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This article investigates how an existing two‐tiered land tenure system creates a hybrid space that blurs, and essentially questions and problematizes the boundaries of the formal/informal divide as presented within Angolan political and legal discourses. It showcases how urban formality and informality exist alongside each other in Luanda and how people take recourse to both formal and informal channels in attempts to secure housing, land tenure and livelihoods in the city. Through case studies, the article describes how small‐scale farmers in Luanda's northern municipality of Cacuaco lost their lands to urban development in 2009–10 and the ensuing circumstances in which formal rights and informal land tenure became intermeshed and ambiguous. As the case studies illustrate, a gap exists between the legal code and practice on the ground. This gap is represented in how Angola's postconflict land strategy, with its forced evictions and demolitions of houses and neighbourhoods, often with little or no compensation, is at odds with the Angolan Land Law, which states that land may only be expropriated by the state or local authorities for specific public use and must be justly compensated.  相似文献   

近50a来河北昌黎黄金海岸沙地变化   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
河北昌黎黄金海岸沙地是我国最为典型的海岸沙地,利用1956年、1965年与1980年的1:50000地形图以及2000年的ETM影像数据,在RS和GIS技术的支持下,对该海岸沙地1956—2000年间的面积及地类变化进行了分析。结果表明,近50a来该海岸沙地空间范围经历了由初期的扩展到后期的缩减等变化,且不同地类间也发生了较大程度的转换。海岸沙地面积在1956—1965年间迅速扩张,1965—1980年间缓慢增加,1980—2000年间有所减小。区内有林沙地面积扩大迅速,从1956年的1.23km2扩展到2000年的58.44km2,裸露沙地面积则随之不断减小。近50a来,昌黎黄金海岸沙地的变化主要与20世纪50年代后政策驱动下的植树造林活动密切相关,期间人类对该海岸带的改造改变了其自然景观。  相似文献   

This mixed‐methods case study identifies how floodplain property acquisition—a buyout—impacts an urban environment at the neighborhood scale while considering the role of individual residents in formal and informal land‐use decision making. In floodplain buyouts, the reopening of urban space is enabled by federal structural drivers, primarily Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), but it is repurposed as a cultural landscape constructed and produced by individuals. This research explores how residents perceive and ascribe values to the buyout landscape in Lexington, Kentucky. Enabled by federal funds, but left largely to their own devices, residents in Lexington adopted uses, ascribed values, and produced their own land‐use norms in each buyout neighborhood.  相似文献   

Market‐based interventions to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) enable the carbon stored in land and forests to be traded as a new and intangible form of property. Using examples from Cambodia, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, we examine the property negotiations underpinning this new forest carbon economy. We show that the institutions and land use negotiations needed to ‘produce’ forest carbon interact recursively with existing property claims over land and forests. Even where customary rights are formally recognized (PNG, Philippines), claims to forest carbon are still complicated by ambiguities and complexities surrounding rights to forested land. Meanwhile the new value attached to forest carbon can stimulate efforts to appropriate land and forest resources associated with it, creating new power relations and property dynamics. This interplay between forest carbon and underlying contested property claims in rural forest settings creates an unstable basis for forest carbon markets and raises questions about future access to forested land.  相似文献   

The indigenous peoples of the Northwest Coast of North America are widely believed to have been true “hunter‐fisher‐gatherers,” lacking plant cultivation of any kind. This depiction of the region's indigenous inhabitants emerged within early colonial accounts and was perpetuated within the literatures of geography, anthropology, and archaeology. Still, there is ample evidence of plant cultivation available from archival, archaeological, and ethnographic sources. In particular, the peoples of coastal British Columbia created large gardens of edible estuarine plants, using sophisticated indigenous technologies. The oversight of these practices in written representations of the region reveals consistent patterns of bias, emanating from the agendas of colonial agents and early academics alike. In turn, this bias has undermined aboriginal traditions of cultivation and indigenous land claims.  相似文献   

