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Many models of early structure formation predict a period of heating immediately preceding reionization, when X-rays raise the gas temperature above that of the cosmic microwave background. These X-rays are often assumed to heat the intergalactic medium (IGM) uniformly, but in reality will heat the gas more strongly closer to the sources. We develop a framework for calculating fluctuations in the 21-cm brightness temperature that originate from this spatial variation in the heating rate. High-redshift sources are highly clustered, leading to significant gas temperature fluctuations (with fractional variations ∼40 per cent, peaking on   k ∼ 0.1 Mpc−1  scales). This induces a distinctive peak-trough structure in the angle-averaged 21-cm power spectrum, which may be accessible to the proposed Square Kilometre Array. This signal reaches the ∼10 mK level, and is stronger than that induced by Lyα flux fluctuations. As well as probing the thermal evolution of the IGM before reionization, this 21-cm signal contains information about the spectra of the first X-ray sources. Finally, we consider disentangling temperature, density and Lyα flux fluctuations as functions of redshift.  相似文献   

The real-space optical-depth distribution along the line of sight to the QSO Q1422+231 is recovered from two HIRES spectra using a modified version of the inversion method proposed by Nusser & Haehnelt. The first two moments of the truncated optical-depth distribution are used to constrain the density-fluctuation amplitude of the intergalactic medium (IGM) assuming that the IGM is photoionized by a metagalactic UV background and obeys a temperaturedensity relation. The fluctuation amplitude and the power-law index of the relation between gas and neutral hydrogen (H  i ) density are degenerate. The rms of the IGM density at z 3.25 estimated from the first spectrum is with 1.56< <2 for plausible reionization histories. This corresponds to 0.9 2.1 with ( =1.7)=1.44±0.3. The values obtained from the second spectrum are higher by 20 per cent. If the IGM density traces the dark matter (DM) as suggested by numerical simulations we have measured the fluctuation amplitude of the DM density at an effective Jeans scale of a few 100 kpc. For cold dark matter (CDM)-like power spectra the amplitude of dark matter fluctuations on these small scales depends on the cosmological density parameter . For power spectra normalized to reproduce the space density of present-day clusters and with a slope parameter of =0.21 consistent with the observed galaxy power spectrum, the inferred can be expressed as: =0.61( /1.7)1.3( x J/0.62)0.6 for a flat universe, and =0.91( /1.7)1.3( x J/0.62)0.7 for a =0 universe. x J is the effective Jeans scale in (comoving) h 1 Mpc. Based on a suite of detailed mock spectra the 1 error is 25 per cent. The estimates increase with increasing . For the second spectrum we obtain 15 per cent lower values.  相似文献   

The temperature of the intergalactic medium (IGM) is an important factor in determining the linewidths of the absorption lines in the Ly α forest. We present a method to characterize the linewidth distribution using a decomposition of an Ly α spectrum in terms of discrete wavelets. Such wavelets form an orthogonal basis, so the decomposition is unique. We demonstrate using hydrodynamic simulations that the mean and dispersion of the wavelet amplitudes are strongly correlated with both the temperature of the absorbing gas and its dependence on the gas density. Since wavelets are also localized in space, we are able to analyse the temperature distribution as a function of position along the spectrum. We illustrate how this method could be used to identify fluctuations in the IGM temperature that might result from late reionization or local effects.  相似文献   

We study the statistical properties of the cosmological 21-cm signal from both the intergalactic medium (IGM) and minihaloes, using a reionization simulation that includes a self-consistent treatment of minihalo photoevaporation. We consider two models for minihalo formation and three typical thermal states of the IGM – heating purely by ionization, heating from both ionizing and Lyα photons and a maximal 'strong heating' model. We find that the signal from the IGM is almost always dominant over that from minihaloes. In our calculation, the differential brightness temperature,  δ T b,  of minihaloes is never larger than 2 mK. Although there are indeed some differences in the signals from the minihaloes and from the IGM, even with the planned generation of radio telescopes it will be unfeasible to detect them. However, minihaloes significantly affect the ionization state of the IGM and the corresponding 21-cm flux.  相似文献   

