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A newly developed video and camera system for tidal flat microtopographic studies is presented. It consists of a SONY handy cam placed in an underwater housing mounted on a frame about 70?cm above the sediment surface. A rectangular surface area of 30?×40?cm is imaged by the camera. The camera records video sequences and/or digital images at predetermined time lapses. The total number of images is about 540, and a similar number of 10-second long video sequences can be recorded. The camera is programmed with a PC before deployment, and the total deployment time depends on the time lapse between recordings. The camera is connected to an external power supply (12?volt), and a halogen projector pointing towards the sediment surface ensures that the system is operable on a 24-hours scale. The system has been tested in the Danish Wadden Sea. It has proved to be a very useful tool in studies of topographic effects of erosion and deposition sequences, and for studies of benthic organisms-sediment interactions. The test site was further equipped with sensors for water and seabed measurements, which proved to be indispensable regarding the interpretation of recorded image time-series.  相似文献   

江苏岸外辐射沙洲区沙岛形成过程的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
江苏岸外辐射沙洲曾经历了由暗沙到明沙的发育过程,进入20世纪90年代后,近岸的沙洲由于持续淤高并高出大潮平均高潮位而成为沙岛。通过卫片判读和实地观测对沙岛自然属性和形成机制进行了初步研究,认为条子泥西部多年来的持续淤积和潮沟的稳定是沙岛形成的关键,而潮汐和风暴潮是沙岛形成的动力因素。沙岛的形成说明辐射沙洲的发育进入一个新阶段即成岛阶段,并标志着沙洲并陆过程的开始。  相似文献   

田浩  蒋理兴  张强 《海洋测绘》2005,25(2):61-63
直接线性变换法是相机检校中常用的一种方法,在此基础上提出一种可应用于视频全站仪的数码相机检校方法,通过改变像方元素的单位,就可不必考虑标准单位和像素单位间的转化因子问题。进一步讨论了像素尺寸大小对系统误差的影响,并对像素大小的必要测定精度进行了公式推导。试验结果表明,该方法可以获得较好的校准结果。  相似文献   

Els C.  Flach 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):87-98
Abstract. The cockle Cerastoderma edule is one of the large and important species of the tidal flats of the Wadden Sea. C. edule disturbs the upper sediment layer due to its crawling and “shaking” behaviour. About 7% of a cockle population move within one week. The mean distance of movement is -4 cm per week, which, in the case of a 2-year-old cockle with a length of ?3 cm, means that ?20 cm2 of sediment is disturbed to a depth of ?3 cm. Besides these measurable movements, cockles also regularly “shake” themselves, thereby disturbing the sediment around them to at least ?0.5 cm. At a density of 500 cockles per m2 of a mean length of 3 cm, ?16% of the sediment surface is occupied by cockles and another ?29% is disturbed by cockles within one week. To study the effects of cockles on recruitment of other benthic species, densities of 0, 125, 250, 375 and 500 cockles (mean length 3 or 3.5 cm) were added to 1-m2 plots within large depopulated squares in April. Subsequently, sediment samples were sieved once a month (from June to September) and the densities of all macrozoobenthic species were estimated. The presence of cockles significantly reduced the densities of juveniles of the bivalve species C. edule, Macoma balthica, Mya arenaria, Tellina (Angulus) tenuis, and Ensis directus and of the worm species Pygospio elegans, Lanice conchilega, Eteone longa, Anaitides spec., Nephtys hombergii, Heteromastus filiformis, Scoloplos armiger, and Tharyx marioni and of the amphipods Corophium volutator and C. arenarium. Non-significant effects were found only in Capitella capitata and Nereis diversicolor. For all species mentioned above a negative effect was already observed at the lower cockle densities of 125 - 250 per m2. Reductions of about 50% or more were found at densities of 500 per m2, which was more than could be expected based on the area occupied by the cockles (?16%), but close to the area occupied plus disturbed (?45%). It is concluded that (dense) assemblages of adult cockles can have a strong influence on the macrozoobenthic community.  相似文献   

现代潮滩依据多年平均潮位线划分高、中、低潮滩,这对于古代潮坪沉积相研究无实际意义。本文尝试用潮坪层序粒度参数剖面来划分沉积相。潮坪沉积物以粉砂为主,但敏感地反映沉积动力变化的却是粗、细尾部分。因此,在沉积相划分时主要依据粘土、砂含量及平均粒径的变化特征。分选系数是一重要依据,但要考虑絮凝沉积的影响。偏态和峰态变幅小、较复杂,在相划分中只具参考价值。利用粒度参数剖面进行潮坪沉积相划分可广泛应用于古代潮坪层序研究,而且根据中潮坪沉积厚度(x)与平均潮差(y)存在的显著性相关关系:y=1.8314x 157.31(单位cm),推算古潮差。  相似文献   

