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The conventional narrative regarding the American reception of George Perkins Marsh, author of Man and Nature (1864), is that his work and ideas were “lost,”“forgotten,” or “neglected” until Lewis Mumford “rediscovered” him and introduced him to geographers at the University of California‐Berkeley through The Brown Decades (Mumford [1931] 1955) and until Carl Sauer made him known to the profession at large beginning in 1938. This article upends the conventional narrative by looking at earlier references to Marsh's later versions of Man and Nature, which were published as The Earth as Modified by Human Action from 1874 to 1907. Analysis reveals that a number of geographers and historians cited these editions between 1875 and the early 1950s. Examining the legend of loss and rediscovery suggests the value of methods utilized in reception studies for research on the history of geography.  相似文献   

Carl Sauer's writings contain material related to the general concept of “human ecology,”but he used the term infrequently and without emphasis and mainly as an analogy or metaphor.  相似文献   

As visions of ecological crisis mark the daily headlines, industrial spaces of intensive energy and material consumption become a more intense object of political and social concern. In this article, I attempt to situate geography's relative neglect of the ecological underpinnings of industrial capitalism within the context of the history of geographical thought. I argue that the ways in which geographers read the hyphen in the phrase “nature‐society” reveals epistemological limits to their object of study. I then offer three dramatically different readings of the hyphen and discuss how they have affected the lineages and trajectories of geographical research—Barrows's human ecology, Sauer's cultural landscape, and critical theories of social nature. I conclude by suggesting that geography needs to let go of its empirical and conceptual fixation on “nature”.  相似文献   

For a decade or so after World War II, human geographers working in the American tropics found socio-political conditions and resultant research topics little changed from those before the war. This was in contrast to the Old World tropics where decolonization processes and the demands of economic development and new nation building produced divergent research currents, For the first half of the period under review, the American tropics continued to be the province largely of geographers with culturalhistorical questions grounded in natural historical bases. The legacy is Humboldt's; the practitioners most notably students of Carl Sauer or German counterparts such as Carl Troll. French and British regionalist approaches, strong in the region before World War II, survived less successfully. By the 1980s, however, broad pan-tropical currents of geographic discourse and debate had become established. New practices and theories were formulated and tested as North Atlantic geographers borrowed from antipodean innovators and others working in the Asian and African tropics. Since the 1980s, there have been greater efforts at dialogue and collaboration with host country colleagues. As might be expected in this era of ‘globalization’, national research styles and agendas have become less evident. This paper offers a highly selective map of research nodes within tropical Americanist geography since the early 1950s. The selection of examples includes qualitative criteria, but more importantly, research that signify stasis or intensification as well as turning points and departures in the overall development of this literature. The contours of this history suggest some highly evolved, even idiosyncratic enterprises, but in the main, it is an unfolding that suggests broad congruencies with human geographic work elsewhere in the tropics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Detached from the mainland and with a distinct historical ethnic geography, the conquered kingdom of Hawai'i, now the fiftieth state, is the only U.S. state with an Asian and Pacific Islander majority as well as the highest percentage of racial and ethnic intermarriage. Hawai'i's population reflects the tensions between the culturally pluralistic “spirit of aloha” and the ethnic‐cum‐social stratification that has evolved from its historical economic geographies. In this article I focus on one of these strata—what is referred to as “local” culture—discussing its ethnogenesis and contemporary manifestations, and I apply Jonathan Okamura's 1981 model of situational ethnicity to examine how locals and new immigrants negotiate the ethnic dynamics and social expectations of their daily lives. I also discuss various ways in which “localness” is represented on O'ahu's economic landscape, with an analysis of the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet, as a holistic expression of local culture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This critical history of geography looks to the political concepts that historical actors held and analyzes the incorporation of these concepts into geography. Peter Heylyn, who politicized his geographical books Microcosmus (1621) and, still more, Cosmographie (1657), followed William Laud's characteristic brand of High Church Anglicanism, avowedly hostile both to Roman Catholicism and to Calvinist forms of Protestantism, while upholding an ideal of the Church of England as both independent and apostolic. Further, Laudians were stalwart defendants of monarchy as a divine institution. This Laudian vision of church and state informed Heylyn's geographical works, which goes against a received wisdom that they are divorced from his polemical historical, political, and theological tracts. We thus recover the politics of early modern geography as contemporaries might have understood them.  相似文献   