A class of spatially flat models with cold dark matter (CDM), a cosmological constant and a broken-scale-invariant (BSI) step-like primordial (initial) spectrum of adiabatic perturbations, generated in an exactly solvable inflationary model where the inflaton potential has a rapid change of its first derivative at some point, is confronted with existing observational data on angular fluctuations of the CMB temperature, galaxy clustering and peculiar velocities of galaxies. If we locate the step in the initial spectrum at k  ≃ 0.05  h Mpc−1, where a feature in the spectrum of Abell clusters of galaxies was found that could reflect a property of the initial spectrum, and if the large-scale flat plateau of the spectrum is normalized according to the COBE data, the only remaining parameter of the spectrum is p — the ratio of amplitudes of the metric perturbations between the small-scale and large-scale flat plateaux. Allowed regions in the plane of parameters (Ω = 1 − ΩΛ,  H 0) satisfying all data have been found for p lying in the region (0.8–1.7). Especially good agreement of the form of the present power spectrum in this model with the form of the cluster power spectrum is obtained for the inverted step ( p  < 1,  p  = 0.7–0.8), when the initial spectrum has slightly more power on small scales.  相似文献   

We measure the matter power spectrum from 31 Lyα spectra spanning the redshift range of 1.6–3.6. The optical depth, τ, for Lyα absorption of the intergalactic medium is obtained from the flux using the inversion method of Nusser & Haehnelt. The optical depth is converted to density by using a simple power-law relation,  τ∝ (1 +δ)α  . The non-linear 1D power spectrum of the gas density is then inferred with a method that makes simultaneous use of the one- and two-point statistics of the flux and compared against theoretical models with a likelihood analysis. A cold dark matter model with standard cosmological parameters fits the data well. The power-spectrum amplitude is measured to be (assuming a flat Universe),  σ8= (0.92 ± 0.09) × (Ωm/0.3)−0.3  , with α varying in the range of 1.56–1.8 with redshift. Enforcing the same cosmological parameters in all four redshift bins, the likelihood analysis suggests some evolution in the temperature–density relation and the thermal smoothing length of the gas. The inferred evolution is consistent with that expected if reionization of He  ii occurred at   z ∼ 3.2  . A joint analysis with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe results together with a prior on the Hubble constant as suggested by the Hubble Space Telescope key project data, yields values of Ωm and σ8 that are consistent with the cosmological concordance model. We also perform a further inversion to obtain the linear 3D power spectrum of the matter density fluctuations.  相似文献   

Standard shot-noise models, which seek to explain the broadband noise variability that characterizes the X-ray light curves of X-ray binaries and active galaxies, predict that the power spectrum of the X-ray light curve is stationary (i.e. constant amplitude and shape) on short time-scales. We show that the broadband noise power spectra of the black hole candidate Cyg X-1 and the accreting millisecond pulsar SAX J1808.4−3658 are intrinsically non-stationary, in that rms variability scales linearly with flux. Flux-selected power spectra confirm that this effect is due to changes in power-spectral amplitude and not shape. The light curves of three Seyfert galaxies are also consistent with a linear relationship between rms variability and flux, suggesting that it is an intrinsic feature of the broadband noise variability in compact accreting systems over more than six decades of central object mass. The rms variability responds to flux variations on all measured time-scales, raising fundamental difficulties for shot-noise models which seek to explain this result by invoking variations in the shot parameters. We suggest that models should be explored where the longest time-scale variations are fundamental and precede the variations on shorter time-scales. Possible models which can explain the linear rms-flux relation include the fractal break-up of large coronal flares, or the propagation of fluctuations in mass accretion rate through the accretion disc. The linear relationship between rms variability and flux in Cyg X-1 and SAX J1808.4−3658 is offset on the flux axis, suggesting the presence of a second, constant-flux component to the light curve which contributes ∼25 per cent of the total flux. The spectrum of this constant component is similar to the total spectrum, suggesting that it may correspond to quiet, non-varying regions in the X-ray emitting corona.  相似文献   

