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基于QuaPA的无边界GIS与全球空间编码新方法   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
空间实体编码是空间数据组织的关键,是地学信息查询、检索和数据挖掘的基础。该文针对传统的ID编码技术的不足,围绕无边界GIS与全球空间数据组织的急需,将空间实体的位置信息引入ID编码中,提出了一种由主副码构成且综合考虑了空间实体所在宏观象限、空间实体位置和唯一检索标识三方面信息的QuaPA编码方法。以矿山GIS为例,论述了无边界2DGIS和无边界3DGIS中基于高斯坐标系的QuaPA编码方法;以全球空间数据组织为例,论述了基于经纬坐标系和球面半径的地球QuaPA编码法。分析指出,QuaPA法从原理上支持基于窗坐标的快速空间索引和格网索引机制。  相似文献   

一种适用于产权地籍管理的时空数据模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文提出了一种可适用城镇产权地籍管理的时空数据模型及一整套完善解决地籍变更和地籍历史档案管理的方案。论述了该模型的基本思想、空间对象的存储结构描述、时空数据的组织方式以及宗地的变更策略等,并通过实际的应用论证了该模型的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):232-247
This study analyzes the status of GIS in schools in thirty-three countries and proposes recommendations for advancing the implementation and effectiveness of GIS in secondary education from an international perspective. Thirty-three countries have been evaluated in the study to assess the global landscape of educational GIS by analyzing how GIS is recognized, approached, and used across the world with chief challenges, opportunities, and case studies. As the study revealed, the current global landscape of GIS remains small for secondary education; however, the convergence of citizen science, emphasis on spatial thinking, mobile devices, open data, and Web-based map services could cause a significant increase in the numbers of schools, educators, and students teaching and learning with GIS.  相似文献   

针对当前大规模全球科学数据可视化中存在的单机可视化数据量有限、从底层开发并行可视化系统难度大等问题,该文基于分布式环境和VisIt,提出了一种简便、开放而又有效的大规模全球科学数据可视化方法。介绍了VisIt的体系结构及运行机制,给出了自定义数据的并行可视化方法;并基于NCEP数据集及全球空间格网,在小规模集群环境下实现了小粒度适应性球体退化八叉树格网(SDOG)下的全球大气温度场的并行可视化。VisIt的并行可视化性能测试结果表明:通过增加计算节点,VisIt能有效摆脱传统单机可视化对数据量的限制,可实现大规模全球科学数据的并行可视化。  相似文献   

多维空间分析的关键技术--空间数据立方体   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
介绍空间数据立方体在“数字城市”建设中的作用以及国内外研究现状;讨论非空间维、空间维、数字度量、空间度量的基本概念和结构,给出空间数据立方体的完整描述。空间数据立方体的分析操作主要由概括分析、局部分析、全局分析和旋转分析组成,介绍这些分析操作的功能和结构;结合具体实例数据介绍多维缓冲区空间分析。  相似文献   

叙述了面向“数字城市”多源数据的空间数据立方体空间度量的基本定义;描述了空间度量的聚集概念,并结合具体的图例阐述了点状、线状、面状空间度量的聚集过程;解释了空间数据立方体维上钻、维下翻、维层次上钻、维层次下翻的空间度量聚集操作基本原理。  相似文献   

地理表达研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地理表达是地理学的一个基本问题,也是地理信息科学研究面临的一个重大挑战.从地理表达机理、内容和形式的角度,对近期地理表达研究进行了总结.本质上,地理表达是一个空间认知、信息转换与信息传输的交互过程.地理表达内容涉及地理实体及其空间关系、不确定性、地理动态及地理本体等方面.地理表达形式经历了从自然语言、地图到GIS的演变...  相似文献   

P2P环境中的全局空间数据目录研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
P2P计算通过大量自治的节点协作共享资源与计算,为空间数据和空间操作的分布提供了新的分布式计算模式。分布在不同Peer上的空间数据库节点通过P2P协作构成一个超级全局空间数据库,全局空间数据目录是P2P环境下快速定位空间数据资源和空间计算节点的关键技术。Peer数据库节点的数据模式、元数据、资源状态参数等抽象为一系列关键词集合。全局目录基于Peer空间数据库节点的外包矩形进行动态聚类并建立P2P环境下的空间索引,支持Peer空间数据库节点的动态加入和退出,支持复杂空间查询和关键词查询。该文给出了全局空间数据目录的组织模型、P2P空间数据索引及空间资源发现算法。  相似文献   

