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前苏联是世界上铁路运输利用率最高的国家。本文从其铁路发展的背景条件出发,分析了铁路成为前苏联最主要运输方式的原因,并进一步探讨了前苏联铁路网的建设、发展和分布特点,对我国正在进行的大规模铁路建设有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高抒 《地理研究》1989,8(1):50-56
本文回顾了百年来地貌学思想的发展历史,论述了台维斯理论体系对地貌学的贡献及其现实意义,分析了本世纪四十至六十年代地貌学取得突破性进展的原因、特点和标志。  相似文献   

What is a hilly city, and which cities are hilliest? This study outlines a basket of methods for quantifying the differential hilliness of U.S. cities. We rank the 100 largest cities in the contiguous United States, using a selection of eight methods to evaluate their comparative hilliness. We then reflect on how four key “modes of encounter” with terrain shape human perceptions of urban hilliness: visual, pedestrian, automotive, and imagined/conceptual. Varying priorities among these different modes of encounter shape which of our indices may best correlate with lay understandings of urban hilliness or particular policy problems. We conclude with implications of this work for contemporary geographic scholarship and suggestions for further research, particularly with regard to the political and economic effects of hilliness.  相似文献   

Geographers continue to engage in public debate “inside the Beltway” by participation within and through federal agencies and through the National Research Council. Several examples illustrate the level and kind of this engagement, which has been concentrated on environmental and spatial data and analysis themes. Most professional geographers have the opportunity to engage in this form of public debate through participation in the activities of the National Research Council. The level of this participation has been surprisingly strong, given the small size of the community of professional geographers, and has helped to shape both U.S. and international research agendas relevant to geographic research. Participation, however, is concentrated in a few programs and individuals, raising questions about the sustainability of geography's voice in this public activity.  相似文献   

A balance between forest production and protection is hard to achieve in arid zones due to their low potential for wood production. Prosopis flexuosa woodlands are the major woody formations in the Monte desert and are currently in a degraded state due to intense use. The main degradation factors in the study area are overgrazing and firewood extraction. We developed allometric models to estimate the aerial biomass of P. flexuosa, compared annual growth rates of one- and multi-stemmed individuals through dendrochronological methods, and estimated the productivity of four structurally different woodlands in the central Monte. Total dry weight was best estimated by power equations. Annual increments in basal area and dry weight were initially larger for multi- than one-stemmed individuals. However, whereas multi-stemmed individuals rapidly decreased their growth rates after 60 years of age, one-stemmed trees maintained steady growth rates during the first 100 years. Depending on woodland density and tree size, total woodland biomass varied between 4000 and 15 000 kg ha−1. Wood productivity was similar in all four woodlands studied (121.6-173.7 kg ha−1 year−1). Our results reveal the importance of tree growth habit to productivity, and suggest that regulated extraction of firewood and poles from old multi-stemmed individuals could optimize wood productivity and contribute to the sustainable use and conservation of these woodlands.  相似文献   

美国外资R&D的空间集聚特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文考察美国境内的715家外资R&D机构的空间分布和集聚现象,发现美国的外资R&D机构高度集中在三类地区;一是以硅谷和研究三角园区为代表的科技园区,二是纽约等经济中心城市,三是以底特律为代表的专业化工业城市。不同地区的外资R&D机构的行业结构与当地的优势行业完全一致,如硅谷的外资R&D机构主要是从事计算机技术的研发,底特律的外资R&D全部是从事汽车工业或与之有关技术的研发,纽约、洛杉矶和芝加哥的外资R&D机构所从事的行业则呈现与各城市优势行业一致的多样性。  相似文献   

I.TheStudyArea:SagarDivisionSagardivisionliesinthenorthcentralpartofMadhyaPradeshbetween23°10′and26°35′Nlatitudesand78°04and80°38′Elongitudes.Thegeographicalaresis38223km2whichissbout8.65percentoftheState.TheSagaradministrativedivisionconsistsoffivedistrictsviz.Sag…  相似文献   

南迦巴瓦峰与托木尔峰山地垂直自然带的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐慧  彭补拙 《山地学报》2002,20(4):432-437
南迦巴瓦峰地处喜马拉雅山脉东端雅鲁藏布江大拐弯的内侧,托木尔峰地处天山山脉的西端,二者独特的自然地理特征及其高大的山体为山地垂直自然带谱的形成和发展提从了十分有利的自然环境,发育了相当完整的山地垂直系列。比较二者的垂直带谱,可以发现无论在垂直带谱的形成条件,基带,性质和结构类型,还是景观特征,垂直分异影响因素及南北坡差异程度等方面,都存在着较大的差异。南峰垂直带谱为以森林-草原-荒漠土壤系列为特征的季风性湿润,法湿润带谱系统,垂直分异的主导因素为温度;托峰垂直带谱为以荒漠--草原-荒漠土壤系列为特征的大陆性干旱带谱系统,垂直分异的主导因素为湿度。不同的垂直自然带特征决定了不同的资源开发利用和保护措施。  相似文献   