We allow a more general (step-function) form of the primordial power spectrum than the usual featureless power-law Harrison–Zeldovich (with spectral index   n =1)  power spectrum, and fit it to the latest cosmic microwave background data sets. Although the best-fitting initial power spectrum can differ significantly from the power-law shape, and contains a dip at scales   k ∼0.003  h  Mpc-1  , we find that  Ωm≈0.24  , consistent with previous analyses that assume power-law initial fluctuations. We also explore the feasibility of the early releases of the 2dF and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) galaxy redshifts surveys to see these features, and we find that even if features exist in the primordial power spectrum, they are washed out by the window functions of the redshift surveys on scales   k <0.03  h  Mpc-1  .  相似文献   

We explore several physical effects on the power spectrum of the Lyα forest transmitted flux. The effects we investigate here are not usually part of hydrodynamic simulations and so need to be estimated separately. The most important effect is that of high column density absorbers with damping wings, which add power on large scales. We compute their effect using the observational constraints on their abundance as a function of column density. Ignoring their effect leads to an underestimation of the slope of the linear theory power spectrum. The second effect we investigate is that of fluctuations in the ionizing radiation field. For this purpose we use a very large high-resolution N -body simulation, which allows us to simulate both the fluctuations in the ionizing radiation and the small-scale Lyα forest within the same simulation. We find an enhancement of power on large scales for quasars and a suppression for galaxies. The strength of the effect rapidly increases with increasing redshift, allowing it to be uniquely identified in cases where it is significant. We develop templates that can be used to search for this effect as a function of quasar lifetime, quasar luminosity function and attenuation length. Finally, we explore the effects of galactic winds using hydrodynamic simulations. We find the wind effects on the Lyα forest power spectrum to be degenerate with parameters related to the temperature of the gas that are already marginalized over in cosmological fits. While more work is needed to conclusively exclude all possible systematic errors, our results suggest that, in the context of data analysis procedures, where parameters of the Lyα forest model are properly marginalized over, the flux power spectrum is a reliable tracer of cosmological information.  相似文献   

We report multi-epoch Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) H  i observations of the z  = 0.3127 damped absorber towards the quasar PKS 1127−145, which reveal variability in both the absorption profile and the flux of the background source, over a time-scale of a few days.
The observed variations cannot be explained by simple interstellar scintillation (ISS) models where there are only one or two scintillating components and all of the ISS occurs in the Galaxy. More complicated models, where either there are more scintillating components or some of the ISS occurs in the interstellar medium of the z =0.3127 absorber, may be acceptable. However, the variability can probably be best explained in models incorporating motion (on sub-VLBI scales) of a component of the background continuum source, with or without some ISS.
All models producing the variable 21-cm absorption profile require small-scale variations in the 21-cm optical depth of the absorber. The length-scale for the opacity variations is ∼0.1 pc in pure superluminal motion models, and ∼10 pc in pure ISS models. Models involving subluminal motion, combined with scintillation of the moving component, require opacity variations on far smaller scales of ∼ 10–100 au .  相似文献   

We present results from the first high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of non-Gaussian cosmological models. We focus on the statistical properties of the transmitted Lyman-α flux in the high-redshift intergalactic medium. Imprints of non-Gaussianity are present and are larger at high redshifts. Differences larger than 20 per cent at   z > 3  in the flux probability distribution function for high-transmissivity regions (voids) are expected for values of the non-linearity parameter   f NL=±100  when compared to a standard Λ cold dark matter cosmology with   f NL= 0  . We also investigate the one-dimensional flux bispectrum: at the largest scales (corresponding to tens of Mpc), we expect deviations in the flux bispectrum up to 20 per cent at   z ∼ 4  (for   f NL=±100  ), significantly larger than deviations of ∼3 per cent in the flux power spectrum. We briefly discuss possible systematic errors that can contaminate the signal. Although challenging, a detection of non-Gaussianities in the interesting regime of scales and redshifts probed by the Lyman-α forest could be possible with future data sets.  相似文献   

We study the growth of linear perturbations induced by a generic causal scaling source as a function of the cosmological parameters h ,     and     . We show that for wavenumbers k ≳0.01  h  Mpc−1 the spectrum of density and velocity perturbations scales in a similar way to that found in inflationary models with primordial perturbations. We show that this result is independent of the more-or-less incoherent nature of the source, the small-scale power spectrum of the source and of deviations from scaling that naturally occur at late times if     .  相似文献   