大数据与小数据结合:信息时代城市研究方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
秦萧  甄峰 《地理科学》2017,37(3):321-330
信息技术的快速发展引起了城市研究领域的“大数据”热潮,并带来了传统城市研究方法的变革。但是,其自身存在的诸多缺陷使得学者不得不重新考虑传统小数据的应用角色。但是,传统小数据并没有失去其应用价值,相反,以城市与居民行为活动关系研究为主体的信息时代的城市研究必要充分结合大数据与小数据,并探讨适宜的方法论与方法框架,从而应对日益复杂的城市问题和居民需求。提出“物质空间与活动空间结合”、“相关关系与因果关系结合”、“宏观分析与微观挖掘结合”的3个方法论,并在此基础上构建了“大样本空间发展评价+空间差异与联系发现+小样本影响因素探究”、“小样本模型构建+影响因素发现+大样本验证及挖掘”、“微观活动分析+活动空间界定+影响因素探究”3种方法框架,且分析了这些框架的具体应用,以期为未来的城市研究提供思路和方法借鉴。  相似文献   

How can we recognize those whose lives and data become attached to the far-from-groundbreaking framework of “small data”? Specifically, how can marginalized people who do not have the resources to produce, self-categorize, analyze, or store “big data” claim their place in the big data debates? I examine the place of lesbians and queer women in the big data debates through the Lesbian Herstory Archive's not “big” enough lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) organizing history data set—perhaps the largest data set known to exist on LGBTQ activist history—as one such alternative. In a contribution to critical data studies, I take a queer feminist approach to the scale of big data by reading for the imbricated scales and situated knowledge of data.  相似文献   

流域水文模型对土壤数据响应的多尺度分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
流域水文模拟对输入数据空间详细程度的要求受流域面积大小的影响,而流域面积影响作用的定量描述有助于模拟时的数据选取.本文以美国Brewery Creek流域(约19.5 k㎡)为例,在逐级连续的汇流面积上,分析了SWAT模型基于1:2.4万的SSURGO和10m分辨率的SoLIM土壤数据模拟的径流量的差别随汇流面积的变化...  相似文献   

为了评价在相对较短时间内针对长江上游地区地表水径流所建立模型的模拟效果,以及检验以GCM模型和其他卫星数据所估算的降水数据作为输入数据的可行性,选择分布式水文模型HSPF以及1987年和1988年的ISLSCP降水数据作为输入数据。模型模拟结果表明:从整个长江上游地区看,在校正期内,5天平均流量的Nash–Sutcliffe相关系数(R2) 为0.94;在验证期内,Nash-Sutcliffe相关系数(R2) 为0.95。此外,该模型对长江上游主要支流的5天平均流量的模拟效果也很好,R2的值在0.46到0.96之间。例外的情况主要发生在沱江和嘉陵江,模型对2年洪水期的峰值流速的估计值偏低,沱江只有实际值的71%,嘉陵江只有实际值的61%。ISLSCP估计的降水比实际测量的降水频繁且程度要弱,这可能是HSPF不能在所有时间和所有区域都具有较好模拟效果的一个主要原因。  相似文献   

湿地高等植物初级生产力对全球变化响应的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭雪莲  吕宪国  郗敏 《湿地科学》2007,5(4):370-375
在全球环境变化的背景下,影响湿地高等植物初级生产力的生态因子也在发生着不同程度的变化,大气中CO2浓度升高、气温升高和降水格局变化等已经严重地影响了高等植物的生理生态过程,改变了湿地高等植物的初级生产力。CO2在大气中不断增加,并通过植物光合作用及其他生理代谢作用,在一定程度上影响了湿地高等植物的生长状况和物质积累;气候变暖改变了一些地区的降水格局,从而影响了这些地区湿地的水文情势,使湿地水位波动的频率和幅度不断增加,直接影响了湿地高等植物的初级生产力;温度升高严重影响了湿地土壤中氮的矿化速率以及矿质氮的转化过程,直接影响土壤的供氮能力,进而影响湿地高等植物的初级生产力。回顾了湿地高等植物初级生产力对全球变化响应的研究进程,指出近期湿地高等植物初级生产力对全球变化响应研究的重点方向和领域。  相似文献   

以中国东北区为例,基于GIS和RS技术,探讨应用NOAA/AVHRR数据编制景观类型图过程中如何提高制图精度。采用多源信息复合NOAA/AVHRR影像分类方法,复合影像分为:1)数字地学综合影像,由年均降水、≥10℃活动积温和数字高程模型(DEM)叠加而成,主要考虑了植被受气候以及地形的影响;2)NOAA/AVHRR四季累加影像的第一主成分影像,在一定程度上去除了多波段NOAA数据冗余;3)NOAA/AVHRR四季NDVI累加值影像,突出了植被信息。将研究区景观(土地)类型进行二级划分,其中一级划分为6大类,二级划分为16类,结果与研究区实际情况基本相符,分类精度达70%。  相似文献   

