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今天我们在这里召开林业“948”项目2001年度工作会议,主要是解决两个问题,一是进行项目管理培训,主要学习新的"引进国际先进农业科学技术项目管理办法”及"资金管理办法”等有关文件.新的项目管理办法在旧的项目管理办法的基础上进行了重大调整,希望大家认真学习,领会精神.今年安排的"948”项目将严格按新的项目管理办法执行.二是对预选的本年度"948”项目进行答辩和专家论证.从尊重科学、尊重专家的角度,加强对本年度"948”项目的评审,我们从管理、教学和科研部门请来了不同学科的知名专家,他们将对每个答辩的项目进行客观公正地评价.评价的结果作为立项的重要依据.同时也希望各位通过此次会议加强信息交流,相互学习,把会议开好.  相似文献   

The American Association of Geographers (AAG) president's annual address is considered an important statement about how she or he views the state of the discipline or one's research specialties. Building on previous studies on journal and individual impacts, this study measures the impacts of addresses using Google Scholar data and the Web of Science score. Using these data I classify the addresses into three distinct categories: alpha, beta, and gamma. The results reveal wide and substantial differences in Scholar ratings and Web of Science scores. A few have very high ratings, but many more are in the gamma category. Addresses by women and men presidents that promote new fields of study, extend geographic research to interdisciplinary audiences, and encourage the topics and frameworks of existing fields have higher ratings than those that appeal to more specialized audiences.  相似文献   

地址编码是基于空间定位技术的一种编码方法,它提供了一种把描述性地址信息转换成地理坐标的方式.院落作为城市最基本的地理实体之一,其地址编码的科学性、合理性对地址匹配有着重要意义.该文通过对院落空间特征分析,总结了院落与内部建筑、周围兴趣点及相邻街道间存在的包含、邻近及关联3种空间关系,在此基础上研究了院落相关地理实体的地址编码方法;最后验证了顾及实体空间关系的地址编码方法对地址匹配的精度和效率都有所提升.  相似文献   

中文地址解析是地址匹配的重要环节,广泛应用于地址检索、地理编码和地址信息识别等方面.但传统地址解析方法存在覆盖度有限、人工参与过多和泛化能力较差等问题.为发挥深度学习模型在深层结构上自动学习上下文特征的优势,提出一种基于BERT-BiLSTM-CRF深度学习模型的中文地址解析方法:依据中文地址要素多级分类体系,扩展BIOES标注方法并进行地址语料标注;基于预训练语言模型,构建融合BERT、BiLSTM和CRF的综合深度学习模型,通过BERT预训练语言模型获取富含语义信息的字符向量,弥补静态词向量特异性缺失的问题,提高复杂地址要素的提取能力.以2019年深圳市地址数据为例进行模型性能评估,该方法对于多数中文地址要素的解析准确率达90%以上;相比IDCNN-CRF和BiLSTM-CRF等深度学习模型,该方法对只具有小规模地址语料时的地址解析效果更优,且在解析多种地址要素类型时能保持良好的性能.  相似文献   

<正> 各位代表,各位来宾, 女士们、先生们: 由中国环境与发展国际合作委员会林草问题课题组、国家林业局政策法规司、中国科学院农业政策研究中心联合主办的“中国林业政策国际论坛”今天就要结束了,我代表国家林业局对论坛的顺利召开表示热烈祝贺,对各位代表、各位来宾的辛勤工作以及所有关心和支持中国林业事业的朋友们表示衷心的感谢! 两天来,与会代表紧紧围绕国际林业发展道路和政策框架、林业产权和税费体制改革、政府在林业发展中的职能等问题进行了广泛而深入的讨论,取得了丰硕成果。特别是林草课题组中外方专家利用自身优势,  相似文献   

This article examines political regionalism in presidential elections from 1892 to 2000 by analyzing the percentage of the popular vote received by Democratic candidates for president using statistical methods and spatial analysis. The results indicate three long‐term and stable political regions in presidential elections and a history of spatially dependent voting. The article then proposes four fluid political regions based on social diversity and recent political behavior and integrates the role of the Electoral College. This provides a framework in which political geography can integrate political regionalism, racial and social diversity, and the electoral vote in studying presidential elections.  相似文献   

<正> 同志们: 今天,国家林业局在这里隆重召开全国林业科学技术大会,学习贯彻《农业科技发展纲要》,表彰林业科技先进工作者,部署“十五”期间林业科技工作。我代表国务院向受到表彰的先进集体、先进个人表示祝贺,向全国广大林业科技工作者表示问候。 林业是生态建设的主体,是经济社会可持续发展的一项基础产业和一项公益事业。随着我  相似文献   


This article examines political regionalism in presidential elections from 1892 to 2000 by analyzing the percentage of the popular vote received by Democratic candidates for president using statistical methods and spatial analysis. The results indicate three long-term and stable political regions in presidential elections and a history of spatially dependent voting. The article then proposes four fluid political regions based on social diversity and recent political behavior and integrates the role of the Electoral College. This provides a framework in which political geography can integrate political regionalism, racial and social diversity, and the electoral vote in studying presidential elections.  相似文献   

地理空间大数据存储管理的地理网络地址研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地理空间数据大数据分布式网络存储管理的地理网络位置搜索问题,从地理网络地址的域名角度,基于2n一维整型数组的全球经纬度剖分格网(GeoSOT)框架提出一种具有地理涵义的空间信息存储网络空间域名地址,即Geonet域名,以统一标识地理空间数据的空间区域位置与计算机存储网络的电子方位,实现用户访问的区域范围、地理空间数据所属地域范围与空间信息存储主机之间的一致性空间关联。  相似文献   

<正> 同志们: 这次全国林业科学技术大会,经过代表们两天时间的辛勤工作和共同努力,顺利完成了预定的各项议程,取得了圆满成功。现在,我受局党组的委托,进行大会总结。 一、关于大会的基本情况及主要收获  相似文献   

Although the Republican Party has been competitive in presidential elections in the South for nearly three decades, it has only recently become a force in southern state and local elections. In Alabama, the GOP has dominated presidential voting since 1964, but has only become competitive during the past decade in gubernatorial elections. Why did the GOP first experience success in Alabama in presidential elections 30 years ago, but only recently become competitive in gubernatorial elections? This paper addresses this question using a county-level analysis of both presidential and gubernatorial election returns. It concludes that George Wallace's long political career is the dominant reason for the lag in GOP success in gubernatorial elections.  相似文献   

The U.S. National Park Service has embarked on a new campaign to address climate change. This directive includes new programs to encourage visitors to change their behaviors once they return home. By becoming involved in issues that go beyond park boundaries, these changes mark a shift in how the National Park Service fulfills its mission. This article explores how these efforts evolved and the possible implications to the visitors being exposed to a new message. Visitors were surveyed in Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska. The results revealed that the majority of those surveyed support these new efforts by the National Park Service.  相似文献   

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