The evolution of the cross section of a salt-marsh channel is explored using a numerical model. Deposition on the marsh platform and erosion and deposition in the channel affect the tidal prism flowing through the cross section, such that the model captures the evolution of the stage–discharge relationship as the channel and marsh platform evolve. The model also captures the growth of salt-marsh vegetation on the marsh platform, and how this vegetation affects flow resistance and the rate of sedimentation. The model is utilized to study the influence of hydroperiod and vegetation encroachment on channel cross section. Numerical results show that a reduction in hydroperiod due to the emergence of the marsh platform causes an infilling of the channel. Vegetation encroachment on the marsh surface produces an increase in flow resistance and accretion due to organic and mineral sedimentation, with important consequences for the shape of the channel cross section. Finally, modeling results indicate that in microtidal marshes with vegetation dominated by Spartina alterniflora, the width-to-depth ratio of the channels decreases when the tidal flats evolve in salt marshes, whereas the cross-sectional area remains proportional to the tidal peak discharge throughout channel evolution.  相似文献   

河口地貌形态对潮汐不对称性的产生和发展有着至关重要的作用。本文根据英国Humber河口数据建立了概化模型,研究了在同一纳潮量情况下,主槽断面形态、平面形态和河口收缩率对河口潮汐不对称性的影响。结果表明,较深的主槽能使相位差峰值出现较晚且峰值更大,从而影响局部区域的涨潮流强弱,主槽越浅,最大落潮流速越小,落潮所需历时越长,河口更倾向于涨潮主导,窄潮滩倾向于涨潮主导型,宽潮滩倾向于落潮主导型;平面形态沿程收缩且长度较长的河口涨潮主导型最强,此外,河口宽度沿程缩窄会加大主槽的余流流速,减小潮滩的余流流速;随着河口平面收缩率的增强,主槽的余流流速减小,潮滩余流流速增大,潮滩更倾向于涨潮主导。本文进一步丰富了河口地形地貌变化对潮汐不对称性影响的认识,可为河口区工程建设和管理维护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

一个概化的潮汐河口羽状流动力学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于区域陆架海水动力-生态耦合模型(COHERENS)中的三维水动力模型,对一个概化的潮汐河口羽状流动力学进行了初步研究。在均一水深和无风的理想条件下,模拟得到了一个潮周期内概化的潮汐河口表层水体:a)羽状流流场和盐度场的平面分布;b)3种不同河流径流量作用下的羽状流流场和盐度场的平面分布;c)4种不同底床粗糙长度下的羽状流流场和盐度场的平面分布。结果分析表明:a)羽状流的长度在潮汐的作用下递增,而其最大宽度近似呈周期性的变化;b)羽状流的长度和最大宽度都随着河流径流量的增大而分别变长和变宽;c)羽状流的长度和最大宽度都随底床粗糙长度的增大而变小;d)无潮情况下羽状流的凸起明显并存在沿岸流,然而在有潮情况下凸起不明显且无沿岸流;e)水平扩散可能限制了沿岸羽状流的发展。  相似文献   

The Yangtze Estuary, the largest estuary in China, is under an obvious interaction between runoff and astronomical tide. The research on the interaction is very important for the exploitation and utilization of water resources in this area. A horizontal 2D hydrodynamic numerical model is established and verified in the present study with the modeling range from Datong to the Yangtze Estuary. Based on the comparison of high water levels under the interaction between different runoff and estuarine dynamics, s...  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionTheglobalairtemperatureroseabout 0 .5~ 0 .6°Coverthepast 2 0thcentury ,andtheglobalmeansealevelincreasedbyabout2 0cmduringtheperiod .Theregionalmeansealevelriseswiththerisingglobalmeansealevel.Zuoetal.( 1 997)indicatedthatthemeanrisingrateofabsolutemeansealevelalongtheChinacoastontheassumptionofunifiedisostaticdatumis 2mm a .Woodworth( 1 999)analyzedsealevelspanning 1 76 8tothepresentinLiverpool,andobtainedaseculartrendforheperiodupto 1 880of0 .39± 0 .1 7mm a ,andatrendfort…  相似文献   