美国是全球最大的移民接收国,墨西哥是美国最大的移民来源国,特殊的地缘关系和巨大的发展差距使众多墨西哥人移民美国。墨裔移民为美国提供了充足的劳动力,在美墨边境地区,移民集聚带动了两国边境地区的发展。但族裔矛盾始终是美国主要社会问题之一,特别是“9·11”事件后,少数族裔和非法移民问题加剧美国社会分裂和对立,成为美国国内政治博弈的焦点。基于区域地缘关系的视角来看,美国与墨西哥之间长期不对等的国际关系决定了跨国移民的流入状态和生存境遇,也是美国族群矛盾的主要原因之一。移民问题政治化将持续强化墨裔移民政策的不确定性,使移民个人与家庭面临更大的融入困难。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Understanding what the American landscape meant to J. B. Jackson requires an exploration of his background, education, and antagonism to the International Style. No full critique of modernism appears in Jackson's mature published work. However, knowledge that the first issues of Landscape magazine in 1951 and 1952 were the work of a single author leads to discovery of Jackson's pseudonyms, especially H. G. West, P. G. Anson, G. A. Feather, and A. W. Conway. This article examines Jackson's pseudonymous writings and links them to his well-known essays on the landscape: “The Westward-Moving House,” “Other-Directed Houses,” and “Southeast to Turkey.”  相似文献   

Snowpacks samples were colleted from two glaciers: Baishui No.1 glacier and Hailuogou No.1 glacier in June, 2006. The method of sea-salt ions tracer, correlation analysis and trend analysis were used in this research in order to confirm the source of main ions, it is indicated that Na+ is mainly from marine moisture and other ions mainly originate from land dust. The non-marine source percent of Cl-, NO-3, SO2-4, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ is 52%, 99%, 100%, 98%, 99.9% and 83%, respectively, in Hailuogou No.1 glacier, while the corresponding value in Baishui No.1 glacier is 68%, 99%, 100%, 98%, 99% and 59%. The non-marine source of ions is from dust of Central Asia arid regions carried by westerly circulation and the plateau borne-areas with Qinghai-Tibet Plateau winter monsoon in two glacial areas. How-ever, the import of local dust in glacial area has made a great contribution to ions concentra-tion in Baishui No.1 glacier, which accounts for the reason why the ions concentration in Bai-shui No.1 glacier is much higher than that of Hailuogou No.1 glacier. It is obvious that the source of each ion is different between Hailuogou No.1 glacier and Baishui No.1 glacier. There are three reasons which can explain it: firstly, the difference in the internal environment of glacial area, such as lithology, mountain-valley wind system, topographical relief and so on; secondly, the influence exerted by ions elution in snowpacks section, and ions elution in Hailuogou No.1 glacier is very strong; and thirdly, the difference caused due to varying ions transporting styles, deposition modes, chemical characteristics and post-ions-deposition process.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how far U.S. companies locate subsidiaries in need of highly skilled staff in state locations in Germany that have a high ranking of creativity. Such locations should provide an especially attractive location for certain “creative” staff, which should be of special interest to U.S. companies in need of highly skilled staff. Analyzing U.S. companies that were established since the year 2000 and with more than fifty staff, we find support for our propositions that nonmanufacturing and organizationally higher rank subsidiaries with a need for urban infrastructure and connectedness are located in creative states in Germany.  相似文献   

Internal migration within the United States continues to transform both the magnitude and composition of population at all geographic scales. During 1994 ‐ 1995, the majority of counties gained both people and income, largely as a consequence of net outmigration by higher income migrants from the nation's most populous cities. Regionally, net gainers of both people and income included counties in the West and South as well as other areas renowned for environmental amenities. Spatially, net migration flowed down the urban hierarchy from large central cities to adjacent suburbs which, in turn, exported migrants to exurban areas. Large cities tended to exchange migrants with nearby counties as well as other large cities. Migration patterns such as these are contributing to spatial deconcentration and economic disparity.  相似文献   

