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Yujiro  Nishimura  Philippa M.  Black  Tetsumaru  Itaya 《Island Arc》2004,13(3):416-431
Abstract A southwest dipping Mesozoic accretionary complex, which consists of tectonically imbricated turbiditic mudstone and sandstone, hemipelagic siliceous mudstone, and bedded cherts and basaltic rocks of pelagic origin, is exposed in northern North Island, New Zealand. Interpillow limestone is sometimes contained in the basaltic rocks. The grade of subduction‐related metamorphism increases from northeast to southwest, indicating an inverted metamorphic gradient dip. Three metamorphic facies are recognized largely on the basis of mineral parageneses in sedimentary and basaltic rocks: zeolite, prehnite‐pumpellyite and pumpellyite‐actinolite. From the apparent interplanar spacing d002 data for carbonaceous material, which range from 3.642 to 3.564 Å, the highest grade of metamorphism is considered to have attained only the lowermost grade of the pumpellyite‐actinolite facies for which the highest temperature may be approximately 300°C. Metamorphic white mica K–Ar ages are reported for magnetic separates and <2 µm hydraulic elutriation separates from 27 pelitic and semipelitic samples. The age data obtained from elutriation separates are approximately 8 m.y. younger, on average, than those from magnetic separates. The age difference is attributed to the possible admixture of nonequilibrated detrital white mica in the magnetic separates, and the age of the elutriation separates is considered to be the age of metamorphism. If the concept, based on fossil evidence, of the subdivision of the Northland accretionary complex into north and south units is accepted, then the peak age of metamorphism in the north unit is likely to be 180–130 Ma; that is, earliest Middle Jurassic to early Early Cretaceous, whereas that in the south unit is 150–130 Ma; that is, late Late Jurassic to early Early Cretaceous. The age cluster for the north unit correlates with that of the Chrystalls Beach–Taieri Mouth section (uncertain terrane), while the age cluster for the south unit is older than that of the Younger Torlesse Subterrane in the Wellington area, and may be comparable with that of the Nelson and Marlborough areas (Caples and Waipapa terranes).  相似文献   

Fu-Yuan  Wu  Jin-Hui  Yang  Ching-Hua  Lo  Simon A.  Wilde  De-You  Sun  Bor-Ming  Jahn 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):156-172
Abstract The tectonic setting of the Eastern Asian continental margin in the Jurassic is highly controversial. In the current study, we have selected the Heilongjiang complex located at the western margin of the Jiamusi Massif in northeastern China for geochronological investigation to address this issue. Field and petrographic investigations indicate that the Heilongjiang complex is composed predominately of granitic gneiss, marble, mafic‐ultramafic rocks, blueschist, greenschist, quartzite, muscovite‐albite schist and two‐mica schist that were tectonically interleaved, indicating they represent a mélange. The marble, two‐mica schist and granitic gneiss were most probably derived from the Mashan complex, a high‐grade gneiss complex in the Jiamusi Massif with which the Heilongjiang Group is intimately associated. The ultramafic rocks, blueschist, greenschist and quartzite (chert) are similar to components in ophiolite. The sensitive high mass‐resolution ion microprobe U‐Pb zircon age of 265 ± 4 Ma for the granitic gneiss indicates that the protolith granite was emplaced coevally with Permian batholiths in the Jiamusi Massif. 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite and phengite from the granitic gneiss and mica schist yields a late Early Jurassic metamorphic age between 184 and 174 Ma. Early components of the Jiamusi Massif, including the Mashan complex, probably formed part of an exotic block from Gondwana, affected by late Pan‐African orogenesis, and collided with the Asian continental margin during the Early Jurassic. Subduction of oceanic crust between the Jiamusi block and the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt resulted in the formation of a huge volume of Jurassic granites in the Zhangguangcai Range. Consequently, the collision of the Jiamusi Massif with the Central Asian Orogenic Belt to the west can be considered as the result of circum‐Pacific accretion, unrelated to the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The widespread development of Jurassic accretionary complexes along the Asian continental margin supports such an interpretation.  相似文献   