New Publications     
The Zagros Streams. Theodore Oberlander . UNESCO Source Book for Geography Teaching. The Early Spanish Main. Carl Ortwin Sauer . Locational Analysis in Human Geography. Peter Haggett . The Geography of Economics—A World Saruey. Geoffrey Parker . Introduction to Hydrometeorology. J. P. Bruce and R. H. Clark . Geography of New York State. John H. Thompson , (ed.). Alaska: A Challenge In Conservation. Richard A. Cooley . Pergamon General World Atlas. E. N. Davis and G. B. Cheetham (Consultant Editor); Stanley Knight (General Ed- itor). Danish Planning Legislation—A Survey. Region Planlcegning og Region Inddeling. Landsplanduvalget , København. Native Inheritance, the Story of Corn in America. Howard T. Walden 2D. The Uses of Air Photography. J. K. S. St Joseph (ed.). Geschichtlicher Atlas fiirdas Land and der Saar. Hektor Amman and Emil Meynan (eds.). An Economic Geography of East Africa. A. M. O'Connor . Economic Geografihy of Canada. Pierre Camu , E. P. Weeks , and Z. W. Sametz . Indian Cities: Characteristics and Correlates. Qazi Ahmad . Dimensions of East African Cultures. Charles M. Good , Jr . Toronto's Changing Retail Complex: A Study in Growth and Blight. James W. Simmons . The Geography of Northwestern Europe. F. J. Monkhouse . Western und Central Europe: A Regionul Geography. E. W. Shanahan .  相似文献   

This paper joins literature on suburban advertising with Lefebvre's concept of representational space to analyse property advertisements as part of the representational production of suburban space. Based on comparative analysis of advertising material for suburban residential developments on Auckland's “North Shore” in two time‐periods—1950s and 2010s—the paper examines changes and continuities in thematic content. While property advertisements in the mid‐1900s emphasised the “functional suburb,” paying attention to attributes such as quality of utilities and proximity to the central city, more recently advertisements have more strongly emphasised the “lifestyle suburb,” with a focus on middle‐class community and natural amenity.  相似文献   

Analytical Tools Statistical Concepts in Geography. JOHN SILK Towards the Dynamic Analysis of Spatial Systems. R. L. MARTIN, N. J. THRIFT, and R. J. BENNETT, eds. Economic Geography Agro-Industrial Complexes and Types of Agriculture in Eastern Siberia. V. P. SHOTSKI Farmland, Food, and the Future. MAX SCHNEPF, ed. Environmental Management and Resources Planning the Uses and Management of Land. MARVIN T. BEATTY, GARY W. PETERSEN, and LESTER D. SWINDALE, eds. Historical Geography Planning the Past. ROBERT M. NEWCOMB Philosophy and Geographic Thought Spatial Dynamics and Optimal Space-Time Development. W. ISARD, P. LIOSSATOS, with assistance by Y. KANEMOTO and P. KANISS Carl Sauer's Fieldwork in Latin America. R. C. WEST Physical Geography Geographical Approaches to Fluvial Processes. ALISTAIR F. PITTY, ed. Physical Geography. P. GERSMEHL, W. KAMMRATH, and H. GROSS Population and Migration Location and Environment of Elderly Population. STEPHEN M. GOLANT, ed. Regional and Urban Planning Applied Models in Urban and Regional Analysis. Norbert Oppenheim Economic Development in Retrospect. Allan Rodgers Local Planning. SEBASTIAN LOEW Regional Planning and National Development. R. P. MISRA, D. V. URS, V. K. NATRAJ, eds. Regional Geography The Spatial Structure of Development: A Study of Kenya. R. A. OBUDHO and D. R. F. TAYLOR, eds. Social Geography Geographical Perspectives on Inequality. DAVID M. SMITH Teaching and Learning Geographical Education: Curriculum Problems in Certain European Countries with Special Reference to the 76-79 Age Group. NORMAN J. GRAVES, ed. Urban Geography and Settlements Urban Residential Location Models. STEPHEN H. PUTNAM City and Suburb: The Political Fragmentation of Metropolitan America, 1850-1970. Jon C. Teaford The Open Housing Market: Race and Housing in Chicago, 1966-1976. B. J. L. BERRY Spatial Inequalities and Regional Development. HENDRIK FOLMER and JAN OOSTERHAVEN, eds.  相似文献   