Snowpacks samples were colleted from two glaciers: Baishui No.1 glacier and Hailuogou No.1 glacier in June, 2006. The method of sea-salt ions tracer, correlation analysis and trend analysis were used in this research in order to confirm the source of main ions, it is indicated that Na^+ is mainly from marine moisture and other ions mainly originate from land dust. The non-marine source percent of Cl^-, NO3^- , SO4^2-, K^+, Ca^2+ and Mg^2+ is 52%, 99%, 100%, 98%, 99.9% and 83%, respectively, in Hailuogou No.1 glacier, while the corresponding value in Baishui No.1 glacier is 68%, 99%, 100%, 98%, 99% and 59%. The non-marine source of ions is from dust of Central Asia arid regions carried by westerly circulation and the plateau borne-areas with Qinghai-Tibet Plateau winter monsoon in two glacial areas. However, the import of local dust in glacial area has made a great contribution to ions concentration in Baishui No.1 glacier, which accounts for the reason why the ions concentration in Baishui No.1 glacier is much higher than that of Hailuogou No.1 glacier. It is obvious that the source of each ion is different between Hailuogou No.1 glacier and Baishui No.1 glacier. There are three reasons which can explain it: firstly, the difference in the internal environment of glacial area, such as lithology, mountain-valley wind system, topographical relief and so on; secondly, the influence exerted by ions elution in snowpacks section, and ions elution in Hailuogou No.1 glacier is very strong; and thirdly, the difference caused due to varying ions transporting styles, deposition modes, chemical characteristics and post-ions-deposition process.  相似文献   

本文论述了美国对外直接投资产业结构变化与国内经济变化的互动关系、对外直接投资的产业选择和区域战略的演变及现状特点,并针对我国企业跨国经营的现状提出了立足亚太、放眼世界;兼顾资源导向和市场导向的对外投资战略。  相似文献   

祁连山区季节性积雪资源的气候分析*   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈乾  陈添宇 《地理研究》1991,10(1):24-38
本文采用1986年10月至1988年9月NOAA—9、10两颗卫星的AVHRR资料标准化后反演的积雪参量,对照祈连山区26个气象站1951—1988年逐日雪深、雪密度和积雪日数的资科,修正卫星反演的平均值。得到高分辨率多年平均雪深和雪盖频率的空间分布。从而估算出各流域平均雪储量,并与降雪量和春季融雪径流作对此分析。  相似文献   

通过对以《有泰拉萨天气日志》为主的历史文献资料的深入挖掘 ,作者分析了 1 90 4年 2月 9日~ 1 90 7年 4月 1 7日拉萨的气候特征 :气候温暖 ,暖冬现象显著 ,而且 1 90 5年气温高于 1 90 4年 ;干旱气候占主导地位 ,间有多雨期 ;天气多变 ,多风 ,有雾 ;水灾、雪灾、干旱等自然灾害严重。拉萨与全球同时段的气候变化大体一致。  相似文献   

大青山、蛮汗山外生菌根真菌资源调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
室外调查与室内观察鉴定结果表明:1.大青山、蛮汗山外生菌根真菌资源极为丰富。其中大青山已知存在78种外生菌根真菌,隶属于15科,3l属;蛮汗山已知存在79种外生菌根真菌,隶属于15科,32属。2.在高海拔阴坡和半阴坡,与青海云杉、落叶松共生的主要为牛肝菌属、乳菇属、红菇属、丝膜菌属;与阔叶树共生的以鹅膏科为最多。3.在中低海拔地区与松属共生频率最高的是乳牛肝菌属;与杨、桦共生最多的是杯伞属、桩菇属、蘑菇属。4.通过分离,在大青山、蛮汗山先后分别获得珍贵菌根菌10种、12种。5.在分离的菌根菌中乳牛肝菌属中的大部分种为油松、樟子松的优秀菌根真菌。  相似文献   

本文论述了美国的外国直接投资额、外国直接投资密度和外国直接投资年增长率的地区差异,并用这三个数量指标来综合评价各州投资环境的优劣,按综合得分值的高低将美国本土划分为四类区域:Ⅰ类投资环境区、Ⅱ类投资环境区、Ⅲ类投资环境和Ⅳ类投资环境区。  相似文献   

丹东地区对朝贸易的现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丹东是我国最大的边境城市,也是我国对朝贸易的主要窗口。对朝贸易是该市外贸经济的重要组成部分。本文主要阐述丹东对朝贸易现状特点,并在分析其存在问题的基础上,提出发展对策。  相似文献   

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