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The possible interpretation of such astrophysical objects as quasars, the new class of supernova remnants, 0.511 MeV intense annihilation line, and the exotic binary system SS 433 has been given based on the string theory.  相似文献   

In dense interstellar clouds or in the surroundings of just-formed stars, the larger grains form proto-cores by segregating from the gas under the influence of the gravitational field of the cloud during intervals of the order 108 yr.If the mass of the proto-cores is smaller than a certain limit, the object possesses a negligible atmosphere and remains composed mainly of solid grain material. If the mass of the proto-core exceeds the limiting mass, the proto-core can bind around it an atmosphere. When the temperature of the opaque part of the atmosphere is only fractions of a degree above the temperature of the surrounding tenuous gas, gravitational contraction of the opaque part of the atmosphere sets in, forming gaseous objects up to stellar mass range.Binary and multiple systems originate from neighbouring proto-cores, through gravitational contraction of both their separate and common outer atmospheres.Pycnonuclear reactions are not able to prevent a star with mass 0.08M from cooling to the black dwarf stadium.  相似文献   

Neutrino objects can cause the apparent superluminal separation in quasars as gravitational lenses. In this paper we analyse this possibility and calculate the differential bending for different equilibrium configurations of neutrino objects.  相似文献   

We describe here a scanning piezo-electric Fabry-Pérot spectrometer operating in the photoncounting mode whose plate spacing and parallelism are maintained by a servo-controlled system, ensuring high accuracy, for the study of emission lines from extended astronomical objects in the spectral range 4500–7000 Å. Details of the optical set-up and the Data Acquisition System (DAS) are described. Its performance at the Cassegrain focus of the 1 m telescope at Kavalur is discussed. Some line profiles on planetary nebulae studied with the above spectrometer are also presented.  相似文献   

This chapter gives some indications on the selection of suitable astronomical calibrators for interferometric observations. After an introduction to interferometric calibrations, we will focus on the criteria, steps and tools developed by ESO to prepare VLTI observations and to select calibrators. Although the tools described here are focused on VLTI, the problem of astronomical calibrators is the same for the other interferometers and can be approached in the same way.  相似文献   

Transmission efficiency(TE) and focal ratio degradation(FRD) are two important parameters for evaluating the quality of an optical fiber system used for astronomy. Compared to TE, the focal ratio is more easily influenced by external factors, such as bending or stress. Optical cables are widely implemented for multi-object telescopes and integral field units(IFUs). The design and fabrication process of traditional optical cables seldom considers the requirements of astronomical applications. In this paper, we describe a fiber bundle structure as the basic unit for miniaturized high-density FASOT-IFU optical cables,instead of the micro-tube structure in stranded cables. Seven fibers with hexagonal arrangement were accurately positioned by ultraviolet(UV)-curing acrylate to form the bundle. The coating diameter of a fiber is0.125 mm, and the outer diameter of the bundle is 0.58 mm. Compared with the 0.8 mm micro-tube structure of a traditional stranded cable, the outer diameter of the fiber bundle was reduced by 27.5%. Fiber paste was filled into the bundle to reduce stress between the fibers. We tested the output focal ratio(OFR) in95% of the encircled energy(EE95) of the fibers in the bundle under different conditions. With the incident focal ratio F/8, the maximum difference of OFR is 0.6. In particular, when the incident focal ratio is F/5,the maximum difference of OFR is only 0.1. The jacket formed by the UV-curing acrylate can withstand a certain stress of less than 1.38 N mm~(-1). The fiber bundle can maintain uniform emitting characteristics with a bending radius of 7.5 cm and with tension less than 6 N. The test results show that the structure of the fiber bundle can be used as a basic unit for miniaturized high-density astronomical optical cables.  相似文献   

The wide diversity of routes to astronomical, astrophysical and cosmological discovery is discussed through a number of historical case studies. Prime ingredients for success include new technology, precision observation, extensive databases, capitalising upon discoveries in cognate disciplines, imagination and luck. Being in the right place at the right time is a huge advantage. The changing perspectives on the essential tools for tackling frontier problems and astronomical advance are discussed.  相似文献   

Properties of pulsars and binary X-ray sources which seem particularly relevant to theories of neutron star structure and strong magnetic fields are reviewed and discussed.Paper presented at the Symposium on Solid State Astrophysics, held at the University College, Cardiff, Wales, between 9–12 July, 1974.  相似文献   

By analysing the observed results on the neutrino flux from the Sun for the years 1970–1978, it is shown that the production rate of the neutrinos at the central core of the Sun had been varying with a period almost equal to 26 months for these years. This so-called quasi-biennial periodicity in this rate suggests that the physical state of the central core of the Sun must have been modulated with this period through the variation of physical parameters as temperature and the chemical composition at the central core of the Sun. An idea to interpret this observed periodicity is thus proposed by taking the variations of these parameters into consideration. Some supporting evidence on this periodicity can be found on the variations of the solar activity as the relative sunspot numbers and the equatorial rotation speed of the Sun.Proceedings of the 14th ESLAB Symposium on Physics of Solar Variations, 16–19 September 1980, Scheveningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Astronomical interferometry was pioneered by Fizeau and Michelson in the 19th century. In the 1920s, the first stellar diameters were measured. The development of radio interferometry began in the 1950s, and led to the construction of powerful synthesis arrays operating at cm, mm, and sub-mm wavelengths. Modern computer and control technology has enabled the interferometric combination of light from separate telescopes also in the visible and infrared regimes. Imaging with milliarcsecond resolution and astrometry with microarcsecond precision have thus become reality.  相似文献   

