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Abstract. Cymodocea nodosa is a relatively small seagrass species which is common in the Mediterranean. An intensive survey on its growth and production was carried out in a dense, monospecific stand located in a semi-estuarine embayment. Data on leaf appearance and growth, shoot recruitment and death, rhizome growth, above- and belowground biomass, and nutrient content in the different parts of the plant were obtained over 2 years. All these variables showed a clear seasonality. In general, maximum growth and production occurred in early summer (July), and maximum biomass was reached between July and September. Biomass, shoot density, growth and production showed clear minima in winter.  相似文献   

Abstract. Dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) were measured in sediment porewater and overlying sea water in seagrass beds of Posidonia oceanica and Cymodocea nodosa at a water depth of 8–10 m in Corsica, France. In the sea water, DFAA concentrations from 0.5 to 1.9μM were found. Lowest concentrations occurred in the afternoon in surface water samples, while higher concentrations were measured in morning surface samples and in all bottom samples. The most abundant amino acids were serine, glycine, and alanine. In the sediment, the upper 4cm contained the highest concentrations of DFAA (177nmol cm-3 or 367 μM), while lower concentrations (<50nmol cm-3 or 104 μM) prevailed deeper in the sediment. Glycine, glutamic acid, alanine, and β-alanine were the major components of the DFAA. The photosynthetic activity of the seagrasses influenced sediment porewater pools of DFAA. When a Posidonia bed was covered with a black polyethylene shield, the interstitial amino acids were reduced at a rate of 16nmol cm-2 h-1 (0-10cm depth). Conversely, extended daylight (floodlight) increased the DFAA pool in sediment depths below 4 cm. Free amino acids were released to the overlying sea water from both seagrass sediment and individual shoots, the rates being highest in the dark. The present investigation indicates that a substantial portion of the N-cycling of the seagrass sediment includes free amino acids.  相似文献   

Abstract. The study was carried out in a Posidonia oceanica bed and in the neighbouring sandy and rocky bottoms, at Ponza Island (Central Tyrrhenian Sea), in order to investigate the distributional pattern of the polychaete community at different depths. A total of 15232 individuals of polychaetes belonging to 218 species was collected and three new species of Syllidae were found. The polychaete community of the matte can be clearly distinguished from the neighbouring communities; this is due to the high species richness in Posidonia , which is related to the heterogeneity of the biotope. In the Posidonia bed the shallow stations (1 m and 5 m depth) were the richest in terms of species numbers and individuals due to the high shoot density of the seagrass bed. In the shallow waters polychaete community structure changed according to the different exposure to water movement. Rocky bottom species, which preferentially inhabit crevices, were more abundant in the matte exposed to water movement (5–10 m depth). In contrast, soft-bottom species were more abundant in the sheltered zone (1 m depth) as well as in the deeper zone due to the reduction of the Posidonia bed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal variation of temperature effects on photosynthesis and respiration of Cymodorea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson was investigated in a 1 m depth meadow in the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain). Light-saturated net photosynthesis (Pmax)and dark respiration (R) rates were linearly correlated with water temperature between 10 and 30°C. and 10 and 35°C, respectively, during the year. Water temperature had a similar effect on R rates in August, November, and February, but increased Pmax rates in August vs. those in February, thus promoting a shift of the maximum Pmax/R ratio values from 15°C in February to 30°C in August. P-I curves had higher Pmax values in May and August than in November or February, while Ic values remained relatively constant throughout the year. Whole-plant carbon balances suggested that C. nodosa might not be able to survive in the central basin of the lagoon and that the spatial distribution of this seagrass in the Mar Menor might be controlled by light availability.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic properties of phytoplankton populations as related to physical–chemical variations on small temporal and spatial scales and to phytoplankton size structure and pigment spectra were investigated in the Northern Adriatic Sea off the Po River delta in late winter 1997. Large diatoms (fucoxanthin) dominated the phytoplankton in the coastal area whereas small phytoflagellates (mainly 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, chlorophyll b, 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin) occurred outside the front. The front was defined by the steep gradient in density in the surface layer separating low-salinity coastal waters from the offshore waters.Physical features of the area strongly influenced phytoplankton biomass distributions, composition and size structure. After high volumes of Po River discharge several gyres and meanders occurred in the area off the river delta in February. Decreasing river discharge and the subsequent disappearance of the gyres and the spreading dilution of the river plume was observed in March. The dynamic circulation of February resulted in high photosynthetic capacity of the abundant phytoplankton population (>3.40 mg m−3). In March, the slow circulation and an upper low-salinity water layer, segregated from the deeper layers, resulted in lack of renewal of this water mass. The huge phytoplankton biomass, up to 15.77 mg chl a m−3, became nutrient depleted and showed low photosynthetic capacity. In February, an exceptionally high PmaxB, 20.11 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1 was recorded in the Po River plume area and average PmaxB was three-fold in February as compared to the March recordings, 10.50 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1 and 3.22 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1, respectively.The extreme variability and values of phytoplankton biomass in the innermost plume area was not always reflected in primary production. Modeling of circulation patterns and water mass resilience in the area will help to predict phytoplankton response and biomass distributions. In the frontal area, despite a considerable variability in environmental conditions, our findings have shown that the phytoplankton assemblages will compensate for nutrient depression and hydrographic constraints, by means of size and taxonomic composition and, as a result, the variability in the photosynthetic capacity was much less pronounced than that observed for other parameters.  相似文献   