Abstract Thermal structural analysis and paleo-heat flow estimation provide clues to understanding the thermal evolution of the accretionary complex. The thermal structure and heat flow in the Jurassic Chichibu and Cretaceous to Tertiary Shimanto accretionary complex, Southwest Japan, have been investigated by vitrinite reflectance measurement and fluid inclusion analysis. As a result, the local and multistage metamorphisms were recognized as follows. First, the Tertiary complex around the Miocene Ashizuri granite underwent exposure to extra-high temperatures. Second, the Okitsu Melange underwent exposure to higher temperatures than the surrounding strata and was formed concurrently with the Kula-Pacific ridge subduction beneath the Japanese Islands in the Eocene. Finally, the thermal structure of most of the Cretaceous and southern Jurassic complexes is independent of the geologic structure, indicating that these areas suffered thermal overprint. Regional radiometric dating studies show that most of the Cretaceous Shimanto complex was heated in the Eocene; the thermal overprint might have occurred as a result of ridge subduction. The heat flow during peak heating was estimated to be 95–120 mW/m2 except for the Cretaceous Okitsu melange and the Cretaceous Nonokawa formation, north of the Okitsu Melange; a much higher value of heat flow of ~200 mW/m2 was estimated in the Okitsu Melange. An estimation of heat flow failed for the non-okawa formation because thermal equilibrium between the fluid and rocks has not yet been reached. It is probable that the southern strata underwent a higher heat flow. Such a trenchward increase in heat flow resembles the present situation of the Nankai Trough, although the heat flow in the Eocene was much higher.  相似文献   

Yuzuru  Yamamoto  Manami  Nidaira  Yasufumi  Ohta  Yujiro  Ogawa 《Island Arc》2009,18(3):496-512
Chaotic rock units exposed in the upper part of the accretionary complex preserve detailed tectonic information related to the periods before, during, and immediately after accretion. Based on the detailed survey in the upper Miocene Miura–Boso accretionary complex, central Japan, three types of chaotic rock units were identified on the basis of the grain sizes and characteristics of blocks and surrounding matrices. The chaotic rock units composed of silt matrices and sandy to pebbly blocks (Type 3) formed by gravity-driven slumping upon the seafloor. The slumping occurred contemporaneously with deposition of the Misaki and Nishizaki Formations within the Izu–Bonin forearc. Vertical variations in the direction of slump vergence represent successive changes from an initially flat seabed to tilting to the northwest and finally to the southeast. Slumping with a northwest vergence indicates landward tilting of the seafloor immediately prior to accretion, whereas vergence to the southeast reflects oceanward tectonic tilting that occurred once the sediments had crossed the deformation front. Other chaotic rock units that have matrices abundant in sand and pebbles (Types 1, 2) formed as a result of subsurface liquefaction and injection associated with large earthquakes that occurred during and after accretion of the sediments. These chaotic rock units are useful in examining surface/subsurface changes such as tectonic tilting of the seafloor and earthquake events during the initial accretion process.  相似文献   

Abstract The significance of timing and formation of mélange in accretionary prisms, particularly concerning basaltic and related rocks and pelagic sediments, is exemplified in the Sawadani area of the Jurassic Chichibu accretionary complex in Shikoku, southwest Japan. Major and trace element geochemistry of the basaltic and related rocks indicates that all are of a hot-spot origin which produced a seamount. Most of the rocks have a trend of differentiation from an alkalic parental magma. The time relationship between the blocks and matrices of the mélange deduced from radiolarian fossil evidence and macro- to microscopic characteristics of contacts between different lithologies indicates two stages of mixing of materials in the seafloor. The first mixing occurred on the flank of the seamount in the pelagic environments in the Late Permian, and the second occurred on the trench floor or in the accretionary prism after the Early Jurassic. These two stages show respectively the geological phenomena of a seamount within the Izanagi-Kula plate and its incorporation into the Asian continental margin.  相似文献   

