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We determine the 3-D shear wave speed variations in the crust and upper mantle in the southeastern borderland of the Tibetan Plateau, SW China, with data from 25 temporary broad-band stations and one permanent station. Interstation Rayleigh wave (phase velocity) dispersion curves were obtained at periods from 10 to 50 s from empirical Green's function (EGF) derived from (ambient noise) interferometry and from 20 to 150 s from traditional two-station (TS) analysis. Here, we use these measurements to construct phase velocity maps (from 10 to 150 s, using the average interstation dispersion from the EGF and TS methods between 20 and 50 s) and estimate from them (with the Neighbourhood Algorithm) the 3-D wave speed variations and their uncertainty. The crust structure, parametrized in three layers, can be well resolved with a horizontal resolution about of 100 km or less. Because of the possible effect of mechanically weak layers on regional deformation, of particular interest is the existence and geometry of low (shear) velocity layers (LVLs). In some regions prominent LVLs occur in the middle crust, in others they may appear in the lower crust. In some cases the lateral transition of shear wave speed coincides with major fault zones. The spatial variation in strength and depth of crustal LVLs suggests that the 3-D geometry of weak layers is complex and that unhindered crustal flow over large regions may not occur. Consideration of such complexity may be the key to a better understanding of relative block motion and patterns of seismicity.  相似文献   

We present a neural network approach to invert surface wave data for a global model of crustal thickness with corresponding uncertainties. We model the a posteriori probability distribution of Moho depth as a mixture of Gaussians and let the various parameters of the mixture model be given by the outputs of a conventional neural network. We show how such a network can be trained on a set of random samples to give a continuous approximation to the inverse relation in a compact and computationally efficient form. The trained networks are applied to real data consisting of fundamental mode Love and Rayleigh phase and group velocity maps. For each inversion, performed on a 2°× 2° grid globally, we obtain the a posteriori probability distribution of Moho depth. From this distribution any desired statistic such as mean and variance can be computed. The obtained results are compared with current knowledge of crustal structure. Generally our results are in good agreement with other crustal models. However in certain regions such as central Africa and the backarc of the Rocky Mountains we observe a thinner crust than the other models propose. We also see evidence for thickening of oceanic crust with increasing age. In applications, characterized by repeated inversion of similar data, the neural network approach proves to be very efficient. In particular, the speed of the individual inversions and the possibility of modelling the whole a posteriori probability distribution of the model parameters make neural networks a promising tool in seismic tomography.  相似文献   

We have analysed the fundamental mode of Love and Rayleigh waves generated by 12 earthquakes located in the mid-Atlantic ridge and Jan Mayen fracture zone. Using the multiple filter analysis technique, we isolated the Rayleigh and Love wave group velocities for periods between 10 and 50  s. The surface wave propagation paths were divided into five groups, and average group velocities calculated for each group. The average group velocities were inverted and produced shear wave velocity models that correspond to a quasi-continental oceanic structure in the Greenland–Norwegian Sea region. Although resolution is poor at shallow depth, we obtained crustal thickness values of about 18  km in the Norwegian Sea area and 9  km in the region between Svalbard and Iceland. The abnormally thick crust in the Norwegian Sea area is ascribed to magmatic underplating and the thermal blanketing effect of sedimentary layers. Maximum crustal shear velocities vary between 3.5 and 3.9  km  s−1 for most paths. An average lithospheric thickness of 60  km was observed, which is lower than expected for oceanic-type structure of similar age. We also observed low shear wave velocities in the lower crust and upper mantle. We suggest that high heat flow extending to depths of about 30  km beneath the surface can account for the thin lithosphere and observed low velocities. Anisotropy coefficients of 1–5 per cent in the shallow layers and >7 per cent in the upper mantle point to the existence of polarization anisotropy in the region.  相似文献   