Biology and population dynamics of the suspension-feeding wedge clam Donax trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied for 13 months (November 1994–April 1996) along the Italian Southern Adriatic coast near the Lagoon of Lesina. Specimens were found at depths between 0 and 2 m, mainly in fine grain bottoms. The spatial coastal distribution showed an intraspecific segregation between young and adult wedge clams. A unimodal recruitment (length >4 mm) occurred in winter (December–February). Length frequency distributions were used to determine age and growth rate. Three year classes were regularly observed and their growth pattern defined. The population showed a maximum length of 37 mm and a longevity of 4 years. Analysis of seasonal variations in the reproductive cycle showed that gametogenesis occurred in spring in females. After the spawning season (March–July) females of D. trunculus remained in a resting stage from August to January.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study spatial and temporal variation in epiphyte cover and leaf biomass of Posidonia oceanica in Eastern Tunisia. Sampling was conducted at four stations on the Mahdia coast during October and December 2010, and April and August 2011, which correspond respectively to autumn, winter, spring and summer in this area. Posidonia oceanica shoots were collected at two depths (5 and 10 m). Cover of macroinvertebrates and macroalgae was estimated on adult leaves. The results showed that leaf and epiphyte biomasses vary significantly according to sampling date, with the highest values recorded in August. We found a high diversity of epiphytic assemblages on the leaves of P. oceanica with clear qualitative and quantitative dominance of Rhodophyceae compared to other groups, followed by Phaeophyceae. Most epiphyte species on the leaves of P. oceanica in Eastern Tunisia are the same as those in other parts of the Mediterranean Sea. No bathymetrical variation in the epiphytic community was found in our study area, which can be explained by the high levels of water clarity in Mahdia.  相似文献   

Abstract. Coastal benthic communities in soft-bottom deposits of a restricted area were studied by seasonal sampling at nine stations. Faunal assemblages at three different depths were consistently different and exhibited a seasonal pattern of abundance and diversity. Multivariate statistical analyses suggest that each community structure is very similar during the three summer samplings; in autumn and winter many causes of disturbance can disrupt this structure, which is reconstituted the following summer. The stability of benthic communities in this physically variable environment is discussed and a "cyclic" adjustment mechanism of stability is proposed to explain the dynamics of the benthos in this area.  相似文献   

The decapod assemblage associated with a Posidonia oceanica meadow located near its western limit of biogeographic distribution was studied over an annual cycle. Fauna samples were taken seasonally over a year (five replicates per season) in two sites located 7 km apart, using a non‐destructive sampling method (airlift sampler) for the seagrass. The dominant species of the assemblage, Pisidia longimana, Pilumnus hirtellus and Athanas nitescens, were associated with the protective rhizome stratum, which is mainly used as a nursery. The correlations between decapod assemblage structure and some phenological parameters of the seagrass shoots and wave height were negative or null, which reflects that species associated with the rhizome had a higher importance than those associated with the leaf stratum. The abundance and composition of the decapod assemblage as well as the ecological indexes displayed a seasonality trend with maximum values in summer‐autumn and minimum in winter‐spring, which were related to the seawater temperature and the recruitment periods of the dominant species. The spatial differences found in the structure and dynamics of the assemblages may be due to variations in the recruitment of the dominant species, probably as a result of the influence of local factors (e.g. temperature, currents) and the high dispersal ability of decapods, together with the patchy configuration and the surrounding habitats. The studied meadows are fragmented and are integrated within a mosaic of habitats (Cymodocea nodosa patches, algal meadows, rocky and sandy bottoms), which promotes the movement of individuals and species among them, maintaining a high species richness and evenness.  相似文献   