The Kitakami Massif of the Tohoku district, Northeast Japan, consists mainly of the South Kitakami Belt (Silurian–Cretaceous forearc shallow-marine sediments, granitoids, and forearc ophiolite) and the North Kitakami Belt (a Jurassic accretionary complex). The Nedamo Belt (a Carboniferous accretionary complex) occurs as a small unit between those two belts. An accretionary unit in the Nedamo Belt is lithologically divided into the Early Carboniferous Tsunatori Unit and the age-unknown Takinosawa Unit. In order to constrain the accretionary age of the Takinosawa Unit, detrital zircon U–Pb dating was conducted. The new data revealed that the youngest cluster ages from sandstone and tuffaceous rock are 257–248 Ma and 288–281 Ma, respectively. The Early Triassic depositional age of the sandstone may correspond to a period of intense magmatic activity in the eastern margin of the paleo-Asian continent. A 30–40 my interval between the youngest cluster ages of the sandstone and the tuffaceous rock can be explained by the absence of syn-sedimentary zircon in the tuffaceous rock. The new detrital zircon data suggest that the Takinosawa Unit can be distinguished as an Early Triassic accretionary complex distinct from the Early Carboniferous Tsunatori Unit. This recognition establishes a long-duration northeastward younging polarity of accretionary units, from the Carboniferous to Early Cretaceous, in the northern Kitakami Massif. Lithological features and detrital zircon spectra suggest that the Early Triassic Takinosawa Unit in the Nedamo Belt is comparable with the Hisone and Shingai units in the Kurosegawa Belt in Shikoku. The existence of this Early Triassic accretionary complex strongly supports a pre-Jurassic geotectonic correlation and similarity between Southwest and Northeast Japan.  相似文献   

Abstract Apatite and zircon fission-track (FT) analyses of the Shimanto accretionary complex and its vicinities, southwest Japan, unraveled the episodic material migration of the deep interiors of the accretionary complex. Apatite data with 100°C closure temperature (Te) generally indicate ~10 Ma cooling throughout the Shimanto complex. In contrast, zircon data with 260°C Te exhibit a wide range of apparent ages as a consequence of paleotemperature increase to the zircon partial annealing zone. In the Muroto and Kyushu regions, maximum temperatures tend to have been higher in the northern, older part of the complex, with indistinguishable temperature differences between coherent and melange units adjacent to each other. It thus suggests, along with vitrinite reflectance data, that older accretionary units occurring to the north sustain greater maximum burial during the accretion-burial-exhumation process. Zircon data suggest two cooling episodes: ~70 Ma cooling at widespread localities in the Cretaceous Shimanto Belt and Sambagawa Belt, and ~15 Ma cooling in the central Kii Peninsula. The former is consistent with 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages from the Sambagawa Belt, whereas the latter slightly predates the widespread 10 Ma apatite cooling ages. These data imply that the extensive material migration and exhumation took place in and around the Shimanto complex in Late Cretaceous as well as in Middle Miocene. Considering tectonic factors to control evolution of accretionary complexes, the episodic migration is best explained by accelerated accretion of sediments due to increased sediment influx at the ancient Shimanto trench, probably derived from massive volcano-plutonic complexes contemporaneously placed inland. Available geo- and thermochronologic data suggest that extensive magmatism triggered regional exhumation twice in the past 100 Ma, shedding new light on the cordilleran orogeny and paired metamorphism concepts.  相似文献   

Tetsuya  Tokiwa 《Island Arc》2009,18(2):306-319
Paleomagnetic studies and hotspot track analyses show that the Kula Plate was subducted dextrally with respect to the Eurasian Plate from the Coniacian to Campanian. However, geological evidence for dextral subduction of the Kula Plate has not been reported from Southwest Japan. Studies of the Coniacian to lower Campanian Miyama Formation of the Shimanto Belt reveal that the mélange fabrics show a dextral sense of shear both at outcrop and microscopic scales. In addition, thrust systems at map-scale also show dextral shearing. Restored shear directions in the mélange indicate dextral oblique subduction of an oceanic plate. This indicates that the Kula Plate subducted dextrally along the eastern margin of Asia during the Coniacian to early Campanian. Combinations with other published kinematic and age constraints suggest that Southwest Japan experienced a change from sinistral to dextral and back to sinistral shear between 89–76 Ma. This history is compatible with global-scale plate reconstructions and places good constraints on the timing of plate boundary interaction with the Cretaceous East Asian margin.  相似文献   