Deliberative democracy in the form of community participation is considered a ‘key priority’ in New South Wales (NSW) environmental planning. Community participation plays an increasingly central role in state significant developments, which are often sites of contestation. Community participation processes draw upon particular factors of place-based identity, which engage with notions of procedural legitimacy in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. This paper uses a legal geography analysis to explore this link between place-based identity and the experience of procedural legitimacy. We highlight a case study in which a contested coal mining development near Lithgow, NSW was approved by the NSW Planning Assessment Commission (PAC). This analysis examines how ‘local’ justice was constructed and mobilised in specific ways by proponents and opponents alike. Spatial factors of identity manifested in distinct ways in participation processes, particularly with respect to (i) claims to legitimacy and (ii) the lived experiences of engagement in a public forum. This case study demonstrates the way in which dualistic spatial terms such as ‘outsider’ opposition and ‘local’ support can render multiple interests of both human and non-human communities invisible. In so doing we are engaging with current work on environmental justice that examines the intersection of scale, efficacy and equity in processes of environmental governance.  相似文献   

论国家公园的公益性、国家主导性和科学性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈耀华  黄丹  颜思琦 《地理科学》2014,34(3):257-264
国家公园作为一种严格保护并合理利用自然文化资源的可持续发展理念和举措而在全球得到普遍认可和蓬勃发展。国际上的国家公园因为国情不同而有多种体制模式,但是国家公园的根本特性是共同一致、必须维护的。公益性、国家主导性和科学性这三大特性是国家公园的根本特性,其中公益性是国家公园设立的根本目的,它包括了为公众利益而设、对公众低廉收费、使公众受到教育、让公众积极参与等方面,而国家主导性和科学性则是践行公益性的两大保障,前者要求国家确立、国家管理、国家立法、国家维护和爱国主义教育,后者则要求建立科学的国家公园体系、科学的规划、科学的分区和科学的经营利用等。中国国家公园的建立,面临着国情特殊、现行保护地多头管理、保护利用压力大等问题,应该利用风景名胜区等保护地开展试点,制定统一的中国国家公园标准,采用准入制度,并逐步探索统一的管理体系和法规体系,最终建立统筹管理的、中国特色的国家公园制度。  相似文献   

In the nineteenth century, a succession of claims was made that the ports of Twofold Bay, on the New South Wales South Coast, would contest Sydney's dominance. This paper examines the period between 1820 and 1920 to explain why the ports of Twofold Bay—Boydtown and Eden—never sustained their challenge to Sydney's economic hegemony. These small ports provide an interesting insight into the economic marginalisation of localities by the process of colonisation. Twofold Bay is examined within Rimmer's spatial model of port development. Uneven port development is examined as the geographical expression of several colonisation processes; firstly, the emergence of a port hierarchy (or dominance ranking); secondly, changes in the organisation of maritime space; and thirdly, improved internal accessibility.  相似文献   

 以南疆铁路沿线的5个中心城市为基本单元,根据1993—2008年的城市化与城市建设用地结构方面的数据,分析了5个中心城市的城市化与城市建设用地之间的相关性。南疆铁路沿线5个中心城市目前的平均城市化率为48%,已进入了快速城市化发展阶段。研究结果表明,随着城市化的发展,城市建设用地结构也发生相应的变化。在用地结构中,居住用地、工业用地比例降低;公共设施用地、道路广场用地、绿地比例增加,仓储用地、对外交通用地和特殊用地比例呈现基本稳定趋势。城市建设的不断完善、城市化率的提高是促进建设用地结构变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

黄颖敏  薛德升  黄耿志 《地理科学》2017,37(12):1831-1840
21世纪初,在对非正规经济研究的二元主义、新马克思主义和新自由主义理论解释基础上,出现了批判管治主义理论,重点关注国家权力与制度对非正规性产生的影响。基于该视角,以东莞市长安镇为例,运用质性研究方法,分析了改革开放先行区的珠江三角洲,其基层非正规土地利用实践的产生、表现及其与制度创新之间的关系。研究发现:改革开放以来,在国家土地制度缺失、正规土地管理制度颁布和实施阶段,以及省级政府主导的土地制度创新阶段,非正规土地利用实践经历了被政府鼓励、包容和默许及正规化的过程。部分非正规土地利用实践成为制度创新的根源。土地制度的演变经历了由乡村基层“自下而上”式向地方政府“自上而下”式推动的转变,在演变过程中具有非正规性特征,并服务于各个时期的城市与经济发展需求。未来的研究中,应更多的关注“自下而上”的制度创新和地方实践。  相似文献   

