世活动断层的空间展布和古地震序列是地学关注的焦点问题,也是准确评价区域地震危险性的重要参数.以往研究工作多集中在郯庐断裂带地表地貌现象明显且有强震记录的山东段,而江苏段则研究程度相对较低,有关郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层范围和古地震序列问题存在争议.本文利用野外地质地貌调查、浅层地震勘探、钻孔联合剖面以及古地震探槽等多层次综合方法,重点开展郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世活动断层的分布和古地震序列研究.结果显示全新世时期,安丘-莒县断裂是郯庐断裂带江苏段的主要活动断层,且江苏全段该断层都是全新世活动断层.通过对比宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂南北安丘-莒县断裂的断层地貌和断层最新活动时间,并结合宿迁闸-皂河镇断裂在第四纪没有活动过等证据,推测该断层在全新世时期并不是区域阻碍破裂的断层.探槽揭示郯庐断裂带江苏段全新世两次古地震事件,事件Ⅰ限定在(6.2±0.3)-(13.4±0.7)ka B.P.之间,而事件Ⅱ限定在(2.5±0.1)ka B.P.到现今,全新世两次古地震间隔较长.基于构造类比法,安丘-莒县断裂具有深部孕震的构造特点,是区域未来强震的潜在发震构造.


The Cenozoic magmatic rocks of shoshonitic series in the easternQinghai-Tibet Plateau include potassic alkaline plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks, lamprophyres and acidic porphyries. Analytical results show that these different lithological rocks are extremely similar in Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions with the range of 0.705 187-0.707 254 for 87Sr/86Sr, 0.512 305-0.512 630 for 143Nd/144Nd, 18.53-18.97 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.51-15.72 for 207Pb/204Pb and 38.38-39.24 for 208Pb/204Pb. They are isotopically similar to the EMII end-member. This indicates that mantle metasomatism must have taken place in their source region. The formation of these particular rocks is related to crustal thinning and mantle upwelling in a large-scale strike-slip and pull-apart fault zone at about 40 Ma in northern and eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

利用GPS速度场资料和块体模型分别建立巴颜喀拉块体的两种块体模型并反演其滑动速率,模型Ⅰ中巴颜喀拉块体包括东昆仑断裂带西段地区,模型Ⅱ中则不包括该地区。GPS反演结果显示,模型Ⅱ较模型Ⅰ合理,这一合理性包括了模型Ⅱ中阿尔金断裂带西南尾端较大的拉张速率与较小的走滑速率;模型Ⅱ中东昆仑断裂带中段滑动速率约为8~9mm/a,与10mm/a的研究结果更为接近;模型Ⅰ中东昆仑断裂带西段具有较大的走滑速率与挤压速率,也与现今地震活动与震源机制相矛盾;但模型Ⅱ中巴颜喀拉块体在玛尔盖茶卡断裂带滑动速率较大,认为可能与风火山断裂带处的滑动速率较小有关,因此进一步舍去该断裂带,建立新的模型Ⅲ,所得结果与各断裂研究结果较为近似。巴颜喀拉块体南边界风火山断裂带目前活动较弱,下地壳软弱物质可能已经进入巴颜喀拉块体部分地区;风火山断裂带向东经玉树—甘孜—鲜水河断裂带,在下地壳流动与重力滑塌作用下左旋速率逐渐增大。  相似文献   

Basic characteristics of active tectonics of China   总被引:76,自引:8,他引:76  
Active tectonics is inferred to all the structures which have been active since the late Pleisto-cene, 100—120 ka B.P., are still active recently, and will be active in a certain time period in the future, such as active faults, active folds, active basi…  相似文献   

2008年汶川地震发生在巴颜喀拉块体的东边界.为了探讨区域动力学背景与该地震发生的关系,本文基于活动构造、震源机制解、GPS站速度、地震破裂展布以及历史大地震活动等资料分析巴颜喀拉块体北、东两个边界断裂系统的运动、变形以及大地震序列发生的关联性.结果表明:由于受到华南地块的阻挡,巴颜喀拉块体朝东-南东方向的 "逃逸"运动—表现为该块体北边界的左旋走滑断层作用—在该块体的东边界转换成为逆冲或缩短兼走滑断层作用,亦即该块体的运动对其东边界断裂系统具有显著的"加载"作用.这种加载作用也反映在该块体北和东两个边界大地震序列发生的关联性上.19世纪中-晚期至2001年期间,一个由8次事件组成的大地震序列使巴颜喀拉块体北边界总长度的2/3破裂,该序列同时具有加速应变释放以及事件的间隔逐渐缩短的特征,反映最晚自1902年以来该块体发生了加速运动.作为对这一加速运动的响应,巴颜喀拉块体东边界大约自1933年以来发生一个由3次事件组成的大地震序列,也显示出加速释放以及事件的间隔逐渐缩短的特征;2008年汶川地震正是该响应序列中的最新事件.东边界的响应型大地震序列的发生至少滞后于北边界的数十年,可能与该块体的非刚性运动有关.另外,这两个大地震序列的事件序次-时间关系有助于分析该块体北与东边界的中-长期地震危险性.  相似文献   

The eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau is one of the most active zones of tectonic deformation and seismicity in China. To monitor strain buildup and benefit seismic risk assessment, we constructed 14 survey-mode global position system(GPS) stations throughout the northwest of Longmenshan fault. A new GPS field over 1999–2011 is derived from measurements of the newly built and pre-existing stations in this region. Sequentially,two strain rate fields, one preceding and the other following the 2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, are obtained using the Gausian weighting approach. Strain field over1999–2007 shows distinct strain partitioning prior to the2008 MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, with compression spreading over around Longmenshan area. Strain field derived from the two measurements in 2009 and 2011 shows that the area around Longmenshan continues to be under striking compression, as the pattern preceding the Wenchuan earthquake, implying a causative factor of the sequent of 2013 MW6.7 Lushan earthquake. Our GPSderived dilatation shows that both the Wenchuan and Lushan earthquakes occurred within the domain of pronounced contraction. The GPS velocities demonstrate that the Longriba fault underwent slight motion with the faultnormal and-parallel rates at 1.0 ± 2.5 mm and 0.3 ± 2.2 mm/a; the Longmenshan fault displayed slow activity, with a fault-normal rate at 0.8 ± 2.5 mm/a, and a fault-parallel rate at 1.8 ± 1.7 mm/a. Longriba fault is on a par with Longmenshan fault in strain partitioning to accommodate the southeastward motion of eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Integrated analysis of principal strain tensors, mean principal stress, and fast directions of mantle anisotropy shows that west of Sichuan is characterized as mechanically strong crust-mantle coupling.  相似文献   

The Litang fault zone (LFZ) is an important active fault within the northwestern Sichuan sub-block. To-gether with the Garzê-Yushu, Xianshuihe, and An-ninghe fault zones on its northern, eastern and south-eastern sides, the LFZ constitutes the lateral extrusion tectonic system in the southeastern part of the Qing-hai-Tibetan Plateau[1,2] (Fig. 1). According to instru-mental records, historical recordings and field investi- gation, an earthquake (Ms7.3) occurred on its middle to south se…  相似文献   


基于SIO(Scripps Institute of Oceanography)最新全球重力和高程模型,计算了巴颜喀拉地块东部及邻区的布格重力异常、均衡重力异常、岩石圈有效弹性厚度及荷载比.结合大地热流、地震速度结构、地震活动和断裂构造分布等,分析了地壳均衡状态和岩石圈有效弹性厚度、地质构造单元间的差异及与地震活动的相关性特征.研究结果表明,该区域布格重力变化范围约为-500~0 mGal(1 mGal=10-5m·s-2,下同),在巴颜喀拉块体东部区域形成弧形重力梯度带,近年来的中强地震活动频发于该梯度带不同部位,应与其应力依次释放有关;均衡重力异常结果表明,其变化范围约为-80~+100 mGal,且大部分区域处于±20 mGal以内的被认为处于重力均衡的状态,重力非均衡(正或负)多出现于块体边界带附近,地震多发生在靠近块体边界的均衡重力异常(正或负,主要为正)区域内;巴颜喀拉地块东部及邻区岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)为10~65 km,不同构造单元之间Te空间分布差异明显,较低的Te值出现在龙门山构造带附近,Te值为20 km左右,岩石圈荷载加载比为0.5~0.8,表明现今的岩石圈挠曲状态主要由莫霍面加载形成.进一步分析表明,巴颜喀拉地块东部挤压增生与横向流动同时发生,是造成该区域地震发生与重力均衡异常高值重合、岩石圈有效弹性厚度和大地热流值较低的主要原因.本文获得的地壳均衡特征及岩石圈有效弹性强度结果,加深了对巴颜喀拉东部及邻区岩石圈构造演化过程的认识.


Introduction The Tanlu fault zone, the largest active structure in the eastern region of China, is character-ized by right lateral strike-slip movement with dip-slip component in the Quaternary; it shows great significance for the modern seismicity (FANG et al, 1976; Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, 1987; GAO et al, 1980; MA, 1987; LI, 1989; CHAO et al, 1995). The Tanlu fault zone is the boundary between the Jiaoliao block and the North China Plain block of …  相似文献   

Based on the concept of "active blocks" and spatial distribution of historical earthquakes with surface ruptures as well as major and subordinate active faults. The Sichuan-Yunnan region can be divided into four first-order blocks. They are the Markam block (I), the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block (II), Baoshan-Pu'er block (III), and Mizhina-Ximeng block (IV). Cut by sub-ordinate NE-trending active faults, the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block (II) can be further divided into two sub-blocks: the northwestern Sichuan sub-block (II1) and the middle Yunnan sub-block (II2), while the Baoshan- Pu'er block (III) can be further divided into three sub-blocks: Baoshan sub-block (III1), Jinggu sub-block (III2), and Mengla sub-block (III3). A quantitative study of offset landforms is carried out and the basic types of active faults and their long-term slip rates along the major boundaries of active blocks of different orders in the Sichuan-Yunnan region are determined, through slip vector analysis, the motion states of the active blocks are clarified and the deformation coordination on the block margins is discussed. It is suggested that the tectonic motion of the blocks in this region is a complex or superimposition of three basic types of motions: southeastward sliding, rotating on vertical axis, and uplifting. The Markam block (I), the northwestern Sichuan sub-block (II1), and middle Yunnan sub-block (II2) have a southeastward horizontal sliding rate of 1-5 mm/a, clockwise rotating angular rate of 1.4-4(/Ma, and uplifting rate of about 1 mm/a. The Baoshan-Pu'er (III) and Mizhina-Ximeng (IV) blocks have also been extensively clockwise rotated. This pattern of motion is a strain response to the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates and the localized deformation and differential slip on the block margins associated with the northward motion of the Indian Plate. Because a set of transverse thrusts between the blocks absorbs and transforms some components of eastward or southeastward sliding motion, the eastward escape or extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau is limited as "imbricated thrusting transformation-limited extrusion model".  相似文献   

DeterminationofthedirectionandmagnitudeofrecenttectonicstressintheXianshuihefaultzoneusingfaultslipdata谢富仁,李宏Fu-RenXIEandHong...  相似文献   

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