Abstract The Jurassic Tamba accretionary complex is divided into two tectono‐stratigraphic suites (Type I and II nappe groups), which are further divided into six complexes (nappes) each of which is characterized by a rock sequence of Late Paleozoic greenstone/limestone, Permian to Jurassic chert and Jurassic terrigenous clastic rocks. The mode of occurrence of the greenstone is divided into two types. The major basal type occurs as a large coherent slab associated with Permian chert and limestone, constituting the basal part of each complex, and the minor mixed type occurs as fragmented allochthonous greenstone blocks and lenses mixed with chert, limestone and sandstone in the Jurassic mudstone matrix. Most of the basal greenstones have uniform geochemical characteristics, which indicate enriched‐mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) affinity. Their geochemical compositions are akin to the reported Permo‐Carboniferous and Triassic oceanic plateau basalts. Mixed greenstones are divided into two petrochemical types: (i) tholeiitic basalt with normal‐MORB affinity, which is predominant in the uppermost complex of the Type II suite (upper nappe group); and (ii) tholeiitic and alkalic basalts of oceanic island or seamount origin, which are common in all complexes of the Tamba Belt. Geochemical characteristics of the greenstones thus vary in accordance with their occurrences and the structural units to which they belong. This relationship reflects the difference in topographic relief and crustal thickness of the accreted oceanic edifices – the remnants of thick oceanic plateau crust tended to accrete to the continental margin as a large basal greenstone body, whereas thin normal oceanic crust with small seamounts or oceanic islands accreted as mixed greenstones because of their mechanical weakness. The Type II suite (upper nappe group) contains the basal and mixed greenstones, whereas the Type I suite (lower nappe group) includes only mixed greenstones. This distinction may reflect the temporal change of subducting edifices from a thick oceanic plateau to a thin normal oceanic crust, and suggests that the accretion of a large oceanic plateau may be responsible for building accretionary complexes with thick basal greenstones slabs.  相似文献   

Detrital zircon multi‐chronology combined with provenance and low‐grade metamorphism analyses enables the reinterpretation of the tectonic evolution of the Cretaceous Shimanto accretionary complex in Southwest Japan. Detrital zircon U–Pb ages and provenance analysis defines the depositional age of trench‐fill turbidites associated with igneous activity in provenance. Periods of low igneous activity are recorded by youngest single grain zircon U–Pb ages (YSG) that approximate or are older than the depositional ages obtained from radiolarian fossil‐bearing mudstone. Periods of intensive igneous activity recorded by youngest cluster U–Pb ages (YC1σ) that correspond to the younger limits of radiolarian ages. The YC1σ U–Pb ages obtained from sandstones within mélange units provide more accurate younger depositional ages than radiolarian ages derived from mudstone. Determining true depositional ages requires a combination of fossil data, detrital zircon ages, and provenance information. Fission‐track ages using zircons estimated YC1σ U–Pb ages are useful for assessing depositional and annealing ages for the low‐grade metamorphosed accretionary complex. These new dating presented here indicates the following tectonic history of the accretionary wedge. Evolution of the Shimanto accretionary complex from the Albian to the Turonian was caused by the subduction of the Izanagi plate, a process that supplied sediments via the erosion of Permian and Triassic to Early Jurassic granitic rocks and the eruption of minor amounts of Early Cretaceous intermediate volcanic rocks. The complex subsequently underwent intensive igneous activity from the Coniacian to the early Paleocene as a result of the subduction of a hot and young oceanic slab, such as the Kula–Pacific plate. Finally, the major out‐of‐sequence thrusts of the Fukase Fault and the Aki Tectonic Line formed after the middle Eocene, and this reactivation of the Shimanto accretionary complex as a result of the subduction of the Pacific plate.  相似文献   