As the Earth entering into the Anthropocene, global sustainable development requires ecological research to evolve into the large-scale, quantitative, and predictive era. It necessitates a revolution of ecological observation technology and a long-term accumulation of scientific data. The ecosystem flux tower observation technology is the right one to meet this requirement. However, the unique advantages and potential values of global-scale flux tower observation are still not fully appreciated. Reviewing the development history of global meteorological observation and its scientific contributions to the society, we can get an important enlightenment to re-cognize the scientific mission of flux observation.  相似文献   

Researching media coverage of climate change may shed light on the different configurations of global and domestic factors affecting journalism and politics. This article analyzes climate change coverage in Portugal from 2007 to 2014 in comparison with 14 other countries. It shows that the Portuguese press tends to reproduce the global political agenda on climate change, mainly focusing on international events associated with global political decision-making processes, instead of providing a domesticated coverage, as observed in other countries. National and local levels of action are thus obscured. The interplay between global and domestic factors—including characteristics of Portugal’s press and politics, such as national political leaders’ lack of mobilization and communication on climate change, media’s deference to powerful sources, and reliance on international news feeds—creates the conditions for global politics to play an hegemonic role in media representations, which is likely to influence public engagement with climate change.  相似文献   

季节变化对全球气候变化的响应——以湖北省为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈正洪  史瑞琴  陈波 《地理科学》2009,29(6):911-916
根据湖北省10个代表站1951(或建站)~2006年逐日平均气温,计算分析了四季初日和长度及其变化趋势,以揭示气候季节对全球气候变暖的响应。结果表明:(1)湖北省平均春、夏、秋、冬四季初日分别为3月22日、5月27日、9月27日、11月27日,四季长度分别为65.7、122.8、60.9、115.6d,且时空差异明显;(2)56a来湖北省平均入春、入夏分别提前2.8、1.6d,入秋、入冬分别推后4.0、6.1d;(3)56a来湖北省平均冬季缩短8.9d,夏季延长6.3d,秋季延长2.0d,春季无变化;荆州夏季延长21.1d,武汉冬季缩短17.0d。  相似文献   

GIS techniques have been used in the evaluation of favorability for base-metal mineralization in an area comprising the Cerro Azul and Apiaí quadrangles (SG.22-X-B-IV and V, scale 1:100.000), Ribeira Valley, São Paulo and Paraná States, Brazil. Methods have been employed for selection and weighting of prospective variables when applying GIS techniques to a digital database consisting of geological, geochemical and airborne geophysics, and mineral occurrence information. The exploration variable selection and analysis were based on two mineralization models: (1) Panelas type, vein-type carbonate hosted, and (2) Perau type, sedimentary-exhalative. The overlay was performed by weighted linear combination (WLC) and order weighted average (OWA) methods. Both methods proved suitable for the study area, yielding similar results. The ordered weighted averaging analysis provided the best results, with favorability maps showing a large number of classes occupying relatively minor areas. In comparison, the weighted linear combination analysis produced more coherent results but without details for minor areas. The prospective parameters obtained are considered suitable for both Perau and Panelas types. Both methods are inexpensive, and are suitable for selection of prospective areas during geological surveys in areas similar to the studied one.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(3):213-236
Community networks help build place-based community by offering individual citizens and organizations access to the Internet, the ability to post information online, and opportunities to discuss community affairs. Community networks are inspired by a dynamic vision of community that incorporates a global sense of place. A global sense of place is valuable because it helps to illuminate a place's connections with the world and may therefore enable scale-jumping forms of activism. This article analyzes interviews with participants in four U.S. community networks to explore how networks combine a politics of mobility, a politics of access, and a politics of place to construct a global sense of place. The degree to which each network emphasizes mobility, access, and place varies. This variation has implications for both community activism and issues of diversity in community. Networks that fail to link mobility, access, and place may increase, rather than decrease, inequalities in access to electronic communications as well as to forms of political power.  相似文献   

Geographic data themes modelled as planar partitions are found in many GIS applications (e.g. topographic data, land cover, zoning plans, etc.). When generalizing this kind of 2D map, this specific nature has to be respected and generalization operations should be carefully designed. This paper presents a design and implementation of an algorithm to perform a split operation of faces (polygonal areas).

The result of the split operation has to fit in with the topological data structure supporting variable-scale data. The algorithm, termed SPLITAREA, obtains the skeleton of a face using a constrained Delaunay triangulation. The new split operator is especially relevant in urban areas with many infrastructural objects such as roads. The contribution of this work is twofold: (1) the quality of the split operation is formally assessed by comparing the results on actual test data sets with a goal/metric we defined beforehand for the ‘balanced’ split and (2) the algorithm allows a weighted split, where different neighbours have different weights due to different compatibility. With the weighted split, the special case of unmovable boundaries is also explicitly addressed.

The developed split algorithm can also be used outside the generalization context in other settings. For example, to make two cross-border data sets fit, the algorithm could be applied to allow splitting of slivers.  相似文献   

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