One aspect of a recent restructuring of urban economies, societies, and spaces has been a change in urban planning practice. Planning is increasingly privatized and decentralized in U.S. cities. Private planning consultants are often hired by public‐private coalitions in order to shape the future of cities, while the planning processes they institute are frequently claimed to be consensus‐based, collaborative, and inclusionary, rather than elite‐centered and expert‐driven. This paper discusses the use of “visioning”—an increasingly popular technique that develops goals for the future of a city through consensus‐based meetings, open to all parties—as developed by New Century Lexington, a public‐private planning initiative in Lexington, Kentucky. It argues that: (1) new public‐private planning procedures, incorporating collaborative techniques, frequently become the institutional sites of political struggle over how future urban geographies are produced; (2) in order to understand the role of visioning in contemporary urban politics and in policy making outcomes, we must recognize the sociospatial context in which it is deployed; and (3) in the case of New Century, the way in which local elites controlled the mechanics of the visioning process made dissent difficult and, therefore, produced a vision of the future largely parallel to their standard economic development models.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(7):565-567
Through a close examination of the case of Virginia v. Hicks—from Kevin Hicks's arrests for trespassing on streets near a Richmond, Virginia, public housing project in 1998 and 1999 to the unanimous Supreme Court decision upholding these arrests on the grounds that no harm was done to the First Amendment—this paper explores how the rights of private property are made, through the judicial process, to "trump" other kinds of rights and interests. It examines the implications of both dominant property practices and discourses and a more general judicial anti-urbanism for city life. The paper shows that one of the things at risk given the judiciary's love affair with private property rights is the right of some people simply to be present in public space. By implication, the paper argues that legal geographies need to examine more than just final court decisions (as is often the case), but also uncover the full legal history—the strange twists and turns—of the cases examined.  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted into the environmental history of the North Coast region of New South Wales (NSW). To address this, two sedimentary sequences located in the coastal Bundjalung National Park and at Bungawalbin Creek, just north of the Park (both near Evans Head, NSW) have been investigated. Palynological and geochemical analyses were used to reconstruct the history of the sites. Fossil pollen evidence representing much of the Holocene period — basal radiocarbon dates of 8700 ± 60 years BP and 6600 ± 60 years BP are available from the Bundjalung National Park and Bungawalbin Creek sites, respectively — indicates a dynamic past environment, with an overall tendency towards drier conditions. This evidence is supported, in part, by charcoal analyses indicating an increase in the occurrence of fire over time. Chemical analyses of the sediments indicate that the Bungawalbin site was strongly influenced by estuarine conditions, whereas the Bundjalung National Park site was only influenced indirectly by estuarine conditions.  相似文献   

戴燕归  周恺 《热带地理》2022,42(8):1314-1323
“乡村权”概念是近年空间正义研究在乡村地域进行理论延伸与实践检验的新领域,其通过揭示以土地为空间媒介的乡村权利剥夺现象,批判性分析乡村空间资源分配和空间生产过程中出现的非正义问题。延续激进地理学视角,文章聚焦“乡村土地”与“村民身份”两大问题,基于突尼斯、印度、黎巴嫩等南方国家,以及英国、法国、意大利等北方国家的案例,揭示村民在生产、生活及意识层面所处的非正义境况(即“被迫非农化”),并探寻村民为寻求空间正义所采取的个人或集体抗争方式(即“自发再农化”)。通过案例比较发现:1)南方国家与北方国家的乡村案例表现出的被迫非农化现象具有共性,其本质都是资本剥削导致的乡村土地和村民身份被剥夺;2)南方和北方国家的自发再农化手段存在差异,南方国家的村民主要采取法律途径或极端方式,北方国家则依托自上而下的国家政策保障与自下而上的地方能力建设。进而,归纳出乡村权三大内涵,即“占有权(拥有农地并进行农业生产)”“定居权(以村民的生活方式生活在乡村)”“参与权(自主决定是否非农化)”。最后,建议在中国乡村振兴中,通过科学知识共享、社区学习与合作等方式提升村民自身能力,实现村民在乡村空间占有、定居、参与的...  相似文献   