To clarify the geological causes of rockslides induced by rainstorms in accretionary complexes, the geology and geomorphology of two large rockslides (volumes > 106 m3) induced by the heavy rainfall of Typhoon Talas in the Shimanto Belt, Kii Mountains, Japan in 2011 are investigated. Our analysis reveals that thrusts with brittle crush zones controlled the occurrence of the rockslides. The properties and distribution of thrusts were poorly constrained before this study. Flooding during the rainstorm removed surface materials along rivers, allowing thorough geological mapping to be performed. Gravitationally deformed slopes were studied using GIS analysis of 1 m digital elevation models (DEMs) and fieldwork, and X‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, permeability, and direct shear tests were used to characterize the mineralogy and geotechnical properties of fault gouge. The Kawarabi thrust has a brittle crush zone up to 6 m thick and acts as the sliding surface for both landslides. The thrust dips 34° downslope and is cut by high‐angle faults and joints along one or both sides of each landslide body. Prior to failure, the upper part of the slope contained small scarps, suggesting that the slopes were already gravitationally deformed. The slope instability can be attributed to long‐term river erosion, which has undercut the slope and exposed the thrust at the base of the slope. The groundwater level, monitored in boreholes, suggests that the Kawarabi thrust is a barrier to groundwater flow. The weak and impermeable nature of the thrust played an essential role in the generation of gravitational slope deformation and catastrophic failure during periods of increased rainfall. Thrusts are a common feature of accretionary complexes, including in the Shimanto Belt, and the mechanism of slope failure stated above can be typical of rockslides in accretionary complexes and provide new insights into landslide disaster mitigation.  相似文献   

Hayato  Ueda  Sumio  Miyashita 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):582-598
Abstract   An accretionary complex, which contains fragments of a remnant island arc, was newly recognized in the Cretaceous accretionary terranes in Hokkaido, Japan. It consists of volcanics, volcanic conglomerate, intermediate to ultramafic intrusive rocks with island-arc affinity including boninitic rocks, accompanied by chert and deformed terrigenous turbidites. Compared with the results of modern oceanic surveys, the preserved sequence from island-arc volcanics to chert, via reworked volcanics, is indicative of intraoceanic remnant arc, because the sequence suggests an inactive arc isolated within a pelagic environment before its accretion. The age of a subducting oceanic crust can be discontinuous before and after a remnant-arc subduction, resulting in abrupt changes in accretion style and metamorphism, as seen in Cretaceous Hokkaido. Subduction of such an intraoceanic remnant arc suggests that the subducted oceanic plate in the Cretaceous was not an extensive oceanic plate like the Izanagi and/or Kula Plates as previously believed by many authors, but a marginal basin plate having an arc–back-arc system like the present-day Philippine Sea Plate.  相似文献   

Hideki  Mukoyoshi  Tetsuro  Hirono  Hidetoshi  Hara  Kotaro  Sekine  Noriyoshi  Tsuchiya  Arito  Sakaguchi  Wonn  Soh 《Island Arc》2009,18(2):333-351
To understand the characteristics of deformation of an out-of-sequence thrust (OST) and the style of fluid flow along it, we investigated the Nobeoka Tectonic Line, which has been interpreted as a deep OST (7–9 km), in the Shimanto accretionary complex, Southwest Japan. The shear zone in the footwall differs significantly in the along-strike direction not only in thickness, which varied from 100 to 300 m, but also in lithology and mineral vein development. These variations might reflect primarily differences in lithology; that is, the sandstone-dominant shear zone with a large amount of mineral veins precipitated in microcracks is relatively thick, whereas the shale-dominant shear zone with a small amount of veins and with textures indicating highly pressurized pore fluid, is thinner. By comparison with characteristics of a shallow OST (3–5 km), we conclude that the shallow OST has experienced repeated brittle failure with rapid slip and focused fluid flow whereas the deep OST has experienced both brittle and ductile deformation, followed by fluid flow of various styles, depending on the lithology.  相似文献   

We describe the mode of occurrence and geochemical characteristics of basalts, in the Khangai–Khentei belt in Mongolia, overlain by Middle Paleozoic radiolarian chert in an extensive accretionary complex. These basalts are greatly enriched in K, Ti, Fe, P, Rb, Ba, Th, and Nb in comparison to the composition of the mid‐ocean ridge basalts, indicative of within‐plate alkaline type. Ti/Y vs Nb/Y and MnO/TiO2/P2O5 ratios of the basalts also suggest within‐plate affinities. Considering the geochemical characteristics as well as the conformable relationship with the overlying radiolarian chert, the alkaline basalts were clearly not continental but formed a pelagic oceanic island. The mode of occurrence and geochemistry of the basalts show that the alkaline basaltic volcanic activity had taken place to form an oceanic island in the Paleozoic pelagic region sufficiently far from continents to allow radiolarian ooze accumulation.  相似文献   