Leaf growth, biomass and production of Cymodocea nodosa were measured from October 2006 to September 2007 in Monastir Bay (Tunisia). Shoot density showed a clear seasonal pattern, increasing during spring and summer and decreasing during fall and winter. Monthly mean shoot density ranged between 633 ± 48 and 704 ± 48 shoots?m?2. The monthly average total biomass ranged between 560 ± 37 and 646 ± 32 g dry weight (DW)?m?2. Total biomass varied significantly among stations and sampling times but did not show seasonal variation. Leaf plastochrone intervals varied seasonally, with an annual average of 28–30 days. Leaf productivity was highest in August (2.61 g DW?m?2?day?1) and lowest in February (0.35 g DW?m?2?day?1). Annual belowground primary production varied from 263 to 311 g DW?m?2?year?1. Annual leaf production was approximately equal for all the stations (from 264 to 289 g DW?m?2?year?1). Variability in water temperature, air temperature and salinity explained the annual variability in biological characteristics. Changes in belowground and total biomass were not correlated with seasonal variability in the environmental parameters monitored. Additionally, a literature review was conducted of C. nodosa features at other Mediterranean sites, encompassing 30 studies from 1985 to 2014.  相似文献   

Kurt  Kotrschal 《Marine Ecology》1988,9(3):253-269
Abstract. The utilization of empty holes of endolithic bivalves (Gttsirocluwnu dubui by Bknnius chdmcitinus , and Litliophaga lithophaga by all other species) as shelters by egg-guarding males of nine species of Adriatic Blenniidae is compared. A wide spectrum of entrance sizes to these "standardized" shelters is used with the most frequent utilization ranging between 1(H) and 275 mm: (11.2–18.8mm mean entrance diameters). As a trend within and between species, larger fish utilize holes with disproportionately wider entrances. There arc significant differences between species in the means of "fit" of the heads within the entrances: the heads of B. dulmaibuts, B. canaeve, B. adrialicus , and B. zvonimiri "fit" tightly into their entrances whereas the two large species, B.puvo and B. tentacularis , which only facultatively use holes of boring mussels for breeding, arc found in holes with "oversized" entrances. In most species mean shelter depth approximates mean body length. Species which tightly "fit" their entrances tend to stay longer when disturbed mechanically or chemically compared to those with only a loose "fit". The ecological and evolutionary significance of these patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The serpulid polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (F auvel , 1923) builds huge aggregates in the "Sacca del Canarin", a brackish inlet of the Po River Delta (Italy). Distribution, structure and development of these 'reefs'. together with their associated biota, were studied by field observations and settlement panels from 1977 to 1979. Some aspects of the serpulid biology (settlement periods, tube growth, life strategy) were also taken into account. Ficopomatus reefs influence in many ways the brackish-water ecosystem: they form the main hard substrate; are major sediment source; help in regulating the trophic status of the lagoon; and act as refuge for many invertebrate species.  相似文献   

In this paper we looked for the most suitable method for benthic ecological quality status (EcoQS) assessment of the North-western Adriatic Sea. Taking into account the historical and present information, we inter-compared our expectations in terms of EcoQS, with the Bentix, AMBI and M-AMBI classification metrics results, and investigated the sensitivity of these indices to the spatial, seasonal and inter-annual variability of benthic communities. The sampling sites were located at increasing distances with respect to the Po River mouth, along an (inverse) gradient of eutrophication. Moreover, a 2-year monthly monitoring plan (October 2004–September 2006) was carried out at the CEBEB site, located in a central position with respect to the investigated area. The results highlighted that the three indices differed in the sensitivity to spatial and temporal variability of the benthic communities. The strong seasonal and inter-annual changes in the benthic communities had a significant effect on the Bentix, whereas no relevant modifications were observed on the EcoQS assignation obtained using the M-AMBI and AMBI methods. The environmental quality ratios (EQR) values and EcoQS classification obtained by the Bentix and AMBI did not match expectations, as they were not inversely correlated with the site distances with respect to the Po mouth, whereas the M-AMBI clearly discriminated the most and the least eutrophicated sites. It thus appears that the M-AMBI could be considered to be the most valuable method for the ecological-status assessment of the North-western Adriatic Sea benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Conservation and management of coastal lagoons envisage direct human intervention. To prevent siltation and to preserve the hydrodynamics features of the lagoon system, the inner channels undergo regular maintenance dredging.  相似文献   

Christian  Schiller 《Marine Ecology》1993,14(3):205-219
Abstract. Cladocora caespitosa is a relatively common, colonial, symbiotic, scleractinian coral in the Mediterranean Sea. It inhabits a wide ecological range: hard and soft bottoms, shallow waters or depths to about 50m, calm water or sites exposed to strong currents and wave action. The present study compares the distribution of this coral at two sites, one shallow (3m — wave exposed) and one deeper (12m — soft bottom).
Different parameters including dry weight, volume, and skeletal growth rates were investigated. The polyp biomass, carbon content, and overall area of fully expanded polyps were also measured. Equations are given for the relationship of skeleton diameter to polyp tissue dry weight as well as skeleton diameter to the possible filter area of fully expanded polyps.
C. caespitosa harbors a rich community of vagile and sessile organisms within the skeleton. The cryptofauna was sorted to higher taxonomic levels and their biomass determined. Several highly significant linear relationship were found between skeleton dry weight, volume and cryptofauna biomass. Thus, the determination of colony volume allows the prediction of cryptofauna biomass.
The interstitial space is dominated by sponges - many of them borers - which erode the corallites close to the living tissue until they break off from the colony. At the deeper sampling site, 26% of all colonies are smaller than 2 cm and 48% are smaller than 5 cm. The fragmentation process is discussed with respect to reproduction.  相似文献   