回顾了1900年以来LAU采用天文常数系统的简况,以及一些天文常数之间的数学关系,并描述了以前每次改变天文常数系统的主要因为.介绍了1991年以来IAU在天文常数方面的工作:包括IAU天文常数工作组和天文常数最佳估计值的情况.叙述了IAU 2009年天文常数系统替代IAU 1976天文常数系统的因为:随着人类对太阳系的探测,获得新的天文常数测定值;1991年以来在相对论框架下BCRS和GCRS的使用;P03岁差模型和MHB2000章动模型的采用.比较了IAU2009和1976天文常数系统的差异.最后介绍中国在天文常数方面工作的情况和今后工作的建议.  相似文献   

We have developed an algorithm for taking into account the neutrino scattering in the approximation of neutrino heat conduction. We show that in the case of incoherent neutrino scattering (e.g., by electrons), the coefficients of the temperature and chemical potential gradients are averaged over the neutrino energy using functions that can be found by numerically solving integral equations. The coherent scattering by free nucleons and atomic nuclei can be described by introducing a transport cross section. We suggest a new method for calculating the neutrino—electron scattering functions that is based on Fermi—Dirac functions of integer indices.  相似文献   

Neutrino spin precession effects in the magnetic field of the Sun are considered as an explanation of the outcome of Davis' solar neutrino experiments. Theoretically, it is possible to account for a neutrino magnetic moment only as the result of the interaction of the electromagnetic field with charged particles into which the neutrino can transform virtually. The currently accepted theory of weak interactions (the two component neutrino andV-A interactions) forbids a resulting magnetic moment interaction with the electromagnetic field for all such virtual processes. Modifications of this theory are considered to find out whether an appreciable precession effect is permitted within the experimentally established limits. It is found that the value for the neutrino magnetic moment evaluated under these theoretically anomalous circumstances is still so small that only the largest possible estimate for the magnetic field strength in the Sun's interior would cause the required effect.The author has received scholarship support from the Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities during the preparation of this work.  相似文献   

Starting from a set of general equations governing the dynamics of a magneto-fluid around a compact object on curved space time, a fairly simple analytical solution for a test disc having only azimuthal component of velocity has been obtained. The electromagnetic field associated has a modified dipole configuration which admits a reasonable pressure profile for the case of fully relativistic treatment of Keplerian type of velocity distribution  相似文献   

Using cosmological data on the CMB anisotropy and large-scale structure of the Universe, we have obtained new constraints on the sum of the masses of three generations of active neutrinos: Σm ν < 1.05 eV (95% confidence level). Data of the third year of the WMAP mission served as the source of CMB anisotropy data. The mass functions of X-ray clusters of galaxies were taken as the data on the large-scale structure of the Universe. The observational properties of the clusters were obtained during the ROSAT mission and the assumption that the baryon fraction is universal in the Universe was used to determine the total cluster mass.  相似文献   

The equations of neutrino hydrodynamics are derived in two different approximations taking into consideration the neutrino scattering from stellar material. In a thermal-conductivity approximation which holds good when neutrino optical depth with respect to absorption exceeds 1, the neutrino scattering is taken into account, analogously with photon radiative conductivity, by introducing the transport cross-section in the neutrino mean free path. In a practically important case when the neutrino optical thickness with respect to scattering is high enough, whereas that concerning absorption is sufficiently low, another approximation of Comptonized neutrinos is valid. In this case, the neutrino and antineutrino chemical potentials are independent of each other. They have to be calculated from equations of continuity established for neutrino and antineutrino alongside with the diffusion equation expressing the law of lepton-charge conservation. The equations of neutrino hydrodynamics are written out both with and without inclusion of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos.The equations obtained are established to deal properly with neutrino diffusion inside collapsing stars.  相似文献   

One of the effective mechanisms of neutrino energy losses in red giants, pre-supernovae and in the cores of white dwarfs is the emission of neutrino–antineutrino pairs in the process of plasmon decay. In this paper, we numerically calculate the emissivity due to plasmon decay in a wide range of temperatures 107–1011 K and densities (2 × 102–1014) g cm−3. Numerical results are approximated by convenient analytical expressions. We also calculate and approximate by analytical expressions the neutrino luminosity of white dwarfs due to plasmon decay, as a function of their mass and internal temperature. This neutrino luminosity depends on the chemical composition of white dwarfs only through the parameter μe (the net number of baryons per electron) and is the dominant neutrino luminosity in all white dwarfs at the neutrino cooling stage.  相似文献   

Interactive visualization of astronomical catalogs requires novel techniques due to the huge volumes and complex structure of the data produced by existing and upcoming astronomical surveys. The creation as well as the disclosure of the catalogs can be handled by data pulling mechanisms (Buddelmeijer et al. 2011). These prevent unnecessary processing and facilitate data sharing by having users request the desired end products. In this work we present query driven visualization as a logical continuation of data pulling. Scientists can request catalogs in a declarative way and set process parameters directly from within the visualization. This results in profound interoperation between software with a high level of abstraction. New messages for the Simple Application Messaging Protocol are proposed to achieve this abstraction. Support for these messages are implemented in the Astro-WISE information system and in a set of demonstrational applications.  相似文献   

We revisit the vertical structure of neutrino-dominated accretion flows (NDAFs) in spherical coordinates with a new boundary condition based on the mechanical equilibrium. The solutions show that NDAF is significantly thick. The Bernoulli parameter and neutrino trapping are determined by the mass accretion rate and the viscosity parameter. According to the distribution of the Bernoulli parameter, the possible outflow may appear in the outer region of the disk. The neutrino trapping can essentially affect the neutrino radiation luminosity. The vertical structure of NDAF is like a “sandwich”, and the multilayer accretion may account for the flares in gamma-ray bursts.  相似文献   

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