Makoto  Saito 《Island Arc》2008,17(2):242-260
Abstract   Detailed geologic examination of the Eocene accretionary complex (Hyuga Group) of the Shimanto terrane in southeastern Kyushu revealed that the oceanic plate was composed of Paleocene to Lower Eocene mudstone and siliceous mudstone, lower Middle Eocene red mudstone, and mid-Middle Eocene trench-fill turbidite with siltstone breccia, successively overlying the pre-Eocene oceanic plate. This oceanic plate sequence was overlain by Upper Eocene siltstone. Deposition of the lower Middle Eocene red mudstone was accompanied by basalt flows and it is interbedded with continental felsic tuff, which indicates that the basalt and red mudstone were deposited near the trench just before accretion. The Hyuga Group has very similar geological structure to that of the chert–clastic complexes found in the Jurassic accretionary complexes in Japan: that is, a decollement fault formed in the middle of an oceanic plate sequence, and an imbricate structure formed only in the upper part of the sequence. Thus, it appears that the Hyuga Group was formed by the same accretionary process as the Jurassic accretionary complexes. No accretion occurred before the Middle Eocene, and the rapid accretion of the Hyuga Group was commenced by the supply of coarse terrigenous sediments in the mid-Middle Eocene, when the direction of movement of the Pacific Plate changed. The pre-Eocene oceanic basement and lower Middle Eocene volcanic activity suggest that the oceanic plate partly preserved in the Hyuga Group was very similar to the northern part of the present West Philippine Sea Plate.  相似文献   

Kazuo  Salto Koichi  Kato Shunji  Sugi 《Island Arc》1997,6(2):158-167
Abstract K-Ar age studies in the Ashigawa and the southern part of the Tokuwa granodioritic bodies, which consist of the southern part of the Kofu plutonic complex, revealed that they formed between 12 and 9 Ma. Quite a narrow range of ages obtained from the Ashigawa southernmost part of the Tokuwa pluton implies that they cooled rapidly. The southern part of the Tokuwa pluton, as a whole, shows a systematic age distribution with a decrease in age to the north. Compilation of currently available plutonic ages in the South Fossa Magna suggests that the plutonic activities occurred three times in this region. Episodic activity like this could be argued in relation to the tectonic development of this region.  相似文献   

Noriko  Hasebe  Hiroaki  Watanabe 《Island Arc》2004,13(4):533-543
Abstract   To determine how local geological events contributed to the evolution of accretionary complexes and eventual exposure of rocks with different structural levels, geochronological mapping was carried out using fission track (FT) analysis at the Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan. At this site, the original zonal structure of Cretaceous accretionary complexes parallel to the subduction zone is disturbed by the northward projection of the Shimanto accretionary complex. Twenty-six zircon FT ages were obtained from an area of ∼12 km in an east–west direction and ∼15 km in a north–south direction, and classified into three groups: (i) ages ∼15 Ma (range ∼10–20 Ma), which are distributed along the northwest–southeast valley; (ii) ages of ∼50 Ma in the northwest of the study area; and (iii) ages older than those in Groups 1 and 2. Based on results from eight zircon FT length distributions, the Miocene ages appear to be the result of spatial variations in heat influx and cooling after the regional exhumation of the area, as recorded by FT ages of ∼50 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract Illite crystallinity (IC) and illite b, lattice spacing were measured across the Cretaceous Shimanto Belt, Kii Peninsula, Southwest Japan. For the IC survey, 103 samples of argillaceous rocks were analyzed from the central area and the western area of the belt. Values of IC (Kubler Index) vary between 0.28 and 0.71 Δ°2θ and indicate diagenetic and anchizone metamorphism respectively. The IC distribution reveals two contrasting patterns of thermal maturity. The Hanazono Formation, exposed in the northern area of the belt, generally dips north, but IC values increase systematically from 0.28 Δ°2θ in the north to 0.54 Δ°2θ in the south and indicate an inverted thermal structure. Values in other formations vary widely in the southern area of the belt ranging between 0.45 and 0.71 Δ°2θ, but the values do not show any systematic change from north to south and on average remain almost constant. Illite bo, lattice spacing values for 56 samples vary between 9.006 and 9.041 Å corresponding to intermediate pressure conditions of the metamorphic facies. These values, combined with paleotemperatures estimated from IC, indicate paleogeothermal gradients of 22 and 31°C/km for the northern and southern areas of the belt, respectively. The inverted thermal structure of the Hanazono Formation, together with a lower paleogeothermal gradient, possibly is a result of the subduction of a relatively cold oceanic plate during the Late Cretaceous. The higher geothermal gradient could be a product of late thermal overprinting caused by the later subduction of a comparatively younger and hotter oceanic plate during the Eocene.  相似文献   