There are opportunities for more effectively integrating resource‐based recreation and tourism with goals for primary production and nature conservation across a range of landscapes and land tenure types. ‘Naturalness’ sought for recreation and tourism, like biodiversity, is not confined to the conservation estate, and the ‘recreation estate’ extends into private land. Although it may be argued that ongoing privatisation of land ownership reduces public opportunities for recreation, diversity in ownership, at least at the regional level, enhances the overall spectrum of recreational opportunities. Diversification into recreation and tourism on private land may also help protect biodiversity through such processes as ‘sympathetic management’, as well as by making production land‐use systems more economically robust.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Even the casual visitor cannot fail to notice unusual activity on the slopes of Northern California's Mount Shasta. Prayer flags, altars, and crystals are found in the meadows; drumming, chanting, and meditation are commonplace. Non‐indigenous spiritual pilgrims have found Mount Shasta a sacred place. An amorphous group of spiritual seekers, these are sometimes referred to as “New Age” adherents or “Crystal People.” Within the Shasta‐Trinity National Forest, the situation of this sacred site exemplifies the difficulties of reconciling nonsecular claims to public lands with secular management mandates. Spiritual activism at Mount Shasta includes recently successful opposition to development of a Forest Service‐endorsed ski area. Using a questionnaire survey and interviews, we compare the characteristics, activities, and attitudes toward resource management of spiritual pilgrims and others who visit Mount Shasta's meadows. Conclusions are drawn about the environmental values and concerns of all visitors and of spiritual pilgrims in particular, including some that bear on pilgrim activities and ecological restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Ocean spaces are social and political, and just as with terrestrial governance, oceans governance is prone to ambiguity, contradiction, and contestation. The validity and dynamics of these claims will be demonstrated through a study of discourse and structured agreements employed to involve coastal First Nations in the expansion of the shellfish aquaculture sector in British Columbia. Analysis focuses on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, a region identified as having good biophysical potential for shellfish aquaculture and much of which is territorial home of the Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations. Through community interviews and document and discourse analysis, the article highlights that: seafood, including shellfish, is intimately connected with Nuu-chah-nulth identity; many Nuu-chah-nulth have long-engaged in subsistence and commercial harvests of wild-growing shellfish; and, there are important prospective differences between longer-standing shellfish harvests and shellfish aquaculture. Findings and discussion offer perspective on the sorts of choices that First Nations might encounter in the pursuit of shellfish aquaculture, as well as raise bigger questions about whether or how Nations might tradeoff territorial authority and collective harvest opportunities against leasing state-sanctioned private marine tenures.  相似文献   

刘宣 《地理研究》2010,29(4):693-702
城中村在土地利用、建设景观、规划管理、社区文化等方面均表现出强烈的城乡差异及矛盾。近年来,我国部分地区采取了"转制"的措施来消除"城中村"的城乡二元结构,形成了兼具城市与乡村社区特征的"转型社区",——人口由农民转为市民、土地由集体所有转为国有、经济由集体经济转为股份公司、管理由村委会转居委会——其空间改造也提上日程。从"转型社区"的土地利用问题出发,介绍目前常用的"转型社区"改造模式,并分别从"转型社区"内土地产权和使用主体分析转制后依然存在甚至加剧的改造障碍。研究认为,土地的伪国有化定义下的不完全产权、土地非法与合法混杂导致的用地破碎化和现有利益格局下各土地利用主体的成本与收益失衡导致"转型社区"内公共设施缺乏、土地价值过低且被过度利用的状态难以改变。以此为基础,提出了对"转型社区"改造的建议。  相似文献   

As processors and marketers of fish, women fishtraders in the Fanti town of Cape Coast, Ghana have become powerful financers and owners of canoes, nets, and other fishing equipment. Since the 1960s, when motors were first introduced to Ghana's artisanal canoe fleet, two interrelated processes have occurred in Cape Coast. First, Ghana's fisheries have become increasingly exploited and—in the case of some species—overfished. Second, the social relations of production in the artisanal sector have shifted from being socially embedded to being more market‐based and impersonal. I argue that two recent Women in Development (WID) projects in particular have contributed to the breakdown of fishtraders’ traditional economic networks and livelihood strategies: (a) loan schemes that target women's associations, and (b) the 1985 Intestate Succession Law, which reconfigured inheritance rights. These WID projects, based on western notions of gender and the household, have created disharmony and mistrust among Cape Coast's fishtraders rather than promoting their “development.” The breakdown of fishtraders’ labor and marketing organizations has resulted in increasingly desperate strategies to get fish, increased degradation of Ghana's marine environment, and uncertainty for the future of the coastal economy.  相似文献   

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