One well-known way to constrain the hydrogen neutral fraction,     , of the high-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM) is through the shape of the red damping wing of the Lyα absorption line. We examine this method's effectiveness in light of recent models showing that the IGM neutral fraction is highly inhomogeneous on large scales during reionization. Using both analytic models and 'seminumeric' simulations, we show that the 'picket-fence' absorption typical in reionization models introduces both scatter and a systematic bias to the measurement of     . In particular, we show that simple fits to the damping wing tend to overestimate the true neutral fraction in a partially ionized universe, with a fractional error of ∼30 per cent near the middle of reionization. This bias is generic to any inhomogeneous model. However, the bias is reduced and can even underestimate     if the observational sample only probes a subset of the entire halo population, such as quasars with large H  ii regions. We also find that the damping wing absorption profile is generally steeper than one would naively expect in a homogeneously ionized universe. The profile steepens and the sightline-to-sightline scatter increases as reionization progresses. Of course, the bias and scatter also depend on     and so can, at least in principle, be used to constrain it. Damping wing constraints must therefore be interpreted by comparison to theoretical models of inhomogeneous reionization.  相似文献   

We have discovered a population of extremely red galaxies at z  ≃ 1.5 which have apparent stellar ages of ≳ 3 Gyr, based on detailed spectroscopy in the rest-frame ultraviolet. In order for galaxies to have existed at the high collapse redshifts indicated by these ages, there must be a minimum level of power in the density fluctuation spectrum on galaxy scales. This paper compares the required power with that inferred from other high-redshift populations: damped Lyα absorbers and Lyman-limit galaxies at z  ≃ 3.2. If the collapse redshifts for the old red galaxies are in the range z c ≃ 6–8, there is general agreement between the various tracers on the required inhomogeneity on 1-Mpc scales. This level of small-scale power requires the Lyman-limit galaxies to be approximately ν ≃ 3.0 fluctuations, implying a very large bias parameter b  ≃ 6. If the collapse redshifts of the red galaxies are indeed in the range z c = 6–8 required for power spectrum consistency, their implied ages at z  ≃ 1.5 are between 3 and 3.8 Gyr for essentially any model universe of current age 14 Gyr. The age of these objects as deduced from gravitational collapse thus provides independent support for the ages estimated from their stellar populations. Such early-forming galaxies are rare, and their contribution to the cosmological stellar density is consistent with an extrapolation to higher redshifts of the star formation rate measured at z  < 5; there is no evidence for a general era of spheroid formation at extreme redshifts.  相似文献   

Spatial dependence in the statistics of redshifted 21-cm fluctuations promises to provide the most powerful probe of the reionization epoch. In this paper we consider the second and third moments of the redshifted 21-cm intensity distribution using a simple model that accounts for galaxy bias during the reionization process. We demonstrate that skewness in redshifted 21-cm maps should be substantial throughout the reionization epoch and on all angular scales, owing to the effects of galaxy bias which leads to early reionization in overdense regions of the intergalactic medium (IGM). The variance (or power spectrum) of 21-cm fluctuations will exhibit a minimum in redshift part way through the reionization process, when the global ionization fraction is around 50 per cent. This minimum is generic, and is due to the transition from 21-cm intensity being dominated by overdense to underdense regions as reionization progresses. We show that the details of the reionization history, including the presence of radiative feedback are encoded in the evolution of the autocorrelation and skewness functions with redshift and mean IGM neutral fraction. The amplitudes of fluctuations are particularly sensitive to the masses of ionizing sources, and vary by an order of magnitude for astrophysically plausible models. We discuss the detection of skewness by first-generation instruments, and conclude that the Mileura Wide-field Array–Low-Frequency Demonstrator will have sufficient sensitivity to detect skewness on a range of angular scales at redshifts near the end of reionization, while a subsequent instrument of 10 times the collecting area could map out the evolution of skewness in detail. The observation of a minimum in variance during the reionization history, and the detection of skewness would both provide important confirmation of the cosmological origin of redshifted 21-cm intensity fluctuations.  相似文献   