Masahiko  Yagi 《Island Arc》1993,2(4):240-261
Abstract Alteration of reservoir rocks in the Yurihara Oil and Gas Field, hereafter referred to as the ‘Yurihara field’, have been examined by using samples from six wells. These rocks are basalts in the lowermost part of the basin-fills (‘green tuff’ Formation). These basalts were produced in many eruptions in a submarine environment during the early to middle Miocene, and they underwent continuous intensive alteration genetically associated with Miocene submarine volcanism. The alteration of the basalts is of two types: low grade metamorphism and hydrothermal. The former belongs to the type of ocean floor metamorphism and comprises two subgroups: zeolite (zone I) and prehnite-pumpellyite (zones IIa: vein and amygdule occurrence, and IIb: replacing plagioclase). The latter is characterized by potassic metasomatism accompanied by adularia, quartz and calcite veins (zones IIIa: center and IIIb: margin of the metasomatism). This overprints the low grade metamorphic alteration. The central zone of hydrothermal alteration coincides with a major estimated fault, so that fluids probably assent along the fault. The basalts erupted during 16.5-15.5 Ma, determined by planktonic foraminifera assemblages of inter-bedded shales, then underwent successive low grade metamorphism. In time, the hydrothermal alteration that overprints low grade metamorphism occurred. Adularia veins of the altered rocks located in the hydrothermal alteration zones (zone IIIa and IIIb) have been dated as 9 Ma determined by the K-Ar method. This fact indicates that the activity of low grade metamorphism had already crossed the peak before hydrothermal alteration occurred at 9 Ma. The shape of isotherms of fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (Th) and that of isolines of apparent salinity (Tm) almost coincide with each other, and these also coincide with the distribution of hydrothermal alteration (zones IIIa and IIIb). This indicates that the fluid inclusions formed at the same time as ascending fluids produced the potassic metasomatism. The maximum Th of the fluid inclusions is 222°C and Tm indicates trapped fluids of up to 3.3 wt% equivalent NaCl (i.e. almost the same as seawater). A Th versus Tm plot indicates mixing occurred between hydrothermal fluids and formation water that has low salinity. Corrensite and chlorite form veins, and the temperatures of their formation, estimated by the extent of aluminium substitution into the tetrahedral site of chlorite, ranges between 165 and 245°C in the centre of the hydrothermal alteration zone (zone IIIa). This is consistent with the result of Th analyses. The deposition temperature of chlorite associated with prehnite in veins ranges between 190 and 215°C in zones IIa and IIb.  相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb ages are reported for three samples of intrusive rocks in Khondalite series in the Sanggan area, North China craton. The age of meta-granite is dated as 2005∓9 Ma, implying that the sedimentary sequences in Khondalites series formed before 2.0Ga. The age of 1921 ∓ 1Ma for the meta-diorite constrain the age of granulite facies metamorphism younger than this date. The age of 1892 ∓ 10 Ma for garnet granite is obtained, but the granite crystallization age seems a little younger than the date considering the morphology of zircons. On the basis of these dates and of a concise review of previous age data, it is inferred that the Khondalite series was subjected to granulite facies metamorphism at about 1.87Ga together with tonalitic granulites and HP basic granulites in the Sanggan area.  相似文献   

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