The effect of the flood water salinity on the mobility of heavy metals was studied for intertidal sediments of the Scheldt estuary (Belgium). Soils and sediments of 4 sampling sites were flooded with water of different salinities (0.5, 2.5, and 5 g NaCl L−1). Metal concentrations were monitored in pore water and surface water. To study the potential effects of flood water salinity on metal bioavailability, duckweed (Lemna minor) was grown in the surface water. The salinity was found to primarily enhance the mobility of Cd and its uptake by duckweed. Cadmium concentrations in pore water of soils and sediments and surrounding surface waters significantly exceeded sanitation thresholds and quality standards during flooding of initially oxidized sediments. Moreover, the effect was observed already at lower salinities of 0.5 g NaCl L−1. This implies that risks related to Cd uptake by organisms and Cd leaching to ground water are relevant when constructing flooding areas in the brackish zones of estuaries. These risks can be reduced by inducing sulphide precipitation because Cd is then immobilised as sulphide and its mobility becomes independent of flood water salinity. This could be achieved by permanently flooding the polluted sediments, because sulphates are sufficiently available in the river water of the brackish part of the estuary.  相似文献   

To study the Taiwan Strait (TS), an unusual sea area, the numerical model in marginal seas of China is used to simulate and analyze the tidal wave motion in the strait. The numerical modeling experiments reproduce the amphidromic system of the M2 tide in the south end of the Taiwan strait, and consequently confirm the existence of the degenerate amphidromic system. On this basis, further discussion is conducted on the M2 system and its formation mechanism. It can be concluded that the tidal waves of the TS is consisted of the progressing wave from the north entrance and the degenerate amphidromic system from the south entrance, in which the progressing wave from the north entrance dominates the tidal wave motion in the strait. Except for the convergent effect caused by the landform and boundary, the degenerate amphidromic system produced in the south of the strait is another important factor for the following phenomena: the large tidal range in the middle of the strait, the concentrative zone of co-amplitude and co-phase line in the south of the strait. The degenerate amphidromic system is mainly produced by the incident Pacific Ocean tidal wave from the Luzon strait and the action by the shoreline and landform. The position of the amphidromic point is compelled to move toward southwest until degenerating by the powerful progressing wave from the north entrance.  相似文献   

在埕岛油田潮流、风海流预报系统中应用了整体潮流预报法,结合对本海域潮流实测资料,研究编制成操作简便、功能强大的潮流预报应用软件,实现了对埕岛海域潮流和风海流的即时预报,用于指导油田生产管理,并取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

By use of the hydrodynamic model,the harmonic constants of 8 principal tidal constituents(Q_1,O_1,P_1,K_1,N_2,M_2,S_2andK_2)are obtained for the East China Sea,and the harmonic constant ofS_a is calculated by two-dimensional interpolation.The calculated results agree well with the observed dataaround the sea.The harmonic constants can be used to predict the tide in the East China Sea.The cotidalcharts of the 9 tidal constituents reveal their distribution.  相似文献   

Surface elevation is the basic data for geo-science. It is difficult to retrieve tidal-flats’ elevation from single Remote Sensing (RS) image because of the complicated sediment dynamical environment and huge spatial difference in tidal-flats’ moisture content. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) construction method for inconstant inter-tidal zone based on high tempo-resolution MODIS data set in a short period is proposed in a case study on the Dongsha Sandbank of the Jiangsu Radial Tidal Sand-ridges. In the present study, a batch-preprocessing method based on image partition to handle massive MODIS 1B images is developed and applied to 8163 scenes of MODIS images. The dataset of short-period and multi-temporal MODIS images for inter-tidal flats’ DEM inversion is selected and the usability of MODIS dataset is analyzed. Shorelines of the Dongsha Sandbank are extracted by use of batch supervised classification. In accord with tidal-level forecasted by the Chenjiawu Tidal Gauge Station at the overpass moment of each RS image, DEMs of inter-tidal flats in January and summer(Jul, Aug and Sept), 2003 were built under ArcGIS9.2. Studies show that: (1) The dataset of short-duration and multi-phase MODIS images can be used to retrieve the historical DEM of tidal-flats at changeful tidal flats. (2) Analysis on usability of MODIS images from Aqua and Terra indicates that there are more usable and high-quality MODIS images in spring, autumn and winter, but less in summer. Therefore, the period for building inter-tidal flats’ DEM is suggested to be one month in spring, autumn and winter and three months in summer.  相似文献   

印度尼西亚海(简称印尼海)位于热带太平洋和印度洋交汇的海域,是全球最大的内潮生成海域.内潮耗散导致强烈的潮致混合,一方面将温跃层以下的海水卷入上层,降低印尼海海表温度,之后通过海气相互作用产生显著的天气和气候效应;另一方面对穿越印尼海的印度尼西亚贯穿流的物质与能量输运也有着重要影响.自Ar-lindo计划以来,人们对印...  相似文献   