Benthic mucilaginous aggregates are frequently formed in various parts of the Mediterranean basin, as in the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas. Notwithstanding their wide spatial distribution, the role played by these aggregates in the biogeochemical cycling of organic matter is still largely unknown.The characteristics of the benthic aggregates examined in the present study showed that they are different from other mucilaginous aggregates, such as the “pelagic” ones that can form in the same areas in the water column and subsequently sediment to the seafloor. The aggregates are usually formed of structures of the filamentous macroalgae Acinetospora crinita, Chrysonephos lewisii and Nematochrysopsis marina. The elemental composition of the aggregates showed a marine macrophyte origin on the basis of the bulk organic matter content of the aggregates. Carbohydrates and proteins account for 26.6 to 55.9% of the organic carbon in the mucilage, respectively. Monosaccharide composition of exopolysaccharides in the mucilage aggregates revealed a characteristic pattern, with galactose, xylose or mannose and fucose as the major components. The relatively high content of deoxysugars is another distinctive feature. The abundant sulphate and uronic groups present in the polysaccharides in addition to their macromolecular dimensions and elongation contribute to inter-chain aggregation. Electron microscopic observations suggest that the polysaccharide fraction is the main macromolecular component in the formation of the persistent gel network in the aggregates.  相似文献   

Coastal lagoons are ephemeral habitats whose conservation requires human intervention, such as maintenance dredging of inner channels. Dredging can reduce the abundance of benthic species due to the removal of individuals with the sediment, modify sediment properties, and resuspend fine sediment, nutrients and pollutants, which can lead to eutrophication, hypoxic events and increasing toxicity. Both direct effects in the dredged channel and possible indirect effects in surrounding shallow areas could be expected. This study assesses the effects of the channel maintenance dredging, performed between October 2004 and August 2005, on the invertebrate assemblages both in channels and adjacent ponds in the northern Adriatic coastal lagoon of Pialassa Baiona. The lagoon is affected by eutrophication, chemical and thermal pollution from wastewater treatment and power plants. Three impacted sites were located in the dredged channel and three in the adjacent interconnected shallow water ponds, while three non-impacted sites were located in a channel and in a pond far from the dredged area. Replicate samples were collected from each site one time before and one time after the dredging operations. Despite the extent of the intervention, effects of the dredging on macrobenthic assemblages were detected only within the dredged channel, while in the surrounding ponds no clear and unequivocal effects were found. In particular the dredging could have promoted the increase of the abundance of the polychaete Streblospio shrubsolii in the southern and central parts of the dredged channel and the increase in abundance of the amphipod Corophium insidiosum in the northern side, compared to the controls. Instead, species diversity was reduced in the central and northern parts of the dredged channel. These effects on the macrobenthic invertebrate assemblages could be related to the observed changes of sediment characteristics, contamination and toxicity. Overall, direct effects on benthic assemblages in the dredged channels were more detectable than the possible secondary effects in the surrounding shallow ponds, where the higher spatial heterogeneity can mask any relevant effects.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seasonal changes in zooplankton biomass, abundance and species composition were studied at a neritic station in the Balearic Sea between April 1993 and May 1994. Sampling was carried out every 10 days in a zone influenced by the main current circulating through the Mallorca channel. Three main peaks of zooplankton biomass and abundance were observed: (1) at the beginning of summer when the thermocline developed, (2) in autumn when the thermocline broke down, and (3) in early spring. The smaller zooplankton fraction (100–250 μm) comprised on average 32 % of the total biomass and 73 % of total abundance. Copepods were the predominant group (64 % of the total abundance) with Clausocalanus, Oithona and Paracalanus being the most abundant genera. Paracalanus parvus, Clausocalanus furcatus, Acartia clausi, Oithona plumifera, Temora stylifera, Centropages typicus and Oncaea mediterranea were found to be the most important species in the area. Other abundant groups were cladocerans (15 %) and meroplankton larvae (12 %), both of which were particularly numerous during the stratified period. The copepod community was characterized by the above‐cited perennial species, which were abundant during the cycle studied. However, the influence of the hydrological conditions of the Balearic Sea, such as the Atlantic water influx and the physical structure of the water column (stratification and mixing), promoted the observed variability in zooplankton as well as the appearance of characteristic species during the annual cycle.  相似文献   

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