Monumental constructions are created for a purpose, often as a symbolic representation of a particular vision of a people or a place. Spain's Cidade da Cultura, a museum conceptualized by Galicia's former president with the hubristic goal of creating a world icon, is one such example. Like many iconic constructions, the Cidade da Cultura project was highly contentious and sparked a regionwide political debate, vastly overran its projected cost, and years later remains controversial and incomplete. An actor‐network theory analysis of why the project failed reveals the different roles played by individual components in the vast network of actors, including the monument itself, which came to exercise influence over the outcome of the project. Because the former president could not fully control this expanding network of actors, events soon spun out of control in what became popularly known as “Galicia's Hurricane.”  相似文献   


The Zagros Streams. Theodore Oberlander.

UNESCO Source Book for Geography Teaching.

The Early Spanish Main. Carl Ortwin Sauer.

Locational Analysis in Human Geography. Peter Haggett.

The Geography of Economics—A World Saruey. Geoffrey Parker.

Introduction to Hydrometeorology. J. P. Bruce and R. H. Clark.

Geography of New York State. John H. Thompson, (ed.).

Alaska: A Challenge In Conservation. Richard A. Cooley.

Pergamon General World Atlas. E. N. Davis and G. B. Cheetham (Consultant Editor); Stanley Knight (General Ed- itor).

Danish Planning Legislation—A Survey.

Region Planlcegning og Region Inddeling. Landsplanduvalget, K?benhavn.

Native Inheritance, the Story of Corn in America. Howard T. Walden 2D.

The Uses of Air Photography. J. K. S. St Joseph (ed.).

Geschichtlicher Atlas fiirdas Land and der Saar. Hektor Amman and Emil Meynan (eds.).

An Economic Geography of East Africa. A. M. O'Connor.

Economic Geografihy of Canada. Pierre Camu, E. P. Weeks, and Z. W. Sametz.

Indian Cities: Characteristics and Correlates. Qazi Ahmad.

Dimensions of East African Cultures. Charles M. Good, Jr.

Toronto's Changing Retail Complex: A Study in Growth and Blight. James W. Simmons.

The Geography of Northwestern Europe. F. J. Monkhouse.

Western und Central Europe: A Regionul Geography. E. W. Shanahan.  相似文献   

In important respects, the disciplinary field of “tropical geography” is a uniquely French field of study, and Pierre Gourou is conventionally seen as its founder and doyen. Yet Gourou did not see himself as the creator of a new paradigm or research school, and geographers were generally more influenced by his writings than by his teaching or any personal connection. With particular reference to French geographical research in and on tropical Africa during the second half of the twentieth century, it is suggested that the development of tropical geography as a subfield ‐ and tropicalism as a research orientation ‐ can be put down to a variety of factors and circumstances. Geographical research on Africa was pivotal, as was the rise to prominence in French research institutes of some of Gourou's disciples. But African academics also played a part, as did criticism of tropical geography for its marginalisation of issues of development and geopolitics. The paper examines this postwar intellectual history and attempts to draw from it a positive and forward looking legacy ‐ a reinvigorated and interdisciplinary “tropicalism”, the main axis of which would be the analysis of the specific characteristics of tropical ecology, and its use and transformation by the societies that live from it. Such a project may help us to confront the contemporary world ecological crisis, and forge critical research projects on globalisation (altermondialisme) that can discern and deal with the complex local‐global, and rural‐urban, articulations of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

More Americans now reside in Canada than at any time since the Vietnam War. Of particular note is the surprisingly large population of immigrants from the United States who now reside in Montreal—Francophone Canada's largest and most diverse city. This article documents and analyzes the migration experiences, spatial patterns, and “sense of belonging” of Americans in Montreal during the post–Vietnam era framed within the larger political and linguistic context of the city's “Two Solitudes.” Findings are based on information compiled from archival materials, census records, structured and unstructured interviews, survey questionnaires, participant observation, and fieldwork. My overarching goal is to embed the experiences and patterns of this English‐speaking group of immigrants in predominately French‐speaking Montreal during the past five decades—one of the most dramatic and divisive periods of time in Montreal and in Quebec as a whole.  相似文献   