We report the crustal structure for two locations in Iraq estimated by joint inversion of P -wave receiver functions (RFs) and surface (Rayleigh) wave group velocity dispersion. RFs were computed from teleseismic recordings at two temporary broad-band seismic stations located in Mosul (MSL) in the Zagros Fold Belt and Baghdad (BHD) in the Mesopotamian Foredeep. Group velocity dispersion curves at the sites were derived from continental-scale tomography. The inversion results show that the crustal thicknesses are 39 km at MSL and 43 km at BHD. We observe a strong Ps Moho at BHD consistent with a sharp Moho discontinuity. However, at MSL we observe a weak Ps Moho suggesting a transitional Moho where crustal thickening is likely to be occurring in the deep crust. Both sites reveal low velocity surface layers consistent with sedimentary thickness of about 3 km at station MSL and 7 km at BHD and agreeing well with the previous reports. Ignoring the sediments, the crystalline crustal velocities and thicknesses are remarkably similar at both stations. The similarity of crustal structure suggests that the crust of the northeastern proto-Arabian Platform was uniform before subsidence and deposition of the sediments in the Cenozoic. If crystalline crustal structure is uniform across the northern Arabian Platform then crustal thickness variations in the Zagros Fold Belt and Thrust Zone should reveal the history of deformation and crustal shortening in the Arabian–Eurasian collision zone and not reflect pre-existing crustal thickness variations in the Arabian Plate.  相似文献   

Joint inversion of receiver function and surface wave dispersion observations   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
We implement a method to invert jointly teleseismic P wave receiver functions and surface wave group and phase velocities for a mutually consistent estimate of earth structure. Receiver functions are primarily sensitive to shear wave velocity contrasts and vertical traveltimes, and surface wave dispersion measurements are sensitive to vertical shear wave velocity averages. Their combination may bridge resolution gaps associated with each individual data set. We formulate a linearized shear velocity inversion that is solved using a damped leastsquares scheme that incorporates a priori smoothness constraints for velocities in adjacent layers. The data sets are equalized for the number of data points and physical units in the inversion process. The combination of information produces a relatively simple model with a minimal number of sharp velocity contrasts. We illustrate the approach using noisefree and realistic noise simulations and conclude with an inversion of observations from the Saudi Arabian Shield. Inversion results for station SODA, located in the Arabian Shield, include a crust with a sharp gradient near the surface (shear velocity changing from 1.8 to 3.5 km s1 in 3 km) underlain by a 5kmthick layer with a shear velocity of 3.5 km s1 and a 27kmthick layer with a shear velocity of 3.8 km s1, and an upper mantle with an average shear velocity of 4.7 km s1. The crustmantle transition has a significant gradient, with velocity values varying from 3.8 to 4.7 km s1 between 35 and 40 km depth. Our results are compatible with independent inversions for crustal structure using refraction data.  相似文献   

Receiver functions (RFs) from teleseismic events recorded by the NARS-Baja array were used to map crustal thickness in the continental margins of the Gulf of California, a newly forming ocean basin. Although the upper crust is known to have split apart simultaneously along the entire length of the Gulf, little is known about the behaviour of the lower crust in this region. The RFs show clear P -to- S wave conversions from the Moho beneath the stations. The delay times between the direct P and P -to- S waves indicate thinner crust closer to the Gulf along the entire Baja California peninsula. The thinner crust is associated with the eastern Peninsular Ranges batholith (PRB). Crustal thickness is uncorrelated with topography in the PRB and the Moho is not flat, suggesting mantle compensation by a weaker than normal mantle based on seismological evidence. The approximately W–E shallowing in Moho depths is significant with extremes in crustal thickness of ∼21 and 37 km. Similar results have been obtained at the northern end of the Gulf by Lewis et al., who proposed a mechanism of lower crustal flow associated with rifting in the Gulf Extensional Province for thinning of the crust. Based on the amount of pre-Pliocene extension possible in the continental margins, if the lower crust did thin in concert with the upper crust, it is possible that the crust was thinned during the early stages of rifting before the opening of the ocean basin. In this case, we suggest that when breakup occurred, the lower crust in the margins of the Gulf was still behaving ductilely. Alternatively, the lower crust may have thinned after the Gulf opened. The implications of these mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

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