东海和凯尔特海潮流沙脊的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
东海潮流沙脊与凯尔特海沙脊均为开阔陆架上的大型深水沙脊,它们都形成在冰后期海面上升时期。目前仍然经受现代潮流和风暴浪的作用,具有一定的活动性,处于活动沙脊和衰亡沙脊之间的发育过程,属于准活动沙脊。与东海比较,凯尔特海的动力作用更强。东海沙脊横剖面大多呈向西南方向倾斜的前积层理,偶见波浪侵蚀面,反映以潮流作用为主形成的沙脊内部结构的特点;凯尔特海沙脊剖面呈现复杂的交错层理,内部有较多的波浪侵蚀面,这是潮流和波浪共同作用形成的沙脊内部结构的特点。  相似文献   

The fishery yield of Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum, increased considerably in the 1970s but has decreased rapidly since the middle 1980s on extensive intertidal sand flats in Ariake Sound (Kyushu, Japan). A survey conducted in 2004 on a 3.4-km2 sand flat located in the central part of the Sound (Shirakawa sand flat) revealed four dominant species: two thalassinidean shrimps (Upogebia major and Nihonotrypaea japonica), which are deep-reaching burrow dwellers with strong bioturbation activities, and two bivalves (Mactra veneriformis and R. philippinarum). All four species belong to a phytoplankton (diatom)-feeding guild. In the late 1970s, the Manila clam population prevailed in high densities over the entire sand flat, whereas its distribution was restricted to the lowest quarter of the shore in 2004. In contrast, the population sizes and zones of occurrence of the other phytoplankton feeders have expanded in the absence of R. philippinarum, perhaps an indication of competitive release. After establishment, effects of the thalassinidean shrimps on sediment stability appear to have further reduced clam abundances. Across the sand flat in 2004, wet weight population biomass estimates for N. japonica, U. major, M. veneriformis, and R. philippinarum (whole body for shrimps and soft tissue for bivalves) were 304, 111, 378, and 234 tonnes, respectively. Based on Manila clam fishery yield records from Shirakawa, the carrying capacity of the Shirakawa sand flat in the late 1970s was estimated to be two times greater than the sum value for the whole phytoplankton-feeding guild in 2004. It is hypothesized that (1) the amount of phytoplankton determines the carrying capacity for the benthic community on the Shirakawa sand flat, with both phytoplankton and benthic biomass at maxima in the late 1970s, and (2) the subsequent increases in competition for space have caused further declines in the Manila clam population biomass to approximately one-eighth of its past value.  相似文献   

基于有限体积法海洋数值模型(FVCOM),构建了温州近海潮汐潮流数值模式,模式模拟区域为(120°24′00″~121°19′12″E,27°21′00″~28°24′00″N),模式水平分辨率由近岸河口区的50m,逐渐增加至开边界附近的2km。模式模拟并分析了温州近海的M2,S2,N2,K1,O1五个主要分潮。利用温州近海实测资料对模拟结果进行了验证,模拟与实测符合良好;其中与4个验潮站资料比较,M2,S2,N2,K1,O1五个主要分潮的振幅绝均差和迟角绝均差分别为4.84cm和5.14°,2.19cm和3.35°,5.18cm和4.38°,0.64cm和3.67°,0.59cm和4.61°;与9个海流连续观测站比较,流速绝均差为11.71cm/s,流向绝均差为9.66°。在模拟结果较好地反映温州近海潮汐、潮流运动状况的基础上,本文给出了各模拟分潮的潮汐同潮图和潮流椭圆分布、潮汐和潮流类型分布以及最大可能潮流分布等。  相似文献   

A damage assessment methodology based on the Hashin failure theory for glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite blade is proposed. The typical failure mechanisms including the fiber tension/compression and matrix tension/compression are considered to describe the damage behaviors. To give the flapwise and edgewise loading along the blade span, the Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT) is adopted. In conjunction with the hydrodynamic analysis, the structural analysis of the composite blade is cooperatively performed with the Hashin damage model. The damage characteristics of the composite blade, under normal and extreme operational conditions, are comparatively analyzed. Numerical results demonstrate that the matrix tension damage is the most significant failure mode which occurs in the mid-span of the blade. The blade internal configurations including the box-beam, I-beam, left-C beam and right-C beam are compared and analyzed. The GFRP and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) are considered and combined. Numerical results show that the I-beam is the best structural type. The structural performance of composite tidal turbine blades could be improved by combining the GFRP and CFRP structure considering the damage and cost-effectiveness synthetically.  相似文献   

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