The number of “Jobs in Geography” advertised in the AAG Newsletter for U.S. faculty positions is analyzed for the 14 academic years from 1979–80 through 1992–93. Results reveal more job opportunities in the latter half of the study period, especially for tenured/tenure track positions as opposed to temporary jobs. The share of available positions open to ranks above the Assistant Professor level is smaller in the early 1990s compared to the 1980s. A distinct decline in faculty openings occurs for 1992–1993. Considerable regional variations in the job market situation are revealed.  相似文献   

This paper examines gay men's perceptions and experiences of everyday places in Adelaide, South Australia. It illustrates the nature of social space as a heterosexual artifact. The paper also outlines ways in which gay men may contribute to the heterosexualization of space. Many gay men monitor the public and private roles they play for fear of the consequences of “discovery,” and through self-policing and restricted behaviors they may contribute to the spatial supremacy of heterosexuality. Acts of nondisclosure and the adoption of straight sexual facades constrain gay men's social and spatial lives.  相似文献   

This paper examines the recent economic turmoil in East Asia which has been linked to the convulsive nature of global capital movements. East Asia, once the site of rapid capital accumulation, lost its economic momentum beginning in July 1997 with a series of currency devaluations, culminating in a net outflow of private capital within a year. International capital's ability to disembed the region, however, has been highly uneven over space. That China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan are far more territorially resilient while others like Indonesia, Thailand, and South Korea initiated major political changes suggests that the geography of crisis is far more complex than is currently presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. From Montreal to Madras, from Barbados to Burma, the lodges of Freemasons dotted the landscape of the British Empire from the eighteenth century to the twentieth. Together with the British grand lodges under whose authority they met, these lodges constituted a vast network that extended across the oceans and linked Freemasons in Britain's colonies to the metropole and to each other. In this article I use the fraternity to demonstrate how the age of empire can serve as a laboratory for studying transoceanic networks, institutions, and identities. Looking first at the broad imperial context, I demonstrate how the global Masonic network developed and describe its functions during the long nineteenth century. I then focus on the British North Atlantic as a case study of the brotherhood's role in connecting people on various sides of a particular ocean basin by offering practical services and encouraging an “imperialist” identity that helped consolidate the British Empire.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Pogroms in the Russian Pale in 1881 set off a wave of immigration of Russian Jews to the United States. Most went to the cities, but an important group, with the support of philanthropic organizations, became part of an experiment in Jewish agricultural colonies. South Jersey's Alliance and Woodbine were the most successful. Both were established on undeveloped land, and the landscape that emerged suggests the importance the funders placed on using landscape as a means of Americanization.  相似文献   

Home‐based neighbourhood stores (locally known in the Philippines as sari‐sari stores) are a ubiquitous feature of most Philippine communities. They are small to medium‐size trade stores not unlike convenience stores in the West where people buy goods in small quantities. In the Philippines, these stores play a vital role in providing everyday economic sustenance to low‐income communities. But more than an economic hub, sari‐sari stores also function as a social hub that connects people and acts as eyes and ears of the community through the people who make use of their services. In a sense, sari‐sari stores are the community's ‘myopticon’ where people's day‐to‐day dealings with everyone in the community and its environs are reported and discursively brought under the gaze of the ‘entire community’. Being myopticon as opposed to Foucault's panopticon, surveillance in sari‐sari stores is partial, non‐hierarchicalized and could be resisted by people in the community. Nonetheless, regardless of the ‘myoptic’ features of sari‐sari stores, their presence in the community ‘interpellates’ everyone's daily existence and instantiates a discursive space from which a structure of informal social control is enacted among community members. Sari‐sari stores then are an important reminder of how our built environment is also about contestation and negotiation of everyday life as we make use of space and as the architectonics of space both constrain and empower our manoeuvring in places.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Strabo of Amasia (ca. 64 B.c.‐ca. A.D. 23) wrote the first comprehensive geography of the world known to the Greeks and Romans. Interest in Strabo and his Geography, which survives nearly intact in seventeen books, has fluctuated over the centuries among both classicists and historians of geography. After some historical background on Strabo and his reception, this essay considers the contribution of two significant recent English‐language treatments, as well as Strabo's Geography itself, and suggests ways in which the Strabonic model may have renewed relevance to the geographer's task of interpreting the oikoumene in the contemporary world.  相似文献   

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