We have detected coherent oscillations ('dwarf nova oscillations') in Hubble Space Telescope spectra of the dwarf nova OY Car. The oscillations were seen towards the end of a superoutburst of OY Car. The oscillations are extraordinary compared with the many other examples in the literature for two reasons. First, their amplitude is large, with a peak-to-peak variation of 8 to 20 per cent of the total flux over the range 1100 to 2500 Å. However, most remarkably we find that there are two components present simultaneously. Both have periods close to 18 s (equivalent to 4800 cycle d−1) but they are separated by 57.7 ± 0.5 cycle d−1. The lower frequency component of the pair has a strong second harmonic while its companion, which has about twice its amplitude, does not. The oscillation spectra appear hotter than the mean spectrum and approximately follow the continuum distribution of a blackbody with a temperature in the range 30 000 to 50 000 K. We tentatively suggest that the weaker non-sinusoidal component could represent the rotation of the white dwarf, although we have been unable to recover any such signal in quiescent data.  相似文献   

We present simultaneous X-ray and optical B - and V -band light curves of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3783 spanning 2 years. The flux in all bands is highly variable and the fluctuations are significantly correlated. As shown before by Stirpe et al. the optical bands vary simultaneously, with a delay of less than 1.5 d but both B and V bands lag the X-ray fluctuations by 3–9 d. This delay points at optical variability produced by X-ray reprocessing and the value of the lag places the reprocessor close to the broad-line region. A power spectrum analysis of the light curve, however, shows that the X-ray variability has a power-law shape bending to a steeper slope at a time-scale of ∼2.9 d while the variability amplitude in the optical bands continues to grow towards the longest time-scale covered, ∼300 d. We show that the power spectra together with the small value of the time delay are inconsistent with a picture where all the optical variability is produced by X-ray reprocessing, though the small amplitude, rapid optical fluctuations might be produced in this way. We detect larger variability amplitudes on long time-scales in the optical bands than in the X-rays. This behaviour adds to similar results recently obtained for at least three other active galactic nuclei and indicates a separate source of long-term optical variability, possibly accretion rate or thermal fluctuations, in the optically emitting accretion disc.  相似文献   

The 21-cm forest     
We examine the prospects for studying the pre-reionization intergalactic medium (IGM) through the so-called 21-cm forest in spectra of bright high-redshift radio sources. We first compute the evolution of the mean optical depth τ for models that include X-ray heating of the IGM gas, Wouthuysen–Field coupling, and reionization. Under most circumstances, the spin temperature T S grows large well before reionization begins in earnest; this occurs so long as the X-ray luminosity of high-redshift starbursts (per unit star formation rate) is comparable to that in nearby galaxies. As a result,  τ≲ 10−3  throughout most of reionization, and background sources must sit well beyond the reionization surface in order to experience absorption that is measurable by square-kilometre class telescopes. H  ii regions produce relatively large 'transmission gaps' and may therefore still be observable during the early stages of reionization. Absorption from sheets and filaments in the cosmic web fades once T S becomes large and should be rare during reionization. Minihaloes can produce strong (albeit narrow) absorption features. Measuring their abundance would yield useful limits on the strength of feedback processes in the IGM as well as their effect on reionization.  相似文献   

We address the degree and rapidity of generation of small-scale power over the course of structure formation in cosmologies where the primordial power spectrum is strongly suppressed beyond a given wavenumber. We first summarize the situations where one expects such suppressed power spectra and point out their diversity. We then employ an exponential cut-off, which characterizes warm dark matter (WDM) models, as a template for the shape of the cut-off and focus on damping scales ranging from 106 to  109  h −1 M  . Using high-resolution simulations, we show that the suppressed part of the power spectrum is quickly (re)generated and catches up with both the linear and the non-linear evolution of the unsuppressed power spectrum. From   z = 2  onwards, a power spectrum with a primordial cut-off at  109  h −1 M  becomes virtually indistinguishable from an evolved cold dark matter (CDM) power spectrum. An attractor such as that described in Zaldarriaga, Scoccimarro & Hui for power spectra with different spectral indices also emerges in the case of truncated power spectra. Measurements of   z ∼ 0  non-linear power spectra at  ∼100  h −1 kpc  cannot rule out the possibility of linear power spectra damped below  ∼109  h −1 M  . Therefore, WDM or scenarios with similar features should be difficult to exclude in this way.  相似文献   

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